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It's nothing to be very scared about. C-toma is a benign tumor of the middle ear. Usually it tends to wrap up the middle ear bones and other structures like the ear drum. The longer it stays, grows, and lets little to no oxygen in there, the middle ear starts to deteriorate. That means you need new middle ear bones, maybe a rebuilt ear drum, and more depending on your own cholesteatoma. You may need no prosthesis. It depends on your won specific case.



Re: Re: Hello Everyone

Thanks ,

When you say a "prosthesis" do you mean a hearing aid? It sounds like post surgical pain is a big issue for everyone. I'm taking vicodin now for pain but have only taken about 5 of the 10 he prescribed for me in the past week. It seems that as the infection went away, so did the pain. Of course that will all change after surgery.

jenvigli <jennifer.viglianogt> wrote:

Hi - obviously, everyone is different; however, I can offer up my


I have had two operations in my left year and one in my right (just

finished that - the ear is still healing). I probably had a c-toma

for a long while in my left ear before I got fed up with my ENT and

went to another one, who immediately sent me to see an otologist at

University of Miami. At any rate, I went down there, had a C-scan,

and had my first surgery where they removed the c-toma. After 6

months, I had another surgery where he confirmed that there was no

more c-toma growth and installed a prosthetic device. It's a couple

of years later, and I just had surgery in my right ear. (By the

way, I have never had any of the "typical" symptoms of c-toma - no

ear infections, no ear discharge, no ear pain, nada!) This time, he

removed the c-toma (which was very minimal) and went ahead and

installed the prosthestic. All three surgeries were behind the ear,

where (from what I understand) they cut the ear and pull it forward

(your ear will stick out like Dumbo - but it goes back! - I was

horrified when I first noticed it!). The very first surgery was

awful - the pain was horrendous. I had been prescribed Tylenol 3 w/

Codeine and that just did not cut it. I wound up with a

prescription for Percocet (which he now prescribes to everyone). I

have never used all of my pain medication - I guess I used it for

about 5 days. This last surgery was the best of the three. I woke

from anesthesia in about 30 - 45 minutes and as soon as I was

wheeled to my room, I was up and in the bathroom. I ate (soup) and

was free to go after about 2 - 3 hours. I felt that the worse part

was the plastic-like after taste from the intubation tube and the

sore throat for about four days. As far as losing taste, I did have

a loss of taste in the right rear corner of my tongue, which lasted

a few days. It's all back to normal. I don't remember from the

first surgery about the taste, but I was in such horrible pain that

I don't think I cared about eating. Oh, and the wound on the back

of the ear is no big deal. The doctor put bandaging on it and

removed it at the week after post-op appointment. I think it was

five days that I couldn't wash my hair.

I hope this is the info you were looking for and it helps...


> My name is and I'm new to this group. I'm 46 yrs. old and


> been diagnosed as having a possible cholesteatoma. I had a


> this past Tuesday Sept. the 26th and now the Dr. wants me to see

> him "in his office" on Tuesday Oct. the 3rd. I think he's pretty


> that I have a cholesteatoma but wanted to check out how far it had

> infiltrated etc.


> What I would like to know is what to expect as far as surgery


> recovery following surgery and amount of hearing loss experienced

> following surgery. I had also done a search and found that it is

> fairly common for people to lose their sense of taste following


> ear surgery. Has anyone experienced this?


> Any and all info. is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.




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Depending on what destruction the C-toma has done to your ear depends on

what will need to be done and what will need reconstructing, if that's even

possible. The tumor obviously grows bigger and bigger and starts to erode

parts of the ear depending on where it is. It can even erode bone. Isn't

that nice? It gives off some sort of enzymes that assists it in doing so.

Don't freak out, just take everything one day at a time. When I first

learned about mine I was like great and freaked out a little but now I just

take everything day by day. I was so thankful to think of a support group,

it really helps in my eyes. So, anyway, I just went to google and looked up

a bunch of stuff on cholesteatomas and read and read and read. I was

fortunate and my middle ear bones were not affected at all in my right ear,

but like I said before they can grow back and you never know what they may

do the next time around.

Here is what I had to have done to my right ear and supposedly my ENT was

very satisfied about getting it all cleaned out, but he's not a very

experienced doctor. You already know that they cut behind your ear, the

whole length of your ear, pull it forward and he went in and cleaned out the

C-toma and did a mastoidectomy, I think with most cases it involves your

eardrum so he did a tympanoplasty and used Fascia (covering of the muscle

from just above my ear) to reconstruct the eardrum. Look at a diagram of an

ear, sometimes it involves the bones of the ears. So, you really don't know

what to expect until you come out of surgery and they let you know or you

ask what had to be done. They can't really tell you the details until they

get in there and see what has been done. By the way, when is your first

surgery scheduled for? I can't remember if you said.

>From: " W. " <geowags@...>



>Subject: RE: Hello Everyone

>Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 20:06:52 -0700 (PDT)


>Personally, I like the rambling because without a clear idea of what

>everyone else went through, I really have no idea what to expect. This is

>all new to me. Two weeks ago I didn't even know what a cholesteatoma was.

>I've done some research on the web but it's all medical jargon. Getting

>the personal point of view of people who have gone through it gives me much

>more info. on what I MIGHT be looking forward to.


> I'm hoping that what the Dr. has to tell me on Tuesday isn't that bad.

>I mean really this all just started accelerating 8 months ago. Am I being




> ph <faithfuljsj778@...> wrote:

> ,


>No biggie. You're not rambling. It can be a long story when it comes to

>these things. I am 28 years old. I had my surgery recently May 30th. It


>about a week for me to be able to feel somewhat normal, but like I said


>experience is different and other people are up and about sooner. Growing


>I had a ton of ear infections, strep throat, tonsilitis and Mononucleosis.

>My ear drum probably " burst " two or three times (blood and all that good

>stuff). I constantly felt fluid in my right ear and definite hearing loss

>growing up. Doctors never looked further into it. Well, as an adult I got a

>severe ear infection, suicidal ear infection, haha! So, I went to the

>doctor's office three times and they just kept prescribing " different "

>antibiotics. Nothing, I mean nothing, was working. So, I went to the

>emergency room, they put a wick in my ear which I screamed and cried when

>they did it and prescribed drops. Nope. The next day I went to a different

>hospital to see if they could PLEASE help me. Finally, I got IV pain meds

>and IV antibiotics, by the next morning it was finally clearing up.

>Supposedly no blood flow reaches near the C-toma so it is harder to clear


>the infections. So, anyway, I had follow-up appointments and he called me

>his " problem " patient and said I would have to see another doctor. This

>doctor noticed something funny in my ear and ordered a CT scan and found


>C-toma. So, here I am post surgery on my right ear and need my left ear

>done. Yep, I was blessed with these things in both ears. But, all I do is

>leave things in the Lord's hands. I can't stress and worry about the


>of things, it will do nothing to help me. Although I am nervous about my

>next surgery I at least know now that I do NOT have to put up with pain and

>I can go to the hospital and get relief. I don't know why but I feel like a

>burden sometimes and won't do or say anything about some things, but I


>do that again. HaHa! They prescribed Darvocet, wasn't even touching the

>pain. He finally prescribed Percocet after I was in the hospital for two

>nights on IV pain relief. Duhhhhhh, I coulda used that in the first place.

>How's that for rambling!!! HaHa!!





> >From: " W. "

> >Reply-cholesteatoma

> >cholesteatoma

> >Subject: RE: Hello Everyone

> >Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 13:19:49 -0700 (PDT)

> >

> >Thanks , as I said, any and all experiences are appreciated just so


> >kind of know what to expect. How old were you when you had it done and


> >long was your recovery?

> >

> > My problem seems to be fairly new although I've had problems throughout

> >my life in my left ear. When I was a kid I always had a problem with

> >swimmer's ear and infections and I can't remember exactly when but I

> >believe my eardrum perforated due to an infection when I was younger.


> >always had ringing in my left ear and almost thought it was normal. About

> >8 years ago I noticed that my hearing started to dull in my left ear and


> >told the Dr. and they tested it and said I was within normal limits but

> >nowhere near as good as my right. They told me I had tinnitis which I

> >thought was more of a symptom than a diagnosis but anyway, they gave me

> >antibiotics and it seemed to get a little better. Eight months ago I

> >started noticing it again (the hearing loss) and I told my Dr. It was

> >complicated because I also have sleep apnea and my machine didn't have a

> >humidifier so they thought I was getting congested in my eustachion tube


> >the left side (my sleeping side) and once I

> > got a humidifier for my CPAP machine it would clear up. They gave me

> >Flonase. I used that and did a re-check and he said that because my

> >eustachion tube had negative pressure due to being clogged, my eardrum


> >become concave and debris was settling in there. Well he tried to vacuum

> >out the debris and found a hard spot. He thought that ear drops would

> >soften it up. I started taking the drops and every day my ear became more

> >painful. Finally when my jaw hurt so bad I couldn't chew I called off


> >and went in to see him. He said my eardrum was inflamed and that I

> >possibly had an infection. He tried the vacuum once again and found that

> >the little " hard spot " didn't loosen up. So he tells me he's getting

> >concerned. He sent me for another hearing test and a catscan. The hearing

> >test confirmed what I already knew, my hearing had worsened. He had also

> >prescribed an oral antibiotic, antibiotic ear drops and vicodin for the

> >pain. I think the infection is gone

> > because the pain is down quite a bit. So now Tuesday is the big day. I

> >find out the catscan results.

> >

> > Sorry for the ramble but sometimes it helps me to get it all down on

> >paper as it were, to trace how and when it all started.

> >

> >

> >

> > ph wrote:

> > ,

> >

> >All experiences are unique to each person. I can share my experience and

> >I'll apologize ahead of time. It was awful!!! I had my right ear done and

> >it

> >was a nightmare as far as pain goes. Yea, I can hear a little better but


> >doesn't really matter to me cause these stupid things can grow back


> >I was suppose to have my eardrum cut open a month ago but we lost our

> >health

> >insurance. He said the fluid isn't escaping from my ear and that is what

> >can

> >cause the C-toma to return. I have to have my left ear done sometime soon

> >as

> >well. It never bothered me at all before but it is starting to ring a

> >little

> >and crackle. That is what my right ear did but bad. My right ear is a

> >constant high-pitch ring. I pray your surgery goes well and you don't


> >a

> >lot of pain. I don't know what my doctor did to me but it was awful,

> >painful. Good luck.

> >

> >Oh yea, my tongue just had a weird feeling for a little bit. I don't know

> >if

> >I lost the taste or what but it was a little weird for a bit but back to

> >total normal.

> >

> >

> >

> > >From: " Wagemann "

> > >Reply-cholesteatoma

> > >cholesteatoma

> > >Subject: Hello Everyone

> > >Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 06:24:51 -0000

> > >

> > >My name is and I'm new to this group. I'm 46 yrs. old and have

> > >been diagnosed as having a possible cholesteatoma. I had a catscan

> > >this past Tuesday Sept. the 26th and now the Dr. wants me to see

> > >him " in his office " on Tuesday Oct. the 3rd. I think he's pretty sure

> > >that I have a cholesteatoma but wanted to check out how far it had

> > >infiltrated etc.

> > >

> > >What I would like to know is what to expect as far as surgery(ies),

> > >recovery following surgery and amount of hearing loss experienced

> > >following surgery. I had also done a search and found that it is

> > >fairly common for people to lose their sense of taste following middle

> > >ear surgery. Has anyone experienced this?

> > >

> > >Any and all info. is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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My consultation is today. I've done the search and have read all about it. But when they describe the surgical processes and so forth they don't say things like "the patient experiences intense pain for the next week" or "the patient loses 95% of their hearing" or stuff like that. The unknowns are what spook me. Guess I'll find out later. I should have asked the group what kind of things I need to ask the Dr. besides the obvious ones. ph <faithfuljsj778@...> wrote: ,Depending on what destruction the C-toma has done to your ear depends on what will need to be done and what will need reconstructing, if that's even possible. The tumor obviously grows bigger and bigger and starts to erode parts of the ear depending on where it is. It can even erode bone. Isn't that nice? It

gives off some sort of enzymes that assists it in doing so. Don't freak out, just take everything one day at a time. When I first learned about mine I was like great and freaked out a little but now I just take everything day by day. I was so thankful to think of a support group, it really helps in my eyes. So, anyway, I just went to google and looked up a bunch of stuff on cholesteatomas and read and read and read. I was fortunate and my middle ear bones were not affected at all in my right ear, but like I said before they can grow back and you never know what they may do the next time around.Here is what I had to have done to my right ear and supposedly my ENT was very satisfied about getting it all cleaned out, but he's not a very experienced doctor. You already know that they cut behind your ear, the whole length of your ear, pull it forward and he went in and cleaned out the C-toma and did a mastoidectomy, I

think with most cases it involves your eardrum so he did a tympanoplasty and used Fascia (covering of the muscle from just above my ear) to reconstruct the eardrum. Look at a diagram of an ear, sometimes it involves the bones of the ears. So, you really don't know what to expect until you come out of surgery and they let you know or you ask what had to be done. They can't really tell you the details until they get in there and see what has been done. By the way, when is your first surgery scheduled for? I can't remember if you said.>From: " W." >Reply-cholesteatoma >cholesteatoma >Subject: RE: Hello Everyone>Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 20:06:52 -0700 (PDT)>>Personally, I like the rambling because without a clear idea of what >everyone else went through, I really have no idea what to expect. This is

>all new to me. Two weeks ago I didn't even know what a cholesteatoma was. >I've done some research on the web but it's all medical jargon. Getting >the personal point of view of people who have gone through it gives me much >more info. on what I MIGHT be looking forward to.>> I'm hoping that what the Dr. has to tell me on Tuesday isn't that bad. >I mean really this all just started accelerating 8 months ago. Am I being >naive?>>> ph wrote:> ,>>No biggie. You're not rambling. It can be a long story when it comes to>these things. I am 28 years old. I had my surgery recently May 30th. It >took>about a week for me to be able to feel somewhat normal, but like I said >each>experience is different and other people are up and about sooner. Growing >up>I had a ton of ear infections, strep

throat, tonsilitis and Mononucleosis.>My ear drum probably "burst" two or three times (blood and all that good>stuff). I constantly felt fluid in my right ear and definite hearing loss>growing up. Doctors never looked further into it. Well, as an adult I got a>severe ear infection, suicidal ear infection, haha! So, I went to the>doctor's office three times and they just kept prescribing "different">antibiotics. Nothing, I mean nothing, was working. So, I went to the>emergency room, they put a wick in my ear which I screamed and cried when>they did it and prescribed drops. Nope. The next day I went to a different>hospital to see if they could PLEASE help me. Finally, I got IV pain meds>and IV antibiotics, by the next morning it was finally clearing up.>Supposedly no blood flow reaches near the C-toma so it is harder to clear >up>the infections. So, anyway, I had follow-up appointments

and he called me>his "problem" patient and said I would have to see another doctor. This>doctor noticed something funny in my ear and ordered a CT scan and found >the>C-toma. So, here I am post surgery on my right ear and need my left ear>done. Yep, I was blessed with these things in both ears. But, all I do is>leave things in the Lord's hands. I can't stress and worry about the >outcome>of things, it will do nothing to help me. Although I am nervous about my>next surgery I at least know now that I do NOT have to put up with pain and>I can go to the hospital and get relief. I don't know why but I feel like a>burden sometimes and won't do or say anything about some things, but I >won't>do that again. HaHa! They prescribed Darvocet, wasn't even touching the>pain. He finally prescribed Percocet after I was in the hospital for two>nights on IV pain relief. Duhhhhhh, I

coulda used that in the first place.>How's that for rambling!!! HaHa!!>>>>> >From: " W."> >Reply-cholesteatoma > >cholesteatoma > >Subject: RE: Hello Everyone> >Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 13:19:49 -0700 (PDT)> >> >Thanks , as I said, any and all experiences are appreciated just so >I> >kind of know what to expect. How old were you when you had it done and >how> >long was your recovery?> >> > My problem seems to be fairly new although I've had problems throughout> >my life in my left ear. When I was a kid I always had a problem with> >swimmer's ear and infections and I can't remember exactly when but I> >believe my eardrum perforated due to an infection when I was younger. >I've> >always had ringing in my

left ear and almost thought it was normal. About> >8 years ago I noticed that my hearing started to dull in my left ear and >I> >told the Dr. and they tested it and said I was within normal limits but> >nowhere near as good as my right. They told me I had tinnitis which I> >thought was more of a symptom than a diagnosis but anyway, they gave me> >antibiotics and it seemed to get a little better. Eight months ago I> >started noticing it again (the hearing loss) and I told my Dr. It was> >complicated because I also have sleep apnea and my machine didn't have a> >humidifier so they thought I was getting congested in my eustachion tube >on> >the left side (my sleeping side) and once I> > got a humidifier for my CPAP machine it would clear up. They gave me> >Flonase. I used that and did a re-check and he said that because my> >eustachion tube had

negative pressure due to being clogged, my eardrum >had> >become concave and debris was settling in there. Well he tried to vacuum> >out the debris and found a hard spot. He thought that ear drops would> >soften it up. I started taking the drops and every day my ear became more> >painful. Finally when my jaw hurt so bad I couldn't chew I called off >work> >and went in to see him. He said my eardrum was inflamed and that I> >possibly had an infection. He tried the vacuum once again and found that> >the little "hard spot" didn't loosen up. So he tells me he's getting> >concerned. He sent me for another hearing test and a catscan. The hearing> >test confirmed what I already knew, my hearing had worsened. He had also> >prescribed an oral antibiotic, antibiotic ear drops and vicodin for the> >pain. I think the infection is gone> > because the

pain is down quite a bit. So now Tuesday is the big day. I> >find out the catscan results.> >> > Sorry for the ramble but sometimes it helps me to get it all down on> >paper as it were, to trace how and when it all started.> >> > > >> > ph wrote:> > ,> >> >All experiences are unique to each person. I can share my experience and> >I'll apologize ahead of time. It was awful!!! I had my right ear done and> >it> >was a nightmare as far as pain goes. Yea, I can hear a little better but >it> >doesn't really matter to me cause these stupid things can grow back >anyway.> >I was suppose to have my eardrum cut open a month ago but we lost our> >health> >insurance. He said the fluid isn't escaping from my ear and that is what> >can> >cause the C-toma to

return. I have to have my left ear done sometime soon> >as> >well. It never bothered me at all before but it is starting to ring a> >little> >and crackle. That is what my right ear did but bad. My right ear is a> >constant high-pitch ring. I pray your surgery goes well and you don't >have> >a> >lot of pain. I don't know what my doctor did to me but it was awful,> >painful. Good luck.> >> >Oh yea, my tongue just had a weird feeling for a little bit. I don't know> >if> >I lost the taste or what but it was a little weird for a bit but back to> >total normal.> >> >> >> > >From: " Wagemann"> > >Reply-cholesteatoma > > >cholesteatoma > > >Subject: Hello Everyone> > >Date: Sat, 30 Sep

2006 06:24:51 -0000> > >> > >My name is and I'm new to this group. I'm 46 yrs. old and have> > >been diagnosed as having a possible cholesteatoma. I had a catscan> > >this past Tuesday Sept. the 26th and now the Dr. wants me to see> > >him "in his office" on Tuesday Oct. the 3rd. I think he's pretty sure> > >that I have a cholesteatoma but wanted to check out how far it had> > >infiltrated etc.> > >> > >What I would like to know is what to expect as far as surgery(ies),> > >recovery following surgery and amount of hearing loss experienced> > >following surgery. I had also done a search and found that it is> > >fairly common for people to lose their sense of taste following middle> > >ear surgery. Has anyone experienced this?> > >> > >Any and all info. is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >

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Hello , since everyone's experience is diffferent I'll give you


For my more recent 2 surgeries the pain wasn't awful. Stopped taking

the vicodin after 2 days. The area behind my ear was the most sore.

I believe you asked about taste. It is possible if they cut the taste

nerve that you could have problems. But after 3 surgeries I haven't

had that problem. For a year after my 1st surgery, super hot food

made my ear hurt (i know, weird). But after that no problems.

Good luck,


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Hi Christa, My Dr. told me I could probably expect either a loss of taste or a metallic taste in my mouth for 6 to 9 months. I can deal with that I guess, I have been trying to lose weight anyway. ; ) soderstroms <soderstroms@...> wrote: Hello , since everyone's experience is diffferent I'll give you mind. For my more recent 2 surgeries the pain wasn't awful. Stopped taking the vicodin after 2 days. The area

behind my ear was the most sore.I believe you asked about taste. It is possible if they cut the taste nerve that you could have problems. But after 3 surgeries I haven't had that problem. For a year after my 1st surgery, super hot food made my ear hurt (i know, weird). But after that no problems.Good luck,Christa"Wherever you go, there you are!" Wagemanngeowags@...

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Well , this is intereting! I have lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks!

My doctor told me the taste loss would go away but he didn't tell me

it would take that long. I will wither away. I have already stopped

enjoying coffee. Tonight we had Thai food and it was the most I have

tasted in two weeks. This taste thing did not happen in my last two


> Hello , since everyone's experience is diffferent

I'll give you

> mind.


> For my more recent 2 surgeries the pain wasn't awful. Stopped taking

> the vicodin after 2 days. The area behind my ear was the most sore.


> I believe you asked about taste. It is possible if they cut the taste

> nerve that you could have problems. But after 3 surgeries I haven't

> had that problem. For a year after my 1st surgery, super hot food

> made my ear hurt (i know, weird). But after that no problems.

> Good luck,

> Christa







> " Wherever you go, there you are! "


> Wagemann

> geowags@...


> ---------------------------------

> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

call rates.


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Hi All,

I guess everyone is different with regards to how long

taste disturbance can last. Mine seemed to affect

everything I ate at first, then just a few things as

time went on...then back to normal. I found bland

foods best at first, gingersnaps, hot tea etc.

Stronger tasting foods (i.e. coffee) tasted horrible

until my taste returned to normal.


--- Snider <jabulanee@...> wrote:

> Well , this is intereting! I have lost 5

> pounds in 2 weeks!

> My doctor told me the taste loss would go away but

> he didn't tell me

> it would take that long. I will wither away. I

> have already stopped

> enjoying coffee. Tonight we had Thai food and it

> was the most I have

> tasted in two weeks. This taste thing did not

> happen in my last two

> operations.







> > Hello , since everyone's

> experience is diffferent

> I'll give you

> > mind.

> >

> > For my more recent 2 surgeries the pain wasn't

> awful. Stopped taking

> > the vicodin after 2 days. The area behind my ear

> was the most sore.

> >

> > I believe you asked about taste. It is possible if

> they cut the taste

> > nerve that you could have problems. But after 3

> surgeries I haven't

> > had that problem. For a year after my 1st surgery,

> super hot food

> > made my ear hurt (i know, weird). But after that

> no problems.

> > Good luck,

> > Christa

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > " Wherever you go, there you are! "

> >

> > Wagemann

> > geowags@...

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's

> low PC-to-Phone

> call rates.

> >










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If I lose my sense of taste for a while I guess that might be a positive thing (I'm trying to be optimistic). So did you actually lose the weight because your food didn't taste good or was it just the "blah, I don't want to eat" after surgery thing? Did you lose taste in your entire mouth or just the side the surgery was performed on? Has anyone else experienced this? Snider <jabulanee@...> wrote: Well , this is

intereting! I have lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks! My doctor told me the taste loss would go away but he didn't tell meit would take that long. I will wither away. I have already stoppedenjoying coffee. Tonight we had Thai food and it was the most I havetasted in two weeks. This taste thing did not happen in my last twooperations. > Hello , since everyone's experience is diffferentI'll give you > mind. > > For my more recent 2 surgeries

the pain wasn't awful. Stopped taking > the vicodin after 2 days. The area behind my ear was the most sore.> > I believe you asked about taste. It is possible if they cut the taste > nerve that you could have problems. But after 3 surgeries I haven't > had that problem. For a year after my 1st surgery, super hot food > made my ear hurt (i know, weird). But after that no problems.> Good luck,> Christa> > > > > > > "Wherever you go, there you are!"> > Wagemann> geowags@...> > ---------------------------------> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phonecall rates.>"Wherever you go, there you are!" Wagemanngeowags@...

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I experienced not wanting to eat because I was in SO much pain.

>From: " W. " <geowags@...>



>Subject: Re: Re: Hello Everyone

>Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 09:42:53 -0700 (PDT)


>If I lose my sense of taste for a while I guess that might be a positive

>thing (I'm trying to be optimistic). So did you actually lose the weight

>because your food didn't taste good or was it just the " blah, I don't want

>to eat " after surgery thing? Did you lose taste in your entire mouth or

>just the side the surgery was performed on?


> Has anyone else experienced this?




> Snider <jabulanee@...> wrote:

> Well , this is intereting! I have lost 5 pounds in 2


>My doctor told me the taste loss would go away but he didn't tell me

>it would take that long. I will wither away. I have already stopped

>enjoying coffee. Tonight we had Thai food and it was the most I have

>tasted in two weeks. This taste thing did not happen in my last two






> > Hello , since everyone's experience is diffferent

>I'll give you

> > mind.

> >

> > For my more recent 2 surgeries the pain wasn't awful. Stopped taking

> > the vicodin after 2 days. The area behind my ear was the most sore.

> >

> > I believe you asked about taste. It is possible if they cut the taste

> > nerve that you could have problems. But after 3 surgeries I haven't

> > had that problem. For a year after my 1st surgery, super hot food

> > made my ear hurt (i know, weird). But after that no problems.

> > Good luck,

> > Christa

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > " Wherever you go, there you are! "

> >

> > Wagemann

> > geowags@...

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

>call rates.

> >







> " Wherever you go, there you are! "


> Wagemann




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I have lost weight, I think, because I just don't enjoy eating as

much. I love good flavorful food. Now things just don't taste good.

I can taste sweet, but things that are creamy with fat taste

horrible...like pure Crisco. Last night I wanted something as a treat

so we went out for dessert. I ordered an eclair. I couldn't tolerate

it. My husband was kind enough to switch with me and gave me his

lemon poppyseed cake which I did enjoy.

The other possibility that my weight has dropped is that I have not be

drinking as much water as usual. I have had a difficult healing and

after two weeks I feel pretty rotten. I need to drink more water

because it is essential.


> If I lose my sense of taste for a while I guess that might be a

positive thing (I'm trying to be optimistic). So did you actually

lose the weight because your food didn't taste good or was it just the

" blah, I don't want to eat " after surgery thing? Did you lose taste

in your entire mouth or just the side the surgery was performed on?


> Has anyone else experienced this?




> Snider <jabulanee@...> wrote:

> Well , this is intereting! I have lost 5 pounds in 2


> My doctor told me the taste loss would go away but he didn't tell me

> it would take that long. I will wither away. I have already stopped

> enjoying coffee. Tonight we had Thai food and it was the most I have

> tasted in two weeks. This taste thing did not happen in my last two

> operations.





> > Hello , since everyone's experience is diffferent

> I'll give you

> > mind.

> >

> > For my more recent 2 surgeries the pain wasn't awful. Stopped taking

> > the vicodin after 2 days. The area behind my ear was the most sore.

> >

> > I believe you asked about taste. It is possible if they cut the taste

> > nerve that you could have problems. But after 3 surgeries I haven't

> > had that problem. For a year after my 1st surgery, super hot food

> > made my ear hurt (i know, weird). But after that no problems.

> > Good luck,

> > Christa

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > " Wherever you go, there you are! "

> >

> > Wagemann

> > geowags@

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

> call rates.

> >







> " Wherever you go, there you are! "


> Wagemann

> geowags@...


> ---------------------------------

> Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help.

Small Business.


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Hi Nora,

How are you doing? How is the unfill working out for you? It was good to see you again. What I gathered from everyone was the importance of exercise. I am doing my pool exercise (the water is cold) and am also doing walking. I am adding a second round of walking in the morning.

Take care and G-d's Blessings


In a message dated 10/10/2006 8:17:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, noralastra@... writes:

its nora from la mirada wanted to say hi to katherine, niny, and denise and everyone else i had the pleasure of meeting new people so hello and marydee,and the whole gand hi tracy congragulations on your goal nora cervantess

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've always had problems with sex drive on any of the ssri's but am new to

Lexapro so we shall see. I have heard that some doctors prescribe

Wellbutrin to counteract this if that makes sense? I told the doctor I don't

care if I have no sex drive again just so I'm not depressed and anxious!

LOL, my husband would beg to differ though. He hates when I'm on these



On 10/23/06, mita2161 <atomiccycle@...> wrote:











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It seems that no matter what antidepressant I'm on I have no sex

drive. Lexapro is supposed to be the one that has the lowest risk of

affecting it. But that wasn't true for me. Nothing changed in that


I have no answers for you on how to overcome it. In fact I'm looking

for answers myself. But maybe someone else does and then we'll both

get that question answered! :)









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Could it be unrelated to the meds?

Jen wrote:



> It seems that no matter what antidepressant I'm on I have no sex

> drive. Lexapro is supposed to be the one that has the lowest risk of

> affecting it. But that wasn't true for me. Nothing changed in that

> department.


> I have no answers for you on how to overcome it. In fact I'm looking

> for answers myself. But maybe someone else does and then we'll both

> get that question answered! :)



> >







> >



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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  • 2 months later...

Welcome to the board, April. You will certainly get lots of feedback...probably more than you would ever imagine! Some of us tend to get a little verbose at times so there will be plenty for you to read! I was banded Feb. 23, 2006, almost one year ago. This has, by far, been the best year of my life. Last January I weighed 247 pounds. This January, I weigh almost 100 pounds less. My goal was to reach a 102 weight loss by the anniversary date of being banded and I believe I will make it....14 more to go and I'll be there. These last pounds are, by far, the hardest to lose. I just keep on doing what I know I need to do and I just keep praying the scale will eventually move and it typically does after a while. Going to Mexico for major surgery seemed almost insane too me when I began researching my options for weightloss surgery. If I won't drink their

water, why would I go there for surgery??? Well, I guarantee you that all of us have thought this but we all learned that our fears were completely unnecessary. The hospital is heaven on earth but, even more importantly, the doctor and his entire staff are an amazing group of people. I have never dealt with an American medical group that comes close to the treatment that we received and continue to receive from Dr. Aceves. I stand amazed at their patient care, patient communication, and overall treatment that they offer. It doesn't end once you are released from the hospital either! I would give anything in this world to find a doctor and staff somewhere close to me that could do what Dr. Aceves and his team do but I know there is no way to duplicate this wonderful group. I have a neice who is interested in going to med school. I have begged her to look at going to school in Mexico if this is how the doctor's are trained

there because they are far better than anyone I've ever seen in the states. I'm trying to talk her into going down there with me sometime. I'm actually trying to talk her into having a band put in as well. But, we will see. I am rambling so I should stop. Just know that life with a band is a wonderful, positive thing. Sure there are ups and downs but overall the success is incredible. Nothing in life is perfect but I tell ya, I don't think I could be any happier with my decision to get banded AND my decision to go with this wonderful Dr. and his staff. Keep in touch and keep us informed. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. Do as much research as possible to make an informed decision. Only you know what is right for you. I was not interested at all in the bypass surgery so that wasn't even an option for me. I was too scared of the drastic

physial changes and felt like I wanted all of my insides to remain just as they were so I opted for the band. But, there are lots of people who are happy with and are successful with the bypass. There are a few of those people lurking around on this site and I'm sure you will hear from them as well. Take care, Jenni Currie DOB 2/23/06 247/231/152/145 3 fills 2 unfillsApril <Oggyapril@...> wrote: Hi everyone My name

is April I live in Virginia. I have been looking it to getting the bypass or banded. I am not able to do it right now for financial and because I am pregnant I am due at the end of April so I am planning for aug. as a surgery date just have to decide which I feel would be better for me. I am 26 and have 3 children and like I said on more on the way I have been married for almost 7 years. I have been fighting this battle for so long I just want to win it now. I would like to be able to run more with my kids, wear clothes that are actually in style. Well anyways I would love to hear about everyone expriences with the surgery going to Mexico I want to hear it all good and bad. I hope to get to know some of you and maybe find some mentors. Its great to have support. thats all for now look forward to hearing from everyone Thanks

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi ,Thank you so much for your e-mails. I love reading your mails. My name is Mukta. I am in Australia but basically from India. Even I like to be positive in my life, infact I usually print out your mails and put them in my folder to read whenever i am low in mood. Thanks a ton.warm wishesMuktarachelwahlen@... wrote: Hello, My name is . I live in the USA in the Eastern part of North Carolina. I joined your group some time ago but not sure if I introduced myself. I have my own group also and it keeps me busy. I am 55 and single now with just my little dog and me. I am on disability from thyroid surgery and they removed the whole thyroid. I have been depressed and had other things going on. I like being positive . Sometimes it is hard to do . I was just wondering if I am sending too much email to the group because if I am please let me know and I will not be offended. I realized I have not been posting and I thought how rude of me not to at least introduce myself. Are most of you from

India? I have a lot of friends from there. I love the curry chicken and wish I knew how to make it but not too hot. Anyone have the recipe to share? Sure would love to cook some!! Hope everyone is doing okay and thank you for allowing me to be in your group. Hugs to all, WahlenAOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Hi! , On the behalf of all the Group Members ,I welcome you as a Strong Pillar for the group.Your mails have a substance that is in accordance with the group philosophy.


hello everyone

Hello, My name is .

I live in the USA in the Eastern part of North Carolina. I joined your group some time ago but not sure if I introduced myself. I have my own group also and it keeps me busy.

I am 55 and single now with just my little dog and me. I am on disability from thyroid surgery and they removed the whole thyroid. I have been depressed and had other things going on. I like being positive . Sometimes it is hard to do .

I was just wondering if I am sending too much email to the group because if I am please let me know and I will not be offended. I realized I have not been posting and I thought how rude of me not to at least introduce myself. Are most of you from India? I have a lot of friends from there. I love the curry chicken and wish I knew how to make it but not too hot. Anyone have the recipe to share? Sure would love to cook some!!

Hope everyone is doing okay and thank you for allowing me to be in your group.

Hugs to all, Wahlen

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Hi, this is neera handa from Kanpur,India. I just want to know Whether u r the same Mukta Garg studying with me in class 11-12 in M.G.Civil Lines ,Kanpur. If u r the same I want to know more about u. waiting for your reply, neera handamukta garg <mgarg20@...> wrote: Hi ,Thank

you so much for your e-mails. I love reading your mails. My name is Mukta. I am in Australia but basically from India. Even I like to be positive in my life, infact I usually print out your mails and put them in my folder to read whenever i am low in mood. Thanks a ton.warm wishesMuktarachelwahlenaol wrote: Hello, My name is . I live in the USA in the Eastern part of North Carolina. I joined your group some time ago but not sure if I introduced myself. I have my own group also and it keeps me busy. I am 55 and single now with just my little dog and me. I am on disability from thyroid surgery and they removed the whole thyroid. I have been depressed and had other things going on. I like being positive . Sometimes it is hard to do . I was just wondering if I am sending too much email to the group because if I am please let me know and I will not be offended. I realized I have not been posting and I thought how rude of me not to at least introduce myself. Are most of you from India? I have a lot of friends from there. I love the curry chicken and wish I knew how to make it but not too hot. Anyone have the recipe to share? Sure would love to cook some!! Hope everyone is doing okay and thank

you for allowing me to be in your group. Hugs to all, Wahlen AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com. Never Miss an EmailStay connected with on your mobile. Get started!

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Hi Neera,I am not the same Mukta Garg, as I have never been to Kanpur.But I would like to introduce myself to you. I did my Bachelor of Architecture from Bombay University (Sir J.J. College of Architecture) and changed my field recently and did Bachelor of Mental Health from New Zealand. At present, I am working at Prince of Wales hospital, Sydney , Australia.byeMuktaneera handa <neeravi20@...> wrote: Hi, this is neera handa from Kanpur,India. I just want to

know Whether u r the same Mukta Garg studying with me in class 11-12 in M.G.Civil Lines ,Kanpur. If u r the same I want to know more about u. waiting for your reply, neera handamukta garg <mgarg20 > wrote: Hi ,Thank you so much for your e-mails. I love reading your mails. My name is Mukta. I am in Australia but basically from India. Even I like to be positive in my life, infact I usually print out your mails and put them in my folder to read whenever i am low in mood. Thanks a ton.warm wishesMuktarachelwahlenaol wrote: Hello, My name is . I live in the USA in the Eastern part of North Carolina. I joined your group some time ago but not sure if I introduced myself. I have my own group also and it keeps me busy. I am 55 and single now with just my little dog and me. I am on disability from thyroid surgery and they removed the whole thyroid. I have been depressed and had other things going on. I like being positive . Sometimes it is hard to do . I was just

wondering if I am sending too much email to the group because if I am please let me know and I will not be offended. I realized I have not been posting and I thought how rude of me not to at least introduce myself. Are most of you from India? I have a lot of friends from there. I love the curry chicken and wish I knew how to make it but not too hot. Anyone have the recipe to share? Sure would love to cook some!! Hope everyone is doing okay and thank you for allowing me to be in your group. Hugs to all, Wahlen AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com. Never Miss an EmailStay connected with on your mobile. Get started! Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers

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On Mon, 05 Mar 2007 mukta garg wrote :

>Hi ,


>Thank you so much for your e-mails. I love reading your mails. My name is Mukta. I am in Australia but basically from India. Even I like to be positive in my life, infact I usually print out your mails and put them in my folder to read whenever i am low in mood.


>Thanks a ton.


>warm wishes




>rachelwahlen@... wrote: Hello, My name is .

> I live in the USA in the Eastern part of North Carolina. I joined your group some time ago but not sure if I introduced myself. I have my own group also and it keeps me busy.


> I am 55 and single now with just my little dog and me. I am on disability from thyroid surgery and they removed the whole thyroid. I have been depressed and had other things going on. I like being positive . Sometimes it is hard to do .


> I was just wondering if I am sending too much email to the group because if I am please let me know and I will not be offended. I realized I have not been posting and I thought how rude of me not to at least introduce myself. Are most of you from India? I have a lot of friends from there. I love the curry chicken and wish I knew how to make it but not too hot. Anyone have the recipe to share? Sure would love to cook some!!


> Hope everyone is doing okay and thank you for allowing me to be in your group.

> Hugs to all, Wahlen







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Its nice to see people writing from Kanpur.I am Rajeev kumar from kanpur currently working as a Deputy Manager,Hindustan Motors at Indore.

I keep on visiting Kanpur.Plz. write if u don't have any issues.


Rajeev Kumar


Re: hello everyone


this is neera handa from Kanpur,India.

I just want to know Whether u r the same Mukta Garg studying with me in class 11-12 in M.G.Civil Lines ,Kanpur.

If u r the same I want to know more about u.

waiting for your reply,

neera handamukta garg <mgarg20 > wrote:

Hi ,Thank you so much for your e-mails. I love reading your mails. My name is Mukta. I am in Australia but basically from India. Even I like to be positive in my life, infact I usually print out your mails and put them in my folder to read whenever i am low in mood. Thanks a ton.warm wishesMuktarachelwahlenaol wrote:

Hello, My name is .

I live in the USA in the Eastern part of North Carolina. I joined your group some time ago but not sure if I introduced myself. I have my own group also and it keeps me busy.

I am 55 and single now with just my little dog and me. I am on disability from thyroid surgery and they removed the whole thyroid. I have been depressed and had other things going on. I like being positive . Sometimes it is hard to do .

I was just wondering if I am sending too much email to the group because if I am please let me know and I will not be offended. I realized I have not been posting and I thought how rude of me not to at least introduce myself. Are most of you from India? I have a lot of friends from there. I love the curry chicken and wish I knew how to make it but not too hot. Anyone have the recipe to share? Sure would love to cook some!!

Hope everyone is doing okay and thank you for allowing me to be in your group.

Hugs to all, Wahlen

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Avtec Ltd, Pithampur, India

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good morning,

Friends, I am back again.


--- " Rajeev Kumar. " <rajeev.kumar@...> wrote:

> Its nice to see people writing from Kanpur.I am

> Rajeev kumar from kanpur currently working as a

> Deputy Manager,Hindustan Motors at Indore.

> I keep on visiting Kanpur.

> Plz. write if u don't have any issues.


> Regards

> Rajeev Kumar

> 09329734131


> Re: hello everyone




> Hi,

> this is neera handa from Kanpur,India.

> I just want to know Whether u r the same Mukta

> Garg studying with me in class 11-12 in M.G.Civil

> Lines ,Kanpur.

> If u r the same I want to know more about u.

> waiting for your reply,

> neera handa


> mukta garg <mgarg20@...> wrote:

> Hi ,


> Thank you so much for your e-mails. I love

> reading your mails. My name is Mukta. I am in

> Australia but basically from India. Even I like to

> be positive in my life, infact I usually print out

> your mails and put them in my folder to read

> whenever i am low in mood.


> Thanks a ton.


> warm wishes


> Mukta


> rachelwahlen@... wrote:

> Hello, My name is .

> I live in the USA in the Eastern part of North

> Carolina. I joined your group some time ago but not

> sure if I introduced myself. I have my own group

> also and it keeps me busy.


> I am 55 and single now with just my little dog

> and me. I am on disability from thyroid surgery and

> they removed the whole thyroid. I have been

> depressed and had other things going on. I like

> being positive . Sometimes it is hard to do .


> I was just wondering if I am sending too much

> email to the group because if I am please let me

> know and I will not be offended. I realized I have

> not been posting and I thought how rude of me not to

> at least introduce myself. Are most of you from

> India? I have a lot of friends from there. I love

> the curry chicken and wish I knew how to make it but

> not too hot. Anyone have the recipe to share? Sure

> would love to cook some!!


> Hope everyone is doing okay and thank you for

> allowing me to be in your group.

> Hugs to all, Wahlen








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> out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.






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> Stay connected with on your mobile.

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> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for -

> Answers




> ---------------------------

> Avtec Ltd, Pithampur, India




India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something new


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Ann,

I take both the Prednisone and Azathioprine (Imuran) first thing

in the morning. I've been told it's very important with the Prednisone

because of its mimicking the adrenal gland, but maybe it's also

important with the Azathioprine, especially if it's causing sleep

problems. Hope this helps.

Also, I know we've had members from Europe, Australia, and Canada,

so we certainly aren't all Americans. Welcome!!!


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Hi, Ann. Glad you posted. You're so welcome to join in. I just wanted to let

you know that I have been on Azasan (about a year ago I started taking the

generic, Azathioprine) since Apr. 2005. When I was dx with AIH, (which the

doctor said I must have had for years) I was immediately given Prednizone, Urso

Forte, and Azasan. My liver enzyme levels came down rather quickly. I was

taken off the Urso and later weaned off of the Prednizone. So far just taking

the Azathioprine 75mg has helped me hold my own since June 2005. I do get a bit

tired, but I also do not sleep and have had that problem for a long time. I do

have high blood pressure and have recently gone through a period of having my

blood pressure drop to a low point now and then. The doctor lowered my blood

pressure pill dosage. We're in the process of keeping a check on that now.

Other than those problems, it is working for me and I will probably have to take

it forever as long as it continues to work.

I hope the combination of the Azathioprine and Prednizone will work for you

and, perhaps, you will be able to get off of that Prednizone. Keep us posted!

Wishing everyone well.....Ellie

" st.abbs " <st.abbs@...> wrote:

I've been reading your posts for a while now and this is the first


I have posted myself.

My name is Ann Haston and I live in Edinburgh Scotland, I notice that

you are all in the U.S.A so I hope you don't mind me joining in.

I have had Auto immune liver disease since late 2003and on prednisolone

since then, I was on 45mg but now down to 10mg a day.

The consultant keeps trying to wean me off but when I get down to 5mg I

become unwell again, he has now put me on Azathioprine 50mg as well as

the prednisolone, I don't know if it is the new medication but these

past weeks I have become soooo tired yet can't sleep at night, sore

bones,sweats, forgetfull and a bit confused, and now palpitations.I

haven't saw on the postings that anyone else is taking the Azathioprine

and was wondering if they have, did you get the same symptoms as me?

Any answers would be most appreciated.

Best regards



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