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one more thing

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Thank God.

Re: Re: one more thing

Donna,Sherry has been placed on moderated status. It is just too disruptive. We need to get back to positive support and helping one another.LyndaAt 11:05 PM 6/13/2006, you wrote:>Sherry,>>You want scientific Data, get them implants out of you and see for >yourself how many symptoms you loose after a few weeks or as soon as >you wake up. I could see the white's of my blood shot eyes. I am >now starting not to taste those nasty implants, I don't have a right >side thick tongue, (other doctors claimed I made that symptom happen >by worrying to much about it) I don't have a rash any longer. I >don't have thrush, my white tongue turned red again. I am 3 weeks >post explant, there is your scientific data from me.>>Donna>

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I did invite her to the group. I don't have her email address. I'll call her tomorrow and get it. Thanks so much.


Re: Re: one more thing

Penni,Could you copy off some of the information in thearchives for her? Or invite her to read this group?I think what she's talking about is the cohesive gelimplants. They aren't approved for market, but may beused in a study . . . i.e. the women are guinea pigs!Regardless, the silicone is going to graduallydeteriorate and be distributed through the body. Howlong will they last? What will happen to the women?. .. That's why they're doing the study. IMHO, it's kinda like playing Russian roulette!Hopefully she's through having kids!Hugs,Rogene

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I know your right. I'm new at all this and I guess I'm going to have to learn.


Re: Re: one more thing>>Dr. Melmed was on nation-wide TV talking about the>dangers of breast implants . . . Newspapers too!>>His peers gave him a bad time about it! . . . One told>him that he was putting implants in his teenage>daughter!>>If they don't know, they don't want to know!>>Rogene>>

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I'm right behind you. DonnaBSBanshee1@... wrote: Sherry, I other word you are saying we have to talk a different tone and be calm and all this stuff. I was so calm and tried your approach that you are talking about. It never worked for me. It must be the part that is the whole problem here. It is all hush hush how implants make women sick so PS and other doctors can get rich off of one set of breast. Admit it Sherry doctors love it when we are sick,

they laugh when we leave, saying well there some more money coming my way next month or next week, she will be back. My PS sent me to his golf buddy neuroligist, then he send me off to his other buddy. Sorry I lost respect here for most. This is ridiculous behavior, the whole world of women has the right to know the truth about breast implants. I have already myself warned women and they will not get them. Let's be told the truth before during and after implants. This would make me have more respect for doctors. Let's not let implanted women walk around feeling like they are going to die, then laugh at them, wait til it effects the brain and every organ in our bodies, laugh and give more medicine to cover up the illness more. Then refer to friends and brothers, then play some golf, cruise the beemer. Our children suffer from this, the women who pass this on by breast milk. The women to sick to care for there

kids. Let's grow a heart over money and for once tell the truth. If I could speak out I would to anyone I am not ashamed I was lied to so bad by my FDA, Implant Manufacturer, and PS. Come one lets stop the lies and doctors are passing the medicines and buck here. My niece she is 24 found out her IUD Mirena was making her very sick, yes she has bio-toxin from her birth control. It was given to her when she breast fed her baby and the hormone medicine clearly states not to give while breast feeding. This is more lies. More crooked doctors. Now our GYN's are making our kids sick with birth control. Destroy a young lady and her child's life. Well there should be a lot of happy doctors out there with nice cars by now. She paid out thousands before she found a web site and women complaining of the same symptoms. Let's face it if is silicone it is not safe period. This device said, No side effects like

she experienced. Do our doctors love this or what. Keeps food on there tables, while we starve. I think it is criminal and we should all go protest the FDA and White House for years if that is what it took. I will pack my bags right now. Donna __________________________________________________

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No, it doesn't answer the questions at all. You didn't answer how you are

treating your implant related illness, or do you not have any? I wouldn't

be so bold as to ask for a life history. One thing I did find interesting

is that you state that attorneys find you " cheerful, upbeat, fun and always

ready to give anyone the shirt off my back " . I haven't seen that

personality here at all. You have been nothing short of rude and

condescending. Who is in denial?


> I have treated the disorders and not the underlying etiology because I'd not

> consider my implants as being causative until last month. So, three years

> after implants, I developed trigeminal neuralgia (not surprising. My father

> had a tenosynovitis in each finger; I had it in one finger - not unusual for

> surgeons - he and I both are - and neurological issues seem to run in my

> family: my mother had carpal tunnel and migraines, father had the

> tenosynovitis and herniated disk and I had surgery for a herniated disk in

> 1985 the symptoms having started years prior to my implants as I studied

> ballet most of my life). I have been taking anti-inflammatories ever since

> and, twice developed gastric complications from the high dosages so had an

> endoscopy for definitive diagnosis and prophylactic meds since (Nexium). In

> 1980, I was asymptomatic when accidentally found to be hypothyroid and,

> subsequently, have been taking Armour thyroid and Cytomel ever since and

> been tested to insure proper dosage accordingly ever since. In 1994, I

> developed a severe case of infectious mononucleosis that coincided with four

> years of having worked 21/7 without exception. After two weeks of exhaustion

> and sleep, the moment I opened my eyes, I resumed the same schedule, not a

> wise method for re-entry after adult-onset mono. One year later, shortly

> after having been defrauded of every cent I owned and left resultantly with

> a $16 million IRS debt, I was suddenly homeless. Soon, I developed a system

> itchy skin rash for which I sought treatment from internists,

> endocrinologists, infectious disease specialists, hematologists and

> dermatologists. Most tried exhaustively to find the cause of what was my

> most uncomfortable symptom but nothing resulted in diagnostic findings or

> relief. Along with the stress of the crime and one year subsequent to the

> mono, I appeared to have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (sot unexpected following

> almost 30 years of a constant heavy workload), tested positively for Epstein

> Barr (most people do), arthritic thumbs (present in one out of every four

> women after 40). The ant-inflammatories that I take for my trigeminal

> neuralgia is the same appropriate analgesia for my thumbs.


> In truth, it's quite shocking that my health is so good. The mono did not

> damage my liver and that's surprising. In 2004, my foot was trapped in a

> sinkhole and my foot was amputated and leg severely fractured. I have no

> visible disability havinbg had successful surgery that reattached my foot

> and put my leg together with internal fixation. My healing was prompt and

> one year in a wheelchair and one year of devoted intense physical therapy

> worked well where I healed perfectly, have full motion and developed no

> complications from the surgery, immobility or inability to walk for an

> entire year and this is surprising given I am 56 years old and theoretically

> have ruptured moldy fungal implants. My energy level is superb as compared

> with most people (I sleep 3-4 hours/ night) but, for me, my energy level is

> awful. I have survived stresses that would have led most people to suicide

> according to my attorneys yet I am cheerful, upbeat, fun and always ready to

> give anyone the shirt off my back. I take a multivitamin daily, calcium

> supplements and mega 3, eat very healthy food, am a size 6 and trying for

> five years to lose an excess 20 pounds, go to yoga and Pilates classes

> regularly and manage to keep a roof overhead despite all odds.


> In late 2007 when the IRS lifts my IRS debt that prohibits me from having

> ANY income, I will be explanted.


> I hope this answer satisfies your rather sarcastic and almost rude demands.

> Sherry



> Re: Re: one more thing


>>>>>>> All this surprises me b/c I just paid to have mine shipped to Dr.

>>>>>>> Blais from Dr. Kolb's office! Knowone said anything to me!





>>>>>>> On 6/12/06, Rogene S


>>>> <<mailto:saxony01@...><mailto:saxony01%40><mailto:saxony01%4

>>>> 0y

>>>> ahoo.com>saxony01@...>

>>>>>> wrote:


>>>>>>> ,


>>>>>>> It wasn't all Dr. Feng's office . . . Something has

>>>>>>> been going on in regards to shipping implants.

>>>>>>> Supposedly the shippers are refusing to ship them. . .

>>>>>>> I think it's something political. They don't want Dr.

>>>>>>> Blais checking them!


>>>>>>> Doesn't make sense because they're well packaged and

>>>>>>> blood is shipped all the time!


>>>>>>> Rogene





>>>>>> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by

>>>>>> licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed

>>>>>> health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.


>>>>>> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead

>>>>>> you.

>>>>>> Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to

>>>>>> live

>>>>>> a

>>>>>> happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,

>>>>>> two-time

>>>>>> Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


>>>>>> See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:


>>>> <<http://.shutterfly.com/action/>http://.shutterf

>>>> ly

>>>> .com/action/>http://.shutterfly.

>>>>>> com/action/



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Another bold statement, there are, in fact, doctors that do make a living

doing ONLY breast augmentations and need the augmentation business to

maintain a lucrative career because this is what THEY specialize in. How

odd that you see that only your family can specialize, yet not physicians.

Also, not ALL doctors take people literally. If Donna told my doctor that

her implants were killing her, he'd believe her!

Implants do kill some people -- not all people.


> Donna, long before breast implants, plenty of plastic surgeons afforded

> Ferraris and mansions. There are many physicians who limit their surgery to

> noses and ears - my father was one. I have a nephew whose cosmetic surgery is

> exclusively limited to facial reconstructions for newborns with anomalies.

> Namely, he supports himself well performing nothing but cleft palate and cleft

> lip repairs and other similar surgeries six months each year while he

> volunteers at no charge to do the same surgeries in underprivileged countries.

> No cosmetic surgeon needs breast augmentation in order to maintain a lucrative

> practice.


> Saying " implants kill you " is overly dramatic and will cause physicians to

> dismiss your thoughts as histrionic. Think what you will but exercise tact in

> speaking with professionals who take people literally and that's a statement

> that's exaggerated and excessive.


> I really want to repeat that I prefer now to simply excuse myself and respond

> to no further email. I wish everyone only well and hope to learn as much as I

> am able during my stay here.

> Sherry

> Re: Re: one more thing



> Lynda,


> How many doctor's in those days, hating to see the stuff on the news about

> implants making women sick. OH most who was going to loose there big fine

> homes and big cars if the public were warned, maybe they would not get the

> damn implants if the news tells them. Sherry once again this is common sense.

> This is totally crazy, but I am getting good support here being able to vent

> about most doctors. Maybe Sherry you were never told about the cover up, is

> this why you got implants? It is not fun to be lied to or stuff hid from you.

> This is like your boyfriend hiding a girlfriend behind your back, then one day

> you find her in your bed. Oh no much worse that only makes you angry.

> Implants kill you, so much much worse than that example.


> Donna


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That explains everything, when a doctor doesn't know, he gives you a

diagnosis anyway, even if it's incorrect. The great news, for the doc, is

that it's excusable because he didn't know.

I don't many careers where not knowing any better is an excuse for anything.



> You weren't deceived. They didn't know! Thus, they treated you appropriately

> for each symptom... they were unaware of anything systemic going on. Not

> great news but that's the way it is. This is the way knowledge of many

> syndromes evolve.... one symptom at a time. When they found your

> scleroderma, they didn't hide anything from you. They genuinely had no glue

> what was causing it. The ENT guy did what he is trained to do: look at your

> hearing problem. He had no clue that this was associated with implants - not

> would ANY ENT even today! They treated your symptoms and had no idea of the

> cause. Bad news: Sometimes, we repair bodies the way they repair cars,

> computers, electronics - trial and error. If this method fixes it, we know

> what was wrong. Steroids, antibiotics, pain

> killers, antihistamines and anti-inflammatories were all the correct

> choices for the treatment of scleroderma and hearing loss (that could have

> been caused by a sinusitus). These were correct remedies. Sorry, but these

> specialties are not taught to consider breast implants at this time. In ten

> years, I promise they will but they are not at this time. There was a time

> fresh in my memory when this lack of awareness was rampant about bird flu,

> about HIV and even about prostate and colon cancers. The lack of awareness

> is true - you're right: it's a monumentally important problem. But the

> notion that it's intentional, a cover-up, something being done to keep fancy

> cars and houses is patently absurd.

> Sherry


> Re: Re: one more thing



>> Sherry,


>> I presented my symptoms calmly to my doctors for

>> almost sixteen YEARS before I made any association

>> with breast implants. I never kept my breast implants

>> a secret from my doctors. When they did a biopsy and

>> found scleroderma they wouldn't tell me what I had . .

>> . His brother, an ear specialist, tested me when I

>> lost the hearing in one ear - gave me the wrong dx -

>> and when I disagreed, sent me to another specialist to

>> agree with HIM. It wasn't until I broke the chain of

>> medical records that I got a straight response.


>> I had multiple rounds of steroids, antibiotics pain

>> killers, years of antihistamines and

>> anti-inflammatories - but never was offered a reason

>> why I was so sick. While I was working, I really

>> couldn't function . . . Never was it suggested that I

>> take a leave. My brain was so scrambled I had no idea

>> how sick I was! AFTER my implants were removed, I was

>> told that I NO LONGER had hepatitis! . . . They never

>> told me I had it in the first place. . . and I was

>> still donating blood!


>> NEVER did they offer anything other than more

>> medications - Which, in turn, caused their own

>> problems. When I did get explanted and got better, I

>> was met with a very rude, angry, response from my

>> primary care doctor when I mentioned my implants

>> possibly causing my problems. . . Come to find out his

>> wife had implants - had two children after being

>> implanted. I warned him that, should his wife ever

>> suspect a rupture, she must have them removed

>> immediately. . . The look on his face showed that he

>> got the message!


>> I changed doctors . . . My husband continued with him.

>> A few years later, I got the distinct impression he

>> wanted to talk to me. He sent a grocery-sized bag of a

>> sample prescription he had me on home with my hubby.


>> I didn't respond. . . I figure he could figure it out

>> for himself - just like I had to.


>> Rogene






>> Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by

>> licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed

>> health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.


>> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

>> Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live

>> a happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,

>> two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


>> See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:

>> http://.shutterfly.com/action/



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It does go on. How are you in a position to speak for ALL physicians?



> That's PROPOSTEROUS! You may say that calmly but that's paranoid! That simply

> does not go on! My G-d!

> Sherry

> Re: Re: one more thing



> Sherry,


> I other word you are saying we have to talk a different tone and be calm and

> all this stuff. I was so calm and tried your approach that you are talking

> about. It never worked for me. It must be the part that is the whole problem

> here. It is all hush hush how implants make women sick so PS and other

> doctors can get rich off of one set of breast. Admit it Sherry doctors love

> it when we are sick, they laugh when we leave, saying well there some more

> money coming my way next month or next week, she will be back. My PS sent me

> to his golf buddy neuroligist, then he send me off to his other buddy. Sorry

> I lost respect here for most. This is ridiculous behavior, the whole world of

> women has the right to know the truth about breast implants. I have already

> myself warned women and they will not get them. Let's be told the truth

> before during and after implants. This would make me have more respect for

> doctors. Let's not let implanted women walk around feeling like they are

> going to die, then laugh at them, wait til it effects the brain and every

> organ in our bodies, laugh and give more medicine to cover up the illness

> more. Then refer to friends and brothers, then play some golf, cruise the

> beemer. Our children suffer from this, the women who pass this on by breast

> milk. The women to sick to care for there kids. Let's grow a heart over

> money and for once tell the truth. If I could speak out I would to anyone I

> am not ashamed I was lied to so bad by my FDA, Implant Manufacturer, and PS.

> Come one lets stop the lies and doctors are passing the medicines and buck

> here. My niece she is 24 found out her IUD Mirena was making her very sick,

> yes she has bio-toxin from her birth control. It was given to her when she

> breast fed her baby and the hormone medicine clearly states not to give while

> breast feeding. This is more lies. More crooked doctors. Now our GYN's are

> making our kids sick with birth control. Destroy a young lady and her child's

> life. Well there should be a lot of happy doctors out there with nice cars by

> now. She paid out thousands before she found a web site and women complaining

> of the same symptoms. Let's face it if is silicone it is not safe period.

> This device said, No side effects like she experienced. Do our doctors love

> this or what. Keeps food on there tables, while we starve. I think it is

> criminal and we should all go protest the FDA and White House for years if

> that is what it took. I will pack my bags right now.


> Donna


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Yes. I find this amazing. My doctors know about implant-related illness

and recommended I not be implanted, yet our own physician here does not. I

guess that is excusable because she hasn't read the journals?


> And most physicians do not know there are over 5000 journal articles

> on silicone and the way it makes people sick.


> But, as in the law, not knowing does not excuse you if you should

> know. And, doctors should read the research instead of insulting,

> belittling, and dismissing symptoms.


> Lynda


> At 10:07 PM 6/13/2006, you wrote:


>> Sorry, Donna, but most physicians have never heard of Dr. Kolb, Dr.

>> Feng, Dr. Melmed, Dr. Blias.

>> Sherry

>> Re: Re: one more thing


>> Sherry,


>> Come on there has been plenty of good PS like Dr. Kolb, Dr. Feng,

>> Dr. Melmed, Dr. Blias, who has told them these devices are making us

>> sick. DO YOU GET WARNED!!!!!!!!



>> NOT


>> Donna







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Bless you, Lynda!!


> I have placed Sherry on moderated status, meaning one of the

> moderators must approve and allow her messages to go through.


> Lynda


> At 10:12 PM 6/13/2006, you wrote:


>> " Admit it Sherry doctors love it when we are sick, they laugh when

>> we leave, saying well there some more money coming my way next month

>> or next week, she will be back. "


>> With a belief system like that, Donna, it does not surprise me that

>> your doctors just wanted you to go elsewhere.

>> Sherry

>> Re: Re: one more thing


>> Sherry,


>> I other word you are saying we have to talk a different tone and be

>> calm and all this stuff. I was so calm and tried your approach that

>> you are talking about. It never worked for me. It must be the part

>> that is the whole problem here. It is all hush hush how implants

>> make women sick so PS and other doctors can get rich off of one set

>> of breast. Admit it Sherry doctors love it when we are sick, they

>> laugh when we leave, saying well there some more money coming my way

>> next month or next week, she will be back. My PS sent me to his

>> golf buddy neuroligist, then he send me off to his other

>> buddy. Sorry I lost respect here for most. This is ridiculous

>> behavior, the whole world of women has the right to know the truth

>> about breast implants. I have already myself warned women and they

>> will not get them. Let's be told the truth before during and after

>> implants. This would make me have more respect for doctors. Let's

>> not let implanted women walk around feeling like they are going to

>> die, then laugh at them, wait til it effects the brain and every

>> organ in our bodies, laugh and give more medicine to cover up the

>> illness more. Then refer to friends and brothers, then play some

>> golf, cruise the beemer. Our children suffer from this, the women

>> who pass this on by breast milk. The women to sick to care for

>> there kids. Let's grow a heart over money and for once tell the

>> truth. If I could speak out I would to anyone I am not ashamed I

>> was lied to so bad by my FDA, Implant Manufacturer, and PS. Come

>> one lets stop the lies and doctors are passing the medicines and

>> buck here. My niece she is 24 found out her IUD Mirena was making

>> her very sick, yes she has bio-toxin from her birth control. It was

>> given to her when she breast fed her baby and the hormone medicine

>> clearly states not to give while breast feeding. This is more

>> lies. More crooked doctors. Now our GYN's are making our kids sick

>> with birth control. Destroy a young lady and her child's

>> life. Well there should be a lot of happy doctors out there with

>> nice cars by now. She paid out thousands before she found a web

>> site and women complaining of the same symptoms. Let's face it if

>> is silicone it is not safe period. This device said, No side

>> effects like she experienced. Do our doctors love this or

>> what. Keeps food on there tables, while we starve. I think it is

>> criminal and we should all go protest the FDA and White House for

>> years if that is what it took. I will pack my bags right now.


>> Donna






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Are they the gummy bears? I think they are viewed as safer because they

don't leak.


> Ladies,


> I just spoke to my neighbor across the street. She is getting silicone

> implants put in on the 29th of this month. She said they were some kind of

> safe new silicone implants and I thought (could be wrong here) she said that

> they wouldn't need to be replaced.


> We spoke for a while and I told her about my first silicone and than saline

> implants. But whatever PS she is going to seems to have her convinced that

> these new silicone implants are safe. Does anyone know what she is talking

> about? She said she has already put down all her money and it is

> non-refundable. I told her we have spent on average $35,000 out of pocket

> each year since 1996 on my medical expenses.


> I walked away feeling very sad:>( A beautiful woman, nice lady etc. going in

> for implants, lift and tummy tuck.


> Penni


> Re: Re: one more thing



> Dr. Melmed was on nation-wide TV talking about the

> dangers of breast implants . . . Newspapers too!


> His peers gave him a bad time about it! . . . One told

> him that he was putting implants in his teenage

> daughter!


> If they don't know, they don't want to know!


> Rogene





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I'm convinced that the implant thing is being ignored

because medical science doesn't have the answers for

our health issues . . . nor any interest in depriving

plastic surgeons of a primary source of income.

There's a huge amount of money at stake!

AND, IMHO, when breast implants fall (assuming they

do), other silicone based implants are going to begin

falling like dominoes. We're not the only one having

problems . . . The problems occur with all implants to

varying degrees.

As I see it, almost all other implants save a

function, or a life . . . there are justified reasons

to use them . . . People need REAL informed consent,

and doctors need to know how to recognize problems and

to know how to help patients who have problems.

Breast implants justified? . . . not really. Women who

have had breast cancer are poor candidates - their

complication rate is enormous! Young women before

having children? . . . BS! They will face multiple

surgeries and their children may suffer horribly!

The marketer's strongest point for breast implants is

the " self-image " crap! . . . They're making a market

for them with media images! . . . Instead we should be

teaching children that everyone is different, and to

appreciate the differences and love ourselves!

IMHO, other issues have found their voice - formed

associations - found funding. Often there is a great

deal of money to be made in the research, treatment

and prevention. I don't see that with breast implants!

The law suits didn't help. . . When women started

getting sick and suing, they were winning, but they

had to sign gag orders. . . When word got out, the

manufacturer's knew what the problems were. The

attorney's didn't - they saw a money-making

opportunity. They lined up doctors willing to dx women

and paid them well. They weren't interested in helping

the women - they wanted the money.

In the meantime, the manufacturer's got smart. They

got politicians to pass laws that severely limited the

rights of injured to sue - made the women look like

nuts and sluts . . . Meanwhile women kept quiet. We

didn't want anyone to know we had breast implants . .

.. we had no idea that our health problems were implant

related . . . The doctors who should have made the

connection - the plastic surgeons weren't about to cut

off their income!

And so it goes! . . . The only way I see us getting

anywhere is working woman-to-woman . . . telling

everyone we know about what implants have done to us.

Sooner or later, from the ground up, this will come to

an end.

That's not to say we haven't made progress. Inamed and

Mentors application for FDA approval from over a year

ago is still not approved. . . My understanding is

that all it needs is a signature. However, I

understand that, if they sign, they will have to agree

to following women who have their implants removed, as

well as the offspring of implanted women.

That's dangerous territory . . . I convinced they

don't want to know!



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Remember when they created the disease, micromastia, just to say

women with small breasts had a disease and needed implants? I used

to have that article.


At 07:59 AM 6/14/2006, you wrote:



>I'm convinced that the implant thing is being ignored

>because medical science doesn't have the answers for

>our health issues . . . nor any interest in depriving

>plastic surgeons of a primary source of income.

>There's a huge amount of money at stake!


>AND, IMHO, when breast implants fall (assuming they

>do), other silicone based implants are going to begin

>falling like dominoes. We're not the only one having

>problems . . . The problems occur with all implants to

>varying degrees.


>As I see it, almost all other implants save a

>function, or a life . . . there are justified reasons

>to use them . . . People need REAL informed consent,

>and doctors need to know how to recognize problems and

>to know how to help patients who have problems.


>Breast implants justified? . . . not really. Women who

>have had breast cancer are poor candidates - their

>complication rate is enormous! Young women before

>having children? . . . BS! They will face multiple

>surgeries and their children may suffer horribly!


>The marketer's strongest point for breast implants is

>the " self-image " crap! . . . They're making a market

>for them with media images! . . . Instead we should be

>teaching children that everyone is different, and to

>appreciate the differences and love ourselves!


>IMHO, other issues have found their voice - formed

>associations - found funding. Often there is a great

>deal of money to be made in the research, treatment

>and prevention. I don't see that with breast implants!


>The law suits didn't help. . . When women started

>getting sick and suing, they were winning, but they

>had to sign gag orders. . . When word got out, the

>manufacturer's knew what the problems were. The

>attorney's didn't - they saw a money-making

>opportunity. They lined up doctors willing to dx women

>and paid them well. They weren't interested in helping

>the women - they wanted the money.


>In the meantime, the manufacturer's got smart. They

>got politicians to pass laws that severely limited the

>rights of injured to sue - made the women look like

>nuts and sluts . . . Meanwhile women kept quiet. We

>didn't want anyone to know we had breast implants . .

>. we had no idea that our health problems were implant

>related . . . The doctors who should have made the

>connection - the plastic surgeons weren't about to cut

>off their income!


>And so it goes! . . . The only way I see us getting

>anywhere is working woman-to-woman . . . telling

>everyone we know about what implants have done to us.

>Sooner or later, from the ground up, this will come to

>an end.


>That's not to say we haven't made progress. Inamed and

>Mentors application for FDA approval from over a year

>ago is still not approved. . . My understanding is

>that all it needs is a signature. However, I

>understand that, if they sign, they will have to agree

>to following women who have their implants removed, as

>well as the offspring of implanted women.


>That's dangerous territory . . . I convinced they

>don't want to know!







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They will still deteriorate and shed particles. . .

AND . . . I suspect . . . use platinum as a catalyst!


--- Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:

> Are they the gummy bears? I think they are viewed

> as safer because they

> don't leak.


> Kenda


> > Ladies,

> >

> > I just spoke to my neighbor across the street.

> She is getting silicone

> > implants put in on the 29th of this month. She

> said they were some kind of

> > safe new silicone implants and I thought (could be

> wrong here) she said that

> > they wouldn't need to be replaced.

> >

> > We spoke for a while and I told her about my first

> silicone and than saline

> > implants. But whatever PS she is going to seems

> to have her convinced that

> > these new silicone implants are safe. Does anyone

> know what she is talking

> > about? She said she has already put down all her

> money and it is

> > non-refundable. I told her we have spent on

> average $35,000 out of pocket

> > each year since 1996 on my medical expenses.

> >

> > I walked away feeling very sad:>( A beautiful

> woman, nice lady etc. going in

> > for implants, lift and tummy tuck.

> >

> > Penni

> >

> > Re: Re: one more thing

> >

> >

> > Dr. Melmed was on nation-wide TV talking about

> the

> > dangers of breast implants . . . Newspapers too!

> >

> > His peers gave him a bad time about it! . . .

> One told

> > him that he was putting implants in his teenage

> > daughter!

> >

> > If they don't know, they don't want to know!

> >

> > Rogene

> >

> >

> >

> >




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Yep. :(

I thought of something funny this morning. Remember the old saying that

doctors make the worst patients? :) Here we have a doc telling us how to be

good patients. Take it for what it's worth. Sometimes being upset with a

doctor is the only way to get his/her attention. People with difficult to

diagnose disease or illness need to let their doctor know what they think is

going on.


> They will still deteriorate and shed particles. . .

> AND . . . I suspect . . . use platinum as a catalyst!


> Rogene


> --- Kenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote:


>> Are they the gummy bears? I think they are viewed

>> as safer because they

>> don't leak.


>> Kenda


>>> Ladies,


>>> I just spoke to my neighbor across the street.

>> She is getting silicone

>>> implants put in on the 29th of this month. She

>> said they were some kind of

>>> safe new silicone implants and I thought (could be

>> wrong here) she said that

>>> they wouldn't need to be replaced.


>>> We spoke for a while and I told her about my first

>> silicone and than saline

>>> implants. But whatever PS she is going to seems

>> to have her convinced that

>>> these new silicone implants are safe. Does anyone

>> know what she is talking

>>> about? She said she has already put down all her

>> money and it is

>>> non-refundable. I told her we have spent on

>> average $35,000 out of pocket

>>> each year since 1996 on my medical expenses.


>>> I walked away feeling very sad:>( A beautiful

>> woman, nice lady etc. going in

>>> for implants, lift and tummy tuck.


>>> Penni


>>> Re: Re: one more thing



>>> Dr. Melmed was on nation-wide TV talking about

>> the

>>> dangers of breast implants . . . Newspapers too!


>>> His peers gave him a bad time about it! . . .

>> One told

>>> him that he was putting implants in his teenage

>>> daughter!


>>> If they don't know, they don't want to know!


>>> Rogene









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Thanks Donna. I'm printing off a lot of the material and giving her the saline support sight address. Love you. Penni

Re: Re: one more thing


She is probably talking of the new cohesive gel implants. They have a real textured shell, filled with silicone. They cut these implants in half and they don't leak?????? NOT!!! They also claim that you must go for a yearly sonogram. We all know what those show, yes nothing?? I had a MRI done on my breast 5 days before removal. It said, we see specks??? What is a speck, come on they wanted to nothing for it. These Gummy Bear implants is just another name for silicone implants, to sucker women into getting them. If the name was Dow, women would run. These silicone cohesive gel or gummy bears do leak they just have a more gummy and slow leak. It usually leaks and stays close to the implant they claim. Do you believe them after Dow and Saline is "safe" I know the answer already and that is a positive NO. Does this still stop the risk of MOLD, INFECTION AND BACTERIA. NO I think no implant is safe, at least your neighbor if she does get sick might be warned earlier than most, since she knows you. I felt one of these implants I could have gotten them since I had Saline. They remind me of a textured implant and we all know how the body breaks them down. These are the ones that had a oily substance come off of them so they had to redo them to be approved by FDA. We all know the scam of the century and that is all breast implants. I feel for your neighbor and worry for her health.


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Yep, I had to yell at my doctor finally to get him to take my thyroid

problems seriously. Then he started listening.


At 08:37 AM 6/14/2006, you wrote:

>Yep. :(


>I thought of something funny this morning. Remember the old saying that

>doctors make the worst patients? :) Here we have a doc telling us how to be

>good patients. Take it for what it's worth. Sometimes being upset with a

>doctor is the only way to get his/her attention. People with difficult to

>diagnose disease or illness need to let their doctor know what they think is

>going on.




> > They will still deteriorate and shed particles. . .

> > AND . . . I suspect . . . use platinum as a catalyst!

> >

> > Rogene

> >

> > --- Kenda Skaggs

> <<mailto:skaggs%40countycable.com>skaggs@...> wrote:

> >

> >> Are they the gummy bears? I think they are viewed

> >> as safer because they

> >> don't leak.

> >>

> >> Kenda

> >>

> >>> Ladies,

> >>>

> >>> I just spoke to my neighbor across the street.

> >> She is getting silicone

> >>> implants put in on the 29th of this month. She

> >> said they were some kind of

> >>> safe new silicone implants and I thought (could be

> >> wrong here) she said that

> >>> they wouldn't need to be replaced.

> >>>

> >>> We spoke for a while and I told her about my first

> >> silicone and than saline

> >>> implants. But whatever PS she is going to seems

> >> to have her convinced that

> >>> these new silicone implants are safe. Does anyone

> >> know what she is talking

> >>> about? She said she has already put down all her

> >> money and it is

> >>> non-refundable. I told her we have spent on

> >> average $35,000 out of pocket

> >>> each year since 1996 on my medical expenses.

> >>>

> >>> I walked away feeling very sad:>( A beautiful

> >> woman, nice lady etc. going in

> >>> for implants, lift and tummy tuck.

> >>>

> >>> Penni

> >>>

> >>> Re: Re: one more thing

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> Dr. Melmed was on nation-wide TV talking about

> >> the

> >>> dangers of breast implants . . . Newspapers too!

> >>>

> >>> His peers gave him a bad time about it! . . .

> >> One told

> >>> him that he was putting implants in his teenage

> >>> daughter!

> >>>

> >>> If they don't know, they don't want to know!

> >>>

> >>> Rogene

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >



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That is funny you said that about the doctor. I remember about 3 weeks before explant I went to my family doctor. I looked him straight into his eyes and I said LOOK I am not crazy, you give me this this and this. HE DID listen because he could tell I was pissed at that point. Looking back I know I did the right thing by being strong and standing my ground. I said, Have you ever heard of someone dying from a sinus infection? He said, Yes. I said, well I have been on antibiotics since August of last year and I want an x-ray of my sinus and one on my neck for the pain. He agreed at that point. I got sick of them doing nothing so I gave them crappy treatment like they gave me for so long. I didn't like being mean but I had to do something, I thought I was going to die. Thank God I got explant.


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All implants leak, they claim the gummy's have a thicker substance, if they leak it stays close to the shell. They also said Dow Corning implants last forever, would not hurt anyone. It's the biggest scam on the market.


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I agree with you all the way. I am willing to do what ever to help the cause. I will be strong real soon I hope. I can see why it is so frustrating too. It's like they have our hands and mouths ties shut and we can't speak nor move. This should be stopped some way, if any suggestions let me know. I don't have the energy right now, but hope to soon enough. This is crazy what they are doing to women and our children. It makes me sick.

Big Hug,


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I agree when Sherry gets them removed and feels better. She will re think of the doctors that cover this up. Mostly PS are the fault here. I think if you are a good PS then tell the women the truth. I doesn't stop Dr. Kolb, she implants women. I did see her paper work you fill out and it was all there the truth the whole truth about auto immune illnesses. Dr. Kolb told me that there are women who refuse to let her remove there ruptured silicone, unless she implants back with saline implants. She also said, she talks most women out of doing that, but some of the women demand it or they will keep the ruptured silicone leaking in there bodies. The manufacture and FDA pamphlet we are supposed to get and sign off on reading it. It says stuff about auto immune but it clearly states, there is no evidence of this. So you are automatically thinking there is no connection. If we can't trust the FDA then who do we trust?



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-- Sherry, it is my understanding the the immune system begins to

work overtime to rid the body of a foreign object as soon as it is

put in. This alone is not healthy for women, even disregarding all

the other symptoms. Regardless of any tests done on trial patients,

they are never long enough to show the long term side effects. As

with the birth control pill -- oops! Ten years later...sorry, it can

cause cancer! Some drugs are tested as short as 1 year, and only on

animals. As Dow tested some rats for a week and came to conclusions

for humans, on a long term basis. Not very professional, I think.

Take care of yourself,

Sunny :)

In , _00_ <5678@...> wrote:


> Yes. It's here:

> http://www.locateadoc.com/articles.cfm/2131/1351

> Sherry

> Re: Re: one more thing



> Dr. Melmed was on nation-wide TV talking about the

> dangers of breast implants . . . Newspapers too!


> His peers gave him a bad time about it! . . . One told

> him that he was putting implants in his teenage

> daughter!


> If they don't know, they don't want to know!


> Rogene


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Thanks so much.



> > " Admit it Sherry doctors love it when we are sick, they laugh


> >we leave, saying well there some more money coming my way next


> >or next week, she will be back. "

> >

> >With a belief system like that, Donna, it does not surprise me


> >your doctors just wanted you to go elsewhere.

> > Sherry

> > Re: Re: one more thing

> >

> >Sherry,

> >

> >I other word you are saying we have to talk a different tone and


> >calm and all this stuff. I was so calm and tried your approach


> >you are talking about. It never worked for me. It must be the


> >that is the whole problem here. It is all hush hush how implants

> >make women sick so PS and other doctors can get rich off of one


> >of breast. Admit it Sherry doctors love it when we are sick,


> >laugh when we leave, saying well there some more money coming my


> >next month or next week, she will be back. My PS sent me to his

> >golf buddy neuroligist, then he send me off to his other

> >buddy. Sorry I lost respect here for most. This is ridiculous

> >behavior, the whole world of women has the right to know the


> >about breast implants. I have already myself warned women and


> >will not get them. Let's be told the truth before during and


> >implants. This would make me have more respect for doctors.


> >not let implanted women walk around feeling like they are going


> >die, then laugh at them, wait til it effects the brain and every

> >organ in our bodies, laugh and give more medicine to cover up the

> >illness more. Then refer to friends and brothers, then play some

> >golf, cruise the beemer. Our children suffer from this, the


> >who pass this on by breast milk. The women to sick to care for

> >there kids. Let's grow a heart over money and for once tell the

> >truth. If I could speak out I would to anyone I am not ashamed I

> >was lied to so bad by my FDA, Implant Manufacturer, and PS. Come

> >one lets stop the lies and doctors are passing the medicines and

> >buck here. My niece she is 24 found out her IUD Mirena was


> >her very sick, yes she has bio-toxin from her birth control. It


> >given to her when she breast fed her baby and the hormone


> >clearly states not to give while breast feeding. This is more

> >lies. More crooked doctors. Now our GYN's are making our kids


> >with birth control. Destroy a young lady and her child's

> >life. Well there should be a lot of happy doctors out there with

> >nice cars by now. She paid out thousands before she found a web

> >site and women complaining of the same symptoms. Let's face it


> >is silicone it is not safe period. This device said, No side

> >effects like she experienced. Do our doctors love this or

> >what. Keeps food on there tables, while we starve. I think it


> >criminal and we should all go protest the FDA and White House for

> >years if that is what it took. I will pack my bags right now.

> >

> >Donna

> >

> >


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My body went bonkers right away, so I definitely believe that. I

never had a strong immune system and this just was more than it

could handle.


> >

> > Yes. It's here:

> > http://www.locateadoc.com/articles.cfm/2131/1351

> > Sherry

> > Re: Re: one more thing

> >

> >

> > Dr. Melmed was on nation-wide TV talking about the

> > dangers of breast implants . . . Newspapers too!

> >

> > His peers gave him a bad time about it! . . . One told

> > him that he was putting implants in his teenage

> > daughter!

> >

> > If they don't know, they don't want to know!

> >

> > Rogene

> >


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  • 4 months later...

One more thing,

Almost 3 years ago, I woke up (if I told you this, stick with me) and went to

grab a book of matches my my right hand was completely dead. I waited about a

half an hour, called a guy friend of mine, and ended up going to the ER thinking

I had a stroke. The ER dr. told me, " Don't worry, I was dating a nurse who had

the same thing. And it went away in a few days!. It's just a nerve palsey.

You probably slept on your arm the wrong way. "

Needless to say, My arm was out of commission for months. First I told my

doctor, he sent me to a chiropractor, then to a girl who came over my house, and

finally the neurologist who knew exactly what I had. She asked my about my

curled toes, my high instep, and before I had the EMG she knew. She only has 2

other patients in the Keys which cover a 120 mile distance. Of course I was her


Then SS sent me to Key West so I could see their doctor for the disability case.

He just happened to be from Jersey, where I was

born and raised (until 10) and the first case he ever saw was a CMT case, 26

years ago, and he went against what the doctors at that time were diagnosing it

as. I forget now what he said it was diagnosed as.

I'm lucky to have run into these great doctors. Then again I've been through

the jerks.

Has anyone ever been fired by their doctors??!! First of all, I didn't know they

did that. I was amazed and just wanted to know why?? That's when the shit hit

the fan. I was determined to get an answer. I found out he was skipping out

and going to Costa Rica. Oh well. Left me in a strange spot.

Ed...thanks again

in the Keys

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