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What a bummer!! There are camera shops that do repair cameras because I

checked to see if my old 8mm camcorder could be repaired. The catch was

that they charged me $30 to look at it and diagnose the problem. And it


going to cost over $200 to fix it. Now if I had told them to fix it the

$30 I paid

up front would have been deducted from the $200. But of course, at that


you might as well buy a new one.....which I did. But you never know.

They might

find they can fix it for less than $100 and in that case it would be

worth it.

That is, unless you only paid about that much to buy it. I know the one

I got with

my grant money (the guy that built my computer picked it out for me) is

an HP

Photosmart 720 and runs almost $300. So if something went wrong and it


me less than $100 to fix it, you're darn tootin' I'll have it fixed. So

call some

of your camera shops and see who does repairs and what they charge to


the problem before you go out and spend good money buying a new one.


My display is set up and looks so pretty. I really, really wish I could

share a picture with you, but nooooooo ....I can't do that... not now.


Read on......

7th thru 11th grade I took photography.... double the classes. I was one


the few they allowed to come and go basically any time I wanted in the

darkroom.... I was... shhh the teachers pet :)

I got my first 35mm camera from my Father in 6th grade.... first thing


told me and the first thing your told in class EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!.....

Strap On " either on your wrist or around your neck incase you drop the

camera. So what did I NOT do tonight??? Strap on!!! UGH!!! I took a step

back to get the whole display in the shot and tripped over a little ramp


the end of the counter for the bottle return and DROPPED my new digital

camera.... why?? because I didn't do the very first basic thing I ever

learned about photography!! . *picks up keyboard and repeatedly snacks

herself in the forehead with it* @@- ouch :)

There... I feel better now..... guess if you want ot see my display


have go to the B'ville Bottle and Can Return in River Mall *sigh*

ok.... off to throw some sandwiches at the family for dinner errrr


make them something to eat *smile* hehe... I'm no mood to cook though. I

might break the stove! LOL j/k

I'll just have to sell lots so I can buy a new camera.


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Hey Terri- Hope you don't have to buy a new camera! But if yours can't be

fixed, and you need a new one, you might want to check out Walmart. I was in

there last week checking out digital cameras and the guy said they are less

expensive than Best Buy on their cameras (I think by 5%) and " have a better

warranty " . I never really thought of buying a camera there, but now just

might! I've been looking at the canon A40- I think consumer reports rated it

highly. (under $250) They also had a Fuji that looked good. I like the

idea of inexpensive batteries to replace!

Anyone have any tips or recommendations on digital cameras? I've never owned

one. Thanks :-)

Carol J

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Carol, my hubby just bought one of those Cannon A40 powershot. He likes it

a lot! and the price is not bad. He read good things bout it too or he

would not have bought it.


Re: Terri

Hey Terri- Hope you don't have to buy a new camera! But if yours can't be

fixed, and you need a new one, you might want to check out Walmart. I was


there last week checking out digital cameras and the guy said they are


expensive than Best Buy on their cameras (I think by 5%) and " have a


warranty " . I never really thought of buying a camera there, but now just

might! I've been looking at the canon A40- I think consumer reports rated


highly. (under $250) They also had a Fuji that looked good. I like the

idea of inexpensive batteries to replace!

Anyone have any tips or recommendations on digital cameras? I've never


one. Thanks :-)

Carol J

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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Oh, Terri. You're at the doctors as I'm writing this and


hugs and prayers your way. Give him a big kiss from all of


Nervous day

I'm a bit nervous today.... keep my son in your thoughts please.

I got a call from his school nurse yesterday... said he had been in


yesterday and the day before (still trying to figure out why I wasn't


the first day *grumble*)

She told me he was in to see her because his chest and tummy hurt. She


his pulse and his heart rate was up to 122 both days! She checked with


teacher and both days it just did this on it's own... he wasn't in gym


and it wasn't something like nerves because of a test or new class work.


took about 45 minutes for his heart rate to come back to normal.

I called the Dr. right away and they want him in there today.... Dr's


were " Get him in here first thing tomoorw morning " They are concerned

becasue of his recent pneunomia/ ear/ sinus infection. They are thinkig


might be some sort of virus. So we have an appointment at 11 this


Needless to say I'm a bit on the nervous side... ok... more like scared


of my pants, but I haven't let Mikey see it. He thanked me for getting


in to the Dr and gave a me a hug unlike any hug he's ever given. I think


s a bit scared too.

I'll post results of the Dr's visit later today.


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Well, when it rains it pours, huh? Well, at least you were


enough to ask the doctor to check you out, too. Otherwise,

you may

have ended up getting REAL sick a few days from now. You


probably keep Mikey home from school tomorrow and the BOTH

of you

get some good bed rest.

Thanks and update

Well we are watching Mikey for any recurring episodes. The Dr. didn't


too concerned, but said to keep track if it happens again as to when and

where it happens... I'm going to watch for any signs like a hawk ...


boss said his son did this and it ended up being a bacterial infection.


was stuffy again and she gave him Zyrtec... thinks his adnoids (sp) are

aggravated and enlarged.... could be the dry house air and being closed


in it and in school... he's been cutting enough logs at night to heat

several houses for a few years! A heavy snorer to begin with, but he's

louder than normal. While we were there and as we were checking in I


if the Dr could take a look at me too.... I thought I had been battling


sinus infection off and on since Mikey had his pneumonia/ ear/ sinus

infection back in Jan. Sure enough... I've got a sinus infection and

bronchitis so Mom got the antibiotic lol


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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 4/8/03 9:02:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

jmurray2@... writes:

> OK, I finally managed to find where to change the font in the default


> for my email.

- I think that changes the fonts to a standard. If I use a fancy

font and email someone through CNY soapmakers, and then I get a reply that

shows my original message, the fancy font has been changed to a basic one

like arial.

Carol J

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I don't see anything out of the ordinary.

Still scratching my head.

Re: error messages/ japanese text

I'm getting the funny text in s messages which could be a formatting

problem in your mail client . 's messages are the only ones with


funny text. Unless Shaye or Colleen changed the setting for allowing

attachments no one should have to unsubscribe! Nothing can be passed


the list itself! Those not seeing the messages are probably set for non


Those seeing it are set for html messages.

check your email client to see what it's set on as for


it should be wesern or something like that..... some times these things


changed on accident. I've done it myself.


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Hi ,

This one came through just fine. We'll have to see how it goes from here,

but if it stays ok then your font file sounds like it could be corrupt....

hows that happen? Sherm said any number of things could have corrupted it.

Hitting too many keys on the keyboard all at the same time could change the

file.... I know for a fact this is one way it can happen :) Downloading the

font and reinstalling it will take care of the corrupt file.


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Hmmmm.....we¡Çll see what happens. As far as downloading

and reinstalling the font I have no clue about. Aren¡Çt computers

wonderful? Yuck!!

Re: Terri

Hi ,

This one came through just fine. We'll have to see how it goes from


but if it stays ok then your font file sounds like it could be


hows that happen? Sherm said any number of things could have corrupted


Hitting too many keys on the keyboard all at the same time could change


file.... I know for a fact this is one way it can happen :) Downloading


font and reinstalling it will take care of the corrupt file.


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You've still got the funky things in there..... Sherm isn't home right now

and I know he'd know what this is... maybe someone else knows. When I click

the properties of this email it shows text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP

On the emails where you don't have the funky text it shows text/plain;


I know there is a setting for this somewhere.... anyone else know what she

should do? We're picking up our car later and won't be home until late.


-- Re: Terri

Hi ,

This one came through just fine. We'll have to see how it goes from


but if it stays ok then your font file sounds like it could be


hows that happen? Sherm said any number of things could have corrupted


Hitting too many keys on the keyboard all at the same time could change


file.... I know for a fact this is one way it can happen :) Downloading


font and reinstalling it will take care of the corrupt file.


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  • 9 months later...


You have to be a group owner or moderator to access these settings. If you

own a group then when you sign into your group you're management tools are

along the left side of your screen at the bottom.


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  • 1 year later...
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>If, God forbid, Terri dies, he can use the autopsy as evidence, if there is evidence that the brain was severely damaged physically. <

I have read that the orders to the Hospice in his killing orders are that they are to transport her body to the funeral home immediately to be quickly cremated. Of course, I believe that is to destroy the evidence of the physical abuse he perpetrated on Terri in the years they were together before she "collapsed" when alone with Schaiavo.

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" Carlson " <cathykay@...> wrote on 3/24/05 7:26 AM:

>>If, God forbid, Terri dies, he can use the autopsy as evidence, if there is

>evidence that the brain was severely damaged physically. <


>I have read that the orders to the Hospice in his killing orders are that they

are to transport her

body to the funeral home immediately to be quickly cremated. Of course, I

believe that is to destroy

the evidence of the physical abuse he perpetrated on Terri in the years they

were together before

she " collapsed " when alone with Schaiavo.



Ah. He just wants to be done with it. This sounds really very odd now. The state

should get custody

of her since is hiding something, according to the orders.

I haven't seen all the details of this case. I'll have to check the website.

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  • 4 months later...


Well I am so glad to hear everything. I think we are

on the right track here in AZ. We are meeting with the

Ped. Ortho Surgoen, Ped. Neurosurgoen, Ped.

Cardiologist, and the Genetics here. They are planning

in doing all their own test, MRI, CT, Ultrasound, and

testing on the kidneys. Also a hearing test again

because a extra piece of skin inside the earlobe. I

think they were tring to find a nice way to tell me

the didn't agree with Michigan. I can't stay so mad I

need to see the doctors here are doing what I want

them too. Wy was also seen at Shriner's a few years

ago, who gave me a diagnostic of club arm and

scolisios. I guess I just can't see how something

right there on reports could be over looked!!

I was told about the surgery for the tethered cord.

Michigan doctor told me they were just going to watch

it and it's growth IF it got bigger. I feel like a

stupid mother!!! But I looked to the doctor there for


Well here I am going on and on. I think we as parents

made the right move with everything including the

fusion surgery. It is great to be able to get on line

and vent, knowing you all understand. With no family

here it gets hard plus having pregnant cry baby blues

I have had a bad few days!

Oh, about hockey, Wy and I surfed the net and found

two teams here in the Phoenix area.

Well thanks for letting me run my mouth!!!


--- Carmell Burns <cjbmom23@...> wrote:

> Hi Terri,


> <<First what did they do or planned on doing for

> that

> fatty filum tethered cord??>>


> Braydon had surgery to release the fatty filum

> tethered cord just before his 4th birthday. The

> benefits for him were obvious. He had much more

> energy, he grew 3 inches and gained 3 pounds in 6

> weeks time, he no longer had occasional leg/foot

> pain/weakness, etc. His body finally started

> thriving. We didn't see the obvious-ness (is that a

> real word? probably not) of it until AFTER the

> surgery. Then, it was clear he needed the release

> surgery.


> The fatty filum release surgery is very

> straightforward (neurosurgically speaking). If Wy

> is

> having ANY symptoms, I would consider consulting

> with

> a pediatric neurosurgeon who has experience with

> kids

> who have multiple issues involved. Our neurosurgeon

> didn't hesitate to recommend surgery. He is one of

> those that believes releasing a tethered cord has a

> direct benefit to scoliosis in a patient. Braydon's

> scoliosis remained stable for a couple of years

> after

> his release surgery.


> <<Also do you believe the fusion was worth it??>>


> For Braydon's case, yes, the fusion was worth it.

> The

> VEPTR procedure had not been perfected when Braydon

> was an infant (the hybrid/spine device) so fusion

> was

> our only option. If the VEPTR had been an option,

> he

> would have required fusion of some verts anyway,

> just

> by the nature of his bone malformations in the

> thoracic spine. It just may have been a shorter

> fusion - not so many vertebrae involved.


> <<The ultrasound shows one kidney being larger then

> the other but the DR. said that still doesn't mean

> anything.>>


> Hmmm... what kind of doctor told you that one kidney

> being larger than the other doesn't mean anything?

> With Wy's odd anomalies in his body, I would be

> insisting on more testing to make sure the FUNCTION

> of

> both kidneys is acceptable. Braydon's kidneys are

> not

> formed well, but they function fine, after 2

> surgeries

> to repair the reflux and ureterocele. Having one

> kidney larger than the other may be a subtle sign

> that

> you need to keep an eye on things. I would have a

> pediatric urologist consultation, at least so you

> know

> what to watch for.


> I hope you find a place in AZ that you like. I'm

> sure

> it's quite a different climate and culture than MI.

> Do they have hockey in Phoenix/Mesa? I hope so for

> Wy's sake! Keep up the good work!


> Carmell




> Carmellmom to Kara 18, idiopathic scoliosis, Blake

> 13, GERD and Braydon 9, VACTERL, GERD, DGE, Titanium

> Rib Project patient #137 (dbl implant 8/01),

> thoracic insufficiency, rib anomalies, congenital

> scoliosis (fusion surgery 5/96), missing coccyx,

> fatty filum/TC (released 4/99), anal stenosis,

> chronic constipation, horseshoe (cross-fused)

> kidney, dbl ureter in left kidney, ureterocele

> (excized 6/95), kidney reflux (reimplant surgery

> 1/97), neurogenic bladder, bilateral hip dysplasia,

> right leg/foot dyplasia, tibial torsion, clubfoot

> with 8 toes (reconstructed 2/96, 3/96, 1/97, 3/04),

> pes cavus, single umblilical artery,

> tonsil-adnoidectomy and ear tubes (3/98), etc.

> http://carmellb-ivil.tripod.com/myfamily/




> ____________________________________________________

> Start your day with - make it your home page

> http://www./r/hs




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Feel free to vent anytime. We too followed what the doctors said for Moriah. We also found things later in reports that we were not told of. You did your best, and now it sounds like the right professionals are helping Wy. I'm glad you found some teams in AZ. Wyatt sounds like a really fun guy. When is your due date by the way? Take care of yourself.

Shellieterri mattson <terrilin_1999@...> wrote:

Carmell,Well I am so glad to hear everything. I think we areon the right track here in AZ. We are meeting with thePed. Ortho Surgoen, Ped. Neurosurgoen, Ped.Cardiologist, and the Genetics here. They are planningin doing all their own test, MRI, CT, Ultrasound, andtesting on the kidneys. Also a hearing test againbecause a extra piece of skin inside the earlobe. Ithink they were tring to find a nice way to tell methe didn't agree with Michigan. I can't stay so mad Ineed to see the doctors here are doing what I wantthem too. Wy was also seen at Shriner's a few yearsago, who gave me a diagnostic of club arm andscolisios. I guess I just can't see how somethingright there on reports could be over looked!!I was told about the surgery for the tethered cord.Michigan doctor told me they were just going to watchit and it's

growth IF it got bigger. I feel like astupid mother!!! But I looked to the doctor there foranswers. Well here I am going on and on. I think we as parentsmade the right move with everything including thefusion surgery. It is great to be able to get on lineand vent, knowing you all understand. With no familyhere it gets hard plus having pregnant cry baby bluesI have had a bad few days!Oh, about hockey, Wy and I surfed the net and foundtwo teams here in the Phoenix area. Well thanks for letting me run my mouth!!!Terri--- Carmell Burns <cjbmom23@...> wrote:> Hi Terri,> > <<First what did they do or planned on doing for> that> fatty filum tethered cord??>>> > Braydon had surgery to release the fatty filum> tethered cord just before his 4th birthday. The> benefits for him were obvious. He had much more> energy, he grew 3

inches and gained 3 pounds in 6> weeks time, he no longer had occasional leg/foot> pain/weakness, etc. His body finally started> thriving. We didn't see the obvious-ness (is that a> real word? probably not) of it until AFTER the> surgery. Then, it was clear he needed the release> surgery.> > The fatty filum release surgery is very> straightforward (neurosurgically speaking). If Wy> is> having ANY symptoms, I would consider consulting> with> a pediatric neurosurgeon who has experience with> kids> who have multiple issues involved. Our neurosurgeon> didn't hesitate to recommend surgery. He is one of> those that believes releasing a tethered cord has a> direct benefit to scoliosis in a patient. Braydon's> scoliosis remained stable for a couple of years> after> his release surgery.

> > <<Also do you believe the fusion was worth it??>>> > For Braydon's case, yes, the fusion was worth it. > The> VEPTR procedure had not been perfected when Braydon> was an infant (the hybrid/spine device) so fusion> was> our only option. If the VEPTR had been an option,> he> would have required fusion of some verts anyway,> just> by the nature of his bone malformations in the> thoracic spine. It just may have been a shorter> fusion - not so many vertebrae involved.> > <<The ultrasound shows one kidney being larger then> the other but the DR. said that still doesn't mean> anything.>>> > Hmmm... what kind of doctor told you that one kidney> being larger than the other doesn't mean anything? > With Wy's odd anomalies in his body, I would be> insisting on more testing to make sure the

FUNCTION> of> both kidneys is acceptable. Braydon's kidneys are> not> formed well, but they function fine, after 2> surgeries> to repair the reflux and ureterocele. Having one> kidney larger than the other may be a subtle sign> that> you need to keep an eye on things. I would have a> pediatric urologist consultation, at least so you> know> what to watch for.> > I hope you find a place in AZ that you like. I'm> sure> it's quite a different climate and culture than MI. > Do they have hockey in Phoenix/Mesa? I hope so for> Wy's sake! Keep up the good work!> > Carmell> > > > Carmellmom to Kara 18, idiopathic scoliosis, Blake> 13, GERD and Braydon 9, VACTERL, GERD, DGE, Titanium> Rib Project patient #137 (dbl implant 8/01),> thoracic insufficiency, rib anomalies,

congenital> scoliosis (fusion surgery 5/96), missing coccyx,> fatty filum/TC (released 4/99), anal stenosis,> chronic constipation, horseshoe (cross-fused)> kidney, dbl ureter in left kidney, ureterocele> (excized 6/95), kidney reflux (reimplant surgery> 1/97), neurogenic bladder, bilateral hip dysplasia,> right leg/foot dyplasia, tibial torsion, clubfoot> with 8 toes (reconstructed 2/96, 3/96, 1/97, 3/04),> pes cavus, single umblilical artery,> tonsil-adnoidectomy and ear tubes (3/98), etc.> http://carmellb-ivil.tripod.com/myfamily/> > > > ____________________________________________________> Start your day with - make it your home page > http://www./r/hs > >


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"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate." - Ann Landers

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  • 5 months later...
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Where the he.. have you been? I was just thinking of you the other day

and got to thinking that I hadn't seen

you post anything in ages. Good to hear from you again.


Hi Everyone! Long time no chat or see! I thought I better answer Shaye's

call for the gatherin roll call and say I'll be attending this years


Terri... Who owes Deb S a long overdue email.... Hopefully I'll be able

to catch up with her later this afternoon.

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  • 2 months later...
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Terri -

One last response to your query...

Another smart mom just explained to me that it is difficult genetic test for

CVID, because much of the genetics have not been determined. The following docs

might have suggestions about avenues to pursue... Dr. Buckley, Dr. Hans

Ochs, Dr. Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles, Dr. Terry Harville, and Dr.


Let us know what you find.

Dani's mom, CVID (low everything)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Terri -

Sending you a genuine thanks for meeting with the press and speaking up for our

children!!! Glad that you are in touch with IDF, who will certainly provide you

with the stats/ " bites " that you will want in the front of your mind. = )

Please let us know how we can tune-in and how it goes.

About the gut stuff...our GI doc explained that if you prevent the GI from

stretching (e.g., constipation) then the mucosa/nerves/muscle has more of a

chance to heal for the long-term. That is the logic (along with a stern order

by our GI doc) that made us decide to push the miralax on our kiddo. Like you,

I try to stay away from any meds that are not essential.

Really interesting with the SQ/vivi and how it affected ya'll's GIs!

Good luck and take care,

mom to CVIDer

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  • 4 years later...

Glad it has been so easy for you! I am trained to work with kids and have

started IV's on kids for 30 years and have NEVER made a big deal about it and

have always empathized with my son. It is important to realize that some kids

have more issues than others and to support the idea that there may be problems

even if you do it " perfectly "



From: K <nalla70@...>

Sent: Sun, October 17, 2010 6:55:31 AM

Subject: Terri

I so agree with you, we do not make it a big deal either and we help Kenzie

understand that it is just part of life we have to do. She has no problem with

who sticks her, me, her dad or a nurse, etc...it is not an option, she knows

someone has to do it, and actually prefers me :) I really don't think it is

the norm for all kids to be mad at their mom for sticking them (alot of them

are just mad they have to do it in the first place) I don't want others to be

scared into thinking their child is going to be mad at them for it, I do think

some have have more trouble than others, but for the most part, all I know doing

it have no issues with that, it is what it is, and it is what you make it..we

dont go on and on about things, just get it done and that is the way it is.

Makenzie knows I am her mom and she knows I am not a nurse, but I still have to

stick her, and she knows I love her, good luck to all, I know this is a hard

thing, but subq does

NOT have to be a big deal, as Terri said, it is all about your attitude and how

it is presented :)

Makenzie 10


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Glad it has been so easy for you! I am trained to work with kids and have

started IV's on kids for 30 years and have NEVER made a big deal about it and

have always empathized with my son. It is important to realize that some kids

have more issues than others and to support the idea that there may be problems

even if you do it " perfectly "



From: K <nalla70@...>

Sent: Sun, October 17, 2010 6:55:31 AM

Subject: Terri

I so agree with you, we do not make it a big deal either and we help Kenzie

understand that it is just part of life we have to do. She has no problem with

who sticks her, me, her dad or a nurse, etc...it is not an option, she knows

someone has to do it, and actually prefers me :) I really don't think it is

the norm for all kids to be mad at their mom for sticking them (alot of them

are just mad they have to do it in the first place) I don't want others to be

scared into thinking their child is going to be mad at them for it, I do think

some have have more trouble than others, but for the most part, all I know doing

it have no issues with that, it is what it is, and it is what you make it..we

dont go on and on about things, just get it done and that is the way it is.

Makenzie knows I am her mom and she knows I am not a nurse, but I still have to

stick her, and she knows I love her, good luck to all, I know this is a hard

thing, but subq does

NOT have to be a big deal, as Terri said, it is all about your attitude and how

it is presented :)

Makenzie 10


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Barbie, I was merely trying to present a positive story. If, in any way, I

trivialized some elses experiences, it was certainly not my intention. Every

child's (or parents) experience is just as valid....good or bad.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


I so agree with you, we do not make it a big deal either and we help Kenzie

understand that it is just part of life we have to do. She has no problem with

who sticks her, me, her dad or a nurse, etc...it is not an option, she knows

someone has to do it, and actually prefers me :) I really don't think it is

the norm for all kids to be mad at their mom for sticking them (alot of them

are just mad they have to do it in the first place) I don't want others to be

scared into thinking their child is going to be mad at them for it, I do think

some have have more trouble than others, but for the most part, all I know doing

it have no issues with that, it is what it is, and it is what you make it..we

dont go on and on about things, just get it done and that is the way it is.

Makenzie knows I am her mom and she knows I am not a nurse, but I still have to

stick her, and she knows I love her, good luck to all, I know this is a hard

thing, but subq does

NOT have to be a big deal, as Terri said, it is all about your attitude and how

it is presented :)

Makenzie 10


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I think it is important to realize that some of us have children with emotional

difficulties and do not respond as well to interventions. The number of kids

that have these problems is higher than average but often is dismissed that the

parents are doing something wrong. I have felt very alone with this and wanted

to share my experience so that others could express their concerns. It is OK to

be positive and generally I am but it is also important to be careful to not

dismiss others experiences.



From: Terri Cerda <tcerda@...>

Sent: Sun, October 17, 2010 9:42:49 AM

Subject: Re: Terri

Barbie, I was merely trying to present a positive story. If, in any way, I

trivialized some elses experiences, it was certainly not my intention. Every

child's (or parents) experience is just as valid....good or bad.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


I so agree with you, we do not make it a big deal either and we help Kenzie

understand that it is just part of life we have to do. She has no problem with

who sticks her, me, her dad or a nurse, etc...it is not an option, she knows

someone has to do it, and actually prefers me :) I really don't think it is

the norm for all kids to be mad at their mom for sticking them (alot of them

are just mad they have to do it in the first place) I don't want others to be

scared into thinking their child is going to be mad at them for it, I do think

some have have more trouble than others, but for the most part, all I know doing

it have no issues with that, it is what it is, and it is what you make it..we

dont go on and on about things, just get it done and that is the way it is.

Makenzie knows I am her mom and she knows I am not a nurse, but I still have to

stick her, and she knows I love her, good luck to all, I know this is a hard

thing, but subq does

NOT have to be a big deal, as Terri said, it is all about your attitude and how

it is presented :)

Makenzie 10


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