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It must be your computer because it works fine for me.



> Amy Yasko's site is not working for me. Can't open anything but the

> classical music by Haydn! How annoying. Is there some setting I am

> missing, does anyone else have this problem with the below mentioned

> URL, or is it merely a temporary defect at their site? Would love

> to learn more about this gene mutation, how it manifests, etc. TIA.

> Savvy

>> >>

>> >> Hi Dave,

>> >>

>> >> I'm trying to figure the same thing out - I realize that this

>> > mutation - to

>> >> do with methylation - is significant for our family as well.

> Our

>> > children

>> >> are in their twenties and mid teens and haven't been subjected

> to

>> > quite as

>> >> heavy a vaccine schedule as children born today - and they are

> not

>> > autistic. But

>> >> they've had some unusual medical problems, in my opinion. Many

>> > autistic

>> >> children have this same mutation - as do those with alzheimer's

>> > and other

>> >> neurological conditions. The common denominator seems to be

> that

>> > this mutation

>> >> (unless you supplement appropriately) leads to more difficulty

>> > than the norm in

>> >> excreting environmental toxins - including some of the toxic

>> > ingredients of

>> >> vaccines.

>> >>

>> >> One of my children, for example, was given a hepatitis and a

>> > typhoid vaccine

>> >> three days before an endoscopy to rule out celiac (her IBS had

>> > actually

>> >> started months earlier - it turns out - after she was given a

> hot

>> > lot tetanus

>> >> booster while on Accutane). It took me three years to actually

>> > start asking

>> >> questions about the vaccine schedule and to begin to figure all

>> > this out.

>> >>

>> >> Well, two days after the endoscopy - where they use iodine

> stain to

>> > look at

>> >> your esaphogus, stomach, and small intestine - she became

> acutely

>> > ill with

>> >> high fever, CNS symptoms, bone and joint pain - and violent

>> > diarrhea. Her

>> >> health went downhill dramatically from that point on - chronic

>> > diarrhea -

>> >> everything went through her, weight loss, severe carpal tunnel

> type

>> > symptoms,

>> >> headaches, and widespread tendonitis and shin splints, and

> plantar

>> > faciitis in just

>> >> about every joint. No help from any doctors. I think she was

> in

>> > some kind

>> >> of thyroid shock/distress for a very long time. But no one

>> > apparently

>> >> thought to test for that. It was a beyond scary time. I've

> been

>> > forced to try to

>> >> educate myself on this stuff.

>> >>

>> >> Accutane I've now learned can impair the thyroid - and some

>> > Accutane

>> >> deposits in tissue - so its effects can last a long time.

> Mercury

>> > and thimerasol

>> >> impair the thyroid. And she wasn't a very efficient metabolizer

>> > of those

>> >> toxins injected into her body three days before the endoscopy -

> so

>> > they were still

>> >> in her system at the time she was flooded with iodine stain.

>> >>

>> >> Studying the work of those who reverse autism - Defeat Autism

> Now

>> > (DAN!)

>> >> doctors - has been really helpful. So is the work of Dr. Amy

> Yasko -

>> > who does

>> >> the genetic testing (holisticheal.com) and gives you a lot of

>> > information on how

>> >> to make up for genetic mutations with supplementation - and to

>> > undo a lot of

>> >> damage. She works mostly with those with autism, chronic

>> > fatique,

>> >> Parkinson's etc. Her work is complicated - but it's a good

> source

>> > of information -

>> >> and for many you can get the information and help you need

> without

>> > getting

>> >> involved in following her full program.

>> >>

>> >> She starts off right away by guiding the support of the MTHFR

> and

>> > related

>> >> mutations.

>> >>

>> >> I've only recently begun to figure out and look into this

>> > thyroid/iodine

>> >> link and I realize it's very relevant to this mutation even

> though

>> > our children

>> >> are okay now and apparently have normal thyroid panels, thank

>> > goodness.

>> >>

>> >> But they're young - and I've also started to realize that it is

>> > important to

>> >> be aware of exposure to iodine and certain toxins both in the

>> > environment

>> >> but also in certain medical settings including surgeries where

> you

>> > get painted

>> >> with an iodine solution and the instruments have been sterilized

>> > in iodine.

>> >> This could be a level of exposure many have not thought of.

>> >>

>> >> Apparently a lot of newborns today upon newborn testing are

> shown

>> > to have

>> >> congenital hypothyroidism. Then they're retested a few days

> later -

>> > and it

>> >> shows as normal. This happened to our son I've just learned.

> In

>> > his case - I

>> >> was slathered with iodine - labor induced with pitocin,

> epidural,

>> > epesiotomy,

>> >> hemmoroids. And they use iodine for the umbilical cord area of

>> > the infant.

>> >> Proportionally that can be a big hit to a little body. And all

>> > this iodine

>> >> slathered on the mother goes right to the breast milk. Hence

> the

>> > infant gets

>> >> flooded.

>> >>

>> >> Supposedly the long term effects are not known - although I've

> also

>> > read it

>> >> is thought to cause neurological damage. Apparently the policy

> is

>> > not to

>> >> inform the parents that this has occurred because it can upset

> them.

>> >>

>> >> I think it's better to know.

>> >>

>> >> So - Dr. Amy Yasko provides a wealth of information on this

>> > mutation though

>> >> not in terms of thyroid per se. It would be really great to see

>> > someone pick

>> >> up and do more investigation as it relates to thyroid.

>> >>

>> >> And secondly - especially if you have this mutation - look at

> your

>> > vaccine

>> >> history and your medical history with new insight. Maybe you'll

>> > learn

>> >> something in connection with periods of impaired methylation and

>> > impaired thyroid

>> >> function and exposure to high levels of iodine you may not

> thought

>> > of before.

>> >>

>> >> Edie

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> >> **************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for

>> >> fuel-efficient used cars. (http://autos.aol.com/used?

>> > ncid=aolaut00050000000007)

>> >>

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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Certainly some or many "heal themselves". Decades ago two articles appeared in one of the mainsream medical journals with the title: Why patients recover? Beautiful articles indeed!!!

Its a pleasant surprise that such articles found a place in the journal.

I carry hard copies of those precisous articles. In summary, its about really real autonomic relaxation by a special kind of mediTation and lowering of cortisol.

Ratan.--------------Ratan SinghPhone: 91 141 2652561Address: 7- NA- 16Jawahar NagarJaipur- 302004 INDIA----------- Certificate in Food & Nutrition; Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education.- Author of "Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses";- M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology, Ph.D.;- Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, Temple University Medical School, Philadelphia, USA);- Hypnotist, Biofeedback and Meditation Therapist.- Family, Marital and Sex Therapist.->Consultant Nutritional & Clinical Psychologist in Jaipur Hospital, India.psych_58@..., www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth,

www.ejcbs.commeditationandcancer-subscribeegroups--- On Fri, 6/27/08, ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...> wrote:

From: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...>Subject: Re: Re: MTHFRiodine Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 12:05 AM

Many do heal themselves. Sad but true.



steph.. Big thank you and a HUG!! my doc that dx this is in Troy MI, I will do what you said ..I see a light at the end of the tunnel.. :)> >> > >> Hello,> >> > >> Val from the Thyroid group referred me over here when I asked > > about > >> MTHFR...she mentioned that was familiar with the > > issue.> >> > >> I am a patient of Dr. B. and he told me this week of MTHFR and > > how > >> they have recently discovered it's role in metabolism and how > > they > >> are finding thyroid patients are having this issue. He also > > thinks > >> is likely what my problem is.> >> > >> He said I wouldn't be able to find much about it on the > > Internet as > >> related to metabolism and he is right (mostly about pregnancy > > is all > >> I can find).> >> > >> I

looked up a few posts on the topic but I wondered if anyone > > out > >> here has been diagnosed, or at least suspected, of this problem > > and > >> what they are doing about it? Also, any tests that have been > > done to > >> confirm the diagnosis?> >> > >> Any comments / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.> >> > >> Dave> >>> > > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ------> > > > > > > > > >

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I don't think you can summarize how to heal your body in a capsule of meditation and lowering of cortisol. That is WAY too simplistic. There are so many body systems that need to be addressed in many cases. For me, I couldn't have healed myself if I wanted to but once I found out what I needed I could put that into motion. I had 11 amalgams removed and a 1 root canal tooth for mercury poisoning and then did 2 1/2 years of chelation with DMSA. I have a prescription for BHrt to balance my hormones from trashed ovaries due to RAI. I was so toxic that I did 2 liver cleanses (didn't know this was my issue until my ND told me my liver was bulging out of my rib cage). I had many low nutrient levels like B12, Ferritin, iodine, zinc, copper, magnesium and more. Now I find out I have a gene defect (no amount of meditation will help this). There were more things but this is the low hanging fruit. So you see it was more than Meditation and lowering Cortisol. Please don't make these kind of comments.


steph.. Big thank you and a HUG!! my doc that dx this is in Troy MI, I will do what you said ..I see a light at the end of the tunnel.. :)> >> > >> Hello,> >> > >> Val from the Thyroid group referred me over here when I asked > > about > >> MTHFR...she mentioned that was familiar with the > > issue.> >> > >> I am a patient of Dr. B. and he told me this week of MTHFR and > > how > >> they have recently discovered it's role in metabolism and how > > they > >> are finding thyroid patients are having this issue. He also > > thinks > >> is likely what my problem is.> >> > >> He said I wouldn't be able to find much about it on the > > Internet as > >> related to metabolism and he is right (mostly about pregnancy > > is all > >> I can find).> >> > >> I looked up a few posts on the topic but I wondered if anyone > > out > >> here has been diagnosed, or at least suspected, of this problem > > and > >> what they are doing about it? Also, any tests that have been > > done to > >> confirm the diagnosis?> >> > >> Any comments / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.> >> > >> Dave> >>> > > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ------> > > > > > > > > >

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If one has the heterozygous MTFHR, should they be on DMG? I only

knew about folic acid. Also If you test for B12 and folic acid via

labs how long do you need to be off supplements to measure? I had

labs done and back then did not stop my supplements. I really don't

know if I have B12 deficiency. OR do I just supplement and not worry

about it? all this gets confusing...still figuring out what I need.

> > >>

> > >> Hello,

> > >>

> > >> Val from the Thyroid group referred me over here

when I

> asked

> > > about

> > >> MTHFR...she mentioned that was

familiar with the

> > > issue.

> > >>

> > >> I am a patient of Dr. B. and he told me this

week of MTHFR

> and

> > > how

> > >> they have recently discovered it's role in

metabolism and

> how

> > > they

> > >> are finding thyroid patients are having this

issue. He also

> > > thinks

> > >> is likely what my problem is.

> > >>

> > >> He said I wouldn't be able to find much about it

on the

> > > Internet as

> > >> related to metabolism and he is right (mostly


> pregnancy

> > > is all

> > >> I can find).

> > >>

> > >> I looked up a few posts on the topic but I

wondered if

> anyone

> > > out

> > >> here has been diagnosed, or at least suspected,

of this

> problem

> > > and

> > >> what they are doing about it? Also, any tests

that have been

> > > done to

> > >> confirm the diagnosis?

> > >>

> > >> Any comments / thoughts would be greatly


> > >>

> > >> Dave

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------ --------- --------- ------

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I had a blood clot my senior year in high school. I missed my senior prom due to it. It was in my calf and extremely painful.

I would not be surprized to learn that I have the FTFHR problem also...


Wow! I have the MTFHR C677 and A1289C disorder too! I went to a hemotologist after some bone loss (avascular necrosis) and a miscarriage. Just thought there was some connection. She took 17 viles of blood and said I have homecysteinemia. I was told that could increase my risk for blood clots. She wants me on high dose of folic acid - 5mg. So it sounds like too much. I don't take that much but would love to learn more about the connection to the thyroid. I didn't see the chart you mentioned and where to buy the right folic acid?Amazing what we have in common. Where is the best place to get more information about this? I wonder if my kids should be tested. Do both parents have to be the carrier? My hand out says it "occurs in 10% of the general population it is either inherited autosomal recessive disorder caused by deficiency of the enzyme cystathione- B-synthase or acquired

homocysteinemia" . Not sure if that is accurate.Always more to learn..Thanks!> > >> > > >> Hello,> > >> > > >> Val from the Thyroid group referred me over here when I > asked > > > about > > >> MTHFR...she mentioned that was familiar with the > > > issue.> > >> > > >> I am

a patient of Dr. B. and he told me this week of MTHFR > and > > > how > > >> they have recently discovered it's role in metabolism and > how > > > they > > >> are finding thyroid patients are having this issue. He also > > > thinks > > >> is likely what my problem is.> > >> > > >> He said I wouldn't be able to find much about it on the > > > Internet as > > >> related to metabolism and he is right (mostly about > pregnancy > > > is all > > >> I can find).> > >> > > >> I looked up a few posts on the topic but I wondered if > anyone > > > out > > >> here has been diagnosed, or at least suspected, of this > problem > > > and > > >> what they are doing

about it? Also, any tests that have been > > > done to > > >> confirm the diagnosis?> > >> > > >> Any comments / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.> > >> > > >> Dave> > >>> > > > > > > > > > > > ------------ --------- --------- ------> > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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Hi ,

What is the difference between taking Deplin and DMG? I am on the

DMG, I take ii BID since May 27th and don't feel any difference with

it at all. Doctor added MSM today, I have to go pick it up

tomorrow. He also wants me to add carbo vegetabilis, he has never

heard of Deplin. With MTHFR (T type), no thyroid and liver disease

maybe Deplin would work better??

> >>

> >> Hi Dave - I am (owner of the group and patient of Dr.

> > B's). He

> >> and I have been doing research on this issue. I was dx'd with


> > 1298C

> >> version of this mutation. We suspect my son has it as well since

> > he did

> >> better when we put him on Dr B's new DMG supplement.

> >>

> >> I don't have time to comment right now but I have charts of

> > pathways, etc

> >> that will help you. I am running out the door but will send it


> > you

> >> later.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> MTHFR

> >>

> >>

> >> > Hello,

> >> >

> >> > Val from the Thyroid group referred me over here when I asked

> > about

> >> > MTHFR...she mentioned that was familiar with the


> >> >

> >> > I am a patient of Dr. B. and he told me this week of MTHFR and


> >> > they have recently discovered it's role in metabolism and how


> >> > are finding thyroid patients are having this issue. He also

> > thinks

> >> > is likely what my problem is.

> >> >

> >> > He said I wouldn't be able to find much about it on the


> > as

> >> > related to metabolism and he is right (mostly about pregnancy


> > all

> >> > I can find).

> >> >

> >> > I looked up a few posts on the topic but I wondered if anyone


> >> > here has been diagnosed, or at least suspected, of this problem

> > and

> >> > what they are doing about it? Also, any tests that have been

> > done to

> >> > confirm the diagnosis?

> >> >

> >> > Any comments / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

> >> >

> >> > Dave

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> > ------------------------------------

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Hello,


> Val from the Thyroid group referred me over here when I asked about

> MTHFR...she mentioned that was familiar with the issue.


> I am a patient of Dr. B. and he told me this week of MTHFR and how

> they have recently discovered it's role in metabolism and how they

> are finding thyroid patients are having this issue. He also thinks

> is likely what my problem is.


> He said I wouldn't be able to find much about it on the Internet as

> related to metabolism and he is right (mostly about pregnancy is


> I can find).


> I looked up a few posts on the topic but I wondered if anyone out

> here has been diagnosed, or at least suspected, of this problem and

> what they are doing about it? Also, any tests that have been done


> confirm the diagnosis?


> Any comments / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


> Dave


I have a follow-up question I hope someone can answer. I received my

test results and it came back with:

" Positive for one copy of the C677T Mutation " and also " heterozygous

for the C667T mutation and does not have the A1298C mutation. "

Does anyone know what this means, in English? Dr. B. did not take

the time to explain it to me. I've done some looking on the Internet

and came across some medical documents in the medical jargon and

couldn't really interpret them too well.

Thanks for the help.


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I am also a patient of Dr. Brownstein. :)

The C677T mutation is one that makes you more susceptible to high

homocystine levels - therefore heart conditions. The other defect is the

one that i have (A1298C) which is tied to schizophrenia, autism, Alzheimer's

and more. It appears to have a big effect on the body's ability to

methylate and detox. I have attached the methylation chart. It is a hard

chart to look at but you can see the MTHFR in the center. The system gets

plugged up with this mutation at the MTHFR " loop " so the processes on either

side get slowed down and do not function well. You will see to the left is

the thyroid and to the right is the methylation and detoxification process.

The way to deal with this is to supplement from the outside with methylated

forms of B12, Selenium, reduced form of folate (5-tetra) and Dr B also adds

DMG. I am sure he recommended you take DMG complete??

Not sure if this helps. I am only beginning to delve into it. I am sure

that I will bend Dr. B's ear more when I have a chance to dig deeper. He

gave me a book to read but I have not had time to read it yet.




>> Hello,


>> Val from the Thyroid group referred me over here when I asked about

>> MTHFR...she mentioned that was familiar with the issue.


>> I am a patient of Dr. B. and he told me this week of MTHFR and how

>> they have recently discovered it's role in metabolism and how they

>> are finding thyroid patients are having this issue. He also thinks

>> is likely what my problem is.


>> He said I wouldn't be able to find much about it on the Internet as

>> related to metabolism and he is right (mostly about pregnancy is

> all

>> I can find).


>> I looked up a few posts on the topic but I wondered if anyone out

>> here has been diagnosed, or at least suspected, of this problem and

>> what they are doing about it? Also, any tests that have been done

> to

>> confirm the diagnosis?


>> Any comments / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


>> Dave


> I have a follow-up question I hope someone can answer. I received my

> test results and it came back with:


> " Positive for one copy of the C677T Mutation " and also " heterozygous

> for the C667T mutation and does not have the A1298C mutation. "


> Does anyone know what this means, in English? Dr. B. did not take

> the time to explain it to me. I've done some looking on the Internet

> and came across some medical documents in the medical jargon and

> couldn't really interpret them too well.


> Thanks for the help.


> Dave



> ------------------------------------






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Hi ,

Thanks for the quick response :-)

So to make sure I am clear, the C677T mutation DOES affect the

metabolism process? And the recommended solution is folate (DMG


I am not sure when you talk about the body's ability to methylate and

detox (and thyroid issues) if you are still talking about the A1298C

or the C677T mutation. I do have big issues with my Thyroid.

Also, I had my homocysteine checked last month (before I was on the

DMG) and it is: 6.9 (range <11.4) so that appears to be OK.

Yes, Dr. B. did put me on the DMG over a month ago and it doesn't

seem to be having any affect on me :-( (Positive or negative). I was

really hopeful that this would help.

So it seems that the mutation you have (A1298C)is the " bad " one or is

the C677T just as bad.

Thanks for the help...I kind of need to talk this out to see if I can

make sense of it.


> >>

> >> Hello,

> >>

> >> Val from the Thyroid group referred me over here when I asked


> >> MTHFR...she mentioned that was familiar with the issue.

> >>

> >> I am a patient of Dr. B. and he told me this week of MTHFR and


> >> they have recently discovered it's role in metabolism and how


> >> are finding thyroid patients are having this issue. He also


> >> is likely what my problem is.

> >>

> >> He said I wouldn't be able to find much about it on the Internet


> >> related to metabolism and he is right (mostly about pregnancy is

> > all

> >> I can find).

> >>

> >> I looked up a few posts on the topic but I wondered if anyone out

> >> here has been diagnosed, or at least suspected, of this problem


> >> what they are doing about it? Also, any tests that have been


> > to

> >> confirm the diagnosis?

> >>

> >> Any comments / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

> >>

> >> Dave

> >>

> > I have a follow-up question I hope someone can answer. I

received my

> > test results and it came back with:

> >

> > " Positive for one copy of the C677T Mutation " and

also " heterozygous

> > for the C667T mutation and does not have the A1298C mutation. "

> >

> > Does anyone know what this means, in English? Dr. B. did not take

> > the time to explain it to me. I've done some looking on the


> > and came across some medical documents in the medical jargon and

> > couldn't really interpret them too well.

> >

> > Thanks for the help.

> >

> > Dave

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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To get tested for the mutation, what is it that we should be tested for ? I can request if for my next blood test - or if it is a separate test ?



Hi ,Thanks for the quick response :-)So to make sure I am clear, the C677T mutation DOES affect the metabolism process? And the recommended solution is folate (DMG Complete)?I am not sure when you talk about the body's ability to methylate and detox (and thyroid issues) if you are still talking about the A1298C or the C677T mutation. I do have big issues with my Thyroid.Also, I had my homocysteine checked last month (before I was on the DMG) and it is: 6.9 (range <11.4) so that appears to be OK.Yes, Dr. B. did put me on the DMG over a month ago and it doesn't seem to be having any affect on me :-( (Positive or negative). I was really hopeful that this would help.So it seems that the mutation you have (A1298C)is the "bad" one or is the C677T just as bad.Thanks for the help...I kind of need to talk this out to see if I can make sense of

it.Dave> >>> >> Hello,> >>> >> Val from the Thyroid group referred me over here when I asked about> >> MTHFR...she mentioned that was familiar with the issue.> >>> >> I am a patient of Dr. B. and he told me this week of MTHFR and how> >> they have recently discovered it's role in metabolism and how they> >> are finding thyroid patients are having this issue. He also thinks> >> is likely what my problem is.> >>> >> He said I wouldn't be able to find much about it on the Internet as> >> related to metabolism and he is right (mostly about pregnancy

is> > all> >> I can find).> >>> >> I looked up a few posts on the topic but I wondered if anyone out> >> here has been diagnosed, or at least suspected, of this problem and> >> what they are doing about it? Also, any tests that have been done> > to> >> confirm the diagnosis?> >>> >> Any comments / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.> >>> >> Dave> >>> > I have a follow-up question I hope someone can answer. I received my> > test results and it came back with:> >> > "Positive for one copy of the C677T Mutation" and also "heterozygous> > for the C667T mutation and does not have the A1298C mutation."> >> > Does anyone know what this means, in English? Dr. B. did not take> > the time to explain it to

me. I've done some looking on the Internet> > and came across some medical documents in the medical jargon and> > couldn't really interpret them too well.> >> > Thanks for the help.> >> > Dave> >> >> > ------------ --------- --------- ------> >> >> >> >> >

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I am not sure how many labs test for it. I know Quest Diagnostics does (It is genetic testing). Dr. Brownstein just wrote MTHFR Mutation on my lab slip in the "Other" section.



Hi ,Thanks for the quick response :-)So to make sure I am clear, the C677T mutation DOES affect the metabolism process? And the recommended solution is folate (DMG Complete)?I am not sure when you talk about the body's ability to methylate and detox (and thyroid issues) if you are still talking about the A1298C or the C677T mutation. I do have big issues with my Thyroid.Also, I had my homocysteine checked last month (before I was on the DMG) and it is: 6.9 (range <11.4) so that appears to be OK.Yes, Dr. B. did put me on the DMG over a month ago and it doesn't seem to be having any affect on me :-( (Positive or negative). I was really hopeful that this would help.So it seems that the mutation you have (A1298C)is the "bad" one or is the C677T just as bad.Thanks for the help...I kind of need to talk this out to see if I can make sense of it.Dave> >>> >> Hello,> >>> >> Val from the Thyroid group referred me over here when I asked about> >> MTHFR...she mentioned that was familiar with the issue.> >>> >> I am a patient of Dr. B. and he told me this week of MTHFR and how> >> they have recently discovered it's role in metabolism and how they> >> are finding thyroid patients are having this issue. He also thinks> >> is likely what my problem is.> >>> >> He said I wouldn't be able to find much about it on the Internet as> >> related to metabolism and he is right (mostly about pregnancy is> > all> >> I can find).> >>> >> I looked up a few posts on the topic but I wondered if anyone out> >> here has been diagnosed, or at least suspected, of this problem and> >> what they are doing about it? Also, any tests that have been done> > to> >> confirm the diagnosis?> >>> >> Any comments / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.> >>> >> Dave> >>> > I have a follow-up question I hope someone can answer. I received my> > test results and it came back with:> >> > "Positive for one copy of the C677T Mutation" and also "heterozygous> > for the C667T mutation and does not have the A1298C mutation."> >> > Does anyone know what this means, in English? Dr. B. did not take> > the time to explain it to me. I've done some looking on the Internet> > and came across some medical documents in the medical jargon and> > couldn't really interpret them too well.> >> > Thanks for the help.> >> > Dave> >> >> > ------------ --------- --------- ------> >> >> >> >> >

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I wanted to make sure you saw my post and see if you had any thoughts?



> > >>

> > >> Hello,

> > >>

> > >> Val from the Thyroid group referred me over here when I asked

> about

> > >> MTHFR...she mentioned that was familiar with the


> > >>

> > >> I am a patient of Dr. B. and he told me this week of MTHFR and

> how

> > >> they have recently discovered it's role in metabolism and how

> they

> > >> are finding thyroid patients are having this issue. He also

> thinks

> > >> is likely what my problem is.

> > >>

> > >> He said I wouldn't be able to find much about it on the


> as

> > >> related to metabolism and he is right (mostly about pregnancy


> > > all

> > >> I can find).

> > >>

> > >> I looked up a few posts on the topic but I wondered if anyone


> > >> here has been diagnosed, or at least suspected, of this


> and

> > >> what they are doing about it? Also, any tests that have been

> done

> > > to

> > >> confirm the diagnosis?

> > >>

> > >> Any comments / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

> > >>

> > >> Dave

> > >>

> > > I have a follow-up question I hope someone can answer. I

> received my

> > > test results and it came back with:

> > >

> > > " Positive for one copy of the C677T Mutation " and

> also " heterozygous

> > > for the C667T mutation and does not have the A1298C mutation. "

> > >

> > > Does anyone know what this means, in English? Dr. B. did not


> > > the time to explain it to me. I've done some looking on the

> Internet

> > > and came across some medical documents in the medical jargon and

> > > couldn't really interpret them too well.

> > >

> > > Thanks for the help.

> > >

> > > Dave

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Ok.. great! I go to Quest. Thank you.


Hi ,Thanks for the quick response :-)So to make sure I am clear, the C677T mutation DOES affect the metabolism process? And the recommended solution is folate (DMG Complete)?I am not sure when you talk about the body's ability to methylate and detox (and thyroid issues) if you are still talking about the A1298C or the C677T mutation. I do have big issues with my Thyroid.Also, I had my homocysteine checked last month (before I was on the DMG) and it is: 6.9 (range <11.4) so that appears to be OK.Yes, Dr. B. did put me on the DMG over a month ago and it doesn't seem to be having any affect on me :-( (Positive or negative). I was really hopeful that this would help.So it seems that the mutation you have (A1298C)is the "bad" one or is the C677T just as bad.Thanks for the help...I kind of need to talk this out to see if I can make sense of

it.Dave> >>> >> Hello,> >>> >> Val from the Thyroid group referred me over here when I asked about> >> MTHFR...she mentioned that was familiar with the issue.> >>> >> I am a patient of Dr. B. and he told me this week of MTHFR and how> >> they have recently discovered it's role in metabolism and how they> >> are finding thyroid patients are having this issue. He also thinks> >> is likely what my problem is.> >>> >> He said I wouldn't be able to find much about it on the Internet as> >> related to metabolism and he is right (mostly about pregnancy

is> > all> >> I can find).> >>> >> I looked up a few posts on the topic but I wondered if anyone out> >> here has been diagnosed, or at least suspected, of this problem and> >> what they are doing about it? Also, any tests that have been done> > to> >> confirm the diagnosis?> >>> >> Any comments / thoughts would be greatly appreciated.> >>> >> Dave> >>> > I have a follow-up question I hope someone can answer. I received my> > test results and it came back with:> >> > "Positive for one copy of the C677T Mutation" and also "heterozygous> > for the C667T mutation and does not have the A1298C mutation."> >> > Does anyone know what this means, in English? Dr. B. did not take> > the time to explain it to

me. I've done some looking on the Internet> > and came across some medical documents in the medical jargon and> > couldn't really interpret them too well.> >> > Thanks for the help.> >> > Dave> >> >> > ------------ --------- --------- ------> >> >> >> >> >

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

It looks like it is a rx product. Never heard of it until now. But since the MTHFR has homocysteine issues that is probably what it's target is - actually that goes with the description. It doesn't look like enough folate. I was told you had to take 800 mgs of L-Methylfolate / day for the rest of your life when you have this issue. 2 mg of Methyl B12 isn't a lot either. I do 1,000 mgs 2x / week via injections.

Here are the ingredients:

Cerefolin®NAC Ingredients









Has anybody heard about Cerefolin for the MTHFR mutation?


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  • 2 months later...

Yes there is a lot I can offer here. This is my new research project. LOL! So let me go through your questions in order.

1. My hubby and I both have the MTHFR defect. I am having a consult with Dr. B today to discuss the specifics of which my hubby has but my suspicion is that it is the C677T form as he has a lab slip to go for blood work to check his homocystine levels. I have the A1298C form. So what if any my children have is up in the air. We too are awaiting the DMG product as it is on backorder but when it comes 3 of the 4 of us will take it. My daughter is not on it because a) she is stubborn and we need to pick our battles and B) there were no physical issues like behavior / brain fog that we were trying to overcome as were in my son. My mom also has the MTHFR defect and takes the DMG product too.

2. Metagenics Actifolate is the same as the Folinic Acid. For some reason there are different names but both are the 5-Tetra Hyrofolate form (reduced). The difference with the Actifolate and the DMG product is that Dr B has added the DMG, Methyl B12, Choline and Riboflavin - all items that have a specific purpose in "plugging" into the methylation cycle. I have attached the Methylation chart again for everyone's reference. I took Actifolate for a while - given to me by my ND. He did no testing just said that for many people it helped clear brain fog and give them energy. It is the reduced form of the folate so your body does not have to convert it - it is not dangerous to anyone w/o the defect just lets the body not work as hard to "reduce" it. My personal feeling is that Dr B's DMG product is the best option.

Hope that helps.




While I know that this is not under our iodine topic, I think that it is probably relative in that so many of us with our iodine/thyroid issues have this.

I read some of Steph's posts .. and it looks like her whole family (including hubby) is on the DMG for MTHFR. Did I read that right Steph?

I discovered at my last appt. with Dr. B that I too had this deficiency and am anxiously awaiting a new batch of DMG that is custom made for Dr. B's patients.

All within the same two weeks of my blood test results, my dad received a phone call from his dr. at Born Clinic. This dr. told him that particular blood test (testing for MTHFR) was too expensive and he could "tell" by looking at other blood levels that this must be an issue for him. (This is how my 76 yr. old mom explained it to me, anyways. ;-) He put my dad on Metagenics Actifolate. When you read the description of this product, it states that it helps specifically with MTHFR. (I'm pretty sure that's how it read.) His doc is not giving him DMG along with this.

I am thinking that he would probably do much better with having the DMG that has the folinic acid right in in. (Dr. B's custom mix.) What do you think Steph .. or anyone?

Also, considering my situation .. my mother was asking me if she should maybe start supplementing with dad's Actifolate. I told her that I would "ask" someone .. but thought that it probably wouldn't hurt. Didn't know for sure ..?

Any thoughts on any of this?


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Hi Steph,

Wow! Thanks for the great reply. Lot's of info!

I am looking at my lab results re: MTHFR tests, and it indicates that I am positive for TWO COPIES of the C677T Mutation. I think that Dr. B mentioned that this is a bit less prevalent? (There is always so much to "absorb" at my appts., I seem to always miss some of what he is telling me!) The "Methylation" document that he gave me states that "Most people have been found to have one copy mutation of the genes. 20-25% of our population have a two copy mutation ..."

Not sure if "two copy mutation" would indicate anything different? Would I venture a guess that may be why I can't get rid of my brain fog/forgetfulness .. even at optimal supplementation of everything else? If that is the case, that would be great news. I can't wait to get that DMG formula!

While my mom and dad are very holistic in their health approaches, they probably would be leary in trying something their dr. didn't "order". It's too bad, 'cause I am sure they would benefit!

Can I have your permission to forward your previous email to my mom?

Thanks much!


From: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...>Subject: Re: MTHFRiodine Date: Friday, October 10, 2008, 8:07 AM

Yes there is a lot I can offer here. This is my new research project. LOL! So let me go through your questions in order.

1. My hubby and I both have the MTHFR defect. I am having a consult with Dr. B today to discuss the specifics of which my hubby has but my suspicion is that it is the C677T form as he has a lab slip to go for blood work to check his homocystine levels. I have the A1298C form. So what if any my children have is up in the air. We too are awaiting the DMG product as it is on backorder but when it comes 3 of the 4 of us will take it. My daughter is not on it because a) she is stubborn and we need to pick our battles and B) there were no physical issues like behavior / brain fog that we were trying to overcome as were in my son. My mom also has the MTHFR defect and takes the DMG product too.

2. Metagenics Actifolate is the same as the Folinic Acid. For some reason there are different names but both are the 5-Tetra Hyrofolate form (reduced). The difference with the Actifolate and the DMG product is that Dr B has added the DMG, Methyl B12, Choline and Riboflavin - all items that have a specific purpose in "plugging" into the methylation cycle. I have attached the Methylation chart again for everyone's reference. I took Actifolate for a while - given to me by my ND. He did no testing just said that for many people it helped clear brain fog and give them energy. It is the reduced form of the folate so your body does not have to convert it - it is not dangerous to anyone w/o the defect just lets the body not work as hard to "reduce" it. My personal feeling is that Dr B's DMG product is the best option.

Hope that helps.




While I know that this is not under our iodine topic, I think that it is probably relative in that so many of us with our iodine/thyroid issues have this.

I read some of Steph's posts .. and it looks like her whole family (including hubby) is on the DMG for MTHFR. Did I read that right Steph?

I discovered at my last appt. with Dr. B that I too had this deficiency and am anxiously awaiting a new batch of DMG that is custom made for Dr. B's patients.

All within the same two weeks of my blood test results, my dad received a phone call from his dr. at Born Clinic. This dr. told him that particular blood test (testing for MTHFR) was too expensive and he could "tell" by looking at other blood levels that this must be an issue for him. (This is how my 76 yr. old mom explained it to me, anyways. ;-) He put my dad on Metagenics Actifolate. When you read the description of this product, it states that it helps specifically with MTHFR. (I'm pretty sure that's how it read.) His doc is not giving him DMG along with this.

I am thinking that he would probably do much better with having the DMG that has the folinic acid right in in. (Dr. B's custom mix.) What do you think Steph .. or anyone?

Also, considering my situation .. my mother was asking me if she should maybe start supplementing with dad's Actifolate. I told her that I would "ask" someone .. but thought that it probably wouldn't hurt. Didn't know for sure ..?

Any thoughts on any of this?


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Hi Steph,

This is interesting, but, for most of us who can't see Dr. B., what supplement should we use? The Actifolate and get a dmg?



2. Metagenics Actifolate is the same as the Folinic Acid. For some reason there are different ames but both are the 5-Tetra Hyrofolate form (reduced). The difference with the Actifolate and the DMG product is that Dr B has added the DMG, Methyl B12, Choline and Riboflavin - all items that have a specific purpose in "plugging" into the methylation cycle. I have attached the Methylation chart again for everyone's reference. I took Actifolate for a while - given to me by my ND. He did no testing just said that for many people it helped clear brain fog and give them energy. It is the reduced form of the folate so your body does not have to convert it - it is not dangerous to anyone w/o the defect just lets the body not work as hard to "reduce" it. My personal feeling is that Dr B's DMG product is the best option.

Hope that helps.




While I know that this is not under our iodine topic, I think that it is probably relative in that so many of us with our iodine/thyroid issues have this.

I read some of Steph's posts .. and it looks like her whole family (including hubby) is on the DMG for MTHFR. Did I read that right Steph?

I discovered at my last appt. with Dr. B that I too had this deficiency and am anxiously awaiting a new batch of DMG that is custom made for Dr. B's patients.

All within the same two weeks of my blood test results, my dad received a phone call from his dr. at Born Clinic. This dr. told him that particular blood test (testing for MTHFR) was too expensive and he could "tell" by looking at other blood levels that this must be an issue for him. (This is how my 76 yr. old mom explained it to me, anyways. ;-) He put my dad on Metagenics Actifolate. When you read the description of this product, it states that it helps specifically with MTHFR. (I'm pretty sure that's how it read.) His doc is not giving him DMG along with this.

I am thinking that he would probably do much better with having the DMG that has the folinic acid right in in. (Dr. B's custom mix.) What do you think Steph .. or anyone?

Also, considering my situation .. my mother was asking me if she should maybe start supplementing with dad's Actifolate. I told her that I would "ask" someone .. but thought that it probably wouldn't hurt. Didn't know for sure ..?

Any thoughts on any of this?


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You would need to use the:

5 Tetra form of folate (not necessarily Metagenics Actifolate)

Methyl B12



to get the same combination.




While I know that this is not under our iodine topic, I think that it is probably relative in that so many of us with our iodine/thyroid issues have this.

I read some of Steph's posts .. and it looks like her whole family (including hubby) is on the DMG for MTHFR. Did I read that right Steph?

I discovered at my last appt. with Dr. B that I too had this deficiency and am anxiously awaiting a new batch of DMG that is custom made for Dr. B's patients.

All within the same two weeks of my blood test results, my dad received a phone call from his dr. at Born Clinic. This dr. told him that particular blood test (testing for MTHFR) was too expensive and he could "tell" by looking at other blood levels that this must be an issue for him. (This is how my 76 yr. old mom explained it to me, anyways. ;-) He put my dad on Metagenics Actifolate. When you read the description of this product, it states that it helps specifically with MTHFR. (I'm pretty sure that's how it read.) His doc is not giving him DMG along with this.

I am thinking that he would probably do much better with having the DMG that has the folinic acid right in in. (Dr. B's custom mix.) What do you think Steph .. or anyone?

Also, considering my situation .. my mother was asking me if she should maybe start supplementing with dad's Actifolate. I told her that I would "ask" someone .. but thought that it probably wouldn't hurt. Didn't know for sure ..?

Any thoughts on any of this?


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What amounts of each do you take daily?PamelaFrom: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...>Subject: Re: MTHFRiodine Date: Friday, October 10, 2008, 1:58 PM

You would need to use the:

5 Tetra form of folate (not necessarily Metagenics Actifolate)

Methyl B12



to get the same combination.



Hi Steph, This is interesting, but, for most of us who can't see Dr. B., what supplement should we use? The Actifolate and get a dmg? Thanks.Nonie

2. Metagenics Actifolate is the same as the Folinic Acid. For some reason there are different ames but both are the 5-Tetra Hyrofolate form (reduced). The difference with the Actifolate and the DMG product is that Dr B has added the DMG, Methyl B12, Choline and Riboflavin - all items that have a specific purpose in "plugging" into the methylation cycle. I have attached the Methylation chart again for everyone's reference. I took Actifolate for a while - given to me by my ND. He did no testing just said that for many people it helped clear brain fog and give them energy. It is the reduced form of the folate so your body does not have to convert it - it is not dangerous to anyone w/o the defect just lets the body not work as hard to "reduce" it. My personal feeling is that Dr B's DMG product is the best option.

Hope that helps.



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How much DMG does one take, would adding TMG make any difference

energy wise? Also, can you recommend a good multi and b-complex that

won't make me nauseous? I'm currently taking Vitamin Shoppe brand,

cause that's what I had on hand. But I am definitely open to trying

another brand. Just the smell of the multi and b makes me want to hurl.

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I take 4 capsules each day. Each capsule contains:

Folinic Acid (same as the Actifolate ingredient) 400 mcg

B-12 Methylcobalamin 6 mcg

DMG Dimethylglycine 150 mg

Choline 50 mg

Riboflavin 50 mg


Hi Steph, This is interesting, but, for most of us who can't see Dr. B., what supplement should we use? The Actifolate and get a dmg? Thanks.Nonie

2. Metagenics Actifolate is the same as the Folinic Acid. For some reason there are different ames but both are the 5-Tetra Hyrofolate form (reduced). The difference with the Actifolate and the DMG product is that Dr B has added the DMG, Methyl B12, Choline and Riboflavin - all items that have a specific purpose in "plugging" into the methylation cycle. I have attached the Methylation chart again for everyone's reference. I took Actifolate for a while - given to me by my ND. He did no testing just said that for many people it helped clear brain fog and give them energy. It is the reduced form of the folate so your body does not have to convert it - it is not dangerous to anyone w/o the defect just lets the body not work as hard to "reduce" it. My personal feeling is that Dr B's DMG product is the best option.

Hope that helps.



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If you are having issues with nausea and supplements in general check into

the H Pylori infection. I just went through this and it wasn't the vitamins

but the infections. I took Mastic Gum, Oregano Oil and Grapefruit Seed

Extract to get rid of it.

I take Biotics Research Bio Multi Plus and Pure Encapsulations B Complex.

Metagenics Multigenics is also a good multi. VRP has good products but I

don't know the names. Sorry I don't know about anything else.





> How much DMG does one take, would adding TMG make any difference

> energy wise? Also, can you recommend a good multi and b-complex that

> won't make me nauseous? I'm currently taking Vitamin Shoppe brand,

> cause that's what I had on hand. But I am definitely open to trying

> another brand. Just the smell of the multi and b makes me want to hurl.





> ------------------------------------






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