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In a message dated 4/13/99 2:20:28 PM !!!First Boot!!!, sherri@...



I wondered, did you breastfeed your daughter?... just

curious as it is related to boosting immunity and her

not contracting the chicken pox either.



Hi Sherri,

Thank you for the welcome. My daughter was born 6 weeks early and weighed 4

lbs at birth. She had absolutely no problems at all and of course I refused

that introductory hep shot for her. I fed her breast milk for about 3 months

but had to stop because my diet was so poor. She got a dose of caffeine that

was in the breast milk and because of her hyperactive reaction, I stopped

giving her the breast milk. However, I do think that those first 3 months of

breastfeeding truly paid off.



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Welcome Medina... it's great to have people who

have made this difficult decision, stuck by it and

have not regretted it for one minute!

Good for you for following your instincts and I'm

happy to hear your daughter is very healthy and happy!

I wondered, did you breastfeed your daughter?... just

curious as it is related to boosting immunity and her

not contracting the chicken pox either.


MedinaErth@... wrote:

> From: MedinaErth@...


> Hello,


> I'm new to the list and have made an educated choice not to vaccinate my 2

> year old daughter. My 10 year old son was vaccinated and ended up in a

> hospital for almost 2 weeks following a DPT shot. No one related his illness

> to the vaccine and neither did I. However, over the years I began reading as

> much as I could about the dangers of vaccines and decided against it for my

> future children.


> When my daughter was born 2 yrs ago, I refused to sign anything pertaining to

> immunization. I walked out of so many doctor's offices because they became

> hostile when I refused their shots for my child. So...I don't take her to

> doctors any more. If children are becoming ill and dying from vaccines and

> the docs aren't even mentioning this in order for parents to make informed

> decisions, I find it very hard to trust them.


> My daughter, who by the way is very healthy, happy and bright, has never

> experienced so-called " normal " childhood disease like ear infections, cradle

> cap, gastrointestinal problems, etc. Therefore, I relate all childhood

> illness as such as vaccine induced. She was also exposed to chicken pox last

> year and didn't catch it...makes me wonder. I can go on and on but I just

> wanted to introduce myself.


> Medina



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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  • 1 year later...

Dear Rajitha

Congrat's all the way. I am so happy for you and your family. 10 months ago

we had our 4th child and we are all so happy that she is here with us and

healthy. You must be on cloud nine :). Enjoy your precious cargo.....



Mom to 16~ Bj 13ds~ 9~ 10 months

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

hi aaron my name is karen my daughter tabitha has had both of her hips

replaced back in sept..of last year..both within 2 weeks apart...she doesn't

complain of back pain as much..she is also on remicade and doing well. good

luck to you and hope you feel better soon. karen & tabitha

From: aaron@...


Subject: Hello Everyone

Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 00:08:04 -0000

Hi all

I know I haven't been here for a long time. But I thought I would

let those of you that don't already know I am having surgery again.

July 10th I will be having my left hip replaced. I have held off as

long as I can on my hip so a few months me and my lower body surgeon

decieded this was as good of a time as any. I was going to wait

until the fall to have it done but I am still just having to much

trouble with it.

I am also waiting for my remicade to start working for me. I go in

on thursday for my 4th treatment at which time they are also raising

my dose to 400 mgs from 300 to see if that will help it to start

working for me. I am really hopping that it will start to do it's

thing this time.

I am also in therapy right now because of my back. I had a MRI done

a few months ago to see what was wrong with my back. The MRI came

back normal so we are thinking my back problems are being caused by

my left hip. So hopefully the surgery will fix both. That would be


I also wanted to let you all know that I will be relaunching my

personal website soon and I have a new address for it and I also have

a new email address if anyone wan't to email me directly. My web

address is www.bungeeboy.com and that should be up late this

weekend. Also my email address is aaron@...

Well I am going to go for now. I will try to check in a lot more

often then what I have done in the past. I hope everyone is having a

good spring and less pain. Talk to you all soon. Take Care and hugs

to all.


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Hello , my name is and Have had my right hip replaced, wore

out the first one and had a second one. The recovery time is much quicker

now a days, than when I had my first one done in 79.

Mine was the result of a fall I took while crossing the street on my way

to the store, to by an eight pack of coca cola. I caught my heal in a rut

in the road and well, brittle bones just don't bounce! They go, CRACK!

oooooo that smarts!

They also have come a long way in the design of joint replacements. Which

is good, because I'm looking into getting another replacement this

summer, if the doctor says OK!

It will make a world of difference for you and getting around .

Here is my e mail address if you would like to mail me directly!


Good Luck !


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

The date is nearing! Are you ready for the upcoming surgery? Knowing

you, I'm sure you are :) Hey, you are such a tease! I always see these

messages from you about promising to spend more time with us ... and

then you disappear again. Oh, but that's okay :) I'm just glad that you

check in every once and a while and let us know how you're doing. And I

hope you're doing good, enjoying the summer months :)



aaron@... wrote:


> Hi all


> I know I haven't been here for a long time. But I thought I would

> let those of you that don't already know I am having surgery again.

> July 10th I will be having my left hip replaced. I have held off as

> long as I can on my hip so a few months me and my lower body surgeon

> decieded this was as good of a time as any. I was going to wait

> until the fall to have it done but I am still just having to much

> trouble with it.


> I am also waiting for my remicade to start working for me. I go in

> on thursday for my 4th treatment at which time they are also raising

> my dose to 400 mgs from 300 to see if that will help it to start

> working for me. I am really hopping that it will start to do it's

> thing this time.


> I am also in therapy right now because of my back. I had a MRI done

> a few months ago to see what was wrong with my back. The MRI came

> back normal so we are thinking my back problems are being caused by

> my left hip. So hopefully the surgery will fix both. That would be

> great.


> I also wanted to let you all know that I will be relaunching my

> personal website soon and I have a new address for it and I also have

> a new email address if anyone wan't to email me directly. My web

> address is www.bungeeboy.com and that should be up late this

> weekend. Also my email address is aaron@...


> Well I am going to go for now. I will try to check in a lot more

> often then what I have done in the past. I hope everyone is having a

> good spring and less pain. Talk to you all soon. Take Care and hugs

> to all.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hello Louise, Welcome to the group.

I'm sorry to hear that you have been fighting this for so long. I

was hoping to read happy endings on this site. LOL :) How naive of


Was the radical mastoidectomy on your left ear in 1977 your first

surgery? I had the first tube put in my ear around 1979 or 1980 but

did not develop anything more serious until this year. People would

laugh when they found out I had tubes in my ears at my age (41)

because they thought only babies had tubes put in their ears. No one

has ever heard of an adult having tubes.

Yes, it is nice to meet others going through the same thing. I am

still trying to understand this illness, please continue to post your


Best Wishes,


> Hi everyone.


> >>I'm on my way out,would like to stop and give a short bio of



> I'm 48 years and live in Nova Scotia Canada.I'm in New York right


> for I met a gentlemen friend from the USA.I'm here until Sept.15/01


> I have had many surgeries on my left ear for cholesteatoma.The

> Doctor's now believes, it is also in my right ear.I'm on my second

> tube in my right ear.Left ear I had a radical mastoidectory in

> 1977.It has been a hell of a road.I have been to Toronto,and New


> for opinions.In the last 1 1/2 yrs

> > I have been totaly in the dark about my ear ???? I was told

> something totaly different about my left ear.Just found out 1 1/2

> years ago it was cholesteatoma.**Boy I have a long history of ENT.


> >I have been wanting to meet people such as I for many many many

> years.

> I'm very Happy at this monent to have had this opportunity to chat

> and change ideas with people such as I.


> >> ****Please feel free to ask me anything.If I can help others


> by my mistakes It would be a honour.

> >Just as I hope some of you can help me answer so questions I have

> too ask.

> >>I'm still in the dark somewhat.I'm loosing my hearing ,its just a

> matter of time.Loosing hearing is one thing but the side affects of

> cholesteatoma is worst.



> PS In closing I'm very Happy to know others like me.Have ever off


> ever tried to explain this condition to a hearing impaired person.

> I know I have to hundreds of them.This is the first time to find a

> group with cholesteatoma.So now we can maybe be heard.

> When I would mention chronic infection and tell NO Cure Just A

> Control ..**Hearing impaired who don't have this doesn't understand

> and couldn't relate to me.

> PS Also can anyone help with hearing aids.

> Now this is a puzzle to me,I have 2 hearing aid NO GOOD canal type

> and behaind the ear type.I donated the canal one to a poor


> wonder now what to do with this one.

> **Can anyone help with the hearing aid answers.

> BAHA hearing aid** doctor doesn't think I should get.Side affects


> this type. I need no more infection and that is what one side


> is.

> Has anyone done any research on this yet.

> I thank you all so very much for taking the time to read this.


> Your friend

> Louise

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I'm not sure if this is how to post replys back to the group.

This will be a trail one to let me see if I'm doing this right.

> I never had time to go over the posts to know what everyone story

is concerning cholesteatoma.

> This will be short for and I are going out for the day,I

promise tonight to get back and write more.

>I had mastoind bone removed,hearing parts and had a up wall

procedure done which means half a canal removed ..I have lost count

of the no. of surgeries I had on left ear.I had infection since the

age of 12 that I can remember.I was told it was chronic infection in

early 1970's.It wasn't until 1999.When I found out I even had a no

mastiod bone.I wasn't told anything by ENT.

> My story is very long ,all I know is that the truth come in 1999

When I had a pressure built up in my right ear.I started to ask


>So right now I'm on second tube,and Doctor wants to wait until

something really happens before during the surgery,for I only have

this ear left.

>I can give more details about this condition Later.

>>>One question I do ask off others is :Does anyone have drainage

with foul smell .numbess,balance,pain mostly bad at cold weather and

when weather is changing.Also during the rain this seems to be worst.

>All I know at this time is I'm waiting on something bad to happen to

my right ear.I'm still getting fullness feeling at times and tingling

of and on.

I had more than just people laughing at tubes put in .

I will give my expenciences later.

I do Thank you so very much and do Like to know Did you have

a mastiodectory ,or are you still having tubes.

I'm very pleased to have found this group Thanks Kim I do believe

you started this group.

Friends Always Louise


> >

> > Hi everyone.

> >

> > >>I'm on my way out,would like to stop and give a short bio of

> myself.

> >

> > I'm 48 years and live in Nova Scotia Canada.I'm in New York right

> now

> > for I met a gentlemen friend from the USA.I'm here until


> >

> > I have had many surgeries on my left ear for cholesteatoma.The

> > Doctor's now believes, it is also in my right ear.I'm on my


> > tube in my right ear.Left ear I had a radical mastoidectory in

> > 1977.It has been a hell of a road.I have been to Toronto,and New

> York

> > for opinions.In the last 1 1/2 yrs

> > > I have been totaly in the dark about my ear ???? I was told

> > something totaly different about my left ear.Just found out 1 1/2

> > years ago it was cholesteatoma.**Boy I have a long history of ENT.

> >

> > >I have been wanting to meet people such as I for many many many

> > years.

> > I'm very Happy at this monent to have had this opportunity to


> > and change ideas with people such as I.

> >

> > >> ****Please feel free to ask me anything.If I can help others

> learn

> > by my mistakes It would be a honour.

> > >Just as I hope some of you can help me answer so questions I


> > too ask.

> > >>I'm still in the dark somewhat.I'm loosing my hearing ,its just


> > matter of time.Loosing hearing is one thing but the side affects


> > cholesteatoma is worst.

> >

> >

> > PS In closing I'm very Happy to know others like me.Have ever off

> you

> > ever tried to explain this condition to a hearing impaired person.

> > I know I have to hundreds of them.This is the first time to find


> > group with cholesteatoma.So now we can maybe be heard.

> > When I would mention chronic infection and tell NO Cure Just A

> > Control ..**Hearing impaired who don't have this doesn't


> > and couldn't relate to me.

> > PS Also can anyone help with hearing aids.

> > Now this is a puzzle to me,I have 2 hearing aid NO GOOD canal


> > and behaind the ear type.I donated the canal one to a poor

> child,and

> > wonder now what to do with this one.

> > **Can anyone help with the hearing aid answers.

> > BAHA hearing aid** doctor doesn't think I should get.Side


> to

> > this type. I need no more infection and that is what one side

> affect

> > is.

> > Has anyone done any research on this yet.

> > I thank you all so very much for taking the time to read this.

> >

> > Your friend

> > Louise

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  • 2 months later...

Here is an address shich may help you for info on this type of


Jeune's Family Support Group

P.O. Box 41

Temperance, Michigan 48182 USA

I hope this can help a bit-I personally never heard of Jeunes syndrome

but someone else on this list may have.


> hey everyone-

> Is there anyone out there with Jeunes(sp?) syndrome? It is a

rare kidney

> disease that messes with your growth. I have it and I am intersted


> talking to others with this condition. Have a good day. mavis


> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 11/20/2001 3:36:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dhava@... writes:

> My name is Dhava and I've been lurking on a number of Hep lists for about a

> half a year. I wanted to introduce myself and thank you all for the wise,

> compassionate, courageous and humorous support I have received from you.


> I began the peg-intron combo therapy for my Hep C last Friday night.

> Saturday was a bummer and the days since although getting better, I am

> still

> a little woozy. I'm not sure which side effects are caused by the Riboviran

> and which by the interferon, I guess it really doesn't matter. Flu

> symptoms!


> I have learned so much from you all and you've given me the courage to go

> through with this. It's hard to imagine 51 more weeks of it; but I'm sure

> it

> will get easier as my body readjusts to the stuff. I'm anxious to see my

> reaction to the next injection.


> Again thanks for being there!



Dear Dhava,

Welcome to the group. We're here to help. The sides can be pretty

disabling, but YOU'LL MAKE IT and win!!!!!!!!!!!!! The getting used to the

sides is the hardest part. Like anything else, you tend to get used to the

lesser ones, or change your eating habits/lifestyle to minimize them. Keep

us posted on what happens and we'll give you multiple voices of experience.

Claudine is a wealth of information. And never fails to have pertanent info

somewhere in the " filing cabinet " .

What a lovely name you have.

Good luck and good health,


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In a message dated 11/20/2001 3:36:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dhava@... writes:

> My name is Dhava and I've been lurking on a number of Hep lists for about a

> half a year. I wanted to introduce myself and thank you all for the wise,

> compassionate, courageous and humorous support I have received from you.


> I began the peg-intron combo therapy for my Hep C last Friday night.

> Saturday was a bummer and the days since although getting better, I am

> still

> a little woozy. I'm not sure which side effects are caused by the Riboviran

> and which by the interferon, I guess it really doesn't matter. Flu

> symptoms!


> I have learned so much from you all and you've given me the courage to go

> through with this. It's hard to imagine 51 more weeks of it; but I'm sure

> it

> will get easier as my body readjusts to the stuff. I'm anxious to see my

> reaction to the next injection.


> Again thanks for being there!



Dear Dhava,

Welcome to the group. We're here to help. The sides can be pretty

disabling, but YOU'LL MAKE IT and win!!!!!!!!!!!!! The getting used to the

sides is the hardest part. Like anything else, you tend to get used to the

lesser ones, or change your eating habits/lifestyle to minimize them. Keep

us posted on what happens and we'll give you multiple voices of experience.

Claudine is a wealth of information. And never fails to have pertanent info

somewhere in the " filing cabinet " .

What a lovely name you have.

Good luck and good health,


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Welcome, Dhava....glad you found us. I've found this group of wonderful

people to be a lifeline...especially when I thought I was losing my mind

only to discover it was just a side effect. Everyone here has been more

helpful than my doctor....experience sure counts for a lot.

Sorry to hear that you are having to deal with feeling icky now that

you've started treatment. What's your genotype? A lot of us found that

ginger root tea or ginger snaps helps the nausea considerably. You might

give that a try.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi. I've been in the doldrums this week...got

laid off last week along with 80 other coworkers and am just now

starting to bounce back from the shock of it.



Uddhava Saradadasa wrote:

> My name is Dhava and I've been lurking on a number of Hep lists for

> about a

> half a year. I wanted to introduce myself and thank you all for the

> wise,

> compassionate, courageous and humorous support I have received from

> you.


> I began the peg-intron combo therapy for my Hep C last Friday night.

> Saturday was a bummer and the days since although getting better, I am

> still

> a little woozy. I'm not sure which side effects are caused by the

> Riboviran

> and which by the interferon, I guess it really doesn't matter. Flu

> symptoms!


> I have learned so much from you all and you've given me the courage to

> go

> through with this. It's hard to imagine 51 more weeks of it; but I'm

> sure it

> will get easier as my body readjusts to the stuff. I'm anxious to see

> my

> reaction to the next injection.


> Again thanks for being there!


> Love, Dhava




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Hi Dhava, you have passed on some courage yourself in sharing just having

started treatment! I hope to start in Jan. Hope to hear how you are doing


Smiles, Lora

Hello Everyone

> My name is Dhava and I've been lurking on a number of Hep lists for about


> half a year. I wanted to introduce myself and thank you all for the wise,

> compassionate, courageous and humorous support I have received from you.


> I began the peg-intron combo therapy for my Hep C last Friday night.

> Saturday was a bummer and the days since although getting better, I am


> a little woozy. I'm not sure which side effects are caused by the


> and which by the interferon, I guess it really doesn't matter. Flu



> I have learned so much from you all and you've given me the courage to go

> through with this. It's hard to imagine 51 more weeks of it; but I'm sure


> will get easier as my body readjusts to the stuff. I'm anxious to see my

> reaction to the next injection.


> Again thanks for being there!


> Love, Dhava




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Welcome, Dhava....glad you found us. I've found this group of wonderful

people to be a lifeline...especially when I thought I was losing my mind

only to discover it was just a side effect. Everyone here has been more

helpful than my doctor....experience sure counts for a lot.

Sorry to hear that you are having to deal with feeling icky now that

you've started treatment. What's your genotype? A lot of us found that

ginger root tea or ginger snaps helps the nausea considerably. You might

give that a try.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi. I've been in the doldrums this week...got

laid off last week along with 80 other coworkers and am just now

starting to bounce back from the shock of it.



Uddhava Saradadasa wrote:

> My name is Dhava and I've been lurking on a number of Hep lists for

> about a

> half a year. I wanted to introduce myself and thank you all for the

> wise,

> compassionate, courageous and humorous support I have received from

> you.


> I began the peg-intron combo therapy for my Hep C last Friday night.

> Saturday was a bummer and the days since although getting better, I am

> still

> a little woozy. I'm not sure which side effects are caused by the

> Riboviran

> and which by the interferon, I guess it really doesn't matter. Flu

> symptoms!


> I have learned so much from you all and you've given me the courage to

> go

> through with this. It's hard to imagine 51 more weeks of it; but I'm

> sure it

> will get easier as my body readjusts to the stuff. I'm anxious to see

> my

> reaction to the next injection.


> Again thanks for being there!


> Love, Dhava




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Hi Dhava, you have passed on some courage yourself in sharing just having

started treatment! I hope to start in Jan. Hope to hear how you are doing


Smiles, Lora

Hello Everyone

> My name is Dhava and I've been lurking on a number of Hep lists for about


> half a year. I wanted to introduce myself and thank you all for the wise,

> compassionate, courageous and humorous support I have received from you.


> I began the peg-intron combo therapy for my Hep C last Friday night.

> Saturday was a bummer and the days since although getting better, I am


> a little woozy. I'm not sure which side effects are caused by the


> and which by the interferon, I guess it really doesn't matter. Flu



> I have learned so much from you all and you've given me the courage to go

> through with this. It's hard to imagine 51 more weeks of it; but I'm sure


> will get easier as my body readjusts to the stuff. I'm anxious to see my

> reaction to the next injection.


> Again thanks for being there!


> Love, Dhava




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Hi Dhava!

I'm glad to meet you.

That first injection is always the hardest, I

think, so hopefully the next will not be quite as bad.

It does seem to be that way for most people. And so

far, from what I'm hearing about the Peg-Intron combo,

the first 2-3 days are a bit rough, then the rest of

the week is better. Unless you get anemic from the

ribavirin, the worst is hopefully over!

Drink plenty of fluids, and try to eat well. If

you have questions or problems we will be here for


Good luck!



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Hi Dhava!

I'm glad to meet you.

That first injection is always the hardest, I

think, so hopefully the next will not be quite as bad.

It does seem to be that way for most people. And so

far, from what I'm hearing about the Peg-Intron combo,

the first 2-3 days are a bit rough, then the rest of

the week is better. Unless you get anemic from the

ribavirin, the worst is hopefully over!

Drink plenty of fluids, and try to eat well. If

you have questions or problems we will be here for


Good luck!



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Hi Dhava...welcome aboard! Sorry you're feeling yucky...hope it gets

better. Like Lora said...I might be starting treatment in January

too. Just had my pcr and genotype, viral load blood tests done

today. You will like it here...I do, and I'm picky...LOL.



Uddhava Saradadasa wrote:


> My name is Dhava and I've been lurking on a number of Hep lists for about a

> half a year. I wanted to introduce myself and thank you all for the wise,

> compassionate, courageous and humorous support I have received from you.


> I began the peg-intron combo therapy for my Hep C last Friday night.

> Saturday was a bummer and the days since although getting better, I am still

> a little woozy. I'm not sure which side effects are caused by the Riboviran

> and which by the interferon, I guess it really doesn't matter. Flu symptoms!


> I have learned so much from you all and you've given me the courage to go

> through with this. It's hard to imagine 51 more weeks of it; but I'm sure it

> will get easier as my body readjusts to the stuff. I'm anxious to see my

> reaction to the next injection.


> Again thanks for being there!


> Love, Dhava




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Hi Dhava...welcome aboard! Sorry you're feeling yucky...hope it gets

better. Like Lora said...I might be starting treatment in January

too. Just had my pcr and genotype, viral load blood tests done

today. You will like it here...I do, and I'm picky...LOL.



Uddhava Saradadasa wrote:


> My name is Dhava and I've been lurking on a number of Hep lists for about a

> half a year. I wanted to introduce myself and thank you all for the wise,

> compassionate, courageous and humorous support I have received from you.


> I began the peg-intron combo therapy for my Hep C last Friday night.

> Saturday was a bummer and the days since although getting better, I am still

> a little woozy. I'm not sure which side effects are caused by the Riboviran

> and which by the interferon, I guess it really doesn't matter. Flu symptoms!


> I have learned so much from you all and you've given me the courage to go

> through with this. It's hard to imagine 51 more weeks of it; but I'm sure it

> will get easier as my body readjusts to the stuff. I'm anxious to see my

> reaction to the next injection.


> Again thanks for being there!


> Love, Dhava




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Hi Dhava, I am glad to meet you also, I am Connie. I

think you will like it here.

Take Care, Connie

--- Uddhava Saradadasa <dhava@...> wrote:

> My name is Dhava and I've been lurking on a number

> of Hep lists for about a

> half a year. I wanted to introduce myself and thank

> you all for the wise,

> compassionate, courageous and humorous support I

> have received from you.


> I began the peg-intron combo therapy for my Hep C

> last Friday night.

> Saturday was a bummer and the days since although

> getting better, I am still

> a little woozy. I'm not sure which side effects are

> caused by the Riboviran

> and which by the interferon, I guess it really

> doesn't matter. Flu symptoms!


> I have learned so much from you all and you've given

> me the courage to go

> through with this. It's hard to imagine 51 more

> weeks of it; but I'm sure it

> will get easier as my body readjusts to the stuff.

> I'm anxious to see my

> reaction to the next injection.


> Again thanks for being there!


> Love, Dhava




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Hi Dhava, I am glad to meet you also, I am Connie. I

think you will like it here.

Take Care, Connie

--- Uddhava Saradadasa <dhava@...> wrote:

> My name is Dhava and I've been lurking on a number

> of Hep lists for about a

> half a year. I wanted to introduce myself and thank

> you all for the wise,

> compassionate, courageous and humorous support I

> have received from you.


> I began the peg-intron combo therapy for my Hep C

> last Friday night.

> Saturday was a bummer and the days since although

> getting better, I am still

> a little woozy. I'm not sure which side effects are

> caused by the Riboviran

> and which by the interferon, I guess it really

> doesn't matter. Flu symptoms!


> I have learned so much from you all and you've given

> me the courage to go

> through with this. It's hard to imagine 51 more

> weeks of it; but I'm sure it

> will get easier as my body readjusts to the stuff.

> I'm anxious to see my

> reaction to the next injection.


> Again thanks for being there!


> Love, Dhava




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Hi Dhava, I am glad to meet you also, I am Connie. I

think you will like it here.

Take Care, Connie

--- Uddhava Saradadasa <dhava@...> wrote:

> My name is Dhava and I've been lurking on a number

> of Hep lists for about a

> half a year. I wanted to introduce myself and thank

> you all for the wise,

> compassionate, courageous and humorous support I

> have received from you.


> I began the peg-intron combo therapy for my Hep C

> last Friday night.

> Saturday was a bummer and the days since although

> getting better, I am still

> a little woozy. I'm not sure which side effects are

> caused by the Riboviran

> and which by the interferon, I guess it really

> doesn't matter. Flu symptoms!


> I have learned so much from you all and you've given

> me the courage to go

> through with this. It's hard to imagine 51 more

> weeks of it; but I'm sure it

> will get easier as my body readjusts to the stuff.

> I'm anxious to see my

> reaction to the next injection.


> Again thanks for being there!


> Love, Dhava




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Hi Dhava, I am glad to meet you also, I am Connie. I

think you will like it here.

Take Care, Connie

--- Uddhava Saradadasa <dhava@...> wrote:

> My name is Dhava and I've been lurking on a number

> of Hep lists for about a

> half a year. I wanted to introduce myself and thank

> you all for the wise,

> compassionate, courageous and humorous support I

> have received from you.


> I began the peg-intron combo therapy for my Hep C

> last Friday night.

> Saturday was a bummer and the days since although

> getting better, I am still

> a little woozy. I'm not sure which side effects are

> caused by the Riboviran

> and which by the interferon, I guess it really

> doesn't matter. Flu symptoms!


> I have learned so much from you all and you've given

> me the courage to go

> through with this. It's hard to imagine 51 more

> weeks of it; but I'm sure it

> will get easier as my body readjusts to the stuff.

> I'm anxious to see my

> reaction to the next injection.


> Again thanks for being there!


> Love, Dhava




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Nice to meet you!!

51 weeks? I did mine 48 weeks. Wonder why yours is different.

When I start interferon therapy for my cancer, now THAT is 52 weeks ick!!

I hope the sides get easier for you, but looks like you are dealin with it

very well. Keep up the good work!


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Nice to meet you!!

51 weeks? I did mine 48 weeks. Wonder why yours is different.

When I start interferon therapy for my cancer, now THAT is 52 weeks ick!!

I hope the sides get easier for you, but looks like you are dealin with it

very well. Keep up the good work!


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