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Thanks , my oldest is 27 and expecting her first baby in October, I think

everyone knows this, I just have to stick it in whenever I can! Lynn aih

Rentluv2@... wrote:

> From: Rentluv2@...


> Lynn,


> I am 28 years old. (and just about ready to start off the rest of my life!!!)


> Remember " Even the impossible is easy cause we got each other. One day we're

> gonna get so high!!! "


> Peace




> ---------------------------

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, My name is Rita. I'm a 43 year old, divorced with two teenage children. I

have had a skin condition for 10 years, Dr. after Dr. after Dr. I have

studied skin conditions for about 3 years now (at the library) And now I come

on line and find my condition in black & white!!!! Dr.'s anger me. I am

covered in horrible scars from head to toe and all along these dr.'s should

have known what it was. I was told it was a nervous condition, that I was the

reason it wouldn't go away. I itch and I have for 10 years. Yes, I do have

some childhood memories I have to deal with, Yes I live in poverty because of

all this. But I haven't given up on getting well. The Dr.' would tell me I

needed to go to a psychiatrist, that they would have the medicine I need. So

I finally did go. Now I have been in therapy since June. Guess what? THEY

want me to go to Dermatology! Catch 22!!!!!! So I have an appointment with

one, same one I saw 4 years ago. She didn't have a clue about candida. She

would put shots into the open lesions on my body(that hurt!) She would wrap

my arms and legs so I couldn't scratch. That didn't help. After a whole

summer of seeing her I stopped going. Now I am going back and I need some

information to give to her. I have tried giving other dr.'s this info since I

have learned about it, but they won't even read what I bring in. You know

someone like me couldn't be smarter than them! I want this dr. to take this

as an option at least. I KNOW I have this. I have all the symptons,this stuff

has been eating me alive so of course I am concerned My children, I

have always been afraid I would give this to them. I tend to not hug them

like I should, I won't hold a baby for the same reason. I would feel so awful

if I gave this nightmare to someone else. I have grow into a secluded person,

people look at me as I have leprosy. So please any info you might think

helpful at my next visit, share with me. Thank you and may God bless you all

and stop your pains as well.


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Dear Melody, I'm sorry you are feeling so defeated at such a young age. It

is very important that you keep a good frame of mind. There is no such thing

as an incurable disease just diseases that we don't understand enough about

to get rid of yet. I know there is an answere it's just finding it. Right

now I am looking to natural methods of dealing with my Hashimotos and feel I

am getting good results. You will have to involve your parents in helping

you to make the right choices in your treatment.You can reserch and show

them your findings. I have a 12 yr old niece and an 18yr old niece with

Hashimotos and My daughter was diagnosed with Graves not long ago so I do

understand your frustration. Good luck and best wishes, Sabra.

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Welcome to the group and yes the autoimmune runs in families. My sister who

is 7 years old than me has ulcerative colitis which she found out about just

before I found out I had AIH. We just wonder why we were picked out of 7 kids

to get it.



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Dear Margareta,

Reading your story reminded me of the awful time five years ago when I

too went to the doctor for fatigue and discomfort. Ended up I had AIH

also. This was after being referred to a specialist. I was terrified! I

would never want to go back to that place. But, five years later my

disease is under control and am living a fairly normal life. Im 43 with

three children. I thought the same thing " why is this happening to me " .

I remember the drive home in a state of shock. I had never heard of the

disease. This disease can be VERY controllable. Try to stay calm and

learn as much as you can from your doctor and this group. The prednisone

usually works great in lowering your enzymes.

Don't worry too much!!


Torun Madsen wrote:

> Hello! I was diognosed with AIH a week ago. I originally went to see

> my GP in June for fatigue and abdominal pain. Had labwork done and my

> liverenzymes were 15 times normal levels. Had all hep.virus tests

> done, but all were negative. My GP booked me in to see a

> gastroenterologist, but had to wait 3 months to see him!!!!!! In the

> meantime my bloodwork was repeated several times . The levels

> decreased greatly during this time. The spesialist(when I finally saw

> him) ran a number of bloodtests including ANA and ASOT and these were

> both positive. I'm now scheduled for a liverbiopsy Nov.1st.I live in a

> small town called Whitby- just west of Toronto,Canada. I'm frightened

> and felt terribly alone until I found this support-group. I'm

> searching everywhere to find answers. Why me? How did I get this rare

> disease? I used to be busy and full of life. Just recently started

> an exciting new job. I'm lucky to have a wonderful husband and two

> wonderful grown sons. But they are just as confused and scared as I am

> although they try not to show it.Does anyone know if AIH run in

> families? Thank You ! Margareta

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  • 2 weeks later...


There is hope!! I have found East Park olive leaf extract at

www.otucure.com there is a study by a doctor in Chicago at their site

under Information. I hope you will find this helpful.

Healthy Nut

new member

> From: Tallmommy@...


> Hello! I am excited to have found this list. I've been battling


> pain and increasing food intolerances since I delivered twins over a year

> ago. Recently I've even been experiencing joint pain, hair loss and my

> excezma is worse. Having gone to 2 internists, 2 Gi doctors and a

> chiropractor I'm finally seeing a GI doctor who singled out yeast as the


> likely culprit (was hospitalized for 2+ months on lots of drugs for pre


> labor including steroid injections). I'm now on nystaten and an


> diet. If there is anyone out there who has recovered - how long did it


> and do you still avoid sugar and fruit? Just looking for the end of this

> very long tunnel.

> Crystal in Chicago


> > _


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Hi and welcome to the group....We always hate it when someone needs to join

but we are glad that at least we are hear for you...With out these groups

dealing with any illness is very hard...I'm the mother of a 17yr old son who

has AIH and PSC...He was diagnosed with these this past April....He also has

Crohns Disease and Rhuematoid ARthritis...diagnosed at 10....He has been thru

alot...but with a mixture of meds and great doctors he is doing well....His

liver counts are good and he is finally down to lab work being done every

month instead of every week for the last 1 1/2 yrs...

There are alot of people here to help you...and for you to just get things

out....We all understand here....something even the best of friends can't


Hope to talk to you soon...Good luck with your biopsy on the 1st...I'll be

thinking of you....

Luanne Ty's mom

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Do you know the name of the bowel cleanse and the herbs you took to get rid

of candida? I am currently taking acidophilis, yeast cleanse (caprylic acid,

pau d'arco, grapefruit seed extract, tea tree oil, and garlic), and one more,

parasite formula (black walnut hull, cloves, and wormwood). I have severe

food sensitivities and have just started this regiment this week. I was told

and did a lot of research and it seems to get rid of candida you have to get

rid of the parasites. I was wondering if that is what you accomplished with

the bowel cleanse? Also prior to starting this program I had a colonic done.

As you can see this is all new to me and I have been searching the web and

looking at different sites to learn more.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.



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<snip> If there is anyone out there who has recovered - how long did it take

and do you still avoid sugar and fruit? Just looking for the end of this

very long tunnel.Crystal in Chicago

I was originally on the diet for 8 weeks and then tried to re-introduce the

" bad " foods slowly - my symptoms came back and then some! So I kept on the

diet for another 4 weeks and tried again - again I had the symptoms - so I

talked to another nutritionist who put me on a bowel cleanse and herbal program

After 2 weeks I could eat bread again, another week and I was eating fruits!

AND now I've even eaten desert on occasion without too much trouble! So yes,

there is definitely hope.

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Please see this site for info. http://www.candidaprogram.com

I have been searching for answers and the cure for many years. I am getting

on this program next week. Dr. Macfarland is the only practitioner that has

given me references of people that have been cured and can now live a normal

life. I spoke to 10 people and they all said the same thing, the program


In Health,

Robin in NC

RE: new member

>From: kathlyc@...


><snip> If there is anyone out there who has recovered - how long did it


>and do you still avoid sugar and fruit? Just looking for the end of this

>very long tunnel.Crystal in Chicago


>I was originally on the diet for 8 weeks and then tried to re-introduce the

> " bad " foods slowly - my symptoms came back and then some! So I kept on the

>diet for another 4 weeks and tried again - again I had the symptoms - so I

>talked to another nutritionist who put me on a bowel cleanse and herbal


>After 2 weeks I could eat bread again, another week and I was eating


>AND now I've even eaten desert on occasion without too much trouble! So

yes, there is definitely hope.






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: I started 1 1/2 yrs ago. i had the candida in my blood stream, which

is worse, also micro parasites. My Dr. tests the urine, stool & hormones

monthly to see how the toxins are lessening, that is how he can tell. we now

have it out of the blood stream & body as well. the toxins have shown up 0

now for 3 months, BUT......he said i may have the sugar intolerance still,

which i do, & all my other food sensitivities, but i know i am not feeding

the Candida. we are building up my immune system now, your meds. sounds good,

we rotated our every 4 days so as to trick the candida, which is very smart.

if your hormones are off, the candida can grow rapidly, i am taking extra

hormones, but there again you need to get this checked.mine were very low. i

feel better than i have in years, i just need to leave the sugar alone. were

all different, i can't eat fresh fruit, but i can now & than if it is

cooked.! Good Luck! God Bless You & all of us with this disease! try to be

patient, do the diet well & you'll do fine! Mogdrmom

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Trying not to be a pest here but how did you trick the candida every four

days? Again this is still new to me and trying to put the pieces together.

I went to my gp and they said they didn't even know of a test for candida. I

know one exists and suspect it is in my bloodstream, also. I am one sick

puppy. My food intolerences are so bad I can only eat vegetables, and some

chicken. Most everything else makes me very sick.

Most supplements, except for the acidophilis make me worse, also but I have

to tough it out to get rid of the candida.



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That is great how the olive leaf extract cleared up your candida and your

ankle problem. As I have been reading about candidas I have come across

several articles that say it does cause inflammations to be more bothersome.

This explains why yours has pretty much cleared up. I also read that it

aggravates such things as atheletes food problems.

I did check out the website and the cost is about 27.00 US money. This is

something worth checking into.

Thanks for the great advice

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I too am a new member and shared with the group my experience with an Olive

Leaf Extract that is very therapeutic. The product is d-LENOLATE or East

Park Olive Leaf Extract. I started taking it last July at the dosage of 6

capsules a day, I was so pleased with how I felt that I uped it to 8 and now

have cut back to 4 or 6 a day. I have noticed so many improvements in my

health that I don't know where to begin. Firestl the abdominal pains,

bloating, food sensitivities, indigestation, ect. have disappeared. I can

even eat foods that were previously taboo. Not only has my Candida problems

cleared up but other disiases as well. I used to have a chronic Athlete's

foot problem and some other fungui on top of one of my toes that I could

never get rid of, there is no traces of that now. I also have a problem with

my anckles, short akilies tendon, which causes a colaps of the joint. My

right anckle is the worst, for years I used to take pain killers for this

and anti inflamitories. Several years ago I got off the pain killers and

anti inflamitories by changing my diet, but the inflamination and damage was

still there along with some pain. Not only is the inflamation almost all

gone but the damage which I find difficult to discribe (brusing,

discoloration, and purple blood spots) is almost back to normal. Some pain

is still there as the physical problem is still there. The specialists have

tryed to get me to have an opperation for years. The last time I went to see

my GP I showed him my anckle and told him about what I was experiencing . I

even gave him a copy of the book by Dr. Morton on Olive Leaf

Extract. Some friends and I who take olive leaf extract for a variety of

problems purchase it by the case to keep the cost down. These people have a

lot of information on their website, and seem to focus on Candidiasis

www.otrecure.com I hope this helps.


Re: RE: new member

> From: 1005@...


> Trying not to be a pest here but how did you trick the candida every four

> days? Again this is still new to me and trying to put the pieces



> I went to my gp and they said they didn't even know of a test for candida.


> know one exists and suspect it is in my bloodstream, also. I am one sick

> puppy. My food intolerences are so bad I can only eat vegetables, and


> chicken. Most everything else makes me very sick.


> Most supplements, except for the acidophilis make me worse, also but I


> to tough it out to get rid of the candida.


> thanks

> brenda


> > _


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I worry about the hormone replacement theraphy as it can cause cancer if not

regulated right. Myra

Re: RE: new member

> From: MogdrMom@...


> : I started 1 1/2 yrs ago. i had the candida in my blood stream,


> is worse, also micro parasites. My Dr. tests the urine, stool & hormones

> monthly to see how the toxins are lessening, that is how he can tell. we


> have it out of the blood stream & body as well. the toxins have shown up 0

> now for 3 months, BUT......he said i may have the sugar intolerance still,

> which i do, & all my other food sensitivities, but i know i am not feeding

> the Candida. we are building up my immune system now, your meds. sounds


> we rotated our every 4 days so as to trick the candida, which is very


> if your hormones are off, the candida can grow rapidly, i am taking extra

> hormones, but there again you need to get this checked.mine were very low.


> feel better than i have in years, i just need to leave the sugar alone.


> all different, i can't eat fresh fruit, but i can now & than if it is

> cooked.! Good Luck! God Bless You & all of us with this disease! try to


> patient, do the diet well & you'll do fine! Mogdrmom


> > _


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: on the rotation plan, you have more than one medication (herbs) to

take but for 4 days you take one bunch (2) than change to another fungal

killer for 4 days than go back & keep repeating till you get tested again &

possibly change meds again.there are quite a number of yeast killing

combinations out there. it worked for me! Mogdrmom I use Oreganol Oil

& Extra Virgin Olive Oil & mix together & get a massage with it. not bad

smelling if you like to smell like spaghetti!!! LOL! LOL!

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I am sorry this doesn't make sense to me. With the inflamation part.

Please explain. Myra

Re: RE: new member

> From: 1005@...




> That is great how the olive leaf extract cleared up your candida and your

> ankle problem. As I have been reading about candidas I have come across

> several articles that say it does cause inflammations to be more


> This explains why yours has pretty much cleared up. I also read that it

> aggravates such things as atheletes food problems..


> I did check out the website and the cost is about 27.00 US money. This is

> something worth checking into..


> Thanks for the great advice



> > _


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The inflammation didn't have anything to do with my candida, I don't think.

However my physical condition with my ankles causes tendon damage to the

ankle joint. That damage resulted in some microbe taking over and resulted

in inflammation and discoloring of the ankle. The olive leaf extract

attacked and killed whatever pathogenic microbe was causing the inflammation

and has allowed my body to restore good health to my ankle joint at least it

is looking a hole lot better and seems to be improving weekly. The tendon

problem still exists and I am trying to do the exercises I refused to do as

a child to stretch the tendon. The olive leaf extract is a broad spectrum

antibiotic that attacks and kills viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast, mold, and

some parasites. In doing so it has cleared up a host of little annoying

problems I had and my energy levels are up unbelievably.

Re: RE: new member



> > From: 1005@...

> >

> >

> >

> > That is great how the olive leaf extract cleared up your candida and


> > ankle problem. As I have been reading about candidas I have come across

> > several articles that say it does cause inflammations to be more

> bothersome.

> > This explains why yours has pretty much cleared up. I also read that it

> > aggravates such things as atheletes food problems..

> >

> > I did check out the website and the cost is about 27.00 US money. This


> > something worth checking into..

> >

> > Thanks for the great advice

> >

> >

> > > _

> >

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> >

> >

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Funny you should mention the rotation program. I was taking acidophilis

starting 10/23/99 and yesterday it started to " quit " working. Today it did

nothing so I took the yeast cleanse (garlic, grapefruit seed extract,

caprylic acid, tea tree oil, and pau d'arco tea).

I had read that for some people the only way to get rid of candida is the

rotation program. The same you suggested. Four days on and then four days

off. I read that candida can build up a tolerance very quickly and taking

anything longer than four days is pretty much useless. I just started

keeping a journal and will make sure I only take the current supplement for

four days. Question, do I take garlic alone, or go back to the acidophilis?

Not knowing this prior to taking the acidophilis for seven days and losing

it's effectiveness I am wondering if it will work now.

I am interested in the olive leaf oil because I want to add more candida

killers to my list to offer a wider rotation. I also heard oil of oregano is

great for killing candida. Oh, and colloidal silver which sounds like it has

a lot of the same properties as the olive leaf oil. All seem to be used as

an antibiotic and great to kill off fungas.

I realize I have a long way to go but I heard when the candida does die off

it is extremely important to take a parasite cleanse (killer) to get rid of

any other unhealthy parasites and prevent the candida from returning.

This has been so very confusing but it looks like it is beginning to make

some sense. I can only eat about a dozen items but I do notice when I change

to another product that for a day or two I can eat a little more. Make any


One more thing, I read it is important to do bowel cleanses while killing the

yeast. I think this is right. From what I understand if I am taking the

yeast cleanse I should do enemas using the same product.

How is your candida fight going? Are you able to eat better or are you still

having problems with it? I know your other fungas problems are disappearing

but how about your general health and again the eating? I don't mind the

candida diet at all but I can only eat a couple of items even from that list.

I belong to another onelist group for benzodiazepine withdrawal. Most of us

were put on xanax (klonopin, ativan, etc.) for anxiety/panic and were told it

was safe and not addictive. After fighting that long and terrible battle

many of us are plagued with candida for some reason. I am at the point of

attacking candida as aggresively as possible. I have been sick way too long

and want to know what it is to feel " normal " again.

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to all of my questions. All of

us working together is what is going to give us answers and help us regain

our health.

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Oil of Oregano can be very toxic! Research has shown it to have drug

interactions and can interfere with the liver's ability to process certain

medications, hormones and other things--(grapefruit seed and other flavanoid

products all have shown the same potential toxicity)

Garlic is very safe, is a powerful antioxidant and should have no side

affects. Most people don't realize that so many herbs and things we think

of as natural may be harmful long term and with certain meds may be very


Do you know that no one monitors the purity and potency of anything sold as

food supplements? I alwways thought FDA or someone was out there watching,

but it is not so. Hundreds of things out there have no value whatsoever,

and may vary from batch to batch in potency. Very little research has been

done on most of them. Most common herbs do have theraputic uses, but still

may have problems.

Colloidal silver has also been shown to have toxicity--and so much of it is

not standardized and not purity standards have been set for it.


>From: 1005@...


>Subject: Re: RE: new member

>Date: Sun, Oct 31, 1999, 12:06 AM


> From: 1005@...


> Mogdrmom


> Funny you should mention the rotation program. I was taking acidophilis

> starting 10/23/99 and yesterday it started to " quit " working. Today it did

> nothing so I took the yeast cleanse (garlic, grapefruit seed extract,

> caprylic acid, tea tree oil, and pau d'arco tea).


> I had read that for some people the only way to get rid of candida is the

> rotation program. The same you suggested. Four days on and then four days

> off. I read that candida can build up a tolerance very quickly and taking

> anything longer than four days is pretty much useless. I just started

> keeping a journal and will make sure I only take the current supplement for

> four days. Question, do I take garlic alone, or go back to the acidophilis?

> Not knowing this prior to taking the acidophilis for seven days and losing

> it's effectiveness I am wondering if it will work now.


> I am interested in the olive leaf oil because I want to add more candida

> killers to my list to offer a wider rotation. I also heard oil of oregano is

> great for killing candida. Oh, and colloidal silver which sounds like it has

> a lot of the same properties as the olive leaf oil. All seem to be used as

> an antibiotic and great to kill off fungas.


> I realize I have a long way to go but I heard when the candida does die off

> it is extremely important to take a parasite cleanse (killer) to get rid of

> any other unhealthy parasites and prevent the candida from returning.


> This has been so very confusing but it looks like it is beginning to make

> some sense. I can only eat about a dozen items but I do notice when I change

> to another product that for a day or two I can eat a little more. Make any

> sense?


> One more thing, I read it is important to do bowel cleanses while killing the

> yeast. I think this is right. From what I understand if I am taking the

> yeast cleanse I should do enemas using the same product.


> How is your candida fight going? Are you able to eat better or are you still

> having problems with it? I know your other fungas problems are disappearing

> but how about your general health and again the eating? I don't mind the

> candida diet at all but I can only eat a couple of items even from that list.


> I belong to another onelist group for benzodiazepine withdrawal. Most of us

> were put on xanax (klonopin, ativan, etc.) for anxiety/panic and were told it

> was safe and not addictive. After fighting that long and terrible battle

> many of us are plagued with candida for some reason. I am at the point of

> attacking candida as aggresively as possible. I have been sick way too long

> and want to know what it is to feel " normal " again.


> Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to all of my questions. All of

> us working together is what is going to give us answers and help us regain

> our health.




> > _


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In a message dated 10/30/99 7:17:10 PM Central Daylight Time,

MogdrMom@... writes:

<< I use Oreganol Oil

& Extra Virgin Olive Oil & mix together & get a massage with it. not bad

smelling if you like to smell like spaghetti!!! LOL! LOL! >>


Do you take thie oregano oil by mouth also? Is it the North American Wild

and is it the regular (20 some $ a bottle) or the extra strength (75 $)


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....would like to know where you got this info...especially about oregano

and grapefruit seed. Thanks abunch...Edith


In a message dated 10/31/99 12:38:26 AM Central Daylight Time,

njones@... writes:

<< From: " " <njones@...>

Oil of Oregano can be very toxic! Research has shown it to have drug

interactions and can interfere with the liver's ability to process certain

medications, hormones and other things--(grapefruit seed and other flavanoid

products all have shown the same potential toxicity)

Garlic is very safe, is a powerful antioxidant and should have no side

affects. Most people don't realize that so many herbs and things we think

of as natural may be harmful long term and with certain meds may be very


Do you know that no one monitors the purity and potency of anything sold as

food supplements? I alwways thought FDA or someone was out there watching,

but it is not so. Hundreds of things out there have no value whatsoever,

and may vary from batch to batch in potency. Very little research has been

done on most of them. Most common herbs do have theraputic uses, but still

may have problems.

Colloidal silver has also been shown to have toxicity--and so much of it is

not standardized and not purity standards have been set for it.

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Edith: i took the Oreganol Oil on a rotation & it was a monitored ammount.

i really liked it, It is the North American brand, i got it from my internet

Dr. i am not taking it now, am done with that phase. I still use it for my

massages thou. Mogdrmom

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