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Re: (unknown)

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DonI was not taking anti-d's during the first treatment, so no that had absolutely nothing to do with it. I was told that the virus had probably replicated itself (which can often be the case) so that it could hide from the meds. I can not see how anti-d's are "very bad" for the liver, as I know that on this treatment, I would not have made it this far without them. Just about as common as treating with the current meds, any hepatologist would expect you to eventually ask for anti-d's. They knew that I was already on them when I started this time and know that I've had them upped to cope. However, even though I am not allowed to know the actual PCR readings, I have to believe that this round is going well by the very fact that I'm still on this

treatment.However, since I quit drinking, I'm not normally a depressed person either. Mostly just a veteran insomniac!! In fact, it was also during the first treatment that I had to start taking beta blockers (high blood pressure) pills. Seems that I've always had a high pulse rate; but, it became a real worry during the first treatment. So, I've also just stayed on the HP pills and it keeps every thing there in a very normal range. I always found it funny though, my hyperactivity also was reduced when I got on the HP pills. Probably slowing my heart rate down was the best thing they could do. My mother suffers from "Tired Heart" and that's also likely due to the fact that she also had a fast heart rate. I came to believe that, we only have so many beats of our heart in a lifetime. Those with a high pulse are probably using their's up faster than others. Sure don't know about that

but just makes some kind of logical sense to me.Hope you were referring to that "cure" with a question mark? I don't believe that we should pass that kind of information around until we have full fledged back up written papers. If the public were to be lead down that garden path, it would belittle what we really go through as well as those infected themselves. Think of the many that have relapsed 6mos or a year after they attained SVR. Apparently, I won't even get to know about my PCR tests until 6 months after this treatment. That way, they have a well documented case for hopefully calling me SVR.GloriaFrom: Christ <ludichrist2000@...> Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2009 8:31:02 PMSubject: Re: [ ] (unknown)

Hi Gloria

I have a question for you.

Do you think that your anti-depressants had anything to do with your failing to 'cure'?

I have researched, and asked, and it seems that AD's are very bad for the liver.

I am weeding myself of mine, as I increase my alternative stuff.

Of course if I get suicidal again I will have to restart them.

Meanwhile I just tough out the depression.

From: Gloria <gadamscan (DOT) ca>Subject: Re: [ ] (unknown) Date: Sunday, September 6, 2009, 10:08 PM

PamDo you have help at home ?? I was one of the lucky ones and the treatments have never made me physically ill so I can't comment on that part. I have a friend that is on Interferon Maintenance Therapy and she started getting really sick as well; but, we believe that it may have been in part, due to the fact her fridge was not staying cold enough. I'll have to ask her if that's been fixed now, because she sure does seem to be back up and battling for more attention for this virus again.Also, have you talked to your Dr's about anti-depressants while on these meds?? I didn't go on them my first time around simply because it just never dawned on me and at that time, I had such a positive outlook that nothing could have brought me down. I did take the Hep Nurses at their word and right from the beginning, always took my shot on a Friday night and planned on not having anything to do for the whole

weekend. That way, I could be back up and working again on the Monday I figured. Well, I hadn't planned on the intense brain fog nor the bad dive to my thyroid; but, it all worked out as each little thing presented itself. The fact that my absolutely wonderful mother (she was 74 then) came in to "help" me with my bookkeeping business was what kept it all together.I started on anti-depressants about a year and half after that treatment because I was still struggling so hard to accept that I just simply wasn't me anymore. Very often our sick livers will trigger Fibromyalgia either before, during or after treatment. I guess that mine was sometime during although I didn't notice until after. That meant that I had days that I could hardly walk and you could forget navigating stairs.During this second round of treatment, I would be laying in bed, in that half asleep/half awake state, feeling lousy and that

finally led to thinking those awful thoughts!! I know that I needed help immediately and fortunately still have very tight access to the local Hep C Nurses for a little counselling and to my Dr for an uppage in my Anti-d's. Now I find that although I still plan my weekends exactly the same way, I can get up at least and sit in front of this computer for a couple of hours each time.Gloria

I had swollen hands before,they got better after starting treatment but this is really nasty and I got really sick.I actually felt like I was losing my mind as well.I feel a little better tonight finally.I have anxiety about my shot tomorrow night but will do it.Wed doc appt can't come soon enough. Thanks for sharing, guess it's gotta get worse before it gets better?As long as I'm still responding I'll keep going... pam

[ ] (unknown)

http://digestive. niddk.nih. gov/ddiseases/ pubs/porphyria/ index.htm

Here is a link Pam on porphyria.

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Holy Pam - are those boys all helpful??? You'll need it...I just looked up to see what porphyria was - so you got a really bad case of the high iron?? Obviously, you will have to watch your diet extremely carefully as well as take meds to keep it controlled. FIVE boys at home - I just couldn't imagine; but, then again - hubby and I just took in our 15 yr old female great-niece.. She already ran away after just two weeks here and within two days was next to begging to come back, so we have hope that now she'll settle and with some proven love and understanding, fall back to using her intelligence for her school work and working out her issues.Gloria

I tried anti'd"s but got real sick.I am single with 5 boys at home.Been managable till this porphyria kicked in.That's what makin me sick. pam

[ ] (unknown)

http://digestive. niddk.nih. gov/ddiseases/ pubs/porphyria/ index.htm

Here is a link Pam on porphyria.

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The new Internet Explorer® 8 - Faster, safer, easier. Optimized for Get it Now for Free!

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I believe that it was on this site, that a fella came in to remark that initially he tested as positive for HepC; but, then when he went for further tests, he did not actually have the virus at that point. It was remarked by someone that he must be a miracle. Well, no - the first test showed the antibodies that were present to fight the virus that his body had already been able to ward off.All that I know, is that when one reaches SVR, it means that the virus can not be read in the body at that point. However, I'm not sure that they can yet assure us that, that means on a cellular level. We all will always have the antibodies in our system. They are just pretty damn sure that if they still can't read the virus 6 mos after treatment, that studies have shown we have a

pretty huge hope that it will not come back. However, it is called remission not a cure.Gloria

I feel like I am going thru deja vu.

I made the comment months ago that even though a person reaches SVR, the virus is still present in ones body, however slight.

Many never become active again, [thank God], but some do, and have to repeat TX down the road.

I always thought of a 'cure' as a total eradication, meaning 'no traces what-so-ever even on a cellular level'.

From: Gloria <gadamscan (DOT) ca>Subject: Re: [ ] (unknown) Date: Sunday, September 6, 2009, 10:10 PM

I've never heard that anyone calls a lack of of being able to read the viral load - a cure??? When did this happen and why?Gloria

They never cured a virus before Don. Not even the common cold. This is the first virus that they are calling a "cure" now. The future looks bright for those with hep c it is just a shame that a lot of people don't have to long into the future to look.

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I don't believe everything I hear. Do you? Tell me you are smarter than that.


> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 21:38:27 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> I also heard last night they are making it mandatory for all military

personel. They say they will not tolerate non-compliance. Please watch this. It

is sicking, but I feel very true.




> http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=A2y-0bSLw_ I



> Dear God no way. Please tell me you are smarter then that and this was a joke.

Right? Your telling me that you believe that " DUMB BROAD " on the video that

" YOUR GOVERMENT " wants you dead. Your a grown woman with a real brain. Don't do

this to yourself. You can't believe everything you hear out there..






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I don't believe everything I hear. Do you? Tell me you are smarter than that.


> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 21:38:27 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> I also heard last night they are making it mandatory for all military

personel. They say they will not tolerate non-compliance. Please watch this. It

is sicking, but I feel very true.




> http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=A2y-0bSLw_ I



> Dear God no way. Please tell me you are smarter then that and this was a joke.

Right? Your telling me that you believe that " DUMB BROAD " on the video that

" YOUR GOVERMENT " wants you dead. Your a grown woman with a real brain. Don't do

this to yourself. You can't believe everything you hear out there..






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I don't believe everything I hear. Do you? Tell me you are smarter than that.


> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 21:38:27 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> I also heard last night they are making it mandatory for all military

personel. They say they will not tolerate non-compliance. Please watch this. It

is sicking, but I feel very true.




> http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=A2y-0bSLw_ I



> Dear God no way. Please tell me you are smarter then that and this was a joke.

Right? Your telling me that you believe that " DUMB BROAD " on the video that

" YOUR GOVERMENT " wants you dead. Your a grown woman with a real brain. Don't do

this to yourself. You can't believe everything you hear out there..






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I don't believe everything I hear. Do you? Tell me you are smarter than that.


> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 21:38:27 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> I also heard last night they are making it mandatory for all military

personel. They say they will not tolerate non-compliance. Please watch this. It

is sicking, but I feel very true.




> http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=A2y-0bSLw_ I



> Dear God no way. Please tell me you are smarter then that and this was a joke.

Right? Your telling me that you believe that " DUMB BROAD " on the video that

" YOUR GOVERMENT " wants you dead. Your a grown woman with a real brain. Don't do

this to yourself. You can't believe everything you hear out there..






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Hi Gloria and everyone

First let me appologise for my views about 'cure' and SVR. To everyone.

I wasnt trying to affect any of your hopes in achieving SVR, or present a negative bleak picture.

This topic, although well known, seems to be the subject no one wants to talk about openly.

I can see why.

Again, I appologise.

Headmeds and other things we take into our bodies seem to all pass through our liver, and thus if we already have a weakened liver, puts stress on it.

I, personally, am trying to lessen that load by weeding myself off anything not absolutely necessary.

I was just wondering if maybe somehow headmeds and failure to achieve SVR could be related, and wanted others viewpoints on this idea.

I was reading somewhere that HCV 'sometimes' causes CHF, [congestive heart failure], and heart/blood pressure issues.

Sorry I dont have a link to share. I do so much researching it all becomes a blurr.

I origionally thought my CHF was caused by my smoking pot and cigarettes, and although this may also be true, there is a link between HCV, and heart related problems.

This makes sence to me that anytime there is organ illnesses, this also affects the heart, our number one organ.

You all must forgive me for my questions and comments.

I try to be tactful, and I dont mean for anything I say to make someone uncomfortable.

I havent undergone TX yet, and am new to the whole idea of HCV, and what is to become of me.

Its a strange world I find myself in, and just a wee bit scarey.

My questions and comments seem normal to me, and it makes sence too to speak out.

Researching is good, but my real info comes from the HCV group members who have experiance to share.

I ask for your patience please.


don in ks

From: Gloria <gadamscan (DOT) ca>Subject: Re: [ ] (unknown) Date: Sunday, September 6, 2009, 10:08 PM

PamDo you have help at home ?? I was one of the lucky ones and the treatments have never made me physically ill so I can't comment on that part. I have a friend that is on Interferon Maintenance Therapy and she started getting really sick as well; but, we believe that it may have been in part, due to the fact her fridge was not staying cold enough. I'll have to ask her if that's been fixed now, because she sure does seem to be back up and battling for more attention for this virus again.Also, have you talked to your Dr's about anti-depressants while on these meds?? I didn't go on them my first time around simply because it just never dawned on me and at that time, I had such a positive outlook that nothing could have brought me down. I did take the Hep Nurses at their word and right from the beginning, always took my shot on a Friday night and planned on not having anything to do for the whole

weekend. That way, I could be back up and working again on the Monday I figured. Well, I hadn't planned on the intense brain fog nor the bad dive to my thyroid; but, it all worked out as each little thing presented itself. The fact that my absolutely wonderful mother (she was 74 then) came in to "help" me with my bookkeeping business was what kept it all together.I started on anti-depressants about a year and half after that treatment because I was still struggling so hard to accept that I just simply wasn't me anymore. Very often our sick livers will trigger Fibromyalgia either before, during or after treatment. I guess that mine was sometime during although I didn't notice until after. That meant that I had days that I could hardly walk and you could forget navigating stairs.During this second round of treatment, I would be laying in bed, in that half asleep/half awake state, feeling lousy and that

finally led to thinking those awful thoughts!! I know that I needed help immediately and fortunately still have very tight access to the local Hep C Nurses for a little counselling and to my Dr for an uppage in my Anti-d's. Now I find that although I still plan my weekends exactly the same way, I can get up at least and sit in front of this computer for a couple of hours each time.Gloria

I had swollen hands before,they got better after starting treatment but this is really nasty and I got really sick.I actually felt like I was losing my mind as well.I feel a little better tonight finally.I have anxiety about my shot tomorrow night but will do it.Wed doc appt can't come soon enough. Thanks for sharing, guess it's gotta get worse before it gets better?As long as I'm still responding I'll keep going... pam

[ ] (unknown)

http://digestive. niddk.nih. gov/ddiseases/ pubs/porphyria/ index.htm

Here is a link Pam on porphyria.

Canada Toolbar : Search from anywhere on the web and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now!

Make your browsing faster, safer, and easier with the new Internet Explorer® 8. Optimized for Get it Now for Free!

All new - Get a sneak peak at messages with a handy reading pane.

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As an educator I wish staff would be “forced” to be educated. That

pe teachers would know and use adaptive pe classes when needed. Not just for

kids on spectrum. I wish art teachers had a sense of using sensory things in

art class. I wish computer class involved teaching the students (all ) how to

type. I wish special education teacher HAD to have some amount of education in

autism. AND aspbergers! I work in a disturct where I am the ONLY staff member

to research autism. Not even the school physco has any idea’s. my student was

mine for 2 years, I adore him and his family and I are still in touch. This is

the first year I haven’t had him and going back is going to be melancholy!!!

I am not sure why you need to create for parents, my thought is

you should be doing one for the staff, what a parents expectations are for

staff involved with the children.

( yes and admin should have “some” info on autism, as how do we

expect our disciplinarian to discipline without knowledge!)

Hope I didn’t offend anyone, I meant not to!





[mailto:autism ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 7:24 PM


Subject: Re: (unknown)

I am a mom of an 8 year old boy on the spectrum. I'm also

studying for my Master's degree in Special Ed. One of my assignments is to

create a brochure that teachers could give parents of children with special

needs. I want to create something that I know parents of children with autism

could really use.I was wondering if you all would be willing to give me

suggestions of things you wish you could get more information on, especially

things you wish your child's teacher or school would provide.

Please send to susan at susanr7r@....

Thank you for your help.

From: Debbie Stringer <debbie582002@...>

Subject: (unknown)


Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 4:05 PM

I just want to thank everyone for all the suggestions

and the input. I will try several of the suggestions and let you know how

it turns out. This group is a blessing,I hope you all know that! I've been

a very lonely Mimi,with no one to talk to about my grandson,at least no one

who understood. I also have another question..lol. .how in the world do you

get a child to eat when all they want is letter shaped tator tots???

Ethan would eat just about anything when he was a little baby but when he

turned a year and a half it started to be a problem. Now that he's just

turned four he has a very limited diet,simply because he won't eat what's

offered,he just runs to the toaster oven and says " time for

letters! " He'll eat some fruit,used to like corn but doesn't want

it on his plate anymore and he'll eat alphabits cereal(do you see a common

thread here? lol ). Thanks again,Debbie

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Parents definitely need some information on what to expect, do and how to go about doing things. There is never too much information shared.

From: Debra Byrne <patrickbyrne2@...>autism Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2009 5:03:58 PMSubject: RE: (unknown)

As an educator I wish staff would be “forced†to be educated. That pe teachers would know and use adaptive pe classes when needed. Not just for kids on spectrum. I wish art teachers had a sense of using sensory things in art class. I wish computer class involved teaching the students (all ) how to type. I wish special education teacher HAD to have some amount of education in autism. AND aspbergers! I work in a disturct where I am the ONLY staff member to research autism. Not even the school physco has any idea’s. my student was mine for 2 years, I adore him and his family and I are still in touch. This is the first year I haven’t had him and going back is going to be melancholy!! !

I am not sure why you need to create for parents, my thought is you should be doing one for the staff, what a parents expectations are for staff involved with the children.

( yes and admin should have “some†info on autism, as how do we expect our disciplinarian to discipline without knowledge!)

Hope I didn’t offend anyone, I meant not to!



From: AutismBehaviorProbl emsgroups (DOT) com [mailto:AutismBehav iorProblems] On Behalf Of RueterSent: Saturday, September 05, 2009 7:24 PMAutismBehaviorProbl emsgroups (DOT) comSubject: Re: (unknown)

I am a mom of an 8 year old boy on the spectrum. I'm also studying for my Master's degree in Special Ed. One of my assignments is to create a brochure that teachers could give parents of children with special needs. I want to create something that I know parents of children with autism could really use.I was wondering if you all would be willing to give me suggestions of things you wish you could get more information on, especially things you wish your child's teacher or school would provide.

Please send to susan at susanr7r (DOT) com.

Thank you for your help.

From: Debbie Stringer <debbie582002>Subject: (unknown)AutismBehaviorProbl emsgroups (DOT) comDate: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 4:05 PM

I just want to thank everyone for all the suggestions and the input. I will try several of the suggestions and let you know how it turns out. This group is a blessing,I hope you all know that! I've been a very lonely Mimi,with no one to talk to about my grandson,at least no one who understood. I also have another question..lol. .how in the world do you get a child to eat when all they want is letter shaped tator tots??? Ethan would eat just about anything when he was a little baby but when he turned a year and a half it started to be a problem. Now that he's just turned four he has a very limited diet,simply because he won't eat what's offered,he just runs to the toaster oven and says"time for letters!" He'll eat some fruit,used to like corn but doesn't want it on his plate anymore and he'll eat alphabits cereal(do you see a common thread here? lol ). Thanks


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I wish they would provide an education! I'm sorry for the sarcasm, but out of 12 years in the public school, Karac had just one teacher who actually learned how to teach him. Pat K



Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 4:05 PM

I just want to thank everyone for all the suggestions and the input. I will try several of the suggestions and let you know how it turns out. This group is a blessing,I hope you all know that! I've been a very lonely Mimi,with no one to talk to about my grandson,at least no one who understood. I also have another question..lol. .how in the world do you get a child to eat when all they want is letter shaped tator tots??? Ethan would eat just about anything when he was a little baby but when he turned a year and a half it started to be a problem. Now that he's just turned four he has a very limited diet,simply because he won't eat what's offered,he just runs to the toaster oven and says"time for letters!" He'll eat some fruit,used to like corn but doesn't want it on his plate anymore and he'll eat alphabits cereal(do you see a common thread here? lol ). Thanks again,Debbie

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Content-Type: text/plain;


Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


What is wrong with YOU. How can you justify talking to people like that. I am

offended as I am sure others will be also.

I will pray for you.


> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:01:08 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Republicans at it again. Trying to scare everybody.


> Part of liver disease is, Encephalopathy which makes people crazy,

> thinking everyone is out to get them, everything is a big conspiracy.

> Having an incurable disease is frightening enough. How can this be

> called any kind of support group when you are deliberately trying to

> scare the shit out of people??


> Focus on how you can get better, and for God's sake have your amonia

> levels checked and get some enulose!!!




> Finally, someone with a " GOD DAMN " brain. Thank you kels. These woman on the

forum are going bonkers with this conspiracy sh$%. I think those bibles hit you

in your freaken head to hard. What makes you think your realigion or your bible

believers is correct and not the thousands of other realigions. Tell your God to

come down here and save you from the boogie man goverment.. If you think the

sh$% going to hit the fan eat a damn bullet. Grow up people. Re-read all that

nonsense you wrote.






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What is wrong with YOU. How can you justify talking to people like that. I am

offended as I am sure others will be also.

I will pray for you.


> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:01:08 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Republicans at it again. Trying to scare everybody.


> Part of liver disease is, Encephalopathy which makes people crazy,

> thinking everyone is out to get them, everything is a big conspiracy.

> Having an incurable disease is frightening enough. How can this be

> called any kind of support group when you are deliberately trying to

> scare the shit out of people??


> Focus on how you can get better, and for God's sake have your amonia

> levels checked and get some enulose!!!




> Finally, someone with a " GOD DAMN " brain. Thank you kels. These woman on the

forum are going bonkers with this conspiracy sh$%. I think those bibles hit you

in your freaken head to hard. What makes you think your realigion or your bible

believers is correct and not the thousands of other realigions. Tell your God to

come down here and save you from the boogie man goverment.. If you think the

sh$% going to hit the fan eat a damn bullet. Grow up people. Re-read all that

nonsense you wrote.






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What is wrong with YOU. How can you justify talking to people like that. I am

offended as I am sure others will be also.

I will pray for you.


> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:01:08 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Republicans at it again. Trying to scare everybody.


> Part of liver disease is, Encephalopathy which makes people crazy,

> thinking everyone is out to get them, everything is a big conspiracy.

> Having an incurable disease is frightening enough. How can this be

> called any kind of support group when you are deliberately trying to

> scare the shit out of people??


> Focus on how you can get better, and for God's sake have your amonia

> levels checked and get some enulose!!!




> Finally, someone with a " GOD DAMN " brain. Thank you kels. These woman on the

forum are going bonkers with this conspiracy sh$%. I think those bibles hit you

in your freaken head to hard. What makes you think your realigion or your bible

believers is correct and not the thousands of other realigions. Tell your God to

come down here and save you from the boogie man goverment.. If you think the

sh$% going to hit the fan eat a damn bullet. Grow up people. Re-read all that

nonsense you wrote.






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What is wrong with YOU. How can you justify talking to people like that. I am

offended as I am sure others will be also.

I will pray for you.


> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:01:08 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Republicans at it again. Trying to scare everybody.


> Part of liver disease is, Encephalopathy which makes people crazy,

> thinking everyone is out to get them, everything is a big conspiracy.

> Having an incurable disease is frightening enough. How can this be

> called any kind of support group when you are deliberately trying to

> scare the shit out of people??


> Focus on how you can get better, and for God's sake have your amonia

> levels checked and get some enulose!!!




> Finally, someone with a " GOD DAMN " brain. Thank you kels. These woman on the

forum are going bonkers with this conspiracy sh$%. I think those bibles hit you

in your freaken head to hard. What makes you think your realigion or your bible

believers is correct and not the thousands of other realigions. Tell your God to

come down here and save you from the boogie man goverment.. If you think the

sh$% going to hit the fan eat a damn bullet. Grow up people. Re-read all that

nonsense you wrote.






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Content-Type: text/plain;


Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:08:58 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Are you out of your freaken mind? It was a joke. What the hell is wrong with

you? Do you believe he would say that? He be out of office in a month.




It is a form of satire, embellished, but based on the truth.

http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/veteranshealth.asp Why are you such an ass.

You come on here like you are the comment police. Calling people names and

making judgements. Is it your duty to straighten everyone out, when you are not

as informed as you think you are? There are many on here that have great hope in

thier God. What gives you the right to slander that. You have the right to

choose what you believe, just like I do. For today anyway. Lin



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> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:08:58 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Are you out of your freaken mind? It was a joke. What the hell is wrong with

you? Do you believe he would say that? He be out of office in a month.




It is a form of satire, embellished, but based on the truth.

http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/veteranshealth.asp Why are you such an ass.

You come on here like you are the comment police. Calling people names and

making judgements. Is it your duty to straighten everyone out, when you are not

as informed as you think you are? There are many on here that have great hope in

thier God. What gives you the right to slander that. You have the right to

choose what you believe, just like I do. For today anyway. Lin



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> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:08:58 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Are you out of your freaken mind? It was a joke. What the hell is wrong with

you? Do you believe he would say that? He be out of office in a month.




It is a form of satire, embellished, but based on the truth.

http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/veteranshealth.asp Why are you such an ass.

You come on here like you are the comment police. Calling people names and

making judgements. Is it your duty to straighten everyone out, when you are not

as informed as you think you are? There are many on here that have great hope in

thier God. What gives you the right to slander that. You have the right to

choose what you believe, just like I do. For today anyway. Lin



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> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:08:58 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Are you out of your freaken mind? It was a joke. What the hell is wrong with

you? Do you believe he would say that? He be out of office in a month.




It is a form of satire, embellished, but based on the truth.

http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/veteranshealth.asp Why are you such an ass.

You come on here like you are the comment police. Calling people names and

making judgements. Is it your duty to straighten everyone out, when you are not

as informed as you think you are? There are many on here that have great hope in

thier God. What gives you the right to slander that. You have the right to

choose what you believe, just like I do. For today anyway. Lin



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> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:08:58 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Are you out of your freaken mind? It was a joke. What the hell is wrong with

you? Do you believe he would say that? He be out of office in a month.




It is a form of satire, embellished, but based on the truth.

http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/veteranshealth.asp Why are you such an ass.

You come on here like you are the comment police. Calling people names and

making judgements. Is it your duty to straighten everyone out, when you are not

as informed as you think you are? There are many on here that have great hope in

thier God. What gives you the right to slander that. You have the right to

choose what you believe, just like I do. For today anyway. Lin



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> Hepatitis C

> From: tommybad238@...

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:08:58 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Are you out of your freaken mind? It was a joke. What the hell is wrong with

you? Do you believe he would say that? He be out of office in a month.




It is a form of satire, embellished, but based on the truth.

http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/veteranshealth.asp Why are you such an ass.

You come on here like you are the comment police. Calling people names and

making judgements. Is it your duty to straighten everyone out, when you are not

as informed as you think you are? There are many on here that have great hope in

thier God. What gives you the right to slander that. You have the right to

choose what you believe, just like I do. For today anyway. Lin



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Content-Type: text/plain;


Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hope everyone had a nice wk-end. we had a lil picnic,sloppy joes/cheezy pot=

atoes/a few side things and marshmellow desert/cherry pie i made :) it was =

a beautiful day.cleaning out the pool and moving my big ass bed so i can va=

cume under there.i found a lil spider on my bed,it freaked me out =A0good d=

ay to you all


DONT FORGET TO DRINK YOR WATER,=A0 im finding that if i havent had water in=

awhile,i start feeling sensitive and depressed so im finding that my lemon=

water is very important to my mental heath!

From: lin swindell <linswindell@...>

Subject: RE: (unknown)

" heppers " <Hepatitis C >

Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 10:11 AM



> Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

> From: tommybad238

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:08:58 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Are you out of your freaken mind? It was a joke. What the hell is wrong w=

ith you? Do you believe he would say that? He be out of office in a month.




It is a form of satire, embellished, but based on the truth. http://www.sno=

pes. com/politics/ obama/veteranshe alth.asp Why are you such an ass. You c=

ome on here like you are the comment police. Calling people names and makin=

g judgements. Is it your duty to straighten everyone out, when you are not =

as informed as you think you are? There are many on here that have great ho=

pe in thier God. What gives you the right to slander that. You have the rig=

ht to choose what you believe, just like I do. For today anyway. Lin



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Hope everyone had a nice wk-end. we had a lil picnic,sloppy joes/cheezy

potatoes/a few side things and marshmellow desert/cherry pie i made :) it was a

beautiful day.cleaning out the pool and moving my big ass bed so i can vacume

under there.i found a lil spider on my bed,it freaked me out  good day to you



DONT FORGET TO DRINK YOR WATER,  im finding that if i havent had water in

awhile,i start feeling sensitive and depressed so im finding that my lemon water

is very important to my mental heath!

From: lin swindell <linswindell@...>

Subject: RE: (unknown)

" heppers " <Hepatitis C >

Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 10:11 AM



> Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

> From: tommybad238

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:08:58 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Are you out of your freaken mind? It was a joke. What the hell is wrong with

you? Do you believe he would say that? He be out of office in a month.




It is a form of satire, embellished, but based on the truth. http://www.snopes.

com/politics/ obama/veteranshe alth.asp Why are you such an ass. You come on

here like you are the comment police. Calling people names and making

judgements. Is it your duty to straighten everyone out, when you are not as

informed as you think you are? There are many on here that have great hope in

thier God. What gives you the right to slander that. You have the right to

choose what you believe, just like I do. For today anyway. Lin



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Hope everyone had a nice wk-end. we had a lil picnic,sloppy joes/cheezy

potatoes/a few side things and marshmellow desert/cherry pie i made :) it was a

beautiful day.cleaning out the pool and moving my big ass bed so i can vacume

under there.i found a lil spider on my bed,it freaked me out  good day to you



DONT FORGET TO DRINK YOR WATER,  im finding that if i havent had water in

awhile,i start feeling sensitive and depressed so im finding that my lemon water

is very important to my mental heath!

From: lin swindell <linswindell@...>

Subject: RE: (unknown)

" heppers " <Hepatitis C >

Date: Monday, September 7, 2009, 10:11 AM



> Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

> From: tommybad238

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 22:08:58 -0700

> Subject: (unknown)


> Are you out of your freaken mind? It was a joke. What the hell is wrong with

you? Do you believe he would say that? He be out of office in a month.




It is a form of satire, embellished, but based on the truth. http://www.snopes.

com/politics/ obama/veteranshe alth.asp Why are you such an ass. You come on

here like you are the comment police. Calling people names and making

judgements. Is it your duty to straighten everyone out, when you are not as

informed as you think you are? There are many on here that have great hope in

thier God. What gives you the right to slander that. You have the right to

choose what you believe, just like I do. For today anyway. Lin



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You unsubscribe yourself from the homepage. Go to " visit your group "   from the

right side of the group.

 --- Babbitt


From: K. <ariannakc49@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Monday, September 7, 2009 8:49:19 PM

Subject: (unknown)


I am so out of here....I have not been on here in awhile but what I've read

lately makes me sick. You are all handing out bad medical advice. Please

unsubscribe me from this group!

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