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Having a spinal tap with hurt like mad, and may not give you answers (in

spite of what your doc tells you-but he also tells you 4 weeks of abx is

plenty to cure Lyme so.....). Your SYMPTOMS give you answers, listen to your

symptoms even if your doctor won't. I certainly wouldn't have a spinal tap



[ ] (unknown)


> Is there a test that lets you know when it is gone? The only symptom

> I have is Bell's Palsy and pain associated with that. I just wait

> until that goes away and then it is gone???????? I have a spinal tap

> on Monday to check for meningitis.


> Lyra



> Lyra,

> Do you think that by asking enough times you will eventually get the

> answer

> you would like to hear ie that 4 weeks of abx is enough to cure Lyme?

> Nelly





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It was actually the neurologist that suggested the spinal tap. He

was borderline about it and said it was precautionary to see if the

bacteria had entered the CSF. I have had spinal anesthesia before

and I am assuming it will feel the same way. I am going to see one

of the LLMD that someone gave me contact info for and I will hold off

on the tap until I see him. My primary doc said he would give me the

antibiotics for a longer period of time if I want but he wants me to

see a lyme specialist.

The only symptom I have is Bell's Palsy which is due to inflammation

of the seventh cranial nerve. This was caused by the bacteria but

even after the bacteria is gone there will be residual effects before

the nerve regenerates. I wish there was a way that I really knew it

was gone. I hear on this list that you may have no symptoms but the

bacteria may still be there. Is there any test that will show the

presence or the absence of the spirochete?


> Having a spinal tap with hurt like mad, and may not give you

answers (in

> spite of what your doc tells you-but he also tells you 4 weeks of

abx is

> plenty to cure Lyme so.....). Your SYMPTOMS give you answers,

listen to your

> symptoms even if your doctor won't. I certainly wouldn't have a

spinal tap

> lightly.

> Nelly

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I am so thrilled to hear about your son's progress. I just finished

round four on my son and I am very happy with the progress I am seeing.

I look forward to every chelation weekend as taxing as it is!:) Vicky

buzzlightyearspacecommander@... wrote:


> I am not sure how I should explain all this.


> As it was back in the beginning with our son, he was dx as severe and

> LF.


> He was a DTP vaccine reactor which ended him up in the ER at just 8

> weeks of age .


> MMR at 12 months or so ended him with encephalitis.


> One bad thing after another ensued. Total loss of what little

> language he had gained, hypotonia...you know the routine and have

> seen it or lived it all yourself before. Diarrhea . Vomiting. Bone

> thin . Couldn't stand the sunlight. Heat was a killer . Couldn't

> stand loud noises . Hated reading a book or even me reading to him.


> After we stopped his diarrhea at about age 3 or 4 his weight

> rectified itself and then suddenly sprung up at age 5 as his thyroid

> shut down. One disappointment after another.


> As he aged we did almost everything , as I have often said, except

> swim with Dolphins .


> We have literally tried it all ( except IVIG which I found terribely

> invasive ). And with every therapy came a small success. Everything

> we did helped some and some things helped quite a bit in some areas.

> Bethanechol, secretin, SI therapy, GFCF Diet, AIT, etc etc etc.


> But nothing could have prepared me for what chelation was going to do

> for us.


> After 14 months GFCF he is now able to eat pretty much whatever.

> His yeast issues are gone. Of course we still add enzymes to

> heavy gluten meals but I don't even do that for Casein anymore as he

> has proven to have gone thru a total cure on that one. A new CDSA

> will reveal what we have yet to work on or set our sights for. A

> fatty acid test proved that he is not too terribley off kilter there

> either any longer !!


> He is eating a variety of foods now as well as drinking many new

> liquids all of a sudden. From 5 foods to this !


> He no longer wets the bed at night as I believe I have mentioned once

> before in a post.


> At 3 he weighed about the same as a mosquito. Then as he grew he

> changed and became 4'3 " and weighed a whopping 102 pounds as his

> thyroid shut down.


> In about one year has grown to 4'8 " and is now 93 pounds. His

> hypothyroidism is stalled and hopefully he

> will be able to produce it all properly from here on out.


> He now plays with children very well with apporpriate eye contact.


> He is even initiating play with children !


> He responds well to questions about his age and name although it is

> very shyly.


> He has even started imaginary play on his own and as recently as

> today joined in with others in their pretend play and played

> appropriately much to my shock and great pleasure.


> His language, both receptive and expressive, has improved a great deal

> ( although this is where he is still far below average ) .But

> considering from where we started, this too is a remarkable

> achievement.


> His eyesight has gone from 2.25 down to 1.5 of normal - meaning that

> his eyes are improving !


> He can play outside without shading those eyes.


> He can climb and hang onto monkey bars - even though he would be

> considered far from coordinated, LOL. But it doesn't have to look

> pretty to be okay !


> He can hit a baseball without a T .


> He can sink baskets in a basketball game and has learned to

> bounce/dribble the ball ( not great, but hey ... it's a start ).


> His taste in movies isn't between Blues Clues and Barney anymore. He

> enjoys Dr Dolittle, Small Soldiers and Indian in the Cupboard , Spy

> Kids and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles .... you know ... regular kid

> movies.


> He just attended the symphony with us; was IN the 4th of July parade;

> entered a race with me after the parade in the swimming pool in a mom

> and kid race . And as much of a slug as I thought I was we didn't

> come in last either !


> This is almost .... okay almost, but not quite.... what I expect moms

> of truly " typical " kids to do with their children.


> My husband and I looked at eachother today as we were eating Lasagna

> together ( and not made from rice either , LOL ) thinking....LIFE IS



> This is what chelation has done for us.

> Jeannie G.

> PS He is now about to start his first round of Phase Two on 75 mg

> DMSA with 25 mg ALA every 3 hours ... his Round 18. Hope he likes

> and thrives with the ALA as much as I have !


> =======================================================


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Thanks Vicky;

Good luck with your child's chelation.

Each round of chelation is just like opening a Cracker Jack box. you

just never know what kind of prize there is waiting for you - but

there is always something !


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So are you giving DMSA and ALA at the same time?? Every three hours?

Congratulations on your success-a very beautiful story! :)

[ ] (unknown)

I am not sure how I should explain all this.

As it was back in the beginning with our son, he was dx as severe and


He was a DTP vaccine reactor which ended him up in the ER at just 8

weeks of age .

MMR at 12 months or so ended him with encephalitis.

One bad thing after another ensued. Total loss of what little

language he had gained, hypotonia...you know the routine and have

seen it or lived it all yourself before. Diarrhea . Vomiting. Bone

thin . Couldn't stand the sunlight. Heat was a killer . Couldn't

stand loud noises . Hated reading a book or even me reading to him.

After we stopped his diarrhea at about age 3 or 4 his weight

rectified itself and then suddenly sprung up at age 5 as his thyroid

shut down. One disappointment after another.

As he aged we did almost everything , as I have often said, except

swim with Dolphins .

We have literally tried it all ( except IVIG which I found terribely

invasive ). And with every therapy came a small success. Everything

we did helped some and some things helped quite a bit in some areas.

Bethanechol, secretin, SI therapy, GFCF Diet, AIT, etc etc etc.

But nothing could have prepared me for what chelation was going to do

for us.

After 14 months GFCF he is now able to eat pretty much whatever.

His yeast issues are gone. Of course we still add enzymes to

heavy gluten meals but I don't even do that for Casein anymore as he

has proven to have gone thru a total cure on that one. A new CDSA

will reveal what we have yet to work on or set our sights for. A

fatty acid test proved that he is not too terribley off kilter there

either any longer !!

He is eating a variety of foods now as well as drinking many new

liquids all of a sudden. From 5 foods to this !

He no longer wets the bed at night as I believe I have mentioned once

before in a post.

At 3 he weighed about the same as a mosquito. Then as he grew he

changed and became 4'3 " and weighed a whopping 102 pounds as his

thyroid shut down.

In about one year has grown to 4'8 " and is now 93 pounds. His

hypothyroidism is stalled and hopefully he

will be able to produce it all properly from here on out.

He now plays with children very well with apporpriate eye contact.

He is even initiating play with children !

He responds well to questions about his age and name although it is

very shyly.

He has even started imaginary play on his own and as recently as

today joined in with others in their pretend play and played

appropriately much to my shock and great pleasure.

His language, both receptive and expressive, has improved a great deal

( although this is where he is still far below average ) .But

considering from where we started, this too is a remarkable


His eyesight has gone from 2.25 down to 1.5 of normal - meaning that

his eyes are improving !

He can play outside without shading those eyes.

He can climb and hang onto monkey bars - even though he would be

considered far from coordinated, LOL. But it doesn't have to look

pretty to be okay !

He can hit a baseball without a T .

He can sink baskets in a basketball game and has learned to

bounce/dribble the ball ( not great, but hey ... it's a start ).

His taste in movies isn't between Blues Clues and Barney anymore. He

enjoys Dr Dolittle, Small Soldiers and Indian in the Cupboard , Spy

Kids and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles .... you know ... regular kid


He just attended the symphony with us; was IN the 4th of July parade;

entered a race with me after the parade in the swimming pool in a mom

and kid race . And as much of a slug as I thought I was we didn't

come in last either !

This is almost .... okay almost, but not quite.... what I expect moms

of truly " typical " kids to do with their children.

My husband and I looked at eachother today as we were eating Lasagna

together ( and not made from rice either , LOL ) thinking....LIFE IS


This is what chelation has done for us.

Jeannie G.

PS He is now about to start his first round of Phase Two on 75 mg

DMSA with 25 mg ALA every 3 hours ... his Round 18. Hope he likes

and thrives with the ALA as much as I have !


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hi pam!! i'm kathy 41, i was on arava last summer. i didn't like the way i

felt while taking it. i have problems with alot of side effects, i'm now

choosing pain over drugs now and trying to stay with the remicade, although i

really don't think it is helping any longer. i think i am going into a flare

again. my eyesight is all messed up. my temp has crossed the 100 mark. i feel

weak and tired. my body doesn't straighten all the way up. my feet are still

swollen and sore. again i have been to work i day so far this week. i have to

leave early tomorrow to go for food stamps. (i hope!!) i'll bet they will

tell me to sell a car!

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Dear Mike,

That's interferon and cisplatin.

Where is he? There may be an ozone sauna clinic near him.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LTOH


From: michael c slivinski <sunbrite1@...>


oxyplus , SymphonicHealth

Subject: (unknown)

Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 22:40:54 -0300

Hello All,

Getting this third hand... friend asked me about helping a friend of his.

What happen... his friend has Mellanoma, and had a first treament of

chemo... named below... told Doctors... no way... can't do this...

and refuses any more chemo treatment. I shall get more specifics

on location of difficulties...

so what I am asking is what would you suggest as an alternative approach,

and then I Shall forward this info to him, also any list server support

groups that you might know of.

thanks mike slivinski

" did get some information from his wife. His cancer type is melanoma.

Two of the 3 chemicals he was given (sorry for misspelling them but this


the way they sounded to me over the telephone.

1. intrifuron

2. systphlatnum "




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So sorry!

marsh_wind@... wrote: For those of you who remember me from a few

months back, I used to

post here looking for info for my friend's mom, who had clear cell

cancer. I just wanted to let you know that after a long fight, she

finally passed away on Tuesday. It was discouraging because she spent

two months at a Hulda clinic in Germany and was doing remarkably

well while she was there. After she came home to Canada she gradually

declined, letting go of this life just a month later. Her family feels

they did everything they could, but they just wish they had been able

to do it earlierGod bless her for the wonderful mother and wife s

You are digging your grave with your teeth!

Read Hundreds of Collected Cancer Testimonials and learn:


Learn more about cancer:



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Hi , I'm the one who posted about " Getting Ready to Read, level

K. It was a l989 edition. I used the book a long time ago; I got it from

the Houghton Mifflin Co. My son and I checked the website at Houghton

Mifflin and they still have it. Their phone number is 1-800-733-2828.

Their website addresses are


http://www.eduplace.com/catalog/index.html I hope this helps you. Rose

[ ] (unknown)

> Whoever posted recently regarding their son's " strange language "

> mentioned a book that helped called " Getting Ready To Read " by Houghton

> Mifflin. My local library couldn't find it anywhere at all. Do you have

> any other info about where I can find this book?

> Thanks.


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> =======================================================


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> Will someone please give me an estimate on what one

> might expect to spend on a colonic, or a series of colonics?


> Also, what might be a good way to address secondary

> polycythemia (sp?)?


> Any suggestions for feet that burn at night?


> I have no idea why, but where my ears are pierced

> I have infection. Can't get rid of it. Any ideas?


> Also, a recent acquaintance has a 9 year old grandaughter,

> being medicated for ADD. She's looking for a better solution.

> Any thoughts?


> Thanks,

> Deanna

There was a wonderful discussion on how to treat ADD and similar conditions

at SymphonicHealth

People discussed everything from chelation due to chemical poisoning to

using high quality essential oils. Check it out.


Nina Silver, Ph.D.

dedicated to global healing

through social change in many forms...

Visit my website at http://www.heart-of-healing.com

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> Will someone please give me an estimate on what one

> might expect to spend on a colonic, or a series of colonics?


> Also, what might be a good way to address secondary

> polycythemia (sp?)?


> Any suggestions for feet that burn at night?


> I have no idea why, but where my ears are pierced

> I have infection. Can't get rid of it. Any ideas?


> Also, a recent acquaintance has a 9 year old grandaughter,

> being medicated for ADD. She's looking for a better solution.

> Any thoughts?


> Thanks,

> Deanna

There was a wonderful discussion on how to treat ADD and similar conditions

at SymphonicHealth

People discussed everything from chelation due to chemical poisoning to

using high quality essential oils. Check it out.


Nina Silver, Ph.D.

dedicated to global healing

through social change in many forms...

Visit my website at http://www.heart-of-healing.com

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Hi Deanna,

I don't recall any answering this perticular question for you. If they did,

I missed it. I use to get colonics regularly for $25 a colonic, cash. It

was through a friend but was kind of a hidden back in the woods kind of

thing. That's why it was always cash. But there are actual legitimate

places of business where one can get colonics. Last I heard they ran around

$35. I suppose it would be different in different parts of the country.


> Will someone please give me an estimate on what one

> might expect to spend on a colonic, or a series of colonics?


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Hi Deanna,

I don't recall any answering this perticular question for you. If they did,

I missed it. I use to get colonics regularly for $25 a colonic, cash. It

was through a friend but was kind of a hidden back in the woods kind of

thing. That's why it was always cash. But there are actual legitimate

places of business where one can get colonics. Last I heard they ran around

$35. I suppose it would be different in different parts of the country.


> Will someone please give me an estimate on what one

> might expect to spend on a colonic, or a series of colonics?


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<< colonics. Last I heard they ran around

$35. I suppose it would be different in different parts of the country.


Gail, it is different. I just paid $65.00 for mine. I paid $40.00 20 years

ago. Christel

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<< colonics. Last I heard they ran around

$35. I suppose it would be different in different parts of the country.


Gail, it is different. I just paid $65.00 for mine. I paid $40.00 20 years

ago. Christel

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In a message dated 7/19/2001 6:04:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

Christelti@... writes:

<< << colonics. Last I heard they ran around

$35. I suppose it would be different in different parts of the country.


Gail, it is different. I just paid $65.00 for mine. I paid $40.00 20 years

ago. Christel


hi gail and christel, l still pay $40 for mine and l live in charlotte nc.

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Hi I dont know it this will help but there is a in home hep-c test kit. You can buy it then get the results from a lab in the next 10 days. I do believe there put out by home access and can be purchased in major pharmicy in the usa. They cost around 70 dollars but that includes everything. Lab work and all. Its fda approved.

R.R. Norman Life should not be measured by the number of breaths you take, but rather, by the number of events that take your breath away."

Toll free - 800-535-7502 ravensara [ravensara@...] http://www.hepatico.com ICQ #105879970

[ ] (unknown)I was talking to my ex and her husband when they cameto pick up my son on Saturday. He thinks he has hcv.He is a Vietnam vet and suspects he got it there, hewas a medic. The VA is hesitating to test him, itseems. They have suspected liver problems, and did anultrasound and told him it appears to becirrhotic(sp?) He and I have been talking about hissymptoms and he has had some of the same problems Ihave. Yet they have not done the test to check for hcvantibodies. He believes (according to some Vietnam vetpublication he gets) that the exposure to Vietnam vetsis so high, the government (or VA) does not have thefunds to treat them all. They're stalling him. He isfinally scheduled to go in for a biopsy, but I can'timagine why they didn't do the hcv test first. One of the articles he showed me was entitled"Eliminate the virus by killing the host?" Thisarticle suggested that the dangers of the combooutweighed the probable benefits. It's scary, but Iwill still go the whole route, now. My ex-wife seems to have a thing for heppers... :)Anyway, she hasn't got it from either one of us...Well, have a good day everyone. -dz-__________________________________________________

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There will undoubtedly be different opinions here, it's been discussed

previously. We have homeschooled all our kids (we have 6) -- our eldest

graduated this year and is going to college on a scholarship (mostly) (and

was blessed to receive an LPA scholarship to help with the rest of the

money). Our youngest is five. , age 9 (almost 10) is our little

person, she's going into fourth grade this year ..... we homeschooled for

many reasons before she joined us, and having her be small didn't change

anything. It's been very good for our family, and works very successfully

for a growing number of families -- but I think it takes thought, prayer,

research, and a strong commitment. Email me with any further questions, I

can give you links ..... but we're moving next week, and may be off line for

a while.



> i was just wanted to see what most people thought about homeschooling

> kids?my son is 9yrs old and gets picked on really bad in school.the school

> won't doing anything to help me with this problem.so i was thinking about

> homeschooling.thanks jennifer


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Is your son an LP or is he disabled in any way? Not that it matters....What

state are you in? That can make all the difference since so many states are

adopting laws specifically for kids being bullied.



> i was just wanted to see what most people thought about homeschooling

> kids?my son is 9yrs old and gets picked on really bad in school.the school

> won't doing anything to help me with this problem.so i was thinking about

> homeschooling.thanks jennifer


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When you have to deal with the Va it's a different kind of problem. You are

dealing with people who are pretty secure in their jobs and just don't seem

to care. It took me 2 years and a letter to my Congressman to force them to

treat me. Last month I ordered my meds 10 days in advance so I would not run

out. I get a 1 month supply so I don't have to make a trip to town every 2

weeks. they had half of my prescription and took 2 weeks to get the rest.

These people would rather spend $20,000 per person to keep anyone from

getting treatment or disability.

[ ] (unknown)

> I was talking to my ex and her husband when they came

> to pick up my son on Saturday. He thinks he has hcv.

> He is a Vietnam vet and suspects he got it there, he

> was a medic. The VA is hesitating to test him, it

> seems. They have suspected liver problems, and did an

> ultrasound and told him it appears to be

> cirrhotic(sp?) He and I have been talking about his

> symptoms and he has had some of the same problems I

> have. Yet they have not done the test to check for hcv

> antibodies. He believes (according to some Vietnam vet

> publication he gets) that the exposure to Vietnam vets

> is so high, the government (or VA) does not have the

> funds to treat them all. They're stalling him. He is

> finally scheduled to go in for a biopsy, but I can't

> imagine why they didn't do the hcv test first.


> One of the articles he showed me was entitled

> " Eliminate the virus by killing the host? " This

> article suggested that the dangers of the combo

> outweighed the probable benefits. It's scary, but I

> will still go the whole route, now.


> My ex-wife seems to have a thing for heppers... :)

> Anyway, she hasn't got it from either one of us...

> Well, have a good day everyone. -dz-


> __________________________________________________


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I do not know anything about your situation,so don't take offence...

A friend of ours asked us about hs her daughter about 5 years ago,when she

was 11.She was having such a time at school and church .She could not get

along with children-it was always the other children's fault,or the

teacher,or the other parents,blah,blah,blah.

I recommended she hs.I secretly thought that if she were home alone with

Annie all day,she would see how awful she truly was,and after a time,she

could have no one to blame for her bad behavior,but her own lack of


Well!Let me tell you it was what was needed!She is a respectful, joy to be

around now!She is doing quite well in the youth group,and my asked to

sit with her ,on purpose, the other Sunday!

There are many dynamics here,such as:being at home gave her a security

base,so she can venture out with confidence;her parents took a child traing

class;stress was relieved from the entire family;she is at ease to make

friends,with no peer pressure;her daddy took up his role as


That is just one case,and not yours at all,I am sure,but just one more

idea.Hope it helps:)


> i was just wanted to see what most people thought about homeschooling

> kids?my son is 9yrs old and gets picked on really bad in school.the school

> won't doing anything to help me with this problem.so i was thinking about

> homeschooling.thanks jennifer


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> I went to see a doc and she thinksg I have meningitis and I am

> getting a spinal tap tomorrow morning.

> I am very scared!

What kind of Dr did you see? Your LLMD? Lyme causes meningitis , its

called Lyme Meningitis. You should be scared. Spinals can hurt like H*** and

are even worse if you already have a headache.

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Lyra I have had 4 spinal taps.......and never had any problems.....try to

relax drink high cafinated beverages after the tap and if you should end up

with a headache demand a blood patch.......you will be amazed at how little

it hurts if you get someone who knows what they are doing

Good luck


In a message dated 7/24/01 5:26:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, rod@...


> > I went to see a doc and she thinksg I have meningitis and I am

> > getting a spinal tap tomorrow morning.

> > I am very scared!



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Hi Lyra,

The spinal tap will hurt, but it's not excruciating and the pain goes away

pretty fast. But I have to agree with what Robynn said ... lay down and relax.

I know when I've had meningitis, which has happened quite a few times, there is

no way I can be on the computer. You HAVE to lay down and just rest!!!

Hang in there and try not to be too scared tomorrow. It'll be fine and the doc

will find out for sure if it's Lyme induced meningitis or something else. All

will be well. And don't worry about posting to let us know what it is until

AFTER you feel better.


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