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> Thanks Colleen, I have a tendancy to get very hard on myself if I

> mess up. Thanks for your comments. Is Dobe your dog? I know how

> emotionally draining a pet illness can be (as crazy as that may

> sound). My dog Bebe was my BABY until I had my human baby! He's

> still very important to us and his last illness almost required a

> trip to Knoxville (UTK) for emergency back surgery. Thank goodness

> he didn't have to in the end. He's as good as new now:). I hope


> furry baby gets better soon!!!

I was the same way on myself...but finally over time learned that

sometimes life has it's own idea of where I am going to be and it can

be different than what I had planned <G>. Bret, my Dobe, is the one

who is sick but I am thanking my lucky stars he is ok. Just dealing

with the recovery time and a bout of pneumonia (he aspirated during

surgery) and so far, so good. Bloat, which he had, often leads to

death so believe me I feel very blessed he is ok so far! Thanks for

the good thoughts!


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Her health is going REALLY well. I don't remember if I posted before

regarding her latest news. The surgeon in Syracuse has postponed all her

monthly ultrasounds until she's a year old and decided not to do the

CATScan for the time being, too.. He said the cyst appears to be

shrinking according to the last ultrasound!! He was very excited to call

my daughter and tell her.

Thanks for asking.

Baby Pics

Jeanine- You make sure you tell Val she sure does have a pretty baby

for me! Vadel is a doll, with such a neat name!

- a is such an angel! She's gotten sooo big! I hope all is

well with her medically too.


Country Meadow Creations


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  • 2 months later...
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In a message dated 6/18/04 11:54:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


> I'll be up for 2 weeks in July, so maybe we can get

> together if you can spare some time.


HI Colleen-that would be nice-email me off list when you know your plans-


Carol J

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  • 1 month later...
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> > Hopefully this don't deter you from comming back this way next

year... Looks forward to your return.

Thanks ! And are you? LOL, I'm hoping and praying that this

bus trip to Sunfeather coincides with any scheduled trip to NY!!!

Cause if it doesn't I'm just going to have to make a special trip!!!



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In a message dated 7/21/04 5:26:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time,


> Subject: RE: I'm back home & other stuff

Whew-that would be one of my worst nightmares!!! I hate to drive in the rain

as it is, but your experience sounded very frightening. Glad you are home

safe. Don't let it keep you away.....


Carol J

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Heck yeah Colleen Im comming back next year.....As I said I loved it

this year it was awsome!!!! I would love to goto Sunfeather trip as

long as date and finaces come through for me!!!

Waiting with antisipation!

> > > Hopefully this don't deter you from comming back this way next

> year... Looks forward to your return.



> Thanks ! And are you? LOL, I'm hoping and praying that this

> bus trip to Sunfeather coincides with any scheduled trip to NY!!!

> Cause if it doesn't I'm just going to have to make a special trip!!!


> Colleen

> http://www.countrymeadowcreations.com

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In a message dated 7/27/04 11:14:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


> While in there they put in

> two stents to open up his blocked artery.


Hi Colleen-sorry that you and are dealing with this, but so glad to hear

that they caught it early, and were able to treat with stents under

controlled circumstances. They have come a long way in cardiac management, and


some lifestyle modifications, 's health will improve considerably.


Carol J

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Been there....done that....

It is VERY important to ask how " the other one " is doing!

So... how are you holding up Colleen? PLEASE... treat yourself to some time or

something that will help YOU disfuse the tension that 's issues have caused




Is home from the hospital? And how are you doing? Remember,

it's important for the caregiver to care for herself,also.


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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 9/9/04 5:37:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,


> How's everyone doing? Are you all busy getting ready for craft shows?



Hey Colleen-your soaps are beautiful! If I do some more soap painting this

year, I'll have to check out Bill's paints.

I'm plugging away for shows-I only scheduled three shows this Nov/Dec, but

may add some. I've only made about 4 batches of CP so far, to add to my others.

Starting early so I don't get too crazy at the last minute!!! Time has a

way of creeping up!!


Carol J

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> Hey Colleen-your soaps are beautiful! If I do some more soap

painting this year, I'll have to check out Bill's paints.

Thanks Carol! The paints are awesome! I made more pumpkins and

turkeys today, so tomorrow is play with the paint day.

Good luck with your shows!


Country Meadow Creations


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  • 1 month later...


> Glad to hear FIL is in good spirits.

I actually spoke to him a few hours ago. Think I woke him up. He

said he's only in pain when he moves, eats. He's fine if he sits

still. He did get up and walk 15 steps today. It took him 20

minutes, but he did it. Still not sure when he's coming home. But

it's good that is there cause his mom is over doing it.

Superwoman doesn't understand that she needs to let others help her.

:) It's her nature to nurture and take care of others, not for others

to take care of her.


Handcrafted Glycerin Soap


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you to all for the Birthday wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really appreciate the nice thoughts and emails

had a good bday and a gorgeous day here in kansas it was about 60 and no wind and sunny it was great

health has not been so good but Im doing my best youu all know how that can be Im struggling with HORRIBLE headaches and the relpax by pfizer helps me but my insurance wont cover it all the docs are out of samples and since I have medicaid I cant get pfizers assistance program urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its all so full of shit so im juggling a lot of other pills having nosebleeds, and losing weight with stomach trouble I know it will all get better when I quit this job--wont be long

everyone take care

thinking of you

hugs Colleen

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Colleen,

How goes it now??? Are you still working??? Have you been able to get the headaches to stop??? Keep us updated and take care... You had bad weather there this past week didn't you??? Hope your doing better...

((( Angel Hugs )))


Thank you to all for the Birthday wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really appreciate the nice thoughts and emails had a good bday and a gorgeous day here in kansas it was about 60 and no wind and sunny it was greathealth has not been so good but Im doing my best youu all know how that can be Im struggling with HORRIBLE headaches and the relpax by pfizer helps me but my insurance wont cover it all the docs are out of samples and since I have medicaid I cant get pfizers assistance program urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its all so full of shit so im juggling a lot of other pills having nosebleeds, and losing weight with stomach trouble I know it will all get better when I quit this job--wont be longeveryone take care thinking of youhugs Colleen

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  • 1 month later...

> Are you saying you send them your 'logo' and THEY put them on the

products you pick? Do you have to pay up front to do that or are they

made as they're ordered by people?

You just upload your logo to their site, pick which of the products

they carry you want to put your logo on, choose the price you want to

sell each at, and people order directly from them. They make them

when they are ordered.

I've known about the site for quite a while, but never got around to

checking into the selling aspect of it. LOL, I've bought a couple of

mugs and hats from them! You don't make much money from the stuff,

but at least your name gets out in the world more. :)


Handcrafted & Decorative Soap


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Colleen is it free to do this?


Re: Colleen

> Are you saying you send them your 'logo' and THEY put them on the

products you pick? Do you have to pay up front to do that or are they

made as they're ordered by people?

You just upload your logo to their site, pick which of the products

they carry you want to put your logo on, choose the price you want to

sell each at, and people order directly from them. They make them

when they are ordered.

I've known about the site for quite a while, but never got around to

checking into the selling aspect of it. LOL, I've bought a couple of

mugs and hats from them! You don't make much money from the stuff,

but at least your name gets out in the world more. :)


Handcrafted & Decorative Soap


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yup, us little guys always end up on the short end of the stick. I

haven't written any letters yet but intend to do that via certified mail

as soon as I have a break in the action in my life.

This week has been 'the week from hell' starting with Sunday night. I

dropped my 16 yr old daughter, Kaitlyn, off at her girlfriends and they

were supposed to go rent a movie. Not a half hour after leaving her I

got a frantic call from her to get down to Elm Street - that they had

been in a car accident. She said the police were there and they were all

sitting in the ambulance but she said she was OK. Boy, no stress there

- right? I got to the scene in about 2 minutes flat and there were two

tow trucks, an ambulance and 3 cop cars there. People were lined up on

the sidewalks (residential neighborhood) and the 5 girls that were in

the club-cab truck (including my daughter) were all sitting in the

ambulance with the EMT's. All the girls insisted they were fine and

didn't want to go to the hospital. I was a little leary about signing

the papers that state that you " refused " hospital transport but they

assured me that I wasn't signing away any rights regarding any future

treatment if needed.

The girls were going through an intersection and a woman ran a stop sign

and they broadsided the woman. Then the woman's car continued a little

further and crashed into a car that was parked in a driveway. Kaitlyn

and her friends all had their seatbelts on but Kaitlyn's head whipped

back and then forward where her mouth & jaw hit the headrest on the

front seat (she was sitting in the backseat). Those club-cab trucks

have tiny little seats with hardly any room. They said the woman was

going about 40 miles an hour and her car was totaled. She never even

got out to see if the girls were OK. She just started screaming at them

when they got out accusing them of running their stop sign. They didn't

have a stop sign - the woman did!! She did get a ticket, too. We have

since found out that this is that woman's 4th accident in 4 years!!

When we got Kaitlyn home the swelling, redness, & black & blue started

showing up on her face and she had a huge blood pocket inside her lower

lip. She said her jaw hurt up by her ear, too. So my husband took her

down to the police station & they added it to the police report and told

him to take her over to the Fire Station & have the paramedics check her

over again. I took pictures just in case, too. The next day I took her

to Urgent Care and they took a series of xrays from ear to ear but

didn't think anything was broken or dislocated - but it would be a few

days for the actual readings to come back from a radiologist. Then the

next day she stayed home from school with a bad headache and I got her

into our dentist to make sure her teeth weren't loosened. He thinks

they're OK but was concerned with the pain in the jaw by the ear. He

could feel a clicking in her jaw when she opened her mouth and said

she's suffering from TMJ which can get very serious and cause severe

headaches and other problems. Oh, great!! He wants her to cut up her

food in tiny pieces, no gum chewing and said she shouldn't even yawn.

Moist warm compresses applied numerous times a day and wants to see her

in 6 weeks. If she still has the problem we'll be referred to a

specialist in Utica.

Now I'm learning all about the insurance " bull.... " people go through

with car accidents. Did you know that in NYS that even though it was the

other driver's fault the medical bills go against the insurance company

of whoever is driving the car your in? What a crock that is. The

mother of my daugher's friend who was driving was told by her insurance

company that if the bills aren't too high they should probably pay them

out of their pocket so that their rates don't go up. I don't know if

they told her the truth or were just trying to get her to not file a

claim for my daughter's bills. It doesn't make sense that their rates

would go up when the other driver was at fault!!

Well, I've rambled on long enough. I won't even get into the other

things that have gone wrong in my life this week. I feel like digging a

hole and burying my head until Spring. Anybody want to join me??

Re: Update - Unclaimed Package?

- Sooooo sorry to hear about your problem! That's terrible of

them not to pay you on time. From what you've said so far, it seems

that this is a " big " company, and they are taking advantage of " the

little guy. " That's just not cool!

I hope that you are able to resolve the problem without going to

court. However, if they don't want to pay up, I'd do what needed to

be done to get your money out of them.

Good luck to you & keep us posted!


Handcrafted & Decorative Soap


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In a message dated 1/21/2005 12:31:43 AM Eastern Standard Time,

jmurray2@... writes:


mother of my daugher's friend who was driving was told by her insurance

company that if the bills aren't too high they should probably pay them

out of their pocket so that their rates don't go up. I don't know if

they told her the truth or were just trying to get her to not file a

claim for my daughter's bills. It doesn't make sense that their rates

would go up when the other driver was at fault!!


Wow, , you certainly have your hands full with this situation! I don't

know about the insurance part, but I wouldn't be surprised. It's awful that

you have so much for insurance, but heaven forbid, actually need to use it.

Spring, that's a lovely word. :-)


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Boy, you've got that right about insurance being a rip-off. My husband

always says that insurance companies are the closest thing to being

illegal as you can get and he's right.

- accident

How awful!!!! I hope your daughter is doing better. That must have

scared the crap out of the girls, especially with that obnoxious woman

screaming at them. I really hope that everyone is okay!

Insurance stinks! Doesn't matter if it's auto, home owners, or

medical. They are all a big rip-off. :(


Handcrafted & Decorative Soap


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Yes, I remember you telling us about that computer deal with QVC. They

really are a great organization to deal with. I wouldn't mind working

for a company like that. I bet they're great to their employees, too.

Re: New subject

> Do any of you ever buy things from QVC?

Sorry to hear about the heater . I don't buy from QVC, but have

to say I am impressed with them too. A few years ago I got a call

from QVC asking me to confirm the $2000 computer I ordered from them

with my credit card. Somehow, someone had got my American Express

credit card info & ordered this computer from QVC and was having it

shipped to FL. The QVC people were very nice. They said that I had

never purchased from them before, then having it shipped to an address

that was not my billing address raised a red flag.

Needless to say that whoever did this also bought Dominoes pizza in

FL, and something at some store in Ithaca, NY. Filed a police report

& never had to pay a dime. Thank goodness!


Handcrafted & Decorative Soap


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Very very smart, girl. Way to go!!

Re: scam?

I recently got one of those emails too. LOL, anytime someone wants

samples/donations from me I think it's a scam!

I politely replied that at this time I do not send samples or

donations and that I do have a clearance page with products at deeply

discounted prices. I then include the page addy & wish them luck!


Handcrafted & Decorative Soaps


Kat's Coffees & More Consultant #0892

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