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In a message dated 1/3/2007 1:58:33 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, dan.hess@... writes:

I weigh 235 and my goal is to get under 200 and worry about the rest later. I signed up for water aerobics at the YMCA. That started on the 15th this month. So that is when I will start my diet also. I'm thinking about going to weight watchers.

Hi Tammy-

I am glad you are here and getting going on your weight loss. My question (and you probably got it before) - ok, I can understand the water aerobics don't start until the 15th of the month, but why wait to start "your diet"? Don't look at it as a diet - this has to be a lifestyle change that you are making forever. You can do small exercise (walking, etc) in the meantime and start journaling, drinking water, and making healthier food choices in the meantime. That's a good two weeks away - you could lose 3-5 lbs in that amount of time!

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- you're turning into one of US! MAWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!




> Hi Tammy-


> I am glad you are here and getting going on your weight loss. My


> (and you probably got it before) - ok, I can understand the water


> don't start until the 15th of the month, but why wait to

start " your diet " ?

> Don't look at it as a diet - this has to be a lifestyle change

that you are

> making forever. You can do small exercise (walking, etc) in the

meantime and

> start journaling, drinking water, and making healthier food

choices in the

> meantime. That's a good two weeks away - you could lose 3-5 lbs

in that amount of

> time!




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I kinda already started. I'm trying to drink all my water and eat 5 servings of fruit and veggies. Thats enough for now. The veggie part is the hardest for me. When I want a snack I try to grab one of them. I think I will start a journal. I've noticed in the past if I write everything down I do better.


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In a message dated 1/3/2007 10:25:59 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, twinmom2791@... writes:

- you're turning into one of US! MAWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

LOL Resistance is FUTILE!! :-)

Thanks!! I don't even "diet" - but why wait to start LOL!!

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>Hi, I've been in the group for about 2 years.

Welcome back, Tammy.

>That started on the 15th this month. So that is when I will start my diet also.

"Diet" implies you plan on this way of eating to be a temporary thing. Your new food plan has to be a permanent change in your way of eating that you'll follow the rest of your life. Why wait? Start eating healthier NOW! Like says in today's message, you have to eat right and exercise every day of your life.

>I've done most of the low carb diets and have lost some weight, but I always gain it back.

That's the problem with low-carb food plans - they only work as long as you continue to eat that way. With *any* fad food plan, that is, not just low carb. You need to find a way to eat right for the rest of your life, not something to go off and on as the muse hits you. Plain old calorie counting of healthy foods seems to work best. Like I suggested already today, eat less of the bad fats and simple carbs and more good fats and whole foods and complex carbs. Use one of the guidelines out there like the govt.'s My Pyramid http://www.mypyramid.gov or the Foodmover http://members.tripod.com/sue_in_nj/fm.htm sites to see how many calories you should be eating and just do it.

And exercise! The more you sweat not only will you be healthier but some pounds will come off. Build up your muscle with weight training and even more fat will burn. No food plan in the world will work long term without adequate amounts of exercise. Find one of those calories burned per exercise charts (Our Links page has a few) to see how long it'll take of what exercise to burn off about 400 calories a day and build up to it. Start slow, like 10 to 15 minutes a day if you're not already exercising because you don't want to injure yourself. Take baby steps and work up to the amount you need and see how it goes.

But don't wait for some magical future date to start improving your health. Why not start being healthier today?

Sue in NJ

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>I'm trying to drink all my water and eat 5 servings of fruit and veggies. Thats enough for now.

That's a great thing to do! The weight loss experts are now telling us not to concentrate on waht we have to take away form our daily food plans but on what to add, and they tell us to add just that - more fruits and veggies.

>The veggie part is the hardest for me.

Getting more veggies in is easy once you get the hang of it. Have a salad with lunch and dinner, add lettuce, onions, and tomatoes to your sandwich, make a big pot of vegetable soup and have a serving with your meals, make some nice high fiber but low cal dips, like red pepper hummus, and use not just boring carrot and celery sticks but other firm veggies, like cauliflower, add veggies to your tomato sauce when serving spaghetti, either whole or pureed. Even a glass of V-8 juice gets you a serving of veggies at a low caloric cost. Some people make smoothies out of veggies in their blender (Eat to Live plan pushes this) but I just can't see drinking that on a steady basis.. I'd rather make a hot soup out of blended veggies.

>When I want a snack I try to grab one of them.

This is a great season for some of the sweetest fruits, like clementines and naval oranges. Nice and sweet, plenty of fiber, and loads of Vitamin C to ward off the winter sniffles. Plus you can't eat them fast, especially the types with seeds, so they last longer. LOL

Sue in NJ

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Can I say something? I do think it is very important to find a more healthy LONG TERM way to eat, to keep us healthier and if we have children to teach them how to eat healthy, but personally, I see nothing wrong if someone wants to jump start their release of extra pounds. I know certain diets will have you add pounds back on if you tweak the rules much to make it more long term doable... but... What do you think about someone jump starting their efforts with something like the Cabbage Diet... it lasts about a week. It was orginially designed for people going into heart surgery to lose some weight prior to the surgery. I don't recommend the cabbage soup diet for more than a week because of what makes it work. The concept is eating things that take more calories to burn than you are injesting. Each day of that week, You eat something along with the soup... I was just curious. Shirley in

COSue in NJ <sparticles@...> wrote: >Hi, I've been in the group for about 2 years. Welcome back, Tammy. >That started on the 15th this month. So that is when I will start my diet also. "Diet" implies you plan on this way of eating to be a temporary thing. Your new food plan has to be a permanent change in your way of eating that you'll follow the rest of your life. Why wait? Start eating healthier NOW! Like says in today's message, you have to eat right and exercise every day of your life. >I've done most of the low carb diets and have lost some weight, but I always gain it back. That's the problem with low-carb food plans - they only work as long as you continue to eat that way. With *any* fad food plan, that is, not just low carb. You need to find a way to eat right for the rest of your life, not something to go off and on as the muse hits you. Plain old calorie counting of healthy foods

seems to work best. Like I suggested already today, eat less of the bad fats and simple carbs and more good fats and whole foods and complex carbs. Use one of the guidelines out there like the govt.'s My Pyramid http://www.mypyramid.gov or the Foodmover http://members.tripod.com/sue_in_nj/fm.htm sites to see how many calories you should be eating and just do it. And exercise! The more you sweat not only will you be healthier but some pounds will come off. Build up your muscle with weight training and even more fat will burn. No food plan in the world will work long term without adequate amounts of exercise. Find one of those calories burned per exercise

charts (Our Links page has a few) to see how long it'll take of what exercise to burn off about 400 calories a day and build up to it. Start slow, like 10 to 15 minutes a day if you're not already exercising because you don't want to injure yourself. Take baby steps and work up to the amount you need and see how it goes. But don't wait for some magical future date to start improving your health. Why not start being healthier today? Sue in NJ __________________________________________________

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In a message dated 1/5/2007 9:43:42 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, shiri.mama@... writes:

What do you think about someone jump starting their efforts with something like the Cabbage Diet

I've heard of it (only by name only) - do not know what it entails other than your brief intro. I stay away from programs that cut out anything or make you "do anything too weird" for a week or so...

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> In a message dated 1/5/2007 9:43:42 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,

> shiri.mama@... writes:



> What do you think about someone jump starting their efforts with


> like the Cabbage Diet


> Like others who have responded - I believe there is nothing wrong

with jump-starting your diet with a plan like that as long as we

realize that it is just a jump start. Even the Adkins diet has the

real strict first couple weeks. That is why I decided to start the

year off with a juice fast, which I did ok with. I had juice for

breakfast and lunch and snacks and then had a sensible dinner. I

was wanting to do a complete fast for 4 days or so, but by the time

I got home from work, that last thing I wanted was ANOTHER glass of

juice. Anyway, starting this Sunday (tomorrow), I will still have

the fresh juice (my body is just feeling so good from all the

natural vitamins and sugars) - it feels different from taking

supplements. But I am also going to incorporate oatmeal for

breakfast and salad for lunch. Maybe then I won't be so hungry in

the evenings.

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In a message dated 1/6/2007 1:13:58 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, bjrichey30@... writes:

But I am also going to incorporate oatmeal for breakfast and salad for lunch. Maybe then I won't be so hungry in the evenings.

I've really noticed a change this week.... I don't know if it is my "eating better on plan" or the apple after work/before dinner LOL, but I haven't been wanting to mindlessly munch in the evenings either.

Way to go!

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, "I don't know if it is my "eating better on plan" or the apple after work/before dinner LOL, but I haven't been wanting to mindlessly munch in the evenings either." Way to go for you as well! :) Shirley in CO __________________________________________________

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  • 1 month later...


my name is Rob, I'm from Idaho and I have had the pump for in for 5 yrs in

June, my highest level was 22 mg per day! At that level i still had more pain

than I thought i should have and so did the Doc. He keep getting mad at me,

telling me that my trial worked well at a small dose so why am I in so much

pain???? Hey he is doc not me, he should be telling me why??? He did more

injections and mri's until I said no more injection!!! The mri's showed that my

aa had spread over to the right side, so now both of my leg were involved with

aa instead of just my left side. So more aa more pain. well to make a long

story short

i started to have the pump turned down every time I had my drugs in the pump

changed. That was 1 yrs ago and now I'm at .05 mg per day and i can't tell any

difference in my pain level when it was 22 mg per day. I've told my doc that i

want the pump out, i have had too many side effects that he didn't tell me

about..... like feeling stupid, can't think clearly, not being able to drive a

car and be safe, no sex life at all with my wife, i couldn't pee very well so he

put me on flomax, which add to the no sex part and i still couldn't pee very

well! Still was in a lot of pain so he put a scs in 2 yrs ago in March, which

does help some what!!

I can't have it on too long it starts to drive me nuts, I have to have it

turned up fairly high to get any relief at all. I still take some break though

med every day, mostly it's the scs the helps me. The pain doc wants to try so

differents stuff in the pump, but I don't want any more stuff thats going to

make me goofy, hey I'm goofy enough from what my wife says!! lol Also i have

excepted that I'm disabled and there are things that I can't do any more and

thats the way it is. I think that has help me more with my pain than any thing

else!! I still have a lot of pain, but I have excepted it as a part of my life!

I hope all goes well for you, good luck on what ever you decide!

Rob from

Boise Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@...> wrote:

I haven't been receiving any emails from the group. I thought I would


how people are doing. Does anyone have any information about intrathecal

pumps? I am scheduled to have surgery on March 13.

I hope all is well.

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my name is Rob, I'm from Idaho and I have had the pump for in for 5 yrs in

June, my highest level was 22 mg per day! At that level i still had more pain

than I thought i should have and so did the Doc. He keep getting mad at me,

telling me that my trial worked well at a small dose so why am I in so much

pain???? Hey he is doc not me, he should be telling me why??? He did more

injections and mri's until I said no more injection!!! The mri's showed that my

aa had spread over to the right side, so now both of my leg were involved with

aa instead of just my left side. So more aa more pain. well to make a long

story short

i started to have the pump turned down every time I had my drugs in the pump

changed. That was 1 yrs ago and now I'm at .05 mg per day and i can't tell any

difference in my pain level when it was 22 mg per day. I've told my doc that i

want the pump out, i have had too many side effects that he didn't tell me

about..... like feeling stupid, can't think clearly, not being able to drive a

car and be safe, no sex life at all with my wife, i couldn't pee very well so he

put me on flomax, which add to the no sex part and i still couldn't pee very

well! Still was in a lot of pain so he put a scs in 2 yrs ago in March, which

does help some what!!

I can't have it on too long it starts to drive me nuts, I have to have it

turned up fairly high to get any relief at all. I still take some break though

med every day, mostly it's the scs the helps me. The pain doc wants to try so

differents stuff in the pump, but I don't want any more stuff thats going to

make me goofy, hey I'm goofy enough from what my wife says!! lol Also i have

excepted that I'm disabled and there are things that I can't do any more and

thats the way it is. I think that has help me more with my pain than any thing

else!! I still have a lot of pain, but I have excepted it as a part of my life!

I hope all goes well for you, good luck on what ever you decide!

Rob from

Boise Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@...> wrote:

I haven't been receiving any emails from the group. I thought I would


how people are doing. Does anyone have any information about intrathecal

pumps? I am scheduled to have surgery on March 13.

I hope all is well.

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Thanks for the information. I am from Massachusetts -- I have a SCS for

the past year. It helps a little but not to what my doctor would have

liked. I get about 25% relief and no residual relief if I shut it off. I

am scheduled for the pump on March 13. My trial for the pump amazed me. For

the first time in four years I felt normal and I could feel my left foot. I

hope your situation improves.


From: Stimulator [mailto:Stimulator ] On

Behalf Of Rob Twilegar

Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 5:12 PM


Subject: Re: Checking in


my name is Rob, I'm from Idaho and I have had the pump for in for 5 yrs in

June, my highest level was 22 mg per day! At that level i still had more

pain than I thought i should have and so did the Doc. He keep getting mad at

me, telling me that my trial worked well at a small dose so why am I in so

much pain???? Hey he is doc not me, he should be telling me why??? He did

more injections and mri's until I said no more injection!!! The mri's showed

that my aa had spread over to the right side, so now both of my leg were

involved with aa instead of just my left side. So more aa more pain. well to

make a long story short

i started to have the pump turned down every time I had my drugs in the pump

changed. That was 1 yrs ago and now I'm at .05 mg per day and i can't tell

any difference in my pain level when it was 22 mg per day. I've told my doc

that i want the pump out, i have had too many side effects that he didn't

tell me about..... like feeling stupid, can't think clearly, not being able

to drive a car and be safe, no sex life at all with my wife, i couldn't pee

very well so he put me on flomax, which add to the no sex part and i still

couldn't pee very well! Still was in a lot of pain so he put a scs in 2 yrs

ago in March, which does help some what!!

I can't have it on too long it starts to drive me nuts, I have to have it

turned up fairly high to get any relief at all. I still take some break

though med every day, mostly it's the scs the helps me. The pain doc wants

to try so differents stuff in the pump, but I don't want any more stuff

thats going to make me goofy, hey I'm goofy enough from what my wife says!!

lol Also i have excepted that I'm disabled and there are things that I can't

do any more and thats the way it is. I think that has help me more with my

pain than any thing else!! I still have a lot of pain, but I have excepted

it as a part of my life! I hope all goes well for you, good luck on what

ever you decide!

Rob from Boise Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@ <mailto:purplebutterfly1%40comcast.net>

comcast.net> wrote:

I haven't been receiving any emails from the group. I thought I would see

how people are doing. Does anyone have any information about intrathecal

pumps? I am scheduled to have surgery on March 13.

I hope all is well.

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I hope that the pump works well for you, i just hope that you can keep the

mg of the drug that's in the pump down to a very low dose per day. Another side

effect that i forgot to tell was a very dry mouth, which will make your teeth

rot!! You just have to make sure you keep your mouth moist. Check out a group at

pumpsters@groups theirs a lot of good information in that site. Any way

you can get some good relief I'm all for!! Hang in there, hope for a low pain


Rob in Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@...> wrote:


Thanks for the information. I am from Massachusetts -- I have a SCS for

the past year. It helps a little but not to what my doctor would have

liked. I get about 25% relief and no residual relief if I shut it off. I

am scheduled for the pump on March 13. My trial for the pump amazed me. For

the first time in four years I felt normal and I could feel my left foot. I

hope your situation improves.


From: Stimulator [mailto:Stimulator ] On

Behalf Of Rob Twilegar

Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 5:12 PM


Subject: Re: Checking in


my name is Rob, I'm from Idaho and I have had the pump for in for 5 yrs in

June, my highest level was 22 mg per day! At that level i still had more

pain than I thought i should have and so did the Doc. He keep getting mad at

me, telling me that my trial worked well at a small dose so why am I in so

much pain???? Hey he is doc not me, he should be telling me why??? He did

more injections and mri's until I said no more injection!!! The mri's showed

that my aa had spread over to the right side, so now both of my leg were

involved with aa instead of just my left side. So more aa more pain. well to

make a long story short

i started to have the pump turned down every time I had my drugs in the pump

changed. That was 1 yrs ago and now I'm at .05 mg per day and i can't tell

any difference in my pain level when it was 22 mg per day. I've told my doc

that i want the pump out, i have had too many side effects that he didn't

tell me about..... like feeling stupid, can't think clearly, not being able

to drive a car and be safe, no sex life at all with my wife, i couldn't pee

very well so he put me on flomax, which add to the no sex part and i still

couldn't pee very well! Still was in a lot of pain so he put a scs in 2 yrs

ago in March, which does help some what!!

I can't have it on too long it starts to drive me nuts, I have to have it

turned up fairly high to get any relief at all. I still take some break

though med every day, mostly it's the scs the helps me. The pain doc wants

to try so differents stuff in the pump, but I don't want any more stuff

thats going to make me goofy, hey I'm goofy enough from what my wife says!!

lol Also i have excepted that I'm disabled and there are things that I can't

do any more and thats the way it is. I think that has help me more with my

pain than any thing else!! I still have a lot of pain, but I have excepted

it as a part of my life! I hope all goes well for you, good luck on what

ever you decide!

Rob from Boise Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@ <mailto:purplebutterfly1%40comcast.net>

comcast.net> wrote:

I haven't been receiving any emails from the group. I thought I would see

how people are doing. Does anyone have any information about intrathecal

pumps? I am scheduled to have surgery on March 13.

I hope all is well.

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Did you have these side effects with your trial of the pump? I make sure to

remember about the dry mouth.

If you don't mind me asking, what medications were you on prior to the pump

vs. after? I am hoping to drastically reduce the amount of Neurontin I

take. I know that the pain medication (vicodin) will be stopped. I will

keep you posted after the surgery. I forgot about the site the pumpsters -

I will have check it out again.

Take care and feel well.


From: Stimulator [mailto:Stimulator ] On

Behalf Of Rob Twilegar

Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 2:46 AM


Subject: RE: Checking in


I hope that the pump works well for you, i just hope that you can keep the

mg of the drug that's in the pump down to a very low dose per day. Another

side effect that i forgot to tell was a very dry mouth, which will make your

teeth rot!! You just have to make sure you keep your mouth moist. Check out

a group at pumpsters@groups theirs a lot of good information in that

site. Any way you can get some good relief I'm all for!! Hang in there, hope

for a low pain day!

Rob in Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@ <mailto:purplebutterfly1%40comcast.net>

comcast.net> wrote:


Thanks for the information. I am from Massachusetts -- I have a SCS for

the past year. It helps a little but not to what my doctor would have

liked. I get about 25% relief and no residual relief if I shut it off. I

am scheduled for the pump on March 13. My trial for the pump amazed me. For

the first time in four years I felt normal and I could feel my left foot. I

hope your situation improves.


From: Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com

[mailto:Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com]


Behalf Of Rob Twilegar

Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 5:12 PM

Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com

Subject: Re: Checking in


my name is Rob, I'm from Idaho and I have had the pump for in for 5 yrs in

June, my highest level was 22 mg per day! At that level i still had more

pain than I thought i should have and so did the Doc. He keep getting mad at

me, telling me that my trial worked well at a small dose so why am I in so

much pain???? Hey he is doc not me, he should be telling me why??? He did

more injections and mri's until I said no more injection!!! The mri's showed

that my aa had spread over to the right side, so now both of my leg were

involved with aa instead of just my left side. So more aa more pain. well to

make a long story short

i started to have the pump turned down every time I had my drugs in the pump

changed. That was 1 yrs ago and now I'm at .05 mg per day and i can't tell

any difference in my pain level when it was 22 mg per day. I've told my doc

that i want the pump out, i have had too many side effects that he didn't

tell me about..... like feeling stupid, can't think clearly, not being able

to drive a car and be safe, no sex life at all with my wife, i couldn't pee

very well so he put me on flomax, which add to the no sex part and i still

couldn't pee very well! Still was in a lot of pain so he put a scs in 2 yrs

ago in March, which does help some what!!

I can't have it on too long it starts to drive me nuts, I have to have it

turned up fairly high to get any relief at all. I still take some break

though med every day, mostly it's the scs the helps me. The pain doc wants

to try so differents stuff in the pump, but I don't want any more stuff

thats going to make me goofy, hey I'm goofy enough from what my wife says!!

lol Also i have excepted that I'm disabled and there are things that I can't

do any more and thats the way it is. I think that has help me more with my

pain than any thing else!! I still have a lot of pain, but I have excepted

it as a part of my life! I hope all goes well for you, good luck on what

ever you decide!

Rob from Boise Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@ <mailto:purplebutterfly1%40comcast.net>

comcast.net> wrote:

I haven't been receiving any emails from the group. I thought I would see

how people are doing. Does anyone have any information about intrathecal

pumps? I am scheduled to have surgery on March 13.

I hope all is well.

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My trial was 1 injection of morphine (.5 mg) in the doc office my son drove

me to the hospital at 4:30 pm, I stayed the night, my doctor came in at 7:00 am

the next morning and ask me how I was doing??? I had slept for 5 hrs straight

that night, i had not slept that long for awhile, it sure felt good to sleep! I

went home at 8:30 am that morning and had the pump installed the next week. my

mouth was not dry until i started with the pump, with morphine after 4 months my

doc changed the medicine in the pump to didilaud and bupizicain. (sp?)

I have been on the whole line of drugs before the pump oxycodone, Oxycontin,

neurontin, flomax and a few other that i can't remember right now. I stop all

the meds except for norco

that i still take depending on my pain levels. I have not done well with all

the meds, they don't suit me at all. The dry mouth was very bad for my teeth, my

dentists didn't understand

why my mouth was so bad, I've never had so many cavities! thats when i told

him that my mouth was so dry, I even take a bottle of water to bed with me. With

lack of salia your teeth start to rot, I've found a tooth paste called biotene

that has helped a lot! It cost $10.00 a tube, that insurance won't pay for,

thats the way it goes with insurance! Since I'm on small dose of didiluad and

bupizicain my mouth is not as dry, the tooth paste helps also.

almost forgot they put clonodine in my pump and i had a reaction to it, it

took the doc 10 days to finally take it out!! He kept tell me I had to get use

to the clonodine, just give it a chance. Well I went to his office and I went

nuts, started screeming and crying and asking him to please take out the

clonodine, which he did the next day!!! Did not have any meds on hand to

replace what was in my pump, I did calm down as soon as the stuff was out of

system. You know this does not happen to everyone of us so I hope that the pump

will work well for you, just watch out and be aware of what is going on with

your body!

I didn't drive a car for about 2 1/2 yrs, i fell asleep while driving with my

son, I was lucky

he was with me, he kept me awake until we got home, then i stop driving... no


You keep me posted on how it's going with the pump, keep asking question of


it will help you. Take care, have a low pain day. The pumps are a lot small

than the one that I have, mine is in my right side just above my belt! Yes it

does stick out, I think the new one are much better all the way around... good

luck we will talk soon!


<purplebutterfly1@...> wrote:


Did you have these side effects with your trial of the pump? I make sure to

remember about the dry mouth.

If you don't mind me asking, what medications were you on prior to the pump

vs. after? I am hoping to drastically reduce the amount of Neurontin I

take. I know that the pain medication (vicodin) will be stopped. I will

keep you posted after the surgery. I forgot about the site the pumpsters -

I will have check it out again.

Take care and feel well.


From: Stimulator [mailto:Stimulator ] On

Behalf Of Rob Twilegar

Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 2:46 AM


Subject: RE: Checking in


I hope that the pump works well for you, i just hope that you can keep the

mg of the drug that's in the pump down to a very low dose per day. Another

side effect that i forgot to tell was a very dry mouth, which will make your

teeth rot!! You just have to make sure you keep your mouth moist. Check out

a group at pumpsters@groups theirs a lot of good information in that

site. Any way you can get some good relief I'm all for!! Hang in there, hope

for a low pain day!

Rob in Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@ <mailto:purplebutterfly1%40comcast.net>

comcast.net> wrote:


Thanks for the information. I am from Massachusetts -- I have a SCS for

the past year. It helps a little but not to what my doctor would have

liked. I get about 25% relief and no residual relief if I shut it off. I

am scheduled for the pump on March 13. My trial for the pump amazed me. For

the first time in four years I felt normal and I could feel my left foot. I

hope your situation improves.


From: Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com

[mailto:Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com]


Behalf Of Rob Twilegar

Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 5:12 PM

Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com

Subject: Re: Checking in


my name is Rob, I'm from Idaho and I have had the pump for in for 5 yrs in

June, my highest level was 22 mg per day! At that level i still had more

pain than I thought i should have and so did the Doc. He keep getting mad at

me, telling me that my trial worked well at a small dose so why am I in so

much pain???? Hey he is doc not me, he should be telling me why??? He did

more injections and mri's until I said no more injection!!! The mri's showed

that my aa had spread over to the right side, so now both of my leg were

involved with aa instead of just my left side. So more aa more pain. well to

make a long story short

i started to have the pump turned down every time I had my drugs in the pump

changed. That was 1 yrs ago and now I'm at .05 mg per day and i can't tell

any difference in my pain level when it was 22 mg per day. I've told my doc

that i want the pump out, i have had too many side effects that he didn't

tell me about..... like feeling stupid, can't think clearly, not being able

to drive a car and be safe, no sex life at all with my wife, i couldn't pee

very well so he put me on flomax, which add to the no sex part and i still

couldn't pee very well! Still was in a lot of pain so he put a scs in 2 yrs

ago in March, which does help some what!!

I can't have it on too long it starts to drive me nuts, I have to have it

turned up fairly high to get any relief at all. I still take some break

though med every day, mostly it's the scs the helps me. The pain doc wants

to try so differents stuff in the pump, but I don't want any more stuff

thats going to make me goofy, hey I'm goofy enough from what my wife says!!

lol Also i have excepted that I'm disabled and there are things that I can't

do any more and thats the way it is. I think that has help me more with my

pain than any thing else!! I still have a lot of pain, but I have excepted

it as a part of my life! I hope all goes well for you, good luck on what

ever you decide!

Rob from Boise Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@ <mailto:purplebutterfly1%40comcast.net>

comcast.net> wrote:

I haven't been receiving any emails from the group. I thought I would see

how people are doing. Does anyone have any information about intrathecal

pumps? I am scheduled to have surgery on March 13.

I hope all is well.

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You have been through hell and back again with your medications. I drink a

lot of water on a daily basis - I love water. I didn't notice during the

trial that my mouth was dry. I will have to keep that in mind. The

dilaudid and Clonodine sound familiar. I think that might be what they put

in my pump trial. I have heard that a lot of the medications that we have

to take for our back pain cause a lot of mouth issues. Fortunately, I the

only problem I had was with topomax and elevil. I had to stop both of them.

Is your pump in the front? They had to put my SCS in my upper butt because

there wasn't enough space between my last rib and hip bone. It's annoying

at times. I am not sure where they are going to put the pump.

I too am frustrated with how easy it is for me to fall asleep (except at bed

time). I won't drive myself to the doctors (an hour away) because I fall

asleep. I can not stay awake in the car. If you don't mind me asking, what

were the side effects of the clonodine for you? What made it so urgent to

get it out of the pump?

I wish you all the best. I will keep you posted. Thank you so much for all

your information. You have been very helpful!


From: Stimulator [mailto:Stimulator ] On

Behalf Of Rob Twilegar

Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 10:31 PM


Subject: RE: Checking in


My trial was 1 injection of morphine (.5 mg) in the doc office my son drove

me to the hospital at 4:30 pm, I stayed the night, my doctor came in at 7:00

am the next morning and ask me how I was doing??? I had slept for 5 hrs

straight that night, i had not slept that long for awhile, it sure felt good

to sleep! I went home at 8:30 am that morning and had the pump installed the

next week. my mouth was not dry until i started with the pump, with morphine

after 4 months my doc changed the medicine in the pump to didilaud and

bupizicain. (sp?)

I have been on the whole line of drugs before the pump oxycodone, Oxycontin,

neurontin, flomax and a few other that i can't remember right now. I stop

all the meds except for norco

that i still take depending on my pain levels. I have not done well with all

the meds, they don't suit me at all. The dry mouth was very bad for my

teeth, my dentists didn't understand

why my mouth was so bad, I've never had so many cavities! thats when i told

him that my mouth was so dry, I even take a bottle of water to bed with me.

With lack of salia your teeth start to rot, I've found a tooth paste called

biotene that has helped a lot! It cost $10.00 a tube, that insurance won't

pay for, thats the way it goes with insurance! Since I'm on small dose of

didiluad and bupizicain my mouth is not as dry, the tooth paste helps also.

almost forgot they put clonodine in my pump and i had a reaction to it, it

took the doc 10 days to finally take it out!! He kept tell me I had to get

use to the clonodine, just give it a chance. Well I went to his office and I

went nuts, started screeming and crying and asking him to please take out

the clonodine, which he did the next day!!! Did not have any meds on hand to

replace what was in my pump, I did calm down as soon as the stuff was out of

system. You know this does not happen to everyone of us so I hope that the

pump will work well for you, just watch out and be aware of what is going on

with your body!

I didn't drive a car for about 2 1/2 yrs, i fell asleep while driving with

my son, I was lucky

he was with me, he kept me awake until we got home, then i stop driving...

no fun!!!

You keep me posted on how it's going with the pump, keep asking question of


it will help you. Take care, have a low pain day. The pumps are a lot small

than the one that I have, mine is in my right side just above my belt! Yes

it does stick out, I think the new one are much better all the way around...

good luck we will talk soon!


<purplebutterfly1@ <mailto:purplebutterfly1%40comcast.net>

comcast.net> wrote:


Did you have these side effects with your trial of the pump? I make sure to

remember about the dry mouth.

If you don't mind me asking, what medications were you on prior to the pump

vs. after? I am hoping to drastically reduce the amount of Neurontin I

take. I know that the pain medication (vicodin) will be stopped. I will

keep you posted after the surgery. I forgot about the site the pumpsters -

I will have check it out again.

Take care and feel well.


From: Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com

[mailto:Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com]


Behalf Of Rob Twilegar

Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 2:46 AM

Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com

Subject: RE: Checking in


I hope that the pump works well for you, i just hope that you can keep the

mg of the drug that's in the pump down to a very low dose per day. Another

side effect that i forgot to tell was a very dry mouth, which will make your

teeth rot!! You just have to make sure you keep your mouth moist. Check out

a group at pumpsters@groups theirs a lot of good information in that

site. Any way you can get some good relief I'm all for!! Hang in there, hope

for a low pain day!

Rob in Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@ <mailto:purplebutterfly1%40comcast.net>

comcast.net> wrote:


Thanks for the information. I am from Massachusetts -- I have a SCS for

the past year. It helps a little but not to what my doctor would have

liked. I get about 25% relief and no residual relief if I shut it off. I

am scheduled for the pump on March 13. My trial for the pump amazed me. For

the first time in four years I felt normal and I could feel my left foot. I

hope your situation improves.


From: Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com

[mailto:Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com]


Behalf Of Rob Twilegar

Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 5:12 PM

Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com

Subject: Re: Checking in


my name is Rob, I'm from Idaho and I have had the pump for in for 5 yrs in

June, my highest level was 22 mg per day! At that level i still had more

pain than I thought i should have and so did the Doc. He keep getting mad at

me, telling me that my trial worked well at a small dose so why am I in so

much pain???? Hey he is doc not me, he should be telling me why??? He did

more injections and mri's until I said no more injection!!! The mri's showed

that my aa had spread over to the right side, so now both of my leg were

involved with aa instead of just my left side. So more aa more pain. well to

make a long story short

i started to have the pump turned down every time I had my drugs in the pump

changed. That was 1 yrs ago and now I'm at .05 mg per day and i can't tell

any difference in my pain level when it was 22 mg per day. I've told my doc

that i want the pump out, i have had too many side effects that he didn't

tell me about..... like feeling stupid, can't think clearly, not being able

to drive a car and be safe, no sex life at all with my wife, i couldn't pee

very well so he put me on flomax, which add to the no sex part and i still

couldn't pee very well! Still was in a lot of pain so he put a scs in 2 yrs

ago in March, which does help some what!!

I can't have it on too long it starts to drive me nuts, I have to have it

turned up fairly high to get any relief at all. I still take some break

though med every day, mostly it's the scs the helps me. The pain doc wants

to try so differents stuff in the pump, but I don't want any more stuff

thats going to make me goofy, hey I'm goofy enough from what my wife says!!

lol Also i have excepted that I'm disabled and there are things that I can't

do any more and thats the way it is. I think that has help me more with my

pain than any thing else!! I still have a lot of pain, but I have excepted

it as a part of my life! I hope all goes well for you, good luck on what

ever you decide!

Rob from Boise Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@ <mailto:purplebutterfly1%40comcast.net>

comcast.net> wrote:

I haven't been receiving any emails from the group. I thought I would see

how people are doing. Does anyone have any information about intrathecal

pumps? I am scheduled to have surgery on March 13.

I hope all is well.

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Hey ,

Everyone with AA has been through hell and back, but my meds have worked

against me at time! I'm not sure why, it's my bodies fight against them I


My pump is right above my belt line on my right side, it's the older pump

and it sticks out

a little bit. I've heard that the newer pups are smaller and don't stick out

quite as much! the pump as to stick out some so the doctor can refill it when

it comes time! I've heard that the battery is on the inside of the pump and

that it can be recharged! Mine will have to be removed when the battery go

dead, which takes from 5 to 6 yrs.

The clonodine caused my leg pain to all time high levels, I couldn't

believe how bad they hurt (10+) i couldn't walk very much, to the bathroom and

back to the bed which was about 15 ft one way!! Also my blood pressure dropped

to like 68 over 40 and even lower, i could not function!!! I stopped taking my

blood pressure meds until the clonodine was taken out. It also made me very

nervous, I had the jitters bad! Once the clonodine was out of my system

everything was back to normal !!! I'm not sure any more what normal is???

lol You have a good weekend, I'll catch you later!


<purplebutterfly1@...> wrote:


You have been through hell and back again with your medications. I drink a

lot of water on a daily basis - I love water. I didn't notice during the

trial that my mouth was dry. I will have to keep that in mind. The

dilaudid and Clonodine sound familiar. I think that might be what they put

in my pump trial. I have heard that a lot of the medications that we have

to take for our back pain cause a lot of mouth issues. Fortunately, I the

only problem I had was with topomax and elevil. I had to stop both of them.

Is your pump in the front? They had to put my SCS in my upper butt because

there wasn't enough space between my last rib and hip bone. It's annoying

at times. I am not sure where they are going to put the pump.

I too am frustrated with how easy it is for me to fall asleep (except at bed

time). I won't drive myself to the doctors (an hour away) because I fall

asleep. I can not stay awake in the car. If you don't mind me asking, what

were the side effects of the clonodine for you? What made it so urgent to

get it out of the pump?

I wish you all the best. I will keep you posted. Thank you so much for all

your information. You have been very helpful!


From: Stimulator [mailto:Stimulator ] On

Behalf Of Rob Twilegar

Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 10:31 PM


Subject: RE: Checking in


My trial was 1 injection of morphine (.5 mg) in the doc office my son drove

me to the hospital at 4:30 pm, I stayed the night, my doctor came in at 7:00

am the next morning and ask me how I was doing??? I had slept for 5 hrs

straight that night, i had not slept that long for awhile, it sure felt good

to sleep! I went home at 8:30 am that morning and had the pump installed the

next week. my mouth was not dry until i started with the pump, with morphine

after 4 months my doc changed the medicine in the pump to didilaud and

bupizicain. (sp?)

I have been on the whole line of drugs before the pump oxycodone, Oxycontin,

neurontin, flomax and a few other that i can't remember right now. I stop

all the meds except for norco

that i still take depending on my pain levels. I have not done well with all

the meds, they don't suit me at all. The dry mouth was very bad for my

teeth, my dentists didn't understand

why my mouth was so bad, I've never had so many cavities! thats when i told

him that my mouth was so dry, I even take a bottle of water to bed with me.

With lack of salia your teeth start to rot, I've found a tooth paste called

biotene that has helped a lot! It cost $10.00 a tube, that insurance won't

pay for, thats the way it goes with insurance! Since I'm on small dose of

didiluad and bupizicain my mouth is not as dry, the tooth paste helps also.

almost forgot they put clonodine in my pump and i had a reaction to it, it

took the doc 10 days to finally take it out!! He kept tell me I had to get

use to the clonodine, just give it a chance. Well I went to his office and I

went nuts, started screeming and crying and asking him to please take out

the clonodine, which he did the next day!!! Did not have any meds on hand to

replace what was in my pump, I did calm down as soon as the stuff was out of

system. You know this does not happen to everyone of us so I hope that the

pump will work well for you, just watch out and be aware of what is going on

with your body!

I didn't drive a car for about 2 1/2 yrs, i fell asleep while driving with

my son, I was lucky

he was with me, he kept me awake until we got home, then i stop driving...

no fun!!!

You keep me posted on how it's going with the pump, keep asking question of


it will help you. Take care, have a low pain day. The pumps are a lot small

than the one that I have, mine is in my right side just above my belt! Yes

it does stick out, I think the new one are much better all the way around...

good luck we will talk soon!


<purplebutterfly1@ <mailto:purplebutterfly1%40comcast.net>

comcast.net> wrote:


Did you have these side effects with your trial of the pump? I make sure to

remember about the dry mouth.

If you don't mind me asking, what medications were you on prior to the pump

vs. after? I am hoping to drastically reduce the amount of Neurontin I

take. I know that the pain medication (vicodin) will be stopped. I will

keep you posted after the surgery. I forgot about the site the pumpsters -

I will have check it out again.

Take care and feel well.


From: Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com

[mailto:Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com]


Behalf Of Rob Twilegar

Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 2:46 AM

Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com

Subject: RE: Checking in


I hope that the pump works well for you, i just hope that you can keep the

mg of the drug that's in the pump down to a very low dose per day. Another

side effect that i forgot to tell was a very dry mouth, which will make your

teeth rot!! You just have to make sure you keep your mouth moist. Check out

a group at pumpsters@groups theirs a lot of good information in that

site. Any way you can get some good relief I'm all for!! Hang in there, hope

for a low pain day!

Rob in Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@ <mailto:purplebutterfly1%40comcast.net>

comcast.net> wrote:


Thanks for the information. I am from Massachusetts -- I have a SCS for

the past year. It helps a little but not to what my doctor would have

liked. I get about 25% relief and no residual relief if I shut it off. I

am scheduled for the pump on March 13. My trial for the pump amazed me. For

the first time in four years I felt normal and I could feel my left foot. I

hope your situation improves.


From: Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com

[mailto:Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com]


Behalf Of Rob Twilegar

Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 5:12 PM

Stimulator@gro <mailto:Stimulator%40> ups.com

Subject: Re: Checking in


my name is Rob, I'm from Idaho and I have had the pump for in for 5 yrs in

June, my highest level was 22 mg per day! At that level i still had more

pain than I thought i should have and so did the Doc. He keep getting mad at

me, telling me that my trial worked well at a small dose so why am I in so

much pain???? Hey he is doc not me, he should be telling me why??? He did

more injections and mri's until I said no more injection!!! The mri's showed

that my aa had spread over to the right side, so now both of my leg were

involved with aa instead of just my left side. So more aa more pain. well to

make a long story short

i started to have the pump turned down every time I had my drugs in the pump

changed. That was 1 yrs ago and now I'm at .05 mg per day and i can't tell

any difference in my pain level when it was 22 mg per day. I've told my doc

that i want the pump out, i have had too many side effects that he didn't

tell me about..... like feeling stupid, can't think clearly, not being able

to drive a car and be safe, no sex life at all with my wife, i couldn't pee

very well so he put me on flomax, which add to the no sex part and i still

couldn't pee very well! Still was in a lot of pain so he put a scs in 2 yrs

ago in March, which does help some what!!

I can't have it on too long it starts to drive me nuts, I have to have it

turned up fairly high to get any relief at all. I still take some break

though med every day, mostly it's the scs the helps me. The pain doc wants

to try so differents stuff in the pump, but I don't want any more stuff

thats going to make me goofy, hey I'm goofy enough from what my wife says!!

lol Also i have excepted that I'm disabled and there are things that I can't

do any more and thats the way it is. I think that has help me more with my

pain than any thing else!! I still have a lot of pain, but I have excepted

it as a part of my life! I hope all goes well for you, good luck on what

ever you decide!

Rob from Boise Idaho

<purplebutterfly1@ <mailto:purplebutterfly1%40comcast.net>

comcast.net> wrote:

I haven't been receiving any emails from the group. I thought I would see

how people are doing. Does anyone have any information about intrathecal

pumps? I am scheduled to have surgery on March 13.

I hope all is well.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

HI!!! . Thank you so much for all your messages; that you have sent to the group, I've missed you. Your thoughts have changed my life for good, I staying praying for you and for your family you are so strong I admire you, I hope all your illnesses are gone and your husband and your son always be there with you. God bless you and Kindnest Regards. rachelwahlen@... escribió: Hello everyone, I just wanted to check in and say I am sorry I have not been online a lot lately. I have really been down with al the issues I am going through. I called Cigna insurance yesterday to ask the status of my appeal was on the Company disability. They said they are still waiting for my medical records. They were not insuring me before but for only mental issues. I can not believe it has taken this long and has been 90 days. I also have not heard from the social security hearing yet either. I got a phone call from my husband who was to be in

prison for 2 years and left Nov. 16th 2006. He is now in the dart program and will be in it for one month and he told me that April 19th to be there at 9 AM and pick him up so that means he only served 6 months for the three DUI's from alcohol. I was separated from him for a year and a half but saw him occasionally. Before he left for prison he stayed six weeks with me helping me to fix my home. It was a good time together and I need your prayers because when he gets out he is coming back home to me. I know he loves God and he wants us to go to church and he promised he will not drink any more. He was also verbally and mentally abusive to me until I quit taking it. He was controlling. I will not accept that when he comes back. I just want to be happy and I want us both to

be. As you know my son has his court date on April 3rd. I am not sure what to expect from that either. He got saved and married as I told everyone and they are going to church and trying to live the Christian life. I pray he will not be sent off as this trial has gone four years now and has not been tried yet. He was told this time it would be though. I got off my synthroid starting Monday and will be for 6 months and then go get the radiation pill to check and make sure there is no more cancer cells growing. It has been three years now since the cancer and the removal of my thyroid. I am having the faith that there will not be any cancer cells anywhere else. It has been tough since January when the disability stopped. I have made it this far but God is good and he has provided for and taken care of me. I have started going back to the church I used to go to. My son goes there too with the whole family. All of you who know me know that my two little grand daughters always make my day and make me feel so good. I was able to see them today and that was nice. I do not like it being depressed and my fibromyalgia has really been acting up. I have just felt tired and down and not wanting to go anywhere. I have done a few secret shopper jobs this week but it is not a

lot of money. The only reason I even do that is because I stop to buy gas and go into the grocery store or bank and I just walk in the same way and get paid for it. It does pay once a month. I do want to feel better and I hate it when I am not in a good mood or when I am in a sad and depressed mood. I get in the manic mood also and I hate the racing thoughts that are always going on in my head. I have not felt a threat to myself or anyone else though. Forgive me for not checking in everyday and not being supportive as I would like to be. I do need everyone's prayers. Love and hugs to all, Wahlen AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Guest guest

GOD loves U a lot.rachelwahlen@... wrote: Hello everyone, I just wanted to check in and say I am sorry I have not been online a lot lately. I have really been down with al the issues I am going through. I called Cigna insurance yesterday to ask the status of my appeal was on the Company disability. They said

they are still waiting for my medical records. They were not insuring me before but for only mental issues. I can not believe it has taken this long and has been 90 days. I also have not heard from the social security hearing yet either. I got a phone call from my husband who was to be in prison for 2 years and left Nov. 16th 2006. He is now in the dart program and will be in it for one month and he told me that April 19th to be there at 9 AM and pick him up so that means he only served 6 months for the three DUI's from alcohol. I was separated from him for a year and a half but saw him occasionally. Before he left for prison he stayed six weeks with me helping me to fix my home. It was a good time together and I need your prayers because when he gets out he is coming back home to me. I know he loves God and he wants us to go to church and he promised he will not drink any more. He was also verbally and mentally abusive to me until I quit taking it. He was controlling. I will not accept that when he comes back. I just want to be happy and I want us both to be. As you know my son has his court date on April 3rd. I am not sure what to expect from that either. He got saved and married as I told everyone and they are going to church and trying to live the Christian life. I pray he will not be sent off as this trial has gone four years now and has not been tried yet. He was told this time it would be

though. I got off my synthroid starting Monday and will be for 6 months and then go get the radiation pill to check and make sure there is no more cancer cells growing. It has been three years now since the cancer and the removal of my thyroid. I am having the faith that there will not be any cancer cells anywhere else. It has been tough since January when the disability stopped. I have made it this far but God is good and he has provided for and taken care of me. I have started going back to the church I used to go to. My son goes there too with the whole family. All

of you who know me know that my two little grand daughters always make my day and make me feel so good. I was able to see them today and that was nice. I do not like it being depressed and my fibromyalgia has really been acting up. I have just felt tired and down and not wanting to go anywhere. I have done a few secret shopper jobs this week but it is not a lot of money. The only reason I even do that is because I stop to buy gas and go into the grocery store or bank and I just walk in the same way and get paid for it. It does pay once a month. I do want to feel better and I hate it when I am not in a good mood or when I am in a sad and depressed mood. I get in the manic mood also and I hate the

racing thoughts that are always going on in my head. I have not felt a threat to myself or anyone else though. Forgive me for not checking in everyday and not being supportive as I would like to be. I do need everyone's prayers. Love and hugs to all, Wahlen AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com. Whatever U r, B a GUD1 - Abrham Lincoln.Keep Smiling inspite of Everything -


Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers

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You have proved that your 'Faith' is much much bigger than your problems.

This Group will always pray 4 u.

All the best.


Re: checking in

GOD loves U a lot.rachelwahlenaol wrote:

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to check in and say I am sorry I have not been online a lot lately. I have really been down with al the issues I am going through.

I called Cigna insurance yesterday to ask the status of my appeal was on the Company disability. They said they are still waiting for my medical records. They were not insuring me before but for only mental issues. I can not believe it has taken this long and has been 90 days.

I also have not heard from the social security hearing yet either.

I got a phone call from my husband who was to be in prison for 2 years and left Nov. 16th 2006. He is now in the dart program and will be in it for one month and he told me that April 19th to be there at 9 AM and pick him up so that means he only served 6 months for the three DUI's from alcohol.

I was separated from him for a year and a half but saw him occasionally. Before he left for prison he stayed six weeks with me helping me to fix my home. It was a good time together and I need your prayers because when he gets out he is coming back home to me. I know he loves God and he wants us to go to church and he promised he will not drink any more. He was also verbally and mentally abusive to me until I quit taking it. He was controlling. I will not accept that when he comes back. I just want to be happy and I want us both to be.

As you know my son has his court date on April 3rd. I am not sure what to expect from that either. He got saved and married as I told everyone and they are going to church and trying to live the Christian life. I pray he will not be sent off as this trial has gone four years now and has not been tried yet. He was told this time it would be though.

I got off my synthroid starting Monday and will be for 6 months and then go get the radiation pill to check and make sure there is no more cancer cells growing. It has been three years now since the cancer and the removal of my thyroid. I am having the faith that there will not be any cancer cells anywhere else.

It has been tough since January when the disability stopped. I have made it this far but God is good and he has provided for and taken care of me.

I have started going back to the church I used to go to. My son goes there too with the whole family. All of you who know me know that my two little grand daughters always make my day and make me feel so good. I was able to see them today and that was nice.

I do not like it being depressed and my fibromyalgia has really been acting up. I have just felt tired and down and not wanting to go anywhere. I have done a few secret shopper jobs this week but it is not a lot of money. The only reason I even do that is because I stop to buy gas and go into the grocery store or bank and I just walk in the same way and get paid for it. It does pay once a month.

I do want to feel better and I hate it when I am not in a good mood or when I am in a sad and depressed mood. I get in the manic mood also and I hate the racing thoughts that are always going on in my head. I have not felt a threat to myself or anyone else though.

Forgive me for not checking in everyday and not being supportive as I would like to be. I do need everyone's prayers.

Love and hugs to all,


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How awesome Kim, hope you enjoy your private yoga lessons!! Keep up the good work and do check in from time to time on your vacation!!

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You know I will..... I'd miss you girls if I didn't check-in once in awhile.



On 5/5/07, ABrite@... <ABrite@...> wrote:


> How awesome Kim, hope you enjoy your private yoga lessons!! Keep up the

> good work and do check in from time to time on your vacation!!




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In a message dated 5/12/2007 5:53:14 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, susang3@... writes:

Food has been going fine but the sale isn't moving because *I'm* not. Ireally have to get off my lazy butt and start exercising again. I've got amillion excuses - probably all of you have used one or more at some times,too - so I won't bother even trying to rationalize it.

Me too - see email about dropping Curves. Things will get better, but I need to focus on the immediate needs. I did check out an exercise video from the library yesterday and am learning my way around the digital t.v. set up. Fit TV has programs that I need to check into also.

My local ISP, the guy I've been with since 1992, has informed me he'spulling the plug in a few weeks, so I spent most of my on-line time thisweek finding all the places I'm signed up at with my old email address.Gosh, there were over 100, and each day I'm reminded of *more* places I usedthat address!

What a bummer. Hope you found something/someone to go with.

And to the oldies of the list, how ya doing? So many are MIA!

I agree - where's Eileen and SulaBlue?? We miss you!! Eh, and the others....

, welcome back from your recent hospital stay. Glad to see your medsare getting regulated again. Thank for letting us know.


, good luck getting the kids (and the ex) where they're supposed to go.Even though we have a great public transportation system in this city Iwould still be lost without my car! And about Curves, if you're not lockedinto a contract you may as well stop for now, at least until life gets a bitmore stable and predictable (Ha!).


.....and if you're involved in some sort of celebratory meal, enjoy it, but rememberthat even holiday calories still count!

Yes, mom (LOL!!) I really don't plan to go all out, just enjoy a burger and a few of the sides that I wouldn't otherwise fix myself. :-)

Have a great weekend!!

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