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> Your support of Larry Dossey is I suspect not based on reading what

> he actually says as much as hearing what people think he says, and

> liking the idea of any form of spirituality being part of healing.

Sorry you have me mixed up with somone else. I don't know any Larry Dossey.


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> Jan, you are getting set up. I am sure you can see it.

> Leo.

Yep. Been there before.



> >>

> >> Http://www.woofess.com



> Jac> Sorry Woofie, we don't have much in common. Best to not


the subject.

> Jac> We would never agree. Let's just leave it at that.


> Jac> Jan



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Jan, you are getting set up. I am sure you can see it.




> >>

> >> Http://www.woofess.com



> Jac> Sorry Woofie, we don't have much in common. Best to not


the subject.

> Jac> We would never agree. Let's just leave it at that.


> Jac> Jan



> --

> Best regards,

> Woofie


> Http://www.woofess.com mailto:woofie@w...

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  • 2 months later...

Dear ,

I want you to know that you can count on my prayers for both you and your Mom.

At the request of her doctor I taught Life Lift to a woman with Lou Gherrigs disease a few years ago and it did help her a great deal. Have you tried to teach her to do a light variation of the Life Lift breaths? I know it can be difficult, however if you are patient with her, and I know you will be, it is possible it could help her to be more comfortable. The woman I taught was so grateful she got herself over to a phone to call me personally to thank me for teaching her. Just remember that any amount of extra oxygen you can get into her body will help in some way.

I created a special breathing technique for my Daddy when he was first diagnosed with stomach cancer and at the time the doctors were impressed with how well he did it after having two thirds of his stomach removed. The doctors felt then that he had a very short time to live, yet we were blessed with having him for almost another three years. The doctors told me they were very surprised and pleased with the outcome. Every extra moment was precious, as I am certain yours are with your Mom, so if this can help her in any way, we will all be grateful.

You know if you want to contact me personally I will walk you through the steps as you work with her.

Please take good care of yourself and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you,


Be sure to check out all of the great specials available on my web sites. All new workout videos are on sale now!Save $30 on the Large Body Wrap package. The sale has been extended until January. 30th.Visit us at http://www.lifelift.com Join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribe@...


Hi everyone. I have been gone for awhile and probably will be for some time. I would really covet your prayers on behalf of my mom. She is suffering from dysphasia, (loss of muscles in upper body) which affects her swallowing. It is also a form of Lou Gherrigs desease, and she has a better than 50% chance of chocking to death, even on her own saliva. Anyway she just had surgery in Lubbock Texas on her lower back and is now in rehab for both problems. I would really appreciate your prayers that she will recover from her back problems and also that prayer would be answered that she not die from chocking. She is 82 and has a great attitude. Thank you all and I will resume posting as soon as I can. Welcome to all the new people and God Bless.luv,

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Hi ,

I'm so sorry that your mom is so ill. I'm praying for her and you.

Are you taking care of yourself? It's very easy when a loved one is ill

to just care for them and forget about taking care of yourself. Remember

you can only help her if you're well yourself. Please get the rest that

you need, eat right, and take in that wonderful oxygen, you need your

strength for you and for her.

I miss you a lot!!!!!

Love and prayers




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Thank you so much Rashelle, and it is so good to hear from you. I have been praying for you and your mom also, knowing what you have been through. I just got home from being with my mom and she is doing much better. Her kind of dystrophy is mostly in her throut. I really don't know how to explain it but basicly the little muscle that opens and closes to make sure your swallowing goes into your body and not your windpipe is no longer working and so everything she swallows has a better than 50% chance of going into her windpipe. The doctor told us that if some other illness doesn't get her, she will eventually choke to death. The only thing left to do when she gets to the point that she is no longer getting the nutrition that she needs is to put her on a feeding tube. She was very opposed to that at first (vanity) but now that she is getting stronger from her bck surgery she is warming up to the idea.

I would welcome any ideas at all that you can give me that might help her. Everything that I've read about dysphasia is that there is nothing you can do to strengthen the muscle if there is dystropy in that particular muscle.

Anyway as far as her back surgery, she is doing wonderful. It has only been a week and today she was able to turn herself over and even get out of the bed by herself. The doctors have been amazed because of her age. She is now in therapy to strengthen her legs and arms so that she hopefully will be able to walk again without a walker.

Thanks again for your prayers, and I'm glad you're back I've really missed you.

God Bless,


Re: prayer

Dear ,

I want you to know that you can count on my prayers for both you and your Mom.

At the request of her doctor I taught Life Lift to a woman with Lou Gherrigs disease a few years ago and it did help her a great deal. Have you tried to teach her to do a light variation of the Life Lift breaths? I know it can be difficult, however if you are patient with her, and I know you will be, it is possible it could help her to be more comfortable. The woman I taught was so grateful she got herself over to a phone to call me personally to thank me for teaching her. Just remember that any amount of extra oxygen you can get into her body will help in some way.

I created a special breathing technique for my Daddy when he was first diagnosed with stomach cancer and at the time the doctors were impressed with how well he did it after having two thirds of his stomach removed. The doctors felt then that he had a very short time to live, yet we were blessed with having him for almost another three years. The doctors told me they were very surprised and pleased with the outcome. Every extra moment was precious, as I am certain yours are with your Mom, so if this can help her in any way, we will all be grateful.

You know if you want to contact me personally I will walk you through the steps as you work with her.

Please take good care of yourself and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you,


Be sure to check out all of the great specials available on my web sites. All new workout videos are on sale now!Save $30 on the Large Body Wrap package. The sale has been extended until January. 30th.Visit us at http://www.lifelift.com Join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribe@...


Hi everyone. I have been gone for awhile and probably will be for some time. I would really covet your prayers on behalf of my mom. She is suffering from dysphasia, (loss of muscles in upper body) which affects her swallowing. It is also a form of Lou Gherrigs desease, and she has a better than 50% chance of chocking to death, even on her own saliva. Anyway she just had surgery in Lubbock Texas on her lower back and is now in rehab for both problems. I would really appreciate your prayers that she will recover from her back problems and also that prayer would be answered that she not die from chocking. She is 82 and has a great attitude. Thank you all and I will resume posting as soon as I can. Welcome to all the new people and God Bless.luv,

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Thanks Liz, My mom is doing quite well, considering her age and disease.

She is in great spirits and is now in rehab to strengthen the muscles that

are not plagued by her dystrophy and to get her back stronger. Her back

surgery was pretty serious. We thought it was a ruptured disk but when he

got inside he found that her back was broken completely in half in 2 places

and was being held together by raw nerves. She is making a remarkable

recovery and is looking forward to her rehab and getting better.

No, I am not taking care of myself, I have not had a good cleansing breath

for going on 1 month now. I am very ashamed of this and now that some of

the stress is off maybe I can get myself motivated and get back in health


Thanks for your prayers and your concern. You may have to get on to me from

time to time to keep me motivated. I am going back and forth to Lubbock

each week and need some encouragement to take care of me.

I've really missed you too, and hope to be back among you from time to time,

whenever I'm here.

Take care and God bless,


Re: Prayer

>Hi ,


>I'm so sorry that your mom is so ill. I'm praying for her and you.


>Are you taking care of yourself? It's very easy when a loved one is ill

>to just care for them and forget about taking care of yourself. Remember

>you can only help her if you're well yourself. Please get the rest that

>you need, eat right, and take in that wonderful oxygen, you need your

>strength for you and for her.


>I miss you a lot!!!!!

>Love and prayers




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

Bless your heart! My heart just aches for you when I think of what you are

going through with your Mom. I am just so happy to know that you are there for


Our parents take care of us when we are babies and it is up to us to make sure

they are safe and taken care of when they can't do it any longer. It really is a

beautiful, yet painful circle of life.

You can email me directly. I will work out some way to try to give you some

help. I would be happy to do anything I can to help you and your Mom.



Be sure to check out all of the great specials available on my web sites. Great

Valentines Gifts. All new workout videos are on sale now!

Save on the Large Body Wrap package. Some sales have been extended until to

Feb. 28th.

Visit us at http://www.lifelift.com

Join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribe@...


Hi everyone. I have been gone for awhile and probably will be for some

time. I would really covet your prayers on behalf of my mom. She is suffering

from dysphasia, (loss of muscles in upper body) which affects her swallowing.

It is also a form of Lou Gherrigs desease, and she has a better than 50% chance

of chocking to death, even on her own saliva. Anyway she just had surgery in

Lubbock Texas on her lower back and is now in rehab for both problems. I would

really appreciate your prayers that she will recover from her back problems and

also that prayer would be answered that she not die from chocking. She is 82

and has a great attitude. Thank you all and I will resume posting as soon as I

can. Welcome to all the new people and God Bless.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Subject: Prayer

Dear Lord:

Every single evening

As I'm lying here in bed

This tiny little prayer

Keeps running through my head.

God bless my mom and dad,

And other family.

Keep them warm and safe from harm

For they're so close to me.

And God, there is one more thing

I wish that you could do.

Hope you don't mind me asking,

Bless my computer too.

Now I know that it's not normal

To bless a mother board,

But listen just a second

While I explain to you 'My Lord'.

You see, that little metal box

Holds more than odds & ends

Inside those small compartments

Rest so many of my FRIENDS.

I know so much about them

By the kindness that they give

And this little scrap of metal

Takes me in to where they live.

By faith is how I know them

Much the same as you

We share in what life brings us

And from that our friendship grew.

Please, take an extra minute

>From your duties up above

To bless those in my address book

That's filled with so much love!

Wherever else this prayer may reach

To each and every friend,

Bless each email inbox

And the person who hits send.

When you update your heavenly list

On your own CD-Rom

Remember each who've said this prayer

Sent up to God.com.


Mommy to - 3 NDA and Noah - 15 mos. DS

Want Free Beanie Babies? Check out Nobidding and look under Free Prizes


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Though all of you might enjoy and appreciate this e-mail I received.

It seems to hit home for all of us who know each other by email. You

don't need to send the message back to me, but do forward to all of

your friends.

Can't wait to meet so many of you at the picnic. See you then.


Subject: Fw: Dear Lord

Every single evening

As I'm lying here in bed

This tiny little prayer

Keeps running through my head.

God bless my mom and dad,

And other family.

Keep them warm and safe from harm

For they're so close to me.

And God, there is one more thing

I wish that you could do.

Hope you don't mind me asking,

Bless my computer too.

Now I know that it's not normal

To bless a mother board,

But listen just a second

While I explain to you 'My Lord'.

You see, that little metal box

Holds more than odds & ends

Inside those small compartments

Rest so many of my FRIENDS.

I know so much about them

By the kindness that they give

And this little scrap of metal

Takes me in to where they live.

By faith is how I know them

Much the same as you

We share in what life brings us

And from that our friendship grew.

Please, take an extra minute

From your duties up above

To bless those in my address book

That's filled with so much love!

Wherever else this prayer may reach

To each and every friend,

Bless each email inbox

And the person who hits send.

When you update your heavenly list

On your own CD-Rom

Remember each who've said this prayer

Sent up to God.com.


Please send this poem to all of your on-line friends

to show how much you care! Also, make sure you send it back to

whomever sent it to you because they obviously care about you! Keep

this poem going!

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  • 3 months later...

Dear recovering4@...,

I find this inappropriate for this list. It is sufficiently off-topic

AND sufficiently inflamatory/controversial/provcative to be a real

nuisance. I also find the content personally offensive. This is

just MY PERSONAL OPINION --- I didn't even read it all as I see no

reason to just get more upset. This applies to BOTH the Christian

part and the pro-life part. BOTH of those are pretty off-topic and

pretty provocative/inflamatory-- WHETHER YOU INTEND THEM TO BE


If this were provocative/inflamatory and ON topic, I might not

complain. As it is, I just see this as inappropriate.

Believe whatever you want but please don't post stuff like this.

I have my own off-topic and inflamatory religious and political

beliefs, and I'm sure the rest of the readers do too. Please

notice I am refraining from telling you what they are.

that is my 2 cents worth.


At 10:37 AM 1/1/2002 -0600, you wrote:

>As we approach this Christmas season, we are struck by the beauty and

>depth of the Christmas story. God sent His only Son into the world as a

>lowly baby. We remember 's condition when she became pregnant with

>Jesus by the Holy Spirit--an unwed, poor, teenage girl. Truly, her

>situation was desperate as under the Jewish law, the penalty for adultery

>(she was betrothed to ph) was death.

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Dear recovering4@...,

I appreciated your post and did not find it inappropriate or offensive

in the least. I will say your pray today. Very nice words and thoughts.


Re: [ ] PRAYER

> Dear recovering4@...,


> I find this inappropriate for this list. It is sufficiently off-topic

> AND sufficiently inflamatory/controversial/provcative to be a real

> nuisance. I also find the content personally offensive. This is

> just MY PERSONAL OPINION --- I didn't even read it all as I see no

> reason to just get more upset. This applies to BOTH the Christian

> part and the pro-life part. BOTH of those are pretty off-topic and

> pretty provocative/inflamatory-- WHETHER YOU INTEND THEM TO BE



> If this were provocative/inflamatory and ON topic, I might not

> complain. As it is, I just see this as inappropriate.


> Believe whatever you want but please don't post stuff like this.

> I have my own off-topic and inflamatory religious and political

> beliefs, and I'm sure the rest of the readers do too. Please

> notice I am refraining from telling you what they are.


> that is my 2 cents worth.

> Moria



> At 10:37 AM 1/1/2002 -0600, you wrote:

> >As we approach this Christmas season, we are struck by the beauty and

> >depth of the Christmas story. God sent His only Son into the world as a

> >lowly baby. We remember 's condition when she became pregnant with

> >Jesus by the Holy Spirit--an unwed, poor, teenage girl. Truly, her

> >situation was desperate as under the Jewish law, the penalty for adultery

> >(she was betrothed to ph) was death.





> =======================================================


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Amen to you Moria.

recovering, enjoy your prayer, belt it right out, post it on all your

antichoice newsgroups for your antichoice friends to enjoy along with

you. But have a little respect for the specific, serious purpose of

this list (and your listmates) and leave this stuff off.


> >As we approach this Christmas season, we are struck by the beauty


> >depth of the Christmas story. God sent His only Son into the world

as a

> >lowly baby. We remember 's condition when she became pregnant


> >Jesus by the Holy Spirit--an unwed, poor, teenage girl. Truly, her

> >situation was desperate as under the Jewish law, the penalty for


> >(she was betrothed to ph) was death.

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Thanks for posting this beautiful message about Jesus`s birth. I thought your

prayer was beautiful . Well said. Albert d701@...


As we approach this Christmas season, we are struck by the beauty and

depth of the Christmas story. God sent His only Son into the world as a

lowly baby. We remember 's condition when she became pregnant with

Jesus by the Holy Spirit--an unwed, poor, teenage girl. Truly, her

situation was desperate as under the Jewish law, the penalty for adultery

(she was betrothed to ph) was death.

But trusted God, and God spoke to ph and changed his heart, and

Jesus was born.

This story of God's own Son speaks to the pro-life movement today. No

child is an accident. No child is unloved by God, and no child should be

unloved by the human race. According to pro-abortion " ethics " , Jesus

should have been aborted. But, had that occurred, the world would have

lost the greatest blessing it was ever given.

As you pray this Christmas season for the pro-life movement, would you

ask God to bring the understanding of His Son's birth, and all it means

for mankind, into the hearts of men? We have written a short prayer

below, to guide you.

May God bless you and yours during this holy season.

Father, we thank You for sending Jesus into this world as a tiny baby to

share in our human condition. We thank You that, though You are rich,

You sent Your Son to a poor and insignificant family to show us that no

one is insignificant to You, no matter what their state in this life.

Jesus shared in our humanity, our weakness, our poverty.

Father, we pray that the example given by Your Son, in identifying with

the weak, would be recognized this Christmas by the world. We pray that,

just as and ph welcomed Your Son into their lives, people across

our country would open their arms to accept each and every child who is

conceived into this world. We pray that our hearts would be turned

toward the weak, the elderly, the infirm, and that they would not be

despised because of their vulnerability, but would be embraced, just as

You embraced us.

Help us to not take for granted all Your blessings this Christmas season.




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Thanks for posting this beautiful message about Jesus`s birth. I thought that

the prayer was beautiful also. Well said. Disregard those who say bad things to

you. Albert d701@...


As we approach this Christmas season, we are struck by the beauty and

depth of the Christmas story. God sent His only Son into the world as a

lowly baby. We remember 's condition when she became pregnant with

Jesus by the Holy Spirit--an unwed, poor, teenage girl. Truly, her

situation was desperate as under the Jewish law, the penalty for adultery

(she was betrothed to ph) was death.

But trusted God, and God spoke to ph and changed his heart, and

Jesus was born.

This story of God's own Son speaks to the pro-life movement today. No

child is an accident. No child is unloved by God, and no child should be

unloved by the human race. According to pro-abortion " ethics " , Jesus

should have been aborted. But, had that occurred, the world would have

lost the greatest blessing it was ever given.

As you pray this Christmas season for the pro-life movement, would you

ask God to bring the understanding of His Son's birth, and all it means

for mankind, into the hearts of men? We have written a short prayer

below, to guide you.

May God bless you and yours during this holy season.

Father, we thank You for sending Jesus into this world as a tiny baby to

share in our human condition. We thank You that, though You are rich,

You sent Your Son to a poor and insignificant family to show us that no

one is insignificant to You, no matter what their state in this life.

Jesus shared in our humanity, our weakness, our poverty.

Father, we pray that the example given by Your Son, in identifying with

the weak, would be recognized this Christmas by the world. We pray that,

just as and ph welcomed Your Son into their lives, people across

our country would open their arms to accept each and every child who is

conceived into this world. We pray that our hearts would be turned

toward the weak, the elderly, the infirm, and that they would not be

despised because of their vulnerability, but would be embraced, just as

You embraced us.

Help us to not take for granted all Your blessings this Christmas season.




Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

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This is a wonderful posting.




01/01/02 Subject: [ ] PRAYER

10:37 AM


respond to



Caterpillar: Confidential Green Retain Until: 01/31/2002

Retention Category: G90 -

Information and Reports

As we approach this Christmas season, we are struck by the beauty and

depth of the Christmas story. God sent His only Son into the world as a

lowly baby. We remember 's condition when she became pregnant with

Jesus by the Holy Spirit--an unwed, poor, teenage girl. Truly, her

situation was desperate as under the Jewish law, the penalty for adultery

(she was betrothed to ph) was death.

But trusted God, and God spoke to ph and changed his heart, and

Jesus was born.

This story of God's own Son speaks to the pro-life movement today. No

child is an accident. No child is unloved by God, and no child should be

unloved by the human race. According to pro-abortion " ethics " , Jesus

should have been aborted. But, had that occurred, the world would have

lost the greatest blessing it was ever given.

As you pray this Christmas season for the pro-life movement, would you

ask God to bring the understanding of His Son's birth, and all it means

for mankind, into the hearts of men? We have written a short prayer

below, to guide you.

May God bless you and yours during this holy season.

Father, we thank You for sending Jesus into this world as a tiny baby to

share in our human condition. We thank You that, though You are rich,

You sent Your Son to a poor and insignificant family to show us that no

one is insignificant to You, no matter what their state in this life.

Jesus shared in our humanity, our weakness, our poverty.

Father, we pray that the example given by Your Son, in identifying with

the weak, would be recognized this Christmas by the world. We pray that,

just as and ph welcomed Your Son into their lives, people across

our country would open their arms to accept each and every child who is

conceived into this world. We pray that our hearts would be turned

toward the weak, the elderly, the infirm, and that they would not be

despised because of their vulnerability, but would be embraced, just as

You embraced us.

Help us to not take for granted all Your blessings this Christmas season.




Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:



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> As we approach this Christmas season, we are

> struck by the beauty and depth of the Christmas

> story. God sent His only Son into the world as a

At first, this was funny.

Now it's really annoying.

Why don't you people join some religious list and send glorious messages

like these to one another?


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I appreciate your concern. I see that the prayer was very heartfelt and

precious, directly from the heart of the originator! Please don't take

severe offense of other folks religious expression - At it's core, it's not

meant to cause you discomfort but to bless you!

Best Wishes during this holiday season!

S. Hooker, Ph.D., P.E.

Director of Research


902 Battelle Blvd., MSIN K2-10

Richland, WA 99352

Phone: 509-375-4420

FAX: 509-372-4660

email: brian.hooker@...

[ ] Re: PRAYER

> As we approach this Christmas season, we are

> struck by the beauty and depth of the Christmas

> story. God sent His only Son into the world as a

At first, this was funny.

Now it's really annoying.

Why don't you people join some religious list and send glorious messages

like these to one another?


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Hi ,

Thank you for your wishes, I very much appreciate them.

I am not concerned. Only a little aggravated...

What if I would tell you that I am a worshiper of Satan (or something

else horrible like this LOL) and I would start sending messages that

would sound like " Hey people, let's pray for Satan to come in to this

world at Christmas time " :))LOL I can only imagine what would that mean


See what I mean now? Let's hold God in our hearts, let's stop making

parade of how religious we are, and let's please talk about the reasons

we joined this list... It's about common sense . I don't think you

would appreciate my religious beliefs, but I do know there are some

people on this list who would very much like to hear about them. But if

I want to discuss them, I send them an email using their personal


Anyway, this is the last email I send using the list. I am sorry if the

rest of you had to read these messages... , or anybody else, if you

want us to continue this, please use my personal address.

Thank you.

You have a great holiday season too!


> Val,

> I appreciate your concern. I see that the prayer was very heartfelt

> and

> precious, directly from the heart of the originator! Please don't

> take

> severe offense of other folks religious expression - At it's core,

> it's not

> meant to cause you discomfort but to bless you!

> Best Wishes during this holiday season!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with Jenna. I don't think this is appropriate for the list either. We

have people from all over the world here. Let's talk about our families.


Fw: Prayer in School Petition for President Bush

Reply-to: " Harold J. Shackelford "

FLAVOR00-NONE-0000-0000-000000000000; --

To add your name to the bottom, hit " forward message " and then add your name

and then pass on. Thanks.

Might be better to copy & paste to a new email, rather than forwarding on...




Dear President Bush:

Many of us were deeply touched to hear you recite a portion of Psalm 23 in

your address to this great nation in the dark hours following the terrorists

attacks. We were encouraged and comforted to know that we truly had a

believer working with us and for us in our nation's highest office.

We the people of America are requesting that you lift the prohibition of

prayer in schools. As the pledge of our great

country states, we are to be " One nation, under God. " Please allow the

prayers and petitions of our children in schools without the threat of


Currently, adults and children in the schools are prohibited from mentioning

God unless of course His name is uttered as part of a curse or profanity.

Madeline Murray O'Hare is dead. Let her legacy of atheism in our schools die

with her!

Sincerely ,

The People of America

Mark 10:13-14 " People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him

touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was

indignant. He said to them, " Let the little children come to me, and do not

hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. "


1. ie Dorsett

2. Marilyn Hampton

3. Tommy Hampton

4. Joy

5. Barbara Singleton

6. Singleton

7. Aileen Berry

8. Berry

9. Marie Dorsett

10. Becky Louis

11. Louis

12. Louis

13. Serpa

14. Serpa

15. Pat Dorsett

16. Brinda Brumley

17. Pam Hewlett

18. Josie Campos

19. Standke

20. Serpa

21. Serpa

22. Jerry Hudgins

23. Yanetta Hudgins

24. Bessie Hudgins

25. Ellen Jewell

26. Carol Haemker

27. Haamker

28. Don

29. Joanne

30. Gallimore

31. Gallimore

32. Diane Whitlow

33. Judy Work

34. O'Dell

35. Randy O'Dell 11years old

36. Pam Dodson

37. Lee Anne King

38. Kim Carpenter

39. Candi Philpott

40. Long

41. Champion

42. Bonnie

43. Jerry Hall, Texas

44. Gayla Peed

45. Vicki Trinidad

46. Abate

47. T. Abate Sr.

48. Mark A. Abate

49. Abate

50. DeLeon

51. Sammy DeLeon

52. Vitek

53. Vitek

54. Stowell

55. C. Yoder

56. Carey L. Dunlap

57. Gail Tondre

58. Diane Dikes

59. Nowlin

60. Nowlin

61. Shelton

62. Levingston

63. Ernest Levingston

64. Jim Spencer

65. Nikki Spencer

66. Rhoden

67. Greg

68. Woody Peavy

69. Cloyd

70. Salagaj

71. LaVerne Basey

72. Bonnie Shows, Texas

73. Mark Shows, Texas

74. Ferrara

75. Brannon Ferrara

76. Ferrara

77. Brittany Ferrara

78. Barbara Ray

79. Garry Ray

80. Betty Ray

81. Jessie Ray

82. Rhonna Lymbery

83. Lymbery

84. le Wigginton

85. Wigginton

86. Emma Wigginton

87. Lymbery

88. Renae Wagnon

89. Wagnon

90. Wagnon

91. Bradley Wagnon

92. Amelia Wagnon

93. Wagnon

94. Ferrara

95. Ferrara

96. Angus Skelton

97. Deborah Skelton

98. Skelton

99. Skelton

100. Billie

101. Jeramy


103. Larry

104. Mike bazar

105. Debby Lankford

106. Lankford

107. Mason Alfred

108. Wanda Alfred

109. (Texas)

110. (Texas

111. (Texas)

112. Clinton Freeman (Texas)

113. Louria Freeman (Texas)

114. McRee (Texas)

115. Troy McRee (Texas)

116. Joe McRee (Texas)

117. Tony McRee (Texas)

118. Joanna McRee (Texas)

119. Ruby Gorney (Texas)

120. Gorney (Texas)

121. Sherie Groney (Texas)

122. Christi Gorney (Texas)

123. Jerry Gorney (Texas)

l24. Buckelew (Texas)

125. Carol Buckelew (Texas)

126. E. Buckelew (Texas)

127. Lynne B. Ditto (Texas)

128. Terry Bice (Texas)

129. Larson (Oklahoma)

130. Dawn Oliphant (Texas)

131. Oliphant (Texas)

132. Krysten Oliphant (Texas)

133. Lindsey Clapp (Texas)

134. Dorothy (Texas)

135. (Texas)

136. Rose Rabata (Texas)

137. Victor Rabata (Texas)

138. Sikes (Texas)

139. Billie Love (Texas)

140. Nellie Rhene McIntyre (Texas)

141. Marilynn Lee (Texas)

142. Calvert (Texas)

143. Joyce Gilbert

144. Syble Yost

145. Opal

146. Francesca Jenneman

147. le (Texas)

148. Fran Harmon (Texas)

149. Suzanne Schlabs (Texas)

150. Dale Garner (Texas)

151. Tina Garner (Texas)

152. N. Elliott (Midland, Texas)

153. K. Shive (Lubbock, Texas)

154. Rose Shive (Texas)

155. June Crosby (Texas)

156. Copeland (Willis, Texas)

157. Wanda Drake (Conroe, Texas)

158. Kathy Irwin (Conroe, Texas)

160. Tommy & Peachie , (Conroe, Tx)

161. Woodard, (Montgomery, Tx)

162. Ocker, Texas

163. McKennon, Humble TX

164. Rosemary Crum, Houston, Tx.

165. Kathi Ellis (Oklahoma)

166. Margaret Lanning (Oklahoma)

167. Irene (Oklahoma)

168. Shirley Troxell (Oklahoma)

169. Jerry Troxell (Oklahoma)

170. Tony Troxell (Oklahoma)

171. Troxell (Oklahoma)

172. Regina Diamond (Oklahoma)

173. Donna B. (Oklahoma)

174. B. Stoner (Oklahoma)

175. Sheila Stoner (Oklahoma)

176. O'Neal (Oklahoma)

177. Bill W Stoner (Oklahoma)

178. Joy Stoner (Oklahoma)

179. Marie Stoner (Oklahoma)

180. Barbara Newkirk (Oklahoma)

181. Cloyce Newkirk (Oklahoma)

182. Barbara Stoner (Oklahoma)

183. Stoner (Oklahoma)

184. R. (Oklahoma)

185. M. (Oklahoma)

186. Ed (Oklahoma)

187. Charlene (Oklahoma)

188. ny ston (Oklahoma)

189. Pamela (Oklahoma)

190. (Kansas)

191. Jay (Kansas)

192. Mike Glenn (Oklahoma)

193. Leah Glenn (Oklahoma)

194. Glenn (Oklahoma)

195. Diane Glenn (Oklahoma)

196. Clarica Wall (Oklahoma)

197. Moody (Oklahoma)

198. Tim Ginter (Oklahoma)

199. Kim Ginter (Oklahoma)

200. Tami Brody (Oklahoma)

201. Brody (Oklahoma)

202. Hoffman (Oklahoma)

203. Hoffman (Oklahoma)

204. Mark Hoffman (Oklahoma)

205. Staci Hoffman (Oklahoma)

206. s (Oklahoma)

207. A. Tromblay (Az)

208. Tromblay (Az)

209. Gladys Olsen {AZ}

210. Regensberg {AZ}

211. Joyce son {AZ)


213. Glen Foutz - Ohio

214. Kim Hampton (MO)

215. Melody Hampton (MO)

216. Hampton(MO)

217. Sara Sandoval (MO)

218. Judith Cartwright (OH)

219. Janice Fishbaugh

220. Jewel (OH)

221. Tenia (OH)

222. Wava (OH)

223. Pat Swaney (Florida)

224. Bassitt (OH)

225. LuAnn Lause (OHio)

226. Debbie Schultz (Ohio)

227. Dennis Schultz (Ohio)

228. Jeff Schultz (Ohio)

229. Rhonda Schultz (Ohio)

230. Stolly (Ohio)

231. Stolly (Ohio)

232. Tom Eley (Ohio)

233. Tony (Ohio)

234. Molli (Ohio)

235. Glen Wiseman (Ohio)

236. Dona Wiseman (Ohio)

237. Greg Rochte (Oh)

238. claire Rochte (Oh)

239. nne Fenstermaker (Oh)

240 Fenstermaker (Oh)

241. Dena Hayden

242. Becky Raber

243. Carl Ross, Ohio

244. Betty J. Ross, Ohio

245. L. Don Neumeister, OH

246. Norma M. Neumeister, OH

247. Barry S. Neumeister, OH

248. Roxie Neumesiter, OH

249. Terri Snyder, OH

250. Snyder, OH

251. Merlyn Crisler,, OH

252. Crisler, OH

253. Jon R. Garber

254. Garber

255. Ann Kolenich

256. Bucceri, FL

257. Joyce Eklund, TX

258. Sherry Denton, TX

259. Lance Graham, TX

260. Hinson, TX

261. E. Arrington, TX

262. Candi Arrington, TX

263. a R. Guthrie, TX

264. Lori A. Mangus, TX

265. Rob D. Mangus, TX

266. Tammy Strait, TX

267. Strait, TX

268 Joyce Stinson, TX

269. Lynda Bean, TX

270. Epp,TX

271. ny Epp,TX

272. Romine,TX

273.mike griffith

274. ruby griffith

275. ette Graham, TX

276. ph Graham, TX

277. Park, TX

278. Randy Park, TX.

279. Sr. Odilia Korenek, Tx.

280. Alice Drapela

281. Weldon Drapela



284.a R. Shaffer, TX

285.Terri Cardwell, TX

286. Cardwell, TX

287. Jeri Malone

288. DeLaynee Malone

289. Janis , TX

290. Torey Fox, Texas

291. Fox, Texas

292. Eva San , Texas

293. Martha Bell, Texas

294. Bonnie Cole, Texas

293. Bazar, Tx

294. D. Duke, jr. (Texas)

295. Rosemary Duke (Texas)


297. Carla Martel, Angleton, Texas

298. Bitty Erskine, Alvin, Texas

300. Charlene Buck, Texas

301. Shirley Ganze(Angleton, Texas)


303. Carolyn (Texas)

304. Richter (, Texas)

305. Price (Clute, TX and Lemoore, CA)

306. Macy (Mancos, CO)

307. Troy Macy (Mancos, CO)

308. Francis Handley (Alaska)

309. Anita Handley (Alaska)


311. Darlene McAnally

312. Mel McAnally

313. Betty Hellums (Texas)

314. Jess Hellums (Texas)

315. Viva Mayfield (Texas)

316. Marvin Mayfield (Texas)

317. Sunnye Forrest (Waco, Texas)

318. Jeff Forrest (Waco, Texas)

319. Turpin (Mexia, Texas)

320. Adair (Mexia, Texas)

321. Breitschopf (TX)

322. Breitschopf (TX)

323. Pat Seward (Shamrock, TX)

324. Andy Seward (Shamrock,TX)

325. Alice Dosher (Texas)

326. Vane Dosher (Texas

327. Royce Bethel-Texas

328. Jamye Bethel-Texas

329. C.L. Rose-Texas

330. P. Rose-Texas

331. B.K. Sneed - Texas





336. C Kemp - TEXAS

337. J Kemp - TEXAS

338. C. Lowe, TEXAS

339. L. Shackelford

340 A. Tate - North Carolina

Please don't let this stop and lose all these names. If you don't want to

sign it please pass it on to those you feel would want to sign.



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The last time we had a similar discussion about this same thing, I voiced my

unhappiness for the same reasons and that made the poster mad enough to leave

the list, write to me privately and she refuses to correspond with me

anymore. ;-(

We do need to respect all religions and all people.

Cheryl in VA

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Connie…

just sharing some thoughts on your statement about Canada…..let me tell

you why we do not have a shortage here okay…

and this is information from the Manitoba Arthritis Society and their

advocates….there are only 3 of 10 provinces who provide enbrel to

people….free of charge….the other 7 provinces charge the 18,000.00 per

year…BUT…we don’t get the choice of enbrel…there is a hierarchy of BS we

must go through …..we have to have tried the other DMARDS and failed the

routine before we can even have our appeal before the board who then

simply says NO..dont qualify…beat it and go live with it….

so thinking there is enbrel up here coz there is a massive amount of the

drug is wrong…it is not that easily prescribed…our advocacy groups are

working hard….British Columbia just had theirs approved….but there is

still a protocol to go through….

it is not ….oh here is your diagnois here is your enbrel….

IF we choose to pay privately the 18,000.00 we STILL have to go through

the protocol….until the advocacy changes things…

soooooooooooooooooo in summation…..

I am not sure you should envy the enbrel supply in Canada…but I surely

hope you get your supply..

Have a good day.




Lets all pray for more Chinese Hamsters and Enbrel Buildings being

completed before scheldue . We Need Enbrel!! I wish they would let

Canada share their Enbrel with us. I am just venting a little bit, you


Connie NC

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


I will definately pray for Brad. Heart surgery is the most scary. Logan

had a coil put in his heart when he was 3,,,and it scared me to death.

And it isn't even that big of an ordeal.

Hope all is well wtih Riley,,so happy to hear the flare seems to have

passed.How was the splint?

Kim and Logan 5

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