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How do you use your spinner to do that?



From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of n Rollings, PhD

Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 11:14 AM

Subject: Re: (unknown)

I de-hull with my salad spinner!

n Rollings, PhDNJ Licensed Psychologist #4686www.DrnRollings.com

Until we have the courage to recognize cruelty for what it is--whether its

victim is human or animal--we cannot expect things to be much better in this

world... We cannot have peace among men whose hearts delight in killing any

living creature. By every act that glorifies or even tolerates such moronic

delight in killing we set back the progress of humanity.


From: Melody <eliz7212@... <mailto:eliz7212%40verizon.net> >

Subject: Re: (unknown)


Date: Monday, October 4, 2010, 1:24 PM


These are all my brassica sprouts. Broccoli, radish, fenugreek, some cabbage,

and alfalfa.

Aren't they plump and gorgeous? I will harvest them later and spin them in my

electric gizmo.

Oh, how do you de-hull your sprouts?



> From: Melody <eliz7212@...>

> Subject: (unknown)

> <mailto:%40>

> Date: Monday, October 4, 2010, 11:26 AM

















> Â










> This forum (it did this before) is not letting me type anything in the subject

matter. I have no idea why.




> So now on to my post. I have made a new video. I don't know if I did this

before but I'm getting such good results I wanted to share. As you know I sprout

using the round green trays. But after days of stacking them, the sprouts get to

long and tall that I can't re-stack them. So I took the bottoms of my manual

salad spinners and used them as covers. I created what looks like





> and it keeps the sprouts moist, so you don't need to mist at all during the

day. I wanted to document this on video so I did.




> Enjoy








> Melody
































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The video shows you how (just go to youtube, search for

and de-hulling).

I put the sprouts in the salad spinner, fill that with water, and swish around

until the hulls start to rise, I do some rinsing and swishing then lift the

basket with the sprouts out, empty the water out of the bowl, do it once or

twice more, then finally put the top on and spin them dry.

Usually, because we eat them while they are in various stages of sprouting right

out of the sprout container, there isn't much to de-hull.

somethings I don't even bother to de-hull.

n Rollings, PhDNJ Licensed Psychologist #4686www.DrnRollings.com

Until we have the courage to recognize cruelty for what it is--whether its

victim is human or animal--we cannot expect things to be much better in this

world... We cannot have peace among men whose hearts delight in killing any

living creature. By every act that glorifies or even tolerates such moronic

delight in killing we set back the progress of humanity.


From: Melody <eliz7212@... <mailto:eliz7212%40verizon.net> >

Subject: Re: (unknown)


Date: Monday, October 4, 2010, 1:24 PM


These are all my brassica sprouts. Broccoli, radish, fenugreek, some cabbage,

and alfalfa.

Aren't they plump and gorgeous? I will harvest them later and spin them in my

electric gizmo.

Oh, how do you de-hull your sprouts?



> From: Melody <eliz7212@...>

> Subject: (unknown)

> <mailto:%40>

> Date: Monday, October 4, 2010, 11:26 AM

















> Â










> This forum (it did this before) is not letting me type anything in the subject

matter. I have no idea why.




> So now on to my post. I have made a new video. I don't know if I did this

before but I'm getting such good results I wanted to share. As you know I sprout

using the round green trays. But after days of stacking them, the sprouts get to

long and tall that I can't re-stack them. So I took the bottoms of my manual

salad spinners and used them as covers. I created what looks like





> and it keeps the sprouts moist, so you don't need to mist at all during the

day. I wanted to document this on video so I did.




> Enjoy








> Melody
































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Often this means she needs Zinc.

1 mg per 2 lbs + 20 mgs divided into four doses for the day.

Simone F

On 2010-10-07, at 10:33 AM, jazzyk298 wrote:

> I noticed last month that our 4 1/2 year old daughter is grinding her teeth

while sleeping.


> Anyone have any ideas or experience with this? I notice she's doing it when

she rolls over or changes sleep position. It's about 2 seconds at a time.


> Thanks!



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Have you talked to the school? Why do you not explain where you stand you might just letting the fear take hold instead of just telling them the facts as you know them. If you know the reasons that you don't want vaccinations I feel they will back down. A friend of mine was in the same kind of state that you fined yourself in she worked in the hospital and it was time for her hep B she got herself in such a state when she went for her vaccination she told them she did not want it and they said that is ok. the worry and fear can be the problem be upfront about it. My daughter was when she went to the doctors with her eight week old she gave him as good as he gave her then he said why have you come she said to get the health visitor of my back he said that he was responsible for her childs health and she replied no you are not I am and if i need your help i will come to you, His reply was we need more patients like you.Stand your ground it is not compulsory.


no-forced-vaccination From: danritter1980@...Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 19:11:50 +0000Subject: (unknown)

My unvaccinated 4 year old has been in preschool for a month now at a private methodist preschool. The director is now asking for immunization records. As a private religious institution do they have to accept the religious exemption? I wish could home school but my wife and I both work full time. Unfortunately my wife has never been completely with me on the vaccination issue. She is now feeling pressure to begin vaccinations of our two children. I placated her saying we would at least wait until the children are bigger and their bodies could better handle a vaccine. Now the children are bigger and I can't handle the possibility of them being damaged if I could prevent it. My wife's response is similar because she thinks she can prevent these diseases with inoculations. I have pointed her to material I have studied but you can only lead the horse to water. Any ideas or suggestions? I feel like I'm alone on this one.

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Have you talked to the school? Why do you not explain where you stand you might just letting the fear take hold instead of just telling them the facts as you know them. If you know the reasons that you don't want vaccinations I feel they will back down. A friend of mine was in the same kind of state that you fined yourself in she worked in the hospital and it was time for her hep B she got herself in such a state when she went for her vaccination she told them she did not want it and they said that is ok. the worry and fear can be the problem be upfront about it. My daughter was when she went to the doctors with her eight week old she gave him as good as he gave her then he said why have you come she said to get the health visitor of my back he said that he was responsible for her childs health and she replied no you are not I am and if i need your help i will come to you, His reply was we need more patients like you.Stand your ground it is not compulsory.


no-forced-vaccination From: danritter1980@...Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 19:11:50 +0000Subject: (unknown)

My unvaccinated 4 year old has been in preschool for a month now at a private methodist preschool. The director is now asking for immunization records. As a private religious institution do they have to accept the religious exemption? I wish could home school but my wife and I both work full time. Unfortunately my wife has never been completely with me on the vaccination issue. She is now feeling pressure to begin vaccinations of our two children. I placated her saying we would at least wait until the children are bigger and their bodies could better handle a vaccine. Now the children are bigger and I can't handle the possibility of them being damaged if I could prevent it. My wife's response is similar because she thinks she can prevent these diseases with inoculations. I have pointed her to material I have studied but you can only lead the horse to water. Any ideas or suggestions? I feel like I'm alone on this one.

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Have you talked to the school? Why do you not explain where you stand you might just letting the fear take hold instead of just telling them the facts as you know them. If you know the reasons that you don't want vaccinations I feel they will back down. A friend of mine was in the same kind of state that you fined yourself in she worked in the hospital and it was time for her hep B she got herself in such a state when she went for her vaccination she told them she did not want it and they said that is ok. the worry and fear can be the problem be upfront about it. My daughter was when she went to the doctors with her eight week old she gave him as good as he gave her then he said why have you come she said to get the health visitor of my back he said that he was responsible for her childs health and she replied no you are not I am and if i need your help i will come to you, His reply was we need more patients like you.Stand your ground it is not compulsory.


no-forced-vaccination From: danritter1980@...Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 19:11:50 +0000Subject: (unknown)

My unvaccinated 4 year old has been in preschool for a month now at a private methodist preschool. The director is now asking for immunization records. As a private religious institution do they have to accept the religious exemption? I wish could home school but my wife and I both work full time. Unfortunately my wife has never been completely with me on the vaccination issue. She is now feeling pressure to begin vaccinations of our two children. I placated her saying we would at least wait until the children are bigger and their bodies could better handle a vaccine. Now the children are bigger and I can't handle the possibility of them being damaged if I could prevent it. My wife's response is similar because she thinks she can prevent these diseases with inoculations. I have pointed her to material I have studied but you can only lead the horse to water. Any ideas or suggestions? I feel like I'm alone on this one.

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Have you talked to the school? Why do you not explain where you stand you might just letting the fear take hold instead of just telling them the facts as you know them. If you know the reasons that you don't want vaccinations I feel they will back down. A friend of mine was in the same kind of state that you fined yourself in she worked in the hospital and it was time for her hep B she got herself in such a state when she went for her vaccination she told them she did not want it and they said that is ok. the worry and fear can be the problem be upfront about it. My daughter was when she went to the doctors with her eight week old she gave him as good as he gave her then he said why have you come she said to get the health visitor of my back he said that he was responsible for her childs health and she replied no you are not I am and if i need your help i will come to you, His reply was we need more patients like you.Stand your ground it is not compulsory.


no-forced-vaccination From: danritter1980@...Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 19:11:50 +0000Subject: (unknown)

My unvaccinated 4 year old has been in preschool for a month now at a private methodist preschool. The director is now asking for immunization records. As a private religious institution do they have to accept the religious exemption? I wish could home school but my wife and I both work full time. Unfortunately my wife has never been completely with me on the vaccination issue. She is now feeling pressure to begin vaccinations of our two children. I placated her saying we would at least wait until the children are bigger and their bodies could better handle a vaccine. Now the children are bigger and I can't handle the possibility of them being damaged if I could prevent it. My wife's response is similar because she thinks she can prevent these diseases with inoculations. I have pointed her to material I have studied but you can only lead the horse to water. Any ideas or suggestions? I feel like I'm alone on this one.

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Hi All!

I discovered something the other day when I was harvesting and ziplocking my

sprouts to put into the fridge. I ran out of ziplock bags. So I said " what about

using my OSO FRESH container (kind of a fancy lock and lock thing) with silver

nano things embedded in the container (it's supposed to keep food fresher and

prevent decay).

So......I have two BIG yellow rectangle OSO Fresh containers. I did the

electronic salad spinning thing and got my sprouts nice and dry. I placed a Viva

paper towel down inside the OSO Fresh. I then piled in sprouts, and then placed

another Viva paper towel right on top and carefully closed up the whole thing.

Did exactly the same with the second container.

Just checked. It's two and a half days later. The sprouts are perfect, plump,

and dry. The towels absorb the moisture so I just replace the towels every few

days. I mean two Viva paper towels. It doesn't get any easier than that.

I prefer Viva to the other brands like Bounty,or the cheaper ones. Viva is the

most like cloth and stands up very well to the moisture.

I am extremely happy with these OSO Fresh containers.

Just wanted to share


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Loved TBL this week, no real spoilers for anyone that has yet to watch it, but loved the circuit workout that Bob made and Jillian's "I am still the man of the house" comments make me LOL each time!


ready for "the biggest Loser". Did 500 steps, had turkey burger and veggies. I have cut up my strawberries and cottage cheese. I am gonna park my big butt in the lazy boy and watch n beat the snot out of the men!

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I think it was a combination of a lot of different things. I think the fear of gaining weight while on the steroids got me to re-vamp the way I was eating, having a fitbit allowed me to track my calories much easier (I still write down what I eat but I also enter them in the fitbit site, and the steroids itself allowed me to start exercising again because they reduced the inflammation in my ankle from the tendinitis I've had since last November. I have to exercise and eat healthy in order to lose weight. Most important the steroids helped to reduce the inflammation in my optic nerve so that I could begin to see sooner. I also found out that I am/was Vitamin D deficient and my Endocrinologist told me that it can cause insulin resistance by increasing my triglyercides, increasing my

total cholesterol & LDL and lowering my HDL (Good cholesterol.) I found an article online that showed how people that don't have enough Vitamin D gain a ton of weight. So I also think that the weekly 50,000IU of Vitamin D has helped me to lose weight. It's hard to say which one helped the most but I know that I wouldn't be able to exercise or play volleyball or bowl if the swelling in my ankle hadn't gone down. And I don't think that tracking calories and exercise would have been as fun without my trusty little fitbit. JenBy the way my Endocrinologist and her nurse were both proud of me for all of the weight I've lost Subject: Re: (unknown)To: exercisevideos Date: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 12:12 PM

Wow, that is great Jen. Please post some before/after pics, I'll be there is a big difference!

So, what exactly got everything moving in the right direction? Was it the steroids? I know that inflammation in the body can do all sorts of bad things and maybe getting rid of the inflammation put your body back on track?Anyway - glad to hear of the good results!Donna

To: BeWellandFit-YAHOO-Group <BeWellandFit >; Biggest Losers - Losing Weight Together <Biggest-Losers-Losing-Weight-Together >; Exercise-Accountability <exercise_accountability >; Exercise-Videos <exercisevideos >; FightingFatFeelingFit-Yahoo-Group <Fighting-Fat-Feeling-Fit >; Get-Fit-Stay-Fit-YAHOO-Group <GetFitStayFitTheChallenge >; GetHealthyFollowBobGreenesTIPS <GetHealthyFollowBobGreenesTIPS >; On-the-Lighter-Side-YahooGroup <On_the_Lighter_Side >; selfchallenge02 ; The 20 60 Challenge group on Yahoo <The2060Challenge >; TotalBodyMakeoverYourWay ; volleyjenwlc2004@...;

WalkingForExerciseAndWeightLoss ; wlcmichigan Sent: Thu, October 7, 2010 11:55:11 AMSubject: (unknown)

Since July 12th, I figured out that I've lost on average 3.8 lbs a week! WOW, it's fun losing weight and TONS of inches. I should have my mom take a couple of pictures of me and show you guys. Jen

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I think it was a combination of a lot of different things. I think the fear of gaining weight while on the steroids got me to re-vamp the way I was eating, having a fitbit allowed me to track my calories much easier (I still write down what I eat but I also enter them in the fitbit site, and the steroids itself allowed me to start exercising again because they reduced the inflammation in my ankle from the tendinitis I've had since last November. I have to exercise and eat healthy in order to lose weight. Most important the steroids helped to reduce the inflammation in my optic nerve so that I could begin to see sooner. I also found out that I am/was Vitamin D deficient and my Endocrinologist told me that it can cause insulin resistance by increasing my triglyercides, increasing my

total cholesterol & LDL and lowering my HDL (Good cholesterol.) I found an article online that showed how people that don't have enough Vitamin D gain a ton of weight. So I also think that the weekly 50,000IU of Vitamin D has helped me to lose weight. It's hard to say which one helped the most but I know that I wouldn't be able to exercise or play volleyball or bowl if the swelling in my ankle hadn't gone down. And I don't think that tracking calories and exercise would have been as fun without my trusty little fitbit. JenBy the way my Endocrinologist and her nurse were both proud of me for all of the weight I've lost Subject: Re: (unknown)To: exercisevideos Date: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 12:12 PM

Wow, that is great Jen. Please post some before/after pics, I'll be there is a big difference!

So, what exactly got everything moving in the right direction? Was it the steroids? I know that inflammation in the body can do all sorts of bad things and maybe getting rid of the inflammation put your body back on track?Anyway - glad to hear of the good results!Donna

To: BeWellandFit-YAHOO-Group <BeWellandFit >; Biggest Losers - Losing Weight Together <Biggest-Losers-Losing-Weight-Together >; Exercise-Accountability <exercise_accountability >; Exercise-Videos <exercisevideos >; FightingFatFeelingFit-Yahoo-Group <Fighting-Fat-Feeling-Fit >; Get-Fit-Stay-Fit-YAHOO-Group <GetFitStayFitTheChallenge >; GetHealthyFollowBobGreenesTIPS <GetHealthyFollowBobGreenesTIPS >; On-the-Lighter-Side-YahooGroup <On_the_Lighter_Side >; selfchallenge02 ; The 20 60 Challenge group on Yahoo <The2060Challenge >; TotalBodyMakeoverYourWay ; volleyjenwlc2004@...;

WalkingForExerciseAndWeightLoss ; wlcmichigan Sent: Thu, October 7, 2010 11:55:11 AMSubject: (unknown)

Since July 12th, I figured out that I've lost on average 3.8 lbs a week! WOW, it's fun losing weight and TONS of inches. I should have my mom take a couple of pictures of me and show you guys. Jen

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I think it was a combination of a lot of different things. I think the fear of gaining weight while on the steroids got me to re-vamp the way I was eating, having a fitbit allowed me to track my calories much easier (I still write down what I eat but I also enter them in the fitbit site, and the steroids itself allowed me to start exercising again because they reduced the inflammation in my ankle from the tendinitis I've had since last November. I have to exercise and eat healthy in order to lose weight. Most important the steroids helped to reduce the inflammation in my optic nerve so that I could begin to see sooner. I also found out that I am/was Vitamin D deficient and my Endocrinologist told me that it can cause insulin resistance by increasing my triglyercides, increasing my

total cholesterol & LDL and lowering my HDL (Good cholesterol.) I found an article online that showed how people that don't have enough Vitamin D gain a ton of weight. So I also think that the weekly 50,000IU of Vitamin D has helped me to lose weight. It's hard to say which one helped the most but I know that I wouldn't be able to exercise or play volleyball or bowl if the swelling in my ankle hadn't gone down. And I don't think that tracking calories and exercise would have been as fun without my trusty little fitbit. JenBy the way my Endocrinologist and her nurse were both proud of me for all of the weight I've lost Subject: Re: (unknown)To: exercisevideos Date: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 12:12 PM

Wow, that is great Jen. Please post some before/after pics, I'll be there is a big difference!

So, what exactly got everything moving in the right direction? Was it the steroids? I know that inflammation in the body can do all sorts of bad things and maybe getting rid of the inflammation put your body back on track?Anyway - glad to hear of the good results!Donna

To: BeWellandFit-YAHOO-Group <BeWellandFit >; Biggest Losers - Losing Weight Together <Biggest-Losers-Losing-Weight-Together >; Exercise-Accountability <exercise_accountability >; Exercise-Videos <exercisevideos >; FightingFatFeelingFit-Yahoo-Group <Fighting-Fat-Feeling-Fit >; Get-Fit-Stay-Fit-YAHOO-Group <GetFitStayFitTheChallenge >; GetHealthyFollowBobGreenesTIPS <GetHealthyFollowBobGreenesTIPS >; On-the-Lighter-Side-YahooGroup <On_the_Lighter_Side >; selfchallenge02 ; The 20 60 Challenge group on Yahoo <The2060Challenge >; TotalBodyMakeoverYourWay ; volleyjenwlc2004@...;

WalkingForExerciseAndWeightLoss ; wlcmichigan Sent: Thu, October 7, 2010 11:55:11 AMSubject: (unknown)

Since July 12th, I figured out that I've lost on average 3.8 lbs a week! WOW, it's fun losing weight and TONS of inches. I should have my mom take a couple of pictures of me and show you guys. Jen

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I'm 64 lbs from my goal weight, are you sure you want to put me on the home page, I'm still fat! Jen

Wow, that is great Jen. Please post some before/after pics, I'll be there is a big difference!

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I'm 64 lbs from my goal weight, are you sure you want to put me on the home page, I'm still fat! Jen

Wow, that is great Jen. Please post some before/after pics, I'll be there is a big difference!

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It's probably folks like this who get our email addresses and send all this s**t

to us.  I don't know about you all, but I get these emails all the time and it

drives me crazy.


Moderator, please kick josecute69 out of the group.


From: josecute69@... <josecute69@...>

Subject: (unknown)

model24@..., donjuan69uni@..., cures for AIDS ,

jonathane115@..., mexigrow@...

Date: Friday, October 8, 2010, 11:00 AM



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I agree. Getting my d--k hard is the least of my medical worries LOL. Now when

they make a drug that can safely allow me to have an detection for over 4 hours

then maybe we will talk heheee sorry I know its a serious subject for some. I

just think if that is your problem then you have other things in your life you

need to address before you turn to drugs. Ie... stop smoking, drop a few lbs,

work on your diabetes, look at emotional issues in your life.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

<luvtheozone@...> wrote:

>It's probably folks like this who get our email addresses and send all this

s**t to us.  I don't know about you all, but I get these emails all the time

and it drives me crazy.


>Moderator, please kick josecute69 out of the group.







>From: josecute69@... <josecute69@...>

>Subject: (unknown)

>model24@..., donjuan69uni@..., cures for AIDS ,

jonathane115@..., mexigrow@...

>Date: Friday, October 8, 2010, 11:00 AM
















>[Non-text portions of this message

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I want the rest too---my stomach is killing me

I hate to be stupid but, not after tea means...not after tea??


From: Tricia Greenwood <tricia_greenwood@...>Subject: RE: (unknown)"vacciation group" <no-forced-vaccination >Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 6:37 AM

Have you tried the liver cleanse Drink a tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with olive oil first thing in the morning eat no meat or eggs drink 1 litre of organic apple juice in the day two hours before food but not after tea for six days. if you want the rest let me know


no-forced-vaccination From: territoon100@...Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 15:29:05 -0700Subject: (unknown)

I'm in need of a safe, effective gallbaldder cleanse. Thisa would have to have the components to diislve stones. Something made at home and that doesn't involve swallowing lemon juice and olive oil by the quart would be preferable. Thanks to anyone who can help.


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I want the rest too---my stomach is killing me

I hate to be stupid but, not after tea means...not after tea??


From: Tricia Greenwood <tricia_greenwood@...>Subject: RE: (unknown)"vacciation group" <no-forced-vaccination >Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 6:37 AM

Have you tried the liver cleanse Drink a tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with olive oil first thing in the morning eat no meat or eggs drink 1 litre of organic apple juice in the day two hours before food but not after tea for six days. if you want the rest let me know


no-forced-vaccination From: territoon100@...Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 15:29:05 -0700Subject: (unknown)

I'm in need of a safe, effective gallbaldder cleanse. Thisa would have to have the components to diislve stones. Something made at home and that doesn't involve swallowing lemon juice and olive oil by the quart would be preferable. Thanks to anyone who can help.


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I want the rest too---my stomach is killing me

I hate to be stupid but, not after tea means...not after tea??


From: Tricia Greenwood <tricia_greenwood@...>Subject: RE: (unknown)"vacciation group" <no-forced-vaccination >Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 6:37 AM

Have you tried the liver cleanse Drink a tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with olive oil first thing in the morning eat no meat or eggs drink 1 litre of organic apple juice in the day two hours before food but not after tea for six days. if you want the rest let me know


no-forced-vaccination From: territoon100@...Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 15:29:05 -0700Subject: (unknown)

I'm in need of a safe, effective gallbaldder cleanse. Thisa would have to have the components to diislve stones. Something made at home and that doesn't involve swallowing lemon juice and olive oil by the quart would be preferable. Thanks to anyone who can help.


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I want the rest too---my stomach is killing me

I hate to be stupid but, not after tea means...not after tea??


From: Tricia Greenwood <tricia_greenwood@...>Subject: RE: (unknown)"vacciation group" <no-forced-vaccination >Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 6:37 AM

Have you tried the liver cleanse Drink a tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with olive oil first thing in the morning eat no meat or eggs drink 1 litre of organic apple juice in the day two hours before food but not after tea for six days. if you want the rest let me know


no-forced-vaccination From: territoon100@...Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 15:29:05 -0700Subject: (unknown)

I'm in need of a safe, effective gallbaldder cleanse. Thisa would have to have the components to diislve stones. Something made at home and that doesn't involve swallowing lemon juice and olive oil by the quart would be preferable. Thanks to anyone who can help.


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On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 12:11 AM, Mamabird <mamabird1253@...> wrote:

> Hi there everybody, I'm new here. I just started my first batch of water

> kifer. Its been 5 days now and I think I can bottle it up for a second

> fermentation. But what do I do with the left overgrains?

You feed them again with sugar water.

> How do I seperate the grains from the water kifer?

You use a fine mesh strainer.

> And then, what do I do next?

Put them into a clean jar and put 1/3 cup sugar and 1 quart of water. Stir.

Put on a cloth lid with rubber band and leave them at room temp. It is


> I'm so confused. How much more can I make?

That depends on how many water grains you have. Once you have 1 cup of water

grains, you will be able to make one quart of water kefir every 48 hours.

> Also, I heard that the grains grow or multiply but it looks about the same

> size I started with 5 days ago. Sorry... so many stupid questions with

> probably really simple answers. Thanks, Mamabird



> The only stupid question is an unasked question.


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looks like someone's computer is spamming us or a spammer got in as a

member.Just DO NOT click on the links. No matter how legit they sound. 

n Rollings, PhDNJ Licensed Psychologist #4686www.DrnRollings.com

Until we have the courage to recognize cruelty for what it is--whether its

victim is human or animal--we cannot expect things to be much better in this

world... We cannot have peace among men whose hearts delight in killing any

living creature. By every act that glorifies or even tolerates such moronic

delight in killing we set back the progress of humanity.


From: Barrie Appel <barrieapp@...>

Subject: Re: (unknown)

Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010, 11:35 AM




Barrie Appel

Realty Associates Florida Properties

4956 Le Chalet Blvd. Suite 12

Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436

561-716-4477 cell


We're never too busy for your referrals!!!



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I'm new to this group AND sprouting.

I'm certainly not the spammer. However, I got an email from someone in this

group and when I opened it I found one of those

pain in the neck ads for viagra, etc! Is that the spammer in question?


Barrie Appel

Realty Associates Florida Properties

4956 Le Chalet Blvd. Suite 12

Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436

561-716-4477 cell


We're never too busy for your referrals!!!



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I don't know who is the spammer, but whatever the case, don't click on any links

that are sent that have no accompanying message. Those are really suspect.By all

means, stick with the group and you'll learn lots about sprouting. I am new here


n Rollings, PhDNJ Licensed Psychologist #4686www.DrnRollings.com

Until we have the courage to recognize cruelty for what it is--whether its

victim is human or animal--we cannot expect things to be much better in this

world... We cannot have peace among men whose hearts delight in killing any

living creature. By every act that glorifies or even tolerates such moronic

delight in killing we set back the progress of humanity.


From: Barrie Appel <barrieapp@...>

Subject: Re: (unknown)

Date: Sunday, October 10, 2010, 11:52 AM



I'm new to this group AND sprouting.

I'm certainly not the spammer. However, I got an email from someone in this

group and when I opened it I found one of those

pain in the neck ads for viagra, etc! Is that the spammer in question?


Barrie Appel

Realty Associates Florida Properties

4956 Le Chalet Blvd. Suite 12

Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436

561-716-4477 cell


We're never too busy for your referrals!!!



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