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Re: (unknown)

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Olive flax fish oil on top of the other things below.

Re: (unknown)


Would that be oil that I should take at each meal (Olive?, fish oil?, 30

weight?)...or a food that is high in fat (avocado?, walnuts?) or

something else? Thanks for the info.


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In a message dated 10/31/2002 6:09:31 AM Pacific Standard Time,

gnyoro@... writes:

> hello my friends am a new member


Welcome, and please tell us more about yourself.

How old you are, what your diagnosis is, a little about yourself and


Looking forward to 'meeting' you.


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on 11/2/02 7:46 PM, m harris at mehharris@... wrote:

> He put me on mtx, plaquanil, and sulfasalizine. That was in Sept. of 1999 and

> I have been doing fairly well since then, the nodules went away, the carpal

> tunnel is pretty much non-existent (a little tingle occasionally in my right

> hand).

That gives me hope that maybe mine will go away. I have them on my elbows

and the tops of my hands. I also have bumps on my knees, but I don't know if

those are nodules or not.

Anyway, I will try to wish mine away.

Sue in NC

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Hi ,

Nice to meet you and welcome to the group. I was interested to read about

your experiences with RA induced carpal tunnel.

Carpal tunnel symptoms which later included tennis elbow were the reasons I

first sought medical attention back in 2000. I didn't realize RA could

cause the carpal tunnel. It makes sense. During the time I was being treated

for the carpal tunnel, I had already started experiencing all over body

aches and pain and was popping ibuprofen like candy. Who knew it would all

turn out to be related? I started having finger involvement while being

treated for carpal tunnel; baby finger on right side started swelling,

ultimately became somewhat deformed, was extremely red and painful. I will

never forget the day I left my office to go take a picture of a location

where a citizen had complained of having damaged his/her vehicle (can't

remember anymore whether it was a male or female caller) so I could send the

picture to the insurance adjuster. I was standing by the car with the door

open, I inadvertently knocked my hand (right little finger) against the

door, and the pain was so intense it literally took my breath away. I

remember feeling like I was actually frozen in place from the pain. It was

the most absolute awful feeling, I will never forget it.

Anyway, when I showed my finger to my ortho, he started me on Vioxx and I

have been on it, off and on, ever since.

I also got a laugh out of your description about walking ever so slowly

behind the nurse at your first visit to the rheumatologist's. My first

visit was very much like yours, didn't take the doc long with the diagnosis.

In retrospect, it seems amazing that all the other docs " just didn't get

it " . My pcp kept blowing off my complaints of pain and stiffness until I

convinced her to refer me to a rheumatologist at the end of 2001. A whole

year of misery. Unfortunately, not an unusual story with this group.

And like you, I, once in a while, have some slight tingling and/or numbness

in my hands, mainly at night, just to remind me of carpal tunnel still

lurking. (LOL)

Suzanne in lovely NW FL (gotta love this weather!)


> Then I started seeing " bumps " on my wrists and forearms, next my fingers

on both hands were starting to tingle and feel numb (RA induced carpal

tunnel). My Dr. sent me to a Rheumatologist. By this time I was in real

bad shape, I could hardly get up and it took me about five minutes to walk

50 feet. (If I sat on the floor, my job sometimes requires me to get there,

it was extremely painful to get there, it took me about 5 minutes to get up)

I walked into the examining room (about three minutes after the nurse). The

rheumatologist took one look at me and asked about my symptoms, when I got

to the bumps, he said RA and by the way, those are called nodules.


> He put me on mtx, plaquanil, and sulfasalizine. That was in Sept. of 1999

and I have been doing fairly well since then, the nodules went away, the

carpal tunnel is pretty much non-existent (a little tingle occasionally in

my right hand).


> About the only side affects are a little hair lose, dry mouth/skin/eyes,

and IF I take the sulfasalizine too late I get heart burn (ranitidine for



> I have read alot of postings and have found comfort in the fact that I'm

not alone. Thank you all so very much for giving me that.

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on 5/11/02 7:23 AM, rhonda m pineau at scottron2@... wrote:

> Just wanted to update anyone who's interested on Olivia's problem.

> Before I start though, I'd like to say that all that's gone on with her

> began well before starting zp. I never thought enzymes were the cause of

> her problems, so if I ever gave that impression, sorry. (Course, I've

> only been giving them to her for a couple weeks so I'm sure they had

> nothing to do with it but have stopped for now.) Went to the doc's this

> a.m., they tested for a uti, nothing. Really was hoping that's what it

> was. Sent her for xrays and she's backed up but no serious obstruction.

> He told me to give her pear juice for a week or so and see if that didn't

> get some out. While we were there she pooped and he didn't think it was

> too unusual, while I thought it was but whatever. He says the next step

> would be to try rinidine? I don't think that's spelled right, but he

> thinks maybe she's having some sort of acid problem but to wait til we

> get the bm thing fixed first. So this would explain her discomfort, that

> pelvic thing she does, (although, again he mentioned something about her

> trying to reach an orgasm which I still think is absurd.). So now we

> wait. Again. I asked him what could cause this and he said maybe too

> much calcium. mentioned something before about magnesium sulfate,

> is that for a uti or to help process calcium? I " m sorry, I'm a little

> emotionally exhausted so I hope this all makes sense and maybe someone

> can offer some advice that the doc may have forgotten. Thank you all for

> your previous advice, it's so nice to have someone listen and know that

> it's not nothing. Rhonda





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> I officially unsubscribed from smartbansters. It makes me depressed

> to read so many negative comments on my positive journey to wellness.

> PNW_bandsters will be my link for info for now on.

I know how you feel...I originally unsubscribed from " Bandsters " for the

same reason but stayed with " Smart Bandsters " because the group seemed more

stable and there was less fighting. These days I find myself barely reading

the list because of all the crap going on and am considering leaving it too.

I'm looking forward to December 5th when I become eligible to join " Graduate

Bandsters " in the hope that it will be a little more pleasant and maturing

to read.


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I take Magnesium to process calcium (due to kidney stones). I'm not sure if it

is used for UTI's. Hope that helps.


Re: (unknown)

on 5/11/02 7:23 AM, rhonda m pineau at scottron2@... wrote:

> Just wanted to update anyone who's interested on Olivia's problem.

> Before I start though, I'd like to say that all that's gone on with her

> began well before starting zp. I never thought enzymes were the cause of

> her problems, so if I ever gave that impression, sorry. (Course, I've

> only been giving them to her for a couple weeks so I'm sure they had

> nothing to do with it but have stopped for now.) Went to the doc's this

> a.m., they tested for a uti, nothing. Really was hoping that's what it

> was. Sent her for xrays and she's backed up but no serious obstruction.

> He told me to give her pear juice for a week or so and see if that didn't

> get some out. While we were there she pooped and he didn't think it was

> too unusual, while I thought it was but whatever. He says the next step

> would be to try rinidine? I don't think that's spelled right, but he

> thinks maybe she's having some sort of acid problem but to wait til we

> get the bm thing fixed first. So this would explain her discomfort, that

> pelvic thing she does, (although, again he mentioned something about her

> trying to reach an orgasm which I still think is absurd.). So now we

> wait. Again. I asked him what could cause this and he said maybe too

> much calcium. mentioned something before about magnesium sulfate,

> is that for a uti or to help process calcium? I " m sorry, I'm a little

> emotionally exhausted so I hope this all makes sense and maybe someone

> can offer some advice that the doc may have forgotten. Thank you all for

> your previous advice, it's so nice to have someone listen and know that

> it's not nothing. Rhonda





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> on 5/11/02 7:23 AM, rhonda m pineau at scottron2@j... wrote:


So this would explain her discomfort, that

> > pelvic thing she does, (although, again he mentioned something

about her

> > trying to reach an orgasm which I still think is absurd).

yes it is absurd.

a while ago went to a autism conference.

there was a behaviourist there who did a session on sensory issues.

one thing he mentioned was that often kids do this " funny thing " with

their pelvis, sometimes leaning forward, placing their hands (in

fists sometimes) close to their groins, pressing on the tops of the

legs where the hip sockets are... and rocking sort of.

he described this as being joint compression they are giving


he said " often the teachers will say he is masturbating, but this is

no where near the case " .... this is the same as flapping arms real

high does... gives joint compression to those joints in elbows and

sometimes even in shoulders. so this is what your daughter may be

doing, giving herself that joint compression.


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Well, I'm not sure if there's a metals transport problem. I don't even

know if her autism was caused by a vaccine but if it was I'm leaning

towards hep B. It's not genetic. That's what's so confusing I guess.

The reason her therapist suggested metabolic testing was due to the

cataracts and the low muscle tone. Some of her " stuff " just doesn't jive

with the whole autism dx. I was hoping to have her tested for things

like copper vs zinc or yeast overgrowth or SOMETHING! I'm not even sure

of the exact definition of " metabolic testing " . This is still too

overwhelming for me sometimes. I am not on the spectrum, nor my husband,

not even a little. Before meeting all the people on these groups, I

didn't even know that people with autism weren't like rain man. I didn't

even know what Asperger's was, still don't all the way but I'm guessing

it's hfa? Anyway, I guess I'm hoping to take out some of the guess work

by having her tested but I don't even know if the crap she'd be tested

for would have any direct link on what sups to give her! ARGHHH

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i'd start with yeast and enzymes/no fenol.

low muscle tone is autistic

cataracts must suck

doctors tend to want simple issues like a genetic disorder causing

all this but they are systemic issues caused by general


no fenol would tell you pretty qiuck wether there was yeast iisue,

as would oregano oil.

mercury is notorious for causing metabolic diffculites that

unfortuantely imprint, remaining to some large extent even after the

mercury is gone.(if it ever completely goes)

> Well, I'm not sure if there's a metals transport problem. I don't


> know if her autism was caused by a vaccine but if it was I'm leaning

> towards hep B. It's not genetic. That's what's so confusing I


> The reason her therapist suggested metabolic testing was due to the

> cataracts and the low muscle tone. Some of her " stuff " just

doesn't jive

> with the whole autism dx. I was hoping to have her tested for


> like copper vs zinc or yeast overgrowth or SOMETHING! I'm not even


> of the exact definition of " metabolic testing " . This is still too

> overwhelming for me sometimes. I am not on the spectrum, nor my


> not even a little. Before meeting all the people on these groups, I

> didn't even know that people with autism weren't like rain man. I


> even know what Asperger's was, still don't all the way but I'm


> it's hfa? Anyway, I guess I'm hoping to take out some of the guess


> by having her tested but I don't even know if the crap she'd be


> for would have any direct link on what sups to give her! ARGHHH

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Thanks . I started her on zp and she was on it for about 2.5 weeks

before the bowel back up incident. In that short time we saw no changes

but I'm sure it's cause she wasn't taking it long enough. Since the

bowel thing we were told to give her tons of pear juice and now we have a

whole new problem w/serious diaper rash. Changed to apple/prune today.

I would've thought that taking enzymes would've prevented such back up??

Was also doing gse and again, no changes in anything so I'm not even sure

if yeast is a problem but have seriously considered no phenol. The

cataracts don't appear to be an issue as they're small but how can you

tell?? She's borderline normal on the ophthalmologist chart thing.

Again, it's all so terribly frustrating. The only thing good that's come

out of this last episode is that her bum's so sore she's started crawling

rather than her normal mode of transportation which is scootching on her

butt. (I call it crawling but it's more like doing a bunny hop on all


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Oh my goodness! Can we say " violations galore?!?! " I've interspersed my

comments below:


Hey all,

I'm experiencing a little confusion here with my son's school(as

usual). If anyone can help, please feel free to post any and all


< On Friday, 11/08, the first report card period ended and I had the

conference with my son's 2nd grade teacher. There with her were also

his reading teacher and, for some odd reason, the school counselor.

According to his report card, he is doing " okay " in school. His only

failing marks were for not knowing his addition and subtraction math

facts,for not using correct punctuation and capitalization in his

writing (don't grade for spelling yet), and for reading below grade

level. His teachers seemed to think that he is progressing nicely and

that no other " accomadations " need to be made for him at this time,

therefore, why write a 504 plan for him? >

His " only " failing grades? I don't think so! I'm glad his teachers think

he's progressing nicely. However, opinions are like belly buttons -- we've

all got them and sometimes they stink! He needs to be formally evaluated to

see how " okay " he truly is compared with his same-aged peers who aren't in a

class where the expectations are lowered.

< According to them, there are

children in his classroom who behave worse than and are doing

worse than he is. They seem to think that is okay. >

Really? Maybe you could talk to some of the other parents about this lack

of expectations by their children's teacher.

< I realize that he

behaves well in school and that they don't see what the rest of the

world does, but that doesn't mean it's not true. They are not the

ones sitting with him for 2 hours every night helping him complete

his homework or dealing with his tantrums. When I try to explain this

stuff to them, they just give each other knowing " looks " that are oh

so patronizing. >

Let them be as patronizing as they want to me. I suggest you read " Letter

to a Stranger " at the 's Law website, www.wrightslaw.com. Then, draft

a thank you letter to the team, reiterating your concerns and formalizing

your request for evaluations.

< The school counselor is aware that he is essentially in diagnosis

limbo at the moment because his doctor will not commit to the pdd-

nos/or asperger's diagnosis until he is seen by the developmental

pediatrician in February. She said that perhaps we ought to wait

until then to write the 504 because a 504 written for ADHD/ODD would

be very different than one written for PDD-NOS. I asked her why that

would be so, because wouldn't the plan be written with the child's

needs in mind, not the disability? She said yes, but pdd is more

global and therefore a different plan would need to be written. Why,

as long as it addressed his needs in school? >

I don't think so!!! The child's disability drives placement, not the

label. And, that's exactly what she's doing - wanting that label to decide

where he should be placed. Get those evals!

< When I got home, I made sure to call the special education supervisor

and informed him that I still want the 504, even if it is written for

just ADHD because we know he definitely has the ADHD, even if we are

not sure about the PDD. I also said that they could just write it up

to reflect the current " accomations " (little that they are) he has in

the classroom since they have nixed every suggestion I have offered

to help . >

Good for you! Now, follow up your conversation with a nice " thank you "

letter ala " letter to a stranger. " Make a paper trail.

< I am getting an advocate, but I'm not sure what it will accomplish.

The school is satisfied with his current academic progress. If they

now do not consider him a problem, what am I to do? It is almost as

if they are trying to backtrack just to get out of writing the 504

plan. >

An advocate will help you take the necessary steps to have your son

formally evaluated at school, and then an appropriate plan written up. If

you bring along a friendly advocate, they'll stop backtracking.

< His teacher told me he is behaving better in school. When she

reminds him to stop the humming or whatever - he does. Well, he just

started on Paxil and it has made a very noticable difference in him at

home, therfore, I'm sure he is better in school. The thing is, last

year when he was made to stop he " noises " , he started doing other

stuff. I have noticed a slight increase in other behaviors at home,

and I believe it is due primarily to her forcing his compliance in

school. But I have no way of letting the school know this because,

though they ask I inform them, they basically roll their eyes

knowingly at each other(yes, while I'm right there to see it) and

mouth platitudes. They sit and listen politely to make me happy and

to get me to go away. >

So put your concerns in writing. Nicely doing so (remember letter to a

stranger!). Then if they put their patronizing attitude in writing, that's

good ammo for you to use to get him a placement based on evals rather than

teacher opinion (remember the belly button theory!).

< I'm thinking that, maybe, I ought to just wait until he sees the

developmental pediatrician before pushing things. He is doing much

better with the Paxil. He is willing to go outside to play with

others, he is cooperative and calm, he is handling change much

better, and he is easier to sidetrack before a problem escalates into

a full-blown tantrum. He is still fidgety and restless and it is

still hard to get and keep his attention, but hey, I'll take what I

can get. I keep hoping that,just maybe,this is our answer to his

troubles and that he will keep getting better. Unfortuantely,I know

it's not going to work forever. But maybe I ought to lay off the

school until after the appointment with the developmental

pediatrican. >

I am a parent educator in our state (an advocate) and I would strongly

encourage you *not* to wait until you see the doctor. If there's problems

at school, school needs to address them. And, timelines fall into play. In

our state, land, schools have 90 days to evaluate a child. So, if you

wait to push for evaluations, you may not be sitting down to write an

IEP/504 until late Spring.

< At least by then, we should have a definitive diagnosis

to take to the school. Of course, with all of the therapy he's

getting and the Paxil, the doctor might just look at me and say I'm

nuts, too. >

(a) Having a dx will help you, but remember, the label doesn't drive

placement the needs of the child does. (B) if the doc thinks you're nuts,

find another one! Any pediatrician worth his salt will respect a parent's

perspective and treat you as a team member.



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Missy has given a great reply and I only wanted to add that I also was

ganged up on when I asked for a 504 for in the second grade. Gave me

similar reasoning. A couple of years later he did not have that 504 but and

IEP and that soon evolved into homeschooling, first by the district and now

private. I wish I had Missy's advice back then, it might have helped me

although 's dx is different. Always be polite and keep that paper

trail. wrightslaw.com has be best information. I hope that you have a

binder or file cabinet for EVERYTHING concerning your child.


grandma and guardian to

- 11 yo-- Bipolar/ADHD on Depakote, Adderall, Omega 3's

Evan - 8 yo nonverbal autism on 3 mg Risperdal

- 6 - Bipolar/ADHD/RAD/PTSD on Tegretol, Adderall Omega 3's

mother to , their mom - Bipolar/ADHD on Topamax

wife to Bob too many meds to remember

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Dear Joan,

My hepatologist

and GP decided to take me off anything that I don’t absolutely need. My

biopsy showed possible drug induced AIH. We don’t yet know which drug

caused it, but I must take asthma meds anyway. We don’t know for sure if

it was the Allegra 180, but more than likely it was

the Modicon. My LFT’s

have come down since I stopped using Allegra and Modicon but then they shot back up as the AIH manifested

itself 3 months later.

I’m sure your doctor would have

taken you off Allegra if he felt that it was harming


Don’t worry,

[ ]


Hi ,

I am coming in on the tail end of

your conversation about Allegra. I take Allergra 180.

Can you fill me in on why you

can't take it?

Joan Claffey




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In a message dated 11/12/02 8:48:18 AM Eastern Standard Time, dtycer@...


> , what a WONDERFUL idea!!! I love it!

> Course, if Montyman walked on me, I would be squished! LOL!

> Donna, Montymans Mom

ROTFLOL Donna!!!!!!! , good luck with your project.


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I got the idea from the website:




Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com


Single & ready to mingle? lavalife.com: Where singles click. Free to Search!


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thanks all,

> , what a WONDERFUL idea!!!  I love it!

>     Course, if Montyman walked on me, I would be squished!  LOL!

> Donna, Montymans Mom

ROTFLOL Donna!!!!!!!   , good luck with your project.


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I am so sorry, that is what happened to a friend of mine, he got morphine and took too high a dose, hang in there and save some chocolaate covered cherries, have you got a recipe, I should like to try to make some, The chocolaate addict from Central New York Anne

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So sorry to hear about your friend,,, it is a very sad reality for people

who deal with pain all the time,, you just get tired of fighting it,, I have

rheumatiod arthritis and can understand where he was coming from,, but I don

't drink,, and could never even consider leaving my daughter,, till its my

time,, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your father!!!

Lotsa Hugs


> Hi guys. Guess what I'm doing? I'm making chocolate covered cherries-

> for the first, and probably last time. I have to keep stopping, and

> chilling them. What a mess. But the house smells like warm chocolate.

> Yes, I'm losing it.

> Its been a real bad day.

> One of my oldest bestest friends died this morning. His 6yo grandson

> had to find him & call 911. His sister calls from Iowa, leaves a

> message sobbing, doesnt say who it is, just Bobbys dead. I spend the

> whole morning trying to find out what happened, then all afternoon

> friends coming over to tell me. He had rheumatoid arthritis, it was

> getting real bad, he was in pain all the time. He took a lot of pain

> pills whenever he could get them, and has been drinking again all

> week. He told me last week the dr had put him on that new time

> released morphine, and it was great. I gave him my usual lecture, and

> asked him to be careful.

> Guys, PLEASE be careful! I know a lot of us are in pain, and taking

> a lot of meds. And I know how hard it is to get that relief, and a

> good nights sleep. But....I also know too well you can cross that

> line, and just forget to breathe.

> I cant handle losing anyone else.

> Jerry had just helped me fix dinner, and my sister called. Daddy was

> on his way to the hospital. He has pneumonia. She says from going out

> in the cold to dialysis every other day- she wants him to stop, or

> just stay in the hospital, so they can do it there. And " where/what

> is your lobe? " So I have to explain to her EVERYTHING, like shes a 2

> year old. And she thinks she needs to take over his care- " his wife

> (who I love)is not doing it. "

> We were planning Thanksgiving yesterday. I said I would come & cook

> the turkey.......

> I'm off to dip cherries, and maybe anything else I can find.

> Thanks for being out there. Take care. Love,




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> When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


> --- Margaret Drabble


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Hi , and thanks.

I'm sure he didnt do it on purpose, he was just so used to nothing

working, and never having enough......He was raising his grandsons,

he would not have left them on purpose. Here's ironic- his mom has

the kids now, she's waiting for a liver transplant. He probably would

have been a perfect match.

> ,


> So sorry to hear about your friend,,, it is a very sad reality for


> who deal with pain all the time,, you just get tired of fighting

it,, I have

> rheumatiod arthritis and can understand where he was coming from,,

but I don

> 't drink,, and could never even consider leaving my daughter,, till

its my

> time,, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your father!!!

> Lotsa Hugs




> (unknown)



> > Hi guys. Guess what I'm doing? I'm making chocolate covered


> > for the first, and probably last time. I have to keep stopping,


> > chilling them. What a mess. But the house smells like warm


> > Yes, I'm losing it.

> > Its been a real bad day.

> > One of my oldest bestest friends died this morning. His 6yo


> > had to find him & call 911. His sister calls from Iowa, leaves a

> > message sobbing, doesnt say who it is, just Bobbys dead. I spend


> > whole morning trying to find out what happened, then all afternoon

> > friends coming over to tell me. He had rheumatoid arthritis, it


> > getting real bad, he was in pain all the time. He took a lot of


> > pills whenever he could get them, and has been drinking again all

> > week. He told me last week the dr had put him on that new time

> > released morphine, and it was great. I gave him my usual lecture,


> > asked him to be careful.

> > Guys, PLEASE be careful! I know a lot of us are in pain, and


> > a lot of meds. And I know how hard it is to get that relief, and a

> > good nights sleep. But....I also know too well you can cross that

> > line, and just forget to breathe.

> > I cant handle losing anyone else.

> > Jerry had just helped me fix dinner, and my sister called. Daddy


> > on his way to the hospital. He has pneumonia. She says from going


> > in the cold to dialysis every other day- she wants him to stop, or

> > just stay in the hospital, so they can do it there.

And " where/what

> > is your lobe? " So I have to explain to her EVERYTHING, like shes

a 2

> > year old. And she thinks she needs to take over his care- " his


> > (who I love)is not doing it. "

> > We were planning Thanksgiving yesterday. I said I would come &


> > the turkey.......

> > I'm off to dip cherries, and maybe anything else I can find.

> > Thanks for being out there. Take care. Love,

> >

> >

> >

> > ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Hi Rhonda: can you get her qualified for WIC?

WIC can give you vouchers for Pediasure if she is underweight / anemic,




Hi all. Had to write because the most amazing thing has happened. I

started Olivia on Pediasure and finally after 2 years this child is

producing BROWN bm's! In all her life (a whole 2 yrs lol) she had

probably pooped brown 3 times until now. I'm in shock. She also seems

to be more verbal, not just babbling but actually saying mama and dada

and last night she said bubba, her bottle was empty. What do you make of

this? It couldn't possibly just be a coincidence, could it? I'm stumped

but happy. Now, if only it wasn't so damn expensive. 6 8oz cans for 9

dollars. That's quite a bit of money. Think a doc could write a script

for it? (Probably wishful thinking). Any comments would be quite

welcome. Thanks.


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Hi , unfortunately we don't qualify for WIC but I called Pediasure

and they said if I call once a month they will send out coupons twice a

month for 2 dollars off each. I guess that's better than nothing. I'm

going to Walmart this evening because I'm sure it's got to be a little

cheaper there than at my grocery store. I think I'll also cut back on it

a bit, maybe only twice a day or whatever, that should help also. I'm

still just amazed that it's having such a positive effect on her. I

can't wait til her GI appointment on Thursday, the anticipation is just

killing me. Rhonda

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Aweeeeee :o(

I am So Sorry for the lose of your friend... Also for the condition of your Father :o( Does it Ever Stop???

You gave very good advice about the meds... I cringe eveytime I see someone drinking that I know is on a lot of meds also :o(

How are you holding up??? Keeping busy is what I do also, that way the tears that flow seem easier to handle... Please take time for Yourself also!!! I wish I had better words to give you...



Hi guys. Guess what I'm doing? I'm making chocolate covered cherries-

for the first, and probably last time. I have to keep stopping, and

chilling them. What a mess. But the house smells like warm chocolate.

Yes, I'm losing it.

Its been a real bad day.

One of my oldest bestest friends died this morning. His 6yo grandson

had to find him & call 911. His sister calls from Iowa, leaves a

message sobbing, doesnt say who it is, just Bobbys dead. I spend the

whole morning trying to find out what happened, then all afternoon

friends coming over to tell me. He had rheumatoid arthritis, it was

getting real bad, he was in pain all the time. He took a lot of pain

pills whenever he could get them, and has been drinking again all

week. He told me last week the dr had put him on that new time

released morphine, and it was great. I gave him my usual lecture, and

asked him to be careful.

Guys, PLEASE be careful! I know a lot of us are in pain, and taking

a lot of meds. And I know how hard it is to get that relief, and a

good nights sleep. But....I also know too well you can cross that

line, and just forget to breathe.

I cant handle losing anyone else.

Jerry had just helped me fix dinner, and my sister called. Daddy was

on his way to the hospital. He has pneumonia. She says from going out

in the cold to dialysis every other day- she wants him to stop, or

just stay in the hospital, so they can do it there. And "where/what

is your lobe?" So I have to explain to her EVERYTHING, like shes a 2

year old. And she thinks she needs to take over his care- "his wife

(who I love)is not doing it."

We were planning Thanksgiving yesterday. I said I would come & cook

the turkey.......

I'm off to dip cherries, and maybe anything else I can find.

Thanks for being out there. Take care. Love,

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Charleen A. CphT

Technician Representative

Spokane Pharmacy Association


Pharmacy Technician/Trainer

Sixth Avenue Pharmacy

W. 508 6th Avenue

Spokane, WA 99204

(509) 455-9345 wk.

(509) 953-9308 cell.

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