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I sort of disagree with Tony. I don't think you have to "dispute" a charge

until you see it on your statement. But if you don't want to wait to see

if it shows up on your statement, I'd call the cc company and have them

check your account over the phone. I think you'll find that the whole

order was never done. She probably got so behind due to the storms,

that somebody messed up and the whole order is somewhere out in the

big black hole in the sky.



Yes , I went through the UPS tracking, and they said there is no such tracking number. I still haven't gotton my bill, but Tony says if I wait that long, they won't do anything about it. He said you have to call them right away. But how do you know, if you don't have the bill? Kathy

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You look amazing....so trim, fit, and happy! I was shocked when I saw such

an amazing difference. You must feel so wonderful about the progress you've


Congratulations!!!!!!! :-) LIsa

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Kathy~ Hi it is so good to hear from you! I have been pretty sick today. It

seems like real food makes me throw up. Who knows. How is your weather? I am

glad that Spring is here. This Saturday its suppose to be 84! Please tell

Brad I said hi. My mom is engaged to a great guy named Wes. I think they are

getting married this fall or late summer. How is you Lama???

Have a great evening


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Kathy,

I live in Orinda, which is in the Bay Area on the east side of the

Caldecott Tunnel. Close to Lafayette and Walnut Creek if you know the area.

Where are you located?


Mom to Miles 14, Brook 11, and Genevieve 3 yrs

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Hi Marisa

I live in Folsom, which is just outside Sacramento.


Re: kathy

> Hi Kathy,

> I live in Orinda, which is in the Bay Area on the east side of the

> Caldecott Tunnel. Close to Lafayette and Walnut Creek if you know the


> Where are you located?


> Marisa,

> Mom to Miles 14, Brook 11, and Genevieve 3 yrs




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We were in Folsom on saturday. garry and I took 30 hours of respite. Our

excuse was to go to Levitz for a new chair--did that. To kill time we went

over to the factory stores. Got some great buys.

& Garry, parents of (10 ds), (9 ds), JJ (7

ds/autism/celiac), (6 ds/ADHD/Celiac), and Esther (4 ds). All adopted.


>From: " UrthMan " <outerspace@...>

>< >

>Subject: Re: kathy

>Date: Tue, May 8, 2001, 11:24 AM


>Hi Marisa

>I live in Folsom, which is just outside Sacramento.


> Re: kathy



>> Hi Kathy,

>> I live in Orinda, which is in the Bay Area on the east side of the

>> Caldecott Tunnel. Close to Lafayette and Walnut Creek if you know the


>> Where are you located?


>> Marisa,

>> Mom to Miles 14, Brook 11, and Genevieve 3 yrs




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No I didn't get your email. I have been having a lot of trouble with

sending my messages. some go through and some don't.


Mom to Miles 14, Brook 11, and Genevieve 3 yrs

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Just make sure you are eating Gulf Shrimp. These are " warm water " shrimp.

Northern Atlantic shrimp as are all " cold water " shrimp are very high in

cholesterol. These " cold water " shrimp have to maintain their body

temperature in some way and they don't have much fat. The " cold water "

shrimp, according to Dr. Carson, keep their body temperature by maintaining

a high cholesterol content, I think.

Bill I.


> you are so right about the meat. I am able to eat shrimp so much better.

> I think Jen, Choctow Girl mentione this too. I will check out Wal Mart.

> I am glad you are well. You are such a sweetie! Best Wishes!



> Larice White 01/04/01 355/288



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
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Kathy ,

Thank You so much ! This is perfect for my son . I'll add it to my

list . Yesterday, walked in the kitchen and noticed I did not

empty the dishwasher . Bad mistake for me ,when I told him " later " .

He kept pointing at the dishes until I put them up , I also included

him to help . Yes ! he loved it . This is definitely what he needs ,

staying busy . I did noticed , need to add pictures around the

kitchen to remind him where goes what? As a reminder . He would

sometimes just stare off , like what next ? Even though its in front

of his face , ex. if he's holding a glass and they're all in the

cupboard but yet don't know what to do . Those visual pictures surely

make a difference , just glad this is part of the answer to his daily

living skills . Makes a difference when you're trying to understand

your child . Have to keep the communication open , even if its with

pictures . Thanks , glad everyone is sharing information to make our

life a little easier and cut down on stress .

Irma , Stevn 12, DS/ASD.

-- In @y..., " UrthMan " <outerspace@l...> wrote:

> Hi Irma

> It's Kathy again.

> I forgot to send you this info too.





> constructing the picture book






> examples of recipes for the picture reading book




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So sorry you won't make it to the gathering. We'll keep you and yours in our prayers for a safe and speedy recovery. Who knows... a mini gathering isn't out of the question ever!... no reason a few of us can't get together and talk bubbles. Look at me and Colleen... I called her up and an hour later we were down the road to go see Deb unannounced! lol... ok...it wasn't an hour... more like an hour 1/2 because I still hadn't showered when she hit my doorstep LOL

We'll put you on the top of the list for the next gathering and your place is already reserved.

Take care of yourself and your family


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I second everything Terri said! So sorry about your dad, but we will

send good vibes your way! Maybe someone will take pictures and post

them to the group files. Who knows, if my dh sticks around, and his

digital camera is working that day (it's become tempramental), I'll give

him another job to do. HE HE!

Take care of yourself and your family Kathy!


Country Meadow Creations

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Gee, I'm sorry to hear all that, Kathy. I had a feeling something

was going to upset the apple cart as far as the date of surgery.

That's really a shame that after all that waiting your Dad has

done, it was all for nothing and things got worse. We'll miss you

at the gathering - I sure was looking forward to us going together.

Maybe I'll take my video camera and get some movies of all

"the girls" and you can see it when you do get to come to Ilion.

Stay in touch and let me know if anything changes in regards

to your father's surgery. We'll all be real glad when it's over

and he can relax and get back to a normal lifestyle again. That

goes for your life, too. You must be going nuts with all the

doctor appointments and such. If I were you I'd be sitting in

that hot-tub with a glass of wine in hand every night. Take care.

Re: M

Well, not good news today , I took my dad to the doctors, and the stent was finally approved, and his is made, and now because it has gotton bigger, he is no longer a candidate for the stent. So now they have to open his whole stomach. He is scheduled to go two weeks, and I have a week of running back and forth to Buffalo for more test. My mom is having a fit because she cant come down to visit your dad and Dorothy. I promised her I would see that she gets down, but it will be at least two months before he can travel. So she is not real happy, and either is my dad. So I wont be coming to the gathering, and I was really looking forward to it. But my dad is more important right now, so I will just have to wait until next year. When I get down to see you in a couple of months, you can show me what you learned. Sorry girls, I will be thinking of you, and I know you will have a great time. Kathy Our members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Special Invite for membershttp://soapwerks.com/martinrectangle.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey, hadn't seen any posts from you last week. How are things

going for your Dad? Is everything all set for his surgery? What

day is it on - the 26th??

I stopped at Mom & Dad's camp on the way home from a

doctor's appointment in stown and right as I was pulling

in, Dorothy and Dick pulled in with Donna & Ron. I had no

idea they were coming up from NC this summer. She looks great,

never aging.

It's too bad you had to miss the gathering Saturday. It was a great

time. All the girls are super nice. And boy was it a hot day for it.

I'm so glad it didn't rain so we could be outside. And what a ton of

stuff we got from suppliers. I haven't even unpacked my goodies and

put them away yet.

If you don't get to your email the rest of the week, be sure to tell your

Dad I'll be thinking of him and keeping him in my prayers. Give him

a hug for me, too. And make sure that you or your Mom calls my

Dad or Dorothy and let's them know how things went. OK?

Re: I did it!!! I made a lotion bar!!!

Hey guys, that lotion bar sounds yummy. I sure would appreciate the receipe. Wish I could have joined you guys. I thought of you all day on Sun. Kathy Our members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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We're here for you, kiddo. Take care and give

Uncle Ralph & Aunt my love and

I'll KEEP saying those prayers.....for you, too.



Not been a good week, but I have been reading the mail, and was very gealous of you guys. I wanted to be there so bad. I havn't been feeling too good either, and I went to the doctors for some tests. The doctor seems to think I have Lupus now, so i am still waiting for those tests to come back. Right now I just cant deal with this. Dad is ready to go in the hospital Thurs at 6:30. His surgery is at 8:30, so please girls, send those prayers this way. I am a nervous wreck, and just trying to keep busy. Everyone around here is yelling for me to stop making soap. I tried to do some woodworking, but way too hot in the garage. So I will let you know Thurs. sometime, how things went. It will still be iffy for over a week to see if all his organs begin to function correctly, because they all have to be clamped off for at least 20 min. during the surgery. I just talked to a lady whose mother had this done last month, and was fine for over a week, and then her kidneys failed. So dont stop the prayers after the surgery is over. Thanks, guys. Talk to everyone soon. Kathy Our members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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You probably won't see this before you leave for the hospital Thursday. I'm just

getting around to checking my email for the first time today and it's 1:30AM.

I hope Tony remembers to call me so I can get a hold of my father. Most likely

he'll be out at camp the way the weather's been. I'll be thinking of you guys

tomorrow and with the number of people saying their prayers, I'm sure everything

will go OK.

Glad to hear about your test results. That's got to make you feel a lot better!!

Is the doctor planning on running any other tests or is he just going to wait and

see how you feel. You know, nerves can do funny things to our bodies. And with

all you guys are going thru with your father, it very well could be just nerves.

I bet you'll feel a lot better when the surgery is over and after a few weeks you

see that you're father is giong to be fine. You'll see.

Prayers coming your way


thanks for all the prayers, we are sure going to need them tomorrow. I am an absolute wreck. I wish I could go and get drunk and just stay that way until I know he is ok. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day. I am going to have Tony bring my mother home after the surgery because she gets worn out so easily, and I will probably stay all night. They only let me see him for about 5 min. every 4 hrs, but I will feel better just being close by. I will have Tony call you when he gets home, so that you can let your dad know. Talk to you soon. Kathy Our members maphttp://.homestead.com/locations.htmlOur Message Boardhttp://www.voy.com/21568/Check out these great Molds!!http://soapwerks.com/martinworld.htmAll posts to this list are copyrighted by post author. They may NOT be forwarded, copied, or used in anyway without the permission of the post author with the exception of answering posts to this list. Posts are personal opinions only.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I remember that you said you buy the shrimp for the week and have them.

You you go back to the way we ate right after surgery for a few days, see if

that helps you, I too at times feel like I can not eat ore sometimes even

drink. First of all make sure you take the citercal and vitamins, and go

back to the very small yoguarts (they come 6 together) they are like 4 oz

at one point I could only take half of one. But see for that cause it has

protein, or try cottage cheese or ricotta, and every hour or couple of

hours put something in you mouth. either cheese or yoguart or see if there

is something that you really liked before, even if you think you shouldn't

have, just taste it or have a little, but keep eating all day even if it is

only one or two bites, and you will see, it will get better. I buy cup of

soups, they have a cream of chicken, it is great, and when I do not feel

like eating later I feel that empty feeling in my stomach and I make one of

those and a couple crackers and it is good. But those gatorade bars , they

are like candy bars, or any protein bar, you have to see which one you like.

I too do not do protein drinks often, and I worry about if I am getting

enough, how is you blood work???

Hope this helps-- Rosemary Commisso

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  • 3 weeks later...

Larice ..........Yesssss many many changes .......and for the most part

most of them for the better ......You have been one of the most willin to

listen to me and always there for me when i needed a shoulder to vent,

share or make an ass out of myself LOL.......THANK YOU!!

see you at the picnic! you are bringin sum pins arent you?


At 03:05 PM 9/8/2001 -0400, you wrote:

>always so good to hear from you. I think you are doing great, lots of

>changes since we met online. Hugs, Larice 01/04/01


>Larice White




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Yeah... Larice... are you brimging pins? If so I'd like a few. Let

me know how much they are. :)

Jenn in Vancouver, WA

~k~ <kacherra@b...> wrote:

>you are bringin sum pins arent you?


> Kathy

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