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First thought: don't take acidophilus at all!! - not until you are completely

cleansed; just read in a book (anderson's I think) that it will actually make

the cleansing worse.

secondly, don't take the antibiotics - they will only kill off more of the

good " stuff " your body needs to repair itself.

3rd - I'll let or Saul answer from here- I am not qualified to answer

further, BUT when the body has this much going on - the flu/cold is actually a

sign that your body is trying to shed toxins - dont' inhibit that part - even

if painful. Try garlic & lemon juice for the cough (lots of it)

two cents,


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Hi Tangerine!

Glad to see you on oxyplus. I tried emailing you privately but email was

returned, and couldn't post off-topic on the other list. I had two thoughts

when I read your post. One is silver. The other is a product(s) someone in

my family who had had colds and life-threatening bronchiitis continually is

taking, and hasn't had a problem since.

Silver. Lots of people make their own, and there is a silver list to help

those who do. I just saw info about a thoughtfully developed product on

another list, and I have also seen independent studies (from someone I

respect) about The Water Oz brand. I will get back to you with more

info...just don't have time now but will this evening.

The other product is not an MLM but sort of like it...and I am usually very

NOT into them...but I think this product is different. (I do not sell it!)

It is a way for the body to pick up immediately vitamins and minerals. I

have seen good results in friends and even my dog. So if interested,

contact me off list and I will get more info.

Hang in there!


At 09:35 AM 12/1/98 -0800, you wrote:

>From: Mike & Tangerine <synergy7@...>


>Hi folks,


>I have already put this inquiry out to the oxytherapy list, but I

>haven't heard much back. I have been sick almost all of this Fall, with

>a flu/cold, and terrible cough. I was sick for a month the first time,

>tried echinacea, goldenseal, wheat grass, nothing seemed to work. I was

>so miserable I did what I would normally not do -- I took both over the

>counter drug store medication to alleviate symptoms, and antibiotics. I

>finished my ten days of antibiotics, was better for a few weeks, and

>then on Thanksgiving came down with the another flu/cold, and within 24

>hours was sicker than I had been for the first month. I am coughing so

>bad I can't not take cough syrup -- my coughs are racking my body and

>have ravaged my throat. I went to a clicic yesterday and the doctor

>said it was a sinus cold, with post nasal drip, causing my bad cough,

>and she prescibed a different set of antibiotics.


>I need to explain further my circumstances, because I think my body is

>seriously depleted, and I am not sure exactly what to do.


>I have had a VERY stressful year. Last winter my boyfriend and I lost

>our home (and everything we owned) twice, first to a flash flood that

>went right through our house, then to a landslide, just two months after

>we had moved. The night of the landslide we were trapped for five hours

>with slides coming down in the dark all around us, not knowing whether

>we were going to live or die. Two of my neighbors did die, and the rest

>of us we were homeless for a month. Even with help my boyfriend and I

>were left under a mountain of debt. We are " recovered " for the most

>part, however, we experienced such an extreme sort of stress, and had

>such a tremendous energy loss, it has taken its toll in other ways. My

>boyfriend is strong and has an excellant constitution, I on the other

>hand have always been " sensitive " and have long had health problems I

>have had to deal with. I think we are both extremely tired, and I know

>my immune system is not functioning well.


>I am at this juncture -- should I take these antibiotics, which I know

>will provide relief, but may hurt me in the long run? I am desperate, I

>cannot afford to miss any more work, and I cannot be coughing at work.

>If I do take these, should I continue using homozon, which I recently

>started using, and also taking acidophulus, vitamin c, etc? If I do

>take this course of antibiotics, what can I do after I am done to repair

>my body?


>And if I don't take them, then what?


>Any suggestions, ideas, thoughts, (asap) would be very much appreciated.


>Thank you,







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At 12:59 PM 12/1/98 EST, you wrote:

>From: DeathBH@...


>First thought: don't take acidophilus at all!! - not until you are


>cleansed; just read in a book (anderson's I think) that it will actually make

>the cleansing worse.


Can someone explain why this might be?





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----Original Message Follows----

Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 09:35:07 -0800

From: Mike & Tangerine <synergy7@...>


Reply-to: oxyplusonelist

Subject: Help!!!

From: Mike & Tangerine <synergy7@...>

Hi folks,

I have already put this inquiry out to the oxytherapy list, but I

haven't heard much back. I have been sick almost all of this Fall, with

a flu/cold, and terrible cough. I was sick for a month the first time,

tried echinacea, goldenseal, wheat grass, nothing seemed to work. I was

so miserable I did what I would normally not do -- I took both over the

counter drug store medication to alleviate symptoms, and antibiotics. I

finished my ten days of antibiotics, was better for a few weeks, and

then on Thanksgiving came down with the another flu/cold, and within 24

hours was sicker than I had been for the first month. I am coughing so

bad I can't not take cough syrup -- my coughs are racking my body and

have ravaged my throat. I went to a clicic yesterday and the doctor

said it was a sinus cold, with post nasal drip, causing my bad cough,

and she prescibed a different set of antibiotics.

I need to explain further my circumstances, because I think my body is

seriously depleted, and I am not sure exactly what to do.

I have had a VERY stressful year. Last winter my boyfriend and I lost

our home (and everything we owned) twice, first to a flash flood that

went right through our house, then to a landslide, just two months after

we had moved. The night of the landslide we were trapped for five hours

with slides coming down in the dark all around us, not knowing whether

we were going to live or die. Two of my neighbors did die, and the rest

of us we were homeless for a month. Even with help my boyfriend and I

were left under a mountain of debt. We are " recovered " for the most

part, however, we experienced such an extreme sort of stress, and had

such a tremendous energy loss, it has taken its toll in other ways. My

boyfriend is strong and has an excellant constitution, I on the other

hand have always been " sensitive " and have long had health problems I

have had to deal with. I think we are both extremely tired, and I know

my immune system is not functioning well.

I am at this juncture -- should I take these antibiotics, which I know

will provide relief, but may hurt me in the long run? I am desperate, I

cannot afford to miss any more work, and I cannot be coughing at work.

If I do take these, should I continue using homozon, which I recently

started using, and also taking acidophulus, vitamin c, etc? If I do

take this course of antibiotics, what can I do after I am done to repair

my body?

And if I don't take them, then what?

Any suggestions, ideas, thoughts, (asap) would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,



Tangerine, I'm an Herbalist and a Chiropractic Assistant and definitely

should have also told you, that if I were you, I would be taking

Valerian Root Tincture, until your Nervous System is balanced again!

Valerian Root has high amounts of Vitamin Bs and Calcium and Magnesium,

along with other constituents, that nourish and balance the Nervous

System. I've used it myself and have instructed others to use it with

great success over the past 30 years for anything from insomnia to a

nervous breakdown! If you don't want to bother with making your own,

there is only one commercial brand, that I would recommend, Herb Pharm.

If you take Valerian Root and you find that it excites your Nervous

System, then your Nervous System is in Reverse Polarity, just like rats

and cats. That's also why they both like Catnip also. There can be

several reasons why the Electrical Polarity of your Nervous System is in

Reverse. First of all, the body reverses it's polarity as a survival

mechanism, when you're under tremendous STRESS. Next, you may be

depleted in the Electrolyte Minerals (Sodium, Potassium, Calcium,

Magnesium and Chloride Salts). And lastly, you may have what is known

as a Cervical Wedge, which means the Atlas and/or Axis (C1 & C2) are

out-of-alignment. Cervical 1 & Cervical 2 are the first two vertebrae

underneath the skull. Anyhow, it could be a problem with anyone of

these three conditions and is more likely a problem with a combination

of two ot three, since they are inter-related.

If I had a Cervical Wedge, I would go to a competent Chiropractor,

who specializes in the these two vertebrae, doing what is known as the

Palmer Technique. The best Electrolyte Minerals are liquid, soluble,

and most importantly IONIC (electricallly-charged) and are known as

Trace Mineral Drops by Trace Minerals Research, being available at most

Health Food Stores. Of course, then you can use the Valerian Root

Tincture by Herb Pharm for the effects of the stress, which is becoming

available at more and more Health Food Stores.

Really hope that I can help you and your boyfriend attain your


Helping, hoping and healing,

Tom/Eccl. 9:10.

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----Original Message Follows----

Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 09:35:07 -0800

From: Mike & Tangerine <synergy7@...>


Reply-to: oxyplusonelist

Subject: Help!!!

From: Mike & Tangerine <synergy7@...>

Hi folks,

I have already put this inquiry out to the oxytherapy list, but I

haven't heard much back. I have been sick almost all of this Fall, with

a flu/cold, and terrible cough. I was sick for a month the first time,

tried echinacea, goldenseal, wheat grass, nothing seemed to work. I was

so miserable I did what I would normally not do -- I took both over the

counter drug store medication to alleviate symptoms, and antibiotics. I

finished my ten days of antibiotics, was better for a few weeks, and

then on Thanksgiving came down with the another flu/cold, and within 24

hours was sicker than I had been for the first month. I am coughing so

bad I can't not take cough syrup -- my coughs are racking my body and

have ravaged my throat. I went to a clicic yesterday and the doctor

said it was a sinus cold, with post nasal drip, causing my bad cough,

and she prescibed a different set of antibiotics.

I need to explain further my circumstances, because I think my body is

seriously depleted, and I am not sure exactly what to do.

I have had a VERY stressful year. Last winter my boyfriend and I lost

our home (and everything we owned) twice, first to a flash flood that

went right through our house, then to a landslide, just two months after

we had moved. The night of the landslide we were trapped for five hours

with slides coming down in the dark all around us, not knowing whether

we were going to live or die. Two of my neighbors did die, and the rest

of us we were homeless for a month. Even with help my boyfriend and I

were left under a mountain of debt. We are " recovered " for the most

part, however, we experienced such an extreme sort of stress, and had

such a tremendous energy loss, it has taken its toll in other ways. My

boyfriend is strong and has an excellant constitution, I on the other

hand have always been " sensitive " and have long had health problems I

have had to deal with. I think we are both extremely tired, and I know

my immune system is not functioning well.

I am at this juncture -- should I take these antibiotics, which I know

will provide relief, but may hurt me in the long run? I am desperate, I

cannot afford to miss any more work, and I cannot be coughing at work.

If I do take these, should I continue using homozon, which I recently

started using, and also taking acidophulus, vitamin c, etc? If I do

take this course of antibiotics, what can I do after I am done to repair

my body?

And if I don't take them, then what?

Any suggestions, ideas, thoughts, (asap) would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,



Tangerine, I'm an Herbalist and a Chiropractic Assistant and definitely

should have also told you, that if I were you, I would be taking

Valerian Root Tincture, until your Nervous System is balanced again!

Valerian Root has high amounts of Vitamin Bs and Calcium and Magnesium,

along with other constituents, that nourish and balance the Nervous

System. I've used it myself and have instructed others to use it with

great success over the past 30 years for anything from insomnia to a

nervous breakdown! If you don't want to bother with making your own,

there is only one commercial brand, that I would recommend, Herb Pharm.

If you take Valerian Root and you find that it excites your Nervous

System, then your Nervous System is in Reverse Polarity, just like rats

and cats. That's also why they both like Catnip also. There can be

several reasons why the Electrical Polarity of your Nervous System is in

Reverse. First of all, the body reverses it's polarity as a survival

mechanism, when you're under tremendous STRESS. Next, you may be

depleted in the Electrolyte Minerals (Sodium, Potassium, Calcium,

Magnesium and Chloride Salts). And lastly, you may have what is known

as a Cervical Wedge, which means the Atlas and/or Axis (C1 & C2) are

out-of-alignment. Cervical 1 & Cervical 2 are the first two vertebrae

underneath the skull. Anyhow, it could be a problem with anyone of

these three conditions and is more likely a problem with a combination

of two ot three, since they are inter-related.

If I had a Cervical Wedge, I would go to a competent Chiropractor,

who specializes in the these two vertebrae, doing what is known as the

Palmer Technique. The best Electrolyte Minerals are liquid, soluble,

and most importantly IONIC (electricallly-charged) and are known as

Trace Mineral Drops by Trace Minerals Research, being available at most

Health Food Stores. Of course, then you can use the Valerian Root

Tincture by Herb Pharm for the effects of the stress, which is becoming

available at more and more Health Food Stores.

Really hope that I can help you and your boyfriend attain your


Helping, hoping and healing,

Tom/Eccl. 9:10.

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At 03:31 PM 12/1/98 -0500, you wrote:

>From: " Ken Woody " <kenwoody@...>


>Another thought is if you HAVE to take antibiotics, try taking BETA GLUCAN

>with it.

*****Also take bromalein (spelling?) Enhances antibiotic. But try silver

first...a good one.


Having said all that, I really agree with Tom's post. Your body is trying to

>throw off something and needs to go through the process. You should help it.


IF the body is strong enough. If you have a rabid dog attached to your leg,

no blame in getting help from the dogcatcher.



>> Re: Help!!!



>> From: Vilik Rapheles <vilik@...>


>> Hi Tangerine!


>> Glad to see you on oxyplus. I tried emailing you privately but email was

>> returned, and couldn't post off-topic on the other list. I had

>> two thoughts

>> when I read your post. One is silver. The other is a product(s) someone in

>> my family who had had colds and life-threatening bronchiitis

>> continually is

>> taking, and hasn't had a problem since.


>> Silver. Lots of people make their own, and there is a silver

>> list to help

>> those who do. I just saw info about a thoughtfully developed product on

>> another list, and I have also seen independent studies (from someone I

>> respect) about The Water Oz brand. I will get back to you with more

>> info...just don't have time now but will this evening.


>> The other product is not an MLM but sort of like it...and I am

>> usually very

>> NOT into them...but I think this product is different. (I do not sell it!)

>> It is a way for the body to pick up immediately vitamins and minerals. I

>> have seen good results in friends and even my dog. So if interested,

>> contact me off list and I will get more info.


>> Hang in there!



>> Vilik



>> At 09:35 AM 12/1/98 -0800, you wrote:

>> >From: Mike & Tangerine <synergy7@...>

>> >

>> >Hi folks,

>> >

>> >I have already put this inquiry out to the oxytherapy list, but I

>> >haven't heard much back. I have been sick almost all of this Fall, with

>> >a flu/cold, and terrible cough. I was sick for a month the first time,

>> >tried echinacea, goldenseal, wheat grass, nothing seemed to work. I was

>> >so miserable I did what I would normally not do -- I took both over the

>> >counter drug store medication to alleviate symptoms, and antibiotics. I

>> >finished my ten days of antibiotics, was better for a few weeks, and

>> >then on Thanksgiving came down with the another flu/cold, and within 24

>> >hours was sicker than I had been for the first month. I am coughing so

>> >bad I can't not take cough syrup -- my coughs are racking my body and

>> >have ravaged my throat. I went to a clicic yesterday and the doctor

>> >said it was a sinus cold, with post nasal drip, causing my bad cough,

>> >and she prescibed a different set of antibiotics.

>> >

>> >I need to explain further my circumstances, because I think my body is

>> >seriously depleted, and I am not sure exactly what to do.

>> >

>> >I have had a VERY stressful year. Last winter my boyfriend and I lost

>> >our home (and everything we owned) twice, first to a flash flood that

>> >went right through our house, then to a landslide, just two months after

>> >we had moved. The night of the landslide we were trapped for five hours

>> >with slides coming down in the dark all around us, not knowing whether

>> >we were going to live or die. Two of my neighbors did die, and the rest

>> >of us we were homeless for a month. Even with help my boyfriend and I

>> >were left under a mountain of debt. We are " recovered " for the most

>> >part, however, we experienced such an extreme sort of stress, and had

>> >such a tremendous energy loss, it has taken its toll in other ways. My

>> >boyfriend is strong and has an excellant constitution, I on the other

>> >hand have always been " sensitive " and have long had health problems I

>> >have had to deal with. I think we are both extremely tired, and I know

>> >my immune system is not functioning well.

>> >

>> >I am at this juncture -- should I take these antibiotics, which I know

>> >will provide relief, but may hurt me in the long run? I am desperate, I

>> >cannot afford to miss any more work, and I cannot be coughing at work.

>> >If I do take these, should I continue using homozon, which I recently

>> >started using, and also taking acidophulus, vitamin c, etc? If I do

>> >take this course of antibiotics, what can I do after I am done to repair

>> >my body?

>> >

>> >And if I don't take them, then what?

>> >

>> >Any suggestions, ideas, thoughts, (asap) would be very much appreciated.

>> >

>> >Thank you,

>> >

>> >Tangerine

>> >

>> >

>> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

>> >

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Another thought is if you HAVE to take antibiotics, try taking BETA GLUCAN

with it. I had a nasty bout with prostatis before I changed my diet and

other habits and had a good physician work with me. He prescribed a strong

antibiotic then BETA GLUCAN also. It works great to kill infections. You can

probably to a search to find info on it. If not, let me know and I will try

to find it.

Having said all that, I really agree with Tom's post. Your body is trying to

throw off something and needs to go through the process. You should help it.

> Re: Help!!!



> From: Vilik Rapheles <vilik@...>


> Hi Tangerine!


> Glad to see you on oxyplus. I tried emailing you privately but email was

> returned, and couldn't post off-topic on the other list. I had

> two thoughts

> when I read your post. One is silver. The other is a product(s) someone in

> my family who had had colds and life-threatening bronchiitis

> continually is

> taking, and hasn't had a problem since.


> Silver. Lots of people make their own, and there is a silver

> list to help

> those who do. I just saw info about a thoughtfully developed product on

> another list, and I have also seen independent studies (from someone I

> respect) about The Water Oz brand. I will get back to you with more

> info...just don't have time now but will this evening.


> The other product is not an MLM but sort of like it...and I am

> usually very

> NOT into them...but I think this product is different. (I do not sell it!)

> It is a way for the body to pick up immediately vitamins and minerals. I

> have seen good results in friends and even my dog. So if interested,

> contact me off list and I will get more info.


> Hang in there!



> Vilik



> At 09:35 AM 12/1/98 -0800, you wrote:

> >From: Mike & Tangerine <synergy7@...>

> >

> >Hi folks,

> >

> >I have already put this inquiry out to the oxytherapy list, but I

> >haven't heard much back. I have been sick almost all of this Fall, with

> >a flu/cold, and terrible cough. I was sick for a month the first time,

> >tried echinacea, goldenseal, wheat grass, nothing seemed to work. I was

> >so miserable I did what I would normally not do -- I took both over the

> >counter drug store medication to alleviate symptoms, and antibiotics. I

> >finished my ten days of antibiotics, was better for a few weeks, and

> >then on Thanksgiving came down with the another flu/cold, and within 24

> >hours was sicker than I had been for the first month. I am coughing so

> >bad I can't not take cough syrup -- my coughs are racking my body and

> >have ravaged my throat. I went to a clicic yesterday and the doctor

> >said it was a sinus cold, with post nasal drip, causing my bad cough,

> >and she prescibed a different set of antibiotics.

> >

> >I need to explain further my circumstances, because I think my body is

> >seriously depleted, and I am not sure exactly what to do.

> >

> >I have had a VERY stressful year. Last winter my boyfriend and I lost

> >our home (and everything we owned) twice, first to a flash flood that

> >went right through our house, then to a landslide, just two months after

> >we had moved. The night of the landslide we were trapped for five hours

> >with slides coming down in the dark all around us, not knowing whether

> >we were going to live or die. Two of my neighbors did die, and the rest

> >of us we were homeless for a month. Even with help my boyfriend and I

> >were left under a mountain of debt. We are " recovered " for the most

> >part, however, we experienced such an extreme sort of stress, and had

> >such a tremendous energy loss, it has taken its toll in other ways. My

> >boyfriend is strong and has an excellant constitution, I on the other

> >hand have always been " sensitive " and have long had health problems I

> >have had to deal with. I think we are both extremely tired, and I know

> >my immune system is not functioning well.

> >

> >I am at this juncture -- should I take these antibiotics, which I know

> >will provide relief, but may hurt me in the long run? I am desperate, I

> >cannot afford to miss any more work, and I cannot be coughing at work.

> >If I do take these, should I continue using homozon, which I recently

> >started using, and also taking acidophulus, vitamin c, etc? If I do

> >take this course of antibiotics, what can I do after I am done to repair

> >my body?

> >

> >And if I don't take them, then what?

> >

> >Any suggestions, ideas, thoughts, (asap) would be very much appreciated.

> >

> >Thank you,

> >

> >Tangerine

> >

> >

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

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-- Hi Tangerine -- I'm really sorry that you are not well; I'm sure you are

right about the stress


I am making my way out some health issues, and the key for me was DIAGNOSIS.

That is, I did all

kinds of things, listened to really good suggestions, etc., but IT WASN'T UNTIL



effective changes.

That person was an outstanding iridologist.

I wish you the best, and hope you can find someone who can diagnos your

situation. Unfortunately,

those people are rare, and mostly are not MDs.

Kindest regards,


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On 12/1/98 12:35 PM, synergy7@... said:

>I am at this juncture -- should I take these antibiotics, which I know

>will provide relief, but may hurt me in the long run? I am desperate, I

>cannot afford to miss any more work, and I cannot be coughing at work.

>If I do take these, should I continue using homozon, which I recently

>started using, and also taking acidophulus, vitamin c, etc? If I do

>take this course of antibiotics, what can I do after I am done to repair

>my body?

Hi Tan,

Wow! Thats quite a story. I am sorry to hear about your troubles,

and I sincerely hope that things go better for you this next


I will be forwarding a message to the list that appears to be

very pertinent to your health situation...look for it under

the title 'Fwd: PLEASE READ: Ed McCabe Needs Help'.

Also a couple of thoughts. First, it is my understanding that

the flu and colds don't manifest themselves through bacteria,

but through viruses, so anti-biotics may not really be helping,

though the fact that they appeared to may be the placebo effect.

I would NOT recommend acidophilus per se, but a good pro-biotic

formula that consists mainly of the Bifidus critters. It does

have acidophilus in it, but acidophilus is NOT, contrary to

popular belief, the pre-dominant or even most important critter

in the gut. The best pro-biotic formula i have ever used is made

by Arise and Shine. It is called 'Flora-Grow', and can be ordered

from the website I have posted numerous time:


I would definitely continue with the Homozon, just make sure to

give yourself an hour or two between it and any other supplements/

food you are taking.

I would also suggest the SBOs, although I can't say for sure

whether or not they will work from first hand knowledge, but I

wouldn't hesitate to try them if I was in the shape you are in.

Does it appear to be in your lungs? You might also consider

intravenous H2O2, as I have read that it can work wonders

for lung-related problems.

I would also include one of the super green foods, like

Green Kamut, although I recommend this highly whether or

not you are sick, as a general maintenance thing. I haven't

been sick a day since I started taking green foods a couple

of years ago.

Yahwehs Blessings!


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Mike & Tangerine wrote:


> From: Mike & Tangerine <synergy7@...>


> Hi folks,


> I have already put this inquiry out to the oxytherapy list, but I

> haven't heard much back. I have been sick almost all of this Fall, with

> a flu/cold, and terrible cough....

> Any suggestions, ideas, thoughts, (asap) would be very much appreciated.


> Thank you,


> Tangerine



I'd be on a Zapper for sure, and probably for an extended period if


be, like a week maybe. I've seen them work on many people that I know


everyone's always suprised that they worked so well, but it makes a

beleiver out of you. They usually want to buy one after they can see


works. I think you need other help too probably, but a zapper is cheap

to build yourself whether " Becks "



or " Hulda s "


Here's something else that's cheap & may work to some extent.



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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

I think it is Great that you are trying to change the laws, but until then

have you considered Homeschooling? Instead of putting your daughter at risk

by giving the shots.

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Guest guest


Just wanted to let you know we moved to Virginia from Tennessee and had no

trouble getting our children (6 of them) in the schools here without

immunizations. Our oldest child had a severe reaction to Dpt and therefore

our other children have a medical exemption. I got the state school entrance

forms for our doctor in Memphis to fill out before we moved (since I didn't

have a Virginia pediatrician yet) and there were no problems-not even a

question asked.

Anyway, I don't know what your husbands job is or where in WV you live, but we

are not that far from the WV state line. Hope this has been of help to you.

I know that I would be the worst homeschool mom. I would put off doing

anything on pretty days and let them play. Probably have third graders at

18!!!! I also like them to have the social experiences that going to school

provides. Nothing against homeschooling!!!


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Guest guest

Can not believe what you have had to go through. My heart goes out to you and

yours. Im sitting here wondering..I know there are attorneys who offer aid in

this sort of situation(people who do NOT want to vaccinate) Do you think it

would do any good to get a legal document that states that you would be

willing to vaccinate your child IF they (the health dept., school board,

etc...) will sign the document stating that if ANY ADVERSE REACTION is

apparent in your child after receiving the shot that they wil be 100%

responsible? Who would sign that? Then you can say that you were willing to

comply but they wouldn't agree to your terms? Im sure I am being very

simplistic, it just seems that there must be an easier way...Very grateful, at

tthis point, that I live in Florida. Good Luck to you. Nadine

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I promised more info, so here goes.

I'll try to be brief.

Our son, Nicklaus, now 7, has seizures which started within three minutes

of his vaccinations at 17 months of age. They are petit mal, and have

decreased considerably in frequency in the past year. We believe this is

because we try to limit his exposure to things such as aspartame, artificial

anything, etc. He gets plenty of rest and sees a Chiro and occasionally a

D.O.. He attends public school with a medical exemption (the only exemption

available in West Virginia) because, according to the health dept., " he was

the child that actually suffered the reaction " .

This was also their reasoning behind denying our daughter 's medical

exemption (actually we submitted two, one from her local D.O. and one from

Dr. Moskowitz in Mass) when she started Kindergarten. She attended

the Preschool program at the school for an entire year and Kindergarten from

August until October, when she was expelled for " non-compliance with state

code " . We spent the next three months battling with the health dept.,

listening to our daughter cry herself to sleep at night, and watched her go

into a depression which included weight gain and the feeling that no one

liked her because she couldn't go to school. Our happy, bubbly, outgoing

five year old had turned into a completely different child. The turning

point came when she told me that she " didn't want to be a person anymore. "

She wanted to be a stuffed animal so that she could go back to school and

play with the other children. At that point, on January 15, 1999, I

reluctantly took her to the same clinic where Nicklaus had suffered his

reaction. The nurses, no one wanted to do the shots, and they even had

epinephrine ready in case she reacted. By the time it was over, was

crying, I was crying, the nurse was crying. We stayed in the office for an

hour after the shots were administered. She ran a fever, 101-104.9 for a

month and a half after that. In three days she broke out in a faint pink

rash, and her leg swelled up to almost twice it's regular size. We took her

to the hospital, where I was told she had an infection at the injection

site. I got up and left the room. What BS! We took her back to the clinic,

where the ped. said yes, she was definitely having a systemic allergic

reaction. She wrote yet another exemption and sent us to a neurologist; no

damage, no reason for concern unless her lethargy continued (she was

sleeping constantly). The neurologist had been told about the family

history, and I think that his diagnosis was jaded. The Health Dept. tried to

tell us that the reaction she was having was normal, and that there was no

reason to stop the " within 90 days " schedule they required in order for her

to stay in school.

So we went to the legislature. The Speaker of the House, Bob Kiss, agreed

that this was bogus and introduced a bill that clarifies a medical exemption

in that one cannot be denied if it states that the administration of the

vaccines would be detrimental to the health of the child. (Which ours did.)

It went to committee, and the legislative lawyers looked at it and

determined that there was no reason that should have been kept out of

school, that the law gives that medical exemption and the health dept, in

defining their own guidelines, was going against the law in that they are

not allowing the exemption to our child that was provided for in the law.

We are at the point now where the health dept has said that must

finish the required shots, irregardless of her reaction, or will once again

be expelled from school. She does not know anything about this. Today Wayne

(my hubby) is going to ton, to the legislature to testify. The

Speaker, Mr. Kiss, told us Wed. that the session ends tomorrow (Saturday),

and that it is imperitive that this bill be passed. We feel very fortunate

to have this support from the legislature, and are focusing on the fact that

the health dept. and the school board are going against WV Code in denying

the exemptions. After this is settled and the law is clarified, we intend to

ask for a philosophical and religious exemption. But that is another battle

and another time.

Tammy Pritchard wrote:

> From: noshots@... (Tammy Pritchard)


> I am sending out an urgent request, and I'm sorry that I can't explain

> more right now but promise to later....

> Does anyone have any references I can use for the WV state legislature

> tomorrow morning about the increased risk of adverse events in siblings?

> They don't even have to be vaccine-related, just anything that says a

> child is more likely to react to any medication, toxin, allergen, etc.

> if a sibling has also reacted to it. More later, I promise. THANK

> YOU!----Tammy


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Yes, we considered it. had already started school and had settled into the

routine. When they expelled her for three months, we did homeschool her and she

thrived academically.

She will not receive any more shots, school or no school. If we can't get some

help from the legislature our only other alternative is to move out of state.

CynNDirk@... wrote:

> From: CynNDirk@...


> I think it is Great that you are trying to change the laws, but until then

> have you considered Homeschooling? Instead of putting your daughter at risk

> by giving the shots.




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Yes, this is what I was going to suggest. There are lots of homeschooling groups

that you can join so that your daughter still has interaction with other kids.

Some of the homeschooling groups even co-teach with other parents - i.e. you

teach one or two subjects to all of the kids and the other parents do the same.

Crickett, mommy to (1/2/98)

At 09:20 AM 3/5/1999 EST, you wrote:

>From: CynNDirk@...


>I think it is Great that you are trying to change the laws, but until then

>have you considered Homeschooling? Instead of putting your daughter at risk

>by giving the shots.





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Tammy, I don't know of any attny's off hand, but will keep my ears open. I

did hear of a few about five years ago when I first started with this non-

immunization issue. Will try to research backwards and see if I can find

anything. Good Luck to you and I'll be in touch..Nadine

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Thanks, Nadine, for the support. I feel as if there is a reason we have had to


through all of this. I just haven't found that " silver lining " yet.

We suggested the vaccine guarantee to the health department, to which they

replied, " If you're so convinced that your daughter will react negatively to the

vaccines, how, as a parent, could you possibly take a chance at any price? " Lots

of back-and-forth about that, and finally we dropped it because my hubby was

afraid and pointed out that they could, at some point, turn that statement


against us.

I would love to find a good attorney that, just on the basis of principle, would

take this pro bono. I think it could even be a national case that might have

impact on other states too.

GJB12292@... wrote:

> From: GJB12292@...


> Can not believe what you have had to go through. My heart goes out to you and

> yours. Im sitting here wondering..I know there are attorneys who offer aid in

> this sort of situation(people who do NOT want to vaccinate) Do you think it

> would do any good to get a legal document that states that you would be

> willing to vaccinate your child IF they (the health dept., school board,

> etc...) will sign the document stating that if ANY ADVERSE REACTION is

> apparent in your child after receiving the shot that they wil be 100%

> responsible? Who would sign that? Then you can say that you were willing to

> comply but they wouldn't agree to your terms? Im sure I am being very

> simplistic, it just seems that there must be an easier way...Very grateful, at

> tthis point, that I live in Florida. Good Luck to you. Nadine


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Tammy -You might want to consider homeschooling again, though - there

are quite a few homeschool support groups where your children can have

lots of interaction with other children - quite enjoyable activities,


The vaccine problem was the number one reason we began to homeschool

several years back - even though the doctor gave us a written note

saying that more shots might be detrimental to our first child's health,

and even though the State dept. in ton told us that would be

acceptable, and they would allow our child in school.....we went to

homeschooling anyway.

After we got involved in homeschooling, we found a lot of good things

about it that we had never dreamed of. If all of a sudden WV announced

that they would accept philosophical/religious/etc. reasons for not

vaccinating - we still wouldn't put our children in public school. :)

Homeschool laws in WV aren't hard to deal with - if you choose to go

that route again, and choose to go the portfolio option rather than the

annual test, I'd be happy to evaluate your children's portfolios for

you. (I'm licensed in WV, with a professional certificate

and at long last, my master's degree).


> From: noshots@... (Tammy Pritchard)


> Yes, we considered it. had already started school and had

> settled into the

> routine. When they expelled her for three months, we did homeschool

> her and she

> thrived academically.

> She will not receive any more shots, school or no school. If we can't

> get some

> help from the legislature our only other alternative is to move out of

> state.


The beginnings of our homestead, homeschool, and home business resource

page! What else would you like to see placed on it?


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clover wrote:


> From: clover <clover@...>


> >


> Tammy -You might want to consider homeschooling again, though - there

> are quite a few homeschool support groups where your children can have

> lots of interaction with other children - quite enjoyable activities,

> etc.


> The vaccine problem was the number one reason we began to homeschool

> several years back - even though the doctor gave us a written note

> saying that more shots might be detrimental to our first child's health,

> and even though the State dept. in ton told us that would be

> acceptable, and they would allow our child in school.....we went to

> homeschooling anyway.


> After we got involved in homeschooling, we found a lot of good things

> about it that we had never dreamed of. If all of a sudden WV announced

> that they would accept philosophical/religious/etc. reasons for not

> vaccinating - we still wouldn't put our children in public school. :)


> Homeschool laws in WV aren't hard to deal with - if you choose to go

> that route again, and choose to go the portfolio option rather than the

> annual test, I'd be happy to evaluate your children's portfolios for

> you. (I'm licensed in WV, with a professional certificate

> and at long last, my master's degree).


> Janet


> > From: noshots@... (Tammy Pritchard)

> >

> > Yes, we considered it. had already started school and had

> > settled into the

> > routine. When they expelled her for three months, we did homeschool

> > her and she

> > thrived academically.

> > She will not receive any more shots, school or no school. If we can't

> > get some

> > help from the legislature our only other alternative is to move out of

> > state.

> >


> The beginnings of our homestead, homeschool, and home business resource

> page! What else would you like to see placed on it?

> http://spitfire.cwv.net/~clover


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More than likely, there are. Go to http://www.hslda.orgNot sure exactly

where, but I think if you click on " across the states " ..then choose

" Florida " , you will arrive at the addresses, phone numbers, website

addresses, etc. for the main groups in that state (they have that for

every state on the hslda site, I believe).

Those main groups can give you the numbers/contact information/etc. for

groups close to you.

I *think* you will find it under " across the states " - not positive -

but I KNOW it's on that site somewhere. :)

Janet W.



The beginnings of our homestead, homeschool, and home business resource

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Terri ,my 5 1/2yr old was just put on wellbutrin 75mg along with her

Zolft(75mg) it was 1 week Monday ,and I thought I wouldn't make it

..Wellbutrin made her ocd allot worse.I talk to the doctor today and he took

her off and started her on Buspur 5mg. 3x aday. She has allot a problems

with clothes .She naked most of the time .Today was a real bad day ,she kept

saying her skin was sticky so she wanted to stay in the bath tub.It was hard

to get her out,when she did get out Ihad to keep putting powder on her.She

was snow white and still thought she was sticky. the doctor thinks if this

med. doesn't help that she should be put in the hospital,but my husband said

no.I'll pray for your daughter,Love Beth


>From: " June " <smith_june@...>



>My daughter,16, has severe depression and aniexty (school). She

>is now on 400mg. of serzone(it was just increased 3 weeks ago). They

>just added 2 weeks ago 100mg. of wellbutrin. The serzone makes her

>very tired and has a hard time waking up in the morning. Her

>depression seems so much better. She has more energy and is waking up

>easier. The problem is her aniexty seems way worse. Has anyone had

>this effect with the wellbutrin? Does it go away after your on it

>longer? (her aniexty was bad before she started the wellbutrin but

>much worse now). any comments?







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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

This is very upsetting. How did the Ped. even know what dentist she

uses?! Does she have a 'official' exemption yet? I think she should have

a lawsuit there! I bet that lawyer from N.Y. could help her.

Filenbaum 1-800-753-laws

Good Luck!

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This is unbelievable!!! Contact who is the contact person for the

group in New York.

Coalition For Informed Choice. Krasner, Director

CFIC, PO Box 230426, Hollis, NY 11423, 718-479-2939,

e-mail: gk-cfic@...

I would try and find the local medical association board to report the

doctor and I would start looking for another dr. This one clearly violated

your rights.

Boy does this make me MAD!!!!

List Owner


From: Family <patricia23@...>

Hello Everyone. First off I want to say what a great group this is and

how much I have learned and how much I still have to learn. THANKS!

The reason for this email is because a close friend of mine has a

child (almost 3 yrs. old) who is not vaccinated. Her doctor has been

pressuring her to vaccinate him but she always manages to put them

off. She has decided to start some vaccine but not all. First she is

doing a homeopathic kit thing (if anyone wants more info email me) to

boost his immune system.

Anyway, he has/had a dentist appointment tomorrow, but today when she

called to confirm the time of the appointment they told her that they

would not be able to see him because the pediatricians office told

them he was " not up to date on his shots for no apparent reason. "

Now the doctor's office and the dentist are two separate offices. They

have nothing to do with each other. No one asked her if she would

release this information to the dentist. We are unsure of what to do

now. Can they do this? Refuse service and share his medical history

for no reason without her consent? Someone please help. Also we are in

Albany, NY, does anyone know of a local group we can get in touch with

to help us? THANK YOU ALL!!!!!



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  • 7 months later...

Friday night my hard drive crashed. I lost everything on my

computer (6 years worth). My ditto backup failed me and

came up blank. So now I have to start from scratch again.

I sent a bunch of links to someone (forgive me for not

remembering names right now - I'm pulling out my last

strand of hair). I was wondering if she would be so kind

to send that mail back to me so I have something to start

back up with.

Thanks (sorry if off topic I'm desperate)

Jacque :-)

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