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Ahhhh, Kathy!

What a rough day! I'm sorry you had such aggravation! When is your

next trip to the hairdresser to cover that grey? LOL

I hope the following story makes you feel better. I am 53 years old. I

was much younger when I first got my CI - I was 51! LOL One day I

accompanied my husband to his doctor appointment. I had trouble understanding

this dr

before my CI, and continued, even worse now, that day. As we left the office,

I realized why it was worse. No CI on my head!! We pulled the waiting room

apart, checked every inch of hallway and examining room and the parking lot,

too. It got dark while we were inside so one of the nurses called her

husband. He came with a huge truck with search lights so we could continue to

examine the parking lot. No luck! I finally assumed that my CI must have stuck


the car next to me as I got out of ours earlier. It had been parked extremely

close to ours and I had to squish to get out of our car. So we insisted that

the dr office call every patient they had there in the previous 2 hours and

ask if they had a white car. If they did, could they please check it??? This

was waaayyy beyond proticol - but they did it. Feeling sick, we drove home

and I went to lay down. There on my pillow was the speech processor!!! I had

rested earlier in the day- it apparently fell off, and, no, I didn't notice! I

was so relieved, but VERY embarrassed! We called the dr's office

immediately and told them that I had found it and thanks so much for their

trouble -

that it had attached itself to OUR car and we didn't see it! LOL OK OK - so I

lied - but I just couldn't tell the truth! LOL

Hope this helps!!! <giggling> Jackie (Flash)

By the way - I STILL can't understand that doctor! LOL He speaks quickly

and has a " low " voice.

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Hi again, Kathy,

I read your post that said you feel sometimes that you have let your son

down, especially regarding the day he didn't wear his CI and nobody noticed.

Please try not to feel guilty or anything else. There is no reason.

I work with Kindergarten - 2nd grade kids quite often. One of the

things used to discipline is a check system. If they hit someone - check! If


are not paying attention or fooling around during lessons, check! ETC, ETC

Two checks and no candy at the end of the day. (yeah - the teacher gives a

small treat each day). Three checks and no recess. By the end of the first

month of school for the kindergarteners and from day one for the rest, a check


given if they come to school without their CI or hearing aids or batteries.

They are told, as are the parents, (some of them need to be trained, too! LOL)

that it is THEIR (the kid's) responsibility to take care of their equipment.

In school they must get their ALD's and at the end of the day they are

responsible for plugging them back in for the next day's use. With few


this has worked beautifully. The Kindergarten kids who use rechargable

batteries are helped in the first few months, and in January are given the

responsibility to remember to take off the CI before recess (playground has


slides) and retain it afterwards and change their batteries. Some of the older

kids won't tell when their batteries die and they get a check for that. It

doesn't happen much after the first few checks! LOL Of course, teachers are

looking to be sure the CI comes off before going to the playground and we can

usually tell when a kid's battery is dead and they ignore it. We use sign and

voice in school so they figure why bother? WRONG! LOL

Anyway - your son is old enough to be responsible. If he forgets

occassionally, well, he is a kid! <smile> But there is no reason for you to


bad or that you are failing him in any way. He has to remember to put on his

CI just as he " screws on his head " each day! LOL I hope this helps!!

<smile> Jackie (Flash)

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  • 2 months later...
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That's 2 Boss Lady's. We have control of all the management and delete buttons.

It's good to be the Queen !!!!!! :)

Love and Hugs.

Deb kathy brunow <kathy-boo@...> wrote:

Ok, Boss lady. Kathy"elwilkinson@..." <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

You will only be blocking that individual, not all the group posts. Just hit delete like Suzie said and all will be well.

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That's ridiculous. I can't believe it's legal. What about ADA?


Faith is the ability to not panic.

-----Original Message-----From: kathy brunow [mailto:kathy-boo@...] Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 7:30 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: Re: Itchy Skin

... Bet ya didn't know the St. of WI. requires "all" persons with infectious disease to register with the health dept. So I can no long work one on one with patients ever again. Kathy B.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi! If you get this message before surgery, know that we are all

thinking of you. If not, then afterwards you will have heard our

prayers. My myotomy is a year old. Good luck and take it slow




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  • 1 month later...

Sure you can! Actually I feel there should be a club just for "us" normal people. But first we'd have to find a "sane" person to judge... Kathy B.endstork56 <endstork56@...> wrote:

KathyIts a long time since anyone told me im normal - can i use that as a testimonial ?take caresandyKathy Brunow

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Who ever he was. he also used willow bark for headaches, Valerian teas to soothe, the beautiful foxglove bloom to make digitalis.. the list go on. Kathy B..connie mcclain <crochetlady1001@...> wrote:

Kathy, i feel your pain. and whos the person who determines normalcy anyway??

prolly the same guy who drank milk from a cow or decided to take a toxic weed and make a milk thistle pill from it conniekathy brunow <kathy-boo@...> wrote:

Sure you can! Actually I feel there should be a club just for "us" normal people. But first we'd have to find a "sane" person to judge... Kathy B.endstork56 <endstork56@...> wrote: KathyIts a long time since anyone told me im normal - can i use that as a testimonial ?take caresandy

Kathy Brunow Kathy Brunow

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Your right Liz, Who knows. I may have picked up a little virus or something.. Kathy B..Liz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

If you feel the same way tomorrow, call your doctor. Even if it's nothing your mind will be put at ease. Please.

Take care of yourself,


Kathy Brunow

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Little Sunshine..yes, slow down..Ive been guilty of the Now syndrom..but not anymore. I use to zip around here like a Texas tornado...now Im just a little Dust Storm>>Haa

Just find some quiet time to begin your letter, speak from your heart, which you have a Big One anyway. You might want to send a donation in your donors name if they give it to you..You might ask them, this is what you would like to do..it doesnt have to be much..every little bit helps ...Just a suggestion....

Thank you so much for helping out with the new members while our moderators are mending and trying to get stronger.

Well, off to pay the bills and I'll be broke again...Ali bought 20.00 dollars worth of church raffle tickets hoping she will win a new car...Boy! wouldnt that be nice..but a long shot I'd say...Keep on Truckin Girl!!! Love Always Pat

Re: This is for you "Lakebud"

Pat, I'm still draggin', but it's not as bad as yesterday. God I must of sounded pathetic yesterday and not is not me. Remember Little sunshine here.. So I'm goin' to move slower today, just like my husband.. He gets mad at me. claims with me everything is know. I'm very hard headed.. Yeah we got a lot of the cold wet yummy ones here, but I never was much of a beer drinker.. in my coffee, what do they call that "cafe' Royall". But in this hot, damp weather I wouldn't mind. But I mean to much to me, having to much fun with the new liver. Also I should get off my fat pink bottom and compose letter to the donor family. And Pat I just don't know where to start! How do you tell some one that there loved one gave you back your life and family! Hope the one person tells us who they are! We know what it's like to lose friends because of disease, to be frightened.. Whats it's like to fight for us... Kathy B...Pat McBride <pmcbride1@...> wrote:

Great info Kathy..Thanks..How are you this morning ? Any better???

BTW..I had a few Milwaukee products in my time and they were all cold, wet and yummy...>.HAAA

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I love old family names. My daughters have family names. In my family you name the child afther those who have gone before.. 1st is Priscilla Rose & dau. 2 is Demarris..Kathy B..Pat McBride <pmcbride1@...> wrote:

Thanks Kathy..She's Grammas little helper.(my only grand child).dark hair blue eyes..her name is the female version of (my son)..its an irish thing..when group gets back up I'll add her to my photo album..Pat

Kathy Brunow

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  • 1 month later...

Oh my! I am SOOOOOO touched by your magnanimous offer! I hope it won't come to that, your bear might not take kindly to it. You know how silly they can be!


Faith is the ability to not panic.

-----Original Message-----From: kathy brunow [mailto:kathy-boo@...] Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 7:52 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: Good news

I wonder it it's possible to Mortgage a husband for Medical reasons??? If it gets down to the last dime eh!!! I'd mortgage mine for you De...Kathy B.

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Oh my! I am SOOOOOO touched by your magnanimous offer! I hope it won't come to that, your bear might not take kindly to it. You know how silly they can be!


Faith is the ability to not panic.

-----Original Message-----From: kathy brunow [mailto:kathy-boo@...] Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 7:52 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: Good news

I wonder it it's possible to Mortgage a husband for Medical reasons??? If it gets down to the last dime eh!!! I'd mortgage mine for you De...Kathy B.

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Oh course your right De, Silly Old Bear......You keep up the high spirts hon...Kathy b.. Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

Oh my! I am SOOOOOO touched by your magnanimous offer! I hope it won't come to that, your bear might not take kindly to it. You know how silly they can be!


Faith is the ability to not panic.

-----Original Message-----From: kathy brunow [mailto:kathy-boo@...] Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 7:52 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Subject: RE: Good news

I wonder it it's possible to Mortgage a husband for Medical reasons??? If it gets down to the last dime eh!!! I'd mortgage mine for you De...Kathy B.Kathy Brunow

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Hiya, Kathy,

You surely are going out of your way to try to let your son join his

friends in the laser tag games. After checking with everyone (Dr,, behind the

scenes, etc) and getting a fairly positive response, I would think you might

feel better if wore some type of helmet while playing. Some of the

places here in PA require everyone to wear them anyway. I hope things go

well, and " ducks " before he is struck! LOL

:o) Jackie

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Liz, Can I have the address for the calenders??? Please, Coco wants one!!! Honest... Kathy B...Liz <elwilkinson@...> wrote:

I'm getting bikes and dogs together for a benefit. Cool, huh? The Harley folks do most of the work and we split the profits.

Take care,

LizKathy Brunow

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

And my daughters want to know why I have so few girlfriends!! Ya think!!It's the mouth OK...There have been time when I had to fight about speaking my mind, but in the long run it is understood why..I have been told I'm scarey etc..And actually the friends I do have I have for life..Kathy Boo


If we didn't speak our minds, our whole person would die. Keep up the good work.

Take care of yourself,


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Same here but from what I've heard it's up to the doctor..Just doing a comprarion..Kathy B ps cute puppy paper..boo


I was under the impression it was automatic, once confirmed.

Take care of yourself,


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In Idaho it is mandatory, one of the first things my clinic did. I believe Idaho then reported to the CDC.


Same here but from what I've heard it's up to the doctor..Just doing a comprarion..Kathy B ps cute puppy paper..boo

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CDC = Center for Disease Control. They track all that stuff like syphilis, HIV, Hep, influenza, ect ect. All to help protect the population and track how a disease is spreading... so they tell us. You hit it on the head with Big Brother to some extent. Oh well... I have never been contacted for any reason, yet. Was concerned at first because this is such a scarcely populated area and rumors do fly, but so far so good.


Why would one have to be registered with the gov't ? For what purpose? Big Brother is watching?? Suzie

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Dunno... what is a STD?

Off I go to feed, catch ya later.

I don't think we do that here. I know that STDs are reported to the District Health Unit, but only STDs. HCV doesn't qualify as an STD, does it? Suzie

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Hey I didn't vote for this guy..But at least it is recognized now as a diease that can do harm etc..Not just some thing a bunch of druggies started...Kathy boo

RE: Kathy

I don't think we do that here. I know that STDs are reported to the District Health Unit, but only STDs. HCV doesn't qualify as an STD, does it? SuzieLlinda <2llama@...> wrote:

CDC = Center for Disease Control. They track all that stuff like syphilis, HIV, Hep, influenza, ect ect. All to help protect the population and track how a disease is spreading... so they tell us. You hit it on the head with Big Brother to some extent. Oh well... I have never been contacted for any reason, yet. Was concerned at first because this is such a scarcely populated area and rumors do fly, but so far so good.


Why would one have to be registered with the gov't ? For what purpose? Big Brother is watching?? Suzie

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His ?? Cool thats a new one..Nah I wish no evil not a any thing or person..Maybe just wish him to calm down.. but I wouldn't want his job..No way!! My poor little female cat is going nuts here though.. every time I come home from Waukesha she things I have Mr..Miky in the bag or some thing..s cat is fixed and could care less but Foote is in Male cat scent heaven..Kathy Boo

RE: Kathy

I don't think we do that here. I know that STDs are reported to the District Health Unit, but only STDs. HCV doesn't qualify as an STD, does it? SuzieLlinda <2llama@...> wrote:

CDC = Center for Disease Control. They track all that stuff like syphilis, HIV, Hep, influenza, ect ect. All to help protect the population and track how a disease is spreading... so they tell us. You hit it on the head with Big Brother to some extent. Oh well... I have never been contacted for any reason, yet. Was concerned at first because this is such a scarcely populated area and rumors do fly, but so far so good.


Why would one have to be registered with the gov't ? For what purpose? Big Brother is watching?? Suzie


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Kathy, for a general, patient-oriented book on liver disease, try Dr. Palmer's "Guide to Liver Disease", 2004 edition. You can find more specific information on-line, but this is a good manual to keep on hand. If you can't find it locally, go to amazon.com or to Palmer's site, liverdisease.com. The book will cost less than $20.

Several people here have spoken of having PBC-AIH overlap. I don't know if those people are still in the group, which is fairly fluid.


In a message dated 2/2/2005 2:00:12 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I have been trying to play catch up in terms of education.

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