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Welcome Nan,

I am a newbie to this group also. It's incredible to find such a sisterhood

(some brothers too) of flatback sufferers. :)

Glad to meet you.


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Welcome Nan,

Am so glad you found this board and hope you get as much from it

as I have. Before finding this forum I was second guessing every

symptom I was having and feeling very isolated. Being able to

communicate and share in and with others going through the same

ordeal has been a huge source of comfort, strength and enlightenment.

All my best for continued respite with your back pain.

Dianne S Rhode Island

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Hi Kris. I had surgery at Boston Children's Hospital too. In 1978

when I was fourteen. My doctor was Dr. Watts. Who was yours?

I noticed I was leaning forward after I had my first child in 1996. I

I think pregnancy seems to have something to do with the onset

of flatback. A lot of people seem to have noticed it after having

babies. I haven't had revision. I did consult with Dr. Glaser and

Dr. Rand. Many people have been very happy with Dr. Rand. I

was impressed with him. Good luck. .-

In , " kjoyce29 "

<kjoyce29@y...> wrote:

> Hi, I am new to this group, but not to scoliosis. I had my first

> surgeries in 1976 (16years old) at Children's Hospital in


> All was fine until about 1995, this is when I first noticed myself

> leaning forward. At the end of the day my back was tired, but


> too bad. At this point I had three children (then two more by

> 1999). I did not know anything about flat back. In 2001, I fell

> playing basketball with the kids. This is when all the pain

> started. I had revision surgery in 2003, this took away most of


> pain for a while, but I am still leaning forward. Now the pain is

> starting to come back again (mostly in my hips and legs). I am

> looking into more surgery. Doctors are hopeful to get me


> but the thought of another surgery stinks!!! It is hard to arrange

> for my family to get by through all the time it takes for surgery

> and recovery. But I am exhausted from leaning forward, it


> anything I have to do standing very difficult. Thanks for

> listening, Kris.

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Dr. Lyle Micheli did my first surgery. I think your right about pregnancy,

because when I think back, I first started having aches and pains during

pregnancy. Know I have five children. Thanks for writing. Take care,


Re: Introduction


Hi Kris. I had surgery at Boston Children's Hospital too. In 1978

when I was fourteen. My doctor was Dr. Watts. Who was yours?

I noticed I was leaning forward after I had my first child in 1996. I

I think pregnancy seems to have something to do with the onset

of flatback. A lot of people seem to have noticed it after having

babies. I haven't had revision. I did consult with Dr. Glaser and

Dr. Rand. Many people have been very happy with Dr. Rand. I

was impressed with him. Good luck. .-

In , " kjoyce29 "

<kjoyce29@y...> wrote:

> Hi, I am new to this group, but not to scoliosis. I had my first

> surgeries in 1976 (16years old) at Children's Hospital in


> All was fine until about 1995, this is when I first noticed myself

> leaning forward. At the end of the day my back was tired, but


> too bad. At this point I had three children (then two more by

> 1999). I did not know anything about flat back. In 2001, I fell

> playing basketball with the kids. This is when all the pain

> started. I had revision surgery in 2003, this took away most of


> pain for a while, but I am still leaning forward. Now the pain is

> starting to come back again (mostly in my hips and legs). I am

> looking into more surgery. Doctors are hopeful to get me


> but the thought of another surgery stinks!!! It is hard to arrange

> for my family to get by through all the time it takes for surgery

> and recovery. But I am exhausted from leaning forward, it


> anything I have to do standing very difficult. Thanks for

> listening, Kris.

Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod Malalignment

Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control ads or endorse any

advertised products.


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Hi Kris,

Welcome to the group, but am so sorry to hear of your problems. It's

likely you will find lots of friends here to whom you can relate. I

can see how you would not be thrilled to have to have more surgery.

Did your first revision surgery include osteotomies to restore your

sagittal balance (insert some lordosis)?

I haven't had revision surgery yet, but it's in my future. I know

how exhausting it is to try to function while leaning forward. Re:

your hip and leg pain -- I have hip problems as well as spine

problems, so whenever I hear of folks with hip pain, I always jump in

to recommend getting a hip x-ray and having it reviewed by an

orthopedic surgeon who specializes in hips. Sometimes hip pain can

be referred from the spine, but sometimes it is indicative of a

separate problem.

Good luck and hope you will keep us posted on how things are going

for you.


> Hi, I am new to this group, but not to scoliosis. I had my first

> surgeries in 1976 (16years old) at Children's Hospital in Boston.

> All was fine until about 1995, this is when I first noticed myself

> leaning forward. At the end of the day my back was tired, but not

> too bad. At this point I had three children (then two more by

> 1999). I did not know anything about flat back. In 2001, I fell

> playing basketball with the kids. This is when all the pain

> started. I had revision surgery in 2003, this took away most of


> pain for a while, but I am still leaning forward. Now the pain is

> starting to come back again (mostly in my hips and legs). I am

> looking into more surgery. Doctors are hopeful to get me straight,

> but the thought of another surgery stinks!!! It is hard to arrange

> for my family to get by through all the time it takes for surgery

> and recovery. But I am exhausted from leaning forward, it makes

> anything I have to do standing very difficult. Thanks for

> listening, Kris.

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Loriann, 1976 was my first surgeries, fusing the lower spine and 2 weeks later

a harrington rod. I do not remember what degree my curve was at that time.

Than in 2003, I had revision surgery. Yes they did take out the harrington rod

and replaced it with other rods. My doctor did have experience with revision

surgery. Kris

Re: Introduction


I'm sure I'm not the only one cringing in sorrow to hear that another

Feisty needs more surgery, after already going through so much. I'm

hoping you'll tell us more about yourself -- I'm not sure I am

understanding your history right. I got lost on whether you've had

two spine surgeries or three. You had scoliosis surgery long ago but

had a fairly short fusion (L4 - S1), right? How bad was your curve

back then and was it just in your lower back? Did they use a

Harrington Rod back then (and if so did they take it out during the

revision surgery and replace it with different instrumentation)? Why

did you have to have so much of your spine fused subsequent to that

first surgery - did your side to side curve progress?

Can someone refresh my memory on what an osteophyte is?

Also, if a fusion is real solid, does that usually pose problems for

doing a successful osteotomy? Will your next surgery be less complex

than the last one?

Lastly, did your doc have a lot of experience with scoliosis and

revision surgeries?

Oh also, I know I sound like a broken record, but for those having

hip pain, I always think it's a good idea to find a doc who

specializes in hips, have a hip x-ray and make sure he tells you the

status of it before coming to any final decision about future spine

surgery..... Sorry for all the questions - I am obsessed with trying

to figure out why some people have continued problems and some don't

(I know, I know, that's impossible, but I can't seem to stop

myself!). Thanks for any extra info. you will give and sure hope that

the future will be brighter for you.


> Carol, a/p surgery, is this anterior and posterior? If so yes. If

not please let me know what A/P is. 1st surgery fused me from L4 to

S1 and 2nd from T4 to S1. Thanks for writing. Kris

Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod Malalignment

Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control ads or endorse any

advertised products.


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Mari,

Thank you for finally introducing us to you! Wow! I am completely inspired

and empowered by what you have done and what you are doing! You are one

amazing woman! I am so glad that you are joining us!


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Mari, your story is very, very inspiring.

You are a winner! And you are inspiring us to be winners too.

To me your mail was very encouraging and I deeply respect the way you

battled your diseases.

Love, Esther

> WOW!

>Let's tell the world.


> Did you post this to the appropriate groups as well?


>At 05:31 PM 6/12/2004, you wrote:

>>hi all, my name is Mari. I discovered immunics about 4 years ago. However,

>>I did not actively pursue it until last october. I wanted to write my

>>intro a few times, but just recently tested yes to do so. I am 46,

>>seperated, have a 23 yr.old son, & 2 cats. I have introduced my son,

>>sister, reiki teacher and her prayer group to immunics. I am a reiki

>>master & medium. I was very healthy until the age of 38. Some of my prior

>>jobs: jet mechanic air force, aerobic instructor & manager of a health

>>club, server, bartender, etc. All very physical jobs. I was diagnosed at

>>38 with last stage osteoporosis. I had over 27 stress & acute fractures in

>>a 4 year time span. most fractures in my feet & ribs. I was informed by

>>doctors I would be in a wheelchair or bedridden by 42 if not sooner.I

>>waited tables with walking casts while awaiting disability. I became very

>>addicted to numerous narcotics. Fentynal, morphine, percocet, elavil, &

>>oxycontin. I discovered reiki thru the internet at the age of 41. I found

>>a teacher, liked it learned it, haven't had a fracture since. Then I fell

>>where I worked, herniating my l-4,l-5, discs & causing extensive nerve

>>damage. I had to continue to work for 2 more years. From the time I fell

>>until last november I had excruciating pounding pain in my lower back.

>>Despite reiki,many spinal injections & numerous other treatments nothing

>>helped. I could get the pain down to a tolerable level only after taking

>>mass narcotics. I had to use a cane, could not cross my legs, drive for

>>longer then 15 minutes or walk more then 20 feet without having to sit

>>down. I could not even lay down for more then 40 minutes without having to

>>get up and move. I tried harmonics halfheartedly( don't ever do this, go

>>whole hog!)I started to get an ulcer on my lower left ankle. This was

>>diagnosed as pyogangrenosm. It effects your immune system horribly. I was

>>hospitalized twice for this (came close to crossing over) It took a year

>>to heal. Any scratch can turn into an ulcer. I had several ulcers

>>afterward but not as serious. I was visiting the immunic site off and on

>>but not really trying anything. I lost my dad in 99, moved in with my mom,

>>lost her 2 years later same day & month as my dad. my

>>sis,nephews,brother-in-law, & myself got a house togather.WRONG MOVE!

>>things were not working out and I was severely depressed. I went to the

>>web site one day(divine guidence?) and saw a cure show (angelinas I think)

>>for flu & depression. My computer usually disconnects from the internet

>>after 5 minutes of no activity but it played the whole audio that day. I

>>listened and went thru it and bam! depression gone! I had been depressed

>>everyday for the past 3 months. I waited and it has never returned! I'm

>>leaving out some details as I know this will be lengthy. Needless to say I

>>started testing & reading everyday. I was also diagnosed with severe osteo

>>arthritis. Also gerd and stomach ulcers from all the different meds. Now I

>>am off all the prior drugs except percocet which I will be off in the near

>>future. I walk without a cane, cross my legs, & can actually go see a

>>movie and ride in a car with no pain! I am still working on the lower back

>>pain which is leaving slowly. I also practice chi quong & do p.t.

>>exercises daily. I have also had several shiatsu treatments. But I

>>consider these small aids to assist with the harmonics. People who haven't

>>seen me since nov. are amazed at my health change in just 6 months. I

>>wanted to moderate or be an eradicator but I test no right now. I am

>>moving to california in a few weeks, after I get there I will test again

>>about moderating. In the meanwhile I am spreading the news of harmonics

>>however I can. I use harmonics constantly thru the day. I study the bible

>> & ask questions about things. I have learned a lot about god thru this. My

>>routine for harmonics I learned from the hub,e-mails,posts, and myself.

>>The arthritis was gone & hasn't returned in 4 months the first time I

>>removed it. I said I am removing arthritis & arthritis pain from all my

>>bodies. sometimes I get swelling but no pain. Osteoporosis: I am restoring

>>my bone density, I am removing old fracture pain & scar tissue pain(some

>>ribs fractured over & over again causing very painful scar tissue) and of

>>course removing the osteo from all my bodies.Pyogangrenosm: removing from

>>all my bodies. the drugs: I removed all traces of addiction & restore my

>>pain receptors to their normal size.(they expand the more drugs you take)

>>I also do the 3 prayers daily It makes me feel good. I also remove daily

>>fear of pain, fear of illness, fear of change. I experienced no withdraws

>>from the drugs. I also remove ego, prejudgement & judgement of others,

>>doubt, worry etc. on a daily basis. I install love, hope, courage,

>>faith,trust, compassion and other positive things. I also remove

>>negativity from all my bodies & install determination. I also had

>>recurring bouts of vaginal warts which are almost gone after 2 months of

>>removing warts and virus. Restored my stomach & digestive tract to normal.

>>No problems since. I also removed lactose intolerence. I am working on my

>>vision. I always ran around telling everyone I was blind as a bat. I'm

>>reversing that and I'm seeing(no pun intended) a small improvement. I do

>>get discouraged at times with the back pain, but I look at how much I have

>>accomplished in just 6 months, then I install patience etc. So don't give

>>up! some things work slow, some fast. Just remove that doubt from your

>>bodies! Install faith & courage to get you thru the tough times. I have

>>come from close death, depression, & suicidal thoughts to a loving peace &

>>closeness with god thru harmonics. The gang is right on. the more you do

>>the better you get in all ways. I also retrieve my bodies 2 or 3 times a

>>week & check for blockages & leaks. I then install love, faith,joy, etc in

>>each body. I know this is long but I wanted other immuners & newbies(I'm

>>still one) to know how sick I was for 8 long years. I had almost given up!

>>Harmonics has restored my spirit, faith, health & hope for a better world.

>>I also want to add if you have trouble with audio on your computer as I do

>>take time to read the text. My basic routine takes all of 10 to 15

>>minutes. I am always trying other things such as new proactions etc. Once

>>you learn how to test keep removing procrastination and installing

>>determination.I am living proof that it will change your life! love and

>>much thanks to everyone, mari p.s. I tested and got a yes for all of us to

>>send an e-mail to good old montel williams. what do you think?




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Hi Mari,

Congradulations on your will power and tenacity. You are truely an

inspiration. Your story was very moving as it mirrors mine in many ways.

I to started a down hill slide at the age of 38 after a 20 year marriage

ended in divorce and I was fired from my job at Amex. First it was

Epstien Barr/ Cronic fatigue, then a near fatal car accident, then a

hysterectomy, then spinal cord surgery, then complete disability and the

loss of my home on Balboa Island, California,

Since then 4 years has past and I have tried everything from homeopathy

to the new energy frequency instruments along with massage, accupunture,

prayer and meditation. Not until I started to do immunics daily did I

feel that I had control over my disEase. Before I was giving the control

to every health practioner that I choose to fix me.

I thank God every day for Bayard and the Immunics team for showing us

what Jesus came to model 2000 years ago. This is our birthright as sons

and daughters of the King. Immunics allows us to remove what creates

imbalance and call forth our healing every time we RIK. The more I

practice this awesome tool the more immune I feel that all the

pathologies and conditions that either showed up in my lifetime or that

came from the past are slowly finding the door out of all my 12 bodies.

Its not an easy job to reclaim our health but with the love and support

of our Immunics buddies groups and FAITH I believe we will all succeed if

that is our intention.

Would love to connect when you get to California. Where are moving to?

Barb (an Immunics Master) and I are talking about her coming to

Huntington Beach,Ca. and giving a Immunics workshop so if your close lets

plan on having you attend.

You can email me at fasmahoney@...

Many Blessings,


On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 23:39:17 -0400 Bayard <Bayard@...> writes:

> WOW!

> Let's tell the world.


> Did you post this to the appropriate groups as well?


> At 05:31 PM 6/12/2004, you wrote:

> >hi all, my name is Mari. I discovered immunics about 4 years ago.

> However,

> >I did not actively pursue it until last october. I wanted to write

> my

> >intro a few times, but just recently tested yes to do so. I am 46,


> >seperated, have a 23 yr.old son, & 2 cats. I have introduced my son,


> >sister, reiki teacher and her prayer group to immunics. I am a

> reiki

> >master & medium. I was very healthy until the age of 38. Some of my

> prior

> >jobs: jet mechanic air force, aerobic instructor & manager of a

> health

> >club, server, bartender, etc. All very physical jobs. I was

> diagnosed at

> >38 with last stage osteoporosis. I had over 27 stress & acute

> fractures in

> >a 4 year time span. most fractures in my feet & ribs. I was

> informed by

> >doctors I would be in a wheelchair or bedridden by 42 if not

> sooner.I

> >waited tables with walking casts while awaiting disability. I

> became very

> >addicted to numerous narcotics. Fentynal, morphine, percocet,

> elavil, &

> >oxycontin. I discovered reiki thru the internet at the age of 41. I

> found

> >a teacher, liked it learned it, haven't had a fracture since. Then

> I fell

> >where I worked, herniating my l-4,l-5, discs & causing extensive

> nerve

> >damage. I had to continue to work for 2 more years. From the time I

> fell

> >until last november I had excruciating pounding pain in my lower

> back.

> >Despite reiki,many spinal injections & numerous other treatments

> nothing

> >helped. I could get the pain down to a tolerable level only after

> taking

> >mass narcotics. I had to use a cane, could not cross my legs, drive

> for

> >longer then 15 minutes or walk more then 20 feet without having to

> sit

> >down. I could not even lay down for more then 40 minutes without

> having to

> >get up and move. I tried harmonics halfheartedly( don't ever do

> this, go

> >whole hog!)I started to get an ulcer on my lower left ankle. This

> was

> >diagnosed as pyogangrenosm. It effects your immune system horribly.

> I was

> >hospitalized twice for this (came close to crossing over) It took a

> year

> >to heal. Any scratch can turn into an ulcer. I had several ulcers

> >afterward but not as serious. I was visiting the immunic site off

> and on

> >but not really trying anything. I lost my dad in 99, moved in with

> my mom,

> >lost her 2 years later same day & month as my dad. my

> >sis,nephews,brother-in-law, & myself got a house togather.WRONG


> >things were not working out and I was severely depressed. I went to

> the

> >web site one day(divine guidence?) and saw a cure show (angelinas I

> think)

> >for flu & depression. My computer usually disconnects from the

> internet

> >after 5 minutes of no activity but it played the whole audio that

> day. I

> >listened and went thru it and bam! depression gone! I had been

> depressed

> >everyday for the past 3 months. I waited and it has never returned!

> I'm

> >leaving out some details as I know this will be lengthy. Needless

> to say I

> >started testing & reading everyday. I was also diagnosed with

> severe osteo

> >arthritis. Also gerd and stomach ulcers from all the different

> meds. Now I

> >am off all the prior drugs except percocet which I will be off in

> the near

> >future. I walk without a cane, cross my legs, & can actually go see

> a

> >movie and ride in a car with no pain! I am still working on the

> lower back

> >pain which is leaving slowly. I also practice chi quong & do p.t.

> >exercises daily. I have also had several shiatsu treatments. But I


> >consider these small aids to assist with the harmonics. People who

> haven't

> >seen me since nov. are amazed at my health change in just 6 months.

> I

> >wanted to moderate or be an eradicator but I test no right now. I

> am

> >moving to california in a few weeks, after I get there I will test

> again

> >about moderating. In the meanwhile I am spreading the news of

> harmonics

> >however I can. I use harmonics constantly thru the day. I study the

> bible

> > & ask questions about things. I have learned a lot about god thru

> this. My

> >routine for harmonics I learned from the hub,e-mails,posts, and

> myself.

> >The arthritis was gone & hasn't returned in 4 months the first time

> I

> >removed it. I said I am removing arthritis & arthritis pain from

> all my

> >bodies. sometimes I get swelling but no pain. Osteoporosis: I am

> restoring

> >my bone density, I am removing old fracture pain & scar tissue

> pain(some

> >ribs fractured over & over again causing very painful scar tissue)

> and of

> >course removing the osteo from all my bodies.Pyogangrenosm:

> removing from

> >all my bodies. the drugs: I removed all traces of addiction &

> restore my

> >pain receptors to their normal size.(they expand the more drugs you

> take)

> >I also do the 3 prayers daily It makes me feel good. I also remove

> daily

> >fear of pain, fear of illness, fear of change. I experienced no

> withdraws

> >from the drugs. I also remove ego, prejudgement & judgement of

> others,

> >doubt, worry etc. on a daily basis. I install love, hope, courage,


> >faith,trust, compassion and other positive things. I also remove

> >negativity from all my bodies & install determination. I also had

> >recurring bouts of vaginal warts which are almost gone after 2

> months of

> >removing warts and virus. Restored my stomach & digestive tract to

> normal.

> >No problems since. I also removed lactose intolerence. I am working

> on my

> >vision. I always ran around telling everyone I was blind as a bat.

> I'm

> >reversing that and I'm seeing(no pun intended) a small improvement.

> I do

> >get discouraged at times with the back pain, but I look at how much

> I have

> >accomplished in just 6 months, then I install patience etc. So

> don't give

> >up! some things work slow, some fast. Just remove that doubt from

> your

> >bodies! Install faith & courage to get you thru the tough times. I

> have

> >come from close death, depression, & suicidal thoughts to a loving

> peace &

> >closeness with god thru harmonics. The gang is right on. the more

> you do

> >the better you get in all ways. I also retrieve my bodies 2 or 3

> times a

> >week & check for blockages & leaks. I then install love, faith,joy,

> etc in

> >each body. I know this is long but I wanted other immuners &

> newbies(I'm

> >still one) to know how sick I was for 8 long years. I had almost

> given up!

> >Harmonics has restored my spirit, faith, health & hope for a better

> world.

> >I also want to add if you have trouble with audio on your computer

> as I do

> >take time to read the text. My basic routine takes all of 10 to 15


> >minutes. I am always trying other things such as new proactions

> etc. Once

> >you learn how to test keep removing procrastination and installing


> >determination.I am living proof that it will change your life! love

> and

> >much thanks to everyone, mari p.s. I tested and got a yes for all

> of us to

> >send an e-mail to good old montel williams. what do you think?




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  • 7 months later...

Hi Barbara:

Sorry to hear about your stenosis problems. I'm 60 yr old male and had stenosis surgery last August for stenosis at L4-L5-S1 area.

I tried epidural injections for months to try and stem my pain when walking but it was unsuccessful. I knew an excellent orthopaedic surgeon and had it done. I'm still in the recovery mode but am glad that the surgery was done.

I'm sure that you've tried the usual NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Advil, Aleve which are brand names for generic Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is much cheaper and works just as well and you don't need prescription for it. Prescription drugs such as Celebrex have gotten lots of bad press lately and doctors are now more reluctant to prescribe them. Celebrex is preferable to Vioxx or Bextra and there are no studies showing that it causes risk to the heart at a dose of 200 mg/day. (higher doses are potentially more risk).

If you haven't tried epidural injections, that would be the next logical step for you. It may or it may not work for you...and if it does work it could be effective for a few days or even up to many months...all of us are different and react differently to the same drug.

I wish you good luck.

Best regards,

Stan in Ft Lauderdale, FL

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone,

I joined the group yesterday, so just thought I would

briefly introduce myself.

My name is Tracey, and I live in New Zealand. On the

recommendation of my naturopath, I have just begun the ER4YT

diet, and thought I would join up to get some support along

the way. I have tried doing it once before, but didn't seem

to have the willpower to make the changes by myself, so

thought the support would be useful :-)

Thanks for letting me join.


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Guest guest

Hi everyone,

I joined the group yesterday, so just thought I would

briefly introduce myself.

My name is Tracey, and I live in New Zealand. On the

recommendation of my naturopath, I have just begun the ER4YT

diet, and thought I would join up to get some support along

the way. I have tried doing it once before, but didn't seem

to have the willpower to make the changes by myself, so

thought the support would be useful :-)

Thanks for letting me join.


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In a message dated 3/22/2005 6:30:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,

traceye@... writes:

I have tried doing it once before, but didn't seem

to have the willpower to make the changes by myself, so

thought the support would be useful :-)

Welcome to the group. I'm Max from Tybee Island, GA. This diet takes 2

weeks to 1 month to prove itself. If you can get over that hurdle, you'll be

sold. I went cold turkey and gave away any avoids (only to people I didn't


and had spectacular results but many say to break into the diet slowly. In

either case, I would recommend you initially stop eating grains (especially

wheat), potatoes, corn, and dairy except for butter and eggs. You may feel

sluggish or flu-like for a couple of days as your body detoxes but after a week


so you'll be surprised at how good you feel. Eat plenty of protein, fat, and

vegetables. Your body was made to burn fat not carbs. Buy or make protein

snacks you can pop in your mouth when you get the carb cravings (made me feel

like a junky getting off of drugs). You'll know that you're eating enough

protein when you don't get hungry between meals. I eat a lot of red meat, some

chicken, and some fish.

Meds will affect your recovery. I have a friend who was almost bedridden

when I got her on the diet. She says she's not sure if the diet helps that much

but she's up walking, has lost weight, and her fibromyalgia is much better.

The affect of the diet is more subtle on her because it is masked by her meds.

She's getting there though.

READ the ingredients for anything you eat. You'll be shocked at how much

poison is in processed foods. Perifory shop (shop around the outside of the

grocery store for fresh meat and vegetables) and try to eat foods that have not

been processed. Usually, the foods in the middle of the grocery store are full

of grains, carbs, and corn syrup. If you haven't already, I would recommend

getting the ER4YT Encyclopedia. I use mine everyday.

Remember, when you cheat don't get discouraged, just start over again


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Hi Tracey,

Welcome ! I'm in the U.K. and still consider myself new - I

don't adjust to new things quickly.

I know about willpower problems - with me my trigger is stress, it's like a

switch is flicked and I 'need' that chocolate !

I'm getting there slowly, do feel better on this diet tho.

Good to have you here.



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Hi Tracey,

Welcome ! I'm in the U.K. and still consider myself new - I

don't adjust to new things quickly.

I know about willpower problems - with me my trigger is stress, it's like a

switch is flicked and I 'need' that chocolate !

I'm getting there slowly, do feel better on this diet tho.

Good to have you here.



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Thanks for the welcome - I appreciate it. I feel the

same, I find it hard to adjust to new things too. I think my

triggers are stress or being upset, and boredom or lonliness

- and I'm back into the chocolate! It's nice to know I'm not

the only one, and makes the changes more " doable " (if you

know what I mean).

Thanks again for the welcome.


> Hi Tracey,

> Welcome ! I'm in the U.K. and still

> consider myself new - I don't adjust to new things

> quickly. I know about willpower problems - with me my

> trigger is stress, it's like a switch is flicked and I

> 'need' that chocolate ! I'm getting there slowly, do feel

> better on this diet tho. Good to have you here.


> :o)

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Hi Max, and thank you for the welcome. Thank you also for

the great tips, it's so good to have the support to try this

again. And I think tips like these, and just the support of

others doing it, will be a big help for me. Thank you!



> Welcome to the group. I'm Max from Tybee Island, GA.

> This diet takes 2 weeks to 1 month to prove itself. If

> you can get over that hurdle, you'll be sold. I went

> cold turkey and gave away any avoids (only to people I

> didn't like) and had spectacular results but many say to

> break into the diet slowly. In either case, I would

> recommend you initially stop eating grains (especially

> wheat), potatoes, corn, and dairy except for butter and

> eggs. You may feel sluggish or flu-like for a couple of

> days as your body detoxes but after a week or so you'll

> be surprised at how good you feel. Eat plenty of protein,

> fat, and vegetables. Your body was made to burn fat not

> carbs. Buy or make protein snacks you can pop in your

> mouth when you get the carb cravings (made me feel like

> a junky getting off of drugs). You'll know that you're

> eating enough protein when you don't get hungry between

> meals. I eat a lot of red meat, some chicken, and some

> fish.

> Meds will affect your recovery. I have a friend who was

> almost bedridden when I got her on the diet. She says

> she's not sure if the diet helps that much but she's up

> walking, has lost weight, and her fibromyalgia is much

> better. The affect of the diet is more subtle on her

> because it is masked by her meds. She's getting there

> though.

> READ the ingredients for anything you eat. You'll be

> shocked at how much poison is in processed foods.

> Perifory shop (shop around the outside of the grocery

> store for fresh meat and vegetables) and try to eat foods

> that have not been processed. Usually, the foods in the

> middle of the grocery store are full of grains, carbs,

> and corn syrup. If you haven't already, I would recommend

> getting the ER4YT Encyclopedia. I use mine everyday.


> Remember, when you cheat don't get discouraged, just start

> over again tomorrow.



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Hi Max, and thank you for the welcome. Thank you also for

the great tips, it's so good to have the support to try this

again. And I think tips like these, and just the support of

others doing it, will be a big help for me. Thank you!



> Welcome to the group. I'm Max from Tybee Island, GA.

> This diet takes 2 weeks to 1 month to prove itself. If

> you can get over that hurdle, you'll be sold. I went

> cold turkey and gave away any avoids (only to people I

> didn't like) and had spectacular results but many say to

> break into the diet slowly. In either case, I would

> recommend you initially stop eating grains (especially

> wheat), potatoes, corn, and dairy except for butter and

> eggs. You may feel sluggish or flu-like for a couple of

> days as your body detoxes but after a week or so you'll

> be surprised at how good you feel. Eat plenty of protein,

> fat, and vegetables. Your body was made to burn fat not

> carbs. Buy or make protein snacks you can pop in your

> mouth when you get the carb cravings (made me feel like

> a junky getting off of drugs). You'll know that you're

> eating enough protein when you don't get hungry between

> meals. I eat a lot of red meat, some chicken, and some

> fish.

> Meds will affect your recovery. I have a friend who was

> almost bedridden when I got her on the diet. She says

> she's not sure if the diet helps that much but she's up

> walking, has lost weight, and her fibromyalgia is much

> better. The affect of the diet is more subtle on her

> because it is masked by her meds. She's getting there

> though.

> READ the ingredients for anything you eat. You'll be

> shocked at how much poison is in processed foods.

> Perifory shop (shop around the outside of the grocery

> store for fresh meat and vegetables) and try to eat foods

> that have not been processed. Usually, the foods in the

> middle of the grocery store are full of grains, carbs,

> and corn syrup. If you haven't already, I would recommend

> getting the ER4YT Encyclopedia. I use mine everyday.


> Remember, when you cheat don't get discouraged, just start

> over again tomorrow.



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you'll aren't the only ones. Welcome to the group Tracey. I'm from SE

Oklahoma, the very South East corner of the state. It's nest to Texas and

Arkansas. I'm one of those people who went slow. I started with potatoes,

substituting sweet potatoes, and then dairy, corn, and last of all wheat. Then I

started checking out what the other avoids were, and dropping them. The first 3

took about a month, and the rest came relatively easily and quickly. Just

because you have a bad day doesn't mean jump all over yourself or feel guilty.

just remember tomorrow is another day, so if you messed up today, get back in

there on it tomorrow.

Re: Re: Introduction

Thanks for the welcome - I appreciate it. I feel the

same, I find it hard to adjust to new things too. I think my

triggers are stress or being upset, and boredom or lonliness

- and I'm back into the chocolate! It's nice to know I'm not

the only one, and makes the changes more " doable " (if you

know what I mean).

Thanks again for the welcome.


> Hi Tracey,

> Welcome ! I'm in the U.K. and still

> consider myself new - I don't adjust to new things

> quickly. I know about willpower problems - with me my

> trigger is stress, it's like a switch is flicked and I

> 'need' that chocolate ! I'm getting there slowly, do feel

> better on this diet tho. Good to have you here.


> :o)

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Hi Tracey,

Welcome to the group, it's a nice bunch of folks, and you are sure

to get support here :-))

> My name is Tracey, and I live in New Zealand. On the

> recommendation of my naturopath,

....most of us wish more health professionals would recommend the diet :-)

I started it July last year - seems like yesterday! I'm not perfect, I

can find no substitute for the emotional power of breaded deep fried

fish and mushrooms at Zips near here, nor for extra-sharp white aged

cheddar cheese made at the coast a bit southwest of here. But in other

respects I'm pretty goody-two-shoes-ish at this stage, and it's

definitely helped my health.




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

P.O.Box 4703, Spokane, WA 99220-0703.


Veterinary Homeopath and Feline Information Counsellor.

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Welcome to the group Tracey.

I'm in the southern hemisphere as well, in Adelaide, Australia.

Now that the weather will soon be cooling down for us, we can start

eating some of those beautiful roasts made from New Zealand lamb. Top

that off with roast sweet potato, roast pumpkin, roast parsnip & some

seasonal green leaf veges and you'll be 100% compliant :-)

You'll never need to eat potatoes or bread again.


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In a message dated 3/23/2005 10:53:20 AM Eastern Standard Time,

mtnmusicmama@... writes:

Tracey, if you are a secretor, Chocolate is okay!

Chocolate is neutral for all Os even us outcast nonnies.--LOL.

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> I think my

> triggers are stress or being upset, and boredom or lonliness

> - and I'm back into the chocolate!

Tracey, if you are a secretor, Chocolate is okay! Just be sure to

get the extra dark stuff with no dairy in it. I eat a little bit

every day. Then again, I'm a SAHM, so boredom and lonliness are a

constant for me, LOL!


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But not the sugar that comes with it!

Re: Re: Introduction

In a message dated 3/23/2005 10:53:20 AM Eastern Standard Time,

mtnmusicmama@... writes:

Tracey, if you are a secretor, Chocolate is okay!

Chocolate is neutral for all Os even us outcast nonnies.--LOL.

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Thanks for the welcome and the support. I think I'm

just going to take things slowly and gradually reduce which

should help.

Thanks again for the welcome. It's nice to " meet " you all.


> you'll aren't the only ones. Welcome to the group Tracey.

> I'm from SE Oklahoma, the very South East corner of

> the state. It's nest to Texas and Arkansas. I'm one of

> those people who went slow. I started with potatoes,

> substituting sweet potatoes, and then dairy, corn, and

> last of all wheat. Then I started checking out what the

> other avoids were, and dropping them. The first 3 took

> about a month, and the rest came relatively easily and

> quickly. Just because you have a bad day doesn't mean jump

> all over yourself or feel guilty. just remember tomorrow

> is another day, so if you messed up today, get back in

> there on it tomorrow.

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