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Hi Sheila,

Have only just picked up your message so didn't phone Dr P.

I don't know if I can phone him really because nothing has changed

since I saw him on the 15th. He will say the same thing - that he

strongly recommends that I try HC. To be honest, after seeing him, I

did feel clear and relieved that I knew what was going on (adrenals)

and that he seemed clear too. It was only when I posted my worry

about HC and you replied by saying you thought it was iron and B12

that was my problem that I felt a little muddled again... (Hope that

doesn't come out the wrong way, it's really not meant to).

Maybe confusion is the wrong word now - I feel that I need to make a

decision about HC and so feel confused and unsure about going down

this route. I have not had time to research or think about it

properly. My worry is, I am starting to feel worse and symptoms are

coming back, which I think had improved since being on Armour and

getting my adrenals to a certain point and so I feel i MUST make a

decsion soon...

I'm sorry if this is a little garbled - am stilla t work and am

really tired and fed up - have had a particularly long day trying to

get something finished which is why I haven't had any time this last


I woder if it would be worth ringing Dr P just to talk this over

again and to ask him anything about the HC - but I don't want to

annoy him as he did only see me a short time ago...

Sorry for being so difficult and I don't think i can say it enough

times, but I really appreciate the advice and concern.

Reeta x

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HI Reeta

What you say hasn't come out wrong at all. I absolutely understand and appreciate the confusion caused all round. I guess i am a person who goes by a process of elimination when it comes to deciding which course of treatment you need. There are so many problems that can cause thyroid hormone replacement not to work as it should - and you need to make sure that you haven't missed one. That is why I suggested you get your ferritin and B12 tested. These may be fine, but you won't know unless you get those blood tests.

DO talk to Dr Peatfield, he should be there tomorrow as he usually tries to keep Wednesday's free for answering the phone and dealing with correspondence. You will feel more assured about what to do and he will not be annoyed.Don't forget Reeta that he is both Patron and Medical Adviser to TPA . We are very lucky to have him.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila,Have only just picked up your message so didn't phone Dr P. I don't know if I can phone him really because nothing has changed since I saw him on the 15th. He will say the same thing - that he strongly recommends that I try HC. To be honest, after seeing him, I did feel clear and relieved that I knew what was going on (adrenals) and that he seemed clear too. It was only when I posted my worry about HC and you replied by saying you thought it was iron and B12 that was my problem that I felt a little muddled again... (Hope that doesn't come out the wrong way, it's really not meant to).Maybe confusion is the wrong word now - I feel that I need to make a decision about HC and so feel confused and unsure about going down this route. I have not had time to research or think about it properly. My worry is, I am starting to feel worse and symptoms are coming back, which I think had improved since being on Armour and getting my adrenals to a certain point and so I feel i MUST make a decsion soon...I'm sorry if this is a little garbled - am stilla t work and am really tired and fed up - have had a particularly long day trying to get something finished which is why I haven't had any time this last week... I woder if it would be worth ringing Dr P just to talk this over again and to ask him anything about the HC - but I don't want to annoy him as he did only see me a short time ago...Sorry for being so difficult and I don't think i can say it enough times, but I really appreciate the advice and concern.Reeta x

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Hi Caroline

You can telephone Dr Peatfield and talk to him about this problem. Tell him you really need some urgent advice and want to know his recommendation. He will understand and remember, you are still a patient of his and follow up telephone calls are included in your original consultation fee - you can tell him that Sheila asked you to call him. You might catch him today as he is usually there on a Wednesday to catch up with phone calls and emails etc. His number is 01474 815793.

Luv - Sheila

I could do with a little advice. I am currently on 40 mg cortef and nothing else (well 1 nae, 1 thryro complex, 5grams vitc and 2 x salt water)I have been trying to get my temps stable for 2 years working with Dr P for some of that time - I can not afford to see him definately before christmas, probably before march.Yesterday I tried hc cream as it was suggested that i may not be absorbing the tablets this was a diaster I had nausea, dizzyness and migraine (problem is i get these often but it felt different) and ended up in bed, took at 8pm a hc tablet instead of cream and the symptoms dissappeared. So I guess i need the hc and am absorbing the tablets.Reason I tried the cream was because my bp is still dropping on standing even on 40 mg cortef it was 99/62 sitting 94/64 standing on tuesday.I really need the t3 because my pain is very bad without it, plus other symptoms, cold, eyes sensitive, noise sensitive, aggrevated, constipation, ears ringing, lethargic, tired, etc, etc, etcSo any advice?I thought about seeing Dr Skinner when i can afford it but with my adrenal problems think I will wait till they are sorted.So my only other idea was to stick on 40 mg cortef for 2 weeks with no t3 and see what happens but I am so tired of the pain.Sorry this is such a whinge any advice would be appreciated.Caroline

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Hi Shelia I faxed and phoned him a week and a half ago, he just said I need to see him again and I can not afford to do so for some time yet. I guess i just sit it out and hope all will be ok. Carolinesheilaturner <sheilaturner@...> wrote: Hi Caroline You can telephone Dr Peatfield and talk to him about this problem. Tell him you really

need some urgent advice and want to know his recommendation. He will understand and remember, you are still a patient of his and follow up telephone calls are included in your original consultation fee - you can tell him that Sheila asked you to call him. You might catch him today as he is usually there on a Wednesday to catch up with phone calls and emails etc. His number is 01474 815793. Luv - Sheila I could do with a little advice. I am currently on 40 mg cortef and nothing else (well 1 nae, 1 thryro complex, 5grams vitc and 2 x salt water)I have been trying to get my temps stable for 2 years working with Dr P for some of that time - I can not afford to see him definately before

christmas, probably before march.Yesterday I tried hc cream as it was suggested that i may not be absorbing the tablets this was a diaster I had nausea, dizzyness and migraine (problem is i get these often but it felt different) and ended up in bed, took at 8pm a hc tablet instead of cream and the symptoms dissappeared. So I guess i need the hc and am absorbing the tablets.Reason I tried the cream was because my bp is still dropping on standing even on 40 mg cortef it was 99/62 sitting 94/64 standing on tuesday.I really need the t3 because my pain is very bad without it, plus other symptoms, cold, eyes sensitive, noise sensitive, aggrevated, constipation, ears ringing, lethargic, tired, etc, etc, etcSo any advice?I thought about seeing Dr Skinner when i can afford it but with my adrenal problems think I will wait till they are sorted.So my only other idea was to stick on 40 mg cortef

for 2 weeks with no t3 and see what happens but I am so tired of the pain.Sorry this is such a whinge any advice would be appreciated.Caroline No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.16.8/1154 - Release Date: 27/11/2007 11:40

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Hi Caroline,

I think this is a chicken and egg situation. Have you actually been

diagnosed hypothyroid or is there a suspicion that all of this is

being caused by you adrenals?

Assuming that you are hypothyroid I can only offer this thought, all

the time that you don't have enough thyroid hormones in your body

you will be making your adrenals work harder so I doubt that you

would be able to stabilise your BP. I'm guessing about the BP but

it makes sense to me. I wasn't really sure what was going on in my

body until I got on to the right thyroid meds and figured out what

doseage of HC suited me. Nothing really seemed right until I'd got

on to a decent level of both.

Is your BP monitor accurate? I found that mine was useless and

giving very misleading false readings.

I hope you figure this out.

Luv Bella


> I could do with a little advice. I am currently on 40 mg cortef


> nothing else (well 1 nae, 1 thryro complex, 5grams vitc and 2 x


> water)


> I have been trying to get my temps stable for 2 years working with

> Dr P for some of that time - I can not afford to see him


> before christmas, probably before march.


> Reason I tried the cream was because my bp is still dropping on

> standing even on 40 mg cortef it was 99/62 sitting 94/64 standing


> tuesday.


> I really need the t3 because my pain is very bad without it, plus

> other symptoms, cold, eyes sensitive, noise sensitive, aggrevated,

> constipation, ears ringing, lethargic, tired, etc, etc, etc



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Hi Bella Yes Dr P diagnoised me Hyperthyroid for years may be primary or secondary to pitutary damage. The second time I saw him he said I had a major adrenal problem and that I did not convert t4 to t3. Armour was making me ill, even though I had done very well on t3 with a doctor from sussex. I was doing really well in June on 100mg t3 and 20mg cortef (I mean really well, exercising 30mins a day, I write , i was starting to write again after beeing too fuzzy headed for years and planning maybe going back to work next year) but we were ripped of by a builder and I think the stress and extra financial stress sent me over the edge. I increased t3 up to 125mg but still was getting quite a bit of pain, and my temps were still not stable but never have been. I phoned Dr P he took me off the t3 and increased my cortef to 40 mg. That was the middle of september. I have been

adjusting my cortef dose since then to try and stabalise my temps but nothing works and he now says i must make another appointment. I understand but just can not afford it till well into the new year. Since i have been off the t3 all of my symptoms are coming back some I had even forgotten i had such as mouth ulscers and swollen tongue. My pain is terrible and fingers cracked and bleeding, stomach bad, ears ringing. luckily migraines are not back to 2 3 a week yet but I feel if i do not get back on the t3 they soon will be. Sorry about that winge. I have been monotiring my bp for some time and it comes in around what i get tested at elsewhere. I was told if it drops on standing that is too little cortisol. I am at my wits end, I so want to go back on the t3 but with my temps all over not sure what to do. The thing is when I was well on t3 my average temps were always more than 1/2 a degree different

each day. Sorry for the moan Caroline diddleedum <diddleedum@...> wrote: Hi Caroline,I think this is a chicken and egg situation. Have you actually been diagnosed hypothyroid or is there a suspicion that all of this is being caused by you adrenals? Assuming that you are hypothyroid I can only offer this thought, all the time that you don't have enough thyroid hormones in your body you will be making your adrenals work harder so I doubt that you would be able

to stabilise your BP. I'm guessing about the BP but it makes sense to me. I wasn't really sure what was going on in my body until I got on to the right thyroid meds and figured out what doseage of HC suited me. Nothing really seemed right until I'd got on to a decent level of both.Is your BP monitor accurate? I found that mine was useless and giving very misleading false readings.I hope you figure this out.Luv Bella >> I could do with a little advice. I am currently on 40 mg cortef and > nothing else (well 1 nae, 1 thryro complex, 5grams vitc and 2 x salt > water)> > I have been trying to get my temps stable for 2 years working with > Dr P for some of that time - I can not afford to see him definately > before christmas, probably before march.>> > Reason I tried the cream was because my bp is still dropping on > standing even on 40 mg cortef it

was 99/62 sitting 94/64 standing on > tuesday.> > I really need the t3 because my pain is very bad without it, plus > other symptoms, cold, eyes sensitive, noise sensitive, aggrevated, > constipation, ears ringing, lethargic, tired, etc, etc, etc> >

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Did you explain to Dr Peatfield that you are unable to afford a follow up consultation at the moment. He would be able to help you I am sure over the telephone Caroline. You can't "sit it out" in the hope everything will sort itself out. Please phone him again and explain your situation as he is a very understanding man and would not want you to to be suffeirng in this way.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Shelia

I faxed and phoned him a week and a half ago, he just said I need to see him again and I can not afford to do so for some time yet.

I guess i just sit it out and hope all will be ok.



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Thanks Shelia He is away till Friday, I think I will fax him, just feel a bit ashamed but we have to go to court with this builder and !!! I do think I need some help, so will fax him and phone Friday. Thanks again Carolinesheilaturner <sheilaturner@...> wrote: Did you explain to Dr Peatfield that you are unable to afford a follow up consultation at the moment. He would be able to help you I am sure over the

telephone Caroline. .

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He has a clinic in Crawley today and tomorrow, but he will get your FAX if you send it right now. I know, because I have just had a message from him asking me to FAX him the names of the patients who will be attending the clinic here on 9th and 10th December.

Luv - Sheila

Re: Help

Thanks Shelia

He is away till Friday, I think I will fax him, just feel a bit ashamed but we have to go to court with this builder and !!!

I do think I need some help, so will fax him and phone Friday.

Thanks again

Carolinesheilaturner <sheilaturnertpa-uk (DOT) org.uk> wrote:

Did you explain to Dr Peatfield that you are unable to afford a follow up consultation at the moment. He would be able to help you I am sure over the telephone Caroline.


Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you with Mobile. Try it now.

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Hi Caroline,

I don't want to steer you wrong but my temps have never been very

stable, I'm either extremely low temp wise or I'm feeling pretty

well but temps are always variable. If it were me I'd be back on

the T3 by now, just taking a low dose to keep from plummeting back

down in to the depression, paranoia and of course terrible physical

symptoms. You are the one who has to live with these symptoms and

if staying off T3 isn't working then why not try re-introducing

small amounts, see if things improve?

I may have mentioned this before but I use a tiny dose of armour to

help with the pain - 1/4 to 1/2 grain. We need calcitonin, it's

brilliant for pain relief but also I feel we need tiny doses of T4

in the cells. I found an article about it once when I was starting

to feel worse on T3 only and since re-introducing my small dose of

armour I feel I've done much better.

Luv Bella


> Hi Bella


> Yes Dr P diagnoised me Hyperthyroid for years may be primary or

secondary to pitutary damage.


> The second time I saw him he said I had a major adrenal problem

and that I did not convert t4 to t3. Armour was making me ill, even

though I had done very well on t3 with a doctor from sussex.


> I was doing really well in June on 100mg t3 and 20mg cortef (I

mean really well, exercising 30mins a day, I write , i was starting

to write again after beeing too fuzzy headed for years and planning

maybe going back to work next year) but we were ripped of by a

builder and I think the stress and extra financial stress sent me

over the edge. I increased t3 up to 125mg but still was getting

quite a bit of pain, and my temps were still not stable but never

have been.

> I phoned Dr P he took me off the t3 and increased my cortef to

40 mg. That was the middle of september. I have been adjusting my

cortef dose since then to try and stabalise my temps but nothing

works and he now says i must make another appointment. I understand

but just can not afford it till well into the new year. Since i have

been off the t3 all of my symptoms are coming back some I had even

forgotten i had such as mouth ulscers and swollen tongue. My pain is

terrible and fingers cracked and bleeding, stomach bad, ears

ringing. luckily migraines are not back to 2 3 a week yet but I feel

if i do not get back on the t3 they soon will be.


> Sorry about that winge.

> I have been monotiring my bp for some time and it comes in

around what i get tested at elsewhere. I was told if it drops on

standing that is too little cortisol.


> I am at my wits end, I so want to go back on the t3 but with my

temps all over not sure what to do. The thing is when I was well on

t3 my average temps were always more than 1/2 a degree different

each day.


> Sorry for the moan

> Caroline


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Hi Bella I think you are right, and it is nice to hear someone else not getting stable temps. I have sent a fax to Dr P and an going to see what he says and leave it a maximum of 2 weeks. If no stable temps I will reintroduce T3 or I think I will go Nuts :-) I am not sure about Armour as at 1 grain i was very poorly, but that was a long while ago, it may be worth a try now. Thanks again it is so nice to hear someone else with the same problems if you know what I mean Carolinediddleedum <diddleedum@...> wrote: Hi Caroline,I don't want to steer you wrong but my temps have never been very stable, I'm either extremely low temp wise or I'm feeling pretty well but temps are always variable. If it were me I'd be back on the T3 by now, just taking a low dose to keep from plummeting back down in to the depression, paranoia and of course terrible physical symptoms. .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watch the new cancer movie I made this morning -- you're going to learn a

lot more from this one.


At 07:00 PM 12/6/2007 -0800, you wrote:

>Hi Bayard-


>I am writing to you in desperation. My dad has pancreatic

>cancer.........he had a whipple in June of 2006. He has been free of

>cancer up until a week ago.......he has a spot now on his liver. Will

>immunics cure him? He already is so finacially in debt because he has

>been out of work so much over the past year. Have you ever had anyone

>cured of pancreatic cancer?


>Thank you.........I believe God pointed me to your video..........I found

>it on Youtube.





>Never miss a thing.


>your homepage.

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you tell me!

At 06:58 PM 12/16/2007 -0800, you wrote:

>Hi Bayard-


>Is this the movie that I found on youtube?


> Re: Help


>Watch the new cancer movie I made this morning -- you're going to learn a

>lot more from this one.




>At 07:00 PM 12/6/2007 -0800, you wrote:

> >Hi Bayard-

> >

> >I am writing to you in desperation. My dad has pancreatic

> >cancer.........he had a whipple in June of 2006. He has been free of

> >cancer up until a week ago.......he has a spot now on his liver. Will

> >immunics cure him? He already is so finacially in debt because he has

> >been out of work so much over the past year. Have you ever had anyone

> >cured of pancreatic cancer?

> >

> >Thank you.........I believe God pointed me to your video..........I found

> >it on Youtube.

> >

> >Missy

> >

> >

> >Never miss a thing.

> ><<http://us.rd./evt=51438/*http://www./r/hs>http://us.r

> d./evt=51438/*http://www./r/hs>Make

> >your homepage.






>Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.



>it now.

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  • 3 weeks later...


The barium swallow doesn't make you feel sick. I don't think

he's quite serious, but my son claims he's developing a taste for

it! There may be a little constipation afterward, that's all.

I think the tablet is to check whether or not you can take

medicine in tablet form.

It's a simple test and there's no problem with having the initial

X-rays and endoscopy done locally. However, it might be a good

idea to print out this article and give it to the person doing

the X-rays:


If the initial barium swallow does indicate achalasia, your

wisest move would probably be to get in contact with one of the

recommended surgeons and have the manometry etc. done by their

people, because manometry is more difficult than a barium swallow

for both the technician and the patient, and surgeons will often

insist on having all the tests done (or re-done) at their own


in PA

> Anyway, I live in Orlando, Florida and I do not know any

> doctors that

> are experienced with Achalasia, besides calling every GI office

> and

> Thoracic Surgeon, I don't know how to find an experienced one.

> A

> couple of members did refer me to le at the Mayo

> Clinic

> in ville and Rosemurgy at the Tampa General.

> Both

> are 2-3 hours away. Any suggestions on how I can find one in my

> area?

> I know you have to drink some stuff for both the Upper GI and

> the

> Barrium Swallow but does this stuff make you feel sick or upset

> your

> stomach? Even though it is necessary, I hate the thought of

> something

> making me feel any worse than I do now. Also, can you please

> tell me

> if I should have the two tests done at one of the hospitals

> here or

> should I go to an Imaging Center? I have read some posts where

> some

> techs doing the tests are not always accurate and alot of times

> have

> never even heard of Achalasia. Is there something I should be

> telling

> the tech to make sure they do this right or look for the right

> thing?

> Also, is it okay for me to go ahead and let this GI doctor send

> me

> for the tests or should I find a doctor that has experience

> with

> Achalasia and let him send me to have the Barrium and Upper GI

> tests?

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I am sorry that you are feeling so awful and also that I am unable to shed any light on it for you other than maybe your blood pressure. How much CoQ10 are you taking because that will bring your BP down if you take enough of it and that must be at least 240mg. Hoping that someone will be able to help you sort this out very soon.

Luv nne

My temp is 36.00 which is higher than normal usually mid 35.My blood pressure last night was 157/127pulse was 80.

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Hi ,

Is it possible for you to go see Dr. P as the NHS doesn't seem to

be helping at present?

I've been feeling pretty bad the past week or so.

I'm on supplements

Adrenal Extra 2

THryoid complex 2

q10 1

2 1000g vit c

nutri thyroid 2

I have stopped taking them to see if its those that are making me

feel worse.

I'm waking up with an awful feeling running through my veins hard to

explain like a panicky feeling.

Last night I could feel my heart beating in bed, so I got up.

eyes are very dry and sore, and flash of light in one eye,

feel very depressed. Just sat and cried on the phone to my MOm for

over an hour which isnt doing her any good having to listen to it


My temp is 36.00 which is higher than normal usually mid 35.

My blood pressure last night was 157/127

pulse was 80.

My partner wants me to go the Dr, but I can't see the point of going

as I;m only going to be fobbed off again! As my tsh is normal range

(like most of us on here). I'm beginning to think I'm never going to

get better and this is it for the rest of my days.

Sorry to moan just the way I feel today.

Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always

consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing medication.

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> Hi ,

> Is it possible for you to go see Dr. P as the NHS doesn't

seem to

> be helping at present?



> I've been feeling pretty bad the past week or so.

> I'm on supplements

> Adrenal Extra 2

> THryoid complex 2

> q10 1

> 2 1000g vit c

> nutri thyroid 2


> I have stopped taking them to see if its those that are making me

> feel worse.


> I'm waking up with an awful feeling running through my veins hard


> explain like a panicky feeling.

> Last night I could feel my heart beating in bed, so I got up.

> eyes are very dry and sore, and flash of light in one eye,

> feel very depressed. Just sat and cried on the phone to my MOm for

> over an hour which isnt doing her any good having to listen to it

> either.

> My temp is 36.00 which is higher than normal usually mid 35.

> My blood pressure last night was 157/127

> pulse was 80.


> My partner wants me to go the Dr, but I can't see the point of


> as I;m only going to be fobbed off again! As my tsh is normal


> (like most of us on here). I'm beginning to think I'm never going


> get better and this is it for the rest of my days.


> Sorry to moan just the way I feel today.






> Messages are not a substitute for professional medical advice.


> consult with a suitably qualified practitioner before changing



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Did you mean to say something ?

Luv - Sheila

Re: help

>> Hi ,> Is it possible for you to go see Dr. P as the NHS doesn't seem to> be helping at present?>


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-Yes Sheila, I ptressed the send button by mistake but I reposted I


-- In thyroid treatment , " sheilaturner "

<sheilaturner@...> wrote:


> Did you mean to say something ?


> Luv - Sheila


> Re: help




> >

> > Hi ,

> > Is it possible for you to go see Dr. P as the NHS doesn't

> seem to

> > be helping at present?

> >


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Melodi,

Try mixing up your diet. Maybe add more calories~fool your body~

it may be that your body is to used to the same old things.

Heck, have a milkshake and see what happens. You may be surprised

and the scale may start going down. Or it may be that your body

is rearranging itself for the next phase of weight loss. Are your

clothes getting lose. Sometimes that's been my case. Try a different

veggie or meat with your meal. Remember protein first always. JMO

Hope this helps. Keep us posted.


My Band is Grand


> What to do a plateau? I've been here for about a month or longer,

> trying to beef up my exercise and cut more calories out - no help


> Any great ideas out there? New to this site, thanks so much.


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Sue,I don't have any good advice for you. I just wanted to know there are so many of us that fear being where you are and I'm praying for you. I can't imagine being in such a situation, and with any kind of stress it is easy to eat eat eat, but now. UGH I just want you to know we are here to support you, anytime you need an encouraging word, please reach out to us. I'm so sorry and I pray your finances will provide a way for you to get a new band or a sleeve, whatever is next for you. God bless! Cyrena -----

Original Message ----From: suelesh21 <suel21@...> Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 6:42:00 PMSubject: help

I had the band removed due to complications on 4/9/08. Fought tooth

and nail to keep it, but had it removed emergency surgery in the

states. I cant stop eating. I feel so helpless and out of control. I

was seriously underweight and was slowing whittling away to nothing.

Weighed 220 DOB 12/28/06. Weighed 106 4/9/08. Goal weight was 135. I

am now in less than a month to 140. I feel like such a failure and

feel like I am spinning out of control. I want to get the sleeve but

financially we are pretty much ruined for awhile. The insurance did

not pay for the week hospital stay or the surgery because it was band

related. I read the posts all the time but have really never

participated. My bad! Just looking for anyone who has any advice or

helpful comments.


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I was just wondering what your complications were..I have had a hard time lately as far as eating or drinking anything. I am hoping i don't have to remove the band. I don't keep much down though. Although about once every 10 days, at night i can eat..really weird. anyway..I am sorry and wish i had some advice, Best of luck always..



I had the band removed due to complications on 4/9/08. Fought tooth and nail to keep it, but had it removed emergency surgery in the states. I cant stop eating. I feel so helpless and out of control. I was seriously underweight and was slowing whittling away to nothing. Weighed 220 DOB 12/28/06. Weighed 106 4/9/08. Goal weight was 135. I am now in less than a month to 140. I feel like such a failure and feel like I am spinning out of control. I want to get the sleeve but financially we are pretty much ruined for awhile. The insurance did not pay for the week hospital stay or the surgery because it was band related. I read the posts all the time but have really never participated. My bad! Just looking for anyone who has any advice or helpful comments. Sue

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Would you mind explaining the type of complications you were having that required band removal? Did you get Dr. Aceves' opinion on the situation? I think U.S. doctors are quick to remove bands when it may not be 100% necessary. If Dr. Aceves concurred, then, I would do whatever he thought best. I just think it would be educational for the rest of us to know what happened to cause this. (If you don't mind sharing)

As for offering you help, I don't know what to tell you. I know we are to learn how to eat properly while we have our bands but I don't know how successful I would be if my band were ever removed. Like you, I probably would gain weight without the assistance of my band. Now, I guess the only advice I would offer is to try really hard to "imagine" or "pretend" you have a band and see if you can continue to eat small portions of food. I would also drastically increase your exercise to counteract some of the extra caloric intake. Have you ever thought about running?

Keep in touch.

Jenni Currie

DOB 2/23/06


5 fills

3 unfills

Forever portless :)

From: suelesh21 <suel21@...>Subject: help Date: Monday, May 12, 2008, 6:42 PM

I had the band removed due to complications on 4/9/08. Fought tooth and nail to keep it, but had it removed emergency surgery in the states. I cant stop eating. I feel so helpless and out of control. I was seriously underweight and was slowing whittling away to nothing. Weighed 220 DOB 12/28/06. Weighed 106 4/9/08. Goal weight was 135. I am now in less than a month to 140. I feel like such a failure and feel like I am spinning out of control. I want to get the sleeve but financially we are pretty much ruined for awhile. The insurance did not pay for the week hospital stay or the surgery because it was band related. I read the posts all the time but have really never participated. My bad! Just looking for anyone who has any advice or helpful comments. Sue

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What happened to make you loose your band? I am so sorry.


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of suelesh21

Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 4:42 PM

Subject: help

I had the band removed due to complications on

4/9/08. Fought tooth

and nail to keep it, but had it removed emergency surgery in the

states. I cant stop eating. I feel so helpless and out of control. I

was seriously underweight and was slowing whittling away to nothing.

Weighed 220 DOB 12/28/06. Weighed 106 4/9/08. Goal weight was 135. I

am now in less than a month to 140. I feel like such a failure and

feel like I am spinning out of control. I want to get the sleeve but

financially we are pretty much ruined for awhile. The insurance did

not pay for the week hospital stay or the surgery because it was band

related. I read the posts all the time but have really never

participated. My bad! Just looking for anyone who has any advice or

helpful comments.


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Sorry to hear about your struggles with the band.

I am a newbee and can't imagine what you have gone through but I can offer you a little support.

Hang in there and take one day at a time.


DOB May 9th,2008

(365) 345/???/170

From: suelesh21 <suel21@...>Subject: help Date: Monday, May 12, 2008, 11:42 PM

I had the band removed due to complications on 4/9/08. Fought tooth and nail to keep it, but had it removed emergency surgery in the states. I cant stop eating. I feel so helpless and out of control. I was seriously underweight and was slowing whittling away to nothing. Weighed 220 DOB 12/28/06. Weighed 106 4/9/08. Goal weight was 135. I am now in less than a month to 140. I feel like such a failure and feel like I am spinning out of control. I want to get the sleeve but financially we are pretty much ruined for awhile. The insurance did not pay for the week hospital stay or the surgery because it was band related. I read the posts all the time but have really never participated. My bad! Just looking for anyone who has any advice or helpful comments. Sue

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