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Re: (unknown)

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Well I can tell u that no one on either side of our familys going back to my breat breat grandfathers has ever had this syndrome.. She is the first of her generation.....

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Hi Karolin,

My daughter was born with the condition, and there is not any case of

this in either my family or my husband's anywhere. I think you will

find that it is quite common for this to show up in a child where there

is NO history in either family. I know there are many cases like this

within this group. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying the condition

itself is common, but of the children who are affected, there are many

who have no family history.

I do know now that my daughter, having been born with it, has a 50

percent chance of passing it on to her children. She is only 4 now, so

we do not know what the future holds for her or if she can even have

children, I guess only time will tell. There has been much debate about

this very topic over the last years on this group. If you look back in

the posts, it might help you to understand a little more.

Let me know if I can help further,


blepharophimosis (unknown)

Hi, my name is Karolin and Iam 29 years old. I was born with tbe

Blepharophimosis Syndrome. All my life I have been told how rare this

condition is and have never in all my doctors consultations and

surgeory come across anyone with this condition until a couple of days

ago. That is when I came across the website full of people with this

condition. Growing up this website would have really come in handy.

Anyhow... what I would like to know is that is there anyone who has

this condition but neither parent or any relative known has the same

condition. I am constantly told I am not adopted but still cannot

understand where I got this gene from and now have passed it on to my

two children. I really would like to chat to anyone that can help me.

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Just catching up now on the mail. Whoah, Kenda to Kendal saying, "As far as my health goes, you’re clueless"......that seemed a bit harsh!Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

Kendal,I am not taking anything you have said personally, my experiences are my own and I was sharing them. You aren’t hurting my feelings by not sharing my opinion. Because other people’s experiences are negative, doesn’t change mine. There is good and bad in every profession, my only point in all of this.As far as my health goes, you’re clueless. I know exactly how people struggle each and every day, I’ve been there myself, not because of implants but because of other reasons, no less terrible.It is time to let it go, there is nothing positive being shared at this point. KendaPlease stop taking this so personal. It isn't about you, it is about the insurance companies. We were all sharing our experiences. Do you want to hear me say that you are right and I am wrong. Fine Kenda YOU ARE RIGHT AND I AM WRONG. LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I

joined this group for help with my implant issues not to debate whether insurance companies will help you fix your house or not help you fix it. I know people that are very sick from implants and I am one of them so lets try to focus on that and just LET IT GO! Maybe if you've ever been sick from implants you would have an idea of how people struggle each and every day just to survive from this terrible illness. I'm not here to agree with everything you say, I'm here for help in getting myself better. God Bless,Kendal.Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

Kendal,I am sorry about the near loss of your friend but there is no need to get angry because I haven’t shared your bad experiences. The insurance companies I have dealt with have treated me fairly, paying my claims when they should and on time. I know there are bad companies, as well as good out there and I don’t have rose colored glasses. Everyone has their own experiences in life in everything, mine happens to be different than yours and a lot of other women’s experiences on this list. Because of that I don’t believe all insurance companies are good, but they aren’t all bad either. Neither are all of any one profession. Many businesses are corrupt but not all. I will never be so cynical that I throw all of any one profession into a pot and label it. There are bad everything in life, as well as good.KendaI must say that the entire insurance company issue angers me.

I'm confused because I hear that I trust insurance companies then I hear that I don't trust them. Then I hear that I had no problem with my car accident in filing a claim then I hear that I didn't file the claim and paid for the costs myself. Whatever the story may be insurance companies do not look out for our best interest. Anyone that thinks they do is looking at life through rose colored glasses which may not be a bad thing but be prepared when the walls fall in around you (excuse the pun)!

I had a friend that attempted suicide. She worked very hard and acquired many nice things from working so hard but because of what an insurance company did to her, she lost everything she worked for. I might add that she was a very humble person and wasn't one to brag about her possessions. However, when she lost everything because of a filthy rotten insurance company, she just couldn't handle it and tried to take her life. So I feel I must tell her story as her story needs to be told. Because of what I saw happen to her, I get ill when I hear anyone defending any insurance company. I actually had an attorney tell me that in filing a disability claim for a women that had cancer, the insurance company drug the case out so long because they knew that the women would eventually die and they wouldn't have to pay her. This is REALLY disgusting and that is exactly what they did. They did it and got away

with it! I don't know if anyone was aware of this but if an insurance company can find a way to cut you off, the person that handles your claim gets a bonus. That is true evil! So when I hear anyone defending these insurance companies it really makes my sick to my stomach. I must say that I've heard many horrible stories from people that were affected in some way or another by an insurance company. Yes, there are people that commit insurance fraud but there are also people that cannot afford insurance and that is a damn shame. Their only choice is to go to an emergency room for help as they don't have insurance. This affects all of us. Tax payers along with the person that is truly ill and needs immediate attention. But who do we blame? The insurance company that is filthy rich from being mostly corrupt or the person that can't afford insurance? Let's face it.

There are people in this world that just don't have enough money to put food on their table let alone pay for insurance. I think that people loose track of this and that is a damn shame. Insurance companies number one goal is to make money and that they are off of all of us! is currently making a documentary on insurance companies and how corrupt they are. If anyone out there doesn't know who MM is just watch farenheit/911. Kendal. __________________________________________________

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Hi Karolin,

My name is Leanne, my husband and I do not have bleph, nor does it run in our family, but our 2nd son was born with bleph???

Our first son was not. You will find this is the same story you will hear with most of the families in the site! It is just one of those things:)

Where are you from? We live in New-Zealand. Do you have pix to share? talk soon.

Leanne NZ

-- blepharophimosis (unknown)

Hi, my name is Karolin and Iam 29 years old. I was born with tbe

Blepharophimosis Syndrome. All my life I have been told how rare this

condition is and have never in all my doctors consultations and

surgeory come across anyone with this condition until a couple of


ago. That is when I came across the website full of people with this

condition. Growing up this website would have really come in handy.

Anyhow... what I would like to know is that is there anyone who has

this condition but neither parent or any relative known has the same

condition. I am constantly told I am not adopted but still cannot

understand where I got this gene from and now have passed it on to my

two children. I really would like to chat to anyone that can help me.

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I justed joined the group a few months ago so I was quite offended by the remark too. So I must thank you because I was a bit upset by this but just let it go. Thank you for coming to my defense as you were the only one to do so.

Kendal.A McMahon <ahandfulisplenty@...> wrote:

Just catching up now on the mail. Whoah, Kenda to Kendal saying, "As far as my health goes, you’re clueless"......that seemed a bit harsh!Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

Kendal,I am not taking anything you have said personally, my experiences are my own and I was sharing them. You aren’t hurting my feelings by not sharing my opinion. Because other people’s experiences are negative, doesn’t change mine. There is good and bad in every profession, my only point in all of this.As far as my health goes, you’re clueless. I know exactly how people struggle each and every day, I’ve been there myself, not because of implants but because of other reasons, no less terrible.It is time to let it go, there is nothing positive being shared at this point. KendaPlease stop taking this so personal. It isn't about you, it is about the insurance companies. We were all sharing our experiences. Do you want to hear me say that you are right and I am wrong. Fine Kenda YOU ARE RIGHT AND I AM WRONG. LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I

joined this group for help with my implant issues not to debate whether insurance companies will help you fix your house or not help you fix it. I know people that are very sick from implants and I am one of them so lets try to focus on that and just LET IT GO! Maybe if you've ever been sick from implants you would have an idea of how people struggle each and every day just to survive from this terrible illness. I'm not here to agree with everything you say, I'm here for help in getting myself better. God Bless,Kendal.Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

Kendal,I am sorry about the near loss of your friend but there is no need to get angry because I haven’t shared your bad experiences. The insurance companies I have dealt with have treated me fairly, paying my claims when they should and on time. I know there are bad companies, as well as good out there and I don’t have rose colored glasses. Everyone has their own experiences in life in everything, mine happens to be different than yours and a lot of other women’s experiences on this list. Because of that I don’t believe all insurance companies are good, but they aren’t all bad either. Neither are all of any one profession. Many businesses are corrupt but not all. I will never be so cynical that I throw all of any one profession into a pot and label it. There are bad everything in life, as well as good.KendaI must say that the entire insurance company issue angers me.

I'm confused because I hear that I trust insurance companies then I hear that I don't trust them. Then I hear that I had no problem with my car accident in filing a claim then I hear that I didn't file the claim and paid for the costs myself. Whatever the story may be insurance companies do not look out for our best interest. Anyone that thinks they do is looking at life through rose colored glasses which may not be a bad thing but be prepared when the walls fall in around you (excuse the pun)!

I had a friend that attempted suicide. She worked very hard and acquired many nice things from working so hard but because of what an insurance company did to her, she lost everything she worked for. I might add that she was a very humble person and wasn't one to brag about her possessions. However, when she lost everything because of a filthy rotten insurance company, she just couldn't handle it and tried to take her life. So I feel I must tell her story as her story needs to be told. Because of what I saw happen to her, I get ill when I hear anyone defending any insurance company. I actually had an attorney tell me that in filing a disability claim for a women that had cancer, the insurance company drug the case out so long because they knew that the women would eventually die and they wouldn't have to pay her. This is REALLY disgusting and that is exactly what they did. They did it and got away

with it! I don't know if anyone was aware of this but if an insurance company can find a way to cut you off, the person that handles your claim gets a bonus. That is true evil! So when I hear anyone defending these insurance companies it really makes my sick to my stomach. I must say that I've heard many horrible stories from people that were affected in some way or another by an insurance company. Yes, there are people that commit insurance fraud but there are also people that cannot afford insurance and that is a damn shame. Their only choice is to go to an emergency room for help as they don't have insurance. This affects all of us. Tax payers along with the person that is truly ill and needs immediate attention. But who do we blame? The insurance company that is filthy rich from being mostly corrupt or the person that can't afford insurance? Let's face it.

There are people in this world that just don't have enough money to put food on their table let alone pay for insurance. I think that people loose track of this and that is a damn shame. Insurance companies number one goal is to make money and that they are off of all of us! is currently making a documentary on insurance companies and how corrupt they are. If anyone out there doesn't know who MM is just watch farenheit/911. Kendal. __________________________________________________

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I also believe that was a bit harsh. It is very sad that some people are not in this group to support others, but instead to agitate. I also was under the impression that to be involved in this group you needed to have had, presently having etc problems with implants. Why would someone without implants want to be in here especially not supporting others? I do believe that it is called the SALINE SUPPORT group. I am in here for support and to help support others who may be sick because of implants. I hope that everyone else will focus on that as well.

Take care and God Bless,DianeKendal Scioli <kss0171@...> wrote:


I justed joined the group a few months ago so I was quite offended by the remark too. So I must thank you because I was a bit upset by this but just let it go. Thank you for coming to my defense as you were the only one to do so.

Kendal.A McMahon <ahandfulisplenty@...> wrote:

Just catching up now on the mail. Whoah, Kenda to Kendal saying, "As far as my health goes, you’re clueless"......that seemed a bit harsh!Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

Kendal,I am not taking anything you have said personally, my experiences are my own and I was sharing them. You aren’t hurting my feelings by not sharing my opinion. Because other people’s experiences are negative, doesn’t change mine. There is good and bad in every profession, my only point in all of this.As far as my health goes, you’re clueless. I know exactly how people struggle each and every day, I’ve been there myself, not because of implants but because of other reasons, no less terrible.It is time to let it go, there is nothing positive being shared at this point. KendaPlease stop taking this so personal. It isn't about you, it is about the insurance companies. We were all sharing our experiences. Do you want to hear me say that you are right and I am wrong. Fine Kenda YOU ARE RIGHT AND I AM WRONG. LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I

joined this group for help with my implant issues not to debate whether insurance companies will help you fix your house or not help you fix it. I know people that are very sick from implants and I am one of them so lets try to focus on that and just LET IT GO! Maybe if you've ever been sick from implants you would have an idea of how people struggle each and every day just to survive from this terrible illness. I'm not here to agree with everything you say, I'm here for help in getting myself better. God Bless,Kendal.Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

Kendal,I am sorry about the near loss of your friend but there is no need to get angry because I haven’t shared your bad experiences. The insurance companies I have dealt with have treated me fairly, paying my claims when they should and on time. I know there are bad companies, as well as good out there and I don’t have rose colored glasses. Everyone has their own experiences in life in everything, mine happens to be different than yours and a lot of other women’s experiences on this list. Because of that I don’t believe all insurance companies are good, but they aren’t all bad either. Neither are all of any one profession. Many businesses are corrupt but not all. I will never be so cynical that I throw all of any one profession into a pot and label it. There are bad everything in life, as well as good.KendaI must say that the entire insurance company issue angers me.

I'm confused because I hear that I trust insurance companies then I hear that I don't trust them. Then I hear that I had no problem with my car accident in filing a claim then I hear that I didn't file the claim and paid for the costs myself. Whatever the story may be insurance companies do not look out for our best interest. Anyone that thinks they do is looking at life through rose colored glasses which may not be a bad thing but be prepared when the walls fall in around you (excuse the pun)!

I had a friend that attempted suicide. She worked very hard and acquired many nice things from working so hard but because of what an insurance company did to her, she lost everything she worked for. I might add that she was a very humble person and wasn't one to brag about her possessions. However, when she lost everything because of a filthy rotten insurance company, she just couldn't handle it and tried to take her life. So I feel I must tell her story as her story needs to be told. Because of what I saw happen to her, I get ill when I hear anyone defending any insurance company. I actually had an attorney tell me that in filing a disability claim for a women that had cancer, the insurance company drug the case out so long because they knew that the women would eventually die and they wouldn't have to pay her. This is REALLY disgusting and that is exactly what they did. They did it and got away

with it! I don't know if anyone was aware of this but if an insurance company can find a way to cut you off, the person that handles your claim gets a bonus. That is true evil! So when I hear anyone defending these insurance companies it really makes my sick to my stomach. I must say that I've heard many horrible stories from people that were affected in some way or another by an insurance company. Yes, there are people that commit insurance fraud but there are also people that cannot afford insurance and that is a damn shame. Their only choice is to go to an emergency room for help as they don't have insurance. This affects all of us. Tax payers along with the person that is truly ill and needs immediate attention. But who do we blame? The insurance company that is filthy rich from being mostly corrupt or the person that can't afford insurance? Let's face it.

There are people in this world that just don't have enough money to put food on their table let alone pay for insurance. I think that people loose track of this and that is a damn shame. Insurance companies number one goal is to make money and that they are off of all of us! is currently making a documentary on insurance companies and how corrupt they are. If anyone out there doesn't know who MM is just watch farenheit/911. Kendal. __________________________________________________

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Hi Diane,

Thank you for your kind words. However, I'm not able to answer your questions. I'm clueless. :) I know that I'm very sick and I'm here for support.

Thank you for your support!

God Bless,


Diane Myers <dlmyers1960@...> wrote:


I also believe that was a bit harsh. It is very sad that some people are not in this group to support others, but instead to agitate. I also was under the impression that to be involved in this group you needed to have had, presently having etc problems with implants. Why would someone without implants want to be in here especially not supporting others? I do believe that it is called the SALINE SUPPORT group. I am in here for support and to help support others who may be sick because of implants. I hope that everyone else will focus on that as well.

Take care and God Bless,DianeKendal Scioli <kss0171@...> wrote:


I justed joined the group a few months ago so I was quite offended by the remark too. So I must thank you because I was a bit upset by this but just let it go. Thank you for coming to my defense as you were the only one to do so.

Kendal.A McMahon <ahandfulisplenty@...> wrote:

Just catching up now on the mail. Whoah, Kenda to Kendal saying, "As far as my health goes, you’re clueless"......that seemed a bit harsh!Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

Kendal,I am not taking anything you have said personally, my experiences are my own and I was sharing them. You aren’t hurting my feelings by not sharing my opinion. Because other people’s experiences are negative, doesn’t change mine. There is good and bad in every profession, my only point in all of this.As far as my health goes, you’re clueless. I know exactly how people struggle each and every day, I’ve been there myself, not because of implants but because of other reasons, no less terrible.It is time to let it go, there is nothing positive being shared at this point. KendaPlease stop taking this so personal. It isn't about you, it is about the insurance companies. We were all sharing our experiences. Do you want to hear me say that you are right and I am wrong. Fine Kenda YOU ARE RIGHT AND I AM WRONG. LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I

joined this group for help with my implant issues not to debate whether insurance companies will help you fix your house or not help you fix it. I know people that are very sick from implants and I am one of them so lets try to focus on that and just LET IT GO! Maybe if you've ever been sick from implants you would have an idea of how people struggle each and every day just to survive from this terrible illness. I'm not here to agree with everything you say, I'm here for help in getting myself better. God Bless,Kendal.Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

Kendal,I am sorry about the near loss of your friend but there is no need to get angry because I haven’t shared your bad experiences. The insurance companies I have dealt with have treated me fairly, paying my claims when they should and on time. I know there are bad companies, as well as good out there and I don’t have rose colored glasses. Everyone has their own experiences in life in everything, mine happens to be different than yours and a lot of other women’s experiences on this list. Because of that I don’t believe all insurance companies are good, but they aren’t all bad either. Neither are all of any one profession. Many businesses are corrupt but not all. I will never be so cynical that I throw all of any one profession into a pot and label it. There are bad everything in life, as well as good.KendaI must say that the entire insurance company issue angers me.

I'm confused because I hear that I trust insurance companies then I hear that I don't trust them. Then I hear that I had no problem with my car accident in filing a claim then I hear that I didn't file the claim and paid for the costs myself. Whatever the story may be insurance companies do not look out for our best interest. Anyone that thinks they do is looking at life through rose colored glasses which may not be a bad thing but be prepared when the walls fall in around you (excuse the pun)!

I had a friend that attempted suicide. She worked very hard and acquired many nice things from working so hard but because of what an insurance company did to her, she lost everything she worked for. I might add that she was a very humble person and wasn't one to brag about her possessions. However, when she lost everything because of a filthy rotten insurance company, she just couldn't handle it and tried to take her life. So I feel I must tell her story as her story needs to be told. Because of what I saw happen to her, I get ill when I hear anyone defending any insurance company. I actually had an attorney tell me that in filing a disability claim for a women that had cancer, the insurance company drug the case out so long because they knew that the women would eventually die and they wouldn't have to pay her. This is REALLY disgusting and that is exactly what they did. They did it and got away

with it! I don't know if anyone was aware of this but if an insurance company can find a way to cut you off, the person that handles your claim gets a bonus. That is true evil! So when I hear anyone defending these insurance companies it really makes my sick to my stomach. I must say that I've heard many horrible stories from people that were affected in some way or another by an insurance company. Yes, there are people that commit insurance fraud but there are also people that cannot afford insurance and that is a damn shame. Their only choice is to go to an emergency room for help as they don't have insurance. This affects all of us. Tax payers along with the person that is truly ill and needs immediate attention. But who do we blame? The insurance company that is filthy rich from being mostly corrupt or the person that can't afford insurance? Let's face it.

There are people in this world that just don't have enough money to put food on their table let alone pay for insurance. I think that people loose track of this and that is a damn shame. Insurance companies number one goal is to make money and that they are off of all of us! is currently making a documentary on insurance companies and how corrupt they are. If anyone out there doesn't know who MM is just watch farenheit/911. Kendal. __________________________________________________

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I've sat back for three weeks reading every email that's been posted on this site hoping to learn or pickup some advice that's important for my situation and feeling at home or connected to all of you because for the first time in years i hear my own story always feeling tired, achy, a burning sensation in shoulderblade ,etc. etc.etc. i could go on an on an on cause I'm always hurting but i must be the only woman on this site from South Carolina

Have any one you registrated with the MDL or the settlement facility you see I have had my implants in for 23 years !!!!! How' s that one for ya so you can imagine I'm the queen of sick/poisoned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but any of you live in SC or have reg. with mdl or the SFDCT i could use some help with some questions

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doesn't everybody have those lumps of fat inder the skin? Really

if you use medium pressure with your fingertips you'll prolly

find some. ..ok 7 do you have them other places? I have seen

one removed and it was just a hard translucent nodule of fat

Nothing to worry about but remove if it's unsightly....

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can you move it around? it might be a calcium deposit or maybe just one of those

fatty tumors,, hard to say, I sure wish I could feel it, and see it ,, then I

might have an idea,,

ms seven wonders <okseven_7@...> wrote:on my chest by the bone near throat

to the right abit

They have ruled out thyroind and lymph



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I will have to open up my anatomy book to make sure of the area and then go from

there . Nursey is also a real nurse she may have some information also , she

works with hepatitis c patients .

Re: (unknown)

on my chest by the bone near throat to the right abit

They have ruled out thyroind and lymph



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I am totaly stumped on this one , when I reveiwed the illustrations I have the

only things in that area are blood vessles, muscles , and nodes .......and if

its not either the nodes or the thyroid it is a real puzzle . Lemme know what

the dr finally finds out .

Re: (unknown)

Will check into this




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Hi Karolin

My name is Lucy and our daughter Holly, aged 6 months, is the first in the family to have Bleph. I can definitely confirm that there is no-one else in the family that has this condition, Holly is unique and special, well in our eyes anyway and I definitely gave birth to her!!!

The condition could either make her infertile or if not there is a 50% chance of passing it on to her children. The gene is apparently a blip and is just 'one of those things'.

Take care

Lucy, Hampshire UKkarolin_demircian <karolin_demircian@...> wrote:

Hi, my name is Karolin and Iam 29 years old. I was born with tbe Blepharophimosis Syndrome. All my life I have been told how rare this condition is and have never in all my doctors consultations and surgeory come across anyone with this condition until a couple ofdays ago. That is when I came across the website full of people with this condition. Growing up this website would have really come in handy.Anyhow... what I would like to know is that is there anyone who has this condition but neither parent or any relative known has the same condition. I am constantly told I am not adopted but still cannot understand where I got this gene from and now have passed it on to my two children. I really would like to chat to anyone that can help me.

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I am on cholestyramine-light powder.It bypasses the liver and takes the cholesteral out through the intestines and bowels.It is a pouch of powder put in water and you drink it.Right now they have me on two pouches a day and that seems to be helping.At least since they doubled the dose I am not passing out anymore.This is one of the meds for people with liver problems.




-----Original Message-----From: Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies [mailto:Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ]On Behalf Of danneSent: August 18, 2005 11:49 PMHepatitis Cfordummies Subject: (unknown)

Seems like I remember everyone talking about cholestoral meds. My mom is on some that is keeping her worn out. She was feeling great until she got on this med.(cant remember the name right now). In '75 she got hep b thru a blood transfussion. Even though she is undetectable I am always telling her dont forget Mom How will this med affect your liver what about that med...ect. Can any one tell me some cholestoral meds that is not so hard on a body? I am having trouble getting to the group page to look up the info posted before.. Thanks




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AMEN! Thank you Shari!

Kendal.halvey70@... wrote:

Hi thereYour messages are going through.... the ones that pertain to the issues discussed earlier this week and/or and more messages that are hurtful in any way from anyone will not go through. As was discussed earlier, we are her to help and support one another. anyone who sends a message with any other "bickering" topics will not be released to the group to avoid any further stress to the women that are not involved with the issues this week.Lets all just forgive and forget and move forward - we all need eachother and the support you offer!!loveshari

for Mobile Take with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

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Hi hasmoy,

Look in the " files " section of the group home page and there are all the

schematics and instructions for bulidnig the do it yourself godzilla.


Take care,


> where can i find a cheame for do it your selfe of " gudzilla "

> tanks


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Sliming is when something is stuck and your body creates extra thick saliva

to try and get it through the stoma. Your mouth starts to water with this

stuff and it is better to spit it out then swallow because it will just sit

on top of your pouch. If you end up PB-in g...it feels like you are throwing

up a jelly fish because that saliva accumulates into a big ball or bubble (I

am not describing this too well!) and comes up all at once. PB stands for

productive burp....you could call it vomitting without the stomach acid. You

are " burping up " food from your pouch either because you didn't follow the

rules or it didn't agree with the band. The PB and the " slime " doesn't have

to happen if you are careful with chewing and what you are eating.







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no, look in the PHOTOS section.. :)


> Hi hasmoy,


> Look in the " files " section of the group home page and there are

all the schematics and instructions for bulidnig the do it yourself



> /



> Take care,

> V



> > where can i find a cheame for do it your selfe of " gudzilla "

> > tanks







> --

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Actually, look in both photos and files. PHOTOS shows you the steps

graphically. Files will list the materials you need and how-to use

the device.



> > Hi hasmoy,

> >

> > Look in the " files " section of the group home page and there are

> all the schematics and instructions for bulidnig the do it yourself

> godzilla.

> >

> > /

> >

> >

> > Take care,

> > V

> >

> >

> > > where can i find a cheame for do it your selfe of " gudzilla "

> > > tanks

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --

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Kick me off grou i dont care

and ric I asked the other night

if you were on I needed to talk to someone and

your smiley face was

lit up

So I asked

and u said i wouldnt tell ya if I was

HUH? someone please help

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I have a small incision in the middle of my bra line..a bigger incision about 6 inches below that..2 small incisions on on each side of the big one about 8 in apart..where do you think my port is?...

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