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acid reflux

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In a message dated 11/01/2000 6:26:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dwaldman@... writes:

> Unfortunately I have the opposite problem. I seem to have developed an acid

> reflux problem two years after starting the O eating plan. I have it so


> that it has become reflux laryngitis and has affected my singing voice.

You might want to:

1. Make sure you leave at least 3 hours between when you eat last and you go

to sleep.... if not longer.

2. Make lunch your biggest meal of the day and have a smaller dinner.

These things helped me before going to ER4YT, and even more so after.

It's funny, because I would get cronic sore throats, and never had a clue it

was due to acid reflux until I started getting stomach pain from it.

go figure


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<<I was almost in your shoes with the acid reflux problem when I started

this diet September/1997. >>

<<My acid reflux went away without any medication.>>

Unfortunately I have the opposite problem. I seem to have developed an acid

reflux problem two years after starting the O eating plan. I have it so bad

that it has become reflux laryngitis and has affected my singing voice.

My theory is that it has gotten worse due to my lowered carbohydrate/starch

intake in an attempt to control my weight. With meals that are all meat and

green veggies I worry that there isn't anything to 'soak up' all the excess

acid my digestive system manufactures. But every time I add back rice,

other grains or even sweet potatoes to my diet I immediately put on weight.

I'm following all the other reflux avoidance guidelines - sleeping with my

head elevated, avoiding caffeine, etc. - but nothing seems to help and I

hate the idea of being on acid reducing medication (first Protonix and now

Aciphex) indefinitely.

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<<Dianne, Have you checked your PH? Cause I had the same problem and after I

got my PH regulated I don't get the reflux anymore. Just a thought it

worked for me. Deb >>

How do I check my PH?

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In a message dated 11/2/00 6:04:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dwaldman@... writes:

<< I've already been following these guidelines for years. Doesn't seem to

help :-(


Hi Diane,

Have you tried taking cayenne pepper pills? Sounds like a funny cure, but I

was having terrible heartburn and eating tons of Tums and I started taking

cayenne pepper pills (2 with each meal) because I read that they could help

to lower cholesterol. After about 2 weeks I noticed that I wasn't having

heartburn anymore. Now the only time I have heartburn is when I stop taking

them for a few days, it comes right back. Now I only take 2 pills once a day

and it still seems to work.

Just a suggestion.

Sharon, Ontario, Canada

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<<You might want to:

1. Make sure you leave at least 3 hours between when you eat last and you go

to sleep.... if not longer.

2. Make lunch your biggest meal of the day and have a smaller dinner.

These things helped me before going to ER4YT, and even more so after.

It's funny, because I would get cronic sore throats, and never had a clue it

was due to acid reflux until I started getting stomach pain from it.

go figure


I've already been following these guidelines for years. Doesn't seem to

help :-(

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Sandy. I had acid reflux myself until I started on coral calcium. Calcium

is alkaline forming and it really has worked well for me. The other thing that

has really helped is homozon. Oxygen is also lends toward an alkaline

enviroment and makes a big difference.

I would recommend the coral calcium first. It is calming and gets the job done

easily. I open the capsules and dump the powder in my mouth and wash down with

water. I recommend Dr. Barefoots brand. I have tried others that didn't

work for me. Just my experience.

I've tried all kinds of calciums for just general calcium needs and I have had

the best absorption from Dr. Barefoots coral calcium.

Also another really simple deal is to eat about 1/4 to 1/2 of an apple. Apple,

uncooked really quenches acid in the stomach.

Things that make it worse are protein and grains and cooked fruits. Basically,

food. Smile.

But the coral calcium and fresh apples could be very helpful.



Acid Reflux

Dear Group,

I have known for some time that my mother (76) suffers very badly

from acid reflux. She has taken so many medications recommended by

her doctors. Nothing has helped.The acid is so bad, that it backs

right up in her throat, causing her to go into coughing spasms.

Apparently, her sphincter is damaged and doesn't close properly. Many

times I have offered to research some alternative therapies, but she

has not been interested. " Doesn't believe in those things. The

doctors know best " . Last week I visited her in Florida (I live in

Canada) and was shocked by her appearance. She is gaunt, afraid to

eat because of the reflux. Doesn't sleep well because of it. She

has become obsessed with this problem. Along with this problem, I

now find her in anxiety neurosis. This, I am sure, is making her

coughing spasms worse. I'm not sure which came first, the anxiety

or the reflux. She is now unable to swallow pills because they get

stuck in her esophagus. I went to a health food store in her area and

got her some Kava drops, to try to allay her anxiety. The worst part

is the acid reflux. It looks like it's killing her. I am so

worried. She has now begged me to find something for her, " even if

it is alternative medicine " . This is a desperate plea from her. I

don't know where to start. Please help.


OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

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According to Dr. BAtman. in his book on water, cellular dehydration is

the cause of reflux, and drinking a lot of water helps it. Also, drink

water, stand by the bed, and jump up & down. The weight of the water &

the jarring seems to move something down there back in place.

jim :)

sanmar@... wrote:


> Dear Group,


> I have known for some time that my mother (76) suffers very badly

> from acid reflux. She has taken so many medications recommended by

> her doctors. Nothing has helped.


carpe diem, carpe pecunia, carpe femina. -- Jim Lambert

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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A few years ago when I had very bad acid reflux, I obtained a 1:1 mix of

sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate from a local alternative

pharmacy (forgive the oxymoron). Stirring 1/2 - 1 tspn in a glass of water

and drinking it really helped a great deal to reduce the burning acidity. I

would call this an emergency stop gap measure and would highly recommend

some of the other more natural recommendations given on this thread for long

term care, i.e., drinking more water, taking coral calcium and etc.

Colin Yardley

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I would be inclined to agree. As people age, they manufacture less and

less acid, causing food to just sit in their stomachs and not get

digested. My mother used to have all kinds of noises emanating from her

stomach after eating, until I started her on digestive enzymes.

Many people mistakenly take antacids (probably thanks to TV

commercials), thereby worsening their already low acid condition.

Hypoacidity also makes it easier for parasites to find a home, since

stomach acid is considered a defense against them.


Acid Reflux

> Many on the YEAST list are " cured " ? by taking betaine HCL, sounds

> backwards but it seems the food does not move because of not

> enough acid. Also digestive enzymes.

> Deb



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There is a problem with this advice - Regular drinking water are " dead " -

devoid of electrical and magnetic charge. Therefore, water molecules form

huge clusters (by means of the Hydrogen bond mechanism). With these

clusters, only the outer most molecules are utilized in the cells, and the

rest dilute the blood and over - load kidneys.

Use proper negative pole magnets to magnetize water. Drinking negative

magnetized water alleviates cellular dehydration, and some stomach and

intestine problems within days.


Oh, and if I'm writing already - Jim - that's just what I suggested (to go

off list) - didn't I?

Re: Acid Reflux

According to Dr. BAtman. in his book on water, cellular dehydration is

the cause of reflux, and drinking a lot of water helps it. Also, drink

water, stand by the bed, and jump up & down. The weight of the water &

the jarring seems to move something down there back in place.

jim :)

sanmar@... wrote:


> Dear Group,


> I have known for some time that my mother (76) suffers very badly

> from acid reflux. She has taken so many medications recommended by

> her doctors. Nothing has helped.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey gang,

I'm about 4 months out of surgery. I haven't had any problem whatsoever.

But for the last 2 days, I have been feeling my stomach kind of burning,

like heart burn or something. It started last night after I had some spicey

soup from Olive GArden. (Pasta Fasiole) could it be that? or could it be

the beginning of acid reflux? I've never had acid reflux before so I don't

know the symptoms. Could it be something I ate, like the soup? H pylori?

I hope this goes away. I don't have anymore of the reglan either.



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Does the burning subside? Or constant? Is it intense? Or nagging? I

have had acid reflux, and h. pylori. The h. pylori is MUCH worse than

the acid reflux ever was. Taking antacids or Pepto did nothing for the

h. pylori. With acid reflux, eating something spicy might cause it to

happen no immediate symptoms, with h. pylori eating something spicy even

just mildly peppered food caused the burning to be worse and was

immediately evident. At least that was my experience..... Try eating

some yogurt to calm the burning. If it doesn't go away contact Dana




Cushing Oklahoma USA




...I am always happy to be a contact. But

Please....contact me privately.

> Re: RE: acid reflux






> Hey gang,


> I'm about 4 months out of surgery. I haven't had any problem

> whatsoever.

> But for the last 2 days, I have been feeling my stomach kind

> of burning,

> like heart burn or something. It started last night after I

> had some spicey

> soup from Olive GArden. (Pasta Fasiole) could it be that?

> or could it be

> the beginning of acid reflux? I've never had acid reflux

> before so I don't

> know the symptoms. Could it be something I ate, like the

> soup? H pylori?

> I hope this goes away. I don't have anymore of the reglan either.


> /Michigan


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Hi ,

If you have H-pylori you will know it. You will feel hungry all the

time but then feel sick when you try to eat. It is also painful. If it is

h-pylori it will get worse instead of better as days go by. I hope you

don't get it but if it gets worse don't wait to long to call Dana or Tonya.

I waited so long that I could not stand-up from the pain. I am on my 5th

day of antibiotics and feeling some better. Hope this helps.


228/184 8/22/02

Re: RE: acid reflux




> Hey gang,


> I'm about 4 months out of surgery. I haven't had any problem whatsoever.

> But for the last 2 days, I have been feeling my stomach kind of burning,

> like heart burn or something. It started last night after I had some


> soup from Olive GArden. (Pasta Fasiole) could it be that? or could it


> the beginning of acid reflux? I've never had acid reflux before so I


> know the symptoms. Could it be something I ate, like the soup? H pylori?

> I hope this goes away. I don't have anymore of the reglan either.


> /Michigan


> _________________________________________________________________

> Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online

> http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963




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  • 10 months later...

I am not aware of the acid reflux and autism spectrum. However, it is

really common among people with celiac disease, wheat/gluten intolerances

which affect so many of our kids.


acid reflux

My three year daughter SID/ADHD daughter has always suffered from

hoarseness. We finally took her to an ENT who confirmed she had

polyps on her vocal cords. They speculate the primary cause is due to

acid reflux. Now we are off to the GI specialist to get this checked


Is acid reflux common among autistic/Ausperger/ADHD/SID kids?

Thanks for any comments

Unlocking Autism



Worldwide internet group for parents who have a

child with AUTISM.

Schafer Autism Report

News and information on Autism

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Healing Autism: No Finer Cause on the Planet

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I am not aware of the acid reflux and autism spectrum. However, it is

really common among people with celiac disease, wheat/gluten intolerances

which affect so many of our kids.


acid reflux

My three year daughter SID/ADHD daughter has always suffered from

hoarseness. We finally took her to an ENT who confirmed she had

polyps on her vocal cords. They speculate the primary cause is due to

acid reflux. Now we are off to the GI specialist to get this checked


Is acid reflux common among autistic/Ausperger/ADHD/SID kids?

Thanks for any comments

Unlocking Autism



Worldwide internet group for parents who have a

child with AUTISM.

Schafer Autism Report

News and information on Autism

To Subscribe http://home.sprynet.com/~schafer/index.html

Healing Autism: No Finer Cause on the Planet

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I am not aware of the acid reflux and autism spectrum. However, it is

really common among people with celiac disease, wheat/gluten intolerances

which affect so many of our kids.


acid reflux

My three year daughter SID/ADHD daughter has always suffered from

hoarseness. We finally took her to an ENT who confirmed she had

polyps on her vocal cords. They speculate the primary cause is due to

acid reflux. Now we are off to the GI specialist to get this checked


Is acid reflux common among autistic/Ausperger/ADHD/SID kids?

Thanks for any comments

Unlocking Autism



Worldwide internet group for parents who have a

child with AUTISM.

Schafer Autism Report

News and information on Autism

To Subscribe http://home.sprynet.com/~schafer/index.html

Healing Autism: No Finer Cause on the Planet

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> Is acid reflux common among autistic/Ausperger/ADHD/SID kids?


Yes, so are allergies. Many of the children benefit from the

GFCF diet, no milk products or wheat.

Prilosec helps heal the esophagus but I don't recommend keeping

a child on this if you don't have to. As the GFCF diet will usually

get things under control.

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> Is acid reflux common among autistic/Ausperger/ADHD/SID kids?


Yes, so are allergies. Many of the children benefit from the

GFCF diet, no milk products or wheat.

Prilosec helps heal the esophagus but I don't recommend keeping

a child on this if you don't have to. As the GFCF diet will usually

get things under control.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey -- have you ever confirmed that you have "heartburn" rather than "spasm pains"?

Do you actually taste the acid in your mouth when you have these pains? Does the pain ever go into your jaw, neck, shoulder, or back?

Have you ever tried any of the drugs some of us use for "spasm pains" to see if they stop your "heartburn"?

I've seen you talk about Nexium and Tums before, but I don't recall you talking about any of the other treatments -- sorry if I'm asking a question you've already answered!Debbi in Michigan, also voting for Hometown Yankee Jeter

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Yes it's "Heart Burn" I also get spasms Jaw neck shoulder Etc Thats when I use Procardia cold water and hard cookies

-- Re: acid reflux

Hey -- have you ever confirmed that you have "heartburn" rather than "spasm pains"?

Do you actually taste the acid in your mouth when you have these pains? Does the pain ever go into your jaw, neck, shoulder, or back?

Have you ever tried any of the drugs some of us use for "spasm pains" to see if they stop your "heartburn"?

I've seen you talk about Nexium and Tums before, but I don't recall you talking about any of the other treatments -- sorry if I'm asking a question you've already answered!Debbi in Michigan, also voting for Hometown Yankee Jeter

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Thanks -- I just couldn't remember, but now that you mention it I do recall that you also use Procardia for the spasms like I do. :o)Deb

Yes it's "Heart Burn" I also get spasms Jaw neck shoulder Etc Thats when I use Procardia cold water and hard cookies

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  • 1 month later...

Peggy, this only happened once to me, but it burned my throat and scared me.

I think it was just something I ate. In any case, I did the Tums and took

some Pepto-Bismal, I've not had it since. And, I really don't know why I got

it in the first place. Oh, sleep elevated a little on a pillow. Best, Kate

Acid Reflux

> I'm wondering if anybody else has had a problem with acid reflux. I am

> almost 15 months out and haven't had much of a problem with this until

> the last couple of nights. For two nights in a row, I have woken up

> about 2:30am with a terrible burning in my throat. I have been getting

> up and drinking a lot of water and taking some Tums which help

> somewhat. The first night, I thought that it was just because I had

> eaten something spicy for dinner, (which I haven't had a problem with

> before), but then it happened again last night. Now today, I have

> pressure in my upper chest, probably gas. I already take a Protonix

> every night. If anybody has or had this problem, could you tell me

> what you do for it. And if anyone in Dr. R's office would like to

> comment or has any advice on this, I would really appreciate it.


> Peggy in MI






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