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Thanks for the well wishes for Kaitlyn. Around 6:00 PM her temperature

hit 104 so I panicked and called her doctor. I've never had a child that

had a fever that high. He said if she isn't any better by tomorrow to

call him and he'll want to send her for a strep test and probably a CBC

(?) to check her white cell count to see if she possibly has

Mononucleosis. Yippy, just what this house needs. A junior in high

school missing a few weeks from school and home bugging Mom. My husband

sensed my depressed mood on the phone tonight when he called from work

and wanted to know why I was depressed. DUH!!!! How come men handle

things so differently and can't understand us sometimes? Is it just me

that feels this way sometimes?

Re: Shaye

Oh , you poor thing!!! Sending well wishes to your daughter & I

hope she gets well soon. And sending sunny wishes your way that your

luck turns better soon!!!

As for the DBA thing- LOL, I sent my Certificate of Authority back

with my final taxes to NY state & they sent me a new one at my new

address! I filled out the part that says you closed your biz cause

you moved & they still sent me a new one. Just goes to show that NY

is screwed up.

As for me, I've got to pay $50/year for my license since I'm in the

city limits. But that is South Carolina, so don't anyone get

confused. :)


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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In a message dated 1/28/2005 11:30:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jmurray2@... writes:

DUH!!!! How come men handle

things so differently and can't understand us sometimes? Is it just me

that feels this way sometimes?


No, I don't think so, , LOL.


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> How come men handle things so differently and can't understand us

sometimes? Is it just me that feels this way sometimes?

Cause most of them are insensitive jerks! Sorry to the guys on the

list, not all of you are. :)

As for Kaitlyn, is she dizzy or blacking out too? I had mono in

college (thanks to a boyfriend who was a carrier). Every day at 6pm

my temp shot thru the roof. I was tired & dizzy all the time. It

knocked me out for nearly a month! I really hope she doesn't have it

& that she gets better soon.


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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In a message dated 1/30/2005 9:04:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jmurray2@... writes:

Thanks so much. I felt sooo bad for her. On top of having the strep

throat she is still in pain inside her mouth from the car accident two

weeks ago.


Poor thing! Being involved in the accident probably shot her immune system.

I'm glad she's perking up, though. :-) Moms do feel better when their

kids do.


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Hi Colleen

Well, her fever went to 104 early Friday and I got a hold of her doctor.

Saturday morning her fever would at least go down as long as she took

the Tylenol. BUT she had huge white pockets on the back of her throat

so I had to contact him again. He immediately sent us up to the hospital

in Utica for a strep test, CBC white blood cell count and a test for

mono if the strep test came back negative. They said they would run the

tests right away and call the doctor with the results. We were only

back home about 30 minutes and her doctor called to say that she

definitely had strep throat and called in the prescription right away.

He said her white blood cell count was elevated but that was due to the

strep so he didn't have the lab run the mono test. I guess that test is

pretty expensive. Today (Sunday) her white patches are gone off her

throat already and she's feeling MUCH better. She may even be able to go

back to school tomorrow as long as she makes sure she finishes all 10

days of the medicine. Boy, I'll tell you she was one sick puppy

yesterday. She laid on that couch and cried and I felt so helpless. What

a difference one day of medicine can make!!

Re: Colleen

> How come men handle things so differently and can't understand us

sometimes? Is it just me that feels this way sometimes?

Cause most of them are insensitive jerks! Sorry to the guys on the

list, not all of you are. :)

As for Kaitlyn, is she dizzy or blacking out too? I had mono in

college (thanks to a boyfriend who was a carrier). Every day at 6pm

my temp shot thru the roof. I was tired & dizzy all the time. It

knocked me out for nearly a month! I really hope she doesn't have it

& that she gets better soon.


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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Hi Colleen

Thanks so much. I felt sooo bad for her. On top of having the strep

throat she is still in pain inside her mouth from the car accident two

weeks ago. So today was actually the first day she was able to eat

anything in 3 days. Today she said she thinks she lost weight. Gee, do

you think so? But she certainly doesn't need to lose any - she's about

130 pounds and 5'10 " tall.

Well, she's so much better tonight - and when you're kids are better Mom

feels better.

Re: Colleen

Oh , how awful for her!!! Let her know well wishes are being sent

her way. Glad you were able to get her some meds. I hope she's doing

better soon!


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Colleen

I was starting to wonder if something was wrong with me receiving email

in the . I hadn't seen any recently and thought " here we go

again. " But since I got some tonight it must be OK.

Question: You said you file your taxes monthly? Do you mean Sales

Taxes or Income Taxes? I didn't know that any of them could be done

monthly. Is there a reason you do that? Just curious, ya know?

March is busy for me, too. Not as bad as you, but enough.....my

daughter will be 29 Friday, my Mom's birthday is the 7th and our wedding

anniversary is the 8th. Oh, and my brother's is the 28th. And if this

snow doesn't stop I won't get to Utica to the mall to do any birthday

shopping by Friday. My daughter gets to spend her birthday at the

hospital while her husband goes thru a colonoscopy. He's only 30 and

has been having bleeding problems so I'm really concerned about what

they find out. I can't wait for this month to be over with and it's

only the 1st day. :>(

Re: Boo

Boo to you too! Did you know you are bouncing??? LOL! There have

been quite a few of our members bouncing around groups within the

past few days.

I am busy with orders, yeah for me! Plus I am up to my eyeballs in

reports. Silly me has decided that it's time to really start

analyzing all my stat reports for my website. I've got to fix my

quickbooks too, do my February taxes (I file monthly), update my

expense report, and I'm sure there was something else I had to be doing.

Tomorrow I go b-day shopping. I've got my brother, my son, my

daughter, and my brothers girlfriend all this month. I went Easter

candy shopping yesterday so that is all done.


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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> Question: You said you file your taxes monthly? Do you mean Sales

> Taxes or Income Taxes? I didn't know that any of them could be done

> monthly. Is there a reason you do that? Just curious, ya know?

Hey ! I file my sales taxes monthly. Reason being- The state

sent me a booklet of pre-printed forms that says I have to do them

monthly. LOL! I remember doing that my first year in biz in NY too,

then after that they switched me to yearly.

I hope everything goes well with your son-in-law!!!


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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Hi Colleen

Oh, it's the Sales Taxes you do monthly. I never had to do that here in

NY. I started out doing quarterly and then they switched it to yearly

once they saw that I didn't collect over $3000 in taxes in a year.

Thank God I don't.

Thanks for the well wishes on my son-in-law. I'm really worried though

I didn't let my daughter know it. I worry so much about cancer. My

first husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer when we were only 26

and my daughter was only two at the time. So I'm praying that this

isn't the case.

On another note......I took Kaitlyn to the dentist yesterday because he

wanted to do a re-check on that TMJ condition on her jaw after that car

accident. Well, he said it seems better but that doesn't mean it won't

come back. But he was more concerned with the blister I told him about

that she's had inside her lower lip since the accident. Well, after

checking it he informed us that she would need surgery on it. It's not

just a typical blister. It's called a Mucocele and it's caused from a

crush-type injury to the face as is the case with Kaitlyn's car

accident. What it amounts to is that a salivary gland has been damaged

and the saliva backs up into the soft tissue. It did break a week ago

but it filled right back up and will continue to do this and is very

uncomfortable for her against her teeth. Here's the real kick in the

butt.....he called two doctors he knew that could do the surgery while I

was at the office. One is a plastic surgeon and the other an oral

surgeon and when he explained the circumstances (car accident and " no

fault insurance " involved) neither doctor would do the surgery. And why

is that??? Because NYS has " no fault " insurance payments set up so low

that most doctors don't want to do any procedures thru " no fault "

because they don't get paid anywhere near what their fees are. So in

order for Kaitlyn to have the surgery we have to use our own medical

insurance and pay any money out of our own pocket that our insurance

doesn't pay. How's that for fairness? The women that hit the vehicle

my daughter was in ran the stop sign and was ticketed and doesn't have

to pay out a dime? Well, my husband thinks it's now time to see an

attorney and I think I agree. I think my daughter should be compensated

for her injuries and pain and suffering. We weren't even going to go

there but now that she has to have surgery I think we're going to have


Remember how last month I was complaining about all my bad luck so far

this year?? Well, it's never ending. We also found out this week that

my husband needs to be on blood pressure medicine. Here's a 51 year old

guy that runs 5 miles every morning, eats right, only has a few beers in

a month and has high blood pressure. Go figure!! I'm sure glad I'm

back on antidepressants or they'd be taking me off to the funny farm.

Well, I've complained long enough. Had to relieve some pressure. Sorry


Re: Colleen

> Question: You said you file your taxes monthly? Do you mean Sales

> Taxes or Income Taxes? I didn't know that any of them could be done

> monthly. Is there a reason you do that? Just curious, ya know?

Hey ! I file my sales taxes monthly. Reason being- The state

sent me a booklet of pre-printed forms that says I have to do them

monthly. LOL! I remember doing that my first year in biz in NY too,

then after that they switched me to yearly.

I hope everything goes well with your son-in-law!!!


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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Oh !!!!!! Sending bunches of hugs and well wishes your way that

your luck turns around. I'm so sorry you're going thru all this!

I got so mad myself when I read about those stupid doctors. Like they

don't make enough money already, they can't just do the darn surgery

and help a child who has to have the surgery out of no fault of her

own. Makes me soooo mad that there are people in the world like that.

I agree though, go see an attorney. That is completely wrong & the

lady who caused the accident should be held accountable, both legally

and financially. I really hope that Kaitlyn will get thru all this okay!

And I know, it just sucks how things happen to nice people. Did the

doctors have any reason as to why your dh might have the high blood


You feel free to vent here anytime! And you can always email me

offlist too if you want to. You take care!!!!


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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Thanks for the hugs, Colleen. I agree with you.....I'm getting angrier

every time I think about the greed the doctors have these days. It used

to be they decided to become doctors to " help " people. Now it comes

down to the almight dollar. And they wonder why the courts are so

clogged with lawsuits these days. People are forced to sue because of

the damn insurance companies and doctors. I was trying to explain it to

Kaitlyn last night when she overheard us talking. She was afraid that

we were suing her friend's parents. It's kind of hard to explain to a

16 yr old and I also told her that she should be compensated for the

pain she went thru and what she's going to go through. Actually it's a

good learning experience for her since she's just starting to drive

herself, which makes me nervous. But maybe she can appreciate what

people go thru with car accidents and make her more aware when she does

get her license.

As far as my husband's high blood pressure we think it's hereditary.

There are heart problems on his mother's side. Of course him being a

man, he jokes to me about me being rich faster than other women (which I

don't find amusing). But maybe that's his way of hiding his own concern,

yuh know?

Re: Colleen

Oh !!!!!! Sending bunches of hugs and well wishes your way that

your luck turns around. I'm so sorry you're going thru all this!

I got so mad myself when I read about those stupid doctors. Like they

don't make enough money already, they can't just do the darn surgery

and help a child who has to have the surgery out of no fault of her

own. Makes me soooo mad that there are people in the world like that.

I agree though, go see an attorney. That is completely wrong & the

lady who caused the accident should be held accountable, both legally

and financially. I really hope that Kaitlyn will get thru all this


And I know, it just sucks how things happen to nice people. Did the

doctors have any reason as to why your dh might have the high blood


You feel free to vent here anytime! And you can always email me

offlist too if you want to. You take care!!!!


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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In a message dated 3/4/2005 12:37:18 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

jmurray2@... writes:

As far as my husband's high blood pressure we think it's hereditary.

There are heart problems on his mother's side. Of course him being a

man, he jokes to me about me being rich faster than other women (which I

don't find amusing). But maybe that's his way of hiding his own concern,

yuh know?


I think both our medical and legal systems are a mess, not to mention the

insurance system. . .

I think you're right about your hubby. It's a good thing he takes care of



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  • 2 months later...
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> OMG!!! Hope is OK...Did the police get involved or were

> they 'busy elsewhere'? Please tell him to be extra careful when his

> permit comes through.

Yes, Jeanine, he's okay! He's just a tad bit sore. Yes, the police

were called by someone who wished to be anonymous. Go figure!

They think they caught one of the guys. thinks he shattered one

of the guys arms. The police put a bulletin out to all the local

hospitals and one of them said a guy came in with a broken arm with a

lame excuse as to how it happened. Soooo!


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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I hope your husband is doing good!! I look forward to talking with you

at the gathering if you come!!


> OMG!!! Hope is OK...Did the police get involved or were

> they 'busy elsewhere'? Please tell him to be extra careful when his

> permit comes through.


> Jeanine

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Im glad nothing horrible happened to him. It is also great they

didn't prevoke him to have a heart attack......You did say before he

had a slight attack right?


> > I hope your husband is doing good!! I look forward to talking

with you

> > at the gathering if you come!!

> > Gabby



> Thanks Gabby! He's doing great, just an ugly scrape on his

head. :)



> Colleen

> Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps

> http://www.countrymeadowcreations.com

> Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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> Im glad nothing horrible happened to him. It is also great they

> didn't prevoke him to have a heart attack......You did say before he

> had a slight attack right?

Yeah, last summer he had at least one heart attack that we know of &

had 2 stents put in to remove a major blockage. I guess the

adrenaline really kicked in during the attack & took over for him. He

says he doesn't remember alot of what happened.


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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Im so glad your husband is well. I look forward to chatting with you

when you come up to Syracuse.


> > I hope your husband is doing good!! I look forward to talking

with you

> > at the gathering if you come!!

> > Gabby



> Thanks Gabby! He's doing great, just an ugly scrape on his

head. :)



> Colleen

> Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps

> http://www.countrymeadowcreations.com

> Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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  • 1 month later...
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Thanks for the nice compliments regarding my daughter's prom pictures.

Yup, we think she's beautiful, too. The picture of me with both my

daughter's at the Elk's Club breakfast after the prom isn't one of my

favorites. I was dead on my feet at that time (about 1:30 AM). We were

just heading out the door when my daughter's friend's mother insisted we

stop for a picture and she made a copy for us. Speaking of pictures,

next week I take her to the photographer for her Senior pictures.

That's another big expense I've got to face this summer. People have

been telling me to expect about $500 by the time we're done.

Colleen, I can't remember if I wrote you regarding your new porch but I

have to compliment you on a job well done!! I think it will really add

value to your home and it really makes it more inviting. Your neighbors

are probably jealous and that's why they're reacting that way. I can

just see you in some cute rocking chairs sitting out there waving and

smiling at the little busy-bodies. (hehe)

- Prom Pics

OMG ! Your daughter is beautiful!!!! She looked absolutely

gorgeous in her pics. All her friends looked great too! And boy is

she tall. Both of your daughters are beautiful!

Thanks so much for sharing the pics with us!! Looks like everyone had

a great time.


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


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Yeah really Colleen, I agree what a great job!! I love how the book is

put together!!


> I totally forgot to thank you for the wonderful book of product

> recipes/ingredients. You did a great job!!


> Jeanine

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Yup, I thought it was something like that. Sounds like something my SIL

would do. He's so accident prone. I get stressed every time he gets on

a ladder or puts a tool in his hands. (lol)

Re: Hello - Anyone Home??

> Sorry to hear about . Didn't he get hurt building your shed

in the back yard last year or am I mistaken?

Thanks ! He shot a nail thru his finger a couple years ago when

we first moved here, while building his shed. LOL! I hope he's

okay & given permission to go back to work. I thought with the kids

back to school I'd have peace & quiet here during the day. Now with

him here, he's underfoot as much as the kids!!!

Have fun with the party! Hope the little one has a wonderful day!

Can't believe she's 2 already. :)


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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I may be mistaken and mine doesn't either. For some reason I had it in

my head that it did. Usually if a color bleeds I'll write a note on the

package that it does for future reference and I didn't have it on that

mica. Anyways, I used the Chromium Oxide dissolved in a tad of hot

water and it mixed fine. Hopefully it won't bleed.

That Flying Witch Fragrance site has a ton of scents. I haven't ordered

from them before either but I had them bookmarked in my " favorites "

folder so I must have been directed to them by somebody in the past.

Let us know if you do order from them and what your findings are as to

their quality. What I love about W.S.P.'s site is that they tell you

what % (if any) is vanilla so you know whether it's going to turn your

soap beige or not. I wish all sites did that.

Re: Shaye & Colleen


> I bought the Lemon Zest Mica from Sage Meadow Sundries which no

longer exists

Now that you mention it, I think that's where I got mine too! Mine

doesn't bleed. :)


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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> Usually if a color bleeds I'll write a note on the

> package that it does for future reference

That's a really good idea! As far as I know, none of my mica's bleed.

LOL, yeah, the fragrance site has just way too many cool sounding

fragrances! I'm sure I'll be ordering soon so I'll let you know my



Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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  • 1 month later...

Hi and thanks for caring, I have been having horrible headaches with vomiting etc. Ithas been really tough and money stress is fueling a lot of it. I do think things will get better when it cools off outside!

More soon

HUGS Colleen

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