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I thought so too Rogene. I wonder if Daryl is reading this. Love, Anita Re: (unknown) Anita . . . the Candia info is incredible! . . . . Here's the webpage:http://www.enzymestuff.com/conditionbacteria.htmI'm putting the link in the archives. I took a combination of digestive enzymes and PrimalDefense before I even finished the article!Thanks!RogeneOpinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment. "Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

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This is a great article! Thanks. It is helps me understand why I

react so strongly to enzymes! I react more negatively to them than

just about anything else--other than olive leaf extract. I just

started serrapatase again today. It breaks down fibrin. I felt

great this morning and since getting back from my walk I can feel

the start of the familar pain in my arms and other areas. The pain

almost feels like my blood supply is being shut off---like if you

fell asleep on your arm and it started to hurt. But this article

gave me some ideas to try with it!

Hugs, kathy

> Anita . . . the Candia info is incredible! . . . .


> Here's the webpage:

> http://www.enzymestuff.com/conditionbacteria.htm


> I'm putting the link in the archives.


> I took a combination of digestive enzymes and Primal

> Defense before I even finished the article!


> Thanks!


> Rogene

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What a great idea! I'll look for them when I go there next. They are in the

cosmetic section?

with love,


Proud Air Force Mom!

May God guide and protect our troops!


Jenni -- the little zippered bags (can be bought at Wal-Mart for a dollar or

so) really work well -- I can actually find stuff when I need it! They're (I

think) makeup bags, but they work for all sorts of miscellaneous stuff. For

example, I have one in my purse that contains all of my " medical " stuff -- my

husband's Allegra, eye drops, ibuprofen, band aids, nail clipper, carmex, etc.

-- so whenever one of us needs something, I just dig out the red bag....

Sure beats rooting around in the mess - LOL!


P.S. -- I just attempted to change my email address -- off of my work one and

over to a private account -- hopefully it works!


Start your day with - make it your home page

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Good morning Louise,

Welcome to the group.

I'm alo a nurse but spent a few years in the middle east and couldn't face

going back to the NHS on return. Where have you travelled and nursed? Also,

are you looking at training in the UK?

Your first step is to go save frantically. Next, you need the offshore medic

ticket. I trained at Interdive in Plymouth (interdive.co.uk) which was

excellent, and the chief instructor, an ex-navy nurse is brilliant. The

course takes a month, half in school and half in the local hospital in

A+E/ICU/GUM/anaesthetics and GP clinics. For the practical side, they are

flexible and I spend all my time in A+E on refreshers. The main bonus about

doing the course with these guys is that you end up with Offshore

medic,diver medic,first aid at work and if you choose, remote area EMT, all

for the one course so suddenly your CV looks impressive! The only other

essential course is the offshore survival. People will tell you different

things, but for my money, I took the Norwegian and European course, which

costs more but doesn't limit you to just UK waters. This takes 5 days and

involves firefighting, more 1st aid like you need it, and many,many dunkings

in mock up helos. I really enjoyed mine but should probably get out more.

Prices: Offshore medic £2200ish, survival £800ish. After this, you need an

offshore medical, again go for the Norwegian/European one for more

flexibility (£140). A good company to get a first job with is

oilfieldmedics.com Obviously, send your CV out a month before you've

completed courses at least - I hadn't even received my certs before I was


Hope this helps - the rota plays havoc with your social life but it beats

the hell out of nursing!

Feel free to get in touch if you need any more info.

Best of luck,

Tom Watkinson

The Sunny North Sea

>From: cinelouise crisp <cinelou6@...>



>Subject: (unknown)

>Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 07:51:02 -0700 (PDT)




>My name is Louise and I am new to the group. I have been an ICU/ER nurse

>for 10 years and have been a nurse traveller for the last 4. I heard about

>remote medics during a CEU course, the instructor is a member.


>Anyhow, I am interested in becoming a remote medic and am trying to

>research how to best go about the process. Any tips would be appreciated.


>Louise Crisp




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God Bless you for doing as much as you

do............it is very difficult I know.........do

you belong to a church? Maybe they would have someone

who would volunteer to come and help you out for

awhile after the surgery.........or maybe one of your

neighbors?? I know if someone close to me asked, I

would help out in a minute even tho I do have days I

can barely make it to work...........we just do what

we have to do to survive.

Try the social services dept of the hospital you are

going to and see if they have any suggestions.

Wish you were close to me and I would help

ya............I feel like whatever goes around comes

around and someone will be there to help me when I

need it.

Stay in touch and let us know what you find out


Pat in So Ore.

--- kerri paquette <ksp2242@...> wrote:

> I'm supposed to have surgery on the 9th of August, a

> breast reduction, and a major one at that... My

> fiance's family was supposed to stay with me after

> the surgery to help me take care of the kids (8

> years and 9 months) for a couple weeks but they just

> let us know that they won't be now because are

> internet and cable access is limited. My worry is

> this... its so hard to take care of the kids while

> frank is at work already, with the RA and the

> migraines, I struggle so much every day, I can't

> imagine how hard its going to be for the couple

> first weeks after the surgery.


> I've already tried to get help through local action

> agencies, they said they can give me the name of

> daycare providers in our town, daycare providers

> which I can't afford and which are full up and

> definitely don't have room for a 9 month old let

> alone both children. And home health agencies

> refused, because its not their job to help take care

> of kids. My family isn't and hasn't ever really been

> supportive, my sister is taking the kids for the 3

> days I'll be in the hospital and she's already said

> " thats gonna take to much outta me, 3 days is enuff "

> I'm really starting to stress out and get nervous,

> but I need to get this done, Its hard enough to walk

> upright with disk degeneration and RA pain, but I'm

> a 40 HH and no ortho's will touch my shoulder until

> I get a reduction. Any supportive thoughts would

> help... I know I'm not going to have the physical

> help I need after the surgery, but if you all could

> throw me some emotional support maybe it would get

> me through a little better. Thank

> you all and I hope you are having a GOOD day, and

> better yet a sleep-filled night. For those of you

> that take care of your families and homes and still

> work out there in the world, god bless you, I don't

> know how you do it, sometimes I want to cry on the

> way to the bathroom cuz it tires me out so. It

> makes me feel like a whiny little school girl when I

> complain about the pain and see other people who can

> do more than me who are in my boat... god bless all

> of you

> kerri


> __________________________________________________


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God Bless you for doing as much as you

do............it is very difficult I know.........do

you belong to a church? Maybe they would have someone

who would volunteer to come and help you out for

awhile after the surgery.........or maybe one of your

neighbors?? I know if someone close to me asked, I

would help out in a minute even tho I do have days I

can barely make it to work...........we just do what

we have to do to survive.

Try the social services dept of the hospital you are

going to and see if they have any suggestions.

Wish you were close to me and I would help

ya............I feel like whatever goes around comes

around and someone will be there to help me when I

need it.

Stay in touch and let us know what you find out


Pat in So Ore.

--- kerri paquette <ksp2242@...> wrote:

> I'm supposed to have surgery on the 9th of August, a

> breast reduction, and a major one at that... My

> fiance's family was supposed to stay with me after

> the surgery to help me take care of the kids (8

> years and 9 months) for a couple weeks but they just

> let us know that they won't be now because are

> internet and cable access is limited. My worry is

> this... its so hard to take care of the kids while

> frank is at work already, with the RA and the

> migraines, I struggle so much every day, I can't

> imagine how hard its going to be for the couple

> first weeks after the surgery.


> I've already tried to get help through local action

> agencies, they said they can give me the name of

> daycare providers in our town, daycare providers

> which I can't afford and which are full up and

> definitely don't have room for a 9 month old let

> alone both children. And home health agencies

> refused, because its not their job to help take care

> of kids. My family isn't and hasn't ever really been

> supportive, my sister is taking the kids for the 3

> days I'll be in the hospital and she's already said

> " thats gonna take to much outta me, 3 days is enuff "

> I'm really starting to stress out and get nervous,

> but I need to get this done, Its hard enough to walk

> upright with disk degeneration and RA pain, but I'm

> a 40 HH and no ortho's will touch my shoulder until

> I get a reduction. Any supportive thoughts would

> help... I know I'm not going to have the physical

> help I need after the surgery, but if you all could

> throw me some emotional support maybe it would get

> me through a little better. Thank

> you all and I hope you are having a GOOD day, and

> better yet a sleep-filled night. For those of you

> that take care of your families and homes and still

> work out there in the world, god bless you, I don't

> know how you do it, sometimes I want to cry on the

> way to the bathroom cuz it tires me out so. It

> makes me feel like a whiny little school girl when I

> complain about the pain and see other people who can

> do more than me who are in my boat... god bless all

> of you

> kerri


> __________________________________________________


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My heart aches when I hear how you are facing this tough time with no help. I

wish you were close to me then I would be glad to help. PLEASE know that you

are in my prayers and thoughts. Write anytime and if you need to talk, I'm



kerri paquette <ksp2242@...> wrote:

I'm supposed to have surgery on the 9th of August, a breast reduction, and a

major one at that... My fiance's family was supposed to stay with me after the

surgery to help me take care of the kids (8 years and 9 months) for a couple

weeks but they just let us know that they won't be now because are internet and

cable access is limited. My worry is this... its so hard to take care of the

kids while frank is at work already, with the RA and the migraines, I struggle

so much every day, I can't imagine how hard its going to be for the couple first

weeks after the surgery.

I've already tried to get help through local action agencies, they said they can

give me the name of daycare providers in our town, daycare providers which I

can't afford and which are full up and definitely don't have room for a 9 month

old let alone both children. And home health agencies refused, because its not

their job to help take care of kids. My family isn't and hasn't ever really been

supportive, my sister is taking the kids for the 3 days I'll be in the hospital

and she's already said " thats gonna take to much outta me, 3 days is enuff " I'm

really starting to stress out and get nervous, but I need to get this done, Its

hard enough to walk upright with disk degeneration and RA pain, but I'm a 40 HH

and no ortho's will touch my shoulder until I get a reduction. Any supportive

thoughts would help... I know I'm not going to have the physical help I need

after the surgery, but if you all could throw me some emotional support maybe it

would get me through a little better. Thank

you all and I hope you are having a GOOD day, and better yet a sleep-filled

night. For those of you that take care of your families and homes and still

work out there in the world, god bless you, I don't know how you do it,

sometimes I want to cry on the way to the bathroom cuz it tires me out so. It

makes me feel like a whiny little school girl when I complain about the pain and

see other people who can do more than me who are in my boat... god bless all of




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My heart aches when I hear how you are facing this tough time with no help. I

wish you were close to me then I would be glad to help. PLEASE know that you

are in my prayers and thoughts. Write anytime and if you need to talk, I'm



kerri paquette <ksp2242@...> wrote:

I'm supposed to have surgery on the 9th of August, a breast reduction, and a

major one at that... My fiance's family was supposed to stay with me after the

surgery to help me take care of the kids (8 years and 9 months) for a couple

weeks but they just let us know that they won't be now because are internet and

cable access is limited. My worry is this... its so hard to take care of the

kids while frank is at work already, with the RA and the migraines, I struggle

so much every day, I can't imagine how hard its going to be for the couple first

weeks after the surgery.

I've already tried to get help through local action agencies, they said they can

give me the name of daycare providers in our town, daycare providers which I

can't afford and which are full up and definitely don't have room for a 9 month

old let alone both children. And home health agencies refused, because its not

their job to help take care of kids. My family isn't and hasn't ever really been

supportive, my sister is taking the kids for the 3 days I'll be in the hospital

and she's already said " thats gonna take to much outta me, 3 days is enuff " I'm

really starting to stress out and get nervous, but I need to get this done, Its

hard enough to walk upright with disk degeneration and RA pain, but I'm a 40 HH

and no ortho's will touch my shoulder until I get a reduction. Any supportive

thoughts would help... I know I'm not going to have the physical help I need

after the surgery, but if you all could throw me some emotional support maybe it

would get me through a little better. Thank

you all and I hope you are having a GOOD day, and better yet a sleep-filled

night. For those of you that take care of your families and homes and still

work out there in the world, god bless you, I don't know how you do it,

sometimes I want to cry on the way to the bathroom cuz it tires me out so. It

makes me feel like a whiny little school girl when I complain about the pain and

see other people who can do more than me who are in my boat... god bless all of




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KATHLEEN Rose wrote:

> Hello all. My son is 21 and was diagnosed with AS when he was about 13.

> Before that he was misdiagnosed with PDD-NOS and Severly Emotionally

> Disturbed. He has AD/HD but that has calmed down somewhat as he has

> gotten older. Right now he has no job, but an IQ of about 130-140

> (somewhere in that range, I can never keep up). He doesn't interview

> well and is very content to stay home, and communicate on the computer

> to people he does not know. I have a great nephew with Autism (High

> functioning) and another nephew who is bi-polar, and a grandson with

> bi-polar disease. I suffer from depression, although exercising has

> helped that tremendously. I would appreciate any and all help about

> finding him a job with some benefits. He is looking into some college

> courses right now, and my concern is how we are to pay for this, as we

> basically live from paycheck to paycheck.Thanks for reading!

> Kathy

Our son is 25, and diagnosed as PDD-NOS with autistic features at 2.5,

then as autistic around 4 or so (when he hadn't begun speaking again

yet), then HFA at 10 or 11, and finally HFA/AS at around 13 (the AS

because he had a speech interruption, not a speech delay). Right now,

he has a job as assistant sexton (aka church janitor) at our church, for

pay, 2 days a week. The rest of his income is SSD and Medicaid for his

medical benefits. He's in assisted living too, and has been for 4 years

now; he's been at his job for going-on 2 years, and they just love him.

:) You might look at this sort of situation for your son, if he'd be

interested in it.

Insofar as paying for college goes, there's always the Pell Grant. I

used these to get my B.A. If you're not his guardian, he applies for

and receives the grant. There's also work-study to consider, which can

be used along with a Pell, if there's a job on campus that you and he

think he would be interested in. :)

BTW my name is Annie, I'm 57, and I live with my dh Ron in Albuquerque,

NM. You know, where Bugs Bunny always takes the wrong turn. :):P I've

told you about Louie. He has an older sister, Kris, who's 36 and lives

in Seattle. She's adult diagnosed ADHD, but gets along fine and has

forever. :) Glad to meet you! And I hope some of the above helps you! :)

Annie, who loves ya annie@...


My world is made meaningful not by what I can evaluate and define, but

by what I can appreciate and adore. I find there is a profound

difference in what I find interesting and what I find important. -- Ann

E. Hossler -- Organist

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> I have a question that may be a stupid question but:


Hey there, no question is stupid, except maybe one of mine *-)

I have been tested for lyme the first time by the

> opthalmologist upon losing my vision and the test was

> an EIA and immunoblot. Does anyone know exactly what

> these are. Are they the and Western Blot?

I would assume the EIA is an ELISA ( enzyme linked immunosorbent assay)

and Western Blot. However the WB is reported in Bands, either IgG or IgM or

both .


> came back high positive with the reference range being

> <0.8 and mine came back at 3.2 for IGM antibodies. I

> can't remember if IGM is a current infection or an old

> infection.

IgM is current, IgG past, however, I think that with Lyme anyone can have

an IgM at any time since the bacterium can go dormant and come out much

later thus showing a new infection. I am not sure of that, just think so

because I have always ( since 6-99) shown both IgG and IgM in all western


Drs tend to want test results and cannot handle doing a clinical

diagnosis. This is why SO many of us go so long undiagnosed. Youa re not

alone in being told its in your head, had a Dr tell me that I WANTED to be

ill, kinda wanted to smack him upside the head too LOL Best thing I can

tell you is to make your own decision. Still having symptoms? Then figure

out for yourself what you think you have, then Dr hunt to find one that will

listen, even if they arent sure, if they listen and will try, then thats

half the battle. Best of luck!

(Specialty Labs in California) And had an

> MRI in 4/2003, I am sorry to make this long but this

> is what it said: Ventricles are within normal limits.

> The exam is negative for abnormal enhancement. The

> CSF fluid density collections over the convexities

> near the midline frontal paritetal area, reveal

> increased thickness of approximately 1 cm. Exam is

> negative for intracranial hemorrhage. Ventricles are

> normalin size. Exam is negative for abnormal menigeal

> enhancement.

> The impression: Areas consistant with small hygromas,

> arachnoid cysts, or focal atrophy. Both frontal

> parietal convoxilles adjacent is to the midline.


> And I recently had another one and I have not

> personally see the report but he said it was normal

> and there nothing wrong with me.


> My thinking is that in Oct. of 2003 I started the

> antibiotics and maybe that took care of this and it

> was caused by the lyme.


> Does anyone have any feedback or anything on this. I

> am so confused. I was told that there was nothing

> wrong with me that it was psychciaatric. To begin

> with I went to an opthalmologist when I lost my vision

> completely, and he found extreme inflammation in both

> eyes (uveitis) and was fortunately treated by a doctor

> that is from New Jersey so had seen lyme. My MCHC and

> Sed rate were also high and I believe that shows

> inflammation. This is after Well since July of 2001

> of feeling like I had the flu, tired, achy, and had a

> rash on my leg that expanded the whole portion of the

> front of the calf, and was told it was an infection

> under the skin at the ER and put on antibiotics. But

> had severe migraines since July 2001. Any input would

> help.


> Also, one more thing, if you don't mind. Will being

> on antibiotics continuously cause blood and Spinal

> fluid result for lyme to come out with a false

> negative? If it really is lyme. Everyone has done so

> much research and seen so many doctors I have

> researched it but now am questioning whether what I

> have read that I have interpreted correctly.


> Thanks to you all,

> Beverly




> ____________________________________________________

> Start your day with - make it your home page

> http://www./r/hs





> Questions and/or comments can be directed to the list owner at




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Thank you. Yes I still have many symptoms of Lyme.

And I feel with all my heart and soul I have lyme. It

just seems too weird that the migraines, the vision

problems, as well as many others have helped (well as

much as I can expect I guess) while I am on the

antibiotics. And a week after going off I lost my

vision again, went back on doxy and went off again in

February, To have a spinal tap done (hoping the little

buggers would show themselves) and had a bad case of

dementia. Thank God for my husband being home still

before going to work to witness it and get me to the

doc. The neuro I have been seeing told me I was

" crazy " literally and needed a pychiatrist because I

caused all this to happen. That I did not have nor

have I ever had Lyme. He was very crude, rude and

totally degrading to me and to my husband when we

questioned him about prior labs (they were false

positives) and the lesions on my brain from the MRI in

2002 was (technician error). He is going to call my

regular doc Monday and tell her I am crazy and am in

perfect health. I am going to call the opthalmologist

that he told me was " a small town hick doctor that did

not know anything. That he was not a specialist and

the neuro WAS a specialist and knew what he was

talking about. Asked me if I had seen a phychiatrist

and told me I needed one badly. This guy is such a

jerk and then went on to tell me that I told him I had

MS. I never told him that he told me he thought it

was MS. Too bad we cannot sue all these idiots for

malpractice for all the pain and suffering we have

sustained. My opthalmologist has a very good education

and has studied in the lyme areas, Conn, New Jersey,

etc. So I think he knows what he is talking about.

This neuro never wanted to believe it was lyme the

very first time I saw him. He told me there was no

lyme in this area and that the CDC drags nets in area

collecting ticks and checking them for infection and

they have not found one in Tennessee. Tell that to

all of us in Tennessee that have Lyme and all of those

that will find out soon that all their problems are

due to lyme.

Iwant to thank everyone for always being there with an

open mind and a caring heart and understanding what I

am going through. God Bless you all.



--- /Rodney <rod@...> wrote:


> > I have a question that may be a stupid question

> but:

> >

> Hey there, no question is stupid, except maybe one

> of mine *-)



> I have been tested for lyme the first time by the

> > opthalmologist upon losing my vision and the test

> was

> > an EIA and immunoblot. Does anyone know exactly

> what

> > these are. Are they the and Western Blot?


> I would assume the EIA is an ELISA ( enzyme linked

> immunosorbent assay)

> and Western Blot. However the WB is reported in

> Bands, either IgG or IgM or

> both .


> They

> > came back high positive with the reference range

> being

> > <0.8 and mine came back at 3.2 for IGM antibodies.

> I

> > can't remember if IGM is a current infection or an

> old

> > infection.


> IgM is current, IgG past, however, I think that

> with Lyme anyone can have

> an IgM at any time since the bacterium can go

> dormant and come out much

> later thus showing a new infection. I am not sure

> of that, just think so

> because I have always ( since 6-99) shown both IgG

> and IgM in all western

> blots.



> Drs tend to want test results and cannot handle

> doing a clinical

> diagnosis. This is why SO many of us go so long

> undiagnosed. Youa re not

> alone in being told its in your head, had a Dr tell

> me that I WANTED to be

> ill, kinda wanted to smack him upside the head too

> LOL Best thing I can

> tell you is to make your own decision. Still having

> symptoms? Then figure

> out for yourself what you think you have, then Dr

> hunt to find one that will

> listen, even if they arent sure, if they listen and

> will try, then thats

> half the battle. Best of luck!



> (Specialty Labs in California) And had an

> > MRI in 4/2003, I am sorry to make this long but

> this

> > is what it said: Ventricles are within normal

> limits.

> > The exam is negative for abnormal enhancement.

> The

> > CSF fluid density collections over the convexities

> > near the midline frontal paritetal area, reveal

> > increased thickness of approximately 1 cm. Exam

> is

> > negative for intracranial hemorrhage. Ventricles

> are

> > normalin size. Exam is negative for abnormal

> menigeal

> > enhancement.

> > The impression: Areas consistant with small

> hygromas,

> > arachnoid cysts, or focal atrophy. Both frontal

> > parietal convoxilles adjacent is to the midline.

> >

> > And I recently had another one and I have not

> > personally see the report but he said it was

> normal

> > and there nothing wrong with me.

> >

> > My thinking is that in Oct. of 2003 I started the

> > antibiotics and maybe that took care of this and

> it

> > was caused by the lyme.

> >

> > Does anyone have any feedback or anything on this.

> I

> > am so confused. I was told that there was nothing

> > wrong with me that it was psychciaatric. To begin

> > with I went to an opthalmologist when I lost my

> vision

> > completely, and he found extreme inflammation in

> both

> > eyes (uveitis) and was fortunately treated by a

> doctor

> > that is from New Jersey so had seen lyme. My MCHC

> and

> > Sed rate were also high and I believe that shows

> > inflammation. This is after Well since July of

> 2001

> > of feeling like I had the flu, tired, achy, and

> had a

> > rash on my leg that expanded the whole portion of

> the

> > front of the calf, and was told it was an

> infection

> > under the skin at the ER and put on antibiotics.

> But

> > had severe migraines since July 2001. Any input

> would

> > help.

> >

> > Also, one more thing, if you don't mind. Will

> being

> > on antibiotics continuously cause blood and Spinal

> > fluid result for lyme to come out with a false

> > negative? If it really is lyme. Everyone has

> done so

> > much research and seen so many doctors I have

> > researched it but now am questioning whether what

> I

> > have read that I have interpreted correctly.

> >

> > Thanks to you all,

> > Beverly

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ____________________________________________________

> > Start your day with - make it your home

> page

> > http://www./r/hs

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Questions and/or comments can be directed to the

> list owner at

> -Owner

> >

> >

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Did you see that CDC map I sent that had Tenn listed as having found ticks

infected w/Lyme?

Re: [ ] (unknown)


> ,


> Thank you. Yes I still have many symptoms of Lyme.

> And I feel with all my heart and soul I have lyme. It

> just seems too weird that the migraines, the vision

> problems, as well as many others have helped (well as

> much as I can expect I guess) while I am on the

> antibiotics. And a week after going off I lost my

> vision again, went back on doxy and went off again in

> February, To have a spinal tap done (hoping the little

> buggers would show themselves) and had a bad case of

> dementia. Thank God for my husband being home still

> before going to work to witness it and get me to the

> doc. The neuro I have been seeing told me I was

> " crazy " literally and needed a pychiatrist because I

> caused all this to happen. That I did not have nor

> have I ever had Lyme. He was very crude, rude and

> totally degrading to me and to my husband when we

> questioned him about prior labs (they were false

> positives) and the lesions on my brain from the MRI in

> 2002 was (technician error). He is going to call my

> regular doc Monday and tell her I am crazy and am in

> perfect health. I am going to call the opthalmologist

> that he told me was " a small town hick doctor that did

> not know anything. That he was not a specialist and

> the neuro WAS a specialist and knew what he was

> talking about. Asked me if I had seen a phychiatrist

> and told me I needed one badly. This guy is such a

> jerk and then went on to tell me that I told him I had

> MS. I never told him that he told me he thought it

> was MS. Too bad we cannot sue all these idiots for

> malpractice for all the pain and suffering we have

> sustained. My opthalmologist has a very good education

> and has studied in the lyme areas, Conn, New Jersey,

> etc. So I think he knows what he is talking about.

> This neuro never wanted to believe it was lyme the

> very first time I saw him. He told me there was no

> lyme in this area and that the CDC drags nets in area

> collecting ticks and checking them for infection and

> they have not found one in Tennessee. Tell that to

> all of us in Tennessee that have Lyme and all of those

> that will find out soon that all their problems are

> due to lyme.


> Iwant to thank everyone for always being there with an

> open mind and a caring heart and understanding what I

> am going through. God Bless you all.


> Thanks,

> Beverly

> --- /Rodney <rod@...> wrote:


> >

> > > I have a question that may be a stupid question

> > but:

> > >

> > Hey there, no question is stupid, except maybe one

> > of mine *-)

> >

> >

> > I have been tested for lyme the first time by the

> > > opthalmologist upon losing my vision and the test

> > was

> > > an EIA and immunoblot. Does anyone know exactly

> > what

> > > these are. Are they the and Western Blot?

> >

> > I would assume the EIA is an ELISA ( enzyme linked

> > immunosorbent assay)

> > and Western Blot. However the WB is reported in

> > Bands, either IgG or IgM or

> > both .

> >

> > They

> > > came back high positive with the reference range

> > being

> > > <0.8 and mine came back at 3.2 for IGM antibodies.

> > I

> > > can't remember if IGM is a current infection or an

> > old

> > > infection.

> >

> > IgM is current, IgG past, however, I think that

> > with Lyme anyone can have

> > an IgM at any time since the bacterium can go

> > dormant and come out much

> > later thus showing a new infection. I am not sure

> > of that, just think so

> > because I have always ( since 6-99) shown both IgG

> > and IgM in all western

> > blots.

> >

> >

> > Drs tend to want test results and cannot handle

> > doing a clinical

> > diagnosis. This is why SO many of us go so long

> > undiagnosed. Youa re not

> > alone in being told its in your head, had a Dr tell

> > me that I WANTED to be

> > ill, kinda wanted to smack him upside the head too

> > LOL Best thing I can

> > tell you is to make your own decision. Still having

> > symptoms? Then figure

> > out for yourself what you think you have, then Dr

> > hunt to find one that will

> > listen, even if they arent sure, if they listen and

> > will try, then thats

> > half the battle. Best of luck!

> >

> >

> > (Specialty Labs in California) And had an

> > > MRI in 4/2003, I am sorry to make this long but

> > this

> > > is what it said: Ventricles are within normal

> > limits.

> > > The exam is negative for abnormal enhancement.

> > The

> > > CSF fluid density collections over the convexities

> > > near the midline frontal paritetal area, reveal

> > > increased thickness of approximately 1 cm. Exam

> > is

> > > negative for intracranial hemorrhage. Ventricles

> > are

> > > normalin size. Exam is negative for abnormal

> > menigeal

> > > enhancement.

> > > The impression: Areas consistant with small

> > hygromas,

> > > arachnoid cysts, or focal atrophy. Both frontal

> > > parietal convoxilles adjacent is to the midline.

> > >

> > > And I recently had another one and I have not

> > > personally see the report but he said it was

> > normal

> > > and there nothing wrong with me.

> > >

> > > My thinking is that in Oct. of 2003 I started the

> > > antibiotics and maybe that took care of this and

> > it

> > > was caused by the lyme.

> > >

> > > Does anyone have any feedback or anything on this.

> > I

> > > am so confused. I was told that there was nothing

> > > wrong with me that it was psychciaatric. To begin

> > > with I went to an opthalmologist when I lost my

> > vision

> > > completely, and he found extreme inflammation in

> > both

> > > eyes (uveitis) and was fortunately treated by a

> > doctor

> > > that is from New Jersey so had seen lyme. My MCHC

> > and

> > > Sed rate were also high and I believe that shows

> > > inflammation. This is after Well since July of

> > 2001

> > > of feeling like I had the flu, tired, achy, and

> > had a

> > > rash on my leg that expanded the whole portion of

> > the

> > > front of the calf, and was told it was an

> > infection

> > > under the skin at the ER and put on antibiotics.

> > But

> > > had severe migraines since July 2001. Any input

> > would

> > > help.

> > >

> > > Also, one more thing, if you don't mind. Will

> > being

> > > on antibiotics continuously cause blood and Spinal

> > > fluid result for lyme to come out with a false

> > > negative? If it really is lyme. Everyone has

> > done so

> > > much research and seen so many doctors I have

> > > researched it but now am questioning whether what

> > I

> > > have read that I have interpreted correctly.

> > >

> > > Thanks to you all,

> > > Beverly

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > ____________________________________________________

> > > Start your day with - make it your home

> > page

> > > http://www./r/hs

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Questions and/or comments can be directed to the

> > list owner at

> > -Owner

> > >

> > >

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Has she been taking in adequate protein over the past 9 months?

-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of arrigonkSent: Monday, August 01, 2005 4:40 PM Subject: (unknown)I'm looking for ideas.......I have a patient who is not seeking weight reduction surgery at this point. Her main concern is edema. She has sleep apneahypothyroidsimfibromyalgiahypertentionvenous insufficiencyasthmaHer heart and kidneys check out fine.She weighed 395# and lost about 90# on the Adkins diet. Her weight has been stable at 306# for about 9 months. She continues with edema. She is taking Lasix, Leothyroxine Sodium, Zaroxolyn, KCl, Tamadol HCL, and Effexor XLShe reports avoiding salt for 6 months with no improvement. She works 3rd shift 6 days a week in sanitation so she is fairly active.What am I missing?any ideas are appreciated! Thanks!

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In a message dated 7/14/2005 8:02:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time, angel34@... writes:

I have always had alittle pain in my liver, although the past week it has increased. Is this normal, or is something brewing.


This topic comes up quite often. Many of us have this problem but our doctors have few answers. My doctor said it might be fatty liver--I had a normal CT scan but my enzymes are rising again. There are many factors that can cause fatty liver among them is long term prednisone.



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Amen to this one. I totally agree. And, the breast implant manufacturers

and defense attorneys have pulled the same ploy on silicone women.


At 05:22 PM 8/9/2005, you wrote:

>I must say that the entire insurance company issue angers me. I'm

>confused because I hear that I trust insurance companies then I hear that

>I don't trust them. Then I hear that I had no problem with my car

>accident in filing a claim then I hear that I didn't file the claim and

>paid for the costs myself. Whatever the story may be insurance companies

>do not look out for our best interest. Anyone that thinks they do is

>looking at life through rose colored glasses which may not be a bad thing

>but be prepared when the walls fall in around you (excuse the pun)!


>I had a friend that attempted suicide. She worked very hard and acquired

>many nice things from working so hard but because of what an insurance

>company did to her, she lost everything she worked for. I might add that

>she was a very humble person and wasn't one to brag about her

>possessions. However, when she lost everything because of a filthy rotten

>insurance company, she just couldn't handle it and tried to take her

>life. So I feel I must tell her story as her story needs to be

>told. Because of what I saw happen to her, I get ill when I hear anyone

>defending any insurance company.


>I actually had an attorney tell me that in filing a disability claim for a

>women that had cancer, the insurance company drug the case out so long

>because they knew that the women would eventually die and they wouldn't

>have to pay her. This is REALLY disgusting and that is exactly what they

>did. They did it and got away with it!


>I don't know if anyone was aware of this but if an insurance company can

>find a way to cut you off, the person that handles your claim gets a

>bonus. That is true evil!


>So when I hear anyone defending these insurance companies it really makes

>my sick to my stomach.


>I must say that I've heard many horrible stories from people that were

>affected in some way or another by an insurance company. Yes, there are

>people that commit insurance fraud but there are also people that cannot

>afford insurance and that is a damn shame. Their only choice is to go to

>an emergency room for help as they don't have insurance. This affects all

>of us. Tax payers along with the person that is truly ill and needs

>immediate attention. But who do we blame? The insurance company that is

>filthy rich from being mostly corrupt or the person that can't afford

>insurance? Let's face it. There are people in this world that just

>don't have enough money to put food on their table let alone pay for



>I think that people loose track of this and that is a damn shame.


>Insurance companies number one goal is to make money and that they are off

>of all of us!


> is currently making a documentary on insurance companies and

>how corrupt they are. If anyone out there doesn't know who MM is just

>watch farenheit/911.







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I forgot to mention that. Don't know how since I'm directly involved there also. Sorry I just rattled off but it really hits a sore spot with me.

God Bless,

Kendal.Lynda <coss@...> wrote:

Amen to this one. I totally agree. And, the breast implant manufacturers and defense attorneys have pulled the same ploy on silicone women.LyndaAt 05:22 PM 8/9/2005, you wrote:>I must say that the entire insurance company issue angers me. I'm >confused because I hear that I trust insurance companies then I hear that >I don't trust them. Then I hear that I had no problem with my car >accident in filing a claim then I hear that I didn't file the claim and >paid for the costs myself. Whatever the story may be insurance companies >do not look out for our best interest. Anyone that thinks they do is >looking at life through rose colored glasses which may not be a bad thing >but be prepared when the walls fall in around you (excuse the pun)!>>I had a friend

that attempted suicide. She worked very hard and acquired >many nice things from working so hard but because of what an insurance >company did to her, she lost everything she worked for. I might add that >she was a very humble person and wasn't one to brag about her >possessions. However, when she lost everything because of a filthy rotten >insurance company, she just couldn't handle it and tried to take her >life. So I feel I must tell her story as her story needs to be >told. Because of what I saw happen to her, I get ill when I hear anyone >defending any insurance company.>>I actually had an attorney tell me that in filing a disability claim for a >women that had cancer, the insurance company drug the case out so long >because they knew that the women would eventually die and they wouldn't >have to pay her. This is REALLY disgusting and that is exactly

what they >did. They did it and got away with it!>>I don't know if anyone was aware of this but if an insurance company can >find a way to cut you off, the person that handles your claim gets a >bonus. That is true evil!>>So when I hear anyone defending these insurance companies it really makes >my sick to my stomach.>>I must say that I've heard many horrible stories from people that were >affected in some way or another by an insurance company. Yes, there are >people that commit insurance fraud but there are also people that cannot >afford insurance and that is a damn shame. Their only choice is to go to >an emergency room for help as they don't have insurance. This affects all >of us. Tax payers along with the person that is truly ill and needs >immediate attention. But who do we blame? The insurance company that is

>filthy rich from being mostly corrupt or the person that can't afford >insurance? Let's face it. There are people in this world that just >don't have enough money to put food on their table let alone pay for >insurance.>>I think that people loose track of this and that is a damn shame.>>Insurance companies number one goal is to make money and that they are off >of all of us!>> is currently making a documentary on insurance companies and >how corrupt they are. If anyone out there doesn't know who MM is just >watch farenheit/911.>>Kendal.>>>__________________________________________________>

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I am sorry about the near loss of your friend but there is no need to get angry because I haven’t shared your bad experiences. The insurance companies I have dealt with have treated me fairly, paying my claims when they should and on time. I know there are bad companies, as well as good out there and I don’t have rose colored glasses. Everyone has their own experiences in life in everything, mine happens to be different than yours and a lot of other women’s experiences on this list. Because of that I don’t believe all insurance companies are good, but they aren’t all bad either. Neither are all of any one profession. Many businesses are corrupt but not all. I will never be so cynical that I throw all of any one profession into a pot and label it. There are bad everything in life, as well as good.


I must say that the entire insurance company issue angers me. I'm confused because I hear that I trust insurance companies then I hear that I don't trust them. Then I hear that I had no problem with my car accident in filing a claim then I hear that I didn't file the claim and paid for the costs myself. Whatever the story may be insurance companies do not look out for our best interest. Anyone that thinks they do is looking at life through rose colored glasses which may not be a bad thing but be prepared when the walls fall in around you (excuse the pun)!

I had a friend that attempted suicide. She worked very hard and acquired many nice things from working so hard but because of what an insurance company did to her, she lost everything she worked for. I might add that she was a very humble person and wasn't one to brag about her possessions. However, when she lost everything because of a filthy rotten insurance company, she just couldn't handle it and tried to take her life. So I feel I must tell her story as her story needs to be told. Because of what I saw happen to her, I get ill when I hear anyone defending any insurance company.

I actually had an attorney tell me that in filing a disability claim for a women that had cancer, the insurance company drug the case out so long because they knew that the women would eventually die and they wouldn't have to pay her. This is REALLY disgusting and that is exactly what they did. They did it and got away with it!

I don't know if anyone was aware of this but if an insurance company can find a way to cut you off, the person that handles your claim gets a bonus. That is true evil!

So when I hear anyone defending these insurance companies it really makes my sick to my stomach.

I must say that I've heard many horrible stories from people that were affected in some way or another by an insurance company. Yes, there are people that commit insurance fraud but there are also people that cannot afford insurance and that is a damn shame. Their only choice is to go to an emergency room for help as they don't have insurance. This affects all of us. Tax payers along with the person that is truly ill and needs immediate attention. But who do we blame? The insurance company that is filthy rich from being mostly corrupt or the person that can't afford insurance? Let's face it. There are people in this world that just don't have enough money to put food on their table let alone pay for insurance.

I think that people loose track of this and that is a damn shame.

Insurance companies number one goal is to make money and that they are off of all of us!

is currently making a documentary on insurance companies and how corrupt they are. If anyone out there doesn't know who MM is just watch farenheit/911.



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I don't think we need to make this a debate. I think people who have had a

lot of experience with insurance companies really have the picture. If

someone has not had that experience, we respect that. Big business is not

out there to help us, most of us really truly know that. Look at the BI

manufacturers if you need evidence of that.


At 06:05 PM 8/9/2005, you wrote:



>I am sorry about the near loss of your friend but there is no need to get

>angry because I haven't shared your bad experiences. The insurance

>companies I have dealt with have treated me fairly, paying my claims when

>they should and on time. I know there are bad companies, as well as good

>out there and I don't have rose colored glasses. Everyone has their own

>experiences in life in everything, mine happens to be different than yours

>and a lot of other women's experiences on this list. Because of that I

>don't believe all insurance companies are good, but they aren't all bad

>either. Neither are all of any one profession. Many businesses are

>corrupt but not all. I will never be so cynical that I throw all of any

>one profession into a pot and label it. There are bad everything in life,

>as well as good.





>I must say that the entire insurance company issue angers me. I'm

>confused because I hear that I trust insurance companies then I

>hear that I don't trust them. Then I hear that I had no problem with my

>car accident in filing a claim then I hear that I didn't file the claim

>and paid for the costs myself. Whatever the story may be insurance

>companies do not look out for our best interest. Anyone that thinks they

>do is looking at life through rose colored glasses which may not be a bad

>thing but be prepared when the walls fall in around you (excuse the pun)!


>I had a friend that attempted suicide. She worked very hard and acquired

>many nice things from working so hard but because of what an insurance

>company did to her, she lost everything she worked for. I might add that

>she was a very humble person and wasn't one to brag about her

>possessions. However, when she lost everything because of a filthy rotten

>insurance company, she just couldn't handle it and tried to take her

>life. So I feel I must tell her story as her story needs to be

>told. Because of what I saw happen to her, I get ill when I hear anyone

>defending any insurance company.


>I actually had an attorney tell me that in filing a disability claim for a

>women that had cancer, the insurance company drug the case out so long

>because they knew that the women would eventually die and they wouldn't

>have to pay her. This is REALLY disgusting and that is exactly what they

>did. They did it and got away with it!


>I don't know if anyone was aware of this but if an insurance company can

>find a way to cut you off, the person that handles your claim gets a

>bonus. That is true evil!


>So when I hear anyone defending these insurance companies it really makes

>my sick to my stomach.


>I must say that I've heard many horrible stories from people that were

>affected in some way or another by an insurance company. Yes, there are

>people that commit insurance fraud but there are also people that cannot

>afford insurance and that is a damn shame. Their only choice is to go to

>an emergency room for help as they don't have insurance. This affects all

>of us. Tax payers along with the person that is truly ill and needs

>immediate attention. But who do we blame? The insurance company that is

>filthy rich from being mostly corrupt or the person that can't afford

>insurance? Let's face it. There are people in this world that just

>don't have enough money to put food on their table let alone pay for



>I think that people loose track of this and that is a damn shame.


>Insurance companies number one goal is to make money and that they are off

>of all of us!


> is currently making a documentary on insurance companies and

>how corrupt they are. If anyone out there doesn't know who MM is just

>watch farenheit/911.






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Please stop taking this so personal. It isn't about you, it is about the insurance companies. We were all sharing our experiences. Do you want to hear me say that you are right and I am wrong. Fine Kenda YOU ARE RIGHT AND I AM WRONG. LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I joined this group for help with my implant issues not to debate whether insurance companies will help you fix your house or not help you fix it. I know people that are very sick from implants and I am one of them so lets try to focus on that and just LET IT GO! Maybe if you've ever been sick from implants you would have an idea of how people struggle each and every day just to survive from this terrible illness. I'm not here to agree with everything you say, I'm here for help in getting myself better.

God Bless,


Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

Kendal,I am sorry about the near loss of your friend but there is no need to get angry because I haven’t shared your bad experiences. The insurance companies I have dealt with have treated me fairly, paying my claims when they should and on time. I know there are bad companies, as well as good out there and I don’t have rose colored glasses. Everyone has their own experiences in life in everything, mine happens to be different than yours and a lot of other women’s experiences on this list. Because of that I don’t believe all insurance companies are good, but they aren’t all bad either. Neither are all of any one profession. Many businesses are corrupt but not all. I will never be so cynical that I throw all of any one profession into a pot and label it. There are bad everything in life, as well as

good.KendaI must say that the entire insurance company issue angers me. I'm confused because I hear that I trust insurance companies then I hear that I don't trust them. Then I hear that I had no problem with my car accident in filing a claim then I hear that I didn't file the claim and paid for the costs myself. Whatever the story may be insurance companies do not look out for our best interest. Anyone that thinks they do is looking at life through rose colored glasses which may not be a bad thing but be prepared when the walls fall in around you (excuse the pun)!

I had a friend that attempted suicide. She worked very hard and acquired many nice things from working so hard but because of what an insurance company did to her, she lost everything she worked for. I might add that she was a very humble person and wasn't one to brag about her possessions. However, when she lost everything because of a filthy rotten insurance company, she just couldn't handle it and tried to take her life. So I feel I must tell her story as her story needs to be told. Because of what I saw happen to her, I get ill when I hear anyone defending any insurance company. I actually had an attorney tell me that in filing a disability claim for a women that had cancer, the insurance company drug the case out so long because they knew that the women would eventually die and they wouldn't have to pay her. This is REALLY disgusting and that is exactly what they did. They did it and got away

with it! I don't know if anyone was aware of this but if an insurance company can find a way to cut you off, the person that handles your claim gets a bonus. That is true evil! So when I hear anyone defending these insurance companies it really makes my sick to my stomach. I must say that I've heard many horrible stories from people that were affected in some way or another by an insurance company. Yes, there are people that commit insurance fraud but there are also people that cannot afford insurance and that is a damn shame. Their only choice is to go to an emergency room for help as they don't have insurance. This affects all of us. Tax payers along with the person that is truly ill and needs immediate attention. But who do we blame? The insurance company that is filthy rich from being mostly corrupt or the person that can't afford insurance? Let's face it.

There are people in this world that just don't have enough money to put food on their table let alone pay for insurance. I think that people loose track of this and that is a damn shame. Insurance companies number one goal is to make money and that they are off of all of us! is currently making a documentary on insurance companies and how corrupt they are. If anyone out there doesn't know who MM is just watch farenheit/911. Kendal. __________________________________________________

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Lynda, what you don’t seem to want to understand, and this is no debate -- I’m trying to explain my personal experiences, is that not everyone has a negative experience with insurance companies. I have a very clear picture of how insurance companies work. I worked insurance defense law for many years, have had several insurance claims over the years, ranging from theft in a home, theft of a car, water claim, too many auto claims to count, along with the claim we are going through now. I have never had a problem with the companies I have dealt with, never. That doesn’t mean that you haven’t had more than your fair share of problems but it doesn’t change the fact that my experiences have been positive. I have said repeatedly, big business is not out there to help anyone except themselves. If you realize that going in, you have a better chance at getting a claim handled the way it should be.

My having had positive experiences doesn’t in anyway mean that your experiences haven’t been positive.


I don't think we need to make this a debate. I think people who have had a

lot of experience with insurance companies really have the picture. If

someone has not had that experience, we respect that. Big business is not

out there to help us, most of us really truly know that. Look at the BI

manufacturers if you need evidence of that.


At 06:05 PM 8/9/2005, you wrote:



>I am sorry about the near loss of your friend but there is no need to get

>angry because I haven't shared your bad experiences. The insurance

>companies I have dealt with have treated me fairly, paying my claims when

>they should and on time. I know there are bad companies, as well as good

>out there and I don't have rose colored glasses. Everyone has their own

>experiences in life in everything, mine happens to be different than yours

>and a lot of other women's experiences on this list. Because of that I

>don't believe all insurance companies are good, but they aren't all bad

>either. Neither are all of any one profession. Many businesses are

>corrupt but not all. I will never be so cynical that I throw all of any

>one profession into a pot and label it. There are bad everything in life,

>as well as good.





>I must say that the entire insurance company issue angers me. I'm

>confused because I hear that I trust insurance companies then I

>hear that I don't trust them. Then I hear that I had no problem with my

>car accident in filing a claim then I hear that I didn't file the claim

>and paid for the costs myself. Whatever the story may be insurance

>companies do not look out for our best interest. Anyone that thinks they

>do is looking at life through rose colored glasses which may not be a bad

>thing but be prepared when the walls fall in around you (excuse the pun)!


>I had a friend that attempted suicide. She worked very hard and acquired

>many nice things from working so hard but because of what an insurance

>company did to her, she lost everything she worked for. I might add that

>she was a very humble person and wasn't one to brag about her

>possessions. However, when she lost everything because of a filthy rotten

>insurance company, she just couldn't handle it and tried to take her

>life. So I feel I must tell her story as her story needs to be

>told. Because of what I saw happen to her, I get ill when I hear anyone

>defending any insurance company.


>I actually had an attorney tell me that in filing a disability claim for a

>women that had cancer, the insurance company drug the case out so long

>because they knew that the women would eventually die and they wouldn't

>have to pay her. This is REALLY disgusting and that is exactly what they

>did. They did it and got away with it!


>I don't know if anyone was aware of this but if an insurance company can

>find a way to cut you off, the person that handles your claim gets a

>bonus. That is true evil!


>So when I hear anyone defending these insurance companies it really makes

>my sick to my stomach.


>I must say that I've heard many horrible stories from people that were

>affected in some way or another by an insurance company. Yes, there are

>people that commit insurance fraud but there are also people that cannot

>afford insurance and that is a damn shame. Their only choice is to go to

>an emergency room for help as they don't have insurance. This affects all

>of us. Tax payers along with the person that is truly ill and needs

>immediate attention. But who do we blame? The insurance company that is

>filthy rich from being mostly corrupt or the person that can't afford

>insurance? Let's face it. There are people in this world that just

>don't have enough money to put food on their table let alone pay for



>I think that people loose track of this and that is a damn shame.


>Insurance companies number one goal is to make money and that they are off

>of all of us!


> is currently making a documentary on insurance companies and

>how corrupt they are. If anyone out there doesn't know who MM is just

>watch farenheit/911.






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I am not taking anything you have said personally, my experiences are my own and I was sharing them. You aren’t hurting my feelings by not sharing my opinion. Because other people’s experiences are negative, doesn’t change mine. There is good and bad in every profession, my only point in all of this.

As far as my health goes, you’re clueless. I know exactly how people struggle each and every day, I’ve been there myself, not because of implants but because of other reasons, no less terrible.

It is time to let it go, there is nothing positive being shared at this point.


Please stop taking this so personal. It isn't about you, it is about the insurance companies. We were all sharing our experiences. Do you want to hear me say that you are right and I am wrong. Fine Kenda YOU ARE RIGHT AND I AM WRONG. LET IT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I joined this group for help with my implant issues not to debate whether insurance companies will help you fix your house or not help you fix it. I know people that are very sick from implants and I am one of them so lets try to focus on that and just LET IT GO! Maybe if you've ever been sick from implants you would have an idea of how people struggle each and every day just to survive from this terrible illness. I'm not here to agree with everything you say, I'm here for help in getting myself better.

God Bless,


Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:


I am sorry about the near loss of your friend but there is no need to get angry because I haven’t shared your bad experiences. The insurance companies I have dealt with have treated me fairly, paying my claims when they should and on time. I know there are bad companies, as well as good out there and I don’t have rose colored glasses. Everyone has their own experiences in life in everything, mine happens to be different than yours and a lot of other women’s experiences on this list. Because of that I don’t believe all insurance companies are good, but they aren’t all bad either. Neither are all of any one profession. Many businesses are corrupt but not all. I will never be so cynical that I throw all of any one profession into a pot and label it. There are bad everything in life, as well as good.


I must say that the entire insurance company issue angers me. I'm confused because I hear that I trust insurance companies then I hear that I don't trust them. Then I hear that I had no problem with my car accident in filing a claim then I hear that I didn't file the claim and paid for the costs myself. Whatever the story may be insurance companies do not look out for our best interest. Anyone that thinks they do is looking at life through rose colored glasses which may not be a bad thing but be prepared when the walls fall in around you (excuse the pun)!

I had a friend that attempted suicide. She worked very hard and acquired many nice things from working so hard but because of what an insurance company did to her, she lost everything she worked for. I might add that she was a very humble person and wasn't one to brag about her possessions. However, when she lost everything because of a filthy rotten insurance company, she just couldn't handle it and tried to take her life. So I feel I must tell her story as her story needs to be told. Because of what I saw happen to her, I get ill when I hear anyone defending any insurance company.

I actually had an attorney tell me that in filing a disability claim for a women that had cancer, the insurance company drug the case out so long because they knew that the women would eventually die and they wouldn't have to pay her. This is REALLY disgusting and that is exactly what they did. They did it and got away with it!

I don't know if anyone was aware of this but if an insurance company can find a way to cut you off, the person that handles your claim gets a bonus. That is true evil!

So when I hear anyone defending these insurance companies it really makes my sick to my stomach.

I must say that I've heard many horrible stories from people that were affected in some way or another by an insurance company. Yes, there are people that commit insurance fraud but there are also people that cannot afford insurance and that is a damn shame. Their only choice is to go to an emergency room for help as they don't have insurance. This affects all of us. Tax payers along with the person that is truly ill and needs immediate attention. But who do we blame? The insurance company that is filthy rich from being mostly corrupt or the person that can't afford insurance? Let's face it. There are people in this world that just don't have enough money to put food on their table let alone pay for insurance.

I think that people loose track of this and that is a damn shame.

Insurance companies number one goal is to make money and that they are off of all of us!

is currently making a documentary on insurance companies and how corrupt they are. If anyone out there doesn't know who MM is just watch farenheit/911.



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Hi Regina,

You are right on target with your eating

amounts I think. Because you have very little to no restriction, food is going

through fairly fast. Remember the weight loss during this time is a BONUS, and

weight gain is normal until you have some restriction. So don’t worry,

you are right on target and don’t feel guilty because you are NORMAL. You only have 2 more weeks until you can get a fill so hang in there, you can do

it! You should already have your fill appt scheduled at this point as well. Make

sure you are getting in enough protein so that you have some energy. J

Let us know how you are doing ok? And no

feeling bad, it is not allowed! LOL

In Texas




From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of too confused

Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005

9:33 PM



Hi everyone, I start week 4 on friday and I think I am

eating too much. I can easily eat 1- 1 1/2 cups of food at a time and I

am doing that three times a day (Soups mostly but also mashed potatoes, ff sf

pudding, yogurt, applesauce, or cottage cheese). I am down almost 20#

since surgery but this week I have gained 2#. I did clear liquids

faithfully my first two weeks but today I have to admit that I ate a bite of

tortilla and hurt for 35 minutes. I am worried that I am going to be the

one person this doesn't work for and that I won't be able to overcome years of

bad eating habits! I am a little paniced. I am going to the gym

twice a week (I know I should go more). I supose I should step it up at

the gym but I don't have a lot of energy/motivation. SO there it

is. I'm going to get some water and get my kids to bed. Maybe

tomorrow I'll feel better. Regina

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?????????albonnie1@... wrote:

To whoever ,I had to look twice to actually make sure i was on the right web site ,you two need to get over the insurance thing Diane

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Thank you. That was kind of my point also.

albonnie1@... wrote:

To whoever ,I had to look twice to actually make sure i was on the right web site ,you two need to get over the insurance thing __________________________________________________

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