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Whew, it's good that you stayed close to the hospital for 's surgery,

but I'm sorry that she had some bad effects that sent her back to the hospital.

It relieves me to know that she's feeling better. Maybe she was meant to

have all her bad stuff in a short time, followed by a smoother recovery.

's implant will likely be worth the discomfort she's had. She has a

gift that will give her life even more possibilities. I'm excited for her and

for you. Keep posting!

M., age 37, Sacramento, CA

R ear N24C surgery 04/03/03

Hooked up with SPrint BWP 05/07/03

Getting 3G BTE 06/25/03

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I'm so sorry to hear that had to go through all that! How very smart

that you stayed close by in a motel. Glad to know everything has been cleared

up. This is why I think we should be staying in the hospital overnight!

Looking forward to reading about 's hook-up when the time comes.

In a message dated 6/7/2003 11:16:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

JDNFishing@... writes:


> Wednesday we had to take her back to the hospital where they

> immediately admitted her. She was dehydrated due to dizziness &

> vomiting relating to the implant not the anesthesia. She was put on

> IV's consisting of glucose, antibiotics, and pain meds. She was

> given suppositories for the vomiting and once that was under control

> they started her on prendisone for the dizziness. It took her a


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sorry you had such a hard time being in the hospital is the pitts but i

am so glad you are doing better now the worst is over .... things will

get better and better you must be one very brave girl for getting

through those first few days

you are very special as well good luck and can't wait until you are

hooked up

now that's the good part!!!


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Hi !

I'm so sorry had a rough time of it with balance and dizziness. I

know how scary that is! I would not wish it on anyone! I was very glad to

read that she is doing great now! It took me 12 weeks to walk again without

using the walls and everything in sight to stay upright and I still do balance

exercises every night to help my eyes, ears and brain to work together on the

balance. I'm very glad the worst of it is over for her and for all of you.

Now you can look forward to her hook up day. Here's wishing a smooth

recovery and lots of luck on hook up day!


N24C 11/25/02 (What A Day!)

Hook Up Day BWP 1/2/03 (A Happy Day!)

3G 1/31/03 (An Even Happier Day!)

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Glad to hear that is ok. Usually you get some dizziness from the surgery

but it passes after awhile. Now the hookup is the next thing to look forward to

and to her reaction when she hears something!

's Surgery

Hi everyone! It's been a long week but wanted to take a minute

and update you on 's surgery. We went in on Tuesday (6/3), she

was in surgery for approx. 3 hrs and was released the same day. We

went to a local motel instead of driving the 2 hrs home. Thank

goodness we did because she did not improve much by Wednesday. On

Wednesday we had to take her back to the hospital where they

immediately admitted her. She was dehydrated due to dizziness &

vomiting relating to the implant not the anesthesia. She was put on

IV's consisting of glucose, antibiotics, and pain meds. She was

given suppositories for the vomiting and once that was under control

they started her on prendisone for the dizziness. It took her a

while to adjust to the implant. She was finally better on Friday and

they released her. The doctor said this was the 1st time in over 2

1/2 years that he had to admit someone after an implant. (guess she

broke his record - haha)

I am very happy to say that is doing great now, she is

hardly complaining at all about any pain. Luckily he didn't shave

hardly any, if any hair at all. There is tape on her incision but as

best I can tell there is very little hair missing if any. I am going

to try and post a couple of her pictures. Please forgive me if there

are any errors, it's very late and I still feel unrecovered from the

lovely hospital stay. Will update again later.:)

Daughter -

Surgery 6/3/03

Hookup 7/1/03

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Dianne

Sorry to hear that it's coming at you from all sides at the moment. Good luck to for a successful surgery and I hope your mother pulls through OK. Best wishes to you to.


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the first night usually is the worst, at least it was for my son. I think the tight bandage is what made him the most uncomfortable, so Im glad your daughter got hers off a bit early. We had a bit of bleeding also, after removing the bandage, but it didnt take long to stop. My son didnt think the Tylenol 3 did very much, but it did take the edge off, and he was able to sleep. In fact, he slept alot the first 24-48 hrs. After that, he was up and around very well. Maybe the next couple days will be easier.. Best wishes to you all...



(mom of )

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Thanks Renonda -- will do. Last night got a little bumpy. Pain killers wore off and the pain killer they gave her (tylenol 3) didn't work at all. Dr. told me to go ahead and take the bandage off her early that it might be putting too much pressure on her ear so we did that ... but then the back of her ear started bleeding and she definitely went into a panic (so did I). It isn't bleeding a lot, just a small amount -- "and the beat goes on ..."

Take care!

Diannenonnykay1@... wrote:

Diane,Im so glad that thngs went so well...I wish your daughter a very speedy recovery.Keep us posted.Sincerely,Renonda

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After we took our daughter's bandage we had some bleeding also. It

didn't last long though. She was also uncomfortable the first night

home. She slept most of the next day, but after that she seemed to

perk up. Hope your daughter feels better soon. I will keep her in my



> Diane,

> Im so glad that thngs went so well...I wish your daughter a very

speedy recovery.Keep us posted.

> Sincerely,

> Renonda




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Thanks Renonda,

does seem to be better tonight. The bleeding persisted some this morning but seemed to let up by this afternoon. We ended up putting her on Darvocet and she is much more settled. Don't think she will need it past tomorrow ... that or it is really taking the edge off. We seem to be moving along pretty well -- wish she would sleep more, she's been up all day, it's almost 1 a.m. and she's still up. She isn't sleeping much at all. That's the teenager in her I guess!

Wishing you and all the best,

Diannenonnykay1@... wrote:

Dianne,the first night usually is the worst, at least it was for my son. I think the tight bandage is what made him the most uncomfortable, so Im glad your daughter got hers off a bit early. We had a bit of bleeding also, after removing the bandage, but it didnt take long to stop. My son didnt think the Tylenol 3 did very much, but it did take the edge off, and he was able to sleep. In fact, he slept alot the first 24-48 hrs. After that, he was up and around very well. Maybe the next couple days will be easier.. Best wishes to you all...Sincerely,Renonda(mom of )

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Thanks Amy,

We're doing better at this point -- sounds like she is moving along the same time line as everybody else ... now if we can just get her to sleep!!!

Take care,

Dianneamyn4676 <amyn4676@...> wrote:

After we took our daughter's bandage we had some bleeding also. It didn't last long though. She was also uncomfortable the first night home. She slept most of the next day, but after that she seemed to perk up. Hope your daughter feels better soon. I will keep her in my thoughts. Amy> Diane,> Im so glad that thngs went so well...I wish your daughter a very speedy recovery.Keep us posted.> Sincerely,> Renonda> > >

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Im glad is doing a little better, I cant believe she isnt sound asleep after taking Darvocet. slept almost non-stop for the first 24 hrs. I guess they all do things in their own way and time. has another post-op today, and he seems to be doing great. Its been 2 1/2 months, and even though his hearing isnt quite up to par, I think everything is good. I'll find out more today. Each visit so far has been great. Again, best wishes to you and .



(mom of )

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Hi Renonda!

Yep, they definitely do things in their own way and time! I finally fell asleep at 2:30 a.m. and was finally fading. She is sleeping like a rock now and it is almost 10:00 a.m. She's in the living room and the phone has been ringing (usually something that would launch her out of bed) and she is sleeping right through it! Hopefully she will get some decent rest today! Hope your post-op today goes well -- glad to hear that is doing so well.

Take care,

Diannenonnykay1@... wrote:

Dianne,Im glad is doing a little better, I cant believe she isnt sound asleep after taking Darvocet. slept almost non-stop for the first 24 hrs. I guess they all do things in their own way and time. has another post-op today, and he seems to be doing great. Its been 2 1/2 months, and even though his hearing isnt quite up to par, I think everything is good. I'll find out more today. Each visit so far has been great. Again, best wishes to you and .Sincerely,Renonda(mom of )

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Hi Dianne,

Im glad that is getting some rest, and you too...You know they are tired when the phone doesnt roust them outta bed. I know, I have 2 teen girls myself..Anyways, s post-op went very well. Our Dr. said his ear looks good, healing well and wasnt too concerned about his hearing just yet. He wants to wait 2 more months before doing the hearing test. I guess thats normal. All in all, a positive visit. Whew, Im glad the toughest part is over, and I pray daily that it never returns. As always, best wishes..



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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 7/29/2003 6:46:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

shippd@... writes:

> . Any others out there with psoraisis?


Nope. I don't believe any of the kids with DS I know have psoraisis, at

least not visible.

Cheryl in VA

People with disabilities are here today to remind us that equal justice under

the law is not a privilege but a fundamental birthright in America.

                            Senator Ted Kennedy, during the Senate's passage

of ADA-July 13, 1990

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  • 3 weeks later...


My son is 15 months old with severe respiretory issues from a hole in

his diaphragm he was born with that allowed his liver to come through and

compromise the growth of his lungs. He has had several abdominal surgeries in

his young life to repair the hole, repair it again when it opened up again and

to have a gtube placed due to failure to thrive as a result of his pulmonary

status. He has also had to be sedated for several tests on different occasions.

It is amazing to me after all he has suffered through at how resilient kids

are. After his second repair last December, we were out of the hospital in 2

days and on the beach playing in the water on xmas eve (we were stationed in

Hawaii at that time). I really think the surguries are more stressful on the

parents than our kids. I still worry everytime the word surgery comes up, he

has several ongoing secondary issues going on, including his hearing loss and

potential need for a CI.

I cant give you advice on how the CI surgery will go, but have faith, kids do

fine, I think they have their own set of angels. We will be praying for you!

Tamara-mama to Jr, 5/21/02, RCDH x2, oxygen dependent, gtube dependent,

hearing loss but the happiest toddler you will meet!.... Also Hannah, EDD


tmreedrt <tmreedrt@...> wrote:

Hello everyone! I haven't posted for a while but wanted to let you all know

that 's CI surgery is scheduled for 9/2. Just to remind everyone--

is 21 months old and profoundly deaf. We really agonized over whether to get

her an implant (She's so little!) but hope we are doing the right thing. I am

really nervous about the surgery. They said she would bounce back the next day

but I wonder if that's really true after hearing all your stories. Can any of

you who had a child have the surgery let me know what to expect? Thanks!



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Wishing the best as she starts her journey into hearing. I know it is a

hard decision to make but I think you want what is best for your daughter.

Looking forward to reading about her journey.

Sharon Myers

Bilateral N24C 3G

tmreedrt <tmreedrt@...> wrote:

Hello everyone! I haven't posted for a while but wanted to let you all know

that 's CI surgery is scheduled for 9/2. Just to remind everyone--

is 21 months old and profoundly deaf. We really agonized over whether to get

her an implant (She's so little!) but hope we are doing the right thing. I am

really nervous about the surgery. They said she would bounce back the next day

but I wonder if that's really true after hearing all your stories. Can any of

you who had a child have the surgery let me know what to expect? Thanks!



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Just wanted to wish , you, and the family all things good as

faces surgery in the near future. Yes, it's scary for a kid to

have surgery, but as a grandparent whose grandson has had several

surgeries (not hearing related) I can tell you that chilcren do

bounce back quickly and act like nothing ever happened within a day

or so.

It will take a lot of work, but what you are giving and

yourselves is one of the best gifts a family could ever have.

Please let us know how things go and if you have any other concerns

or questions. do ask.


Silly in MI

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  • 6 months later...

What a kind and helpful letter, Barbara. Many thanks.

My main concern about the surgery is my previous history of post-op delirium

after my longest surgery to date, which was about two years ago and lasted about

nine hours.

It is true that anesthesia has improved enormously -- certainly since my first

fusion in 1962. It was wonderful when they began to use anesthetics that caused

less or no nausea.

A friend, bless her heart, is working on finding out who my anesthesiologist

will be so that someone can give him or her a bulletin on my delirious

tendencies -- if only to say, " She knows what she's talking about, so please

watch our for any tendency she might show to whirl around in bed and demonstrate

how the surgeon gave her two extra arms in the back... "

's Surgery


Just a note of encouragement on your upcoming surgery. I know

you are worried about the long anestesia time. I was under for 12

hours when I had my revision in 2001. When I waas in ICU I was

certainly out of it but had no nausea. Everyone responds differently

but I was told that anesthesia is much better now than in the past.

For me the worst thing other than pain were the darn people from

respiratory therapy. I had some fluid in my lungs and they would

wake me up almost every hour to have me breath in some medicine. I

just wanted to yell at them to leave me alone.

You are a strong person and it sounds like Dr. Ondra really

knows what hs is doing and you have a lot of confidence in him. For

me having trust and confidence in my surgeon was of paramount


This wonderful group will always be here for you. Barbara

Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod Malalignment

Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control ads or endorse any

advertised products.

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I just read this posting. I, too, respond with nausea from

anesthesia. During this past year, I had a colonoscopy under

anesthesia. I told the nurse about my reaction. I also told her I

regularly take Phenergan to control nausea from the pain meds I use. She

consulted the doc and put some Phenergan in my iv. I don't know if that's

relevant to your situation. I hope so.

I wish you the best recovery possible. Imagine the collective spirit of

all the Feistys you so unselfishly assist surrounding you and buoying your

own natural strength as you undergo this procedure.

Ellie in Oregon

At 04:12 PM 2/19/2004, you wrote:


> Just a note of encouragement on your upcoming surgery. I know

>you are worried about the long anestesia time. I was under for 12

>hours when I had my revision in 2001. When I waas in ICU I was

>certainly out of it but had no nausea. Everyone responds differently

>but I was told that anesthesia is much better now than in the past.

>For me the worst thing other than pain were the darn people from

>respiratory therapy. I had some fluid in my lungs and they would

>wake me up almost every hour to have me breath in some medicine. I

>just wanted to yell at them to leave me alone.

> You are a strong person and it sounds like Dr. Ondra really

>knows what hs is doing and you have a lot of confidence in him. For

>me having trust and confidence in my surgeon was of paramount


> This wonderful group will always be here for you. Barbara





>Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod Malalignment

>Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control ads or endorse any

>advertised products.




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I sent another message to her son, asking for her status, but have

not yet heard back.

Also, rrock65, I'd gladly share contact information with you if I

had it, but I don't. I asked her son to let us know what hospital

she's in, but again, I haven't heard back from him again. (Also,

sorry I'm not referring to you by name but all I can recall is the

first part of your email address.)

I will let you know if I hear anything...


> Just wondering if anyone has heard how has been


> since her surgery. Haven't had any updates for a while. Barbara

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  • 4 months later...
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Awww thanks Barbara! My 14 year old is such a sweetie. Although he doesn't like

to be called that nowadays. LOL When he was 6 years old he asked me if I would

marry him when he got older. He's just too cute! He blushes whenever I remind

him of that.

I'll miss these kidlettes when they go back to school. Summers get shorter and

shorter it seems.

Thanks for the well wishes. I just wish surgery was tomorrow. But I suppose

" tomorrow " will be here before I know what hit me. :)


In a message dated 7/28/2004 11:05:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, " midwestscoli "

<BAStacey@...> writes:

>Hi ,

>     Just thought I would send you early good wishes for a successful

>surgery.  I will be going out of town for a few days next week so I

>won't be able to send you a message later.  

>     You will be in my thoughts and prayers.  You have a great

>attitude and I'm sure your recovery will go fine.  By the way, I also

>thought the picture of you and your 14 year old son was wonderful.


>     Barbara in MO






>Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod Malalignment

Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control ads or endorse any

advertised products.


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