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Yup, I'd have to venture to say you are probably the "baby" of our

list. Maybe I'm wrong, but if I am, I can't imagine which member

is younger.

Regarding the question if Ilion is right of I-90: not EXACTLY

because the town of Mohawk is right off I-90 if you take a left

(which you are) and the town of Herkimer is actually where the

Thruway Exit is. Mohawk is a very small town (as is Ilion but

we're bigger than Mohawk). The way I've got you coming by taking

Rt 5s west you're not going thru the town. I though of taking you

that way, but after doing (2) different run-thrus I opted to take

you around the town. **When you take the left on RT 51 and

you're in Ilion when I show the (3) stop lights, that's a two-lane

road thru the first (2) lights. These lights are only about 100 yds

apart and going to the 3rd light it turns into (3) lanes for people

who are turning left at the 3rd light (a bigger intersection). YOU


you stay in the right hand lane to go straight. I'd hate to have

you in the middle lane and HAVE to turn left and get screwed

up. Just keep going straight and eventually you'll come to the

large statue (flowers planted all around it) and right there is the

left turn UP THE HILL to my house. There's a really yucky

dark gray house at the turn you're going to take so you can't

miss it!! I think you'll do fine. And like I said, if you even feel

like you're not sure if you did something wrong and may be lost,

JUST CALL and I'll come rescue you!! (hehe)

M (who can't wait to try those cookies!!)


Hey ,

It's a really good map. Thank you. I showed it to my husband last night, and he agreed -- said you did a very good job with it. Are you off I-90, then? I'll have to look at our atlas. So excited about meeting you and attending our gathering!!! Yeah, sometimes the USPS surprises me and delivers things way earlier than I would have thought! Oh, the monster cookies were served in our college dorm ... I've never tried making them before ... so you all are my guinea pigs! hehe :-) *evil grin* My husband is *so* excited that I'm making them ... he's going to sneak a few, I can already see it! :-) Yeah, I graduated from college in May 1997 ... I will be turning 26 this September. Am I the youngest one on this list?!?

Talk to you later,


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Well, I hadn't really thought about the "time." I'm assuming it's going

to take you about 1-1/4 hr. to get here? I'll be up (hopefully) at 7:00AM.

We should probably leave here at about 9:00 or 9:15 so you can get here

around 8:30 if you want. I'll have the coffee ready, that is if you drink

coffee. My husband will probably be giving us "lesson" on the car, also.

I think he's getting a little nervous. (hehe) I probably will be really

nervous by the time we get out of here!!

Talk about wasting time ...

I am busily making these monster cookies, and I am worried that I won't getthem all done!!! I am stressing big time! But I have to tell you guys what Idid last night ... I was making these cookies, and when I went to put thebutter in, I put TWICE as much butter as the recipe called for! Totally anaccident! So I ended up doubling the batch! And now we'll have four dozencookies!!! Oh my gosh! I felt so stupid and was so mad at myself. Anyway, itworked out fine, and I've tasted them -- they are delicious! But wow, we'llhave lots of cookies ... Jeff took some into work this morning! hehe :-)Looking forward to tomorrow -- , when do you want me to arrive at yourhouse?nneOur members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, I'm flattered!! Actually, not looking our age runs on my mother's

side of the family. The women in our family also tend to live long, too.

My great grandmother lived to be 99 and my grandmother was 87. My

mom is 68 but looks about 58. Hopefully, I carry all their traits, too.

As far as giftbaskets for Xmas, I did that last year for all my brothers

& sisters. I don't know if I'll bother this year. Hopefully, I'll be too

busy with making them to SELL. This week has been going great down

at the ladies' shop. I've sold about $100 worth. I don't know if it's

because of all the traffic she's getting in the store because she's got the

big 'going out of business' sale going on, or if it's because I'm running

a buy one - get one half price sale. Probably a combination of both

things. Whatever it is, it's selling great. I can't keep the oatmeal &

raspberry soaps in the store.

Well, I'm finally getting tired so have to try to catch some sleep.


Upcoming holidays/looks

Hey guys!

>>Sometimes I beat myself up over it and I know my husband would rather have me like I was before.<<

Oh my gosh, , you are so pretty!!! I can't even believe you said that!!! You look like you're in your 30s or something. I would have never guessed that you're 50. You look thin to me, too -- I probably weigh more than you do! hehe :-) And you're so tan ... my tan has totally faded and I really need to work on it again! I hate my thighs and hips. That is the worst part of my body, I think. I really should exercise more. My husband and I love to go walking, but we haven't done it lately because it's so hot out there. But today is nice -- maybe we can take a relaxing walk before our company comes over tonight. Anyway, Shaye, I thought you were in your 20s!!! I couldn't believe it when you told me your age! You definitely look like you're 20-something. And I think you're really pretty -- and you have a wonderful personality to match! I gained so much weight after college, when I went into the workforce, because I was no longer walking everywhere. That was really my downfall. I like to go swimming, too, to get a workout -- I used to take this deep water exercise class, and it was wonderful. I also used to do step aerobics in college and during the summers, and it is so much fun. I would love to get back into that. I think all of you are beautiful ladies!!!

>>So now he's into running (which he always did, too) and he'll ask me if I want to go with him. I just tell him "What do you want to do, kill me?" I always hated running anyways.<<

I *so* know what you mean, . I used to go running occasionally in college, because our campus was just so beautiful and I loved doing it, but now it kind of hurts my ankles. And I get all out of breath quickly! So it isn't fun. I prefer walking.

So I have a question for all of you -- how many of you are making bath and body products to give as gifts this year, like for Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you making gift baskets? How are you packaging these things? I am just curious, because I'm already starting to think about Christmas. hehe :-) I am thinking about giving a bath and body package to my coworker Jan, to my mom, to my grandma, to my mother-in-law, to my friend , and to some other friends. I want to include things like bath salts, lip balms, soaps, etc. Just looking for some creative ideas for packaging these items into a gift basket or something. I should probably start looking for containers/baskets that are on sale at craft stores and such! One thing that I did think of for my friend Jan, since she likes teacups, is to get a nice teacup and saucer and put some bath teabags inside or some chamomile tea-scented soap in there (although I would have to remind her not to use the teabag in a cup of TEA!). LOL

OK, I need to get going. It is just beautiful outside. I love this weather -- much cooler than it has been (75). Sorry for the long message. I feel like I haven't posted much lately. Talk to you guys later!

nne in Albany :-)Our members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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Wow ! Congratulations! You go girl with your Oatmeal & Raspberry soaps! Im very proud of you!


-----Original Message-----From: Joe Murray [mailto:jmurray2@...]Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 3:25 AM Subject: Re: nne

Wow, I'm flattered!! Actually, not looking our age runs on my mother's

side of the family. The women in our family also tend to live long, too.

My great grandmother lived to be 99 and my grandmother was 87. My

mom is 68 but looks about 58. Hopefully, I carry all their traits, too.

As far as giftbaskets for Xmas, I did that last year for all my brothers

& sisters. I don't know if I'll bother this year. Hopefully, I'll be too

busy with making them to SELL. This week has been going great down

at the ladies' shop. I've sold about $100 worth. I don't know if it's

because of all the traffic she's getting in the store because she's got the

big 'going out of business' sale going on, or if it's because I'm running

a buy one - get one half price sale. Probably a combination of both

things. Whatever it is, it's selling great. I can't keep the oatmeal &

raspberry soaps in the store.

Well, I'm finally getting tired so have to try to catch some sleep.


Upcoming holidays/looks

Hey guys!

>>Sometimes I beat myself up over it and I know my husband would rather have me like I was before.<<

Oh my gosh, , you are so pretty!!! I can't even believe you said that!!! You look like you're in your 30s or something. I would have never guessed that you're 50. You look thin to me, too -- I probably weigh more than you do! hehe :-) And you're so tan ... my tan has totally faded and I really need to work on it again! I hate my thighs and hips. That is the worst part of my body, I think. I really should exercise more. My husband and I love to go walking, but we haven't done it lately because it's so hot out there. But today is nice -- maybe we can take a relaxing walk before our company comes over tonight. Anyway, Shaye, I thought you were in your 20s!!! I couldn't believe it when you told me your age! You definitely look like you're 20-something. And I think you're really pretty -- and you have a wonderful personality to match! I gained so much weight after college, when I went into the workforce, because I was no longer walking everywhere. That was really my downfall. I like to go swimming, too, to get a workout -- I used to take this deep water exercise class, and it was wonderful. I also used to do step aerobics in college and during the summers, and it is so much fun. I would love to get back into that. I think all of you are beautiful ladies!!!

>>So now he's into running (which he always did, too) and he'll ask me if I want to go with him. I just tell him "What do you want to do, kill me?" I always hated running anyways.<<

I *so* know what you mean, . I used to go running occasionally in college, because our campus was just so beautiful and I loved doing it, but now it kind of hurts my ankles. And I get all out of breath quickly! So it isn't fun. I prefer walking.

So I have a question for all of you -- how many of you are making bath and body products to give as gifts this year, like for Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you making gift baskets? How are you packaging these things? I am just curious, because I'm already starting to think about Christmas. hehe :-) I am thinking about giving a bath and body package to my coworker Jan, to my mom, to my grandma, to my mother-in-law, to my friend , and to some other friends. I want to include things like bath salts, lip balms, soaps, etc. Just looking for some creative ideas for packaging these items into a gift basket or something. I should probably start looking for containers/baskets that are on sale at craft stores and such! One thing that I did think of for my friend Jan, since she likes teacups, is to get a nice teacup and saucer and put some bath teabags inside or some chamomile tea-scented soap in there (although I would have to remind her not to use the teabag in a cup of TEA!). LOL

OK, I need to get going. It is just beautiful outside. I love this weather -- much cooler than it has been (75). Sorry for the long message. I feel like I haven't posted much lately. Talk to you guys later!

nne in Albany :-)Our members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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From what they tell me, hopefully if I can get the meetings in with the

business consultant (he's supposed to spend 10 hours helping me, answering

questions, discussing business options, etc.) within this week and next week

he said he'd like to work on his report while he's on vacation the following

week. He'll turn that into my VESID rep. and then they say it's only a

few weeks. So......I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'm trying to hold off placing

any more orders from suppliers unless I really have to so I don't use the money

I've been taking in lately or my own money. I've certainly used enough of my own

to get this business off the ground. My wish list??? a good digital camera, scanner

for the computer, a Xyron laminator are the first things that come to mind. They

also said I could make improvements to my workshop - I want more cupboards

for storage, another work bench, I need the drop ceiling replaced, I want to remove

the carpet and put down tile flooring so it's easier to clean, a maid, oops - I don't

think they'll go for that (hehe). It will be nice not to worry about money for a

while, that's for sure.


To M. and Katy

Dear M.,

Congratulations on the money for your business!!! I bet it has been a hassle and quite time-consuming to fill out the paperwork and meet with your representative, but it will be well worth it, I'm sure!!! $11,000 will go a LONG way. I wish you all the best with your business -- you really deserve a ton of success, because your soaps and products are fantastic!!! So when do you find out if you are accepted? How great that you wouldn't have to pay it back, too!!! So what would be some of the big purchases on your list for your business if you received the money? How great!!! Best wishes!!!

--nneOur members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I don't recall getting an email about your mother's work. It sounds like you

must have sent an attachment, maybe of pictures? If so, would you do it

again so I can see? I've been so busy, that it's possible I skimmed right over

that email and deleted it.



Thanks, Colleen!

Dear Colleen,>>I just got a chance to check out the article on your mom. Wow! She isvery talented. From what I could see in the pictures, she's very creative.I see where your creative side comes from.<<hehe, thanks! :-) You are so sweet. We are way excited for her art show thismonth ... we're heading to Indiana on Thursday and will be there untilMonday to go to her art show and to celebrate with her. Should be fun! Shehas been weaving baskets for quite a while, and she really loves it.nne

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> Just an update ... Jeff and his coworkers are taking a train back

to Albany

> tonight ... they are expected to get in around 10, 11, or midnight


> will be lots of delays and lots of stops, I'm sure). I am just

thrilled that

> he is on his way back here. Thank you for your good wishes and



> nne

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So glad to hear you had a good time. And I saw someone waving at me

from the Thruway - I just didn't recognize the car. (hehe)

I can imagine that what Jeff told you about NYC hit you like a ton of

bricks. At first I thought you were going to say you had to stop the

car to barf. That's what I probably would've done. Boy, talk about

LUCK. You have to stop thinking of "what could have"......

or it will drive you nuts.

Let us know how those f/o's hold up in soap. I'm going to go check

out that site. I've never heard of that one before. I love seeing new

sites for soaping stuff.

Take care.


Lots of things to tell you

Hi everybody,Jeff and I just returned from our trip to Indiana. We left on the 13th andvisited my parents and grandparents in Columbus, IN and his parents in FortWayne, IN. It was so good to see both of our families and get away from NewYork for a while. Our families needed to see that we were OK. Last night wasmiserable, though. As we were driving back home, around Syracuse, Jeff toldme that on Tuesday, when he was in New York City for work, his meeting wasgoing to be shorter than they usually are, so after his meeting he was goingto walk over to the mall in the World Trade Center and buy me a birthdaypresent (my birthday was the 12th). His New York City office is alongCortland Street, across the street from the World Trade Center. I can't evendescribe my feelings of shock when he told me that. He said that he didn'ttell me earlier because he didn't want to give me one more thing to worryabout. I burst into tears and said "We have to stop," so we got a room atthe Holiday Inn by the Syracuse airport last night. I got zero sleep. I feelreally cranky today and in a bad mood because of everything that has beengoing on. I simply can't concentrate on work. What if that attack hadhappened later in the day and Jeff was inside that building? There are somany what-if situations that could have played themselves out, but theydidn't. We were SO lucky. I am so extremely grateful that Jeff is OK andsafe -- I can't even describe how thankful I am. I still feel numb.I haven't read all of your messages yet (I had 700 e-mails when we gothome!), and I'm still in the midst of going through them. G., I'm soglad that is home safe and sound. I did read that e-mail. We had areally nice trip to Indiana. The weather was great. I waved to you, M.,when we passed by Ilion, and I also waved to you, Colleen, when I saw thesign for Baldwinsville!I did receive some soaping goodies for my birthday. My parents ordered somefragrance oils from Good Scents 4 You, www.goodscents4you.com, which is anIndiana company. They bought me caramel apple, dreamsicle, lilac, sugarcookies, toasted hazelnut, and cream fragrance oils. They all smellwonderful. And they bought me a golf ball soap mold and a racecar soap mold(to embed into soap for our nephews). They also bought me some droppers thatare much nicer than the cheap plastic ones that I have now. Their e-mailaddress is herbs@... (just thought I'd pass that along). Youcan use their fragrance oils in candlemaking and soapmaking, from what theirbrochure says. I'll have to let you know how they turn out when I use them.We gave Jeff's mom some ocean breeze-scented chunky soap in a gift basketfor her birthday, and she really liked it. And Jeff's brother's girlfriend,Jane, was going on and on about this cucumber-mint soap that she bought thatcontains emu oil. She says that emu oil is wonderful for body aches andpains, and she said the cucumber-mint scent was fantastic! I never thoughtabout putting those two fragrances together, and I've never used emu oil. Ithink I might order some just to play around with it (but I've heard it'sexpensive). I'll have to do more research on it.It's so wonderful to see so many American flags everywhere. When we weredriving through Ohio, we passed a trucker and he blew his whistle at us. Wepulled over because we thought something might be wrong with our car, but wedidn't see anything. We got back in the car and resumed driving, and Jeffsaid, "We have a New York license plate!" He was honking in support of us!How truly wonderful! Jeff did a "presentation" to his family members aboutwhat happened and showed them pictures of where their building is in NewYork City, because they all had so many questions (and the kids needed toknow that he is safe and sound).I'll end this e-mail here because I have to get back to work. I'm going totry to concentrate, anyway! Have a good day.nne (Albany)Our members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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I have always loved going to the Apple fest. Last year was my first time as a

vendor-very scary! The crowd is around 100,000! There are around 300 vendors

there, so many wonderful crafters! As far as being ready?- Not even the day the

show starts will I be ready---but I won't sweat it, whatever is done is what I


If I remember, I will bring my fathers digital camera and take a shot of my

booth-I need to get some pics anyway, I'm not good at remembering to do things

like take pics.

Moving really took alot of my work time away from me but I must say, it is so

wonderful having a place to spread out in and really get involved in making




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Now THAT'S a new one. I've never made ice cream before

and I don't know if I'd like lavender in mine. Sorry, nne. :>)

But if you ever try it, let us know how it is.


RE: lavender spikes

You can use lavender to make ice cream, too! hehe :-) I've never tried it, but I've always wanted to!

nneOur members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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  • 1 month later...

oops one more thing.....


I've been meaning to ask you about this... did you know the time on your

computer is messed up?

Your emails come through with about a 2 hour time difference... your fast.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I did a little search for some companies that sold soap with that

f/o and the only one I found DID have it done in a beige color so

that's what I did. Thans, nne.


RE: need help if anybody is online

, isn't nag champa kind of an earthy scent? You could maybe do a pale yellow or beige, maybe? Sorry, I'm not much help ...

--nneOur members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmMember Kae's Site... Awesome oil Prices!http://www.olivetreesoaps.com/All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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Thanks so much for your letter. It really makes me feel better to get on the computor and read the letters each day from all of you. I dont write too much because I haven't been doing too much soaping, but its nice to know you are all there any time I want to talk to someone. Thanks again, and have a great holiday. Kathy

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You don't have to just talk soap with us! Anytime you want to talk or vent, feel free to post. That's what makes our group so special. We can talk about anything hear because we know we'll find someone who really listens & cares!


Country Meadow Creations

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, don't forget to wave at the Mohawk Valley as you pass by me. Have a safe

and happy Christmas.


RE: Christmas plans ...

Terri, it's supposed to snow on Saturday? Ugh!!! I am hoping that theweather will be nice for our trip!!!I will definitely wave to you all as we pass by! :-)~lisanne~Our members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmMember Kae's Site... Awesome oil Prices!http://www.olivetreesoaps.com/All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nope, never heard of the book. I'm not much of a reader. But I DID

go to Amazon.com and order (3) audio tapes of books written by

Dr. Phil who appears on Oprah all the time. He doesn't pull any punches

and really gets into peoples faces and makes them face their faults and all.

I told Joe about ordering them and he agreed with no problem at all that

he'd listen to them. He would've never done that before. He's spending the

night here tonight with Kaitlyn because I'm taking my other daughter and her

girlfriend to the Casino. I got sent coupons for free rooms at the Hotel there

so we're going up and relax and do a little gambling. I cannot believe the change

in Joe. He calls all the time and comes over and we have had some real long

heart to heart talks. Of course, I'm doing a lot of the talking and he's doing a

lot of the apologizing. It's going to take a lot of work and fixing on his part but

it just might work. If I didn't love him so much I wouldn't even bother. But since

I still melt every time he walks in the house, I can't deny those feelings to myself

so I HAVE TO TRY, right?


Hey, !!!

Good to hear from you. Have you ever read the book "Open House" by Berg? I'm just starting it, and it's about divorce. It's really sad in some parts but funny in others. I don't know, I just thought that I would recommend that to you. Might help somehow, I don't know?!? It's one of Oprah's Book Club books. It's really good so far. She's a good writer.

Sounds like you are way busy ~ and have fun with that shopping spree (we're all living vicariously through you!!!). That would be so wonderful to pick out supplies that you want. Whoa!!!

~nne~Our Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmMember Kae's Site... Awesome oil Prices!http://www.olivetreesoaps.com/All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the info on the buttermilk. We have a Hannaford's in the next

town over, I just never shop there. But now I know I can probably go find

powdered buttermilk if I want to. Thanks for the offer of shipping me some.

If I decide to try buttermilk and they don't have it there, I'll let you know.

Hey, by the way, did you finally figure out a good price on doing that order

for your friend's shower soaps you did?


Lots of stuff to say! :-)

Dear Everyone, ~ I actually find buttermilk powder in our grocery store! It's in thebaking aisle, near the baking soda and stuff. I'm so glad that they have it.(Our grocery stores are Price Chopper and Hannaford.) We also have powderedhoney, too ~ but that's with the regular honey in the bread/cereal aisle. Ifyou can't find powdered buttermilk near you, I would be glad to buy you someand ship it to you. I'm trying to remember how expensive it is ~ maybe $3 or$4, but I'm not sure. I can't remember. I used some of it in bath milk awhile back (that first batch that I made), and it doesn't make the watersmell like buttermilk at all! It's so soothing on your skin. I would highlyrecommend it!~nne in Albany~Our Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmMember Kae's Site... Awesome oil Prices!http://www.olivetreesoaps.com/All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, for the compliment, nne. I wish I could remember

where I found the recipe so I could give credit where credit is due.

RE: Lyn (bath bomb recipe)

I have used 's recipe for bath bombs, and they are TERRIFIC. They arethe only kind that I make now.~nneOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmMember Kae's Site... Awesome oil Prices!http://www.olivetreesoaps.com/All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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Sounds real nice. Make sure you get paid for all your work. It sounds

like you're putting a lot of effort into this so don't short-change yourself.

What I've been up to today

Hey, guys! I've been so busy today working on a gift basket order that I recently received. I'm so excited about it!!! A friend wants a gift basket to give to her friend for her birthday next month, and the only guidelines that she gave me are that her friend likes the color purple and the scent of vanilla. I spray painted a basket gold and then found a pretty purple and white washcloth to put inside as a filler. I'm also going to try to find a white or purple bath pouf to include. Anyway, I made her a four-ounce bar of lavender fields soap (colored pearly purple), a four-ounce bar of vanilla memories soap (clear), a tube of vanilla buttercream lip balm, a jar of raspberry bath salts (pastel purple), two lilac bath fizzies, and I plan to make a spiced vanilla gel air freshener. It's turning out really well, I think!I recently ordered some soap base from Bubbles & Lights ~ www.bubblesnlights.com. Has anyone ever tried their M & P soap base? I love it!!! I have always ordered from Wholesale Supplies Plus, but this time I thought that I would try something different. This soap base hardly bubbles at all when it's heated up and poured into the mold. And I have NEVER had such an easy time getting the soap out of a mold!!! It popped right out! This soap base is slicker than any other that I've tried (that's hard to explain; I'm not explaining it well!). But it lathers great and really holds the scent well. I find that I have to add more FO to cover the scent of the soap base (it has a slight smell to it), but that's no biggie, really. I love the feel of it on my skin, and Jeff likes using it, too! I am really psyched about it. I would love some feedback if anyone else has tried it. And their FOs are awesome!OK, have to get going ~ we are going to watch "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" in a few minutes ~ Jeff hasn't seen it, and it's one of my favorite movies!!! hehe :-)It has been an excellent weekend!~nneOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmMember Kae's Site... Awesome oil Prices!http://www.olivetreesoaps.com/All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

No, nne, I haven't seen it. Do you have any way to find it? I'd love to

send it to my brother. He's the one that sent me the one I posted.

RE: You've got to check this out


Have you seen the one where it's a picture of an apartment, and a woman comes out of the door toward the front of the picture? She looks really pale and scary? That scared me to death. OMG, I screamed ~ Jeff was like, "What's wrong?" It really does scare you when you're not expecting to see anything. Jeff says that this photo has been going around his office and scaring people!!! OMG, can you imagine screaming at work? hehe :-)

~nneOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmMember Kae's Site... Awesome oil Prices!http://www.olivetreesoaps.com/All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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That's weird

RE: nne

Here you go ...


Scroll down ... to where it says, "Stare at this picture and tell me what you see."

~nneOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmMember Kae's Site... Awesome oil Prices!http://www.olivetreesoaps.com/All posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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