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Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid

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Gracia,thanks for your reply, I am taking armour 30 mg, was taking 15mg and

still being monitored. How much iodine should I take? If I take iodine, should I

cut back on armour? I have Lugol's iodine but not sure how much to take. Thankd

for letting me know about the iodine group.


Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

enough Armour and iodine. iodine especially for TTC!!

join iodine group on .


I have Hashimoto's. I had vaccinations done when moved here a few years ago. I

had MMR, Td and Varicella done. Not sure if this caused Hashimoto's because I

was only diagnosed 2 months ago. I am TTC. Anyone knows how to reduce the

antibodies? I am taking extra selenium. Is it really true vaccinations cause




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I understand what you are saying about how our own immune systems are

supposed to work on their own etc. etc. My boyfriend actually didn't get ANY

vaccinations. And we have a family friend who's son literally became comatose


getting one of those huge loads of vaccines as a baby. I also totally buy that

all the shots people are getting these days could be doing more bad than

good. I just don't see this issue as so black and white though. I see a lot


gray, and if say no one were to get immunizations anymore I do believe that

there would be health problems as a result of that. This world seems to require

some sort of balance where when something starts improving significantly,

something shows up to counteract it and thus back to square one. Perhaps I'm

just in a bit of low mood .... who knows, right?

Hi ,

I know what you are saying, but I believe I read that the only reported cases

of polio in the US in 2007 if from kids who got the vaccine? I may be

wrong...though. I know what you are sayin


bear339@b wrote:

It seems like things can go wrong either way though. My Grandma had polio

and both her and my dad were really adiment about me getting atleast my polio

vaccine when I was born. On one side the vaccinations can kill you, but not

getting them can kill you too. And that sums up the world we live in ... nothing

you do can guarantee and easier ride.

Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


You wrote:


> The evidence is not weak at all that vaccinations cause health problems...

You may have missed the large study that came out in May:


that confirmed previous studies. Although the government has paid about

2,000 claims against vaccines from over 7,000 filed, these have only

been for side effects documented immediately after the vaccine. No

claims for autism have been accepted.

Whether any of these claims were valid is still in dispute. The NIH

arranged for the payments since about 70 children died of whooping cough

after parents refused the vaccine. They also removed the suspect

thimerosal from all vaccines in 2002.

Curiously in the U.K. there are legal proceedings against three doctors

for publishing unsupported alarmist claims about vaccines. They could

well lose their medical licenses.

I love you too.



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So were you completely unvacc'd before this?

-- Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


You wrote:


> The evidence is not weak at all that vaccinations cause health problems...

You may have missed the large study that came out in May:


that confirmed previous studies. Although the government has paid about

2,000 claims against vaccines from over 7,000 filed, these have only

been for side effects documented immediately after the vaccine. No

claims for autism have been accepted.

Whether any of these claims were valid is still in dispute. The NIH

arranged for the payments since about 70 children died of whooping cough

after parents refused the vaccine. They also removed the suspect

thimerosal from all vaccines in 2002.

Curiously in the U.K. there are legal proceedings against three doctors

for publishing unsupported alarmist claims about vaccines. They could

well lose their medical licenses.

I love you too.


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on iodine group they talk about 12.5mg iodine/iodide being safe for pregnancy.

8 drops of 5% Lugols=50mg so 2 drops would = 12.5mg. higher doses of iodine

move toxins out of tissues, which would not be desirable if PG. you might want

to get more info from http://www.helpmythyroid.com and iodine group


The Armour dose is much too low. I don't know what they are monitoring on

such a low dose. When you get enough Armour you will feel good and TSH will be

low. Usual dose is 180-300mg.


Gracia,thanks for your reply, I am taking armour 30 mg, was taking 15mg and

still being monitored. How much iodine should I take? If I take iodine, should I

cut back on armour? I have Lugol's iodine but not sure how much to take. Thankd

for letting me know about the iodine group.


Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

enough Armour and iodine. iodine especially for TTC!!

join iodine group on .


I have Hashimoto's. I had vaccinations done when moved here a few years ago. I

had MMR, Td and Varicella done. Not sure if this caused Hashimoto's because I

was only diagnosed 2 months ago. I am TTC. Anyone knows how to reduce the

antibodies? I am taking extra selenium. Is it really true vaccinations cause




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I am not anti-vaccination, however, I do believe that we are over-vaccinated

with drugs that cause adverse effects. We need to adopt a new schedule for

shots and not combine them together. Thanks.q

-- Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


There is a listserv that you can join called PRO-MED. Most of the

messages posted are by the people out in the field, dealing with

infectious diseases around the world. It would give you something of an

idea about what people face when they have no immunizations and

poor living conditions.

There is risk in everything. I don't have statistics...but have read

many articles about the spread of illness before vaccinations were

made available. That's little consolation if you are one of those

affected by adverse events...but there is usually a risk/benefit

ratio done regarding the use of vaccinations.

Best thoughts,

Chuck B wrote:



>You wrote:



>>The evidence is not weak at all that vaccinations cause health problems...




>You may have missed the large study that came out in May:







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No, I was given vaccines before entering kindergarden. My mom did not follow

the suggested guidelines for vaccines back then, she only gave me the ones to

enter kindergarden. Now, the vaccine schedule every 2 months from birth until 2

years, then boosters, boosters, boosters, and oh yeah, don't forget gardisil...I

am sickened by all of it.

So, I got these new vaccines when I entered the army. All in one day...yep!


Crystal <sweetnwright@...> wrote:

So were you completely unvacc'd before this?

-- Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


You wrote:


> The evidence is not weak at all that vaccinations cause health problems...

You may have missed the large study that came out in May:


that confirmed previous studies. Although the government has paid about

2,000 claims against vaccines from over 7,000 filed, these have only

been for side effects documented immediately after the vaccine. No

claims for autism have been accepted.

Whether any of these claims were valid is still in dispute. The NIH

arranged for the payments since about 70 children died of whooping cough

after parents refused the vaccine. They also removed the suspect

thimerosal from all vaccines in 2002.

Curiously in the U.K. there are legal proceedings against three doctors

for publishing unsupported alarmist claims about vaccines. They could

well lose their medical licenses.

I love you too.


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So were you vaccinated against rubella prior to your pregnancy? ALso, I

guess you didn't get another vaccine for it right?

-- Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid

Hi ,

I agree with what you are saying about hygiene...thoguh from the reading

I've done it appears that vaccinations also play a role.

I haven't read about the chicken pox outbreak...will look for info

about it.

I don't think that vaccinations can totally prevent problems. I don't

think science knows enough yet to have the very best answers...but

out-of-control epidemics can also do a terrific amount of damage.

In many ways, no matter how hard we try to control our lives and avoid

problems...life can be a crap shoot.

I had rubella at the end of the first trimester of my first pregnancy.

My son was born profoundly deaf. That has certainly influenced how I

look at vaccinations. It hasn't blinded me to the fact that vaccinations

aren't a perfect answer.

Do you believe that all vaccinations should be stopped?

Best thoughts,

and Irwin wrote:

>Hi ,

> I appreciate your willingness to share this information with us. I read

that diseases were already starting to decline significally because of

better hygiene, and then vaccines were introduced. So, what I read showed

the decline of diseases, and then the vaccines were introduced, and now

people are saying, " oh look, it was vaccines that saved us " when in

actuallity, the diseases were already being cured before the vaccines...


> Also, I talked with a teacher here in Sacramento, and she said that there

is a massive breakout of chicken pox with the children who were given the

chickenpox vaccine...how do you reason this?


> Blessings,




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Yes, you can call me a radical. but I have done the studies. I have

experienced the effects. I don't believe in them. I believe in the immune

system our heavenly father has instilled in this body. When you bypass the

natural way our bodies were meant to heal, you are playing a dangerous game.

And I know all of the arguements...oh they save lives. Sorry guys, I have

research that suggests otherwise.


Crystal <sweetnwright@...> wrote:

I am not anti-vaccination, however, I do believe that we are


with drugs that cause adverse effects. We need to adopt a new schedule for

shots and not combine them together. Thanks.q

-- Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


There is a listserv that you can join called PRO-MED. Most of the

messages posted are by the people out in the field, dealing with

infectious diseases around the world. It would give you something of an

idea about what people face when they have no immunizations and

poor living conditions.

There is risk in everything. I don't have statistics...but have read

many articles about the spread of illness before vaccinations were

made available. That's little consolation if you are one of those

affected by adverse events...but there is usually a risk/benefit

ratio done regarding the use of vaccinations.

Best thoughts,

Chuck B wrote:



>You wrote:



>>The evidence is not weak at all that vaccinations cause health problems...




>You may have missed the large study that came out in May:







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Are you a doc? Which 2 do you give together? DO you separate the ones that

come together?

-- Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid

I agree. I never give more that 2 vaccines at a time. why torture the

infant? we just schedule a vaccination appointment- that keeps the costs

down for the patient's family.

Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


You wrote:


> The evidence is not weak at all that vaccinations cause health problems...

You may have missed the large study that came out in May:

http://www.medscape<http://www.medscape/> .com/viewarticle /556738

that confirmed previous studies. Although the government has paid about

2,000 claims against vaccines from over 7,000 filed, these have only

been for side effects documented immediately after the vaccine. No

claims for autism have been accepted.

Whether any of these claims were valid is still in dispute. The NIH

arranged for the payments since about 70 children died of whooping cough

after parents refused the vaccine. They also removed the suspect

thimerosal from all vaccines in 2002.

Curiously in the U.K. there are legal proceedings against three doctors

for publishing unsupported alarmist claims about vaccines. They could

well lose their medical licenses.

I love you too.


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No; sorry I wasn't clear. What I meant was WHY?



> Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid








> Posted by: " Nancie Barnett " deifspirit@...




> aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1>



> Sun Nov 4, 2007 6:51 pm (PST)


> 20:1 for every 20 female patients who have the disease; 1 male will

> get it..

> is that what you wanted?

> Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


> This is one of the thing I do not understand. Can anyone explain it to me?


> Thanks,



> > The female-to-male ratio is 20:1. The disease is most common in middle

> > aged women, but it can affect all age groups, including children.

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I have the utmost respect for you Chuck, your knowledge is

obviously extensive. However, there is room for reasonable

doubt here. For one, I too heard that they stopped the

thimerisol, and then later put it back. They used thalidimide,

and finally had to reverse their position on that because of the

birth defects it caused, they backed the dangerous cox 2 inhibitor

(Vioxx), they reversed positions on HRT, taking Tylenol for everything,

they reversed positions on eggs, wine, chocolate, etc.

These researchers are subject to the same peer, professional, lobbyist

financial and other pressures to which everyone else is too. They are

only human and they can make errors, fudge the truth, and be just

plain stubborn.

Won't you at least entertain the idea that peer reviewed drugs and/or

procedures don't always mean they are right?


Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid

the residents of the group home just got their flu shots. I asked the doc if the

shots had thimerosol and she said yes.

I have zero faith in allopathic medicine. How can we blindly follow the pied

piper right over a cliff when our children are getting sicker and sicker? Have

you seen the latest stats on autism?

love :)



You wrote:


> The evidence is not weak at all that vaccinations cause health problems....

You may have missed the large study that came out in May:

http://www.medscape .com/viewarticle /556738

that confirmed previous studies. Although the government has paid about

2,000 claims against vaccines from over 7,000 filed, these have only

been for side effects documented immediately after the vaccine. No

claims for autism have been accepted.

Whether any of these claims were valid is still in dispute. The NIH

arranged for the payments since about 70 children died of whooping cough

after parents refused the vaccine. They also removed the suspect

thimerosal from all vaccines in 2002.

Curiously in the U.K. there are legal proceedings against three doctors

for publishing unsupported alarmist claims about vaccines. They could

well lose their medical licenses.

I love you too.


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I was diagnosed with major depressive illness, thyroid disease and mild

brain lesions at age 47 and 52. I had none of those shots, except for

polio and smallpox as a 3 yr old baby. I also have moderately severe

osteoarthritis, and gastrointestinal difficulties (30 yr ulcer history).

I'd like to blame it on somebody, but I really think its the luck of the

draw. Some of us will get certain illnesses and some ofus won't.


Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


You wrote:


> The evidence is not weak at all that vaccinations cause health problems...

You may have missed the large study that came out in May:

http://www.medscape <http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/556738>


that confirmed previous studies. Although the government has paid about

2,000 claims against vaccines from over 7,000 filed, these have only

been for side effects documented immediately after the vaccine. No

claims for autism have been accepted.

Whether any of these claims were valid is still in dispute. The NIH

arranged for the payments since about 70 children died of whooping cough

after parents refused the vaccine. They also removed the suspect

thimerosal from all vaccines in 2002.

Curiously in the U.K. there are legal proceedings against three doctors

for publishing unsupported alarmist claims about vaccines. They could

well lose their medical licenses.

I love you too.


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to me this is iodine/thyroid/adrenal



I was diagnosed with major depressive illness, thyroid disease and mild

brain lesions at age 47 and 52. I had none of those shots, except for

polio and smallpox as a 3 yr old baby. I also have moderately severe

osteoarthritis, and gastrointestinal difficulties (30 yr ulcer history).

I'd like to blame it on somebody, but I really think its the luck of the

draw. Some of us will get certain illnesses and some ofus won't.


Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


You wrote:


> The evidence is not weak at all that vaccinations cause health problems...

You may have missed the large study that came out in May:

http://www.medscape <http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/556738>


that confirmed previous studies. Although the government has paid about

2,000 claims against vaccines from over 7,000 filed, these have only

been for side effects documented immediately after the vaccine. No

claims for autism have been accepted.

Whether any of these claims were valid is still in dispute. The NIH

arranged for the payments since about 70 children died of whooping cough

after parents refused the vaccine. They also removed the suspect

thimerosal from all vaccines in 2002.

Curiously in the U.K. there are legal proceedings against three doctors

for publishing unsupported alarmist claims about vaccines. They could

well lose their medical licenses.

I love you too.


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Yes, it depends on your constitution. So, what you do say then, when MD's told

me it was from vaccines? Should I not blame it on that?


Dusty, you wrote:

" I was diagnosed with major depressive illness, thyroid disease and mild

brain lesions at age 47 and 52. I had none of those shots, except for

polio and smallpox as a 3 yr old baby. I also have moderately severe

osteoarthritis, and gastrointestinal difficulties (30 yr ulcer history). "

I'd like to blame it on somebody, but I really think its the luck of the

draw. Some of us will get certain illnesses and some ofus won't.

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That sounds like diet issues instead. I don't believe we are subject to

illness but we'd have to be pretty perfect eaters and take lots of


-- Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


You wrote:


> The evidence is not weak at all that vaccinations cause health problems...

You may have missed the large study that came out in May:

http://www.medscape <http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/556738>


that confirmed previous studies. Although the government has paid about

2,000 claims against vaccines from over 7,000 filed, these have only

been for side effects documented immediately after the vaccine. No

claims for autism have been accepted.

Whether any of these claims were valid is still in dispute. The NIH

arranged for the payments since about 70 children died of whooping cough

after parents refused the vaccine. They also removed the suspect

thimerosal from all vaccines in 2002.

Curiously in the U.K. there are legal proceedings against three doctors

for publishing unsupported alarmist claims about vaccines. They could

well lose their medical licenses.

I love you too.


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That is true of the illnesses you named, however the

vaccines are for illnesses that are catching, and spread

from person to person. Even with those illnesses there

are differences. For example, the decendants of the people

that survived the plague in Europe are basically immune to

it. I know someone who is immune to smallpox.


Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


You wrote:


> The evidence is not weak at all that vaccinations cause health problems...

You may have missed the large study that came out in May:

http://www.medscape <http://www.medscape .com/viewarticle /556738>

..com/viewarticle/ 556738

that confirmed previous studies. Although the government has paid about

2,000 claims against vaccines from over 7,000 filed, these have only

been for side effects documented immediately after the vaccine. No

claims for autism have been accepted.

Whether any of these claims were valid is still in dispute. The NIH

arranged for the payments since about 70 children died of whooping cough

after parents refused the vaccine. They also removed the suspect

thimerosal from all vaccines in 2002.

Curiously in the U.K. there are legal proceedings against three doctors

for publishing unsupported alarmist claims about vaccines. They could

well lose their medical licenses.

I love you too.


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You wrote:



> Well, tell me, can you look the parents of Terry in the eyes and say the

> same thing?...

Actually, yes. My oldest son happens to be autistic, Asperger's

syndrome, so I am sympathetic, but the studies say it is not the

thimerosal in the vaccines. Plus, the stuff was removed from all

vaccines in 2002, but the number of cases of autism continues to increase.

Sadly, there has always been a tiny percentage suffering adverse

reactions to certain vaccines, but the immunization to killer diseases

has saved millions of lives. I have a dear friend who nearly died from

polio. His disability might have been prevented.

I also was raised in a home that did not believe in vaccinations. I

eventually got them all but quite late. I do understand the fear, but I

ended up suffering from mumps three times, plus measles around 14 when I

could have easily passed it on to a friend's mother.

> P.S. Who funded the large study that came out in May?

Sorry, I didn't realize Medline would intercept that URL. Here is the NY

Times version of the same information:



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You wrote:


> This is one of the thing I do not understand. Can anyone explain it to me?

Pregnancy is a major stress on the thyroid. Many women suffer temporary

bouts of hypoT during pregnancy and extending long after every delivery.

It seems to be a component of post partem depression. Permanent hypoT is

often triggered by delivery.

Men do not get pregnant.

How's that for a theory?


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Yes, from what I've read, it's not the mercury in vaccines that is the

issue...it is the major assult to the immune system that takes place. By the

time MMR assults the immune system, it is usually the straw that breaks the

camel's back. Don't get me wrong, mercury is very bad, but the truth be told,

mercury was removed from vaccines.

Chuck B <gumboyaya@...> wrote:


You wrote:



> Well, tell me, can you look the parents of Terry in the eyes and say the

> same thing?...

Actually, yes. My oldest son happens to be autistic, Asperger's

syndrome, so I am sympathetic, but the studies say it is not the

thimerosal in the vaccines. Plus, the stuff was removed from all

vaccines in 2002, but the number of cases of autism continues to increase.

Sadly, there has always been a tiny percentage suffering adverse

reactions to certain vaccines, but the immunization to killer diseases

has saved millions of lives. I have a dear friend who nearly died from

polio. His disability might have been prevented.

I also was raised in a home that did not believe in vaccinations. I

eventually got them all but quite late. I do understand the fear, but I

ended up suffering from mumps three times, plus measles around 14 when I

could have easily passed it on to a friend's mother.

> P.S. Who funded the large study that came out in May?

Sorry, I didn't realize Medline would intercept that URL. Here is the NY

Times version of the same information:



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Gracia wrote:




> the residents of the group home just got their flu shots. I asked the

> doc if the shots had thimerosol and she said yes.

She may be correct. It was removed from ALL childhood formulas in 2002.

Since then, it has been removed from nearly everything else, with the

exception of two brands of influenza vaccines. However, the studies show

it was not the root of the problem.


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How old was your son when he was dx'd? Did it correspond to being vacc'd?

The study may say it is not the thimerosal, so what is it? So, you didn't

have to get the measles vaccine right or the mumps? Like I said, I am not

anti-vaccine, however, I do believe they make people sick. I think all

shots should be separate and given further apart. What were you doing with

your friends mother:)

-- Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


You wrote:



> Well, tell me, can you look the parents of Terry in the eyes and say the

> same thing?...

Actually, yes. My oldest son happens to be autistic, Asperger's

syndrome, so I am sympathetic, but the studies say it is not the

thimerosal in the vaccines. Plus, the stuff was removed from all

vaccines in 2002, but the number of cases of autism continues to increase.

Sadly, there has always been a tiny percentage suffering adverse

reactions to certain vaccines, but the immunization to killer diseases

has saved millions of lives. I have a dear friend who nearly died from

polio. His disability might have been prevented.

I also was raised in a home that did not believe in vaccinations. I

eventually got them all but quite late. I do understand the fear, but I

ended up suffering from mumps three times, plus measles around 14 when I

could have easily passed it on to a friend's mother.

> P.S. Who funded the large study that came out in May?

Sorry, I didn't realize Medline would intercept that URL. Here is the NY

Times version of the same information:



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You wrote:


> How old was your son when he was dx'd?

He had serious medical problems from birth and was not really diagnosed

as at risk for autism until around 3 years.

> ... Did it correspond to being vacc'd?

No, most of the vaccinations came after the obvious problems. There were

no major changes after the shots.

> The study may say it is not the thimerosal, so what is it?

No clue, but the mercury is what many suffering parents zeroed in on. As

you suggest, it may simply be that the immune system is overwhelmed by

too many antigens, too close together. Perhaps waiting until children

are a bit older is all that is needed.


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You wrote:


> ... Won't you at least entertain the idea that peer reviewed drugs and/or

> procedures don't always mean they are right?

Actually, there are countless examples where peer review or even large

scale consensus were proven to be completely wrong. However, these are

relatively rare exceptions. The odds greatly favor the scientific

process. That is how it was designed. I just favor the odds. In all of

the cases where the review or consensus was shown to be wrong, it was

the process of peer review, the self correcting process, that achieved

the final alignment.


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How do you account for the medical position reversals, drug

withdrawal, illnesses attributed to patient's behavior turning out

to be gene oriented, etc?


Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid


You wrote:


> ... Won't you at least entertain the idea that peer reviewed drugs and/or

> procedures don't always mean they are right?

Actually, there are countless examples where peer review or even large

scale consensus were proven to be completely wrong. However, these are

relatively rare exceptions. The odds greatly favor the scientific

process. That is how it was designed. I just favor the odds. In all of

the cases where the review or consensus was shown to be wrong, it was

the process of peer review, the self correcting process, that achieved

the final alignment.



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In order for it to explain the 20 to one sex difference in the rate of

hypothyroidism in females over males it would mean that it only applies

to moms; not to all females. Is that the case? If not it would appear

incomplete or invalid.



> Re: Possible Cause for Hashimoto's Hypothyroid








> Posted by: " Chuck B " gumboyaya@...




> gumbo482001 <gumbo482001>



> Mon Nov 5, 2007 4:02 pm (PST)


> ,


> You wrote:

> >

> > This is one of the thing I do not understand. Can anyone explain it

> to me?


> Pregnancy is a major stress on the thyroid. Many women suffer temporary

> bouts of hypoT during pregnancy and extending long after every delivery.

> It seems to be a component of post partem depression. Permanent hypoT is

> often triggered by delivery.


> Men do not get pregnant.


> How's that for a theory?


> Chuck

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