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checking in

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Hey Mike.

Thanx for popping into say hi. I hope things are going okay for Tessa, but I'm sure your right. She'll probably pull through. Us humans can sure take alot of stuff in the life. Still trying to get her to post and no success huh? Well I'm sure she'll come around sometime. And thanx, I'll be outta my *funk* as you call it. Actually things are already alot better :)

Hope things are well with you,


just wanted to say hi, things are a little bumpy with tessa right now, but she'll pull though. i'm trying to get her to post here...i'll keep trying. kim, i hope you come out of yer *funk* soon ;){{{{HUGZ}}}} everyonemike

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

> Hi everyone. Welcome to the new members...


> I told Sue in NJ that I would check in, I am not ready to be totally

> active again yet.. I do miss you guys. The reason I backed away is that

> Ali & I are having troubles & with mid terms etc. the stress was too

> much. Well, my Psych mid term went terrible. I was getting an " A " in

> the class, now I have a high " C " . I have a paper, 2 quizzes & a final

> to bring the grade back up. Say your prayers.

Best of luck, . That means you've got 4 more chances to show your

prof what you're made of -- and *WE* know what you're made of! I

believe you can do it.

Have you asked about extra credit? Many profs, especially the good ones

(And yours sounds like a good one from what you've said before) will

allow extra credit for those willing to put in the extra effort. I

found when I was in college, though, that so few *were* willing that

professors didn't bother to mention it.


> Well Ali moved out. Last night was his first night in his apartment...

> though most of his stuff is still here. I think I am going to keep

> quiet about it for a while... until I am strong enough to tell him that

> this may be his house but it is not his home... he can't just come & go

> as he pleases. But I cannot handle any more fighting. Sue you would be

> proud of how strong I have been!!! I am not yelling at the children & I

> have actually lost 8 of the 10 pounds I put on the week before. Yes I

> gained 10 pounds in a week... I am emotionally down today but I can see

> the value of food decreasing.... maybe getting the stress of Ali out

> will really help me to loose weight. I have still been exercising but

> can't now. Yesterday I drove to class & was fine. When I got out of

> the van my knee really hurt. I have arthritis so I just tried to walk

> it out & forget about it. Did all my arthritis things.... today it is

> so sore I can barely walk on it. I think I will just take it easy for a

> few days. There are other joints that hurt but not like this knee... as

> I said, I was fine when I got in my van so I don't see where or how I

> could have injured it.


> Keep up all the good work


I'm glad to hear you're getting back on track, . Way to go! I'm

especially glad to hear that things are going better between you and

the kids.

Just think what that lost weight will do for your heart, your

breathing, your bloodpressure! I don't think I'd be mis-speaking if I

said we are *ALL* proud of you.


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Thanks ... I'm hurting but I know I am on the mend


> I'm glad to hear you're getting back on track, . Way to go! I'm

> especially glad to hear that things are going better between you and

> the kids.


> Just think what that lost weight will do for your heart, your

> breathing, your bloodpressure! I don't think I'd be mis-speaking if I

> said we are *ALL* proud of you.


> K.




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  • 5 months later...

I know I have been quiet here, but you guys are so talkative and

encouraging it is hard to lurk :)

>Hello everyone~


>Im just checking in to let you all know how im doing. I stepped on the

>scale today and it says I have lost another 5pds since tuesday I don't see

>how that is possible so if its true wow LoL. I guess I don't expect to see

>the scale going down as fast as it is. But hey whats there to complain

>about not a whole lot.

Wow! good for you.

I have had a good week for excercise I started at the gym on Tuesday and

went back Thursday and Friday, even though it was hard. The scales even got

down to 119kgs. *BUT* hubby has been away this week and so I had a bit too

much comfort food on the weekend. Hopefully the scale will stay below

120kg. <wishing hard>


280 /265 /150

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Dawn " <sweetsunshinemomma@...>

> Im just checking in to let you all know how im doing. I stepped on the

scale today and it says I have lost another 5pds since tuesday I don't see

how that is possible so if its true wow LoL. I guess I don't expect to see

the scale going down as fast as it is. But hey whats there to complain about

not a whole lot.

Wow. That's amazing. Enjoy it while you can. :) Great job with the




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  • 4 weeks later...

--- In samters@y..., " coolmike9992000 " <mike@p...>

Hello Mike,

Hi guys I hardly have been able to use the computer my son keeps

downloading games and music and I hate to interrupt him. Anyway I

totally agree this is most frustrating. My E.N.T. said something

about the condition is thought to be genetic and much deeper than an

allergy. I have no true allergy to speak of. I have not talked to my

Dr. about desentization yet. I plan on going to Scripps hoping that

this will enable me to have a job. I just had the surgery for poylps

for the 4th time a few months ago and I reccommend it to anyone who

can't breathe thru their nose or have had lots of infections. My

sinus still were not clear and my Dr. had me use the sinus pharmacy

http://www.sinuspharmacy.com/ They will work with anyone if your

insurance does not pay for out of network. The medication is very

expensive $400 for 3 weeks worth. I used it in July, August and I am

unbelieveably clear since the nasacort AQ can reach the areas that

need it. I filled out a form for finacial aassistance. (I'm going

thru a divorce and all my source of income is gone.) They sent the

medication to me cost free (next day delivery). My insurance paid

for the machine. It realy worked in my case. I am being able to smell

also. But I also had surgery in June. I think the only way to go

further is desentization. I eat mostly only chicken and rice with

real butter and some spinach, a few eggs with NO pepper I had a

terrible reaction to it a few weeks ago.

I have said this before this site has been great even if I don't

reply very often. I come here and think " It is not in my head! well I

guess it is sort of. " Mo one on here seems to be weird or fanatical

just trying to deal with a strange life robbing disease.

Kim or Beverly you mentioned singular and I was on it and it was

affecting my liver that is how my Dr. found out about this: To make

a long story short no drugs not even around people who use them, no

tatoos, no blood transfusion. But lots of hospitalizations from

asthma attacks sooooo....I picked up Hepatitis C from the hospital. I

totally freaked out this is a addicts disease I thought, and now I

have this. I have a tendancy to be on the prim and proper mode and

what a shock. Also it is very embrassing to tell anyone except

medical personel who know how contagious this diease is. My now new

Dr. said I have had this maybe 2-4 years tops. My viral load is low

and my liver from a biopsy looked great. But that means that every

time I go on antibiotics and other drugs it is bad for my liver. More

stress than for the average person, and all the herbs that are

recommended for Hep C even by my Dr. are salycilate loaded. I went on

Reberton (Interferon) prescription meds giving myself shots 3 days a

week and guess what the solution had a benzene perservative. Needless

to say I did not improve much and my sinus got worse. So I want to

improve the quality of my life and live. This will not go away but

with sites like this I have more resources that I ever imagined. I

have for years never met anyone with this syndrome. I began to think

I was the only one in the world. Infact you are the only ones that I

know that has this.

Anyway I again,

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Wow, it sounds like you have been to hell and back. I wish you luck!

At first I thought you were saying that Singular hurt your liver, but

I see it was worse....sorry about that.

I think that the hospital is the best place to pick up even more


that we go in with! When I was in the hospital as a teenager I ended up


a throat ulcer that they said I caught in the ward I was in.

I am not sure if I am glad or not that my problems are not in my head,


that so many others are suffering in the same (and worse) ways as I am.


wish I could just go to a shrink and get rid of all this crap!

Oh well...at least we have this group to help educate each other, and


up on things that all too often our doctors do not!


> Re: checking in



> --- In samters@y..., " coolmike9992000 " <mike@p...>


> Hello Mike,

> Hi guys I hardly have been able to use the computer my son keeps

> downloading games and music and I hate to interrupt him. Anyway I

> totally agree this is most frustrating. My E.N.T. said something

> about the condition is thought to be genetic and much deeper than an

> allergy. I have no true allergy to speak of. I have not talked to my

> Dr. about desentization yet. I plan on going to Scripps hoping that

> this will enable me to have a job. I just had the surgery for poylps

> for the 4th time a few months ago and I reccommend it to anyone who

> can't breathe thru their nose or have had lots of infections. My

> sinus still were not clear and my Dr. had me use the sinus pharmacy

> http://www.sinuspharmacy.com/ They will work with anyone if your

> insurance does not pay for out of network. The medication is very

> expensive $400 for 3 weeks worth. I used it in July, August and I am

> unbelieveably clear since the nasacort AQ can reach the areas that

> need it. I filled out a form for finacial aassistance. (I'm going

> thru a divorce and all my source of income is gone.) They sent the

> medication to me cost free (next day delivery). My insurance paid

> for the machine. It realy worked in my case. I am being able to smell

> also. But I also had surgery in June. I think the only way to go

> further is desentization. I eat mostly only chicken and rice with

> real butter and some spinach, a few eggs with NO pepper I had a

> terrible reaction to it a few weeks ago.


> I have said this before this site has been great even if I don't

> reply very often. I come here and think " It is not in my head! well I

> guess it is sort of. " Mo one on here seems to be weird or fanatical

> just trying to deal with a strange life robbing disease.


> Kim or Beverly you mentioned singular and I was on it and it was

> affecting my liver that is how my Dr. found out about this: To make

> a long story short no drugs not even around people who use them, no

> tatoos, no blood transfusion. But lots of hospitalizations from

> asthma attacks sooooo....I picked up Hepatitis C from the hospital. I

> totally freaked out this is a addicts disease I thought, and now I

> have this. I have a tendancy to be on the prim and proper mode and

> what a shock. Also it is very embrassing to tell anyone except

> medical personel who know how contagious this diease is. My now new

> Dr. said I have had this maybe 2-4 years tops. My viral load is low

> and my liver from a biopsy looked great. But that means that every

> time I go on antibiotics and other drugs it is bad for my liver. More

> stress than for the average person, and all the herbs that are

> recommended for Hep C even by my Dr. are salycilate loaded. I went on

> Reberton (Interferon) prescription meds giving myself shots 3 days a

> week and guess what the solution had a benzene perservative. Needless

> to say I did not improve much and my sinus got worse. So I want to

> improve the quality of my life and live. This will not go away but

> with sites like this I have more resources that I ever imagined. I

> have for years never met anyone with this syndrome. I began to think

> I was the only one in the world. Infact you are the only ones that I

> know that has this.


> Anyway I again,






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Hi Mike,

I pretty well got the same answer from my doctor that you did. I also asked

about aspirin desensitization but he did not think it would be a good idea.

He said he's only consider it if I developed a heart condition.


>From: " coolmike9992000 " <mike@...>



>Subject: checking in

>Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 00:31:21 -0000




>I am right there with you guys and your frustrations. Beverley, and

>some others, you seem to have had some much more informed doctors

>than many of us. I went to see my GP this week to get some Singulair

>and asked him point blank if he knew that my condition had a name (I

>was pretty upset but remained collected). He didn't, so I told him

>what it was. He mumbled something about conditions being named for

>the people who categorize them. That's true, but it doesn't alter the

>fact that my GP didn't know. It also doesn't change the fact that he

>doesn't know what to do. You are also right about the ENT's. Mine was

>surprised that my polyps grew back so quickly after my last surgury.

>Shouldn't they be prepared for these things. No doctor I have

>encountered in the last 14 years has mentioned anything about asprin

>desensitization. What the hell is wrong with them? What do they do in

>med. school? I can overlook the GP's because they have everything to

>deal with - but my allergist and all 5 ENT's haven't seemed to know



>I'm sorry guys, but it makes me mad. Any Canadians that have been

>through the asprin thing, could you please let me know where to check

>it out. Oh - as for the Singulair - my asthma is completely gone as a

>result, not that it was very bad to begin with. My sinuses have

>improved somewhat, but not all that much. Some people have suggested

>that the dosage is too low to help us, but I'm reluctant to mess with

>a prescribed dosage.


>I can also say one more thing - since I have been avoiding

>salicylates, I no longer have " attacks " like I used to where I'd have

>severe sneezing, runny nose, etc. for no apparent reason, and my

>mornings have improved too. That coupled with the Singulair has

>improved my quality of life, but I still have the polyps and nasal

>obstruction, I still have the pressure in my sinuses, and I'm not

>eating things that I really like (which are mostly bad for you foods

>anyway). I'm now willing to consider doing the aspirin thing.


>Talk to ya later.




Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

> Got good news about my daughters knee, it's just sprained, so no

> surgery required. I on the other hand look like a zombie. I caught

> awful head cold.

Well, good for your daughter, hugs for you.

> I can't eat anything unless it's soft and slides down your throat.

Take thee to the Files section and find the chicken soup and carrot soup

recipes, keep a bottle of room temp water and another with juice handy, and

send someone out for a box of Puffs Plus tissues, then climb under a nice

warm quilt and warm yourself by the light of the tv set. Get well soon!

Sue in NJ

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Gennafer,

Wednesday--Vancouver Black Angus for all Portland-Vancouver Metro Lunch

Bunchers!!! The table will have a sign that says Lunch Bunch !!!!! I am

red headed and awfully round !!! Hard to miss!!! Noon Straight up!!!

Come One Come All.

Look forward to seeing you,

Your organizers,

Cheri and Deborah

Checking in

> Hi everyone, just thought I would check in.


> I am very excited about the Spring Bash as well as the bash at

> Elma's. I will be attending both, even though I am not feeling very

> successful right now. : (


> I will be at the Black Angus in Vancouver on Wednesday....will you

> have any sort of sign or anything to let me know who I'm looking

> for? I am excited about this!


> That baby is beautiful......congratulations!!!!!


> , I said it on EB, but I want to congratulate you again, welcome

> to BandsterLand!


> Gennafer

> Srikanth/Oh 10/17/02

> 333/282/277mini-goal/159




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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Mike,

I like your ideas. I'm interested in a study but I think a study on

results of avoidance of foods is better than taking foods for a reaction.

I don't want any reactions. Yes, a university may be interested. We

could send a paper and see if they are interested.

I lived many different places in my life - Oklahoma, New Mexico,

California, Nevada, Japan, Turkey, Idaho. Thinking about it, my symptoms

could have been started by mold as some people discussed earlier. I lived

in a home a the time where water actually poured in the inside during rain.

I don't remember seeing mold but I'm sure there was some in the wall,

under the floor - somewhere.

From: mike [sMTP:mike@...]

Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2003 10:50 AM


Subject: checking in

<< File: ATT00014.htm >>

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In my (completely unscientific) opinion, stability (as well as

quantity) matters in dosing. If you're constantly modifying your

dose, your brain-chemistry is always transitioning, always

adjusting. You might find a reasonable dose and stick with it for a

few months, and then see how you're doing at the end of that period.

I take 20mg/day of Lexapro. I was previously taking 30mg/day of

Celexa. For what it's worth, I think that Forest's claims about

Lexapro being twice as strong as Celexa (and the apocryphal claims

that float around about it being 3x and 4x times stronger) are a big,

steamy load of crap.

Lexapro has worked really well for me. It has alleviated my symptoms

enough so that I can get back to living...as a person who has

depression, not a perpetually depressed person.

Good luck to you!

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Hi Sharon,

Welcome aboard! I'm not too far ahead of you.

My sore stomach lasted a couple of weeks, but the worst of it was over in

about five days. Yes, I had trouble with the pureed food stage and moved

forward to the soft food stage earlier than scheduled (with my doctor's

permission). My restriction was really strong for the first four or five

weeks and I couldn't eat more than a few tablespoons at a time, so I ate

macaroni and cheese, spaghetti and meatballs, and that sort of thing. I ate

the meatballs slowly and chewed them thoroughly. It was much more

satisfying than the slush and mush stuff I was " supposed " to eat.

I waited for steak until my fifth week and I'm glad I did. I have heard too

many stories from people who rushed " regular " food too fast and got sick.

The most important thing to remember is that we all respond to the band

differently. Some need to take it easy longer than others. Others can

accelerate their eating schedule a bit. The most important thing is to let

your stomach heal before you charge ahead.

As far as cravings, I guess I've been lucky since I haven't had too many of

those since I've been banded. When I do strongly crave something, I eat a

bit of the desired food and don't let the craving get out of hand. Here's an

example: About two weeks ago I was on my way home from a family gathering

and couldn't stop thinking about how good carrot cake would taste. I

resisted the urge for a couple of hours, then bought one slice of cake.

When I got home I ate the cake slowly and enjoyed every bite. Would it have

been wiser to avoid the cake and have a piece of fruit or a bite of protein?

Sure. But from years of experience I know that when a craving takes a

strong hold on me it is better to have a small portion rather than let the

craving build to the point that I seriously over do it. I consider it a

victory that I had a slice of cake rather than buying a whole one and

stuffing down as much as I could hold. BTW, I haven't had any cake since

that day.

I know you'll do fine on this amazing journey. I can add my voice to those

who say, " I love my band! "

Sandy from Redmond

Eastside of Lake Washington!

Dr. Watkins, 4/21/03


On 6/21/03 6:53 AM, " kingsy54 " <kingsy54@...> wrote:

> Hi. My name is Sharon and I had my band done on 06/06. I would really

> like to be part of this support group. I live on the REAL east side,

> Yakima Valley. Right now I have noticed that I am hungry and crave

> red meat. My stomach is still sore and I am wondering how long that

> will last. I am having trouble just sticking to purreed food. Has

> anyone else had this problem? Love to hear from someone.

> Sharon





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I discovered a cool way to get the meat into my food rotation during

the pureed period. Cook some chicken and steam a few veggies, stick

them in the food processor and whir them into a paste. Then add the

paste to broth, " cream of " soup, or alfredo sauce. You get meat,

flavor and some substance.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

This past week was a pretty good week for me; I am doing my exercise

5 days a week and my eating for the most part were good choices.


Way to Go Queenie!!! Keep up the good work!


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  • 4 months later...

In a message dated 11/20/2003 5:49:50 AM Pacific Standard Time,

juliette@... writes:

i'm really having some cognitive problems since my fall in

april...i just finished locking myself out of the car for the fourth time

in about 3 month.. never did before.. it is so weird. my head feels


Liz, just curious... Not sure your age or anything...but do you have a good

OB/GYN? I found out... my being sort of spacy of late, and some trouble

making decisions is... get this Hormonal! I am now on a patch...and if things

don't clear up by my next appointment in 4 weeks... I will be put on something

else... I think it was progesterone... to help 'clear my head'. Apparently this

spacey/decision making problems are common side affects of hormonal


Currently I am not allowed to drive... which is probably good because I am

Sure I would leave the keys in the ignition or at least in the car as I got out

and locked the door on my way out.

Hang in there!

Thinking of you!!


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I'm so glad they're getting you in now for the Remicade. I was worried

about you.

I think I recall that you have high blood pressure and have had some

mini-strokes? I wonder if that's why you are locking yourself out of your

car. Have you had a brain scan recently?

I thought of the strokes first as the reason for your car key troubles,

because about a week ago I encountered a man in the Safeway parking lot who

had had a stroke and couldn't find his wife's car key (he doesn't drive

anymore). I was wearing my broken foot brace but still managed to get down

on the ground and search under the seat and under the car but couldn't find

it. When I came back out of Safeway, he was sitting in the car waiting for

his wife and had found the car key in his shirt pocket. I think his problem

was he needs a big key ring to keep track of it. Do you have a big key


I'm so glad you let us know you got your Remmy now. Please keep posting

when you can and let us know how you're doing.


Janet in SF

ReA since 1973; diagnosed 1997

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  • 2 weeks later...

Poor Cherilyn! This surgery has been nothing but trouble so far. :(

> Now, they are debating doing a ctscan to decide how much blood is pooled


> my abdomen and if it can be allowed to dissipate or if it must be drained.

They may as well do it and make sure you're healing right before sending you


>But, I ate 100% on plan and haven't messed up my

> exchanges or gone over on my calories through the whole thing.

I don't think the hospital would *let* you go over your food plan, unless

visitors snuck something in (And we all know *that* isn't allowed, right?),

especially when on a diabetic diet plan.

>and am hoping that I will be off bed rest and

Probably not until they're sure you're not still bleeding. Just remember to

keep taking those deep breaths (with proper abdominal support) to prevent

complications like pneumonia.

> back on my feet in the next couple of days.

You'll get there soon enough. Remember, once you get home there will be

little or no rest for you, so make sure you get it now. I'm assuming you

*are* still in the hospital, right?

Good luck, and we'll keep you in our prayers. Now go and heal! :)

Sue in NJ

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No, insurance made them send me home 3 days post op. When the bleeding

started, I talked them into letting me stay at home by promising not to move

except bed to couch to potty. Don't worry, Nurse Sue, I have behaved

myself! My doctor calls me at home daily to make sure all is well. He has

been my doc for years and knows that I am pretty savvy and will follow the

rules and can be trusted to accurately report symptoms. I just couldn't

afford a lengthier hospital stay.


> Re: checking in



> Poor Cherilyn! This surgery has been nothing but trouble so far. :(



> > Now, they are debating doing a ctscan to decide how much blood is pooled

> in

> > my abdomen and if it can be allowed to dissipate or if it must

> be drained.


> They may as well do it and make sure you're healing right before

> sending you

> home.


> >But, I ate 100% on plan and haven't messed up my

> > exchanges or gone over on my calories through the whole thing.


> I don't think the hospital would *let* you go over your food plan, unless

> visitors snuck something in (And we all know *that* isn't

> allowed, right?),

> especially when on a diabetic diet plan.


> >and am hoping that I will be off bed rest and


> Probably not until they're sure you're not still bleeding. Just

> remember to

> keep taking those deep breaths (with proper abdominal support) to prevent

> complications like pneumonia.



> > back on my feet in the next couple of days.


> You'll get there soon enough. Remember, once you get home there will be

> little or no rest for you, so make sure you get it now. I'm assuming you

> *are* still in the hospital, right?


> Good luck, and we'll keep you in our prayers. Now go and heal! :)



> Sue in NJ




> To unsubscribe DO NOT send a message to the list.Please click on

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> 100-plus/join




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I'm glad to hear you're recovering - just wish it was easier on you. that must of been some tossing and turning. here's to a speedy recovery and thanks for keeping us informed.

Fall seven times, stand up eight.- Japanese proverb

checking in

I just wanted to say thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. I had mysurgery as scheduled and lost a LOT of blood during it. Then about 6 dayslater, I started bleeding internally. They debated opening me up again, butit finally clotted off on its own (Those of you who know me well are nowshaking your heads and smugly commenting that you knew I would do to much.Well, let me inform you that all I was doing was sleeping. I woke with aterrible burning sensation. Surprise! I had apparently unraveled some ofthe doctors' best knitting while trying to toss and turn. I just had totell you that I was innocent of all charges!). Now, they are debating doing a ctscan to decide how much blood is pooled inmy abdomen and if it can be allowed to dissipate or if it must be drained.I should find out about that tomorrow. I did well eating throughThanksgiving. I actually felt pretty good that day, it was that night thatthe bleeding started. But, I ate 100% on plan and haven't messed up myexchanges or gone over on my calories through the whole thing. So, I amdown to 202. I think it will actually be lower, perhaps even in'One-derland' after I can get back on my medicine and off the pain medicine.Both of those things make me retain gallons of fluid. The only dietary messups during this little adventure have been several days under on caloriesbecause frankly I have had no appetite or energy to eat with. I do feelbetter today than I have been, and am hoping that I will be off bed rest andback on my feet in the next couple of days. Thanks and love to all!Cherilyn275/202/160To unsubscribe DO NOT send a message to the list.Please click on this link and unsubscribe:100-plus/join

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