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Re: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

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Alcoholism is a severe form of hypoglycemia. When the amino acids are balanced the physical element of alcoholism is addressed and corrected, as well as hypoglycemia, and diabetes. Here's a note from Ken mentioning his experience:

Hi Jeff & Jeanine,

Just wanted to let you know I started your survival pack (including MAP) last Thursday and feel much better already. My blood sugar is more balanced & the cravings for sugar & alcohol have totally subsided. The Neuropathy in my feet has been almost negligible and has kept me off Neurontin since last Wednesday. Overall I just feel healthier and some boils I've had for the past 4 weeks are going away rapidly.

You're both appreciated more than you'll ever know.


Another fellow who has been using my protocol about a month told us today he is now using a half dose of methadone...no one reduces methadone...the entire program is based on keeping you dpendent and increasing your doses and creating profit. He also said a month ago he was just hoping to live another 10 years, and now he feels like he can hope for 50 more!

My carb addiction went away in three days after starting MAP, and as long as I keep my aminos balanced, I can't even stand the thought of carbs or sweets. It is a physiological fact that carbohydrate ferments in the gut, and while not intoxicating, it is mind altering, and in fact acheives the same effect physiologically as alcohol...and completely corrupts the chemical balance and cellular communcation...and the list of compounding chronic and life threatening conditions goes on and on.

One must address the spiritual and emotional element of any illness if one hopes to overcome it. But I must agree with Rudolf Stiener...in that the malnourished body imprisons the spirit. My experience has been, when my body is provided what it needs, ALL physical problems are corrected...and all emotional problems may be cortrected as well. I am no longer a rager, depressed, anxious.... Of course it doesn't hurt that my liver is no longer sick...a sick liver makes for an angry person more often than now...we get to see that here on a regular basis.

I am not entirely unaware of alcoholism and the 12 steps having grown up in an alcoholic home and attending many meetings with my recovering father, who never missed an opportunity to enlighten me, understanding for which I am now grateful.

I have witnessed drug addicts quit using, cigarrette smokers quit smoking, alcoholics stop drinking, people get of anti-depressents by the bag full on my protocol, simply providing the body what it requires to correct the problems. I can't help it if it is that easy. I am just glad it is.

Peace, Jeanine


>From: thiahadge@... >Reply- > >Subject: Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction >Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 16:26:58 EST >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Received: from n23.grp.scd. ([]) by mc8-f18.law1.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5600); Sat, 15 Feb 2003 13:27:35 -0800 >Received: from [] by n23.grp.scd. with NNFMP; 15 Feb 2003 21:27:21 -0000 >Received: (EGP: mail-8_2_3_4); 15 Feb 2003 21:27:20 -0000 >Received: (qmail 55805 invoked from network); 15 Feb 2003 21:27:20 -0000 >Received: from unknown ( by m7.grp.scd. with QMQP; 15 Feb 2003 21:27:20 -0000 >Received: from unknown (HELO imo-r05.mx.aol.com) ( by mta3.grp.scd. with SMTP; 15 Feb 2003 21:27:20 -0000 >Received: from ThiaHadge@... imo-r05.mx.aol.com (mail_out_v34.21.) id r.b7.2e6f910e (3890) for ; Sat, 15 Feb 2003 16:26:58 -0500 (EST) >X-Message-Info: dHZMQeBBv44lPE7o4B5bAg== >X-eGroups-Return: sentto-2436732-4184-1045344441-hepc=hotmail.com@... >X-Sender: ThiaHadge@... >X-Apparently- >Message-ID:

>X-Mailer: 7.0 for Windows sub 257 >Mailing-List: list ; contact -owner >Delivered-mailing list >Precedence: bulk >List-Unsubscribe:

>Return-Path: sentto-2436732-4184-1045344441-hepc=hotmail.com@... >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 15 Feb 2003 21:27:35.0054 (UTC) FILETIME=[0E5BBAE0:01C2D539] > >Dear Jeannie: > >On addiction. Perhaps mind altering is the wrong term. The bottom line is >that no matter how much coffee I could drink or cigarettes I could smoke I >could not get high like I can off ganja, or alcohol or lots of legal and >illegal drugs. I believe getting high on one substance can lead to getting >high on another. It is my experience that people frequently substitute one >substance for another. Although as an addict I would love to take some pill >-- natural remedy and suddenly be able to drink and drug without loosing >control it just is not possible. I have done 20 plus years of research on it. >I am one of those 12 steppers that think addiction is a mental, physical and >spiritual disorder. I've choose to get my advice on addiction recovery from >those 12 step meetings. I see what people do to get well and I see what >people do who end up dead or in the grips of active addiction. Also I believe >addiction is progressive. I think many people get past the point of being >able to control their drug use once they start, no matter what supplements >they take or how long the abstain from use. That once they start using again >they are gone. >On Ganja. Since our liver has the job it has it seems that most anything can >cause it stress, dis-stress or even harm depending on what it is and the >amount we ingest. It is a personal decision whether one believes the harm out >weighs the benefits. Just like taking that Tylenol when your fever is up. >Also I know that for much of my life I would have rather been dead then clean >and sober. Getting high kept me from killing myself at certain times. >You may be an expert on supplements and hep c, but I would caution you about >giving out addiction and drug addiction recovery advice. >If you choose to bash me for my opinion or experience - then feel free. >thia Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

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I dont think anyone could possibly bash you for your belief. I think if anything I have felt defensive--for those who are not addicts but who chose to use marijuana responsibly, for their conditions or not. Medicinally or recreationally. That's not my business. I dont foist my beliefs on anyone and I dont feel good about having them foisted upon me. I especially resent morality judgments and general, blanket put-downs. That said, I think you are right on many counts --and very well said. A person should give pause when choosing to put any substance into their bodies, whether from the herbs from the garden, or from the smiling lab coat and the initials after the name.

Either way, I am ultimately responsible for myself.

Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Dear Jeannie:On addiction. Perhaps mind altering is the wrong term. The bottom line is that no matter how much coffee I could drink or cigarettes I could smoke I could not get high like I can off ganja, or alcohol or lots of legal and illegal drugs. I believe getting high on one substance can lead to getting high on another. It is my experience that people frequently substitute one substance for another. Although as an addict I would love to take some pill -- natural remedy and suddenly be able to drink and drug without loosing control it just is not possible. I have done 20 plus years of research on it. I am one of those 12 steppers that think addiction is a mental, physical and spiritual disorder. I've choose to get my advice on addiction recovery from those 12 step meetings. I see what people do to get well and I see what people do who end up dead or in the grips of active addiction. Also I believe addiction is progressive. I think many people get past the point of being able to control their drug use once they start, no matter what supplements they take or how long the abstain from use. That once they start using again they are gone.On Ganja. Since our liver has the job it has it seems that most anything can cause it stress, dis-stress or even harm depending on what it is and the amount we ingest. It is a personal decision whether one believes the harm out weighs the benefits. Just like taking that Tylenol when your fever is up. Also I know that for much of my life I would have rather been dead then clean and sober. Getting high kept me from killing myself at certain times.You may be an expert on supplements and hep c, but I would caution you about giving out addiction and drug addiction recovery advice.If you choose to bash me for my opinion or experience - then feel free.thia

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>Dear J

>I agree that Good nutrition is helpful for any recovery, but it is not a

>cure. Getting off drugs and alcohol is one thing staying off is another. I am

>not against taking care of your body and repairing the damage done, and I

>don't doubt that there could be benefits to your protocal, but suggesting

>drug addicts can smoke ganja, just like drinking coffee and not suffer the

>ills of addiction is not helpful in my book. I am sure you could help someone

>clean out their system - but once clean and physically healthy it does not

>mean it is safe for an addict to go back to using. If you can help people

>with their physical cravings and detoxing great. But it sounded like you said

>you had a cure. My experience is once an addict always an addict - no cure -

>no way to use again without disaster - but a daily reprive is possible and

>recovery one day at a time. Good nutrition is one aspect that can aide

>recovery but it is not the magic bullet. There is lots of hard work needed to

>stay clean not just pills to swallow. Yes recovery is simple (12 steps) but

>it is not easy.

>Maybe there is enough that we agree on that we can agree to disagree on what

>we disagree on.




I am afraid you have misunderstood.

1) I have never suggested any addict should smoke ganja...ever. I want that to be very clear. Altho' I believe in teh medicianl use of cannabis, I would never suggest any addict in recovery use it. That is a personal choice of which any addict would understand the ramifications.

2) This has nothing to do with detoxing out something until you no longer crave it...it is not about detox at all.

You are not an alcoholic because you have some genetic craving defect. You are an alcoholic because of imbalances which have created a condition in your body which is so out of wack it dominates all cellular function.

I am merely suggesting that when balance is restored completely, the physical condition is corrected which causes the body to behave the way it does. It is about cellular communication...not craving a substance...not at all.

It is about balancing amino acids, the way God intended them to be. Not just proper nutrition, but restoration of chemical balance & cellular commincation.

It is an entirely different paradygm.

And as far as experiences go...mine was 28 years with HCV and end stage liver disease...and that always means death...but I didn't die and I am completely recovered today....defying the death sentence every HCV+ person in that condition has...every single one, every time, without fail...its all anyone of the hundreds of thousands who have died from HCV had ever experienced - up until I changed the paradygm.

What paradygm are you here to change, Thia? Because, you can you know.

Peace, Jeanine


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No one needs to bash anyone. IMHO it comes down to a matter of free choice and individuality--live and let live. No dogma can change the fact that we are all individuals, and for some ANYTHING mind altering in ANY way can trigger going on to the next addictive substance. A benign example might be: you eat a meal of meat (contains purine), you next feel you want that coffee (caffeine), and then next you reach for that cigarette (nicotine). The "-ine sisters" want each other; the chemicals set up a craving for each other. Yet not all of us will choose to pick up that coffee or cigarette--we may have quit these things years ago. Another person may be hopelessly addicted to the pattern. It really is an individual thing. Personally I have struggled with addiction in one form or another all my life--but I have the choice, at least in my case, in what I do and ingest. I drank, drugged and smoked cigarettes for almost 30 years. When I decided to clean myself up, I just did. I didn't use AA-- I just no longer put myself in the position to drink, I used the patch and got off cigs, stopped buying coffee, white foods, etc., and I gave up doing any pills or man-made drugs. I would also draw the line at any natural liver-toxic drug. And my addictive process had become progressive. But I believe it's about control of oneself. For me, I drew upon Yoga, it's detox methods, diet, meditation and breathing practices (what I knew best) to gain control of my mind and body at this time (the drugs had pretty much taken over but I decided I wanted to save my life). I knew I needed to strengthen my body and mind for the task of breaking the chain of addiction. If one needs AA for this support, it's a proven method, so that's fine. Let them do that. Those of us that choose another way, because we may choose to use other means of support (self and others), should be allowed to do this without ridicule. No amount of therapeutic mj I choose to use could ever lead me to make the choice to go back to any dangerous or man-made drug/substance, be it alcohol, pills, cigs, coffee, or whatever. I'm just saying that we're all different, so lets not go back and forth ad nauseum debating whose way is better. No one is advocating anyone use any drug or substance. We're all just trying to manage the oftentimes debilitating symptoms of HCV in whatever way is best for one's individual circumstance. Just as each person reacts differently to a certain medical protocol, each person's predisposition to addiction problems would be different from the next person's addictive profile. I would imagine that AA would be necessary and helpful for many, but not necessary for all. Can't we agree to disagree respectfully? I'm pretty sick of this debate already. Haven't we pretty much exhausted the subject? Thanks for listening.... In the light, Satya

Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Dear Jeannie:On addiction. Perhaps mind altering is the wrong term. The bottom line is that no matter how much coffee I could drink or cigarettes I could smoke I could not get high like I can off ganja, or alcohol or lots of legal and illegal drugs. I believe getting high on one substance can lead to getting high on another. It is my experience that people frequently substitute one substance for another. Although as an addict I would love to take some pill -- natural remedy and suddenly be able to drink and drug without loosing control it just is not possible. I have done 20 plus years of research on it. I am one of those 12 steppers that think addiction is a mental, physical and spiritual disorder. I've choose to get my advice on addiction recovery from those 12 step meetings. I see what people do to get well and I see what people do who end up dead or in the grips of active addiction. Also I believe addiction is progressive. I think many people get past the point of being able to control their drug use once they start, no matter what supplements they take or how long the abstain from use. That once they start using again they are gone.On Ganja. Since our liver has the job it has it seems that most anything can cause it stress, dis-stress or even harm depending on what it is and the amount we ingest. It is a personal decision whether one believes the harm out weighs the benefits. Just like taking that Tylenol when your fever is up. Also I know that for much of my life I would have rather been dead then clean and sober. Getting high kept me from killing myself at certain times.You may be an expert on supplements and hep c, but I would caution you about giving out addiction and drug addiction recovery advice.If you choose to bash me for my opinion or experience - then feel free.thia

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I agree, AA's not the end-all, be all. As Jeanine said, some can use her natural protocol to break these bonds of addiction. For me, I used yoga--whatever works. And as stated, there's a spiritual and emotional aspect which needs to be addressed, as well as the biological. As always, a holistic approach is necessary. My boyfriend does very well on AA-- he'd possibly be in jail or dead if not for the program. That way works for him and I applaud him for using what is going to make him well. To each his own for success. Where one has no problem getting to their "doses" of AA (the meetings), somehow they be hard-pressed to find the discipline to stay on a health-restoring protocol (with all it's timed doses of supplements, juicing,making of exotic green algae drinks, etc.), or get down to the multi-disciplined practice of yoga. It's SUCH A PERSONAL THING to find each our own way. It's a GOOD thing that we are exposing ALL these successful ways to achieve wellness. For those of us who are "here to learn", it's an endless cornocopaeia of knowledge from which to choose the option that's best for us. Applause! In health, Satya

Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction >Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 16:26:58 EST >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Received: from n23.grp.scd. ([]) by mc8-f18.law1.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5600); Sat, 15 Feb 2003 13:27:35 -0800 >Received: from [] by n23.grp.scd. with NNFMP; 15 Feb 2003 21:27:21 -0000 >Received: (EGP: mail-8_2_3_4); 15 Feb 2003 21:27:20 -0000 >Received: (qmail 55805 invoked from network); 15 Feb 2003 21:27:20 -0000 >Received: from unknown ( by m7.grp.scd. with QMQP; 15 Feb 2003 21:27:20 -0000 >Received: from unknown (HELO imo-r05.mx.aol.com) ( by mta3.grp.scd. with SMTP; 15 Feb 2003 21:27:20 -0000 >Received: from ThiaHadge@... imo-r05.mx.aol.com (mail_out_v34.21.) id r.b7.2e6f910e (3890) for ; Sat, 15 Feb 2003 16:26:58 -0500 (EST) >X-Message-Info: dHZMQeBBv44lPE7o4B5bAg== >X-eGroups-Return: sentto-2436732-4184-1045344441-hepc=hotmail.com@... >X-Sender: ThiaHadge@... >X-Apparently- >Message-ID:

>X-Mailer: 7.0 for Windows sub 257 >Mailing-List: list ; contact -owner >Delivered-mailing list >Precedence: bulk >List-Unsubscribe:

>Return-Path: sentto-2436732-4184-1045344441-hepc=hotmail.com@... >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 15 Feb 2003 21:27:35.0054 (UTC) FILETIME=[0E5BBAE0:01C2D539] > >Dear Jeannie: > >On addiction. Perhaps mind altering is the wrong term. The bottom line is >that no matter how much coffee I could drink or cigarettes I could smoke I >could not get high like I can off ganja, or alcohol or lots of legal and >illegal drugs. I believe getting high on one substance can lead to getting >high on another. It is my experience that people frequently substitute one >substance for another. Although as an addict I would love to take some pill >-- natural remedy and suddenly be able to drink and drug without loosing >control it just is not possible. I have done 20 plus years of research on it. >I am one of those 12 steppers that think addiction is a mental, physical and >spiritual disorder. I've choose to get my advice on addiction recovery from >those 12 step meetings. I see what people do to get well and I see what >people do who end up dead or in the grips of active addiction. Also I believe >addiction is progressive. I think many people get past the point of being >able to control their drug use once they start, no matter what supplements >they take or how long the abstain from use. That once they start using again >they are gone. >On Ganja. Since our liver has the job it has it seems that most anything can >cause it stress, dis-stress or even harm depending on what it is and the >amount we ingest. It is a personal decision whether one believes the harm out >weighs the benefits. Just like taking that Tylenol when your fever is up. >Also I know that for much of my life I would have rather been dead then clean >and sober. Getting high kept me from killing myself at certain times. >You may be an expert on supplements and hep c, but I would caution you about >giving out addiction and drug addiction recovery advice. >If you choose to bash me for my opinion or experience - then feel free. >thia

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Well said.

Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Dear Jeannie:On addiction. Perhaps mind altering is the wrong term. The bottom line is that no matter how much coffee I could drink or cigarettes I could smoke I could not get high like I can off ganja, or alcohol or lots of legal and illegal drugs. I believe getting high on one substance can lead to getting high on another. It is my experience that people frequently substitute one substance for another. Although as an addict I would love to take some pill -- natural remedy and suddenly be able to drink and drug without loosing control it just is not possible. I have done 20 plus years of research on it. I am one of those 12 steppers that think addiction is a mental, physical and spiritual disorder. I've choose to get my advice on addiction recovery from those 12 step meetings. I see what people do to get well and I see what people do who end up dead or in the grips of active addiction. Also I believe addiction is progressive. I think many people get past the point of being able to control their drug use once they start, no matter what supplements they take or how long the abstain from use. That once they start using again they are gone.On Ganja. Since our liver has the job it has it seems that most anything can cause it stress, dis-stress or even harm depending on what it is and the amount we ingest. It is a personal decision whether one believes the harm out weighs the benefits. Just like taking that Tylenol when your fever is up. Also I know that for much of my life I would have rather been dead then clean and sober. Getting high kept me from killing myself at certain times.You may be an expert on supplements and hep c, but I would caution you about giving out addiction and drug addiction recovery advice.If you choose to bash me for my opinion or experience - then feel free.thia

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It's about Balance with a capital B. When you have it in Mind, Body, and Spirit, there can be no dis-ease.........

Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

>Dear J

>I agree that Good nutrition is helpful for any recovery, but it is not a

>cure. Getting off drugs and alcohol is one thing staying off is another. I am

>not against taking care of your body and repairing the damage done, and I

>don't doubt that there could be benefits to your protocal, but suggesting

>drug addicts can smoke ganja, just like drinking coffee and not suffer the

>ills of addiction is not helpful in my book. I am sure you could help someone

>clean out their system - but once clean and physically healthy it does not

>mean it is safe for an addict to go back to using. If you can help people

>with their physical cravings and detoxing great. But it sounded like you said

>you had a cure. My experience is once an addict always an addict - no cure -

>no way to use again without disaster - but a daily reprive is possible and

>recovery one day at a time. Good nutrition is one aspect that can aide

>recovery but it is not the magic bullet. There is lots of hard work needed to

>stay clean not just pills to swallow. Yes recovery is simple (12 steps) but

>it is not easy.

>Maybe there is enough that we agree on that we can agree to disagree on what

>we disagree on.




I am afraid you have misunderstood.

1) I have never suggested any addict should smoke ganja...ever. I want that to be very clear. Altho' I believe in teh medicianl use of cannabis, I would never suggest any addict in recovery use it. That is a personal choice of which any addict would understand the ramifications.

2) This has nothing to do with detoxing out something until you no longer crave it...it is not about detox at all.

You are not an alcoholic because you have some genetic craving defect. You are an alcoholic because of imbalances which have created a condition in your body which is so out of wack it dominates all cellular function.

I am merely suggesting that when balance is restored completely, the physical condition is corrected which causes the body to behave the way it does. It is about cellular communication...not craving a substance...not at all.

It is about balancing amino acids, the way God intended them to be. Not just proper nutrition, but restoration of chemical balance & cellular commincation.

It is an entirely different paradygm.

And as far as experiences go...mine was 28 years with HCV and end stage liver disease...and that always means death...but I didn't die and I am completely recovered today....defying the death sentence every HCV+ person in that condition has...every single one, every time, without fail...its all anyone of the hundreds of thousands who have died from HCV had ever experienced - up until I changed the paradygm.

What paradygm are you here to change, Thia? Because, you can you know.

Peace, Jeanine


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Jeanine you are a LIAR -- you advocated cannabis, smoked cannabis (and really for a pot addict like yourself is there anyway you'd not take it -- I can see you shoving it up your ass if it got you high).

I just hope you're not selling something illegal.

Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

>Dear J

>I agree that Good nutrition is helpful for any recovery, but it is not a

>cure. Getting off drugs and alcohol is one thing staying off is another. I am

>not against taking care of your body and repairing the damage done, and I

>don't doubt that there could be benefits to your protocal, but suggesting

>drug addicts can smoke ganja, just like drinking coffee and not suffer the

>ills of addiction is not helpful in my book. I am sure you could help someone

>clean out their system - but once clean and physically healthy it does not

>mean it is safe for an addict to go back to using. If you can help people

>with their physical cravings and detoxing great. But it sounded like you said

>you had a cure. My experience is once an addict always an addict - no cure -

>no way to use again without disaster - but a daily reprive is possible and

>recovery one day at a time. Good nutrition is one aspect that can aide

>recovery but it is not the magic bullet. There is lots of hard work needed to

>stay clean not just pills to swallow. Yes recovery is simple (12 steps) but

>it is not easy.

>Maybe there is enough that we agree on that we can agree to disagree on what

>we disagree on.




I am afraid you have misunderstood.

1) I have never suggested any addict should smoke ganja...ever. I want that to be very clear. Altho' I believe in teh medicianl use of cannabis, I would never suggest any addict in recovery use it. That is a personal choice of which any addict would understand the ramifications.

2) This has nothing to do with detoxing out something until you no longer crave it...it is not about detox at all.

You are not an alcoholic because you have some genetic craving defect. You are an alcoholic because of imbalances which have created a condition in your body which is so out of wack it dominates all cellular function.

I am merely suggesting that when balance is restored completely, the physical condition is corrected which causes the body to behave the way it does. It is about cellular communication...not craving a substance...not at all.

It is about balancing amino acids, the way God intended them to be. Not just proper nutrition, but restoration of chemical balance & cellular commincation.

It is an entirely different paradygm.

And as far as experiences go...mine was 28 years with HCV and end stage liver disease...and that always means death...but I didn't die and I am completely recovered today....defying the death sentence every HCV+ person in that condition has...every single one, every time, without fail...its all anyone of the hundreds of thousands who have died from HCV had ever experienced - up until I changed the paradygm.

What paradygm are you here to change, Thia? Because, you can you know.

Peace, Jeanine


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Hi what's in MAP and how do you grow it naturally? Thanks, Carol

Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction >Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 16:26:58 EST >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Received: from n23.grp.scd. ([]) by mc8-f18.law1.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5600); Sat, 15 Feb 2003 13:27:35 -0800 >Received: from [] by n23.grp.scd. with NNFMP; 15 Feb 2003 21:27:21 -0000 >Received: (EGP: mail-8_2_3_4); 15 Feb 2003 21:27:20 -0000 >Received: (qmail 55805 invoked from network); 15 Feb 2003 21:27:20 -0000 >Received: from unknown ( by m7.grp.scd. with QMQP; 15 Feb 2003 21:27:20 -0000 >Received: from unknown (HELO imo-r05.mx.aol.com) ( by mta3.grp.scd. with SMTP; 15 Feb 2003 21:27:20 -0000 >Received: from ThiaHadge@... imo-r05.mx.aol.com (mail_out_v34.21.) id r.b7.2e6f910e (3890) for ; Sat, 15 Feb 2003 16:26:58 -0500 (EST) >X-Message-Info: dHZMQeBBv44lPE7o4B5bAg== >X-eGroups-Return: sentto-2436732-4184-1045344441-hepc=hotmail.com@... >X-Sender: ThiaHadge@... >X-Apparently- >Message-ID:

>X-Mailer: 7.0 for Windows sub 257 >Mailing-List: list ; contact -owner >Delivered-mailing list >Precedence: bulk >List-Unsubscribe:

>Return-Path: sentto-2436732-4184-1045344441-hepc=hotmail.com@... >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 15 Feb 2003 21:27:35.0054 (UTC) FILETIME=[0E5BBAE0:01C2D539] > >Dear Jeannie: > >On addiction. Perhaps mind altering is the wrong term. The bottom line is >that no matter how much coffee I could drink or cigarettes I could smoke I >could not get high like I can off ganja, or alcohol or lots of legal and >illegal drugs. I believe getting high on one substance can lead to getting >high on another. It is my experience that people frequently substitute one >substance for another. Although as an addict I would love to take some pill >-- natural remedy and suddenly be able to drink and drug without loosing >control it just is not possible. I have done 20 plus years of research on it. >I am one of those 12 steppers that think addiction is a mental, physical and >spiritual disorder. I've choose to get my advice on addiction recovery from >those 12 step meetings. I see what people do to get well and I see what >people do who end up dead or in the grips of active addiction. Also I believe >addiction is progressive. I think many people get past the point of being >able to control their drug use once they start, no matter what supplements >they take or how long the abstain from use. That once they start using again >they are gone. >On Ganja. Since our liver has the job it has it seems that most anything can >cause it stress, dis-stress or even harm depending on what it is and the >amount we ingest. It is a personal decision whether one believes the harm out >weighs the benefits. Just like taking that Tylenol when your fever is up. >Also I know that for much of my life I would have rather been dead then clean >and sober. Getting high kept me from killing myself at certain times. >You may be an expert on supplements and hep c, but I would caution you about >giving out addiction and drug addiction recovery advice. >If you choose to bash me for my opinion or experience - then feel free. >thia

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In 2001, the British Medical Journal did publish two reviews of

existing scientific studies on cannabinoids, one on pain management,

the other on nausea control. These reviews did not include data on

herbal cannabis, also called marijuana; instead, the studies reviewed

examined only oral THC and two synthetic cannabinoids.

The reviews found that " Cannabinoids are no more effective than

codeine in controlling pain and have depressant effects on the central

nervous system that limit their use, " and " In selected patients, the

cannabinoids tested in these trials may be useful as mood enhancing

adjuvants for controlling chemotherapy related sickness. Potentially

serious adverse effects, even when taken short term orally or

intramuscularly, are likely to limit their widespread use. "

Sources: , Fiona A., R. Tramer, et al., " Are

cannabinoids an effective and safe treatment option in the management

of pain? A qualitative systematic review, " British Medical Journal

2001; 323:13, July 7, 2001; Tramer, R., Dawn Carroll, et al.,

" Cannabinoids for control of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting:

quantitative systematic review, " British Medical Journal 2001;323:16,

July 7, 2001.)

Other medical experts support cannabis's therapeutic potential.

According to the Canadian Medical Association Journal:

" Health Canada's decision to legitimize the medicinal use of marijuana

is a step in the right direction. But a bolder stride is needed. The

possession of small quantities for personal use should be

decriminalized. The minimal negative health effects of moderate use

would be attested to by the estimated 1.5 million Canadians who smoke

marijuana for recreational purposes. The real harm is the legal and

social fallout. About half of all drug arrests in Canada are for

simple possession of small amounts of marijuana: about 31,299

convictions in 1995 alone. "

Source: " Marijuana: federal smoke clears, a little, " Canadian Medical

Association Journal, May 15, 2001, Vol. 164, No. 10, p. 1397.

In an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1997, Dr.

Jerome Kassirer wrote:

" Federal authorities should rescind their prohibition of the medicinal

use of marijuana for seriously ill patients and allow physicians to

decide which patients to treat. The government should change

marijuana's status from that of a Schedule 1 drug (considered to be

potentially addictive and with no current medical use) to that of a

Schedule 2 drug (potentially addictive but with some accepted medical

use) and regulate it accordingly. To ensure its proper distribution

and use, the government could declare itself the only agency

sanctioned to provide the marijuana. I believe that such a change in

policy would have no adverse effects. The argument that it would be a

signal to the young that 'marijuana is OK' is, I believe, specious. "

Source: Kassirer, Jerome P., MD, " Federal Foolishness and Marijuana, "

New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 336, No. 5, Jan. 30, 1997, .

In the US government's Institute of Medicine report on medical

marijuana in 1999, the authors conclude:

" The accumulated data indicate a potential therapeutic value for

cannabinoid drugs, particularly for symptoms such as pain relief,

control of nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation. "

Source: Joy, Janet E., Stanley J. Jr., and A. Benson Jr.,

" Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base, " Division of

Neuroscience and Behavioral Research, Institute of Medicine, National

Academy of Sciences (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999).

> ...Glad to hear someone is telling it like it is. Jeannine is

a very dangerous lady. Unfortunately there are many people who are

desperate enough to listen to her sale pitches and babble. . I try

not to get into these squabbles, but when she comes up with " cannibis

is completely safe and utterly non-addictive " ,I see red. Not saying

it doesn't help with nausea and appetite,not to mention getting you

high but everything goes through your liver. Please fellow heppers,

use common sense, with any drug or herb.!

> Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction



> Heroin is dope.


> Cannibis is an herb, and is completely safe, and utterly



> And if you understood how your body functions, or anything related

to cannibis, and the benefits of THC, its effects on cellular function

and restoration of cellular communication within the brain, we

wouldn't even be having this discussion. And since you are not

equipped with any knowledge to carry out the discussion, I imagine its

best to discontinue your attempts to exchange ideas....as you see, an

exchange of ideas requires, 'ideas'. Maybe its best to not embarrass

yourself any further...unless you have something factual, or

substantial to add to the discussion....


> Personal attacks and defamation or not susbstantial contributions.


> It is enough for me that we each may choose how to treat our own

bodies. If you choose to deny your body something out of ignorance

and fear, it is completely ok with me. If you choose to provide your

body something out of ignorance or fear, it is completely ok with me.


> If you would like to gain the knowledge your body requires to heal

itself, that's ok with me. If you would not, that's ok with me, too.


> There are all kinds of good things out there I do not choose to

put in my body...if I do not require them.


> There are all kinds of things I wouldn't even consider ingesting....


> If you are concerned about the detrament of cannibis, but wolf

down KFC and micky d's you are in one mouthful doing more to destroy

your life than 10 fields of cannibis. When you eat one potatoe chip

you consume 100's of times more carcinogen than is found in one cigarette.


> Take a tylenol, or ibuprofen and kill your liver cells.... Tap

water is full of more free radicals than a cigarette...gulp it

down.... That lettuce you just got from the super market contains

more chemicals than your cigarette.


> Your Metameucil and exlax destroy your digestive system & take

years off your life. Your Sinus medication and cough formula and one

a day vitamins create a toxic, overly acidic environment in your body,

and build up residual toxicity in the cells, destroying proper

cellular function and communication, which is the precursor to ALL



> That baked potatoe or bowl of cereal you just ate produced more

harmful cholesterol in your system, and worked your liver extremely

hard to produce it.


> That Diet Pepsi is shutting down cellular brain function by the

billions each sip you take. And your Coke diminishes your immune

system 800% within 20 minutes and conitinues residual inhibition for

days afterward.


> Your flu shot and hep b vaccine have introduced more pathogens to

your body than you could greet in 10 lifetimes.


> OOoohhhh, that evil cannibis.... which has never, ever in the

history of mankind ever killed or physicaly DAMAGED one human



> And anyone who is a physically addicted alcoholic, if you will

take sufficient quantities of the Master Amino Acid Pattern and

balance the amino acids in your body, your physical addiction will be

corrected...but, the rest is up to you.



> Peace, Jeanine


> http://hepchelp.homestead.com





> Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.


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" Dependence reflects a more severe substance problem than abuse, and

persons are classified with abuse of a particular substance only if

they are not dependent on that substance. "

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,

" Results from the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Volume

1. Summary of National Findings " (Office of Applied Studies, NHSDA

Series H-17, DHHS Publication No. SMA 02-3758). Rockville, MD. 2002.

pp. 58, 57.

More importantly, People are making an assertion which the data itself

does not support. The estimates are derived from responses to " a

series of questions to assess dependence on and abuse of substances,

as well as questions asking whether respondents had received treatment

for a problem related to substance abuse. " It is true that " The

dependence and abuse questions are designed to measure dependence and

abuse based on the criteria specified in the Diagnostic and

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) (American

Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994). The questions on dependence ask

about health, emotional problems, attempts to cut down on use,

tolerance, withdrawal, and other symptoms associated with substances

used. The questions on abuse ask about problems at work, home, and

school; problems with family or friends; physical danger; and trouble

with the law due to substances used. " (p. 57)

Obviously, responses to a set of questions contained in a long survey

are not the same as a real clinical diagnosis of drug dependence --

something which HHS used to warn about, though that caveat fails to

appear in the new report. The Household Survey in 1998 however pointed

out that " Readers should not interpret reports of these problems as

being necessarily equivalent to a clinical diagnosis of drug

dependence. Such a diagnosis must be made by a professional after

careful consideration of many factors. In general, reports of three or

more drug-related problems may be suggestive of dependence and

indicate the need for evaluation or services for drug use. "

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,

" National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Main Findings 1998 (Office

of Applied Studies, Rockville, MD, 2000), p. 131.

The last assertion is actually technically true, about the number of

teens in treatment with a primary diagnosis of marijuana dependence,

however it's only a small part of the story. For many of these people,

drug treatment is simply a way to avoid possible criminal punishment.

According to the Treatment Episode Data Set, an annual federal report

on drug treatment services:

Treatment admissions in 1999, aged 12-17: 131,294

Treatment admissions in 1999, aged 12-17, with marijuana as the

primary drug: 79,000 (60.2% of total

Of those, 53.6% were referred by the criminal justice system

referred by schools: 10.5%

referred by " other community " sources: 8.3%

(The " other community " referral source may include the person's

defense attorney, for example.)

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,

Office of Applied Studies. Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS):

1994-1999. National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services,

DASIS Series: S-14, DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 01-3550, Rockville, MD,

2001, p. 109, Table 5.2a.

Overall, for all ages, the picture is similar. According to TEDS 1999,

57.1% of treatment admissions with marijuana as the primary drug were

referred through the criminal justice system directly, plus another

4.2% through the schools, 1.4% through employers, and 9.3% through

" other community " sources. (Table 3.4, p. 79.)

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please read recent studies done go to www.ka.com or read the blitzed

media at www.mapinc.org or just read anything the gov didn't write wrote -

good greif they fed the equivalent of 100 columbia joints in 15 min of

course it had damage poor thing from smoke alone.

the reason it helps is to sidetrack the pain and live the life u want. some

of you need to get in touch with mother nature. see ya, carol

From: " jalater " <jalater@...>


< >

Subject: Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 17:39:21 -0700

...Glad to hear someone is telling it like it is. Jeannine is a very

dangerous lady. Unfortunately there are many people who are desperate

enough to listen to her sale pitches and babble. . I try not to get into

these squabbles, but when she comes up with " cannibis is completely safe and

utterly non-addictive " ,I see red. Not saying it doesn't help with nausea

and appetite,not to mention getting you high but everything goes through

your liver. Please fellow heppers, use common sense, with any drug or


Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Heroin is dope.

Cannibis is an herb, and is completely safe, and utterly non-addictive.

And if you understood how your body functions, or anything related to

cannibis, and the benefits of THC, its effects on cellular function and

restoration of cellular communication within the brain, we wouldn't even be

having this discussion. And since you are not equipped with any knowledge

to carry out the discussion, I imagine its best to discontinue your attempts

to exchange ideas....as you see, an exchange of ideas requires, 'ideas'.

Maybe its best to not embarrass yourself any further...unless you have

something factual, or substantial to add to the discussion....

Personal attacks and defamation or not susbstantial contributions.

It is enough for me that we each may choose how to treat our own bodies.

If you choose to deny your body something out of ignorance and fear, it is

completely ok with me. If you choose to provide your body something out of

ignorance or fear, it is completely ok with me.

If you would like to gain the knowledge your body requires to heal

itself, that's ok with me. If you would not, that's ok with me, too.

There are all kinds of good things out there I do not choose to put in my

body...if I do not require them.

There are all kinds of things I wouldn't even consider ingesting....

If you are concerned about the detrament of cannibis, but wolf down KFC

and micky d's you are in one mouthful doing more to destroy your life than

10 fields of cannibis. When you eat one potatoe chip you consume 100's of

times more carcinogen than is found in one cigarette.

Take a tylenol, or ibuprofen and kill your liver cells.... Tap water is

full of more free radicals than a cigarette...gulp it down.... That lettuce

you just got from the super market contains more chemicals than your


Your Metameucil and exlax destroy your digestive system & take years off

your life. Your Sinus medication and cough formula and one a day vitamins

create a toxic, overly acidic environment in your body, and build up

residual toxicity in the cells, destroying proper cellular function and

communication, which is the precursor to ALL disease.

That baked potatoe or bowl of cereal you just ate produced more harmful

cholesterol in your system, and worked your liver extremely hard to produce


That Diet Pepsi is shutting down cellular brain function by the billions

each sip you take. And your Coke diminishes your immune system 800% within

20 minutes and conitinues residual inhibition for days afterward.

Your flu shot and hep b vaccine have introduced more pathogens to your

body than you could greet in 10 lifetimes.

OOoohhhh, that evil cannibis.... which has never, ever in the history of

mankind ever killed or physicaly DAMAGED one human being...ever....

And anyone who is a physically addicted alcoholic, if you will take

sufficient quantities of the Master Amino Acid Pattern and balance the amino

acids in your body, your physical addiction will be corrected...but, the

rest is up to you.

Peace, Jeanine



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hehe they fed a monkey the pot - left that out -

From: " carol dupree " <CDUnew@...>


Subject: Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 00:19:18 +0000

please read recent studies done go to www.ka.com or read the blitzed

media at www.mapinc.org or just read anything the gov didn't write wrote -

good greif they fed the equivalent of 100 columbia joints in 15 min of

course it had damage poor thing from smoke alone.

the reason it helps is to sidetrack the pain and live the life u want. some

of you need to get in touch with mother nature. see ya, carol

From: " jalater " <jalater@...>


< >

Subject: Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 17:39:21 -0700

...Glad to hear someone is telling it like it is. Jeannine is a very

dangerous lady. Unfortunately there are many people who are desperate

enough to listen to her sale pitches and babble. . I try not to get into

these squabbles, but when she comes up with " cannibis is completely safe and

utterly non-addictive " ,I see red. Not saying it doesn't help with nausea

and appetite,not to mention getting you high but everything goes through

your liver. Please fellow heppers, use common sense, with any drug or


Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Heroin is dope.

Cannibis is an herb, and is completely safe, and utterly non-addictive.

And if you understood how your body functions, or anything related to

cannibis, and the benefits of THC, its effects on cellular function and

restoration of cellular communication within the brain, we wouldn't even be

having this discussion. And since you are not equipped with any knowledge

to carry out the discussion, I imagine its best to discontinue your attempts

to exchange ideas....as you see, an exchange of ideas requires, 'ideas'.

Maybe its best to not embarrass yourself any further...unless you have

something factual, or substantial to add to the discussion....

Personal attacks and defamation or not susbstantial contributions.

It is enough for me that we each may choose how to treat our own bodies.

If you choose to deny your body something out of ignorance and fear, it is

completely ok with me. If you choose to provide your body something out of

ignorance or fear, it is completely ok with me.

If you would like to gain the knowledge your body requires to heal

itself, that's ok with me. If you would not, that's ok with me, too.

There are all kinds of good things out there I do not choose to put in


body...if I do not require them.

There are all kinds of things I wouldn't even consider ingesting....

If you are concerned about the detrament of cannibis, but wolf down KFC

and micky d's you are in one mouthful doing more to destroy your life than

10 fields of cannibis. When you eat one potatoe chip you consume 100's of

times more carcinogen than is found in one cigarette.

Take a tylenol, or ibuprofen and kill your liver cells.... Tap water is

full of more free radicals than a cigarette...gulp it down.... That lettuce

you just got from the super market contains more chemicals than your


Your Metameucil and exlax destroy your digestive system & take years off

your life. Your Sinus medication and cough formula and one a day vitamins

create a toxic, overly acidic environment in your body, and build up

residual toxicity in the cells, destroying proper cellular function and

communication, which is the precursor to ALL disease.

That baked potatoe or bowl of cereal you just ate produced more harmful

cholesterol in your system, and worked your liver extremely hard to produce


That Diet Pepsi is shutting down cellular brain function by the billions

each sip you take. And your Coke diminishes your immune system 800% within

20 minutes and conitinues residual inhibition for days afterward.

Your flu shot and hep b vaccine have introduced more pathogens to your

body than you could greet in 10 lifetimes.

OOoohhhh, that evil cannibis.... which has never, ever in the history of

mankind ever killed or physicaly DAMAGED one human being...ever....

And anyone who is a physically addicted alcoholic, if you will take

sufficient quantities of the Master Amino Acid Pattern and balance the amino

acids in your body, your physical addiction will be corrected...but, the

rest is up to you.

Peace, Jeanine



Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

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cannabis was not/is not/shall never be a more successful anti-emetic than the ones currently available and it causes cancer, and the carcinogenic properties of marijuana are well-documented, unless you don't want to see

people's brains change when they take thc, as well -- that's clear from the crazy pro-dope argumentation and childish threats one gets here

you can't really argue with a pothead -- between the dope and the hcv they've lost whatever cognitive abilities they had formerly (and if they are former hippies, stuck in the "dead head" years they never had much of a brain to begin with -- that's why they are call the "lost generation"), but you can stop efforts to legalize pot for medicinal purposes -- because there are no medicinal purposes for pot and efforts to ram through such legislation are from people (like the murderer george soros) that would MAKE MONEY off the sale of dope, like the pharm companies, same exact thing

there is also a so-called natural subculture that dwells here too: these are mainly 1960s-70s baby boomers that got deep into the drug subculture and are now all gaia worshipping lunatics: a CULT

attack the axioms of their cult beliefs and they lose it ... totally

they are also sick with HCV and have to be treated with compassion but their lunatic ravings about how "dope won't give you cancer and isn't bad for the liver" don't have to be tolerated

i don't know jeanine personally, she may be the kind of neighbor that wouldn't "go on your lawn" ... i don't know; but i do know that enough people came at her hard over this natural bs that i smelled something very bad around her

we want people, all people, cured of HCV but pushing snake-oil on them, and telling them to take cancer causing dope is not only counter-productive but criminal

Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Heroin is dope.

Cannibis is an herb, and is completely safe, and utterly non-addictive.

And if you understood how your body functions, or anything related to cannibis, and the benefits of THC, its effects on cellular function and restoration of cellular communication within the brain, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. And since you are not equipped with any knowledge to carry out the discussion, I imagine its best to discontinue your attempts to exchange ideas....as you see, an exchange of ideas requires, 'ideas'. Maybe its best to not embarrass yourself any further...unless you have something factual, or substantial to add to the discussion....

Personal attacks and defamation or not susbstantial contributions.

It is enough for me that we each may choose how to treat our own bodies. If you choose to deny your body something out of ignorance and fear, it is completely ok with me. If you choose to provide your body something out of ignorance or fear, it is completely ok with me.

If you would like to gain the knowledge your body requires to heal itself, that's ok with me. If you would not, that's ok with me, too.

There are all kinds of good things out there I do not choose to put in my body...if I do not require them.

There are all kinds of things I wouldn't even consider ingesting....

If you are concerned about the detrament of cannibis, but wolf down KFC and micky d's you are in one mouthful doing more to destroy your life than 10 fields of cannibis. When you eat one potatoe chip you consume 100's of times more carcinogen than is found in one cigarette.

Take a tylenol, or ibuprofen and kill your liver cells.... Tap water is full of more free radicals than a cigarette...gulp it down.... That lettuce you just got from the super market contains more chemicals than your cigarette.

Your Metameucil and exlax destroy your digestive system & take years off your life. Your Sinus medication and cough formula and one a day vitamins create a toxic, overly acidic environment in your body, and build up residual toxicity in the cells, destroying proper cellular function and communication, which is the precursor to ALL disease.

That baked potatoe or bowl of cereal you just ate produced more harmful cholesterol in your system, and worked your liver extremely hard to produce it.

That Diet Pepsi is shutting down cellular brain function by the billions each sip you take. And your Coke diminishes your immune system 800% within 20 minutes and conitinues residual inhibition for days afterward.

Your flu shot and hep b vaccine have introduced more pathogens to your body than you could greet in 10 lifetimes.

OOoohhhh, that evil cannibis.... which has never, ever in the history of mankind ever killed or physicaly DAMAGED one human being...ever....

And anyone who is a physically addicted alcoholic, if you will take sufficient quantities of the Master Amino Acid Pattern and balance the amino acids in your body, your physical addiction will be corrected...but, the rest is up to you.

Peace, Jeanine


Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

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Soros bankrolled those fraudulent studies and you know it. The pro-dope crowd just wants to make millions off of desperate people.

Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction> > > Heroin is dope.> > Cannibis is an herb, and is completely safe, and utterlynon-addictive.> > And if you understood how your body functions, or anything relatedto cannibis, and the benefits of THC, its effects on cellular functionand restoration of cellular communication within the brain, wewouldn't even be having this discussion. And since you are notequipped with any knowledge to carry out the discussion, I imagine itsbest to discontinue your attempts to exchange ideas....as you see, anexchange of ideas requires, 'ideas'. Maybe its best to not embarrassyourself any further...unless you have something factual, orsubstantial to add to the discussion.... > > Personal attacks and defamation or not susbstantial contributions.> > It is enough for me that we each may choose how to treat our ownbodies. If you choose to deny your body something out of ignoranceand fear, it is completely ok with me. If you choose to provide yourbody something out of ignorance or fear, it is completely ok with me. > > If you would like to gain the knowledge your body requires to healitself, that's ok with me. If you would not, that's ok with me, too.> > There are all kinds of good things out there I do not choose toput in my body...if I do not require them.> > There are all kinds of things I wouldn't even consider ingesting....> > If you are concerned about the detrament of cannibis, but wolfdown KFC and micky d's you are in one mouthful doing more to destroyyour life than 10 fields of cannibis. When you eat one potatoe chipyou consume 100's of times more carcinogen than is found in one cigarette.> > Take a tylenol, or ibuprofen and kill your liver cells.... Tapwater is full of more free radicals than a cigarette...gulp itdown.... That lettuce you just got from the super market containsmore chemicals than your cigarette.> > Your Metameucil and exlax destroy your digestive system & takeyears off your life. Your Sinus medication and cough formula and onea day vitamins create a toxic, overly acidic environment in your body,and build up residual toxicity in the cells, destroying propercellular function and communication, which is the precursor to ALLdisease.> > That baked potatoe or bowl of cereal you just ate produced moreharmful cholesterol in your system, and worked your liver extremelyhard to produce it. > > That Diet Pepsi is shutting down cellular brain function by thebillions each sip you take. And your Coke diminishes your immunesystem 800% within 20 minutes and conitinues residual inhibition fordays afterward.> > Your flu shot and hep b vaccine have introduced more pathogens toyour body than you could greet in 10 lifetimes.> > OOoohhhh, that evil cannibis.... which has never, ever in thehistory of mankind ever killed or physicaly DAMAGED one humanbeing...ever....> > And anyone who is a physically addicted alcoholic, if you willtake sufficient quantities of the Master Amino Acid Pattern andbalance the amino acids in your body, your physical addiction will becorrected...but, the rest is up to you.> > > Peace, Jeanine> > http://hepchelp.homestead.com> > >------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. >

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Have you ever heard of " The Schaefer Commission " it was a study done when

tricky dick was in office. research it an let me know what you think. carol

From: " Gaulke " <scottgaulke@...>


< >

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 12:14:47 -0600

Soros bankrolled those fraudulent studies and you know it. The

pro-dope crowd just wants to make millions off of desperate people.

Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction



> Heroin is dope.


> Cannibis is an herb, and is completely safe, and utterly



> And if you understood how your body functions, or anything related

to cannibis, and the benefits of THC, its effects on cellular function

and restoration of cellular communication within the brain, we

wouldn't even be having this discussion. And since you are not

equipped with any knowledge to carry out the discussion, I imagine its

best to discontinue your attempts to exchange ideas....as you see, an

exchange of ideas requires, 'ideas'. Maybe its best to not embarrass

yourself any further...unless you have something factual, or

substantial to add to the discussion....


> Personal attacks and defamation or not susbstantial contributions.


> It is enough for me that we each may choose how to treat our own

bodies. If you choose to deny your body something out of ignorance

and fear, it is completely ok with me. If you choose to provide your

body something out of ignorance or fear, it is completely ok with me.


> If you would like to gain the knowledge your body requires to heal

itself, that's ok with me. If you would not, that's ok with me, too.


> There are all kinds of good things out there I do not choose to

put in my body...if I do not require them.


> There are all kinds of things I wouldn't even consider ingesting....


> If you are concerned about the detrament of cannibis, but wolf

down KFC and micky d's you are in one mouthful doing more to destroy

your life than 10 fields of cannibis. When you eat one potatoe chip

you consume 100's of times more carcinogen than is found in one



> Take a tylenol, or ibuprofen and kill your liver cells.... Tap

water is full of more free radicals than a cigarette...gulp it

down.... That lettuce you just got from the super market contains

more chemicals than your cigarette.


> Your Metameucil and exlax destroy your digestive system & take

years off your life. Your Sinus medication and cough formula and one

a day vitamins create a toxic, overly acidic environment in your body,

and build up residual toxicity in the cells, destroying proper

cellular function and communication, which is the precursor to ALL



> That baked potatoe or bowl of cereal you just ate produced more

harmful cholesterol in your system, and worked your liver extremely

hard to produce it.


> That Diet Pepsi is shutting down cellular brain function by the

billions each sip you take. And your Coke diminishes your immune

system 800% within 20 minutes and conitinues residual inhibition for

days afterward.


> Your flu shot and hep b vaccine have introduced more pathogens to

your body than you could greet in 10 lifetimes.


> OOoohhhh, that evil cannibis.... which has never, ever in the

history of mankind ever killed or physicaly DAMAGED one human



> And anyone who is a physically addicted alcoholic, if you will

take sufficient quantities of the Master Amino Acid Pattern and

balance the amino acids in your body, your physical addiction will be

corrected...but, the rest is up to you.



> Peace, Jeanine


> http://hepchelp.homestead.com





> Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.


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Excuse me i am a Revolutionary Baby Boomer - you must be from the " Silent

Generation " who got us all in this industrial mess. It's just like always

industry vs agriculture. carol

From: " Gaulke " <scottgaulke@...>


< >

Subject: Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 12:07:40 -0600

cannabis was not/is not/shall never be a more successful anti-emetic than

the ones currently available and it causes cancer, and the carcinogenic

properties of marijuana are well-documented, unless you don't want to see

people's brains change when they take thc, as well -- that's clear from the

crazy pro-dope argumentation and childish threats one gets here

you can't really argue with a pothead -- between the dope and the hcv

they've lost whatever cognitive abilities they had formerly (and if they are

former hippies, stuck in the " dead head " years they never had much of a

brain to begin with -- that's why they are call the " lost generation " ), but

you can stop efforts to legalize pot for medicinal purposes -- because there

are no medicinal purposes for pot and efforts to ram through such

legislation are from people (like the murderer george soros) that would MAKE

MONEY off the sale of dope, like the pharm companies, same exact thing

there is also a so-called natural subculture that dwells here too: these are

mainly 1960s-70s baby boomers that got deep into the drug subculture and are

now all gaia worshipping lunatics: a CULT

attack the axioms of their cult beliefs and they lose it ... totally

they are also sick with HCV and have to be treated with compassion but their

lunatic ravings about how " dope won't give you cancer and isn't bad for the

liver " don't have to be tolerated

i don't know jeanine personally, she may be the kind of neighbor that

wouldn't " go on your lawn " ... i don't know; but i do know that enough

people came at her hard over this natural bs that i smelled something very

bad around her

we want people, all people, cured of HCV but pushing snake-oil on them, and

telling them to take cancer causing dope is not only counter-productive but


Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Heroin is dope.

Cannibis is an herb, and is completely safe, and utterly non-addictive.

And if you understood how your body functions, or anything related to

cannibis, and the benefits of THC, its effects on cellular function and

restoration of cellular communication within the brain, we wouldn't even be

having this discussion. And since you are not equipped with any knowledge

to carry out the discussion, I imagine its best to discontinue your attempts

to exchange ideas....as you see, an exchange of ideas requires, 'ideas'.

Maybe its best to not embarrass yourself any further...unless you have

something factual, or substantial to add to the discussion....

Personal attacks and defamation or not susbstantial contributions.

It is enough for me that we each may choose how to treat our own

bodies. If you choose to deny your body something out of ignorance and

fear, it is completely ok with me. If you choose to provide your body

something out of ignorance or fear, it is completely ok with me.

If you would like to gain the knowledge your body requires to heal

itself, that's ok with me. If you would not, that's ok with me, too.

There are all kinds of good things out there I do not choose to put in

my body...if I do not require them.

There are all kinds of things I wouldn't even consider ingesting....

If you are concerned about the detrament of cannibis, but wolf down KFC

and micky d's you are in one mouthful doing more to destroy your life than

10 fields of cannibis. When you eat one potatoe chip you consume 100's of

times more carcinogen than is found in one cigarette.

Take a tylenol, or ibuprofen and kill your liver cells.... Tap water

is full of more free radicals than a cigarette...gulp it down.... That

lettuce you just got from the super market contains more chemicals than your


Your Metameucil and exlax destroy your digestive system & take years

off your life. Your Sinus medication and cough formula and one a day

vitamins create a toxic, overly acidic environment in your body, and build

up residual toxicity in the cells, destroying proper cellular function and

communication, which is the precursor to ALL disease.

That baked potatoe or bowl of cereal you just ate produced more harmful

cholesterol in your system, and worked your liver extremely hard to produce


That Diet Pepsi is shutting down cellular brain function by the

billions each sip you take. And your Coke diminishes your immune system

800% within 20 minutes and conitinues residual inhibition for days


Your flu shot and hep b vaccine have introduced more pathogens to your

body than you could greet in 10 lifetimes.

OOoohhhh, that evil cannibis.... which has never, ever in the history

of mankind ever killed or physicaly DAMAGED one human being...ever....

And anyone who is a physically addicted alcoholic, if you will take

sufficient quantities of the Master Amino Acid Pattern and balance the amino

acids in your body, your physical addiction will be corrected...but, the

rest is up to you.

Peace, Jeanine



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No, offhand I haven't heard of it Carol but I will look into it.

Studies, depending on the source of the funding of the study (yes, even medical studies), can be rigged either way. Just like economic reports from the government etc.


Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction > > > Heroin is dope. > > Cannibis is an herb, and is completely safe, and utterly non-addictive. > > And if you understood how your body functions, or anything related to cannibis, and the benefits of THC, its effects on cellular function and restoration of cellular communication within the brain, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. And since you are not equipped with any knowledge to carry out the discussion, I imagine its best to discontinue your attempts to exchange ideas....as you see, an exchange of ideas requires, 'ideas'. Maybe its best to not embarrass yourself any further...unless you have something factual, or substantial to add to the discussion.... > > Personal attacks and defamation or not susbstantial contributions. > > It is enough for me that we each may choose how to treat our own bodies. If you choose to deny your body something out of ignorance and fear, it is completely ok with me. If you choose to provide your body something out of ignorance or fear, it is completely ok with me. > > If you would like to gain the knowledge your body requires to heal itself, that's ok with me. If you would not, that's ok with me, too. > > There are all kinds of good things out there I do not choose to put in my body...if I do not require them. > > There are all kinds of things I wouldn't even consider ingesting.... > > If you are concerned about the detrament of cannibis, but wolf down KFC and micky d's you are in one mouthful doing more to destroy your life than 10 fields of cannibis. When you eat one potatoe chip you consume 100's of times more carcinogen than is found in one cigarette. > > Take a tylenol, or ibuprofen and kill your liver cells.... Tap water is full of more free radicals than a cigarette...gulp it down.... That lettuce you just got from the super market contains more chemicals than your cigarette. > > Your Metameucil and exlax destroy your digestive system & take years off your life. Your Sinus medication and cough formula and one a day vitamins create a toxic, overly acidic environment in your body, and build up residual toxicity in the cells, destroying proper cellular function and communication, which is the precursor to ALL disease. > > That baked potatoe or bowl of cereal you just ate produced more harmful cholesterol in your system, and worked your liver extremely hard to produce it. > > That Diet Pepsi is shutting down cellular brain function by the billions each sip you take. And your Coke diminishes your immune system 800% within 20 minutes and conitinues residual inhibition for days afterward. > > Your flu shot and hep b vaccine have introduced more pathogens to your body than you could greet in 10 lifetimes. > > OOoohhhh, that evil cannibis.... which has never, ever in the history of mankind ever killed or physicaly DAMAGED one human being...ever.... > > And anyone who is a physically addicted alcoholic, if you will take sufficient quantities of the Master Amino Acid Pattern and balance the amino acids in your body, your physical addiction will be corrected...but, the rest is up to you. > > > Peace, Jeanine > > http://hepchelp.homestead.com > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. >

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Well, I don't see a contradiction with industry and agriculture ... to me agriculture is an industry.

Re: [ ] Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Heroin is dope. Cannibis is an herb, and is completely safe, and utterly non-addictive. And if you understood how your body functions, or anything related to cannibis, and the benefits of THC, its effects on cellular function and restoration of cellular communication within the brain, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. And since you are not equipped with any knowledge to carry out the discussion, I imagine its best to discontinue your attempts to exchange ideas....as you see, an exchange of ideas requires, 'ideas'. Maybe its best to not embarrass yourself any further...unless you have something factual, or substantial to add to the discussion.... Personal attacks and defamation or not susbstantial contributions. It is enough for me that we each may choose how to treat our own bodies. If you choose to deny your body something out of ignorance and fear, it is completely ok with me. If you choose to provide your body something out of ignorance or fear, it is completely ok with me. If you would like to gain the knowledge your body requires to heal itself, that's ok with me. If you would not, that's ok with me, too. There are all kinds of good things out there I do not choose to put in my body...if I do not require them. There are all kinds of things I wouldn't even consider ingesting.... If you are concerned about the detrament of cannibis, but wolf down KFC and micky d's you are in one mouthful doing more to destroy your life than 10 fields of cannibis. When you eat one potatoe chip you consume 100's of times more carcinogen than is found in one cigarette. Take a tylenol, or ibuprofen and kill your liver cells.... Tap water is full of more free radicals than a cigarette...gulp it down.... That lettuce you just got from the super market contains more chemicals than your cigarette. Your Metameucil and exlax destroy your digestive system & take years off your life. Your Sinus medication and cough formula and one a day vitamins create a toxic, overly acidic environment in your body, and build up residual toxicity in the cells, destroying proper cellular function and communication, which is the precursor to ALL disease. That baked potatoe or bowl of cereal you just ate produced more harmful cholesterol in your system, and worked your liver extremely hard to produce it. That Diet Pepsi is shutting down cellular brain function by the billions each sip you take. And your Coke diminishes your immune system 800% within 20 minutes and conitinues residual inhibition for days afterward. Your flu shot and hep b vaccine have introduced more pathogens to your body than you could greet in 10 lifetimes. OOoohhhh, that evil cannibis.... which has never, ever in the history of mankind ever killed or physicaly DAMAGED one human being...ever.... And anyone who is a physically addicted alcoholic, if you will take sufficient quantities of the Master Amino Acid Pattern and balance the amino acids in your body, your physical addiction will be corrected...but, the rest is up to you. Peace, Jeanine http://hepchelp.homestead.com---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

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