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Helen, thank you. We are very excited. Honestly didn't

think these two would have any kids and now to know

that there will be two..

We are raising our two year old grandson. Have had him

since he was ten months old. Most of the times I cope

fairly well. My main thing is I get a lot of headaches

and sometimes it's difficult dealing with a demanding

child but you do it. My husband is supportive and

helps when he can. I've been lucky and haven't had any

meningitis episodes for awhile but you just get a

support system in place and pray alot. It's not easy

though is it. I'm 49 and certainly realize why I had

my children when I was young.


searching for Deborah

dob 1/14/57 in nna, Fl

Relinquished in Chicago, 1961

brother and 5 other siblings searching

Half-sib found 1-16-00!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I got as far as putting in my password, (which I have changed 8

times), and they still tell me I have the wrong password. How come when you

put a password in , they send you back a really stupid name for your

password? Is this only happening to me? Kathy

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Hope you don't mind me emailing on the list....there might be others that are

having a tough time with the same thing.

go to

once there click on " sigh in " ... when you get to the sign in screen type in your

member name (your ID) and your password....theres a little box to

check to have them remeber who you are when you return....check the little box.

then when you leave the group do not sign out. This might help with having to

change passwords all the time.

Once your in our groups page the " files " section is where we can add our recipes

and pic's. There' isn't any recipes in there yet....hope we can build up those

files. Theres pic's and the lotion writer and a few other things.....our logos

are in there too and our map.

Let me know if this works.....



If you have a few spare moments, I would appreciate it if you would write me

privately and explain to me how I can get to the receipes and other

information once I have gotton into . Everytime I try, I have to put

in a new password, and then if I should happen to get it, I don't know where

to go from there. I would really appreciate it, because it is really

driving me nuts. Kathy

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totally strange.

Anyone else on the list having trouble?


Re: Terri

Well, I got as far as putting in my password, (which I have changed 8

times), and they still tell me I have the wrong password. How come when you

put a password in , they send you back a really stupid name for your

password? Is this only happening to me? Kathy

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Hi Nerys. New home is just fine, really like it

although having a hard time getting use to the cold

weather again. The 1000 mile trip with a two year old

was fun (NOT!!) but he actually did pretty well. Hubby

has yet to find a job here so that is worrisome. Good

thing we aren't paying rent! Everyone keep thinking

positive thoughts in him finding a job REAL soon ok?

Yes, it was good to find a dr. that had actually heard

of what I have. Usually when you say it they just give

you a look like " what? " and then you explain to them

what it is. Makes you want to ask who has the medical

degree here? She seems pretty thorough so we shall see.


searching for Deborah

dob 1/14/57 in nna, Fl

Relinquished in Chicago, 1961

brother and 5 other siblings searching

Half-sib found 1-16-00!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Sure can do. just let me know if you can't get it to work



I'm going to make an attempt to switch this account over to my biz

address(seems like I can't send mail from mine). If i can't manage

it, could you switch membership to northernscentsations@...



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  • 4 weeks later...
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uh oh..... didn't you get the map?? please tell me it came through cause I can't talk you through the city ... at least not through the safe parts from where you'll be getting off 81

I'm terrible with directions.... go 5 lights and turn at the Ford dealer...

ok, but you never know with me cause that really could be a Chevy dealer. And to think I used to work for the City police as a dispatcher!! YIKES!! LOL note I said USED to work there.

Call me before you head out 635-1437


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I have 4.75 X 6.75 " would these work for you?

I paid $4.80 per 100 + postage to you.


Re: Terri

If you have 6 " & 8 " I will take those for now. I could use about 100 of

each. Let me know the cost. Kathy

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Nashville wraps...they usually arrive within 3 days for me.



Re: Terri

No , I think I need them a little bigger, sorry. Do you know of any places

that sell them. Kathy

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Yep,had a show yesterday.... we didn't do what we thought we would... no one at the show did.

The show was advertised on radio and TV all week long with lunch with the Easter Bunny for the kids. There might have been 200 people through the door all day. I made back my booth rental, overed many cups of coffee and cleared around 15 bucks. Everyone was disapointed in sales and turn out, but I think it had to do with Spring... the fall show there does fantistic so I'm on the list for the fall show. This week before the kids get out for Spring break I'm off to get in those shops I was talking about. I may take a break from the craft shows until the Fall and work on some of the farmers markets and farm stands I have on my list... I've got a yes from 3 already and just have to get after the hubby to build me my displays.

Of to do some raking


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Well at least you made your table money! I'm hoping to do the same

at my show at the end of the month.

I'm already lining my fall shows up. My aunt wants me to do her

church's show at the end of October. The jeff. county historical

society called on Thursday and they would like me to do their show

the week AFTER. Then, I have another show the week after that. EGADS!

Three weekends in a ROW! Good thing I got that play pen for Bridget--

just in case. I may doone more show after that...but THAT'S it!

I don't want anyone to call me a craft show ho! LOL


> Yep,had a show yesterday.... we didn't do what we thought we

would... no one at the show did.

> The show was advertised on radio and TV all week long with lunch

with the Easter Bunny for the kids. There might have been 200 people

through the door all day. I made back my booth rental, overed many

cups of coffee and cleared around 15 bucks. Everyone was disapointed

in sales and turn out, but I think it had to do with Spring... the

fall show there does fantistic so I'm on the list for the fall show.

This week before the kids get out for Spring break I'm off to get in

those shops I was talking about. I may take a break from the craft

shows until the Fall and work on some of the farmers markets and farm

stands I have on my list... I've got a yes from 3 already and just

have to get after the hubby to build me my displays.

> Of to do some raking

> Terri

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Gail,

Everyone is ok, thanks for asking! :) I haven't been posting much

lately...just lurking. LOL 's cast came off (for good! LOL) on May 4.

He got a bad URI right after that and eventually it turned into pneumonia. He

got over that right before the Memorial Day weekend, so we went camping...which

is something he loves. We spent Memorial Day in the ER because his stomach (and

gi system generally) stopped working and the doctor wanted to r/o a mechanical

obstruction. The upshot was that it was the pseudo-obstruction again and he

needed Propulsid which was taken off the US market last year due to lawsuits

related to some potential side-effects. I happened to have some left (about 6-7

days worth) and his doctor told me to give it to him. He investigated the

possibility of getting it from the manufacturer on a compassionate need basis

again (we did this years ago before it was approved by the FDA), but the

manufacturer will only do that now if he goes through a lot of tests

again....yada, yada..... Our doctor told us it is available in Mexico, so

after a major internet search, some wheeling, dealing and finegaling (sp?), we

got a two week supply. I only have a couple of days worth now and am waiting to

hear if I can get some more before Saturday. Sigh! Otherwise, the kids are

doing better...Garrett is looking for full-time employment with benefits and

thinking of taking an EMT class at the local college in September. I noticed

you haven't been on a lot lately either....how are all of you?


Re: Terri

Terri? Have you done an update on your family lately that I missed? How is

everyone doing and is the cast/brace completely gone yet?


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Glad to hear things are going well for Garrett. His wife is well too? Gosh,

that's too bad about . Sure did get more than his share of problems

huh? My prayers and luck on obtaining the meds he needs. Guess things

could be worse and this could have happened when he was still in the body

cast. And, how is Terri? Sounds like through it all you are holding

steady? We are okay here. I went to see the placement they want Seth in,

AGAIN. Saw an aide that was VERY rough with a kid in the room and very cruel

to him. The kid went home with black and blue marks on his wrists, so I told

his Mom how he got them. Right in front of me as the aide dragged the kid in

the room, she said " I'm sick of this. I've lost my patience with this kid. "

She jerked that kid around the whole hour I was there observing. Everyone

in the room seemed oblivious to her actions. She did call the kids Mom and

apologize and said she had a rough day and it would never happen again. The

teacher and other aide called the Mom too and said they knew there was a

problem and was keeping an eye on the situation. Gosh, when were they going

to tell her about it? When he was seriously hurt? Needless to say, I'm sure

that teacher and staff didn't appreciate my telling the Mother, or

interfering. LOL Guess that room won't be a choice for Seth for fall now.

LOL Really bothers me to think that we trust these people to take care of

our kids, and they LET this stuff go on. I'm still feeling down about all of

it and just wonder what Seth has endured while in the care of the school.

Okay, enough of my whining. LOL Hope all goes well for Garrett and with

getting 's meds Terri.


<< Hi Gail,

Everyone is ok, thanks for asking! :) I haven't been posting much

lately...just lurking. LOL 's cast came off (for good! LOL) on May

4. He got a bad URI right after that and eventually it turned into

pneumonia. He got over that right before the Memorial Day weekend, so we

went camping...which is something he loves. We spent Memorial Day in the ER

because his stomach (and gi system generally) stopped working and the doctor

wanted to r/o a mechanical obstruction. The upshot was that it was the

pseudo-obstruction again and he needed Propulsid which was taken off the US

market last year due to lawsuits related to some potential side-effects. I

happened to have some left (about 6-7 days worth) and his doctor told me to

give it to him. He investigated the possibility of getting it from the

manufacturer on a compassionate need basis again (we did this years ago

before it was approved by the FDA), but the manufacturer will only do that

now if he goes through a lot of tests again....yada, yada..... Our doctor

told us it is available in Mexico, so after a major internet search, some

wheeling, dealing and finegaling (sp?), we got a two week supply. I only

have a couple of days worth now and am waiting to hear if I can get some more

before Saturday. Sigh! Otherwise, the kids are doing better...Garrett is

looking for full-time employment with benefits and thinking of taking an EMT

class at the local college in September. I noticed you haven't been on a lot

lately either....how are all of you?

Terry >>

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Glad to hear things are going well for Garrett. His wife is well too? Gosh,

that's too bad about . Sure did get more than his share of problems

huh? My prayers and luck on obtaining the meds he needs. Guess things

could be worse and this could have happened when he was still in the body

cast. And, how is Terri? Sounds like through it all you are holding

steady? We are okay here. I went to see the placement they want Seth in,

AGAIN. Saw an aide that was VERY rough with a kid in the room and very cruel

to him. The kid went home with black and blue marks on his wrists, so I told

his Mom how he got them. Right in front of me as the aide dragged the kid in

the room, she said " I'm sick of this. I've lost my patience with this kid. "

She jerked that kid around the whole hour I was there observing. Everyone

in the room seemed oblivious to her actions. She did call the kids Mom and

apologize and said she had a rough day and it would never happen again. The

teacher and other aide called the Mom too and said they knew there was a

problem and was keeping an eye on the situation. Gosh, when were they going

to tell her about it? When he was seriously hurt? Needless to say, I'm sure

that teacher and staff didn't appreciate my telling the Mother, or

interfering. LOL Guess that room won't be a choice for Seth for fall now.

LOL Really bothers me to think that we trust these people to take care of

our kids, and they LET this stuff go on. I'm still feeling down about all of

it and just wonder what Seth has endured while in the care of the school.

Okay, enough of my whining. LOL Hope all goes well for Garrett and with

getting 's meds Terri.


<< Hi Gail,

Everyone is ok, thanks for asking! :) I haven't been posting much

lately...just lurking. LOL 's cast came off (for good! LOL) on May

4. He got a bad URI right after that and eventually it turned into

pneumonia. He got over that right before the Memorial Day weekend, so we

went camping...which is something he loves. We spent Memorial Day in the ER

because his stomach (and gi system generally) stopped working and the doctor

wanted to r/o a mechanical obstruction. The upshot was that it was the

pseudo-obstruction again and he needed Propulsid which was taken off the US

market last year due to lawsuits related to some potential side-effects. I

happened to have some left (about 6-7 days worth) and his doctor told me to

give it to him. He investigated the possibility of getting it from the

manufacturer on a compassionate need basis again (we did this years ago

before it was approved by the FDA), but the manufacturer will only do that

now if he goes through a lot of tests again....yada, yada..... Our doctor

told us it is available in Mexico, so after a major internet search, some

wheeling, dealing and finegaling (sp?), we got a two week supply. I only

have a couple of days worth now and am waiting to hear if I can get some more

before Saturday. Sigh! Otherwise, the kids are doing better...Garrett is

looking for full-time employment with benefits and thinking of taking an EMT

class at the local college in September. I noticed you haven't been on a lot

lately either....how are all of you?

Terry >>

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Hi Gail...

You have to wonder sometimes, don't you? If WE did that...Child Protective

Services would be knocking at our door! I just found myself explaining to the

aides that the bruise on 's arm was from a blood draw the other day....go

figure! I'm glad you told the Mom what happened so she can be aware. I'm sorry

but I don't think " having a bad day " is an acceptable excuse for jerking a kid

around with enough force to cause bruising on his wrists. If it was my kid, she

wouldn't be working with him ever again!

Yes, Touche (Garrett's wife) seems to be doing better as well. They still have

their moments, but don't we all! LOL


Re: Terri

...... Saw an aide that was VERY rough with a kid in the room and very cruel

to him. The kid went home with black and blue marks on his wrists, so I told

his Mom how he got them. Right in front of me as the aide dragged the kid in

the room, she said " I'm sick of this. I've lost my patience with this kid. "

She jerked that kid around the whole hour I was there observing. Everyone

in the room seemed oblivious to her actions. She did call the kids Mom and

apologize and said she had a rough day and it would never happen again. The

teacher and other aide called the Mom too and said they knew there was a

problem and was keeping an eye on the situation.

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Hi Gail...

You have to wonder sometimes, don't you? If WE did that...Child Protective

Services would be knocking at our door! I just found myself explaining to the

aides that the bruise on 's arm was from a blood draw the other day....go

figure! I'm glad you told the Mom what happened so she can be aware. I'm sorry

but I don't think " having a bad day " is an acceptable excuse for jerking a kid

around with enough force to cause bruising on his wrists. If it was my kid, she

wouldn't be working with him ever again!

Yes, Touche (Garrett's wife) seems to be doing better as well. They still have

their moments, but don't we all! LOL


Re: Terri

...... Saw an aide that was VERY rough with a kid in the room and very cruel

to him. The kid went home with black and blue marks on his wrists, so I told

his Mom how he got them. Right in front of me as the aide dragged the kid in

the room, she said " I'm sick of this. I've lost my patience with this kid. "

She jerked that kid around the whole hour I was there observing. Everyone

in the room seemed oblivious to her actions. She did call the kids Mom and

apologize and said she had a rough day and it would never happen again. The

teacher and other aide called the Mom too and said they knew there was a

problem and was keeping an eye on the situation.

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This is Terri, just checking in on Helen's orders**grin**.

######## :0)

Physically I am fine, still have the dailyheadaches but that's old news. Emotionally right nowis another story. Just got husband out of the hospitalon Monday after he had a seizure, unknown cause. Whilein the hospital, his boss fired him. Great guy huh?Said if he couldn't be there...So not only dealingwith husband sick, but loss of income.

########### Many Hugs to your Hubby!!! Hope they find what caused it, that is scary!!! Sorry you are bummed out!!! But you sound like your plate is full also!

Can't you take the Boss to court??? That is Terrible!!! Some people have no Heart!

Then to top it all off, got a call from my son. Theyare expecting twin boys. Original due date was inAugust but we know twins normally come early. OnFriday, daughter in laws water broke. She is now inthe hospital until babies are born. They did an amnioand the lungs are not developed enough yet. Hopingthat she can continue to carry them until after the33rd week, she is in her 32nd week now. So far thebabies are in no distress. If they do becomedistressed, they will do a C-section. As they live inNJ and I live in KS, it's really hard. Can't just upand go even if I could.

######### SPECIAL BABY HUGS !!!!!! I will be praying for them! I hope all goes OK!!!

Also have the responsibilityof caring for our three year old grandson that we areraising.So.. could use all the emotional support you guys haveto offer. Feeling extremely down and depressed rightnow. They say that God only gives you what you canhandle but right now I think he has way to muchconfidence in me.Thanks for listening to my trials and tribulations. Terri

########## I'm also raising my Three Grand Daughters, it's a big responsibility, for us! I can see why you are so down, I am always here!!!

Your plate is extremely full! I Think we have to much to bear at times also!!! My Prayers are with you and your Family!!! I Hope things start to turn for the better for you soon!



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I think I let my supplier know, but just in case I forgot, I

wrote her and told her again. Thanks for the reminder.


Re: gathering...

Would the person in charge of the donations please contact me...I just made some large orders and I will ask those vendors for donations if they weren't already...I will help out however I can.....Debbie Z. in Pa.Our members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Special Invite for membershttp://soapwerks.com/martinrectangle.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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If you read my earlier letter to my cousin , you know that my dad is getting ready for his surgery, and it may interfere with the gathering. I haven't signed up for what I am bringing because I dont know anything definite. Can you tell me what I can bring that isn't real important, just incase I dont make it. Also I haven't been reading many of the letters, and the only thing I have caught is the Yankee swap, which sounds great, but can you tell me if we are exchanging soaps, or anything else that I may have missed. Sorry for bothering you with all this, but I just haven't had time to keep up. Thanks, Kathy

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Sounds good to me, Terri. As long as I can remember to bring

the things. Also, just to let you know.....I haven't been receiving

any duplicate emails. So it may just be your computer system and

not everybody else.



***GARAGE SALE AND BOOK LIBRARY at the Gathering***

I had an idea and threw it up on the webpage when I built it, but I don't think I brought it to the list.

*Someone please find me 4 more hours in a day!*

What do you say we all bring our soap making books to pass and share. I know a few of mine I would have liked to have gone through before I spent the money one them and it would be nice to see what other ones are out there. Just make sure your name is marked in the book somewhere and we'll gather them up for our "Library"

Also if anyone has any items in their supplies they would like to sell or trade bring them along. Colleen and I talked and thought if you wanted to do this just put them in a box with your name on them (or a bag) and you do your own trading and selling during the course of the day.

TerriOur members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Special Invite for membershttp://soapwerks.com/martinrectangle.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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