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In a message dated 8/17/99 12:43:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

joeplatinum@... writes:

<< Your chance of getting tetanus is very slim

unless you live on a horse farm. >>


LOL! We DO live on a horse ranch! Actually, my FIL has them, but we are

over there so much.... Since he is a farrier it comes complete with rusty

nails from old horse shoes! See my dilemma? Thanks for the technical info!


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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 8-28-1999 11:55:51 AM Central Daylight Time,

rjdemj@... writes:

<< What made you decide? I would

love to hear your stories! >>

In all honesty, my eldest sister had done the orignal research and didn't

have any of her kids vaccinated. When I had my daugter 6 months ago, she was

very adament about me not vac'ing my baby. So, I didn't... I tend to follow

alot of what she says because she does so much investigating...

However, the more I looked into it, the more I'm glad I listened to her.

One of my other sister's best friend's son is now autistic because they

doubled up on his dpt shots since he had missed one...

So many things are linked to the vac's...

One of the first things that I had read about is how they can link SIDS with

vac's... something I'm concerned about.

Even though you may not display any signs, they have found that vacs may lead

to cancer and other things later in life...

Using vac's, you don't give your body the ability to defend itself... Your

body is made to do that.

That's most of the reasons that I decided not to vaccinate...


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  • 1 month later...


>From: Scampy1@...


>Hi everyone....


>I'm new to this list here and I just want to say hi and that I'm finding a

>lot of interesting mail in my mailbox these days. Seems as though theres a

>lot of combined knowledge here and a many people who have tried many

>different things.

Welcome! I look forward to learning about your experiences with treatment!

>Some of you may know me from other lists though most of the time I stay

>fairly quiet, I do occasionally put my 2 cents in when I have something of

>relevance to say.

>I've had CFIDS/ME for 10 years this October. I never thought it would get

>this far but it has. I never applied for SSI because I never believed I

>would be sick for too long..10 years later here I am.

This is true for so many of us. Have you any concurrent diagnosises as FM,

autoimmune or tick born disease?

>I've taken the same route that many of you here have. Trial and error.

>Finding mostly error as most medicines will not cross the blood brain


>with me. My doctor at the moment is DR Keller in Hollywood Florida.

>I'm currently on the ampligen 511 protocol in my 9th month of treatment on

>cost recovery. I dont take anything else at the moment except for immuncal

>and a few vitamins. I would say my case is a tough one....with revolving


>mysterious come and go symptoms. Severe brain fog and fatigue being the


Yes, this is the worst and I speak from experience. I had to quit teaching

at the college level.

They dont come and go..they just stay . But the headaches, pains in

>one place to another, attack for a while then leave.

This does sound like FMS.

For the last week I

>thought I would add NADH to my protocol, and am finding out that has proven

>to be a mistake, as I have gotten much worse in the last few days just from


Yes, as you said, it is trial and error, unfortunately!

>Well...I dont want to bore any of you here...just want to say hi and I

hope I

>can be helpful to some of you here as well as get new information about


>possible treatments.

YOu aren't boring anyone and am glad you gave an Intro!

As we all know, nothing works the same for everyone,

>but I do love hearing positive feedback from people who are being helped by

>anything. I'm especially interested in hearing of experiences with

>Isoprinsine as well as the new sleep med " sonata " these days.

Me too!!

Take care,



>Hope to talk to all of you soon.....




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Dawn, it was good to hear from you. You've followed a pretty typical

pattern. If you hadn't gotten the flu in Calgary, you would have had

something else trigger it off. My daugher blamed herself after a 5 month

remission that came on as yours did. She broke some ribs that turned into

pneumonia and that was the " other " beginning of the end. A speicislist told

her if it was the broken ribs, etc., it would have been the flu, or a flu

shot, or just about anything since she was a sitting duck. The legs sound

very typical for somebody who has hypercoagulation. (http://www.hemex.com)

You may want to look into this.


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At 06:58 PM 10/8/99 -0700, you wrote:

>From: Dawn <dawn11@...>


>Hello, I am a 46 year old woman who has been struggling with

>CFS/CFIDS/ME/FM or whatever it's called :) since 1986. I was working as a

>social worker and a new receptionist came to work in our office. After a

>little while she was on sick leave and was diagnosed with Mono and later

>with chronic mono and CFS. Around this time I and a few co-workers came

>down with what we thought was the flu. For me it lasted a few weeks and

>then I got better and then it came back again in a few weeks and stayed a

>few weeks etc. This continued until it just stayed and didn't go away. The

>first specialist I went to said I had Post-viral Neurological Syndrome. 5

>co-workers and I came down with this. We had the union check the air and

>even had the health inspector come and speak to us.

Did anything come of this? People have gotten sick in " sick " buildings.

>there and under a lot of stress, I caught another flu and never recovered.

>All the CFS symptoms came on with a vengeance and I have been sick ever

>since to varying degrees.

This is a familiar story unfortunately!! I'll keep the rest of your post

at bottom. It sounds like you have the usual brain fog and I also have

acquired dyslexia! However, have you had any workup for autoimmine

disease? I ask this because of the rashes,psorisas,bruises - do you know

if placelets are normal? Have you been treated for the Hep C? And are

you treated for for the cardio problems. It sounds like, if you haven't

done this already, that a consult with a rheumatologist might be helpful -

one that is as open minded as possible! It sounds like there are things

that need to be ruled out! ANother problem that I keep seeing is that

people like us also can have tick born diseases. Do you have a lyme

literate doc in your area? These are also few but not impossible to find.

I have thrown out a lot of suggestions and hope I didn't overwhelm you! I

know that feeling as I am overwhelmed most of the time with all the info

out there!

Others here also can tell what has worked for them and give info on

treatements, best labs, CFIDS doctors that they like, etc. I feel that

this syndrome is a myraid of things, but that is IMHO! So I am open to many

options within reason and within cost.

Thank you for writing! Oh yes, I was a Social worker too!

Take care,



ICQ# 24506195

>My Symptoms over the years have been: sore throat in the first few years,

>swollen glands, dizzy, nausea, falling feelings, concentration problems,

>total exhaustion that lasts for days/weeks after exercise, shaky and weak,

>putting numbers in the wrong order, stomach problems, Erythema Nodsdrum

>(sp?) sore red lumps on my legs and feet which turn into big bruises that

>last for along time, burning spots on legs and arms, stabbing pain on legs

>and arms, joint pain, neck pain, weird headaches (3 different kinds, one

>kind feeling like my brain is inflamed), insomnia, low temperature, heart

>palpitations, intolerance to drugs and alcohol, other weird neurological

>sensations, have a lot of difficulty as a passenger in a car (feels like

>cars are going to hit us from the side all the time and I drive my hubby

>nuts). Also I have had really sore tongue and gums the past year. Even had

>a tongue biopsy but it was neg. I had a water poured in the ears test

>because of being so dizzy and they said I have lost 80% of the balance in

>my left ear but don't know why. I also tested positive for Hep C but my

>liver tests are normal. Also tested positive for NMH. I got asthma a couple

>of years ago too and psoriasis (sp?)


>I am getting totally frustrated with being ill lately, haven't had any good

>days for a couple of months!!! So I want to try again to get better by

>healthy eating etc. again. Didn't work last time but...I'm desperate!


>Thanks for listening :)




>>This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.



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Welcome! Yes, we know what it means to be tired of being tired! I wish

you luck with your business. I keep thinking I should " do something with

the computer, " but I simply don't know what! And sometimes I can hardly sit

at computer! Have you had any treatments that have helped - or not helped?

An do you have a doc who is understanding and interested in these unusual

illnesses? Please post anytime and glad to have you here!

Take care,


At 11:33 PM 10/14/99 -0400, you wrote:

>From: Zazzue <Zazzue@...>


>My name is Zazzue, I have had diagnosed FM for about 15 years now.

>With luck and hard work I have finally gotten to the point where I

>have started an online business. I could never work in a regular

>9 to 5. What I'm hoping, is to find something that will work in

>getting rid of this thing. I am so tired of being tired. I have some

>theories, but right now it's just that. If you don't mind, I'd like

>to lurk for awhile.




>>This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.



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bath salts are very simple to make and every one loves them

I like to use a mixture of sea salt and kosher salt about 2:1, add eo as

desired and color if wanted

you can put them in plastic bags and then in more decorative gift bags or

assorted tins and such

hope this helps


list mama

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  • 1 month later...

Do you know if there is a place on line to buy ingredients for making soaps

and creams?

Blessings, Cheryl

Re: Intro

>From: Soapnshop@...


>welcome deanna!


>>~*~*Thanks for joining! Tell your friends!!!!!All natural is the way to



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I'm in a tiny town called Micro, just about 30 minutes south of Raleigh.

Thanks for the welcome.


Re: Intro

> From: Knight525@...


> Hi, Cyndy!


> Welcome! Where in NC do you live? My dad lives outside of Winston-Salem.


> Teri


> ---------------------------

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Are there particular ones you do worry about? I know man survived thousands of

years without vacs and we do live in a time where cleanliness is much better

than it was and we also have antibiotics if needed. A lady at our MOMS groups

said a friend's child contracted polio from the vaccine. I told that to my

pediatrician, and she said that there's one for every 8 years in our area, so I

didn't have to worry about anything. RIGHT! These doctors would be devastated

if it was their child that was the 1 for every 8 years in this area. Or

wouldn't they?




From: " Troy Lucas " <lucasjt@...>


Nice to meet you. My daughter is 3 and no vac's to date. I worry least about

polio since it isnt prevelant except from the vaccine itself! Love the

Mendelson book too!


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I guess my original post made it sound like I don't worry at all, I DO! In

fact that's the reason I stay on this list. For reinforments that I'm doing the

right thing. My daughter is in daycare and is potentially exposed to all the

vaccinated kid's germs are sheddings. I guess I'm more afraid of what the

vaccine could do. But I would be terrified if she contracted anything as well.

It's the old damned if you do or don't syndrome. I worry about the menigitis

the most I guess. Tetnus concerned me for a while too and I got super strict

about her wearing shoes outside for a while. I guess i'm pretty lax about

things. More than most on this list (like I have let my kid swim in a community

wading pool and go to daycare...) I do use a lot of Vit. C and echinachea and

remedies and would use nosodes if she was exposed directly.


From: " Troy Lucas " <lucasjt@...>


Nice to meet you. My daughter is 3 and no vac's to date. I worry least

about polio since it isnt prevelant except from the vaccine itself! Love the

Mendelson book too!


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What are nosodes? I think I've heard of them--something homeopathic??


From: " Troy Lucas " <lucasjt@...>


Nice to meet you. My daughter is 3 and no vac's to date. I worry least

about polio since it isnt prevelant except from the vaccine itself! Love the

Mendelson book too!


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I definately don't claim to know everything about nosodes, but we have talked

about them on this list. they are kind of like a homeopathic vaccination.

Correct me people if I'm way off. Although my homeopath (who is a family

practicianer as well and pro vacs) doesn't reccommend them.


From: " Troy Lucas " <lucasjt@...>


Nice to meet you. My daughter is 3 and no vac's to date. I worry least

about polio since it isnt prevelant except from the vaccine itself! Love the

Mendelson book too!


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hi cyndy and welcome. i wouldn't worry too much about polio, since in the

last 17 years (i believe that's the correct number), the only cases of polio

in the US, have been from the vaccine itself. you've made the right

decision, try not to worry too much!! :o) bye, brigit

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It is really important to understand, as was explained by a VERY

prominent homeopath, that homeopathy is just starting to make a major

comeback. Part of their agreement with most dept. of public health is

that the homeopaths will recommend/not contradict the public health

departments. So, nosodes are great, from everything I have read, for

preventative if there is an epidemic. It is not necessarily meant to

take every four years (or whatever) in place of a vaccine. If they

start contradicting the dept. of public health they could loose their

licensing. As a result, they walk a fine line. They will talk

privately with you but will not necessarily come out publicly. And, as

was the case with this one homeopath, if they are forced to publicly

take a side they will recommend vaccines.

Just something to consider. The homeopaths, alt. dr. are very cautious

because they are just starting to gain wider acceptance (ie. insurance

coverage). I think this will change soon though..as vaccines become an

even hotter topic.




We Must Have The Freedom To Choose & Respect Everyone's Choice


Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical

OR legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you

implement that decision is yours and yours alone.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Just reading your intro is exhausting! It really is tough working full

time and trying to care for the family and give each one individual

attention!! I know, I do it too! My husband and 3 kids are diagnosed

OCD/MDD. Yigal is also an army vet (not the US), and I know how hard that is

for him and for me. Was Curtis in the Gulf?

You will love this list. Its very welcoming and everyone chips in with

terrific suggestions. Many of us are considering attending a conference with

the Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation in August in Chicago. You might want to

consider coming.

Is recieving cognitive-behavioural therapy (Exposure and Response

Prevention method)?

I cant stress enough the importance of taking care of #1. If you are

overworked, exhausted, and pulled to your limit, you wont be very

productive. its important to recognize when you have to say NO, delegate

what you can, and spend time taking care of yourself.

take care, wendy in canada wb4@...


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Welcome to the group! Sounds like you've got your hands

full... : )

I wish you luck in getting SSI so that you will be able to stay

home more with you family. I don't know how you do it....

work two jobs with 5 children. Please take WW " s (Wonderful

) advice and take care of yourself!

Take care!

mary from La.

Anita Zinn wrote:

> From: Anita Zinn <zinnclan_of_seven@...>


> Name:

> Anita Zinn

> Age/Bday:

> 29 October 19, 1970

> If it applies--dh's name/age:

> Curtis March 17, 1969

> Your Anniversary:

> July 13

> Child/Children's Name/Names, Age/Ages, Bday/Bdays:

> 9 Febuary 15

> 7 June 8

> 5 July 13

> 3 July 23

> 1 August 29


> Tell us a little bit about your children (all of your

> chilren--not just

> your gifted child):

> has ADHD and OCD

> had red hair and acts older than she is :)

> is my little sprite, very energetic and is

> going thru speech therapy right now

> is going thru early intervention for speech

> problems (even though mom can understand everything he

> says :) )

> is my little baby


> Tell us a little bit about yourself:

> I'm working 2 jobs (fulltime) right now but the school

> my kids go to is trying to help me get ssi for

> so that I can stay home and be with them more. Stress

> has been real high here. My husband is a disabled

> veteran and we are dealing with several issues with

> him{PTSD and such)


> Would love to hear from someone who has survived this

> mess :)


> Anita



> __________________________________________________


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Hi Anita:

Welcome to the list. Thanks for sharing about your clan of 7. You

certainly have your hands full - young children and two jobs! I hope you

can find some more time for yourself soon so you can take a breather.

What I have learned in living with our son, Steve, who has OCD, MDD and

PTSD-TYpe 1 is never to give up hope and that it is possible to recover to

an amazing extent from these NBDs. It takes time, effort, education,

support, love, patience, determination, humor, resilience, and persistence

but things will get better.

When things came crashing down for Steve, I could not believe that life

could be so dreadful. Our family was complete wrecked and I felt we might

never survive. After more than 2 years of hard work on Steve's part and

re-education and re-organizing on the part of the rest of the family (there

are four of us) I marvel at how we have been able to get so much of our

" normal " life back. Of course OCD is still with us, but Steve has it

mostly under control thanks to CBT and medication for his MDD. Please have

a lot of hope, I wish I had had more in the beginning but the docs were

very negative about Steve's prognosis as his OCD was severe and he was

actively suicidal. Take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 12:10 PM 02/22/2000 -0800, you wrote:

>From: Anita Zinn <zinnclan_of_seven@...>





>Anita Zinn


>29 October 19, 1970

>If it applies--dh's name/age:

>Curtis March 17, 1969

>Your Anniversary:

>July 13

>Child/Children's Name/Names, Age/Ages, Bday/Bdays:

> 9 Febuary 15

> 7 June 8

> 5 July 13

> 3 July 23

> 1 August 29



>Tell us a little bit about your children (all of your

>chilren--not just

>your gifted child):

> has ADHD and OCD

> had red hair and acts older than she is :)

> is my little sprite, very energetic and is

>going thru speech therapy right now

> is going thru early intervention for speech

>problems (even though mom can understand everything he

>says :) )

> is my little baby




>Tell us a little bit about yourself:

>I'm working 2 jobs (fulltime) right now but the school

>my kids go to is trying to help me get ssi for

>so that I can stay home and be with them more. Stress

>has been real high here. My husband is a disabled

>veteran and we are dealing with several issues with

>him{PTSD and such)



>Would love to hear from someone who has survived this

>mess :)



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome, Christa,

I'm fairly new here too. I think I've had CFS for a long time, but didn't

have any idea what it was until recently. I kept trying to work too, I

wouldn't have qualified for disability then and didn't even consider there

was any option to continuing to work. It was very demoralizing to have to

take so many sick days, and get bad work evaluations when I knew that my

performance was good when I was well. I tried so hard! I wish none of us had

to go through that, it probably contributed to us getting sicker faster.

I know what you mean about wanting to get your life back. I've actually had

older people tell me that some of my symptoms are just part of the aging

process. I'm 37! I'm too young to be getting old already! I've read that

women reach their peak of muscular strength in their 30's. The decline is

supposed to be gradual after that. You probably haven't even peaked yet. I

hope your health continues to improve, and you get to enjoy your prime.


>From: Christa LeVieux <clevieux@...>


> " 'onelist' " <onelist>

>Subject: intro

>Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2000 14:44:11 -0600


>Hi to everyone,


>I just joined the list, and sent my first message before reading the

>suggestion that I intro myself. I'll make it short.


>I'm 31, and have been disabled with cfids for almost 9 years now. I have

>tried tons of treatments, many of which made me worse. I think I might have

>recovered by now if I had been diagnosed earlier (took 5 years) and known

>to stop fighting to return to work. I just kept going back to work over and

>over and over, powered by caffeine (temporarily covered symptoms until

>bigger and bigger crashes happened--- often crashing so badly and so long

>my husband thought I would die). I am taking a lot of immunocal, and feel

>it is gradually helping (started last June). I often feel sleepy and wiped

>out, and feel that that is a sign that the immunocal is helping (sure hope

>so!) I know I am a bit better than I was, no longer have to be in bed all

>day, and can slowly walk a mile a day now. My gradual improvement has been

>very very bumpy---- I have some rather good days or hours sometimes now,

>but never know if a down or an up is coming. I am really really wishing I

>weren't sick anymore, and try to be patient, but at every moment of

>improved health, I am imagining getting my life back, or even a fragment of

>it. There are so many things I want to do in my life, this illness is

>exactly the wrong one for me, if you know what I mean.


>I look forward to hearing from, and getting to know all of you, and hope we

>can all regain our health together.


>all best wishes,



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Welcome to the list. I've learned a lot here and found it helpful. I hope that you do too.



From: Christa LeVieux <clevieux@...> Hi to everyone,I just joined the list, and sent my first message before reading the suggestion that I intro myself. I'll make it short. I'm 31, and have been disabled with cfids for almost 9 years now. I have tried tons of treatments, many of which made me worse. I think I might have recovered by now if I had been diagnosed earlier (took 5 years) and known to stop fighting to return to work. I just kept going back to work over and over and over, powered by caffeine (temporarily covered symptoms until bigger and bigger crashes happened--- often crashing so badly and so long my husband thought I would die). I am taking a lot of immunocal, and feel it is gradually helping (started last June). I often feel sleepy and wiped out, and feel that that is a sign that the immunocal is helping (sure hope so!) I know I am a bit better than I was, no longer have to be in bed all day, and can slowly walk a mile a day now. My gradual improvement has been very very bumpy---- I have some rather good days or hours sometimes now, but never know if a down or an up is coming. I am really really wishing I weren't sick anymore, and try to be patient, but at every moment of improved health, I am imagining getting my life back, or even a fragment of it. There are so many things I want to do in my life, this illness is exactly the wrong one for me, if you know what I mean.I look forward to hearing from, and getting to know all of you, and hope we can all regain our health together. all best wishes,Christa

This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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Guest guest

Welcome Debbie !!

You have found a group of people who have experienced just about

everything!! I too have multiple ocd/depression in my family. My son, Tom is

16.5, my girls are Adi 14 and Ziv 10.5.

Ziv was on Prozac at 7yo and only at 60mg did it begin to calm her

anxieties. At 8 or 9 she was on 80mg, but then we switched her to Zoloft and

now takes 200mg. You have to remember that OCD requires a higher dose of the

SSRI's to be effective in most cases.

When Tom goes off his meds its a disaster (he has severe OCD?MDD). He

learns from his mistakes. The last time he went off for a week the

withdrawls were so bad he couldnt stand it! (hurray!)

Chara is doing a very typical teen thing. If she refuses, I would let her

experience how she is coping or not coping, and make her own decisions. This

will be much more effective than you argueing with her. Sounds like she is

testing her independance. You could try and set goals of what is expected,

with an understanding that if she doesnt meet the goals, then she has to

problem solve, which might mean giving herself more time, or perhaps, taking

the meds. I'm a youth counsellor (among other things!!), and in my

experience, the more you push, the more she'll resist! Is she involved in

the teen support list?? http://www.angelfire.com/il/TeenOCD/

Is Chara involved in any CBT?? My 14yo refused to take her meds b/c

swallowing them was so hard. Once she learned the principles of cbt, and

exposure and response prevention, she went off the meds and is doing

excellently on her own.

Now for my regular speach! You must take care of yourself. It sounds like

you are the pillar that everyone leans on, so please, take the time to relax

and do ME things.

take care, wendy in canada wb4@...


>Hello,My name is Debbie and I live in Southern California with my

>husbandand four children: (20) depression, tic disorder; Chara

>(17)OCD, ODD, ADD, SID; (15) ADHD, anxiety; (5) SID,ADHD,

>OCD, AS, TS. My 17 year old daughter refuses to take meds so....we get

>into a lotof arguements. My 5 year old has begun taking Prozac. The Dr.

>wantsme to increase the dosage to 20 mg. only weighs 40lbs.

>Doesanyone else have a 5/6 year old taking Prozac? Looking forward to

>gaining information and support from all of you. Debbie


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Hi Debbie and welcome, my daughter Kellen began taking Prozac right around

her fifth birthday, she eventually was raised to 70 or 80 mg/day, my memory

is foggy at this point. She weighed around 42 pounds at the time. She was

eventually switched to another SSRI primarily because Prozac (in her case)

reduced her appetite and she lost several pounds while taking it. She now

takes a comparable dose of Zoloft and weighs 47 pounds at age 6. We just

saw Kel's psychiatrist a couple of days ago, he reiterated that SSRI dosing

is not weight- or age-related, and that SSRIs are antidepressant at lower

doses and antiobsessional at higher ones.

Good luck to you and your family,

Kathy R. in Indiaina

> From: " Debbie " <cdpowell@...>


> Hello,My name is Debbie and I live in Southern California with my

husbandand four children: (20) depression, tic disorder; Chara

(17)OCD, ODD, ADD, SID; (15) ADHD, anxiety; (5) SID,ADHD,

OCD, AS, TS. My 17 year old daughter refuses to take meds so....we get into

a lotof arguements. My 5 year old has begun taking Prozac. The Dr. wantsme

to increase the dosage to 20 mg. only weighs 40lbs. Doesanyone

else have a 5/6 year old taking Prozac? Looking forward to gaining

information and support from all of you. Debbie

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