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>From: " Dr. Steve " <moores@...>



>Subject: Re: Peroxide Mouth wash

>Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 13:31:28 -0500


>Have you thought about using a Nystatin mouth wash


Yes, I've read about Nystatin and I'll use it if its prescribed for me after

my Candida antibodies test results come back. I asked for it at the clinic

when they gave me Diflucan because my vaginal yeast count was so high, but

the nurse there said I couldn't have a systemic infection because I don't

have a compromised immune system. I don't know how she can be so sure about

that. I was only supposed to have to take the Diflucan one day, and then

again a week later only if the yeast didn't go away after the first dose.

Hah. I went back again after those two weeks, still had yeast, took Diflucan

again. Maybe I'll go bug them about it again. They're obviously overlooking

something. Since I'm seeing a real doctor now I don't bother with the clinic

much anymore, but I probably should just so they learn where they're going

wrong. It seems they should be asking themselves how a supposedly

non-immune-compromised patient could have such a resistant yeast infection,

rather than assuming that it can't be systemic. THEY should have ordered the

antibody test that I had to pay another doctor to order for me. I've had

yeast for 6 months. I have to wait another month for the test results.

I'm just really tired right now. Nystatin? sure I'll try nystatin, somebody

send me some.



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Nystatin is expensive but if you just use it once a day it will last a long

time. You can get a special nystatin mouth wash of you can take it orally. I

just keep it in my mouth for about 90

seconds then swallow it. I am about out & I am not sure if I will reorder it or

not. I am not sure how much I believe in the whole yeast theory thing. Now that

I have my sugar intake down to a

minimum I do not have much in the way of digestive problems. I do not have food

allergies and leaky gut. The other drug (D) is a more serious drug whereas

Nystatin is pretty harmless. If you doc

says that you have a serious yeast infection go with D in the short term & if

you want more continuos protection take Nystatin over the long haul.


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" Dr. Steve " wrote:

> Nystatin is expensive but if you just use it once a day it will last a

> long time. You can get a special nystatin mouth wash of you can take

> it orally.

Nystatin is much cheaper if you can get it prescribed as the powder

form; compounding pharmacies are good for this. Then you just put 1/4

tsp in half a glass of water to use as mouthwash and to drink several

times a day. It has a bitter taste, but doesn't linger if you drink

some plain water afterwards.


el - andrea@...

(IFF " FNORD " appears - remove it from my email address to reply)

" ...wake now! Discover that you are the song that the morning brings... "

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Steve and others-

Can you explain to me a how you are diagnosed with leaky gut and how you

know when it has healed?

Or a site tht mdight tell me this?


.. I am not sure how much I believe in the whole yeast theory thing. Now that

I have my sugar intake down to a

minimum I do not have much in the way of digestive problems. I do not have

food allergies and leaky gut. The other drug (D) is a more serious drug

whereas Nystatin is pretty harmless. If you doc

says that you have a serious yeast infection go with D in the short term &

if you want more continuos protection take Nystatin over the long haul.


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I cannot really explain it. If you are interested in the possible role of yeast

in CFS you would want to read Crook's book " the yeast connection handbook " My

understanding of leaky gut is that due

to poor gut ecology undigested food get into the small intestines and then into

the blood. This results in food allergies and other problems --because the

immune system attacks these undigested

foods. I am not sure if there is any research that backs this theory up. I can

only say that I have heard most folks say that Nystatin helps somewhat with

digestive problems but provide only

marginal help for general CFS problems.

However the lady that clean my house (when she comes) told me that she know a

woman that had CFS and spent a year in bed. This woman claims that Nystatin and

vit. E cured her. I have never met

this woman but I can't imagine that anyone is be dishonest. Who knows?

The only other thing I know about Nystatin is that it was developed on New

York's Statin Island, hence the name.


Woodard wrote:

> Steve and others-


> Can you explain to me a how you are diagnosed with leaky gut and how you

> know when it has healed?

> Or a site tht mdight tell me this?


> Thanks




> . I am not sure how much I believe in the whole yeast theory thing. Now that

> I have my sugar intake down to a

> minimum I do not have much in the way of digestive problems. I do not have

> food allergies and leaky gut. The other drug (D) is a more serious drug

> whereas Nystatin is pretty harmless. If you doc

> says that you have a serious yeast infection go with D in the short term &

> if you want more continuos protection take Nystatin over the long haul.

> Steve


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I have MCS with frequent if not constant low grade headache, impaired mental

concentration and in general a low-grade constant mental fog that hinders my

work which unfortunately requires preparing presentations, mathematical

calculations and crisp thought processes.

About a year ago, I read the website of a doctor in North Carolina (if

memory serves me correctly). He proclaimed great success treating MCS and

other similar problems with a protocol that called for three different

anti-fungals taken simultaneously at levels in some cases way above the

normal dosage levels. The 3 different meds were Nystatin Powder (I found

only one brand that did not have any additives), Amphotericin-B capsules

(That I had to order from France with a prescription from my doctor) and

Sporanox. The idea is to stay on all 3 medications for a minimum of 3

months at maximum or greater levels.

I had to convince my local doctor that this was a valid treatment by

e-mailing the doctor in N.C. He graciously responded back to me with a

positive response as to the safety and validity of the treatment.

Amphotericin-B is available in the United States only in IV form and is used

only for the most complicated fungal infections in the bloodstream and is

highly toxic and dangerous to use in this form. But the capsules are

completely safe and without side effects, but not available here. Hence the

ordering from France, which was easy.

After about two weeks into the treatment, 90 percent of my mental

concentration returned and have continued to be improved almost a year

later. It did nothing for my other MCS symptoms, but being able to

concentrate and have a better level of work production has been great.

Unfortunately, I believe that such a protocol should be repeated probably at

least every year.

If I had any Yeast or Candida, certainly this treatment killed off a lot of

it and perhaps the idea that Candida are releasing toxins is true. All I

know is that it helped me a great deal.

Glad to find any of the information on the doctor, his treatment, the

specific drug manufacturer of the Nystatin, the drug store in Orly, France,

etc. if anyone is interested.




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This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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How did you now you had a fungal infection?

RE: Nystatin

> I have MCS with frequent if not constant low grade headache, impaired


> concentration and in general a low-grade constant mental fog that hinders


> work which unfortunately requires preparing presentations, mathematical

> calculations and crisp thought processes.


> About a year ago, I read the website of a doctor in North Carolina (if

> memory serves me correctly). He proclaimed great success treating MCS and

> other similar problems with a protocol that called for three different

> anti-fungals taken simultaneously at levels in some cases way above the

> normal dosage levels. The 3 different meds were Nystatin Powder (I found

> only one brand that did not have any additives), Amphotericin-B capsules

> (That I had to order from France with a prescription from my doctor) and

> Sporanox. The idea is to stay on all 3 medications for a minimum of 3

> months at maximum or greater levels.


> I had to convince my local doctor that this was a valid treatment by

> e-mailing the doctor in N.C. He graciously responded back to me with a

> positive response as to the safety and validity of the treatment.

> Amphotericin-B is available in the United States only in IV form and is


> only for the most complicated fungal infections in the bloodstream and is

> highly toxic and dangerous to use in this form. But the capsules are

> completely safe and without side effects, but not available here. Hence


> ordering from France, which was easy.


> After about two weeks into the treatment, 90 percent of my mental

> concentration returned and have continued to be improved almost a year

> later. It did nothing for my other MCS symptoms, but being able to

> concentrate and have a better level of work production has been great.

> Unfortunately, I believe that such a protocol should be repeated probably


> least every year.


> If I had any Yeast or Candida, certainly this treatment killed off a lot


> it and perhaps the idea that Candida are releasing toxins is true. All I

> know is that it helped me a great deal.


> Glad to find any of the information on the doctor, his treatment, the

> specific drug manufacturer of the Nystatin, the drug store in Orly,


> etc. if anyone is interested.


> Lawrence


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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> discussed here, please consult your doctor.




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I did not know for sure. No specific fungus test seemed valid enough for me

to try.

I was responding to the candida albicans (yeast overgrowth) possiblity that

had been put forth by Dr. Crook, Dr. Truss, etc. They believed, as you

probably already know, that a lot of MCS patients in their care had improved

tremendously with anti-candida diet, nystatin and other fungal remedies.

The " Yeast Connection " book described my situation fairly closely and I had

cleared up an aggravating continuous 4-year sinus congestion and

inflammation problem in 1986 or so with Nystatin tablets within literally

days and had not had any sinus congestion since. That was proof enough for

me to believe that something about my condition involved fungus. And

probably still does.

But Nystatin tablets by themselves had done nothing in the past for my MCS

problems of chemical intolerance which was getting worse year after year.

So with the advent of the Internet I began to search again for answers. I

stumbled over the fungus/yeast idea again and the site of the doctor that I

mentioned in Virginia (not North Carolina as it turns out) at

www.drcranton.com who has modified his website a bit since I visited there

over a year ago and does not mention ordering from a specific pharmacy in

France directly. He seems to be a bit hung-up on some of his pet theories

that he discusses on his web-site, but there is no doubt in my mind that the

three-pronged attack helped my mental function, but still did not take the

major daily chemical problem away. He corresponded with me by e-mail (for

free) regarding my questions on having to use Amphotericin-B since it seemed

a bother to get from France. But my local doctor wrote the prescription and

the dealing with France in my zero French and their limited English worked


I had another indication that fungus of some sort was involved after having

slight improvements in the past with Nystatin tablets with no other

anti-fungals. And, very important in my thinking was the fact that Nystatin

powder in water (slowly sipped) had also been able to relieve a major sore

throat problem within a few hours after various antibiotics had failed. So

now Nystatin Powder is my first defense when a sore throat occurs. Not

Antibiotics. Particularly when there is no discernible reason for the sore


There it is, sorry that I was so long-winded,


Re: Nystatin

How did you now you had a fungal infection?

RE: Nystatin

> I have MCS with frequent if not constant low grade headache, impaired


> concentration and in general a low-grade constant mental fog that hinders


> work which unfortunately requires preparing presentations, mathematical

> calculations and crisp thought processes.


> About a year ago, I read the website of a doctor in North Carolina (if

> memory serves me correctly). He proclaimed great success treating MCS and

> other similar problems with a protocol that called for three different

> anti-fungals taken simultaneously at levels in some cases way above the

> normal dosage levels. The 3 different meds were Nystatin Powder (I found

> only one brand that did not have any additives), Amphotericin-B capsules

> (That I had to order from France with a prescription from my doctor) and

> Sporanox. The idea is to stay on all 3 medications for a minimum of 3

> months at maximum or greater levels.


> I had to convince my local doctor that this was a valid treatment by

> e-mailing the doctor in N.C. He graciously responded back to me with a

> positive response as to the safety and validity of the treatment.

> Amphotericin-B is available in the United States only in IV form and is


> only for the most complicated fungal infections in the bloodstream and is

> highly toxic and dangerous to use in this form. But the capsules are

> completely safe and without side effects, but not available here. Hence


> ordering from France, which was easy.


> After about two weeks into the treatment, 90 percent of my mental

> concentration returned and have continued to be improved almost a year

> later. It did nothing for my other MCS symptoms, but being able to

> concentrate and have a better level of work production has been great.

> Unfortunately, I believe that such a protocol should be repeated probably


> least every year.


> If I had any Yeast or Candida, certainly this treatment killed off a lot


> it and perhaps the idea that Candida are releasing toxins is true. All I

> know is that it helped me a great deal.


> Glad to find any of the information on the doctor, his treatment, the

> specific drug manufacturer of the Nystatin, the drug store in Orly,


> etc. if anyone is interested.


> Lawrence


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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> 0.0% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees.

> Apply NOW!

> 1/2120/2/_/531724/_/954982009/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

> other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

> discussed here, please consult your doctor.




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> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

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discussed here, please consult your doctor.



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This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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  • 4 months later...

What are the symptoms of candida? I mean, if you have a child that doesn't

really complain of pain, or discomfort. When was 2-1/2 he had Mekel's

Diverticulum, which is basically the intestines have stomach lining instead of

intestinal lining and it eats itself. The doctor said he should have been in

excruciating pain. He was laughing. They ended up doing an emergency bowel



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Lori -

I took Nystatin for a while for yeast and couldn't

really tell any difference. What helps me the most is

Diflucan (prescription) for active infections, and

SF-722 (made by Thorne) on a regular basis to fight

systemic yeast. It's a tough problem to beat.

Good luck - Jennie

Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 08:21:45 -0500

From: " Fish " <fishl@...>

Subject: systemic yeast/nystatin

My sister has been put on a low dose antibiotic many

months ago for

cysts on

her face. Each time she has been taken off the

antibiotic, the cysts

return. Apparently the actual cause has never been

addressed. Anyhow,


is taking nystatin to kill the bad yeast. Will this

stop the yeast


becoming systemic? I am worried because I have

systemic yeast and have


battling it for years and I know how hard it is to get

rid of. My


keeps insisting on it being okay because it is low


Any comments would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you



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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 19/12/2005 16:39:49 GMT Standard Time, claire_downey@... writes:

We are on Nystatin at the moment and little one is proving very challenging. He also has a cold which doesn't help. Any input on how long nystatin will affect behaviour? Also is red bum rash candida die off? I'm sure this has been posted but found search tool difficult to handle - must be tired.

>>>Die off can be very prolonged but most folks are usally through it in 10-14 days. Thats doesn't help if you are past that stage - Sam was 3 months or more (arghhhhhhhhhh).

Red bum or eczema = flare or die off here. Sudacream helps Sam.

Do you think you could get activated charcoal into him?

What are the behaviours?

Hang in there

Mandi x

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Hi We are on Nystatin at the moment and little one is proving very challenging. He also has a cold which doesn't help. Any input on how long nystatin will affect behaviour? Also is red bum rash candida die off? I'm sure this has been posted but found search tool difficult to handle - must be tired. Regards

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In a message dated 19/12/2005 21:39:46 GMT Standard Time, mark.grabiec@... writes:

What exactly does activated charcoal do? Another one I bought thinking "I've heard this is good" but never given as no idea why (i.e. links to a train of thought - that encountered leaves on the line, quite common with me!!) I've taken it (I try out most things -and no side effects). Does this reduce toxins following die off. Tom is now off Nystatin and onto Yeast aid and doing some very attractive BMs (very GIlliam Mc). But what does Activated charcoal bring to the party?

>>>Think of activted charcoal as a magnet. Its not a fussy magnet, it will take toxins relseased from the bugs as they die, it will also suck up food, minerals, vitamins and the yeast killers IF you give it too close to dosing.

I think its inert, unlikely to do any harm except if you have camnel chino's on when you try to give it to him coz there will be soot everywhere if he doesn't swallow caps LOL

They sell it in caps in Holland and Barrett in 250mg caps - I don't buy much from them but this is charcoal is charcoal kind of thing.

Don't think I ever got enough into Sam to really see if it helped. His worst issue was the hyper and risk taking (with the yeast) - Mr Balance Beam on the worktops LOL


Mandi in Dorset - 790 Sigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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In a message dated 19/12/2005 22:37:32 GMT Standard Time, Mum231ASD@... writes:

>>>Think of activted charcoal as a magnet. Its not a fussy magnet, it will take toxins relseased from the bugs as they die, it will also suck up food, minerals, vitamins and the yeast killers IF you give it too close to dosing.

>>>Forgot to say you can also get some scarey coloured stools - dark grey or black - that the charcoal

Mandi x

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HI Mandi

What exactly does activated charcoal do? Another one I bought

thinking " I've heard this is good " but never given as no idea why

(i.e. links to a train of thought - that encountered leaves on the

line, quite common with me!!) I've taken it (I try out most things -

and no side effects). Does this reduce toxins following die off.

Tom is now off Nystatin and onto Yeast aid and doing some very

attractive BMs (very GIlliam Mc). But what does Activated

charcoal bring to the party?

Confused of Nottingham




> In a message dated 19/12/2005 16:39:49 GMT Standard Time, clair

> e_downey@y... writes:


> We are on Nystatin at the moment and little one is proving very


> He also has a cold which doesn't help. Any input on how long

nystatin will

> affect behaviour? Also is red bum rash candida die off? I'm sure

this has been

> posted but found search tool difficult to handle - must be tired.




> >>>Die off can be very prolonged but most folks are usally

through it in

> 10-14 days. Thats doesn't help if you are past that stage - Sam

was 3 months or

> more (arghhhhhhhhhh).


> Red bum or eczema = flare or die off here. Sudacream helps Sam.


> Do you think you could get activated charcoal into him?


> What are the behaviours?


> Hang in there


> Mandi x


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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 17/01/2006 17:30:09 GMT Standard Time, margaretnash1@... writes:

Thanks to Mandi's great idea of using someone else's empty (enzyme)capsules, my son is now taking Nystatin - at last! However, I wastold by Breakspear pharmacy to give him them BEFORE meals but now Dr Hhas said they might cause nausea and so I should give them AFTER meals... I don't want to hassle Dr H again needlessly and wodered whatother people do/did on timing. Any advice appreciated! TIA Margaret

>>>>I just gave it anywhen but tried to do on empty stomach as heard that was more effective. Die off can cause nausea, if its really bad I would cut the dose down and build up slowly. Just a mums opinion!

Mandi x

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


> MY Doctor says he is afraid of getting audited and doesn't want to

> prescribe my Nystatin any more without some sort of proof I have

> candida,even though he was the one who gave me a 3 month antibiotic

> course years ago. now I have to go the rounds again with Doctors


> I dread , Bee how did you get a Doctor to prescribe you Nystatin for


> years? and is there any test that will show I indeed have it?

==>Hi. It was 20 years ago when I took Nystatin. Unfortunately there

are no tests that are conclusive for candida.

I don't think you need to take nystatin because natural antifungals I

recommend are much better. Overall antifungals aren't very important

since candida cannot be cured by killing it off. The only way to cure

it is by building up your immune system so it becomes strong enough

to " make " candida change back into the friendly organism it is supposed

to be in the body. Diet and supplements are critical, including

coconut oil (antifungal too), while antifungals and probiotics aren't.

You can get totally healthy on nutrients alone.

The best, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

I also live here in Mexico in puerto vallarta I buy it with the name of

MICOSTATIN its used for baby trhush , I always get a wierd stare from the

pharnmasist as he knows i dont have babies jajaja. Tell me how do you get

three lac here?

Mandy Harley <mandyincabo@...> escribió:

Hi Everyone,

That is very interesting about the Nystatin. I just met someone at work who had

a severe case of candida and he used the powder form of Nystatin to cure it. He

swears by it. I have been trying to buy it here in Mexico but I am a little

nervous about it. I have been feeling good with the fivelac and I am not sure if

I want to take the risk to change things.

I did just read on a website that it is not absorbed in the stomach and that it

is good for thrush only????

Does anybody have any experience with it? It supposively is an antibiotic, and I

thought that antibiotics were bad for Candida?



S <michelle_s18@...> wrote:


Nystatin is suppose to be very safe, but it's slow. A dr. on another board I

post on who has treated over 1,000 cases of candida says it can take 3-6 months

of using 1/4 teaspoon of PURE POWDER (not the tablet form) four times per day

AND it has to be taken on an empty stomach.

I have a bottle in my fridge but haven't used it yet.

Safe to use 24 drops of iodine daily for 3-4 months to

treat candida?

Dear everyone,

I am new to the group, and have been battling systematic candida for the past 2

months, using cream of tartar and iodine. I found 24 daily drops (6 drops, 4x a

day) of iodine quite effective but just wondering is it safe to take idoine (24

daily drops) for long term, meaning 3-4 months? BTW, I also have lyme disease

and fibromyaliga caused by mycoplasma fermatans for 6 years on top of candida.

Please advise. Thanks.


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

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I order the threelac from GHT products and get it shipped to Page, which

is a shipping company. They bring goods to Cabo by truck all the time. And

they have a warehouse in San Diego and Tijuana. So when they cross the border

they don't get checked. That is how I get it into Mexico. But it costs $70 for

shipping each time. So the last order I made, I purchased a case of fivelac.

Here is the address for Page. You could email them and see if they have

trucks to Puerta Vallarta. And if not, we could order it to here and then I

could DHL it to you.

Page International, Inc.

2195 Britannia Blvd. Suite 102

San Diego, CA 92154

619 661-1233




Please let me know what you find out. I don't mind helping if they don't have

trucks to PV.


wighert roqueta <wighert@...> wrote:

I also live here in Mexico in puerto vallarta I buy it with the name

of MICOSTATIN its used for baby trhush , I always get a wierd stare from the

pharnmasist as he knows i dont have babies jajaja. Tell me how do you get three

lac here?

Mandy Harley <mandyincabo@...> escribió:

Hi Everyone,

That is very interesting about the Nystatin. I just met someone at work who had

a severe case of candida and he used the powder form of Nystatin to cure it. He

swears by it. I have been trying to buy it here in Mexico but I am a little

nervous about it. I have been feeling good with the fivelac and I am not sure if

I want to take the risk to change things.

I did just read on a website that it is not absorbed in the stomach and that it

is good for thrush only????

Does anybody have any experience with it? It supposively is an antibiotic, and I

thought that antibiotics were bad for Candida?



S <michelle_s18@...> wrote:


Nystatin is suppose to be very safe, but it's slow. A dr. on another board I

post on who has treated over 1,000 cases of candida says it can take 3-6 months

of using 1/4 teaspoon of PURE POWDER (not the tablet form) four times per day

AND it has to be taken on an empty stomach.

I have a bottle in my fridge but haven't used it yet.

Safe to use 24 drops of iodine daily for 3-4 months to

treat candida?

Dear everyone,

I am new to the group, and have been battling systematic candida for the past 2

months, using cream of tartar and iodine. I found 24 daily drops (6 drops, 4x a

day) of iodine quite effective but just wondering is it safe to take idoine (24

daily drops) for long term, meaning 3-4 months? BTW, I also have lyme disease

and fibromyaliga caused by mycoplasma fermatans for 6 years on top of candida.

Please advise. Thanks.


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

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Nystatin is only absorbed from the mouth all the way down to the gut. It's not

systemic. . .it WILL kill only candida, which may be in your mouth & gut, but

NOT kill any good bacteria, so that's what's advantageous about it.

I'm actually suspicious about ThreeLac and FiveLac. They seem very overpriced

and overadvertised. What makes them better than other probiotics?

Re: Re: Nystatin

Mandy Harley <mandyincabo@ .ca> escribió:

Hi Everyone,

That is very interesting about the Nystatin. I just met someone at work who had

a severe case of candida and he used the powder form of Nystatin to cure it. He

swears by it. I have been trying to buy it here in Mexico but I am a little

nervous about it. I have been feeling good with the fivelac and I am not sure if

I want to take the risk to change things.

I did just read on a website that it is not absorbed in the stomach and that it

is good for thrush only????

Does anybody have any experience with it? It supposively is an antibiotic, and I

thought that antibiotics were bad for Candida?



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


> Hi Bee


> I was told Nystatin does not affect the liver.


> Lola

==>You are correct. Nystatin is a unique drug which doesn't get past

the gut so it doesn't affect the liver like Diflucan and other

antifungal drugs do.


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  • 2 months later...


> Hi Bee,


> I've only been on Nystatin for 3 days and am only 1-2 weeks into

the diet. I am having one casule 3 times daily and inserting one

vaginally at night too. You mentioned that it's too soon for Nystatin

but is it ok just to stop?

> I am confused as on your vagainal yeast treatment page is says to

douche and insert Nystatin, etc. I inserted a capsule last night and

think I had a great result. No itching and burning today. Should I

keep doing that but stop taking them orally?

+++Hi Emma. Yes, you can just stop taking Nystatin orally, and just

do the diet, including coconut oil, and take the supplements.

However, you can still insert nystatin vaginally.

> The nystatin capsules contain lactose, but they are the only ones

you can get in Australia! If you suggest, I will stop oraly taking

them and stick to the VCO and diet - but should I keep inserting at


+++I didn't know nystatin contains lactose, so it would be better if

you use another type of antifungal vaginally, which are in that

vaginal treatment article.


> I hope everyone has fabulous weekends!

+++Thanks Em. I hope you do too!

Luv & Hugs, Bee

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Another thing you could for the vag yeast infection is to insert a

whole piece of garlic. What you can do is take a needle and thread

and thread it through the bottom so it's like a tampon so you won't

have to go digging for it(!) when you want to take it out. If you

leave the hard end on the garlic, it will prevent to the thread from

ripping through the garlic, just be gentle when putting it in so that

the hard end doesn't scratch you. You can leave it in over night or

during the day and you will likely taste garlic in your mouth.

If you want a stronger treatment, make a few cuts on the garlic so

the garlic juice can come out. Be careful, it's quite strong and can

irritate you. Otherwise, for a gentler treatment, just try to keep

the garlic intact.

I hope that works for you.

> >

> > Hi Bee,

> >  

> > I've only been on Nystatin for 3 days and am only 1-2 weeks into

> the diet. I am having one casule 3 times daily and inserting one

> vaginally at night too. You mentioned that it's too soon for


> but is it ok just to stop?


> > I am confused as on your vagainal yeast treatment page is says to

> douche and insert Nystatin, etc. I inserted a capsule last night


> think I had a great result. No itching and burning today. Should I

> keep doing that but stop taking them orally?


> +++Hi Emma. Yes, you can just stop taking Nystatin orally, and


> do the diet, including coconut oil, and take the supplements.

> However, you can still insert nystatin vaginally.


> > The nystatin capsules contain lactose, but they are the only ones

> you can get in Australia! If you suggest, I will stop oraly taking

> them and stick to the VCO and diet - but should I keep inserting at

> night?


> +++I didn't know nystatin contains lactose, so it would be better


> you use another type of antifungal vaginally, which are in that

> vaginal treatment article.

> >

> > I hope everyone has fabulous weekends!


> +++Thanks Em. I hope you do too!


> Luv & Hugs, Bee


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  • 1 month later...

My doctor put me on nystatin 3 was ago. I've spoken to you before, but I don't

write much. the only thing I've noticed since then is a lot of stomach cramping

and pain. could this be from the nystatin? also the pharmacy here wouldn't fill

the powder he prescribed so I had to get the oral suspension form. what do you

think about that kind?

thanks, christie

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