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Liver cleanse

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>disodium phosphate (extra strength baking soda) for 5 days, followed by the

>ingestion of 1/2 cup of olive oil.


The first liver cleanse I ever did was must have been with disodium

phosphate...I knew it was a white powder with a long name but I couldn't

remember what it was.

Drank apple juice and apple cider vinegar for a week. (Not

fasting...eating...but as much of those as possible.))

On the appointed day had citrus for lunch. Then sometime before dinner the

disodium phosphate. Then at dinner time 1/2 cup olive oil and 1/2 cup lemon

juice. (Or something like that.)

That was the only time I ever thought the liver cleanse was successful

(i.e. that I felt a lot better after.)



>He says that he feels sluggish until he does the cleanse. Then, a few

>hours after the oil, it all comes out... then he feels much lighter.




> Randall Prue

>Author of: Keeping Them Alive The O Zone









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He told me he got it at SOME HEALTH FOOD TYPE OF STORE in Montreal. He's

gonna gimme da litrachewer tomale.


Randall Prue

Author of: Keeping Them Alive The O Zone




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These sound like the gallbladder cleanses that I took. Are liver cleanses

and gall bladder cleanses the same thing?


Re: Liver cleanse

>From: Jim Lambert <jim@...>


>Randall Prue wrote:


>> I'm trying to collect a synopsis of liver cleanses available.


>I have tried two methods. One, olive oil & lemon jiuce, and Hulda 's

method, which uses epsom salts, pink grapefruit juice, and olive oil after

deparisitising first. Her method is definitely the better of the two. I

got out hundreds more stones.


>jim lambert :)


>jim@... http://www.doorway.to/madscience

http://www.doorway.to/poetry ICQ:16531148


>amicus certus in re incerta






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>From: " Glenda " <healthymind@...>


>These sound like the gallbladder cleanses that I took. Are liver cleanses

>and gall bladder cleanses the same thing?


My chiropractor, who is probably trying to call while I " yak " on the

Internet, is the one who told me that it cleans both at the same time.

Must have something to do with the relationship in their functions.


Randall Prue

Author of: Keeping Them Alive The O Zone




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Jim wrote:

Hulda 's method, which uses epsom salts, pink grapefruit juice, and

olive oil after deparisitising first. Her method is definitely the better

of the two. I got out hundreds more stones.


Details, Jim? Thanks! Vilik

>jim lambert :)


>jim@... http://www.doorway.to/madscience

http://www.doorway.to/poetry ICQ:16531148


>amicus certus in re incerta






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RE: disodium phosphate

My co-op has dicalcium phosphate. It's used in canning. It's made from

rock. Anyone know is this is similar or could subsitute?


At 09:57 PM 11/21/98 -0500, you wrote:

>From: randall@... (Randall Prue)


>Howdy, folks:


>Just got the written directions from my chiropractor, whose secretary

>modifed based on their experiences. The original was from a gathering of

>some sorts that chiros would go to.


>The disodium phsophate (DP) (some kind of heavy duty baking soda (BS), or

>maybe plain baking soda in an expensive bottle) comes from a supplier who

>sells to medical professionals.


>Maybe they're available in natural foods stores.


>The things lasts 6 days, during which one may eat, for the most part.


>Before retiring on days 1 through 4, take 8 baking soda capsules.


>Day 5: Fast (with the exception of fruits and juices). 8 capsules in the

>morning, followed by 1/2 cup of olive oil ( " COLD PRESSED " , it says) mixed

>with 1/2 cup of tomato juice (this, I believe is a local modification to

>make it palatable).


>Interjection by commentator: I have puked violently after taking 1/4 cup

>of olive oil after the Cayce apple diet.


>Gerry, my chiro says he has trouble keeping it down and that's why he takes

>the tomato juice.


>Follow that with a slice of lemon (suck it fast and hard, dear). " Bite

>down into it " is what the paper says (loosely translated from Quebec

>French, a language similar to ... well, nothing else on this planet).


>Brush your teeth (that's to keep you from puking).


>Lie on your right side for 30 minutes with your right knee raised to your



>5:00 p.m. is toilet time. Stay near the bowl for a while afterwards.


>Sunday morning, 8 DP (BS) capsules.



>If you make a single modification to these instructions, you will rot in



>If you do not send 5 copies within 48 hours, you will have bad luck.


>If you do everything as instructed, you will become wealthy beyond your

>wildest dreams. Pass it on.





> Randall Prue

>Author of: Keeping Them Alive The O Zone









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Randall wrote:

>salt and soda (disodium phosphate would be salt and soda;


So I wonder if you can just use baking soda and salt....



>> I got out hundreds more stones.


>Gerry, my chiro, claims that what comes out (the " stones " ) is cholesterol.

>Also that gall stones are " hardened " (calcified?) cholesterol.





> Randall Prue

>Author of: Keeping Them Alive The O Zone









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On 11/21/98 2:22 AM, jim@... said:

>I have tried two methods. One, olive oil & lemon jiuce, and Hulda 's

>method, which uses epsom salts, pink grapefruit juice, and olive oil after

>deparisitising first. Her method is definitely the better of the two. I

>got out hundreds more stones.

Just curious - did you notice any difference in how

you FELT afterward (energy levels, clearness of mind)?

My understanding (limited though it be) is that you

can substitute powdered Vitamin C for the Epsom Salts

and get the same results. I just do not like the idea

of pouring that much poison into my body.

Worth a try at least...

Also, Dr Schulzes 'aggressive' method adds 8-12 cloves

of raw ORGANIC garlic to the mix of 8 ozs EXTRA VIRGIN

Olive Oil and 8 ozs FRESH squeezed lemon juice. Blend it

all together, then drink 4 ozs per hour for 4 hours, then

go to bed and lie on (right?) side with your (left?) leg

pulled up to your chest for at least 30 mins.

I think I'll try adding the Vit C to Dr Schulzes method

(that and the garlic appear to be the only differences).


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>Hulda 's method, which uses epsom salts

salt and soda (disodium phosphate would be salt and soda; epsom salts are

salts) are said by Cayce to be two of three major components of the human

body. Water is the 3rd.

> pink grapefruit juice

citrus again.

>olive oil

won't go away, will it?

> I got out hundreds more stones.

Gerry, my chiro, claims that what comes out (the " stones " ) is cholesterol.

Also that gall stones are " hardened " (calcified?) cholesterol.


Randall Prue

Author of: Keeping Them Alive The O Zone




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>From: Vilik Rapheles <vilik@...>


>Randall wrote:


>>salt and soda (disodium phosphate would be salt and soda;



>So I wonder if you can just use baking soda and salt....

If somebody who actually owned a box of baking soda were to look on the

box, I believe (mandatory in Canada, I think) it will say what it is.

Maybe DP is NOT baking soda!


Randall Prue

Author of: Keeping Them Alive The O Zone




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>From: Vilik Rapheles <vilik@...>


>RE: disodium phosphate

Two salt, one phosphate

>My co-op has dicalcium phosphate

Two calcium, one phosphate

> Anyone know is this is similar or could subsitute?

Would you substitute calcium for salt? They do on icy roads, but it costs

more. I wouldn't.


Randall Prue

Author of: Keeping Them Alive The O Zone




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Vilik Rapheles wrote:

> From: Vilik Rapheles <vilik@...>


> Jim wrote:

> Hulda 's method, which uses epsom salts, pink grapefruit juice, and

> olive oil after deparisitising first. Her method is definitely the better

> of the two. I got out hundreds more stones.

> *****


> Details, Jim? Thanks! Vilik

The details are in all of her books & 1000 websites. Her son runs the self-help

resource center on the web at:


jim :)


jim@... http://www.doorway.to/madscience

http://www.doorway.to/poetry ICQ:16531148

amicus certus in re incerta

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Marcus wrote:

> >I have tried two methods. One, olive oil & lemon jiuce, and Hulda 's

> >method, which uses epsom salts, pink grapefruit juice, and olive oil after

> >deparisitising first. Her method is definitely the better of the two. I

> >got out hundreds more stones.


> Just curious - did you notice any difference in how

> you FELT afterward (energy levels, clearness of mind)?

I definitely felt better after the protocol. But I must emphasize that I

believe the key factor is de-parisitising first, not the choice of flushing

methods! I didn't make that clear before.

jim :)


jim@... http://www.doorway.to/madscience

http://www.doorway.to/poetry ICQ:16531148

amicus certus in re incerta

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On 11/23/98 1:43 PM, jim@... said:

>> >I have tried two methods. One, olive oil & lemon jiuce, and Hulda 's

>> >method, which uses epsom salts, pink grapefruit juice, and olive oil after

>> >deparisitising first. Her method is definitely the better of the two. I

>> >got out hundreds more stones.


>> Just curious - did you notice any difference in how

>> you FELT afterward (energy levels, clearness of mind)?


>I definitely felt better after the protocol. But I must emphasize

>that I believe the key factor is de-parisitising first, not the choice of

>flushing methods! I didn't make that clear before.

Good to know...

I have heard, but never from reliable sources, that adding

oxygen therapies like Homozon will increase the effectiveness

of herbs/foods/drugs you are taking. Are you aware of any

studies that have been done in this regard?


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Dear cpatrick,

I thin that the baked potato is there to provide a bit of energy during the

day and a half when

you are not getting much food, without getting the liver involved in heavy

processing. That's why no butter.

I would advise eating the peel as well.

Best of Health!

Saul Pressman

URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

email: saul@...

liver cleanse

> Every thing i am reading hear about liver cleansing seems to be about

> cleaning the colon, except the baked potato thing? Would it be that


> the colon is to clean the whole body or am i missing something??? Anyone


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information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Dear ,

Here you are :


Ingredients :

4 tablespoons of oral Epsom salts

1 tablespoon Vitamin C powder

½ cup virgin olive oil

1 large fresh grapefruit

2 glass jars with lids

16 oz. apple juice + beet juice

Procedure :

First day:

1. 9:00 am: Eat a breakfast of cooked porridge, no milk or butter; 8

ounces apple juice + beet juice; baked potato, no butter

2. 2:00 pm : Mix 4 tablespoons of oral Epsom salts and 1 Tbsp of Vitamin C


in 3 cups of cold water in one jar, and refrigerate

3. 3:00 pm : Have an enema

4. 6:00 pm : Drink ¾ cup of the cold Epsom salts

5. 8:00 pm : Drink ¾ cup Epsom salts

6. 9:45 pm : Pour ½ cup olive oil into the second jar; squeeze out ½ cup

grapefruit juice

and add to the olive oil. Close the jar lid and shake hard until watery.

7. 10:00 pm : Drink the potion. Lie down immediately. Lie still on your

back and go

to sleep.

Second day:

1. 9:00 am: Drink ¾ cup Epsom salts. Go back to bed.

2. 11:00 am : Drink ¾ cup Epsom salts. Go back to bed.

3. 1:00 pm : Get up and drink 8 ounces apple + beet juice.

4. 2:00 pm : Eat a banana or an orange

5. 6:00 pm : Eat a light supper of salad and fruit; no meat

Many stones will be seen in the toilet upon the first bowel movement after

a liver cleanse. It may take several cleanses over a period of months to

clear all of them out from the liver.

Following a liver cleanse, it is useful to have several coffee enemas to

pull further toxins that are stored in the liver.

Repeat spring and fall.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

email: saul@...

Re: migraine - was: asthma and bronchitis

> I know you sent one a while back, but could you send

> a copy again of the liver cleanse you recommend. I know

> there are several versions out there. Thanks.

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give up the single day idea. IMO, to properly do a flush takes

over a week to deparisitize, fast on juices a day, then the flush

day & the morning after.

You took longer than a day to clog your liver, devote at least a

few to cleaning it out. There are no magic pills.

jim :)

jdklein wrote:


> is there a single day liver flush? thought i read one on this list.


> jd



When frustrated, lunge, choke & dismember! -- Penny Lawrence

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i " deparisitize " every friggin day, both myself and the food I prepare i consume

orthomolecular doses of magnesium (by the teaspoon) .... ascorbates (by the

multi teaspoons) ... colloidal silver by the multiple ounce.... hulda clark

zapper.... trimethylglycine (TMG) by the teaspoon, MSM by the multiple

teaspoon, phosphatidyl choline (lecithin) by the tablespoon full, and a various

assortment of other liver detox and antioxidants.... ranging from NAC, ALA

(alpha lipoic acid), silymarin, shisandra, astagalus, Picroliv, phyllanthus, as

well as numerous other macro and micro minerals, nutrients like Methylcobalamin,

and etc....

I eat 3-4 4lb papayas weekly. I drink at least 2 gallons of herbal teas weekly

(multiple herb formulas including licorice root, ginger root, cinnamon, roasted

green tea, dandelion, and etc.)

I thought someone posted a oneday flush. My inquiry was limited to that



Re: liver cleanse


give up the single day idea. IMO, to properly do a flush takes

over a week to deparisitize, fast on juices a day, then the flush

day & the morning after.

You took longer than a day to clog your liver, devote at least a

few to cleaning it out. There are no magic pills.

jim :)

jdklein wrote:


> is there a single day liver flush? thought i read one on this list.


> jd



When frustrated, lunge, choke & dismember! -- Penny Lawrence



OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self- help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing information

we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.

Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take

responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to hold

yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found here

without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher or health

care provider.

You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following




oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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Guest guest

I have never done a liver/ gallbladder type cleanse , but my Dad did and I

have talked to others about it &

they said it really works. This book is easy to find. I ordered mine online

from & Noble. I usually order

all my books from Amazon.com , but last year there was a 6 week waiting

period on this book. Waldenbooks

couldn't even get it. I just purchaced the Cure for All Advanced Cancers by

Dr. at a Health Foof Store.

Oh , and I had beem buying IP-6 & MGN-3 at this same store and found that

Swansons Mailorder has both at

2 for the price for the IP-6 and a much reduced price foe the MGN-3. The

MGN-3 isn't in their catalog yet , but

they are selling it. By Lane Labs. It's the same brand I was paying $20.-

more for at the Health Food Store.

Now if they would get Ellagic Acid in. They told me that if they get

requests for a product , they do their best to

get it.


>To be honest, I will look for the book " The cure for all Cancers "


>but I am not to anxious to have another rock pop out, as I had

>a big grey one just this last Feb., and my kidney is finally

>without pain only the last 2 weeks. I need a rest. As I just went

>through a minor emotional " burn out " - I was truly left speechless

>about 1 1/2 month ago, and I have just put myself together again.


>Now I'm back to my cheerful and very funny self and am recovering

>from my extreme exhaustion.


>Bye for now, Marie.







>Over 1,000 solutions for allergies & asthma-gazoontite.com! Shop now!




>Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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Guest guest

The naturopathic drs on our research team frequently recommend liver/gall

bladder cleanse for certain ailments. It is actually recommended annually

for anyone who wants to keep their liver detoxified. We have many

friends/relatives who have avoided gall bladder surger with it. If you want

the regimen, let me know.

Kay Heizer




Find out how to reduce the sources of the chemicals which cause cancer ( & a

host of other problems). hhadvisory@...

Re: Liver cleanse

>I have never done a liver/ gallbladder type cleanse , but my Dad did and I

>have talked to others about it &

>they said it really works. This book is easy to find. I ordered mine online

>from & Noble. I usually order

>all my books from Amazon.com , but last year there was a 6 week waiting

>period on this book. Waldenbooks

>couldn't even get it. I just purchaced the Cure for All Advanced Cancers by

>Dr. at a Health Foof Store.

>Oh , and I had beem buying IP-6 & MGN-3 at this same store and found that

>Swansons Mailorder has both at

>2 for the price for the IP-6 and a much reduced price foe the MGN-3. The

>MGN-3 isn't in their catalog yet , but

>they are selling it. By Lane Labs. It's the same brand I was paying $20.-

>more for at the Health Food Store.

>Now if they would get Ellagic Acid in. They told me that if they get

>requests for a product , they do their best to

>get it.




>>To be honest, I will look for the book " The cure for all Cancers "


>>but I am not to anxious to have another rock pop out, as I had

>>a big grey one just this last Feb., and my kidney is finally

>>without pain only the last 2 weeks. I need a rest. As I just went

>>through a minor emotional " burn out " - I was truly left speechless

>>about 1 1/2 month ago, and I have just put myself together again.


>>Now I'm back to my cheerful and very funny self and am recovering

>>from my extreme exhaustion.


>>Bye for now, Marie.







>>Over 1,000 solutions for allergies & asthma-gazoontite.com! Shop now!




>>Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

>Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

>visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv






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>Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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Guest guest

Hi Kay

My father is undergoing chemo therapy at the moment for lymphoma (non

Hodgkins) and he is experiencing toxic overload as his liver and kidneys try

to cope with the cancer dying and breaking down.

Is there anything you can suggest that will help his system to detoxify

without interfering with the therapy?

Thanks in advance


Re: Liver cleanse



|>I have never done a liver/ gallbladder type cleanse , but my Dad did and I

|>have talked to others about it &

|>they said it really works. This book is easy to find. I ordered mine


|>from & Noble. I usually order

|>all my books from Amazon.com , but last year there was a 6 week waiting

|>period on this book. Waldenbooks

|>couldn't even get it. I just purchaced the Cure for All Advanced Cancers


|>Dr. at a Health Foof Store.

|>Oh , and I had beem buying IP-6 & MGN-3 at this same store and found that

|>Swansons Mailorder has both at

|>2 for the price for the IP-6 and a much reduced price foe the MGN-3. The

|>MGN-3 isn't in their catalog yet , but

|>they are selling it. By Lane Labs. It's the same brand I was paying $20.-

|>more for at the Health Food Store.

|>Now if they would get Ellagic Acid in. They told me that if they get

|>requests for a product , they do their best to

|>get it.




|>>To be honest, I will look for the book " The cure for all Cancers "


|>>but I am not to anxious to have another rock pop out, as I had

|>>a big grey one just this last Feb., and my kidney is finally

|>>without pain only the last 2 weeks. I need a rest. As I just went

|>>through a minor emotional " burn out " - I was truly left speechless

|>>about 1 1/2 month ago, and I have just put myself together again.


|>>Now I'm back to my cheerful and very funny self and am recovering

|>>from my extreme exhaustion.


|>>Bye for now, Marie.







|>>Over 1,000 solutions for allergies & asthma-gazoontite.com! Shop now!




|>>Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

|>Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

|>visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv






|>TRAVEL FOR PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR! Get dozens of the best travel agents

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  • 4 months later...

Dear Saul Pressman,

Please forgive the last minute nature of this mail, I should really have

posted this a few days ago.

I've just started doing the liver cleanse today that you posted to the list

some time back. So far all I did was eat according to the directions, more

or less. I have a couple questions as I need to modify several things due to

my allergies and dietary restrictions. Because of the anti-candida diet I'm

on I normally eat zero processed sugar and zero fruit juices.

Breakfast of cooked porridge: I used pearl tapioca. The only other grain

that I could have used is rice, which I didn't want to eat as it blocks up

my intestines.

grapefruit juice: this is not a major concern, but do I have to drink this?

I don't seem to be allergic to grapefruit juice but don't even remember when

I had it last so it is an unknown. Could I substitute lemon juice?

apple juice and beet juice: Did you mean a commercially available blend? How

much beet and how much apple? I'm allergic to apples so would rather not

have them. Pure beet juice is readily available here in Poland so I could

substitute that or maybe just water?

banana or orange: I'm allergic to bananas. substitute a cooked starchy

vegetable like carrots or parsnip (also popular in Poland)? tapioca again?

olive oil: For this of course no substitution is possible. My concern here

is that although I can tolerate it somewhat, I'm allergic to olive oil. The

amounts used in frying food can give me a reaction, so a 1/2 cup would

definitely give me a bigger reaction, especially after eating almost nothing

all day. According to a different liver cleanse I read about, for some

people it might be necessary to drink the olive oil a bit at a time instead

of all at once due to nausea or vomiting.

I get reactions all the time and am quite prepared to deal with feeling

lousy from the olive oil as I really want to get the goop cleaned out of my

liver. Dealing with this wouldn't be so bad since you're supposed to go

right to sleep after drinking the olive oil. I could also take some

antihistamines to take the edge off the reaction, but have no idea what

effect that would have on the cleansing mechanism.

coffee enemas: should these be done on the 2nd day or later? How many? What

temperature should the coffee be?

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Jim or anyone else got any


Warsaw, Poland


Ingredients :

4 tablespoons of oral Epsom salts

1 tablespoon Vitamin C powder

½ cup virgin olive oil

1 large fresh grapefruit

2 glass jars with lids

16 oz. apple juice + beet juice

Procedure :

First day:

1. 9:00 am: Eat a breakfast of cooked porridge, no milk or butter; 8

ounces apple juice + beet juice; baked potato, no butter

2. 2:00 pm : Mix 4 tablespoons of oral Epsom salts and 1 Tbsp of Vitamin C

powder in 3 cups of cold water in one jar, and refrigerate

3. 3:00 pm : Have an enema

4. 6:00 pm : Drink ¾ cup of the cold Epsom salts

5. 8:00 pm : Drink ¾ cup Epsom salts

6. 9:45 pm : Pour ½ cup olive oil into the second jar; squeeze out ½ cup

grapefruit juice

and add to the olive oil. Close the jar lid and shake hard until watery.

7. 10:00 pm : Drink the potion. Lie down immediately. Lie still on your

back and go

to sleep.

Second day:

1. 9:00 am: Drink ¾ cup Epsom salts. Go back to bed.

2. 11:00 am : Drink ¾ cup Epsom salts. Go back to bed.

3. 1:00 pm : Get up and drink 8 ounces apple + beet juice.

4. 2:00 pm : Eat a banana or an orange

5. 6:00 pm : Eat a light supper of salad and fruit; no meat

Many stones will be seen in the toilet upon the first bowel movement after a

liver cleanse. It may take several cleanses over a period of months to clear

all of them out from the liver.

Following a liver cleanse, it is useful to have several coffee enemas to

pull further toxins that are stored in the liver.

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Dear ,

Sorry to hear you are having so much trouble.

I believe that your allergies are related to your plugged liver, and that

they will fade once it is clean. However, that may take several liver


Pearl tapioca should be fine instead of oatmeal porridge.

I think the grapefruit juice might be necessary to make the olive oil


The beet juice is the important part. The apple is just to help with taste.

Parsnip instead of banana is ok.

Try to drink the olive oil at one time, but if not, separate it into five or

six gulps.

Don't take anti-histamines or any other drugs. That will hurt the process.

Coffee enemas should be at body temperature (37 degrees C). Every other day

for a week.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

Re: liver cleanse

> Dear Saul Pressman,


> Please forgive the last minute nature of this mail, I should really have

> posted this a few days ago.


> I've just started doing the liver cleanse today that you posted to the


> some time back. So far all I did was eat according to the directions, more

> or less. I have a couple questions as I need to modify several things due


> my allergies and dietary restrictions. Because of the anti-candida diet


> on I normally eat zero processed sugar and zero fruit juices.


> Breakfast of cooked porridge: I used pearl tapioca. The only other grain

> that I could have used is rice, which I didn't want to eat as it blocks up

> my intestines.


> grapefruit juice: this is not a major concern, but do I have to drink


> I don't seem to be allergic to grapefruit juice but don't even remember


> I had it last so it is an unknown. Could I substitute lemon juice?


> apple juice and beet juice: Did you mean a commercially available blend?


> much beet and how much apple? I'm allergic to apples so would rather not

> have them. Pure beet juice is readily available here in Poland so I could

> substitute that or maybe just water?


> banana or orange: I'm allergic to bananas. substitute a cooked starchy

> vegetable like carrots or parsnip (also popular in Poland)? tapioca again?


> olive oil: For this of course no substitution is possible. My concern here

> is that although I can tolerate it somewhat, I'm allergic to olive oil.


> amounts used in frying food can give me a reaction, so a 1/2 cup would

> definitely give me a bigger reaction, especially after eating almost


> all day. According to a different liver cleanse I read about, for some

> people it might be necessary to drink the olive oil a bit at a time


> of all at once due to nausea or vomiting.


> I get reactions all the time and am quite prepared to deal with feeling

> lousy from the olive oil as I really want to get the goop cleaned out of


> liver. Dealing with this wouldn't be so bad since you're supposed to go

> right to sleep after drinking the olive oil. I could also take some

> antihistamines to take the edge off the reaction, but have no idea what

> effect that would have on the cleansing mechanism.


> coffee enemas: should these be done on the 2nd day or later? How many?


> temperature should the coffee be?


> Any input would be greatly appreciated. Jim or anyone else got any

> suggestions?



> Warsaw, Poland




> Ingredients :


> 4 tablespoons of oral Epsom salts

> 1 tablespoon Vitamin C powder

> ½ cup virgin olive oil

> 1 large fresh grapefruit

> 2 glass jars with lids

> 16 oz. apple juice + beet juice


> Procedure :


> First day:


> 1. 9:00 am: Eat a breakfast of cooked porridge, no milk or butter; 8

> ounces apple juice + beet juice; baked potato, no butter

> 2. 2:00 pm : Mix 4 tablespoons of oral Epsom salts and 1 Tbsp of Vitamin


> powder in 3 cups of cold water in one jar, and refrigerate

> 3. 3:00 pm : Have an enema

> 4. 6:00 pm : Drink ¾ cup of the cold Epsom salts

> 5. 8:00 pm : Drink ¾ cup Epsom salts

> 6. 9:45 pm : Pour ½ cup olive oil into the second jar; squeeze out ½


> grapefruit juice

> and add to the olive oil. Close the jar lid and shake hard until


> 7. 10:00 pm : Drink the potion. Lie down immediately. Lie still on your

> back and go

> to sleep.


> Second day:


> 1. 9:00 am: Drink ¾ cup Epsom salts. Go back to bed.

> 2. 11:00 am : Drink ¾ cup Epsom salts. Go back to bed.

> 3. 1:00 pm : Get up and drink 8 ounces apple + beet juice.

> 4. 2:00 pm : Eat a banana or an orange

> 5. 6:00 pm : Eat a light supper of salad and fruit; no meat


> Many stones will be seen in the toilet upon the first bowel movement after


> liver cleanse. It may take several cleanses over a period of months to


> all of them out from the liver.


> Following a liver cleanse, it is useful to have several coffee enemas to

> pull further toxins that are stored in the liver.







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