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Nice to meet you!!

51 weeks? I did mine 48 weeks. Wonder why yours is different.

When I start interferon therapy for my cancer, now THAT is 52 weeks ick!!

I hope the sides get easier for you, but looks like you are dealin with it

very well. Keep up the good work!


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Nice to meet you!!

51 weeks? I did mine 48 weeks. Wonder why yours is different.

When I start interferon therapy for my cancer, now THAT is 52 weeks ick!!

I hope the sides get easier for you, but looks like you are dealin with it

very well. Keep up the good work!


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I was on the combo for 53 weeks. That is just when the

doctor said I might as well stop. I don't know how

they came up with '48' weeks. Why not go on for a

whole year?


--- AndromedaGurl <andromedagurl@...> wrote:


> 51 weeks? I did mine 48 weeks. Wonder why yours is

> different.

> When I start interferon therapy for my cancer, now

> THAT is 52 weeks ick!!


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I was on the combo for 53 weeks. That is just when the

doctor said I might as well stop. I don't know how

they came up with '48' weeks. Why not go on for a

whole year?


--- AndromedaGurl <andromedagurl@...> wrote:


> 51 weeks? I did mine 48 weeks. Wonder why yours is

> different.

> When I start interferon therapy for my cancer, now

> THAT is 52 weeks ick!!


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  • 2 weeks later...


hello and welcome to the group! Boy hadn't realized I have not checked my e

mail for so lonfg again, actually never got caught up, so here goes my

procrastination again.

hope the upcoming weks are better for you



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi D and D cousins! Glad you made it!

Tom said he spoke with Dave not long ago and you two are doing

great! So glad to hear it!

Welcome aboard!


in Ark

> Glad to be finally on the post-op list Dave and I had our surgery


> July 20 with Dr. P. OBrien. We are both doing well talk to you all

> later have a Merry Christmas.



> Dave 291-204

> Debbie 288-217


> Oklahoma

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  • 1 month later...

Well I found out I have hypertyroidism almost a

month ago. I was getting at around 70 days without a

period and figured it was about time I saw the doctor. I

try to put it off because doctors don't thrill me.

She never told me what my levels were simply that my

tyroid wasn't working. I have to have a first follow up

blood draw the week of the 17th and I'm going to make

an appointment to talk to her. I'm on the lowest

dose of levoyxl and I really have doubts it's doing

much. I'm tried all the time, can barely play with my

four year old and I fall asleep studying for school.

On top of that my period still hasn't arrived and

it's now well over 80 days, I'm begining to worry.

Hopefully I'll get some answers soon.

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Sounds more like hypothyroidism...<br><br>What's

your Levoxyl dose level? I'm on the highest dose of

Synthroid that the doctors dare put me on: .2 mg daily(I

was born hypothyroid).<br><br>Blessed Be,<br> :-)

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Hi ,<br> I am Cherie from Tx. I was born with

hypothyroidism too...I am on .175 mg of synthroid daily

myself..feel free to drop in and chat sometimes.. God

bless,Cherie<br>/candiebearc on AIM.... sahm of 2..christian and married 15yrs

to dh....Cherie

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Charly,

I think your research is excellent. And your writing is easy to read.

It makes me hopeful that there will be some answers and methods of treatment

for those who continue to have symptoms years after stopping

the SSRIs.



>From: " charly_groenendijk_netherlands " <info@...>

>Reply-SSRI medications

>SSRI medications

>Subject: Hello everyone

>Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:32:31 -0000


>Dear crusader friends,


>I have recently returned back at my home base and have to catch up

>with a lot of emails. Whilst reading them I have noticed a lot of

>positive developments in this group. It makes my heart smile to see

>the growing numbers of people who are willing to educate themselves

>and no longer listen to the blatant propaganda of the pharmaceutical

>companies. We now have 93 members. As far as I see it, the battle

>that we are involved with is called the " battle against the

>biochemical imbalance " . The myth of the biochemical imbalance has

>created fraudulent DSM-IV labels such as ADHD, Endogenous Depression

>and (believe it or not) the Internet Addiction Disorder. It was a

>psychologist called Young who started joking about this

>addiction disorder which is now officially recognized by the

>psychiatric industry as a real disorder and mentioned in the holy DSM

>bible of our psychiatrists. Where does it all end? The more labels

>they will invent, the more reason there will be to prescribe

>psychotropic drugs such as SSRI-antidepressants to innocent and

>ignorant future victims in order to market madness.



>I have just finished writing up an article on some research I have

>done into the effects of the SSRIs on the Pineal Gland and would

>appreciate some feedback. You can access it at:



>Warmest regards to everyone and keep up the good work.





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  • 8 months later...

Welcome, new person!

Yes, this is a little scary, but the purpose for this site, is to be able to talk, about our problems, discuss all the different treatments, and successes, and failures, and console each other. Hope you continue to visit this site, I have been welcomed with open arms, and have learned so much about HCV, and everything involved with the treatment, cost, if any, and so much more. Hope you return.

Love and strength to you,


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Re: hello everyone

Welcome, new person!Yes, this is a little scary, but the purpose for this site, is to be able to talk, about our problems, discuss all the different treatments, and successes, and failures, and console each other. Hope you continue to visit this site, I have been welcomed with open arms, and have learned so much about HCV, and everything involved with the treatment, cost, if any, and so much more. Hope you return.Love and strength to you,Donna

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, my name is Hanna. Welcome . I don't chime in much because I am on treatment and feel awful, but I thought since we shared similar problems that I would let you know that there are people that understand. I too did my share of alcohol and drugs. That is how I caught hep-c. My drastic drug problem years ago is why I am sick today. I wasn't a safe drug user. I also drank a ton, but decided to quit 3 years ago and now I can't stand the smell of the xxxx. Anyway you are in my prayers, and thoughts. It is hard to battle an addiction and suffer from hep-c at the same time because a lot of pain is associated with hep-c. I live in Orange Beach Alabama and I am 38 years old with a 14 year old daughter and 16 animals. Write me soon, we share much in common. Hanna

hello everyone

Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm , and I have Hep C and cirrhosis of the liver. I am in recovery from drugs/alcohol as well. Things aren't going so great these days. During my six months of treatment of interferon/ribiviran, my levels were so low, the virus was undetectable...as soon as I stopped a few months ago, everything went right back to where it started from. I have one of the best specialists in Canada, and he says that right now, he's not too worried about my liver failing, but he has decided to put me into this group where they will be watching me closely for cancer: as I am supposedly a high risk for it. The biggest problem is that I have had a few relapses with drugs and alcohol, and I know that it is slowly but surely killing me. I'm just stuck in this rut and am having a hard time getting out of it. I do have 3 children though, and I have to live on and become healthy for them, as well as for myself. & nb sp; I'm really worried about my health. Anyway, I'm glad I have a great group of people like yourselves to turn to. I have already gotten a great deal of information from all of you...just in reading the daily emails. Just wanted to thank you all, take care, and be well, victoria

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Terri, and everyone,

Sorry to hear 2002 was bad for you, it sucked for me too. My best wishes for you, Terri, your Mom, and everyone, that is suffering from this disease, and other tragedies in life. May we all find hope, faith, and strength from within, and from up above......

Love to all

Happy New Year!


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Hello all,

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Connie and I am from Dallas, Texas.

My 18 year old son has LSD induced Schizophrenia. Like so many we were duped

into the Mental Hell System and now, like so many, are trying to come off

this garbage that some call medicine. We have been to hell and back as a

result of their garbage. My son became more violent and even suicidal because

of their methods. We are now in for the fight of his life to fix his problem

instead of masking it with their drugs. We have been successful to a degree

only after much, much pain. In June of 2003 it will be 2 years. That just

makes me cry when I think about how long we have dealt with this. Anyway, 18

months later now we are down to 7.5 mg's Zyprexa, Armored Thyroid and

nutrients. We recently tried to decrease from 7.5 to 5 mg's. Our first

decrease failure. My theory is that the lower we go the more difficulty we

will have. Zyprexa has a coating which doesn't allow it to dissolve until it

hits the intestines, so we cannot shave or halve the pill and it doesn't come

in a liquid form. This has become quite the dilemma for us. If anyone has any

advice or knows someone that might be able to help it would greatly be


Thanks Dawn for that warm welcome. I have recently gave my life to the Lord

and have been consumed with educating myself (seeking my own salvation) about

God. What I have recently discovered is that he offers a piece that is out of

this world and Love, oh my, does he offer love. I don't want to go off on

that and torture any non believers, however, in order for you to know me, you

must know God and what he has given me. To make a long story short, I have

gone from being full of bitterness and anger; from reading all material that

was SZ related (killing myself trying to get my son well), (much turmoil) to

reading mostly about God and being at piece to the point that I can live

again. Without him I would have died. Trying to fix my son and trying to

convince the world that these drugs were wrong had consumed me and wore me

down. That's when he stepped in and pulled me out of the pits of hell.

Anyway, I am no longer bitter or angry. I love my new born again life and now

hope to help others.

God bless you all,


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  • 4 weeks later...

huggggz tanya.... i feel your pain girl.... but you are

right....if you dont eat it you HAVE to lose! hang in there


> Hello Everyone.

> I don't post often, usually just reply.

> I had my surgery on Nov. 6 of this year. I have lost 65 lbs.

> I know from reading all the posts that plateaus are pretty much

inevitable, and I think I'm ok with that. I'd better be because I

think I'm hitting one now!!

> My weekly loss started out with 5-7 lbs, then for the last month it

has been about 3 lbs, and this past week it was only a pound.

> It's a little bit of a sad feeling, but I'm not going to freak or

anything. I know that I don't really eat enough, so I will work that

out and I'm getting ready to join a gym.

> Thanks for listening. I just felt like I had to write.


> Nov. 6

> 376/311




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Hi ,

I had my MGB on May 16,2002 and lost the first 60lbs very quickly.

Then I hit a six week plateau. lost some more weight and hit a 2

month plateau. since November I have only lost two lbs. However I

have lost a whole pant size, so do take atleast waist measurements.

I also go to goodwill or some place and buy the next size smaller

pants, they keep me seeing the improvements and one day they just

fit! So out of eight months I have been plateau'd for half that time

and I am not worried a bit. I have only 3 lbs to my first goal and

20 lbs to my final goal,so I expect it to slow way down. You are

doing fine, and it will come off, talk to you later, Kirk

> Hello Everyone.

> I don't post often, usually just reply.

> I had my surgery on Nov. 6 of this year. I have lost 65 lbs.

> I know from reading all the posts that plateaus are pretty much

inevitable, and I think I'm ok with that. I'd better be because I

think I'm hitting one now!!

> My weekly loss started out with 5-7 lbs, then for the last month

it has been about 3 lbs, and this past week it was only a pound.

> It's a little bit of a sad feeling, but I'm not going to freak or

anything. I know that I don't really eat enough, so I will work that

out and I'm getting ready to join a gym.

> Thanks for listening. I just felt like I had to write.


> Nov. 6

> 376/311




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Thanks, .

I will hang in there. I know this surgery wasn't for nothing!

I also wanted to let you know that you sound like " one cool chick " !

Re: hello everyone

> huggggz tanya.... i feel your pain girl.... but you are

> right....if you dont eat it you HAVE to lose! hang in there


> cs





> > Hello Everyone.

> > I don't post often, usually just reply.

> > I had my surgery on Nov. 6 of this year. I have lost 65 lbs.

> > I know from reading all the posts that plateaus are pretty much

> inevitable, and I think I'm ok with that. I'd better be because I

> think I'm hitting one now!!

> > My weekly loss started out with 5-7 lbs, then for the last month it

> has been about 3 lbs, and this past week it was only a pound.

> > It's a little bit of a sad feeling, but I'm not going to freak or

> anything. I know that I don't really eat enough, so I will work that

> out and I'm getting ready to join a gym.

> > Thanks for listening. I just felt like I had to write.

> >

> > Nov. 6

> > 376/311

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi tom,

Thanks for the reply and also the info, although at this time, we dont think that he has a C-toma. At least, one has not been found yet. I do know that they are discovered during surgery quite often, so maybe this is his reason for possibly doing the mastoidectomy. He told me that it is needed sometimes when they find a severely retracted ear drum. We have no idea how long his ear has been this way, as it was found quite by accident. Anyways, Im still praying that there is no c-toma and that it stays that way...thanks again for the reply, its greatly appreciated...

Sincerely, Renonda

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Hi there, I just wanted to tell you what my dr. did because I also

suffer from severe retraction in my ear. He cut a piece of skin from

the outside of the ear and placed it up under the eardrum to keep the

eardrum in place and hopefully keep it from retracting inwards. You

may want to share that with your dr. and see what he thinks. My dr.

is one of the best in the country, people come to him from all over.

Best of luck to you, Charla

In cholesteatoma , " nonnykay1 " <nonnykay1@a...> wrote:

> Hi group,

> My son and I saw our ENT yesterday for his first check on the ear

> tube that he had put in 6 1/2 wks. ago. He has a severe retraction

> and we were hoping that this would take care of the problem.

> Apparently there has been no change in his ear, so now we are


> for surgery. He will be having a Tympanoplasty w/possible

> Mastoidectomy. Im not sure of the surgery date but should know in


> next day or so. I just wanted to thank everyone for all of the info

> that Ive learned so far, I knew exactly what to ask at our appt.


> also understood all that he was telling me. Without this group, Im

> sure I would have been terrified of what he was telling us. Im


> very nervous but confident. My sons attitude is very good, he just

> wants a healthy ear and his biggest concern is not being able to


> this summer..I think his second question was " how much time do I


> off from school? " ..LOL..Typical 13 yr. old...Anyways, thanks again

> everyone and we'll keep you posted. I may have more questions as

> surgery gets closer...

> Sincerely,

> Renonda

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Renonda,

Glad is feeling good. It took my son Dan a good 6 months before his ear went back to normal. With the 1st and 2nd surgery my husband and I were concerned for a long time that his ear would never look normal but it did. He had his third surgery Feb 21st, so almost three months ago and his ear is still sticking out. We're more relaxed about it this time. He had an infection in the incision this time and it just cleared up a couple weeks ago. I hope that doesn't make a difference but I have faith.

Aren't ya glad it's over!!!


Hello everyone

Hi,Its been 1 week today since my son had his surgery. Im happy to report that he's doing wonderfully and feeling very good. He has very little drainage now and his incision looks great. We had our post-op visit today and he can now take showers again, (yippee!!),as long as he's careful about not getting water in the ear. Can anyone tell me when we can expect his ear to return to a normal position? It still sticks out a bit, and everyone at school said he looks like an elf..LOL...Just wondered how everyone else did with this? Any reply would be helpful, I forgot to ask when we saw the ENT today. Take care,Sincerely,Renonda(mom of )

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Thanks for the in-put , yes, Im so glad the surgery is over!.. Now that had his first day of school over with, he doesnt feel quite so funny and self conscious about his ear sticking out. He was so nervous about what the other kids would say. It worked out fine, and he seems to be doing great. I have to remind him everyday though about being careful and not getting too rough while he's playing, etc... Glad to here that your son is doing good as well..Thanks again..


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Hi Ron,

Im glad your ear has gone back to a normal position in so little time. I guess everyone is different. My sons does look better since the swelling is down, but there is still a definate difference between the two. Im sorry your not feeling well yet, have you been to see your Doctor? If so, what did they tell you? Keep us posted, and we'll keep you in our prayers for a quick recovery...Feel better soon,



(mom of )

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hi ron

Im also in my forties and had my surgery last march 2002.

And now have a hole in my ear canal and mastoiditis.

The pain is horrible. Hope you are doing well. And things go better for you then me.

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