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Another Question

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Oh Boy! I love liver... calves liver, chicken liver... yum yum!

Next time I go to the store I know what I'm gonna buy. I wonder how

I will disguise it so that my 14 year old son will eat it... if I

could only make it look like a steak or a pizza!


> Hi Cheryl :) The database I used came up with this information:

> 1 raw ck liver(1oz); 40 calories, 1g fat, 1g carb, 6g protein.

> ~~

> --------------------------------------------------------------------



> Does anyone know if it is ok to eat chicken livers and what the


> values are? I'd love to throw some in a pan with a little Pam!!

Not sure

> of the value and if it is worth it!


> Cheryl :)

> --------------------------------------------------------------------


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I made them with a little bit of garlic Pam, added sliced new potatoes and sprinkled a little bit of cajun seasoning on them and fried them up all together!

MMMMMMMMM.....it was delicious and now that I know they are full of protein, have bagged the rest up in portions and put in the freezer!!

Cheryl :)

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LOL!!!!!!! Umm Kathy? He MIGHT notice a slight difference..... *giggle*


Oh Boy! I love liver... calves liver, chicken liver... yum yum! Next time I go to the store I know what I'm gonna buy. I wonder how I will disguise it so that my 14 year old son will eat it... if I could only make it look like a steak or a pizza!Kathy

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I too love liver and it is so good for you. I tend to be anemic, so when I crave it, I listen to my body. Liver is loaded with iron and very low fat. I fry mine in a pan with fat-free cooking spray and add onions and mushrooms. Yummy!

Cheryl C.


>Oh Boy! I love liver... calves liver, chicken liver... yum yum>

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In a message dated 3/29/01 6:36:19 PM Central Standard Time,

75263.2371@... writes:

> Anyway, since I got so many replies, I thought I'd throw out another


> What do you think about giving iron to your child with DS?? Our daughter,

> has had illnesses (mostly upper respiratory....bronchitis, croup,

> pneumonia that recently hospitalized her for a week, etc) all winter long.

> She never got over one illness completely before the next one hit her. I

> recently asked the doctor what we could do to boost her immunity and he


> talking about the importance of iron. I've heard that iron isn't good for

> kids with DS. What do you guys think?? Anybody have other ideas that they


> to boost immunity??

HI Kris :)

I was told to look for a vitamin that excluded added iron, something about

that it can store in the body and then be toxic. Maybe Len can answer that

one lol but anyway Sara doesn't get iron. She does take a multi vitamin and I

give her echinacea drops as needed when she becomes ill. My oldest daughter

swears by vitamin c lololol she takes tons of it to avoid viruses. Sara

really doesn't get respiratory bugs, she tends to get stomach bugs and then

shares with me uggg lol

Kathy mom to Sara 9

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>In a message dated 3/29/01 6:36:19 PM Central Standard Time,

>75263.2371@... writes:


> > Anyway, since I got so many replies, I thought I'd throw out another


> > What do you think about giving iron to your child with DS?? Our daughter,

> > has had illnesses (mostly upper respiratory....bronchitis, croup,

> > pneumonia that recently hospitalized her for a week, etc) all winter long.

> > She never got over one illness completely before the next one hit her. I

> > recently asked the doctor what we could do to boost her immunity and he


> > talking about the importance of iron. I've heard that iron isn't good for

> > kids with DS.

There's no evidence that iron is bad for children with DS. But iron will

not improve immunity unless the child is anemic to begin

with. Supplementing with zinc and selenium will do more for immunity.

Len Leshin, M.D., F.A.A.P.

Father to Avi, 7 (DS) and , 9

Down Syndrome Health Issues: http://www.ds-health.com

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  • 9 months later...

had a reaction to the PPV, too-- not swelling, but he had a high fever,

etc. Our doc could only say that it was rare anyone got a high fever from it.

When he got it we were told he would likely have no reaction-- of course being

, he did.

ph got Prevnat (the new PPV) and did not have a reaction-- I have to say it

is b/c of the CVID difference-- both boys have SDS and only has CVID.

I'm a lot of help, HUH?


Another Question

Hello Everyone,

I have yet another question. Why would someone with PID have a strong

reaction to a Pneumovax? I had swelling at the sight, the size of two

baseballs. Redness and tenderness for over a week. My doc told me that I

could never have another one, because the second reaction could be life

threatening. Is this common? Or could it be because of my severe

allergies--including meds? I appreciate any thoughts or experience any of

you may have on this. You guys are great, I have learned so much after

joining this group.

Have a great day!

Sandi--Mom to , age 8. Suspected IgA def., Tetrology of Falot, chronic

sinusitis, chronic ear infections (with tubes), severe allergies. Nine

surgeries, one pending.

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had a reaction to the PPV, too-- not swelling, but he had a high fever,

etc. Our doc could only say that it was rare anyone got a high fever from it.

When he got it we were told he would likely have no reaction-- of course being

, he did.

ph got Prevnat (the new PPV) and did not have a reaction-- I have to say it

is b/c of the CVID difference-- both boys have SDS and only has CVID.

I'm a lot of help, HUH?


Another Question

Hello Everyone,

I have yet another question. Why would someone with PID have a strong

reaction to a Pneumovax? I had swelling at the sight, the size of two

baseballs. Redness and tenderness for over a week. My doc told me that I

could never have another one, because the second reaction could be life

threatening. Is this common? Or could it be because of my severe

allergies--including meds? I appreciate any thoughts or experience any of

you may have on this. You guys are great, I have learned so much after

joining this group.

Have a great day!

Sandi--Mom to , age 8. Suspected IgA def., Tetrology of Falot, chronic

sinusitis, chronic ear infections (with tubes), severe allergies. Nine

surgeries, one pending.

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Sandi, I don't have PID but I had a reaction like that to a tetnis shot

and was also told that if I ever got another one it would be life

threatening. It was extremely painful, and had to be cut open and


Diane, Mom to Kody age almost 6, IgG sub. def, epilepsy,asthma, Gerd

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SassyKay418@... wrote:

> Hello Everyone,

> I have yet another question. Why would someone with PID have a

> strong

> reaction to a Pneumovax? I had swelling at the sight, the size of two


> baseballs. Redness and tenderness for over a week. My doc told me

> that I

> could never have another one, because the second reaction could be

> life

> threatening. Is this common? Or could it be because of my severe

> allergies--including meds? I appreciate any thoughts or experience

> any of

> you may have on this. You guys are great, I have learned so much

> after

> joining this group.

> Have a great day!


Sandi, I don't have PID but I had a reaction like that to a tetnis shot

and was also told that if I ever got another one it would be life

threatening. It was extremely painful, and had to be cut open and


Diane, Mom to Kody age almost 6, IgG sub. def, epilepsy,asthma, Gerd

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  • 2 months later...
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I think allergies can cause a bad cough. It does with Duncan. On

Saturday, I took him to the ped, just knowing that he was wheezing.

Earlier in the week he had started coughing with lots of nasal

congestion. On Friday I gave him 3 treatments & no results. . .so

off we went. His eyes were swollen, red, & watery & he sounded

awful. (In case you didn't know, Duncan has severe reflux caused by

food allergies.)

The ped looked at him, listened close & said he wasn't wheezing at

all. Plus, since the congestion was clear & the eyes were so red, he

chalked it up to allergies. We started him on Benadryl & he's doing

much better. He's still got a little cough, but he is so much better

now than what he was.

I know that may have been a longer explanation than you wanted, but I

just wanted to share.

Ray, mother to Tabitha (age 6), Autumn, age 4 (IgG def.,

asthma, chronic sinusitis, and allergies), and Duncan (10 months)

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My six year old with allergies developed croup from his

allergies. Imagine my surprise to find my 6 yo with

croup. My 10 mo has had chest congestion since birth.

The allergist was convinced this was allergies, but it

wasn't. At least not for anything he has been tested

for. We are getting more food allergy tests next week.


> This may sound completely DUMB....BUT can allergies cause a really bad

> cough???? and I are listening to ph cough and it just seems so

> unlikely that allergies could cause a cough that sounds like his. And then.

> .she said looked like he had a cold by looking in his nose and ears...

> HOW , exactly, can they tell a difference?




> Pattie



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Asthma can cause a cough....when Kody is having asthma problems, he just

coughs and coughs. I've only heard him wheeze once. Allergies could

trigger an asthma attack though.

Diane, Mom to Kody

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Thanks for the info. ph's cough was worse last night and this morning.

I just am not convinced that this is allergy related-- especially since

keeps getting colds. is always healthy, though...

Thank the Lord for that!


My six year old with allergies developed croup from his

allergies. Imagine my surprise to find my 6 yo with

croup. My 10 mo has had chest congestion since birth.

The allergist was convinced this was allergies, but it

wasn't. At least not for anything he has been tested

for. We are getting more food allergy tests next week.

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My dad used to have hayfever allergies (he didn't get it til in his 30's

and now has apparently outgrown them), but he would develop a cough from

the drainage down the back of his throat if he didn't stay dried out with


is on Zyrtec in the morning and Singulair and Hydroxycine (sp?) at

night in addition to his antibiotic. Whether the sinus infections were

triggered by allergies, I don't know. The doctor believed that his cough

was due to drainage down the throat (never out the nose). What I do know

is that since he's been on the meds, he doesn't cough. After 3 years of

coughing, wow, what a relief.

I'm not sure how they can tell the difference between a cold and allergies

either, but I think it has something to do with the type of inflammation.

Maybe no redness when there is no infection.

God bless,


At 06:27 PM 04/03/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>This may sound completely DUMB....BUT can allergies cause a really bad

>cough???? and I are listening to ph cough and it just seems so

>unlikely that allergies could cause a cough that sounds like his. And then.

>.she said looked like he had a cold by looking in his nose and ears...

>HOW , exactly, can they tell a difference?



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  • 1 month later...
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There are a lot of options.

The BFL website has the Workout sheets all nice and pretty. They're in Excel

format so all you have to do is type in your workouts and what you eat.

If you're a calorie nut, a lot of people use fitday to track their meals. But

Fitday can be a pain in the @$$ when it comes to actually CHOOSING what food you

ate. http://www.fitday.com

Their is also the option of tracking your workouts online with activelog.

http://www.activelog.com It's okay cuz it allows you to keep track of your

measurements as well.

A lot of people enjoy Diet Power. I have it, but I haven't used it enough to

say how I feel about it. It's not free, but you can download the trial version

from, I believe, http://www.dietpower.com .

You can also do a search for nutrition at http://www.download.com and see what

turns up.

Hope that helped.


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Well, I'm 45 and a mom of two young children(9 and 7.5). I've got a

Palm Pilot but must have insulted it in some kind of way because now

it does not respond to stylus taps no matter what I do. I downloaded

a diabetes program(to keep up with my kids glucose values) but

something went wrong. Mine is a cheapo M100 or so maybe the program

was too much for it to handle. For meals www.fitday.com is the best

I've found but it's kind of a hassle but worth the trouble.

Workouts? The best thing I've done is tear out the training notebook

every month from Muscle and Fitness and put in a binder so I can have

a variety of exercises when my body gets used to the ones I currently

do. Hope this helps, and welcome.


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In a message dated 5/12/2002 3:21:43 PM Central Daylight Time,

howefive@... writes:

> Hey all -


> I'm really enjoying your posts - would really like to hear from moms

> between 35 and 45, especially.


> I don't have a Palm Pilot, but wondered if you all know any PC programs to

> records workouts and meals?


> Thanks.


> Jen




I Just turned 33. I have 4 kids...2 boys, 2 girls Ages 12, almsot 10, 7.5 ,

and almost 6.

I cant really blame the weight on haveing 4 kids as I've only been fat for 3

years or so. I've never been " Fit " but was always pretty happy with my body

before. I never had to worry about things.

Now I'm obese..

but doing something about it. :o)


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  • 7 months later...

Thanks Mike ~ Why did you discontinue Wellbutrin? Was it because Lexapro was doing the job? I was on Lexapro and doing pretty good, and the jaw clinching was getting to me.


From: Mike Howell


Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 2:43 PM

Subject: Re: Another Question


I was taking Wellbutrin when the Doc added Lexapro .. IAfter 2 weeks of that he discontinued the Wellbutrin.. I never noticed any side effects.. Mike

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