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it doesn't work, it's too expensive, it's disease maintenance. PPL don't want



Then you had better pray that we never have government health care,

because if we do it will almost certainly be virtually 100% allopathic




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National Health Insurance is NOT the answer! It would be more of the same as we

have now, with T4 only meds being mandated. I believe it would be even harder to

get Armour, never mind T3 only therapy, and TSH would be supreme ruler. You

would never see a diagnosis of Adrenal Insufficieny unless you had something

extreme. Cost cutting would be the norm. Generic medications would be prescribed

more in order to cut costs. Sorry, but I don't think National Health Insurance

is a good idea.



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When we cannot do anything, when we are not able to move,

and when we have no strength, that is the time to trust in and

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my mother has national health insurance---medicare/medicaid. Honest to God

they (taxpayers) are spending millions on her. She is in a vegetative state

now b/c Armour was lowered to 30mg!!!! and she stopped taking iodine. She is

being given percoset for pain. Actually I think they give her cortef but it is

not dosed correctly. She has also been Dxed bipolar but that is the Dx du Jour.

I guess tomorrow I will try to do battle with docs again.

The problem is really the docs--they are incompetent. And big pharma.


National Health Insurance is NOT the answer! It would be more of the same as

we have now, with T4 only meds being mandated. I believe it would be even harder

to get Armour, never mind T3 only therapy, and TSH would be supreme ruler. You

would never see a diagnosis of Adrenal Insufficieny unless you had something

extreme. Cost cutting would be the norm. Generic medications would be prescribed

more in order to cut costs. Sorry, but I don't think National Health Insurance

is a good idea.



http://www.youngliving.com - essential oils for healthy living



Embroidery from the Heart


When we cannot do anything, when we are not able to move,

and when we have no strength, that is the time to trust in and

enjoy the supply of God as grace.

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I was diagnosed because I kept breaking out in hives.  Whenever my free's get

too low I still do. That's not on your list either.

Well isn't it true then, that a person can have more symptoms you didn't

list. For instance one of my major symptoms was getting Charlie horses in

the back of my thigh when I sat down, that's not listed. How about

headaches, that's not there. Also, I have never had that chill to the bone

feeling, but I have always been hot " natured. " There can be other things

associated with hypo that didn't list.

-- Re: Re: levothyroxine


You wrote:

> I'm just curious....but since everyone you know has at least some of these

> symptoms....do you think their thyroids could be malfunctioning somewhat??


Absolutely not. They have a range of conditions from aging to sleep

disturbances and diabetes. Are you kidding? Do you really think that

everyone that gets tired easily with acne and cold hands, is hypoT? Just

drinking too much coffee will cause some of the conditions listed.

Nausea? Give me a break.

Here is a more realistic list of symptoms Shomon uses, taken from

the Merck Manual:

____ I am gaining weight inappropriately

____ I'm unable to lose weight with diet/exercise

____ I am constipated, sometimes severely

____ I have hypothermia/low body temperature (I feel cold when others

feel hot, I need extra sweaters, etc.)

____ I feel fatigued, exhausted

____ Feeling run down, sluggish, lethargic

____ My hair is coarse and dry, breaking, brittle, falling out

____ My skin is coarse, dry, scaly, and thick

____ I have a hoarse or gravely voice

____ I have puffiness and swelling around the eyes and face

____ I have pains, aches in joints, hands and feet

____ I have developed carpal-tunnel syndrome, or it's getting worse

____ I am having irregular menstrual cycles (longer, or heavier, or more


____ I am having trouble conceiving a baby

____ I feel depressed

____ I feel restless

____ My moods change easily

____ I have feelings of worthlessness

____ I have difficulty concentrating

____ I have more feelings of sadness

____ I seem to be losing interest in normal daily activities

____ I'm more forgetful lately

Notice that it is much much shorter than the " signposts of the human

condition " list given on STTM. If you combine a few of these with a

medical history or family history, that would make getting a blood test



> Here is the list of definitive symptoms from the web site. Their

> discussion suggests that if you just have SOME of these symptoms, you

> might be a redneck, er... are hypoT:


> * Less stamina than others

> * Less energy than others

> * Long recovery period after any activity

> * Inability to hold children for very long

> * Arms feeling like dead weights after activity

> * Chronic Low Grade Depression

> * Suicidal Thoughts

> * Often feeling cold

> * Cold hands and feet

> * High cholesterol

> * Bizarre and Debilitating reaction to exercise

> * Hard stools

> * Constipation

> * No eyebrows or thinning outer eyebrows

> * Dry Hair

> * Hair Loss

> * Dry cracking skin

> * Nodding off easily

> * Requires naps in the afternoon

> * Inability to concentrate or read long periods of time

> * Forgetfulness

> * Foggy thinking

> * Inability to lose weight

> * Always gaining weight

> * Inability to function in a relationship with anyone

> * NO sex drive

> * Moody periods

> * PMS

> * Excruciating pain during period

> * Nausea

> * Swelling/edema/puffiness

> * Aching bones/muscles

> * Osteoporosis

> * Bumps on legs

> * Acne on face and in hair

> * Breakout on chest and arms

> * Hives

> * Exhaustion in every dimension–physical, mental, spiritual, emotional

> * Inability to work full-time

> * Inability to stand on feet for long periods

> * Complete lack of motivation

> * Slowing to a snail’s pace when walking up slight grade

> * Extremely crabby, irritable, intolerant of others

> * Handwriting nearly illegible

> * Internal itching of ears

> * Broken/peeling fingernails

> * Dry skin or snake skin

> * Major anxiety/worry

> * Ringing in ears

> * Lactose Intolerance

> * Inability to eat in the mornings

> * No hair growth, breaks faster than it grows

> * Joint pain

> * Carpal tunnel symptoms

> * No Appetite

> * Fluid retention to the point of Congestive Heart Failure

> * Swollen legs that prevented walking

> * Blood Pressure problems

> * Varicose Veins

> * Dizziness from fluid on the inner ear

> * Low body temperature

> * Raised temperature

> * Tightness in throat; sore throat

> * Swollen lymph glands

> * sore feet (plantar fascitis); painful soles of feet

> * now how do I put this one politely….a cold bum, ...


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Are you saying socialized medicine won't work? And it especially won't work

because it is allopathic and in addition to that the gov will make it too

expensive? I guess I'm just confused because I thought you used to be for

government health care. 

(I <3 RON PAUL!!)

Re: Re: levothyroxine

it doesn't work, it's too expensive, it's disease maintenance. PPL don't want



Then you had better pray that we never have government health care,

because if we do it will almost certainly be virtually 100% allopathic




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well no! " socialized " medicine is fine with me. I am in absolutely

desperate straits trying to afford what I need.

I was referring to allopathic medicine which is dysfunctional.

There is no national conversation on the quality of healthcare, like there is

on support groups lists. I guess that''s b/c big pharma and insurance

companies are so powerful.


Are you saying socialized medicine won't work? And it especially won't work

because it is allopathic and in addition to that the gov will make it too

expensive? I guess I'm just confused because I thought you used to be for

government health care.

(I <3 RON PAUL!!)

Re: Re: levothyroxine

it doesn't work, it's too expensive, it's disease maintenance. PPL don't want



Then you had better pray that we never have government health care,

because if we do it will almost certainly be virtually 100% allopathic




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another symptom is seizures, especially in children.


I was diagnosed because I kept breaking out in hives. Whenever my free's get

too low I still do. That's not on your list either.

Well isn't it true then, that a person can have more symptoms you didn't

list. For instance one of my major symptoms was getting Charlie horses in

the back of my thigh when I sat down, that's not listed. How about

headaches, that's not there. Also, I have never had that chill to the bone

feeling, but I have always been hot " natured. " There can be other things

associated with hypo that didn't list.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Rhonda,

Is your mother on Bee's plan? From what I've read (very new here) the

thyroid regenerates/heals as one follows Bee's plan. You'll want to

watch her thyroid so she doesn't go hyper. I am currently on an

Armour/levo blend and am rechecking next week. I do feel a

few " hyper " symptoms but they are mixed with " hypo. " So I will just

continue to really watch it... take my morning temps, check pulse,

watch for loose stools, etc. I will hopefully slowly ween off by

regular blood tests. I thought I could first take thyro medicine with

food (lessens effect), then reducing dose, then going off! (That

would be AWESOME!) I read on Bee's site to keep testing it once a

month if you are on full program so you can start reducing...

Hope that helps and is accurate :)



> Hi Bee and everybody,


> I have a question regarding thyroid. My mother is on levothyroxine


> does not want to be. Is there any kind of supplement that she can


> on instead? I hope this answer isn't in the website also, because I


> not seeing it. Thanks, Rhonda


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