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Re: soy??

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ummmmmm I am not likely to believe agribusiness propaganda. :)

but I know some cultures like the Japanese use soy and are fine, but they also

have a high iodine intake.


Soy contains a number of toxins, as you can find out if you Google " Soy

toxins " . Below your message is the first of many articles [about

706,000] that deal with soy toxins from Google. Among the toxins are

protease inhibitors, phytic acid, soy lectins (or haemagglutins),

nitrosamines, manganese concentrations and the mysterious soyatoxin.

Nitrosamines are not naturally occurring in soybeans but form during the

processing of products such as isolated soy protein (ISP).

You don't think soy contains toxins because agribusiness has spent

hundreds of millions of dollars to make you think exactly that. I

suggest a bit of research outside of agribusiness propaganda.

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I would respectfully disagree Gracia,

The Japanese do not drink Soy 'milk' and as they eat a less refined

diet, it is not found in most of their foods. They eat small amounts

of tofu (yuck!) but most of their soy products are fermented which

renders them less harmful.



> ummmmmm I am not likely to believe agribusiness propaganda. :)

> but I know some cultures like the Japanese use soy and are fine,

but they also have a high iodine intake.

> Gracia


> Soy contains a number of toxins, as you can find out if you

Google " Soy

> toxins " . Below your message is the first of many articles [about

> 706,000] that deal with soy toxins from Google. Among the toxins


> protease inhibitors, phytic acid, soy lectins (or haemagglutins),

> nitrosamines, manganese concentrations and the mysterious


> Nitrosamines are not naturally occurring in soybeans but form

during the

> processing of products such as isolated soy protein (ISP).


> You don't think soy contains toxins because agribusiness has


> hundreds of millions of dollars to make you think exactly that. I

> suggest a bit of research outside of agribusiness propaganda.





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> a.. 17New Members

> Visit Your Group


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Actually, you apparently do. If a lie is told often enough it becomes

the [perceived] truth. That is why advertising works; and is based upon

the way our minds work. The " conventional wisdom " of a culture can be

[and often is] manipulated. Our acceptance of soy is one of the great

advertising success stories of all time [from the viewpoint of

agribusiness]. Soy has successfully been changed from a material that

no intelligent and knowledgable person would ingest [given a choice]

into one that is actually considered a health food by [probably] millions.

That's one of the major reasons I don't watch tv.

Re: soy??




Posted by: " Gracia " circe@...

<mailto:circe@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20soy%3F%3F> graciabee


Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:23 am (PST)

ummmmmm I am not likely to believe agribusiness propaganda. :)

but I know some cultures like the Japanese use soy and are fine, but

they also have a high iodine intake.



Soy contains a number of toxins, as you can find out if you Google " Soy

toxins " . Below your message is the first of many articles [about

706,000] that deal with soy toxins from Google. Among the toxins are

protease inhibitors, phytic acid, soy lectins (or haemagglutins),

nitrosamines, manganese concentrations and the mysterious soyatoxin.

Nitrosamines are not naturally occurring in soybeans but form during the

processing of products such as isolated soy protein (ISP).

You don't think soy contains toxins because agribusiness has spent

hundreds of millions of dollars to make you think exactly that. I

suggest a bit of research outside of agribusiness propaganda.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How true ! Although I do watch tv, I cringe at the soy milk

commercials -- and Silk Soy Milk is sponsoring Farm Aid this year -

yuck!!! I bet in the not so distant future the truth will come out

about soy, and what garbage people are ingesting. I try to inform

all that I can to stay away from it.

There's an excellent book by Kaala s and I have corresponded

with her she is so helpful!


take care,

Sue in NH


> Soy contains a number of toxins, as you can find out if you

Google " Soy

> toxins " . Below your message is the first of many articles [about

> 706,000] that deal with soy toxins from Google. Among the toxins are

> protease inhibitors, phytic acid, soy lectins (or haemagglutins),

> nitrosamines, manganese concentrations and the mysterious soyatoxin.

> Nitrosamines are not naturally occurring in soybeans but form

during the

> processing of products such as isolated soy protein (ISP).


> You don't think soy contains toxins because agribusiness has spent

> hundreds of millions of dollars to make you think exactly that. I

> suggest a bit of research outside of agribusiness propaganda.







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