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Hi, thanks for your reply, I have just called the doctor and they said I have to

have another blood test to be able to compare. Could anyone tell me why they

have to compare anything as they are saying my last blood test is suspecting

under active thyroid and all the other blood tests they did have come back clear

and normal if they do have to compare what exactly are they comparing with?

Having said all that they can't fit me in for another blood test until the 8th

June so more waiting and feeling like I do.

From: Roni Molin

Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 3:00 AM


Subject: Re: new member

For many people once you are stabilized and on the correct amount of medication,

usually that is what happens. For the time being, concentrate on feeling better.

Hope all goes well.

Keep us posted, and by the way welcome to the group.


Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!

Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

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You should be able to go to any lab in your area without an appointment to get a


test. At least that's the way it works with me. I prefer going to a lab of my

choice instead of having the blood drawn by the doctor (who is not as good at it

as the lab). They are checking, I would thing, to see if a trend has started.


Regardless of where you go. Make your appointment in the morning and don't eat

or take any medication till after the blood draw. Do drink water so you will not

be dehydrated and the blood draw will be easier for you.


Now, all you have to do is take a deep breath and put it out of your mind till

you go. Haha,

that's easy right? Seriously, if you have to wait, you have to wait. Anxiety

will make you feel worse.


If I could wave a wand over your post and make you feel better, believe me I

certainly would.

Since I can't, just know that people care about you and you are not alone.




Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!


Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

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You could try testing your temperature to confirm your status. My blood results

were always " normal " but temperature very low.

From Dr. Starr:

There is also another very simple hypothyroid indicator that was developed by

Broda , MD, PhD (he died in 1988). told his clients to take their

armpit temperature before rising every day, usually over a period of weeks. If

the temperature averaged lower than 97.8º F, the person was considered

hypothyroid. Starr points out that the basal temperature test for hypothyroidism

is " not infallible " – for example, someone might be hypothyroid but have a

near-normal basal temperature, suggesting that the higher-than-expected

temperature readings may be due to chronic inflammation in the lungs or

elsewhere. Nevertheless, 's temperature test is still an effective and

accurate diagnostic tool in most instances.


His site is very informative as is his book. Good luck!







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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I doubt your doctor believes you have hypothyroidism because the dose of

50 mcg [NOT 50 mg, I hope!] is a very small " starter " dose. The fact

that your TSH is " normal " [whatever that is] on such a small dose tends

to negate the idea that you have hypothyroidism also.

Personally I think you need to look into the symptoms of swollen body

[water retention?] and frequent urination for something else that might

cause them. Since hypothyroidism is sometimes such a complex however I

don't think I personally could rule it out. But they are not the

typical symptoms of hypothyroidism to my knowledge.

It might help if you could post your lab results [be sure to include

ranges] and perhaps someone here can suggest something.




> Posted by: " JYOTI RAJENDRA " rajoe_09@...

> <mailto:rajoe_09@...?Subject=%20Re%3ANew%20member>

> rajoe_09 <rajoe_09>



> Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:56 am (PDT)




> Hello guys

> I'm a new member from Bangalore India. Since last five yrs am

> suffering it. After exertion my whole body gets swollen. Then after

> frequent urination it gets down but makes me very dull and inactive.

> Since four months taking thyroxine 50mg. Now stopped as T3, T4 reports

> are normal but TSH is lower as compare to previous result. Apart from

> this some swelling is always there mostly on upper body. Please suggest.



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  • 5 weeks later...


> Hello Bee,

> My name is Fidel and I am new to the forum. I have several questions for you.

Hopefully, you'll have several answers. I have candida and am following your

diet plan, etc. Can I have sexual relations with my wife or do I need to suspend

that for the time being? Secondly, would ionic detox be beneficial to me?

Awaiting your feedback and expertise.


> Thanks,

> Fidel


@@ Hi Fidel,

Welcome to the group. Oh yes, I have several answers ;-]

Yes, of course, you can still have sexual relations with your wife.

No, ionic detox would not be beneficial for you since those ionic foot baths

work by pulling out all minerals from the body. Thus, losing minerals can be

very problematic to your health. Not advisable.

Fidel since you are new, please ensure you read these two important articles so

you know what you need to do and why:

How to Successfully Overcome Candida:


Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

However, you may wish start first by focusing on acquiring the recommended

supplements along with familiarizing with the Candida food list. Both are

below. Take your time reading the rest.


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Welcome to the group, .

The program I use involves diet, killing the fungus overgrowth, using a few

supplements and looking at any emotional health connections.

Working with me starts out with a personal consultation, similar to any health

care provider.

You can read a few testimonies from my clients from my web site below.

If you would like to know more just let me know here on the forum or feel free

to email or call me directly.

Wil Spencer VMSP, Naturopath, author, researcher



From: Greco <grecopros@...>


Sent: Wed, August 18, 2010 8:22:21 AM

Subject: New Member

Hello - I'm new to the group and need some suggestions for a good candida

cleanse/treatment. After taking fertility medications, I developed a yeast

infection followed by a patch of psoriasis on my scalp and rectal itching.

This also happened to me many years ago after taking birth control pills.

After battling the psoriasis and itching for a few years, I did a cleanse &

changed my diet for about 6 months and it all went away and I was fine for

years. And now, it's back. Back then, I used products from a company

called Whole Approach but I'd like to use something different now just in

case my system is now resistant to the last products I used. I've been

looking online at different products and reading varying reviews. So I

guess I want to know - what worked for you?

Thanks in advance!


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  • 3 weeks later...

> I would also like to welcome our new member


> shortbob78



> come on in, pull up a chair and let us know how

> we can help you!!


> Gloria


Thanks for the welcome. I have been getting comfy here all afternoon, reading

the archives. I am in information gathering mode, and I sure have come to the

right place!

I just applied for a new life insurance policy and was declined, due to a

positive result on the Anti-HCV test. And here I thought I was an extremely

healthy person, so healthy in fact that I haven't been to a doctor in years.

Since I have no health insurance, I guess I won't be seeing one anytime soon.

But meanwhile, I am trying to learn what I can.

Don't mind me, I will be sitting here quietly in the corner reading all I can,

hoping that I won't actually ever need to know this stuff!


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Hi Jim

Wecome to the WebWarriors group.

We will do all we can to support you, and help you find info.

Here is a list to help you search for Gastro-docs in your area.

Click on this link:

http://search./search?ei=utf-8 & fr=slv8-tyc7 & p=philadelphia%20gastrologists & type=

You mention using 'herbal things' for your HCV.

Could you tell us what exactly you use, how much, how long, and the results?

This info might help someone else.

Also we have a list of alternative protocals and suppliments in the Links Library you might like to look at.

Click this link and scroll down:

http://health.dir./group/ /links

Jim, please feel free to chat with us as often as you feel to.

We love to exchange ideas, info, experiances, and support.

Knowledge is power for us to heal and/or live a good life.


don in ks

From: billythepoet@... <billythepoet@...>Subject: [ ] New member Date: Sunday, September 12, 2010, 5:01 PM

Hi All, I am introducing myself to the group. I am from the Phila PA area of the USA and have had hep c for probably 40 years. Only diagnosed about 10 or 12 years ago. I've been using herbal remedies to try and keep my enzymes in check with some success. I haven't had a drop of Alcohol for over 34 years. I have the hardest type to "cure" with traditional drugs but I'm thinking of trying again. In the mean time I'm looking for an open minded doctor in the philly area thats not totally against patients who like to look at all the possibilities available to them even if they are outside of the AMA's MO. BTW my Gastroenterologist quit the university of penn system and left me with no referrals in Penns system. I had an appointment with a lady at Einstein and she really turned me off. Anybody that has a doctor in my area that they really have faith in please answer this post if you would be so kind. In the mean time I will be

reading the posts here and learning what I can Thanks For listening! Jim------------------------------------

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Hi Jim and welcomeAlready I can see that you are someone that I would love to hear your take on this life we live. Can't help you with the Dr. problem because I'm a Canadian. However, you definitely may want to look into the new combo that's due to be on the market next year. I was a non-responder to the first treatment; but, was extremely fortunate to be asked to participate in a Clinical Trial with this new combo. I am now still clear, 6 mos post. Yup, I too had that hard one - genotype 1b.Hopefully you will share about some of your possibilities that are outside of the AMA.Gloria

Hi All, I am introducing myself to the group. I am from the Phila PA area of the USA and have had hep c for probably 40 years. Only diagnosed about 10 or 12 years ago. I've been using herbal remedies to try and keep my enzymes in check with some success. I haven't had a drop of Alcohol for over 34 years. I have the hardest type to "cure" with traditional drugs but I'm thinking of trying again. In the mean time I'm looking for an open minded doctor in the philly area thats not totally against patients who like to look at all the possibilities available to them even if they are outside of the AMA's MO. BTW my Gastroenterologist quit the university of penn system and left me with no referrals in Penns system. I had an appointment with a lady at Einstein and she really turned me off. Anybody that has a doctor in my area that they really have faith in please answer this post if you would be so kind. In the mean time I will be reading the posts here

and learning what I can Thanks For listening! Jim

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Jim,First and foremost, WELCOME. I know you will find your experience with this group encouraging to say the least and hopefully helpful. We are a pretty broad ranged group here with people who have just recently been diagnosed with Hep C to those like me who have been diagnosed, gone thru treatment and cleared the dragon. I am/was genotype 1A, diagnosed in 2004 when I was 46. I went thru treatment for 48 weeks in 2005 - 2006. I have tested undetectable since 6 weeks into treatment. Treatment for me was a bear but somehow I got thru it. It would have been so much easier if I had known or had access to a group like this one back then. I made a commitment to my Hep C doc and nurse that

once I got better I would pay it forward and help others going thru what I went thru... and here I am. I actually have a friend in PA who has gone thru Hep C treatment. Granted she's in Pittsburgh and not Philly but it's a start. I will check with her this week and find out who her doctor is. She went thru treatment about the same time that I did and is now clear of Hep C as well. Have you had a liver biopsy? Your enzymes unfortunately are not always an accurate diagnostic tool as far as the amount of damage the virus has done. What the enzymes tell us is how your liver is functioning at the current time. Liver functions can change drastically in the course of a month or less. The liver function tests can show that your liver is coping with any damage it has sustained and then those tests can drop if your liver has

decided it's had enough of working with limited resources. The only sure fire test to know what is actually going on with your liver is a biopsy. You mentioned trying treatment again.. what happened the first time? Just curious.Let us know what we can do to help. Questions, concerns or comments.... Teri From: "billythepoet@..." <billythepoet@...> Sent: Sun, September 12, 2010 5:01:45 PMSubject: [ ] New member

Hi All, I am introducing myself to the group. I am from the Phila PA area of the USA and have had hep c for probably 40 years. Only diagnosed about 10 or 12 years ago. I've been using herbal remedies to try and keep my enzymes in check with some success. I haven't had a drop of Alcohol for over 34 years. I have the hardest type to "cure" with traditional drugs but I'm thinking of trying again. In the mean time I'm looking for an open minded doctor in the philly area thats not totally against patients who like to look at all the possibilities available to them even if they are outside of the AMA's MO. BTW my Gastroenterologist quit the university of penn system and left me with no referrals in Penns system. I had an appointment with a lady at Einstein and she really turned me off. Anybody that has a doctor in my area that they really have faith in please answer this post if you would be so kind. In the mean time I will be reading the posts here

and learning what I can Thanks For listening! Jim

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Hi Jim,

Dr McCandless is doing a lot of research on alternatives at Hershey Medical

Center in Hershey Pa. Although a lot of her focus is chronic Hep B, the studies

do include Hep C. You might try contacting her to find out who is going the

alternative route in that area. I think she is trying to get funding for some

clinical trials for alternatives. Dr Berkson also does alternatives. However,

he is in New Mexico. I have been to see him. He is on google and in the links

list here, I think. I am about where you are, but probably older(76). Had Hep C

for over 44 years.Diagnosed as liver disease then--as Hep C in 1999. Have not








> From: billythepoet@... <billythepoet@...>

> Subject: [ ] New member


> Date: Sunday, September 12, 2010, 5:01 PM



> Hi All, I am introducing myself to the group. I am from the Phila PA area of

the USA and have had hep c for probably 40 years. Only diagnosed about 10 or 12

years ago. I've been using herbal remedies to try and keep my enzymes in check

with some success. I haven't had a drop of Alcohol for over 34 years. I have the

hardest type to " cure " with traditional drugs but I'm thinking of trying again.

In the mean time I'm looking for an open  minded doctor in the philly area thats

not totally against patients who like to look at all the possibilities available

to them even if they are outside of the AMA's  MO. BTW my Gastroenterologist

quit the university of penn system and left me with no referrals in Penns

system. I had an appointment with a lady at Einstein and she really turned me

off. Anybody that has a doctor in my area that they really have faith in please

answer this post if you would be so kind. In the mean time I will be reading the

posts here and

> learning what I can Thanks For listening! Jim



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello and welcome to the group.

I can't speak to the question regarding Wild Fermentation. However, regarding

your question about sauerkraut, with lactofermentaion, you can control the

acidity of the end product. Commercial sauerkraut is made with vinegar so

everything turns out the same. With lacto fermentation, there are variations in

flavor and acidity .

Have fun and enjoy eating your ferments.

Ellis Hein in Wyoming

New member

Hi Mike and all,

I'm 70+ and retired on a fixed income.

I live in Vermont, USA.

I am just getting interested in raw

foods and fermentation. I just ordered the book “ Wild

Fermentation†by Sandor Ellix Katz. Anyone know how good it is?

I am hopping all fermented food don't

taste like sauerkraut. It is just to acidity for me.

Thank you for letting me join,

in VT.

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> I'm 70+ and retired on a fixed income.

> I live in Vermont, USA.


> I am just getting interested in raw

> foods and fermentation. I just ordered the book “ Wild

> Fermentation†by Sandor Ellix Katz. Anyone know how good it is?

> I am hopping all fermented food don't

> taste like sauerkraut. It is just to acidity for me.



Hi ,

Welcome! Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz is one of my most favorite books. It

is well used in my home. I have tried just about every recipe in his book.

However, I have a different kimchi recipe I like much better. I like his views

on " wild " organisms, bacteria, yeasts, and in capturing these wild things to

preserve our food. It is such a fascinating subject. I have been experimenting

for years with the fermentation preservation methods.

I think you will be very pleased with your purchase.

Best Regards,

, Zone 6

Boise, Idaho

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Hi Ellis,

Thank you for the welcome.

I am looking forward to the book. It is

supposed to be a good one.

in VT.

From: Ellis Hein <woodturnedart@...>

Subject: Re: New member


Date: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 1:51 PM

Hello and welcome to the group.

I can't speak to the question regarding Wild Fermentation. However, regarding

your question about sauerkraut, with lactofermentaion, you can control the

acidity of the end product. Commercial sauerkraut is made with vinegar so

everything turns out the same. With lacto fermentation, there are variations in

flavor and acidity .

Have fun and enjoy eating your ferments.

Ellis Hein in Wyoming

  New member


  Hi Mike and all,

  I'm 70+ and retired on a fixed income.

  I live in Vermont, USA.

  I am just getting interested in raw

  foods and fermentation. I just ordered the book “ Wild

  Fermentation†by Sandor Ellix Katz. Anyone know how good it is?

  I am hopping all fermented food don't

  taste like sauerkraut. It is just to acidity for me.

  Thank you for letting me join,

  in VT.


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Thank you for your reply,

I can't wait for the book to get here.

Can you suggest some recipes from the book for a beginner? Just the

page number.

I have 1Qt canning jars, will this


Hope to here from you,

in VT.

From: artistmama <artistmama@...>

Subject: Re: New member


Date: Friday, October 8, 2010, 12:32 AM

Hi ,

Welcome! Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz is one of my most favorite books. It

is well used in my home. I have tried just about every recipe in his book.

However, I have a different kimchi recipe I like much better. I like his views

on " wild " organisms, bacteria, yeasts, and in capturing these wild things to

preserve our food. It is such a fascinating subject. I have been experimenting

for years with the fermentation preservation methods.

I think you will be very pleased with your purchase.

Best Regards,

, Zone 6

Boise, Idaho


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Here are some of my favorites:

Page 54 - Japanese Nuka Bran Pickles

The whole section on Bean Ferments - beginning on page 57: Miso (making miso,

miso soup, miso pickles, Tempeh, Dosas & Idlis.

Dairy Ferments: beginning on page 73.

Wines: beginning on page 124

Wine Dregs Soup: page 139

Vinegars: Beginning on page 152

It was hard for me to choose. I love the WHOLE BOOK! :-D

, Zone 6

Boise, Idaho


> From: artistmama <artistmama@...>

> Subject: Re: New member

> nutrition

> Date: Friday, October 8, 2010, 12:32 AM





> Hi ,


> Welcome! Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz is one of my most favorite books. It

is well used in my home. I have tried just about every recipe in his book.

However, I have a different kimchi recipe I like much better. I like his views

on " wild " organisms, bacteria, yeasts, and in capturing these wild things to

preserve our food. It is such a fascinating subject. I have been experimenting

for years with the fermentation preservation methods.


> I think you will be very pleased with your purchase.


> Best Regards,


> , Zone 6

> Boise, Idaho




> ------------------------------------



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Thank you ,

The book came in yesterday. I have

printed this and will give some a try.

in VT.

From: artistmama <artistmama@...>

Subject: Re: New member


Date: Monday, October 11, 2010, 2:55 AM

Here are some of my favorites:

Page 54 - Japanese Nuka Bran Pickles

The whole section on Bean Ferments - beginning on page 57: Miso (making miso,

miso soup, miso pickles, Tempeh, Dosas & Idlis.

Dairy Ferments: beginning on page 73.

Wines: beginning on page 124

Wine Dregs Soup: page 139

Vinegars: Beginning on page 152

It was hard for me to choose. I love the WHOLE BOOK! :-D

, Zone 6

Boise, Idaho



> ------------------------------------



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the welcome Don and Gloria , and group.

My own little Hcv story is common enough. Unexplained aches and pains, easy

bruising, pallor, lack of energy leading to a diagnosis of Cirrosis 15 yrs after

receiving poisined blood in a BC Hospital. Told I had 3 to 5yrs Tops,

Transplant folks cause I use pot said I don't deserve to Live(their words, not

mine). Tried Treatment in 2000, lasted 6 weeks, a couple of stints intensive

scare ward, many weeks each over the next year as I purged the Treatment Toxins.

Doctors and Hospitals wer killing me, so I chose another direction for me..

I dont do much with Doctors or stuff much now, or over the past 10 yrs. and live

an active healthy lifestyle. I have a GP and a naturopath, have a vegetarian

diet, a loving and supportve support system of friends,involve myself with other

than just HCV issues, and lead an active life of sledding the mountains in

winter ,and playing on our warm Okanagan lakes in the summer. I look forward to

being a member of this group. Ken Maxwell,Enderby BC



> I would truly like to welcome Ken [paintedbones] !! Especially since I see


> Ken is from the same Canadian province that I live in.

> Gloria


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KenAgain, I great big welcome. Finally, now we have two Canadians on this site. I haven't been so fortunate in finding a Canadian HepC group that stayed active, after the money was received from the class action suit regarding the bad blood.I live down here on the big island!! Actually, I live in the Comox Valley and as I'm sure you are aware, out weather is extremely balmy most of the time. Yet, one can bring the ski's and the golf clubs if they want to spend a weekend here in the winter.Sorry to hear that they wouldn't give you a new liver!! One is in so much pain, that the pot is the only thing that really helps, yet, because of smoking it, one doesn't qualify for a transplant. Unbelievable!! Even just recently, I passed the thought

across my GP because I suffer so badly some days with the Fibromalgia. For me though, I likely will never face a transplant!!I did treatment twice. The first was in 2004/2005. However, at the end, the damn virus didn't give me any time to believe that I had reached SVR. Then in early 2009, I received a call from one of the local HepC nurses asking if I might me interested in a clinical trial. Turned out, I only had 4 hours to decide. So, I went for it!!! Good thing too, because my liver had reached cirrhosis by that time.Last October, I was told two things! The first was that in all probability I had liver cancer. The second was that my RNA was negative. So, I went on to complete tx on January 14th. Had another CAT scan and on the 2nd of Feb. the Gastro called me, to confirm that I did have cancer. On April 6th I was booked into Van General for a procedure. At

least, that's what I went to sleep to have. However, when I woke up and a few days past, I found out that I'd had a full blown resection. I've got the 11 inch scar to prove it. A good friend of mine was in for his procedure for the cancer. He brags because his scar is 14 inches. We have a great laugh over that!!!Well, by the end of June, I coud honestly say that I was HepC free, cancer free and husband free!! All of that in less than 6 months LOL Now, I just want to enjoy every single day that I might be blessed with. If I was strong enough to fight off the dragon and then the cancer right on the heels; then, I'm sure not going to let a negative husband continue to bring me down. I simply refuse to live that way any longer!!! Again, welcome - Gloria

Thanks for the welcome Don and Gloria , and group.

My own little Hcv story is common enough. Unexplained aches and pains, easy bruising, pallor, lack of energy leading to a diagnosis of Cirrosis 15 yrs after receiving poisined blood in a BC Hospital. Told I had 3 to 5yrs Tops, Transplant folks cause I use pot said I don't deserve to Live(their words, not mine). Tried Treatment in 2000, lasted 6 weeks, a couple of stints intensive scare ward, many weeks each over the next year as I purged the Treatment Toxins. Doctors and Hospitals wer killing me, so I chose another direction for me..

I dont do much with Doctors or stuff much now, or over the past 10 yrs. and live an active healthy lifestyle. I have a GP and a naturopath, have a vegetarian diet, a loving and supportve support system of friends,involve myself with other than just HCV issues, and lead an active life of sledding the mountains in winter ,and playing on our warm Okanagan lakes in the summer. I look forward to being a member of this group. Ken Maxwell,Enderby BC



> I would truly like to welcome Ken [paintedbones] !! Especially since I see that

> Ken is from the same Canadian province that I live in.

> Gloria


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Siince we are all different, even with the same illness, I have to ask you how

you feel on the Levoxyl. I was not able to take it because it made me ill, and I

had pains in my neck, shoulders, arms and inside of knees. Extensive testing was

done and it was discovered that my body was not converting the levoxyl (T4) into

T3, (active hormone).


How do you feel since starting the Levoxyl and how long have you been on it at

what dosage?  Do you have copies of your test sheets from the lab? If yes you

could post the results along with the ranges here so they could be evaluated for



Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!


Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

From: tiffferoni <tiffferoni@...>

Subject: new member


Date: Monday, October 25, 2010, 9:14 AM

I am a new member and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about three years ago. 

As I am reading through your posts...I realize...I have NO idea what everyone is

talking about.  When I was seen by my doctor, he told me to take Levoxyl and

then go about my business.  There are certain vitamins that I should take?


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I just answered your other post. So please refer to that answer. I forgot to

tell you that

I do take vitamins every day, and I have tested not taking them, and found that

I definitely feel worse without them. First, I think you need to clear up what

is going on with your thyroid and how you feel on the levoxyl.


Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!


Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

From: tiffferoni <tiffferoni@...>

Subject: New Member


Date: Monday, October 25, 2010, 5:55 PM

I tried posting earlier, but I guess it didn't make it because I don't see it. 

I was told about three years ago that I had hypothyroidism.  As I am reading

your posts, I am realizing that there is a lot I don't know.  My doctor put me

on Levoxyl and set me on my way.  Is there any good sites for information? Any

information would be helpful!


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Hello A,

I'm missy and i've only been in the group a couple of days now! I really like it so far, great info, and it feels great to know we are not alone with this illness!


From: Gloria <gadamscan@...>Hep C Web Warriors < >Sent: Mon, October 25, 2010 9:56:19 PMSubject: [ ] New Member

I would truly like to welcome A, to our group.Please, get comfortable and perhaps let us know a little bit of the history of your HepC. We are here to give help, support or just hear plain old venting.Gloria

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Probably about 95% of hypo patients do exactly that: Take one simple

pill every day and pretty much live a completely normal life. Most of

the problems arise with the small percentage of patients who do not fall

into that category.

There are AFAIK no specific vitamins needed for hypo patients. As a

matter of fact if you eat a healthy diet it's probable that well over

90% of the vitamins and supplements available would be a complete waste

of money. You do need about 150 mcg/day of iodine, but most of us get

quite a bit more than that in our diets. Avoid any site that recommends

several thousand percent of the RDA of any product.

You might consider limiting foods known as GOITERGENS [Google it]; and

whatever you do avoid soy products as much as you can. Don't take

things like calcium and iron [i think] within a few hours of taking your

T4; and don't eat for an hour afterwards.

Most importantly: Be aware that there is a lot of good info in the

internet; and some that might harm or kill you. You need to develop the

ability to recognize the common con artist and quack pitches; as you

will encounter a lot of them.




> Posted by: " tiffferoni " tiffferoni@...

> <mailto:tiffferoni@...?Subject=%20Re%3Anew%20member>

> tiffferoni <tiffferoni>



> Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:46 am (PDT)




> I am a new member and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about three

> years ago. As I am reading through your posts...I realize...I have NO

> idea what everyone is talking about. When I was seen by my doctor, he

> told me to take Levoxyl and then go about my business. There are

> certain vitamins that I should take?

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Is it okay to take Calcium an hour after taking Levothyroxin? No one told me to

wait a few hours.


Re:new member

Probably about 95% of hypo patients do exactly that: Take one simple

pill every day and pretty much live a completely normal life. Most of

the problems arise with the small percentage of patients who do not fall

into that category.

There are AFAIK no specific vitamins needed for hypo patients. As a

matter of fact if you eat a healthy diet it's probable that well over

90% of the vitamins and supplements available would be a complete waste

of money. You do need about 150 mcg/day of iodine, but most of us get

quite a bit more than that in our diets. Avoid any site that recommends

several thousand percent of the RDA of any product.

You might consider limiting foods known as GOITERGENS [Google it]; and

whatever you do avoid soy products as much as you can. Don't take

things like calcium and iron [i think] within a few hours of taking your

T4; and don't eat for an hour afterwards.

Most importantly: Be aware that there is a lot of good info in the

internet; and some that might harm or kill you. You need to develop the

ability to recognize the common con artist and quack pitches; as you

will encounter a lot of them.




> Posted by: " tiffferoni " tiffferoni@...

> <mailto:tiffferoni@...?Subject=%20Re%3Anew%20member>

> tiffferoni <tiffferoni>



> Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:46 am (PDT)




> I am a new member and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about three

> years ago. As I am reading through your posts...I realize...I have NO

> idea what everyone is talking about. When I was seen by my doctor, he

> told me to take Levoxyl and then go about my business. There are

> certain vitamins that I should take?

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