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Yes I had a liver biopsy in September and they told me

that there was no liver damage, which I was very

thankful for. I am a 21 year old college senior and

was very upset when they diagnosed me. I have lowered

my Prednisone to 15mg and I started on azathioprine a

week ago at 50 mg. I get bloodwork done tomorrow to

see how I am reacting to the medicine. I haven't had

many side effects, just some abdominal pain every once

in a while. I was just diagnosed about a month and a

half ago, so I am very thankful that the medicine is

working so well.

Have a great day!

--- jackie paterson <jaknjills@...> wrote:


<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>

<P>hi linda, i`m new to this group also. I was

diagnosed with aih just over 2 years ago, and so far

havn`t met anyone who has the same illness, so it was

good for me to find this group.</P>

<P>I`ve been on prednisolone for 2 years now. The

doctors tried me on azathoprine twice but each time it

made me sick. I hope you can get on with it better.

I`ve heard people who are tolerant to it start to feel

much better after six months or so. </P>

<P>If you have any questions i`ll try to help, i`ve

found a few web sites since i started this


<P>Have you had a biopsy? & nbsp; I hope your starting

to feel better with the medications. & nbsp;Take care.

jacqui & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;


<P><BR><BR> & nbsp;</P></DIV>


<DIV></DIV> & gt;From: lindsayud@...

<DIV></DIV> & gt;Reply-To:

<DIV></DIV> & gt;

<DIV></DIV> & gt;Subject: [ ] HI

<DIV></DIV> & gt;Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 18:45:28 -0000

<DIV></DIV> & gt;

<DIV></DIV> & gt;Hi!

<DIV></DIV> & gt;I am new to the group and newly

diagnosed with AIH. I am not really

<DIV></DIV> & gt;sure how this group thing works, so I

thought I would try it out. I

<DIV></DIV> & gt;have been on Prednisone for about a

month now and I just started with

<DIV></DIV> & gt;Azathioprine too. If anybody has any

advice or would like to chat,

<DIV></DIV> & gt;just let me know!

<DIV></DIV> & gt;

<DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>Get your FREE

download of MSN Explorer at <a



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Hi Lucy,

I was just wondering if you have had any long term

side effects from azathioprine? My doctor said that I

would probably be on low doses of Prednisone for at

least a year and then if the azathioprine is working

well, possibly go off prednisone. Does your doctor

think you will be on Azathioprine for the rest of your


Have a great day!

--- flatcat9@... wrote:

> In a message dated 10/16/01 2:16:23 PM Pacific

> Daylight Time,

> roath@... writes:



> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hello, I am also new to the group, and I have

> gotten alot of advice

> > already.

> > I have had AIH now for 4 years and I was on

> prednisone for about 2 years

> > and

> > aziothorpine for the 4 years if you've got

> questions maybe I can help with

> > some answers.

> >

> > Lucy.

> >


> Great! We're always looking for ideas, sources of

> information.

> Harper (AIH 5/00)



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, My doctor did tell me I would have to take the aziothorpine

forever just in case. It's not bad though, if I have any effects from the

medication I hav'nt noticed them. I have noticed though it is hard to loose

the weight I gained from the prednisone, which was about 40 pounds. I do

think the prednisone gave me more trouble with side effects than the other

but I always knew that the prednisone was to treat the inflamation of my

liver and the aziothorpine was to slow down my immune system so that I would

not get inflamation. And to me I was glad to take the aziothorpine if it

meant less prednisone. I do have odd things now and then and I am very

choosy on which one's to tell the doctor only because I always got the same

response of " Prednisone and imuran can do that to some people " some of my

odd things are- Itchy skin , Dry skin which might be why I'm Itchy? Mood

swings, Tiredness, A feeling of being weak., Sometimes my bones in my feet

hurt .( I did go to the doctor for this one because I could'nt walk) He

could not find anything wrong . Recently, My fingers tingled so much that I

did not want to touch anything. Again he could not find any connection or

anything wrong with my fingers. My point is I think that it is powerful

medication and these things come and GO and you just have to decide for

yourself what you want to address and not. I do think it is good to tell

your doctor of the side effects for one day maybe we will all get to be in a

study and all of these things plus other things that others have expierienced

might actually be called side effects of the medication, or the disease

itself. There is just to many of us who have these odd things to others but


truely believe you are not given anything that you can't handle.

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In a message dated 10/17/01 9:25:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, roath@... writes:

I do think it is good to tell your doctor of the side effects

I think there is always the danger that we will assume that something is a Prednisone side effect that is really a symptom of an unrelated, undetected illness. We can't afford to let another illness slip in, untreated!

I thought I "knew" what was causing my problems before I was diagnosed, so I didn't mention those symptoms to a doctor. (I thought I itched from seasonal allergies and was tired due to the demands of a miserable job. So, I didn't say a word until I turned orange the day of an annual checkup.) I don't want to do that sort of thing again!

But, yes, generally my doctor just stares at me blankly when I say I'm tired and forgetful and haven't been able to lose weight.

Harper (AIH 5/00)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the e-mail Jen. I think half the battle of hyper-t is just

getting over thinking that there are a million things wrong in the body. If

nothing else, that is what this web site has done for me-given me piece of

mind. Knowing that so many of us experience the same symptoms is very mind


I have gone to many different doctors (yes, even endo's) and they don't know

anything about this disease. Only the people who have gone through it do and

that is why this web-site is so great. Take care of yourself and I hope that

you beat this thing, I plan to.

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AndromedaGurl wrote:

> Now for the bad news - it does NOT always get rid of the joint pain, muscle

> aches, fatigue, etc.

> I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue among other miscellaneous sides

> haha.


Hi Alley

Well, you just answered a question I had. So you feel you have

chronic fatigue? In other words, you had active HepC and chronic

fatigue? Hmmmm, I think I do too. I haven't had treatment yet so I

don't know for sure. When I have an active day..the next day I'm

zonked. I slept 14 hours last night...feel better today, but I had a

dentist appt. yesterday and was feeling yuckie before I went. To me,

this sounds more like chronic fatigue which I was diagnosed with

before the HepC diagnosis. I was wondering how possible it is to have

both diseases?

Sorry you still have these ailments after treatment, although you're

lucky that the treatment worked! I know how you must feel physically,

esp with working too. ARGGGGGG.



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AndromedaGurl wrote:

> Now for the bad news - it does NOT always get rid of the joint pain, muscle

> aches, fatigue, etc.

> I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue among other miscellaneous sides

> haha.


Hi Alley

Well, you just answered a question I had. So you feel you have

chronic fatigue? In other words, you had active HepC and chronic

fatigue? Hmmmm, I think I do too. I haven't had treatment yet so I

don't know for sure. When I have an active day..the next day I'm

zonked. I slept 14 hours last night...feel better today, but I had a

dentist appt. yesterday and was feeling yuckie before I went. To me,

this sounds more like chronic fatigue which I was diagnosed with

before the HepC diagnosis. I was wondering how possible it is to have

both diseases?

Sorry you still have these ailments after treatment, although you're

lucky that the treatment worked! I know how you must feel physically,

esp with working too. ARGGGGGG.



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<<So you feel you have chronic fatigue? In other words, you had active HepC

and chronic fatigue? >>

Honey, if you have a positive viral load, you have active hep c.

I don't feel I have chronic fatigue, I HAVE it. Period. I don't feel I have

fibromyalgia. I have it. PERIOD. I have had it. I have it. It's there.

Diagnosed and treatred and retreated and it's gonna be with me a while,

maybe not forever. We deal with it.

<<I haven't had treatment yet so I don't know for sure. >>

Treatment has nothing to do with my chronic fatigue. Had it before

treatment, developed over a 10 year period. Just now diagnosed with it,

which all it means is, the doc gave my fatigue and joint pain a name.


Same with fibro. Had it 10 years, getting worse each year, doc finally gave

it a name is all. Doesn't change how I feel lol.

<<When I have an active day..the next day I'm zonked>>

Yep that's me. Also not just zonked but mentally zonked too, as well as

getting diarhea etc.

<<I was wondering how possible it is to have both diseases? >>

Hepatitis C causes a LOT of extra problems = fibro, chronic fatigue,

depression, diabetes, thyroid, etc. These all " can " be caused by Hep C.

This is not to say Hep C caused yours, nor does it mean if you have Hep C

you will have all those things. Hep C is such a classy virus it likes to be

very individual in how it manifests itself in each person. It is the " Saks

5th Ave " of viruses haha.

But be aware, Hep C can mask some other problems. We don't want to say " oh I

have hep c so my joints hurt " without making sure we've done our research

and had our docs eliminate other causes.

<<Sorry you still have these ailments after treatment>>

Thanks hon. I'm sorry any of us have anything to do with Hep C. But I just

wanted to make clear that 'feeling better' has nothing to do with treatment

working, and keep your hopes high about treatment, but if the pre treatment

symptoms persist after treatment, don't despair (I went thru some mental

anguish over it, I'm such a blondey).

There's no magic cure to feeling better, but I'm thinking with the virus

gone, we can start to heal.

We didn't get in this shape instantaneously. It took most of us a decade or

more to start feeling the aches and pains of hep c. It will take some time

for our bodies and minds to mend and get strong.

The " C " in Hep C means " CHANGE " . Either we change and adapt our lifestyle

to it, or it'll change us in innumerous and insidious ways.

OK 5 am, I'm rambling... alley

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Thanx Alley...I thought it was just me. LOL, I wonder why we all tend

to think it's just me? Labelling...yep, chronic fatigue, fibro, etc.

is just a label. The fact that we feel sick is a fact. I gotta get

that one thru my dense head *bonk*. Hope you sleep good tonight, Mz

Insomnia LOL.



AndromedaGurl wrote:


> <<So you feel you have chronic fatigue? In other words, you had active HepC

> and chronic fatigue? >>


> Honey, if you have a positive viral load, you have active hep c.


> I don't feel I have chronic fatigue, I HAVE it. Period. I don't feel I have

> fibromyalgia. I have it. PERIOD. I have had it. I have it. It's there.

> Diagnosed and treatred and retreated and it's gonna be with me a while,

> maybe not forever. We deal with it.


> <<I haven't had treatment yet so I don't know for sure. >>


> Treatment has nothing to do with my chronic fatigue. Had it before

> treatment, developed over a 10 year period. Just now diagnosed with it,

> which all it means is, the doc gave my fatigue and joint pain a name.

> whoopteedoo


> Same with fibro. Had it 10 years, getting worse each year, doc finally gave

> it a name is all. Doesn't change how I feel lol.


> <<When I have an active day..the next day I'm zonked>>


> Yep that's me. Also not just zonked but mentally zonked too, as well as

> getting diarhea etc.


> <<I was wondering how possible it is to have both diseases? >>


> Hepatitis C causes a LOT of extra problems = fibro, chronic fatigue,

> depression, diabetes, thyroid, etc. These all " can " be caused by Hep C.


> This is not to say Hep C caused yours, nor does it mean if you have Hep C

> you will have all those things. Hep C is such a classy virus it likes to be

> very individual in how it manifests itself in each person. It is the " Saks

> 5th Ave " of viruses haha.


> But be aware, Hep C can mask some other problems. We don't want to say " oh I

> have hep c so my joints hurt " without making sure we've done our research

> and had our docs eliminate other causes.


> <<Sorry you still have these ailments after treatment>>


> Thanks hon. I'm sorry any of us have anything to do with Hep C. But I just

> wanted to make clear that 'feeling better' has nothing to do with treatment

> working, and keep your hopes high about treatment, but if the pre treatment

> symptoms persist after treatment, don't despair (I went thru some mental

> anguish over it, I'm such a blondey).


> There's no magic cure to feeling better, but I'm thinking with the virus

> gone, we can start to heal.


> We didn't get in this shape instantaneously. It took most of us a decade or

> more to start feeling the aches and pains of hep c. It will take some time

> for our bodies and minds to mend and get strong.


> The " C " in Hep C means " CHANGE " . Either we change and adapt our lifestyle

> to it, or it'll change us in innumerous and insidious ways.


> OK 5 am, I'm rambling... alley




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Thanx Alley...I thought it was just me. LOL, I wonder why we all tend

to think it's just me? Labelling...yep, chronic fatigue, fibro, etc.

is just a label. The fact that we feel sick is a fact. I gotta get

that one thru my dense head *bonk*. Hope you sleep good tonight, Mz

Insomnia LOL.



AndromedaGurl wrote:


> <<So you feel you have chronic fatigue? In other words, you had active HepC

> and chronic fatigue? >>


> Honey, if you have a positive viral load, you have active hep c.


> I don't feel I have chronic fatigue, I HAVE it. Period. I don't feel I have

> fibromyalgia. I have it. PERIOD. I have had it. I have it. It's there.

> Diagnosed and treatred and retreated and it's gonna be with me a while,

> maybe not forever. We deal with it.


> <<I haven't had treatment yet so I don't know for sure. >>


> Treatment has nothing to do with my chronic fatigue. Had it before

> treatment, developed over a 10 year period. Just now diagnosed with it,

> which all it means is, the doc gave my fatigue and joint pain a name.

> whoopteedoo


> Same with fibro. Had it 10 years, getting worse each year, doc finally gave

> it a name is all. Doesn't change how I feel lol.


> <<When I have an active day..the next day I'm zonked>>


> Yep that's me. Also not just zonked but mentally zonked too, as well as

> getting diarhea etc.


> <<I was wondering how possible it is to have both diseases? >>


> Hepatitis C causes a LOT of extra problems = fibro, chronic fatigue,

> depression, diabetes, thyroid, etc. These all " can " be caused by Hep C.


> This is not to say Hep C caused yours, nor does it mean if you have Hep C

> you will have all those things. Hep C is such a classy virus it likes to be

> very individual in how it manifests itself in each person. It is the " Saks

> 5th Ave " of viruses haha.


> But be aware, Hep C can mask some other problems. We don't want to say " oh I

> have hep c so my joints hurt " without making sure we've done our research

> and had our docs eliminate other causes.


> <<Sorry you still have these ailments after treatment>>


> Thanks hon. I'm sorry any of us have anything to do with Hep C. But I just

> wanted to make clear that 'feeling better' has nothing to do with treatment

> working, and keep your hopes high about treatment, but if the pre treatment

> symptoms persist after treatment, don't despair (I went thru some mental

> anguish over it, I'm such a blondey).


> There's no magic cure to feeling better, but I'm thinking with the virus

> gone, we can start to heal.


> We didn't get in this shape instantaneously. It took most of us a decade or

> more to start feeling the aches and pains of hep c. It will take some time

> for our bodies and minds to mend and get strong.


> The " C " in Hep C means " CHANGE " . Either we change and adapt our lifestyle

> to it, or it'll change us in innumerous and insidious ways.


> OK 5 am, I'm rambling... alley




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Thanx Alley...I thought it was just me. LOL, I wonder why we all tend

to think it's just me? Labelling...yep, chronic fatigue, fibro, etc.

is just a label. The fact that we feel sick is a fact. I gotta get

that one thru my dense head *bonk*. Hope you sleep good tonight, Mz

Insomnia LOL.



AndromedaGurl wrote:


> <<So you feel you have chronic fatigue? In other words, you had active HepC

> and chronic fatigue? >>


> Honey, if you have a positive viral load, you have active hep c.


> I don't feel I have chronic fatigue, I HAVE it. Period. I don't feel I have

> fibromyalgia. I have it. PERIOD. I have had it. I have it. It's there.

> Diagnosed and treatred and retreated and it's gonna be with me a while,

> maybe not forever. We deal with it.


> <<I haven't had treatment yet so I don't know for sure. >>


> Treatment has nothing to do with my chronic fatigue. Had it before

> treatment, developed over a 10 year period. Just now diagnosed with it,

> which all it means is, the doc gave my fatigue and joint pain a name.

> whoopteedoo


> Same with fibro. Had it 10 years, getting worse each year, doc finally gave

> it a name is all. Doesn't change how I feel lol.


> <<When I have an active day..the next day I'm zonked>>


> Yep that's me. Also not just zonked but mentally zonked too, as well as

> getting diarhea etc.


> <<I was wondering how possible it is to have both diseases? >>


> Hepatitis C causes a LOT of extra problems = fibro, chronic fatigue,

> depression, diabetes, thyroid, etc. These all " can " be caused by Hep C.


> This is not to say Hep C caused yours, nor does it mean if you have Hep C

> you will have all those things. Hep C is such a classy virus it likes to be

> very individual in how it manifests itself in each person. It is the " Saks

> 5th Ave " of viruses haha.


> But be aware, Hep C can mask some other problems. We don't want to say " oh I

> have hep c so my joints hurt " without making sure we've done our research

> and had our docs eliminate other causes.


> <<Sorry you still have these ailments after treatment>>


> Thanks hon. I'm sorry any of us have anything to do with Hep C. But I just

> wanted to make clear that 'feeling better' has nothing to do with treatment

> working, and keep your hopes high about treatment, but if the pre treatment

> symptoms persist after treatment, don't despair (I went thru some mental

> anguish over it, I'm such a blondey).


> There's no magic cure to feeling better, but I'm thinking with the virus

> gone, we can start to heal.


> We didn't get in this shape instantaneously. It took most of us a decade or

> more to start feeling the aches and pains of hep c. It will take some time

> for our bodies and minds to mend and get strong.


> The " C " in Hep C means " CHANGE " . Either we change and adapt our lifestyle

> to it, or it'll change us in innumerous and insidious ways.


> OK 5 am, I'm rambling... alley




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Thanx Alley...I thought it was just me. LOL, I wonder why we all tend

to think it's just me? Labelling...yep, chronic fatigue, fibro, etc.

is just a label. The fact that we feel sick is a fact. I gotta get

that one thru my dense head *bonk*. Hope you sleep good tonight, Mz

Insomnia LOL.



AndromedaGurl wrote:


> <<So you feel you have chronic fatigue? In other words, you had active HepC

> and chronic fatigue? >>


> Honey, if you have a positive viral load, you have active hep c.


> I don't feel I have chronic fatigue, I HAVE it. Period. I don't feel I have

> fibromyalgia. I have it. PERIOD. I have had it. I have it. It's there.

> Diagnosed and treatred and retreated and it's gonna be with me a while,

> maybe not forever. We deal with it.


> <<I haven't had treatment yet so I don't know for sure. >>


> Treatment has nothing to do with my chronic fatigue. Had it before

> treatment, developed over a 10 year period. Just now diagnosed with it,

> which all it means is, the doc gave my fatigue and joint pain a name.

> whoopteedoo


> Same with fibro. Had it 10 years, getting worse each year, doc finally gave

> it a name is all. Doesn't change how I feel lol.


> <<When I have an active day..the next day I'm zonked>>


> Yep that's me. Also not just zonked but mentally zonked too, as well as

> getting diarhea etc.


> <<I was wondering how possible it is to have both diseases? >>


> Hepatitis C causes a LOT of extra problems = fibro, chronic fatigue,

> depression, diabetes, thyroid, etc. These all " can " be caused by Hep C.


> This is not to say Hep C caused yours, nor does it mean if you have Hep C

> you will have all those things. Hep C is such a classy virus it likes to be

> very individual in how it manifests itself in each person. It is the " Saks

> 5th Ave " of viruses haha.


> But be aware, Hep C can mask some other problems. We don't want to say " oh I

> have hep c so my joints hurt " without making sure we've done our research

> and had our docs eliminate other causes.


> <<Sorry you still have these ailments after treatment>>


> Thanks hon. I'm sorry any of us have anything to do with Hep C. But I just

> wanted to make clear that 'feeling better' has nothing to do with treatment

> working, and keep your hopes high about treatment, but if the pre treatment

> symptoms persist after treatment, don't despair (I went thru some mental

> anguish over it, I'm such a blondey).


> There's no magic cure to feeling better, but I'm thinking with the virus

> gone, we can start to heal.


> We didn't get in this shape instantaneously. It took most of us a decade or

> more to start feeling the aches and pains of hep c. It will take some time

> for our bodies and minds to mend and get strong.


> The " C " in Hep C means " CHANGE " . Either we change and adapt our lifestyle

> to it, or it'll change us in innumerous and insidious ways.


> OK 5 am, I'm rambling... alley




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I have Fibro, but not daignosed with chronic Fatigue.

Was how the Hep was found.

--- Carol <csean@...> wrote:

> AndromedaGurl wrote:


> > Now for the bad news - it does NOT always get rid

> of the joint pain, muscle

> > aches, fatigue, etc.


> > I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue among

> other miscellaneous sides

> > haha.


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I have Fibro, but not daignosed with chronic Fatigue.

Was how the Hep was found.

--- Carol <csean@...> wrote:

> AndromedaGurl wrote:


> > Now for the bad news - it does NOT always get rid

> of the joint pain, muscle

> > aches, fatigue, etc.


> > I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue among

> other miscellaneous sides

> > haha.


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I have Fibro, but not daignosed with chronic Fatigue.

Was how the Hep was found.

--- Carol <csean@...> wrote:

> AndromedaGurl wrote:


> > Now for the bad news - it does NOT always get rid

> of the joint pain, muscle

> > aches, fatigue, etc.


> > I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue among

> other miscellaneous sides

> > haha.


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I have Fibro, but not daignosed with chronic Fatigue.

Was how the Hep was found.

--- Carol <csean@...> wrote:

> AndromedaGurl wrote:


> > Now for the bad news - it does NOT always get rid

> of the joint pain, muscle

> > aches, fatigue, etc.


> > I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue among

> other miscellaneous sides

> > haha.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

What kind of " medication " are you using? And how did

you contract candida?

--- Poag <kamepo@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone,

> I just wanted to say hi. I was on this loop earlier

> in the year, but had to

> drop it due to other stuff. But I've been making

> great progress on my diet

> but I needed the support, so I'm back. I'm 21 and

> have had Candida for

> pretty much all of my life, it nearly killed me

> around 20. I'm doing 10000%

> better, but I'm having a hard time being a college

> student, hard not to

> drink etc, trying to get my hands on some Diflucan,

> but we'll see what

> happens. It's just so nice to have you all here to

> remind me that I'm not

> alone in this. It's easy to forget that sometimes!

> Thanks for reading my rather random email. :)

> Take care,







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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Charlie,

Welcome to the list. Yes, lots of the group members have used Awareness

including myself. My experience with them has been pretty good. I used

them for four months solid, had lots and lots of parasites expelled

including some really weird looking ones. I also expelled a rather large

tape worm using them. I had planned on using them forever, but, the company

fell behind in shipping my product to me by a month, so, I was a month

without and felt that I would just take half a year off, then start from

scratch again and then stay on maintenance. I am coming up on that half

year mark, this is actually day one of my cleansing process. I started the

morning off with Homozone in pineapple juice, BLECK!!! But, it tastes

better in pineapple juice than any other juice I have found. So, pineapple

juice it is for a while. I am planning on doing the Homozone in the

mornings, but doing the Sonne's cleanse along with it. At the end of the

Sonne's cleanse, I'll add the Awareness products. I personally do it this

way because it cleanses much faster this way instead of the slow gentle

cleanse of just the Awareness products.

Have a great day!





Alkaline Answers for a World Gone Acid! The Solution to the Acid Foods

Commonly Eaten Today http://loaves-n-fishes.com/bodyrescuebyraenamorgan.htm

> Has anyone used the awareness products 'experience' and 'clear' for

> bowel cleansing and to get rid of parasites? I am just after any

> expereinces people have had with these products. What other products

> are good for helping to clear parasites? Thanks, Charlie

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I've used them, and it works... But there are some caviets. I

wouldn't recommend taking too much experience at one time (I heard

taking too many laxatives and contributes to hemmoroids). Clear is

good at getting rid of parasites, but it doesn't get rid of toxins,

and some parasites are good at resisting clear, especially if they are

not located in the digestive tract. Experience doesn't get rid

of the old mucous layer that is stuck inside of you (or a lot of it).

You'll have to do a real bowell cleanse in order to get that stuff


Only parasites that I got rid of using clear were these small looking

things that I suspect were in my liver (looked like a bunch of black

bubbles strung together under the microscope), and were about

3-4mm in length.

> Has anyone used the awareness products 'experience' and 'clear' for

> bowel cleansing and to get rid of parasites? I am just after any

> expereinces people have had with these products. What other


> are good for helping to clear parasites? Thanks, Charlie

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Thanks for your advice..... what to you constituents a

'real bowel cleanse?' Really I am wanting to flush

out my liver, I just wanted to clear myself of

parasites somewhat first..... any thoughts


--- zenalpha <zenalpha@...> wrote:

> I've used them, and it works... But there are some

> caviets. I

> wouldn't recommend taking too much experience at one

> time (I heard

> taking too many laxatives and contributes to

> hemmoroids). Clear is

> good at getting rid of parasites, but it doesn't get

> rid of toxins,

> and some parasites are good at resisting clear,

> especially if they are

> not located in the digestive tract. Experience

> doesn't get rid

> of the old mucous layer that is stuck inside of you

> (or a lot of it).

> You'll have to do a real bowell cleanse in order to

> get that stuff

> out.

> Only parasites that I got rid of using clear were

> these small looking

> things that I suspect were in my liver (looked like

> a bunch of black

> bubbles strung together under the microscope), and

> were about

> 3-4mm in length.



> > Has anyone used the awareness products

> 'experience' and 'clear' for

> > bowel cleansing and to get rid of parasites? I am

> just after any

> > expereinces people have had with these products.

> What other

> products

> > are good for helping to clear parasites? Thanks,

> Charlie




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Does anyone know what the product 'Homozon' is and has

anyone had any luck with it?

Anywhere on the web where there is information on it?

Thanks, Charlie

--- zenalpha <zenalpha@...> wrote:

> I've used them, and it works... But there are some

> caviets. I

> wouldn't recommend taking too much experience at one

> time (I heard

> taking too many laxatives and contributes to

> hemmoroids). Clear is

> good at getting rid of parasites, but it doesn't get

> rid of toxins,

> and some parasites are good at resisting clear,

> especially if they are

> not located in the digestive tract. Experience

> doesn't get rid

> of the old mucous layer that is stuck inside of you

> (or a lot of it).

> You'll have to do a real bowell cleanse in order to

> get that stuff

> out.

> Only parasites that I got rid of using clear were

> these small looking

> things that I suspect were in my liver (looked like

> a bunch of black

> bubbles strung together under the microscope), and

> were about

> 3-4mm in length.



> > Has anyone used the awareness products

> 'experience' and 'clear' for

> > bowel cleansing and to get rid of parasites? I am

> just after any

> > expereinces people have had with these products.

> What other

> products

> > are good for helping to clear parasites? Thanks,

> Charlie




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