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's surgery

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Dear ,

I am glad that all went well; I'm sure all our thoughts are with you as we

wish you a speedy recovery.



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Dear ,

I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better. I am so proud of you for

making such a brave decision. I'm happy that you are breathing better, and

that you have made a big obstacle be gone from your life. My best wishes to

you! Love,


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Hello Everyone,

is a real sweetheart and a very good friend of ours. We want to

CONGRATULATE on her courage and determination. We are very proud of

her and what she has accomplished.

deserves a huge round of hugs from everyone. Just the thought of

surgery can be quite frightening and intimidating. I, Ron, have undergone

four surgeries where general anesthesia was required. It never gets any

easier, at least it didn't for me.

I want to thank God and everyone on the board here who contributed their

prayers, support, and encouragement to to help her through this most

difficult time in her life. I urge you all to pray for a speedy recovery for

and to thank the Lord for His hand in the success of 's surgery.


God Bless,

Ron &


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Hi ,

What a courage you have ! Glad all went well !

I'm having surgery on the 22 of March and I'm scared like hell ! They will

remove my gland entirely. First I'm going to see some other doctors to have

their point of view. First one now Thursday.

I hope that a lot of my questions will be answered then !

Recover well and please let us know how you are feeling !

Take care,



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Ron and --That was such a nice and encouraging note to .

Does anyone know the normal TSH level?

Thanks, Lori


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  • 1 year later...

<<Overall, I'm very proud of today. He is so terrified of hospitals


was very brave (which he keeps telling me!!!) We love him so much and I


that the volume on my television tonight is at 15 and not 22!!!!!!!!

Jackie, Mom to 13ds, 10, and Bradley 6>>

Hi ! Glad you are home and I hope you get plenty of what you

like! :) You are so brave! Send me your address privately and Ted and

I will write to you.

Jackie, lol about the tv volume! Glad it went well.

hugs, Gail and Theodore

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  • 6 months later...
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had t & a removed and tubes placed back in October. We knew

beforehand that he would be spending the night because he has a history of

pulmonary problems. Following the surgery, he had trouble keeping his O2

levels up so had to remain on the nasal canula an extra day. That, followed

by some steroid medication to help reduce the inflammation and we were

released late the following evening. The most important thing is to make

sure they monitor him long enough to know that his 02 levels are fine and if

he is able to drink. Those are the two criteria they explained to me.

did fine with the drinking, they think his breathing was impaired

because of post surgery swelling. He has trachialmalasia (sp), so that

probably didnt help either. The good news is the surgery worked wonders for

him. LOTS fewer sinus infections, and NO ear infections since October.



mom to 4 DS and Spencer 2 NDA (aka Danger Boy)

re: 's surgery

>My son had tubes in and adnoids out about 10 years ago - he didn't

>stay over night either we were home that afternoon. I had prepared

>for a 4 day recovery for him - he had different ideas - he was

>jumoing around by the next morning However he did not have his

>tonsils out - I've heard that is painful. i would make sure that if

>he needs to stay that the doctor is willing to advocate and push for

>that for him - most insurance companies will listen if the doctor

>pushes hard enough.



>Please edit posts when replying!



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, when my son was scheduled to have the same surgery (T & A) the doctor

said the same thing. That this was an outpatient surgery and that the

insurance co would not pay for overnight stay so what his office does is

what he calls a 23:59 procedure. This means that the doctor keeps the child

in the hospital for 23 hours and 59 minutes and the insurance cannot do

anything about it since the child in not in the hospital for 24 hours. You

may want to suggest the same thing to your doctor. My son ended up not

having the procedure but I haven't completely ruled it out yet. I'm just

doing some additional research. Good luck! Kim.

's surgery

Hi all

is having surgery June 14th, to have ear tubes put in and to have his

adeniods and tonsils removed. I have heard on this list that he should be

kept overnight. His doc isn't planning on doing that. Should I insist on

him staying overnight and what are the reasons for it?


Please edit posts when replying!

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My son had tubes in and adnoids out about 10 years ago - he didn't

stay over night either we were home that afternoon. I had prepared

for a 4 day recovery for him - he had different ideas - he was

jumoing around by the next morning However he did not have his

tonsils out - I've heard that is painful. i would make sure that if

he needs to stay that the doctor is willing to advocate and push for

that for him - most insurance companies will listen if the doctor

pushes hard enough.

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had this surgery just done on Holy Thrusday. They were supposed to

keep her on a 23 hour hold,too. But she was doing so well after the

surgery the ENT let her come home after about 5 hours or so. I was glad

she was able to come home because other wise that 24 hour hold was going

to be on the repiratory ward and I didn't want her exposed to any up

there. Every time my 3 year old who has asthma has been admitted to that

ward she comes home worse than when she went in. Good luck with 's

surgery I will pray for him.

Laurie mom to 20 month(ds) and four other girls



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amanda had tonsils and adnoids removed when she was 5 years old. They didnt

want to keep her over night either, but her doctor was really good about

keeping under observation and if he felt medically that she needed to stay,

he would have kept her. She did stay as long as she could. I like that 23

hours 59 minutes suggestions. talk to the doctor about that. As it turned

out, amanda didnt stay and she was fine at home.

The good news, no ear infections since then - 5 years ago!

~ Mom to 10 1/2 and 6

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Folks,

Thought I'd write all of you with the good news at one time.

's appointment with the cardiologist went better than we expected.

Apparantly what the EKG showed is not truly a serious left branch blockage,

but an electrical impusle annomoly, which was probably caused by the very

high fevers he has had during bouts of malaria. has always said that

Vietnam would kill him one way or the other. I'm beginning to believe him.

At any rate, the blockage isn't serious enough to warrant angioplasty and

there is nothing that can be done about the annomoly..........so he is

cleared for his ingual hernia surgery which will be done on June 5th.

While all of this isn't great news, it certainly is better than some of the

things the cardiologist could have said.

Love to all,


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Hi Folks,

Thought I'd write all of you with the good news at one time.

's appointment with the cardiologist went better than we expected.

Apparantly what the EKG showed is not truly a serious left branch blockage,

but an electrical impusle annomoly, which was probably caused by the very

high fevers he has had during bouts of malaria. has always said that

Vietnam would kill him one way or the other. I'm beginning to believe him.

At any rate, the blockage isn't serious enough to warrant angioplasty and

there is nothing that can be done about the annomoly..........so he is

cleared for his ingual hernia surgery which will be done on June 5th.

While all of this isn't great news, it certainly is better than some of the

things the cardiologist could have said.

Love to all,


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Thanks, all. If nothing gets stupid on us. will be fine. He's just

scared. Despite the fact that he's been shot once and strafed twice (he

sutured the shot himself). He's having his problems with this. In his

words: when that happened a. I had a gun. b. I was awake. For this

surgery, I will be neither.I can see his point. However, the hernias are

hurting badly enough that he's beginning to look forward to this......a

little. Beats walking around holding your scrotum all day:-) His words not

mine. LOL, Anne

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Thanks, all. If nothing gets stupid on us. will be fine. He's just

scared. Despite the fact that he's been shot once and strafed twice (he

sutured the shot himself). He's having his problems with this. In his

words: when that happened a. I had a gun. b. I was awake. For this

surgery, I will be neither.I can see his point. However, the hernias are

hurting badly enough that he's beginning to look forward to this......a

little. Beats walking around holding your scrotum all day:-) His words not

mine. LOL, Anne

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Glad to hear that doesn't need angiop;asty but good luck on the

hernia surgery and recooperation afterwards. Hope you are both doing fine




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Glad to hear that doesn't need angiop;asty but good luck on the

hernia surgery and recooperation afterwards. Hope you are both doing fine




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Glad to hear that doesn't need angiop;asty but good luck on the

hernia surgery and recooperation afterwards. Hope you are both doing fine




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Glad to hear that doesn't need angiop;asty but good luck on the

hernia surgery and recooperation afterwards. Hope you are both doing fine




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  • 11 months later...
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Dear Sandi,

I don't want to sound overly optimistic, but had a homograft

(valve and conduit) replacement which was quite calcified when she was 6 and

in addition at the time the surgeon did some vavuloplasty on her aortic valve

because it was quite leaky and rather incompetent. That particular

valvuloplasty had not been too many times before and our cardiologist sees

every 6 months for the echo and EKG and pacer check.

Our cardiologist however always says to us that will need

open heart surgery again " soon " . He has been saying that now for about 3

years. I don't know if that is because he is conservative or whether because

it is hard to tell if the fluid dynamics and/or heart muscle will change

because growth is so variable among children. I know that he is really

serious when he wants to do a cardiac catheterization--and he hasn't asked

for that yet. Still, we were able to delay her 2nd open heart surgery for

about 1 year from the time the cardiologist stated that the surgery was a

good idea. Of course every situation is different but I thought I'd share our

experience with you.

Martha (mom the Chrissy IgA deficiency etc.)

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I asked the Cardio if a PID would keep a child from calcifying as quickly.

He said he has one case of a girl who had the same valve replaced when she

was 3, and is still going strong ten years later--no signs of calcification.

I wonder if that's what's going on with ? When I inquired about

this, he told me it was possible, but not to count on it. What made me think

of it is that rarely runs a temp, because his immune system just

doesn't respond. The Doc assured me that most of his immuno compromised kids

calcify at a normal rate. The other thing is, has a huge calcification

on his chest where they went in the first time. It kind of looks and feels

like a pacemaker that was put in the middle of his scar. So, I know his body

is capable of reacting this way.

Sandi, 's Mom

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Dear Sandi,

I'm sorry I wasn't clear about . did have signs of

calcification when she had her 2nd open heart surgery. Because her first

open heart surgery was done at one month of age, the conduit and replacement

valve were extremely small and of course since the transplant doesn't grow

that necessitated the 2nd surgery at 7 years of age. I suspect that with

's having IgA deficiency, there is more likely to be calcification

because with there just seems to be more inflammation with

allergies, weird reactions to food, bug bites and other reactions in general.

I also remember the 2nd open heart operation being quite long because the

surgeon had a hard time cutting through all the scar tissue to get down to

the heart.

--Martha (mom to Chrissy, IgA deficiency etc.)

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Hello Everyone,

I have made my decision regarding ' heart surgery: we are going to

wait. I had pretty much decided by Thursday, but then called his Ped because

I wanted another opinion. I have known him for 27 years and he is an awesome

person, someone I trust. So, he called the Cardio and they got their heads

together and agreed with me that it should probably wait. The main thing for

me is that most of the things that bother Bri are related to his PID, not his

heart. If we replaced the valve now, and " started the clock ticking for a

replacement " I'm not convinced he would feel much differently than he does

now. So, WHEW, done with that for now. Maybe, being , he will surprise

us all and it will be five years (before he needs the replacement)!!!!

Thanks for the prayers and support. You guys are awesome. I hope everyone

is having a great weekend. I think we are going to unwind from our week!!

Sandi--Mom to , age 9. Suspected IgA def., Tetrology of Falot, chronic

sinusitis, chronic ear infections, asthma, severe allergies, GERD. Ten

surgeries, heart surgery pending.

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I'm glad you have a decision. The debating-what-to-do-stage can be

excruciating. Hope continue to be stable!


wife to (15 years)

mother to , 8, Hannah, 6, Rebekah, 2, and Leah, 1

Re: 's Surgery

Hello Everyone,

I have made my decision regarding ' heart surgery: we are going to

wait. I had pretty much decided by Thursday, but then called his Ped


I wanted another opinion. I have known him for 27 years and he is an


person, someone I trust. So, he called the Cardio and they got their heads

together and agreed with me that it should probably wait. The main thing


me is that most of the things that bother Bri are related to his PID, not


heart. If we replaced the valve now, and " started the clock ticking for a

replacement " I'm not convinced he would feel much differently than he does

now. So, WHEW, done with that for now. Maybe, being , he will


us all and it will be five years (before he needs the replacement)!!!!

Thanks for the prayers and support. You guys are awesome. I hope


is having a great weekend. I think we are going to unwind from our week!!

Sandi--Mom to , age 9. Suspected IgA def., Tetrology of Falot,


sinusitis, chronic ear infections, asthma, severe allergies, GERD. Ten

surgeries, heart surgery pending.

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