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Carolyn, May I post your post with the bowel cleanse group?

I will copy you post only. This is some of the stuff we are

hoping to see. It is wonderful that you experienced this!

I do believe the reason for my long standing candida condition

is a battle with parasites and worms also. So far I passed


unusual pink parasites-don't know the name of it. Now I want

to see more unspeakables so I can get back on my feet.



Re: Re:


I too am experiencing itching like CRAZY!! I

experienced die-off harshly 2 weekends ago and,

unfortunately, I did NOT do enemas. CRAZY

ME! Then

on Friday of this past week I started these die-off

UGHS again -- very, VERY WEAK. Then I did a couple of

2 quart enemas Friday night and, although very weak, I

was better -- not so sickly.

--- rabbitbrain@...


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Liz et al,

Sure! Make my dead worms FAMOUS! lol Seriously, if

it can help anyone, more power to it.

I have come a very long way since the first time I was

told that " EVERYONE has parasites " by my 70 something

year old massage therapist with around 50 years of

experience. He has a colonics therapist as well at

his clinic. I was amazed the first time I ever saw a

parasite. It was FULL of MY BLOOD!! That made me

ANGRY, yet I had no clue that the grandpa was almost 2

years away from coming out.

One thing that has been a rapid change since I have

been doing some steady candida treatment -- less than

2 weeks real strong, but about 2 months total -- is my

SKIN! I think it is looking better and more youthful!

I am realizing how UNABSORBED my expensive

supplements have been.

I also have a lot of hair falling out -- been that way

since my fiance' died in 1992. I see now that I have

a thyroid problem and all those supplements to help

the thyroid or hair problem has had difficulty being

affected because of the havok that the candida has

wreaked on my immune system. I am FINALLY getting

somewhere and feel that in the last week, my HAIR IS

FINALLY GROWING FAST! I can tell because I cover the

grays and it has grown like mad in the last week! Now

I just need to see the falling slow or STOP!

God bless each and everyone of you. I am so grateful

for the information that has led me to some help. I

hope those of you who have a clue don't have to wait

so long to get confident that you are FREE from these

horrific CREATURES!



--- Rabbitbrain@... wrote:


> Carolyn, May I post your post with the bowel cleanse

> group?


> I will copy you post only. This is some of the

> stuff we are


> hoping to see. It is wonderful that you experienced

> this!


> I do believe the reason for my long standing candida

> condition


> is a battle with parasites and worms also. So far I

> passed

> those


> unusual pink parasites-don't know the name of it.

> Now I want


> to see more unspeakables so I can get back on my

> feet.


> Congratulation!







> Re: Re:

> nystatin






> I too am experiencing itching like CRAZY!! I


> experienced die-off harshly 2 weekends ago and,


> unfortunately, I did NOT do enemas. CRAZY

> ME! Then


> on Friday of this past week I started these die-off


> UGHS again -- very, VERY WEAK. Then I did a couple

> of


> 2 quart enemas Friday night and, although very weak,

> I


> was better -- not so sickly.






> --- rabbitbrain@...


> bUcKsNdOeS







> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Thank you Carolyn for your permission. I know it will help

someone else because we all get discouraged waiting so long

for something good to finally happen.

Can you tell me if you had problems with constipation? Is that

why you had the colonics done or was it to flush the yeast from

your colon? I ask because I have to do things to get my bowels

to move and I know for sure it is because there are unwanted

THINGS in there slowing my movements down besides candida.

As gross as it is, it is so.

You know, allot of us on this board has trouble with hair falling out

and MSM has been helpful. But it is BEST to try to find the


why this is happening and get it corrected. I do believe that we


not absorbing what we need for one reason or another. Trying to

find that reason and solve it is a journey.


Re: Re:


Liz et al,

Sure! Make my dead worms

FAMOUS! lol Seriously, if

it can help anyone, more power to it.

I have come a very long way since the first time I was

told that " EVERYONE has parasites " by my 70 something

year old massage therapist with around 50 years of

experience. He has a colonics therapist as well at

his clinic. I was amazed the first time I ever saw a

parasite. It was FULL of MY BLOOD!! That made me

ANGRY, yet I had no clue that the grandpa was almost 2

years away from coming out.

One thing that has been a rapid change since I have

been doing some steady candida treatment -- less than

2 weeks real strong, but about 2 months total -- is my

SKIN! I think it is looking better and more youthful!

I am realizing how UNABSORBED my expensive

supplements have been.

I also have a lot of hair falling out -- been that way

since my fiance' died in 1992. I see now that I have

a thyroid problem and all those supplements to help

the thyroid or hair problem has had difficulty being

affected because of the havok that the candida has

wreaked on my immune system. I am FINALLY getting

somewhere and feel that in the last week, my HAIR IS

FINALLY GROWING FAST! I can tell because I cover the

grays and it has grown like mad in the last week! Now

I just need to see the falling slow or STOP!

God bless each and everyone of you. I am so grateful

for the information that has led me to some help. I

hope those of you who have a clue don't have to wait

so long to get confident that you are FREE from these

horrific CREATURES!



--- rabbitbrain@...


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Hey, about the elimination problems -- I DID have some

sluggish elimination before colonics but this was

almost 2 years ago and I had no CLUE about candida!

I just happened on the Atkins Diet, looking for help

in general in getting healthier. My journey started

with migraines. HELL ON EARTH kind of migraines and

lots of them for over 10 years!

I did the Atkins 2 week deal that is mainly meat,

cheese and eggs. Now that I know what I know, I see

that I starved out a few candida bugs along the way.

However, at the time, I had no clue. Then a few weeks

after, I got the colonics at the advice of my massage

therapist to help my energy level. He PROMISED that

my energy would SOAR and IT DID comparitively!

Now I see that I weaked the candida and the colonics

eliminated a lot of the die-off effects BEFORE by

removing the candida so that I didn't have to have so

much die-off. YIPPEEE!! I was also motivated by the

film on my tongue and never feeling confident of my

breath, no matter how much I floss or brush or use the

water pic and scrape my tongue with the tongue

scraper. I was told that a white film on my tongue

meant a dirty colon. (Yeah -- weird is what I thought

too!) lol

Well, from where I stand I can see the problem with

the THYROID!! THAT IS CANDIDA!!! The thyroid is part

of our immune systems. CANDIDA attacks the immune

system and makes is sluggish or shuts it down in some

cases. It all makes sense to me know that I know what

I have discovered!! We need to beef up the immune

system WHILE killing the candida and rinsing away the

toxins from the die-off. It is a multi-step process

ALL AT ONCE, but with patience, doing it over and over


TIME -- that is our only hope that the candida won't

get a foothold again. ALWAYS take them AFTER AN ENEMA

or a bowel cleansing of any kind, but I now do them

everyday with every meal (almost).

I have been to doctors over and over and many kinds

for my migraines and hair loss. I know now that if I

want to get well, I have to be responsible and can't

depend on those * & ^%$* doctors. (sorry -- just a

little therapy here) :)

Kill the candida and HEAL THE THYROID!

God bless you!


--- Rabbitbrain@... wrote:


> Thank you Carolyn for your permission. I know it

> will help


> someone else because we all get discouraged waiting

> so long


> for something good to finally happen.




> Can you tell me if you had problems with

> constipation? Is that


> why you had the colonics done or was it to flush the

> yeast from


> your colon? I ask because I have to do things to

> get my bowels


> to move and I know for sure it is because there are

> unwanted


> THINGS in there slowing my movements down besides

> candida.


> As gross as it is, it is so.




> You know, allot of us on this board has trouble with

> hair falling out


> and MSM has been helpful. But it is BEST to try to

> find the

> reason


> why this is happening and get it corrected. I do

> believe that we

> are


> not absorbing what we need for one reason or

> another. Trying to


> find that reason and solve it is a journey.







> Re: Re:

> Carolyn






> Liz et al,




> Sure! Make my dead worms

> FAMOUS! lol Seriously, if


> it can help anyone, more power to it.




> I have come a very long way since the first time I

> was


> told that " EVERYONE has parasites " by my 70

> something


> year old massage therapist with around 50 years of


> experience. He has a colonics therapist as well at


> his clinic. I was amazed the first time I ever saw

> a


> parasite. It was FULL of MY BLOOD!! That made me


> ANGRY, yet I had no clue that the grandpa was almost

> 2


> years away from coming out.




> One thing that has been a rapid change since I have


> been doing some steady candida treatment -- less

> than


> 2 weeks real strong, but about 2 months total -- is

> my


> SKIN! I think it is looking better and more

> youthful!


> I am realizing how UNABSORBED my expensive


> supplements have been.




> I also have a lot of hair falling out -- been that

> way


> since my fiance' died in 1992. I see now that I

> have


> a thyroid problem and all those supplements to help


> the thyroid or hair problem has had difficulty being


> affected because of the havok that the candida has


> wreaked on my immune system. I am FINALLY getting


> somewhere and feel that in the last week, my HAIR IS


> FINALLY GROWING FAST! I can tell because I cover

> the


> grays and it has grown like mad in the last week!

> Now


> I just need to see the falling slow or STOP!




> God bless each and everyone of you. I am so

> grateful


> for the information that has led me to some help. I


> hope those of you who have a clue don't have to wait


> so long to get confident that you are FREE from

> these


> horrific CREATURES!




> :)




> Carolyn






> --- rabbitbrain@...


> bUcKsNdOeS







> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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, don't take laxatives take some type of herbal fiber powder drink or

capsules, i find colonics are better than enemas because the colonics take up

to 25-45 minutes and gets more out, my Dr. had me do a colonic 3 days a week

to start with just water, than i put herbs in the water, skip a week and do

again. an enema can only go so far and basically i think it just helps get

your bowels going, i have my own colonic board and you can buy them off of

the internet, my Dr. said it was cheaper to have your own because he wanted

me to use it ofton. just write in colonic boards, mine is plastic & cost

$300. it will never wear out ( & my husband uses it which i never in the

world thought he would) Mog

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, Enemas just move the stuff out. It doesn't turn your

system back to being regular. I get pain now and then in my

bowels. I believe it to be the candida holding on to my stool

and not letting it go. I believe it to be located on the


of my intestines, not the inside. Or it could be a worm,


These are the things that pass through my mind when I have

this problem. Also on the more normal explanation, food


will cause pain, and I am guessing that if your bowel isn't moving

regularly then it may cramp up now and then.

Have you tried putting a little hydrogen peroxide in your enema

water? I mean a small amount. 1/2 tsp. to 4 cups of


The idea is not to hold it in there because the peroxide could

cause burning if left in there forever. If there is yeast


the stool, the peroxide will blast it out of there.

Out of desperation I had used tap water until I got a distiller.

Distilled water is best, it isn't good to absorb the chemicals in

tap water. But sometimes desperation rules. :)

You want soft stools? Send me your address and I will send

you a can of Homozon. Guaranteed to keep you from hardening

up. Actually, my constipation was so bad that it took me 3


to get favorable results from it. Most people don't have my


But the longer you wait, your system will slow down more and more.

That is a bad thing. I was at a point of rotating laxatives with


and finally nothing worked.

Has anyone else on this list tried Homozon? I have been trying


get to try this product. If you had results from it, would


please let her know how good it is?

But , until then, take a big shot of laxatives and have the

colonic done. :) Why stop a good thing?


Re: Re:


Hi everyone

I found Carolyn's post - caused a mixture of feelings - one I thought

" Gosh,

what if I have them in me/ " and tried not to think about it, and the


thought was - I NEED TO DO ENEMAS! Can someone please tell me

what to ask

for when I go to a chemist? to get one - and do they have the


with them. Should I do a parasite cleanse along with the enemas


Carolyn? Liz - do enemas help with the

constipation? I have started having

pain again when my bowels want to move - this stopped for awhile after


colonic, even though he only got part way thru it. I might take

a big shot

of laxatives and have another colonic done. When I get the

courage up that

is. I need to get my bowels softer so I don't block the speculum

this time!

...... Oh yes, do you use purified water to do a



--- rabbitbrain@...


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Purified water -- 2 quarts of water at a time and

always follow with probiotics!! The enema bags with

the always open top are best and you can keep a

prepared gallon of water standing by for doing others.

You can almost get the benefit of a real colonic at


I am so much more relaxed at home and in the positions

that I can get into without embarrasment. I also like

not feeling like I have to rush -- that I am keeping

my colonics person. However, the relaxed setting of

my own bathroom is great for speeding things up.

Seems things " flow " better that way.

Use candles to help you relax -- turn off those harsh

lights -- besides, don't we all " look " better with our

butts in the air by CANDLELIGHT! lol

It is important to get to know the best place and

positions for you. Experiment! I have it down to a

science in my bathroom. I do it on the floor and I

can hold more with my rear in the air. (Man, am I

being TRANSPARENT HERE!) lol Just remember, I may

look funny in your vision of me right now, but I clean


I can do them in a flash now and before I know it, I

have held the water 10ish minutes, like I am supposed

to. I am better at doing these because I am finally

getting experienced and less nervous and I know it is

a good and healthy thing. The die-off is TRULY a

motivator to do this. Otherwise, we REABSORB the

toxins -- and for those of you who that is your cause

of migraines, it is less messy than taking a gun and

blowing your head off -- and you are still around when

it is over to clean up YOUR OWN MESS! :)

Best Wishes On Great Enemas! (I can't believe I am

talking this way -- sickness motivates us to CHANGE!)


--- Nick Grant <nwgrant@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone

> I found Carolyn's post - caused a mixture of

> feelings - one I thought " Gosh,

> what if I have them in me/ " and tried not to think

> about it, and the other

> thought was - I NEED TO DO ENEMAS! Can someone

> please tell me what to ask

> for when I go to a chemist? to get one - and do they

> have the instructions

> with them. Should I do a parasite cleanse along

> with the enemas like

> Carolyn? Liz - do enemas help with the

> constipation? I have started having

> pain again when my bowels want to move - this

> stopped for awhile after the

> colonic, even though he only got part way thru it.

> I might take a big shot

> of laxatives and have another colonic done. When I

> get the courage up that

> is. I need to get my bowels softer so I don't block

> the speculum this time!

> <grin>..... Oh yes, do you use purified water to do

> a enema?


> Thanks





> Re: Re:

> > Carolyn

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Liz et al,

> >

> >

> >

> > Sure! Make my dead worms

> > FAMOUS! lol Seriously, if

> >

> > it can help anyone, more power to it.

> >

> >

> >

> > I have come a very long way since the first time I

> was

> >

> > told that " EVERYONE has parasites " by my 70

> something

> >

> > year old massage therapist with around 50 years of

> >

> > experience. He has a colonics therapist as well

> at

> >

> > his clinic. I was amazed the first time I ever

> saw a

> >

> > parasite. It was FULL of MY BLOOD!! That made me

> >

> > ANGRY, yet I had no clue that the grandpa was

> almost 2

> >

> > years away from coming out.

> >

> >

> >

> > One thing that has been a rapid change since I

> have

> >

> > been doing some steady candida treatment -- less

> than

> >

> > 2 weeks real strong, but about 2 months total --

> is my

> >

> > SKIN! I think it is looking better and more

> youthful!

> >

> > I am realizing how UNABSORBED my expensive

> >

> > supplements have been.

> >

> >

> >

> > I also have a lot of hair falling out -- been that

> way

> >

> > since my fiance' died in 1992. I see now that I

> have

> >

> > a thyroid problem and all those supplements to

> help

> >

> > the thyroid or hair problem has had difficulty

> being

> >

> > affected because of the havok that the candida has

> >

> > wreaked on my immune system. I am FINALLY getting

> >

> > somewhere and feel that in the last week, my HAIR

> IS

> >

> > FINALLY GROWING FAST! I can tell because I cover

> the

> >

> > grays and it has grown like mad in the last week!

> Now

> >

> > I just need to see the falling slow or STOP!

> >

> >

> >

> > God bless each and everyone of you. I am so

> grateful

> >

> > for the information that has led me to some help.

> I

> >

> > hope those of you who have a clue don't have to

> wait

> >

> > so long to get confident that you are FREE from

> these

> >

> > horrific CREATURES!

> >

> >

> >

> > :)

> >


=== message truncated ===


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It is important to get to know the best place and

positions for you. Experiment! I have it down to


science in my bathroom. I do it on the floor and I

can hold more with my rear in the air

In addition to this position, with rear in the air, extend

left leg up as high as it can go. Helps you from leaking

anything out. LOL!

Been there, done that!


--- rabbitbrain@...


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No , thanks, I have it now. :)

I am wondering if your gallbladder is going south? I think

mine may be slowly not working right. If you get sick on a

regular basis after eating fatty foods it could be a sign that

your gallbladder isn't doing it's job. Keep a record of it.

Have you ever done a liver/gallbladder flush? I did twice,

it wasn't very pleasant, I think I need another one.

If the gallbladder isn't working properly it can contribute

to constipation. I was reading on the web that after some

individuals have theirs removed, then their constipation

clears up. I talked with my doctor pointing this out to him.

He shakes his head no and says I would have chest and

shoulder pain. However I like to make my point. I may not

have dire pain YET. Is this organ going south or what?

Candida interferes with the thyroid as well as the gallbladder,

so I will not rule this problem out. Doctors only help you

when you are on the floor screaming in agony. Gee!

I'll write you as soon as I can get the Homozon.

Liz D

Re: Re:



Didn';t I send you my address off list. If I didn't it's


5 Woodbury St




Thanks Liz - and I would love to hear from others. I am feeling

really sick

today after eating something last night that I shouldn't have. I

was so

tired, I got hubby to go down to the Fish and Chip shop and get me a


and rice roll. But I think it was the fat that made me

ill. I felt

nauseous all night, and my bowel feels very tight and

uncomfortable. I feel

like I need a good dump! So roll on the Homozon...I will try


--- rabbitbrain@...


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I went off line just before you sent this out. I haven't slept good in a long time. Since the girls have been gone, I usually go to bed around 3-4. Just can't sleep. If I just lay there I start hurting too much, so I play solitare like you. What was you doig up so late??? You take care my friend. I worry about you.

Love Ya


Helen, Can't you sleep?  I am playing solitare and reading mail as it comes in. I hope everything is all right.


A ONLINE 6.0\IDB\spool.ind

Please Remember Our Country

And All the Families in

Your Thoughts and or Your Prayers !!!



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Hi Helen

I am a night person. I keep an eye on things while others sleep. I have been so worried about b/c he is so depressed. I don't have to deal with Sid if I can sleep during the day. So I am up usually, not always tho.

Please don't worry about me, I'm doing OK. I will have let you know if there are any problems. For momths Sid has been doing all right and then Monday he reverted back to his old attitude, but I can deal with it. is aware of everything and protects me as much as possible. My Dr.s are also aware of the situation and are ready to do anything I need done.

I am still praying for you and the girls. Love you.


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  • 3 months later...

Yes, Thank Goodness for living close to the hospital !!! That's terrible !!! Guess we all better keep our eyes open when given that drug...

How are you doing??? Are your meds all straightened out now and helping ya ??? Have a Good New Year :o)

{{{ New Year Hugs }}}


I'm allergic to it also. It sent me into pulminary edema.Thank goodness I live close to the hospital.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Had my diseased gall bladder taken out in Jan. 1998...My stomach hurt so much and the sharp pains were terrible... I was like that for six months... Went to my Dr. in that time and she had tests ran and I was sent to a specialist and had the tube with the camera put down into my stomach. Went back to my reg. Dr. and told her how excruciating the pains were at times, and I was given a lecture on staying on my diet for Gurd and that the Gurd wasn't that bad to be causing me to be complaining as much as I was...So her answer just tore me to pieces... I felt so small, but the pains were so terrible... That was the first three months... The second three months I dealt with it the best I could... I lost weight, I was always in so much pain that I would just double over...But I would not go back to her and get another lecture on being a wimp... Finally I couldn't take anymore... The pain was above a 10 and I had a fever of 103*, it was in the middle of the day, but I waited until 3am to call the Dr. and Thankfully I got the associate that was on call... He told me to go to the ER, which is what I wanted...

ER ran a Blood work up on me and my white count was terrible... They were thinking appendicitis... Then at 7am when the tech's. came in they ran another test. Then they called in a surgeon and he ordered a gall bladder test to be done... The test was something else... The tech guy called in the one that reads them right away, as he had never seen anything like it before...Here the dye was not going through the gall bladder, it was completely clogged...Hence all the pain...I needed emergency surgery right away or I could die...The surgeon came in finally several hours later and said you have to have surgery now...I was so out of it that my husband told me a lot of it after it was all over with... So the doc said he was going out and get an OR ready for surgery right now... Ten, Fifteen Min's. later he comes walking back into the room and tells us that he doesn't accept our insurance, so the hospital was trying to find another surgeon for me right away...Tells us Good Luck and walks out, never to be seen again... The nurses come in and tell us they can't believe what just had happened...They were doing their best to try and find another surgeon...Four hours later they contacted another surgeon at another hospital... He would be over as soon as he was finished with the patient he was attending at that time...By this time I was so sick...When he arrived around midnight, he looked at my chart and said I needed surgery right away... He could not believe that a Dr. would walk out on a patient that was in as much danger as I was... He said he was going out to get an OR and I would go down soon... He wasn't out of the room five min's. and they were already wheeling me out to OR... An hour and a half later, I was out of surgery... He almost lost me... The gall bladder fell apart in his hands just as he was removing it...No stones, Just very diseased...He was going to report the other Dr. to the medical board, as what he did was very wrong, I almost died...Then I couldn't get better...I was so weak and coughing...Here i had double pneumonia on top of everything else...The Dr. asked, didn't they do an x-ray on her when she came through ER??? Ross said no chest x-ray...The doc said, well they are supposed to, but this time it may have saved my life that they didn't... Because if he knew I had double pneumonia, he would have delayed surgery and that would have surely have been my death...I was in the hospital seven days before I was allowed to go back home...And in all this time my family Dr. never once said she was sorry for not investigating all my pain further...The doc that done the surgery, told us that I had to of been ill for a long time and in excruciating pain for my gall bladder to be in such a shape it was in...So I have learned that if You know something is wrong and they won't listen, find anothet Dr., because it could cost you your life...

Sorry for the book I wrote here... It just makes me so upset that Dr's. (some) can get away with what they do...

Carolyn,It is harder for us that are so down in the first place to heal from things when it happens... So hang in there and hopefully it will get better soon... Please see the Dr. if it isn't somewhat better by now... PLEASE !!!

{{{ Healing hugs )))



I'm sorry you are hurting so badly. I wonder if it could be gall stones or gall bladder. I had a huge stone blocking my gall bladder and that's where it hurt.

I'm the same as usual. I get so tired of hurting, just like everyone else. I haven't given up yet though. I will get over this fall. It just thinks it's going to keep me down.



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"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."

- Anonymous.

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Helen-I totally understand what you went through as I had a similar situation in getting my liver disease dx-am so thankful they finally took care of you. carol

On Tue, 22 Jan 2002 03:14:18 EST angelbear1129@... writes:

Had my diseased gall bladder taken out in Jan. 1998...My stomach hurt so much and the sharp pains were terrible... I was like that for six months... Went to my Dr. in that time and she had tests ran and I was sent to a specialist and had the tube with the camera put down into my stomach. Went back to my reg. Dr. and told her how excruciating the pains were at times, and I was given a lecture on staying on my diet for Gurd and that the Gurd wasn't that bad to be causing me to be complaining as much as I was...So her answer just tore me to pieces... I felt so small, but the pains were so terrible... That was the first three months... The second three months I dealt with it the best I could... I lost weight, I was always in so much pain that I would just double over...But I would not go back to her and get another lecture on being a wimp... Finally I couldn't take anymore... The pain was above a 10 and I had a fever of 103*, it was in the middle of the day, but I waited until 3am to call the Dr. and Thankfully I got the associate that was on call... He told me to go to the ER, which is what I wanted...ER ran a Blood work up on me and my white count was terrible... They were thinking appendicitis... Then at 7am when the tech's. came in they ran another test. Then they called in a surgeon and he ordered a gall bladder test to be done... The test was something else... The tech guy called in the one that reads them right away, as he had never seen anything like it before...Here the dye was not going through the gall bladder, it was completely clogged...Hence all the pain...I needed emergency surgery right away or I could die...The surgeon came in finally several hours later and said you have to have surgery now...I was so out of it that my husband told me a lot of it after it was all over with... So the doc said he was going out and get an OR ready for surgery right now... Ten, Fifteen Min's. later he comes walking back into the room and tells us that he doesn't accept our insurance, so the hospital was trying to find another surgeon for me right away...Tells us Good Luck and walks out, never to be seen again... The nurses come in and tell us they can't believe what just had happened...They were doing their best to try and find another surgeon...Four hours later they contacted another surgeon at another hospital... He would be over as soon as he was finished with the patient he was attending at that time...By this time I was so sick...When he arrived around midnight, he looked at my chart and said I needed surgery right away... He could not believe that a Dr. would walk out on a patient that was in as much danger as I was... He said he was going out to get an OR and I would go down soon... He wasn't out of the room five min's. and they were already wheeling me out to OR... An hour and a half later, I was out of surgery... He almost lost me... The gall bladder fell apart in his hands just as he was removing it...No stones, Just very diseased...He was going to report the other Dr. to the medical board, as what he did was very wrong, I almost died...Then I couldn't get better...I was so weak and coughing...Here i had double pneumonia on top of everything else...The Dr. asked, didn't they do an x-ray on her when she came through ER??? Ross said no chest x-ray...The doc said, well they are supposed to, but this time it may have saved my life that they didn't... Because if he knew I had double pneumonia, he would have delayed surgery and that would have surely have been my death...I was in the hospital seven days before I was allowed to go back home...And in all this time my family Dr. never once said she was sorry for not investigating all my pain further...The doc that done the surgery, told us that I had to of been ill for a long time and in excruciating pain for my gall bladder to be in such a shape it was in...So I have learned that if You know something is wrong and they won't listen, find anothet Dr., because it could cost you your life... Sorry for the book I wrote here... It just makes me so upset that Dr's. (some) can get away with what they do... Carolyn,It is harder for us that are so down in the first place to heal from things when it happens... So hang in there and hopefully it will get better soon... Please see the Dr. if it isn't somewhat better by now... PLEASE !!! {{{ Healing hugs ))) Helen HelenI'm sorry you are hurting so badly. I wonder if it could be gall stones or gall bladder. I had a huge stone blocking my gall bladder and that's where it hurt.I'm the same as usual. I get so tired of hurting, just like everyone else. I haven't given up yet though. I will get over this fall. It just thinks it's going to keep me down.HugsCarolyn

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi, its ...

I meant to reply a few days ago...I was so sorry to hear you are facing another surgery this summer. When is the surgery?

I also wanted to tell you that I am on Neurontin for my leg. I cannot imagine taking 1800 mg a day...I take 400 mg at night, and if I take it too late in the eveing, I am so groggy in the morning that I can barely get out of bed. I am very sensitive to meds anyway...

I can't imagine having to take 1800 mg. Do you take 600mg three times a day? I have noticed if I don't take my Neurontin, that I am sooo much clearer-headed the next day. However, its a trade off...leg pain vs. clear mind...

Anyway, I hope that the surgery goes very well...keep us posted, ok?

and Rob 13 jas

PS We'll be heading to Cleveland the end of the week...staying in Independence...that's where the wedding is.

In a message dated 06/09/2002 9:42:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time, cybersis40@... writes:

Hi Becki, It is Carolyn again. I too am on Neurontin. The fatigue associated

with this drug is amazing. How much are you on if you don't mind me asking? I

take 1800mgs. a day. I have that foggy mind thing happening, and I hate to

admit it but it does help me sleep a night. Unfortunately it also helps me

sleep during the day! Now, you mention the percocet, wow, what a combination

with neurontin, I am suprised you were able to type! :) I am always given

percocet after a surgery and well....off to sleepy land I go. Can I ask why

you are on both? I am sorry to hear about your lung condition. The other meds

I am on are enbrel and methotrexate. I am interested in your imuran and

remicade combination, do you find this combo helpful? Take care, Carolyn JRA

34 years. :)

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  • 1 month later...
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((((((( BIG SPECIAL HUGS )))))))


Helen has always kept us going, but she is having a flare up and is unable to

do what she has always done for all of us. We have let things go and I

apologize for neglecting to respond to your posts. I think that you have

{\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/}

*/*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\*



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Why do you have bruise on top of bruises and sores??? Did you fall again???

How are you doing now??? Please let me know!!!

((( Love and Hugs )))


{\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/}

*/*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\*



e Sent

Hi Jessi, I am very uncomfortable today. I have bruises on top of sores and

then some more on top of that.lol I can not find a way to sit or lie down

that isn't very painful. I will survive this, or else. Falling is a pain,

did you know that? I'm trying to keep a stiff upper lip, but it gets to be

tough sometimes. OK, question number 2. I can get most pictures, not zip or

exe since I am AOL. I don't send pictures so I really don't know much about

it. I would love to see your picture. How are you today? Sorry I missed

you on IM.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Carolyn :o)

Have Missed ya!!! Hoping and Praying you are doing better by now !!! Please keep us informed... I worry about ya!!!

((( Love and Hugs )))


CZ, Please listen to Helen and apply what she is saying to you. She is right.



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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Carolyn ,

Your little girl sounds so much like my son and I was interested in what the

mito (sp) disease they were testing for was?

You can e-mail me privately ,

Thanks so much ,



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  • 2 months later...
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Dixie, I am in Birmingham..... have heard of the Garage sale but when is it


Keep me posted. PS do you sew?




You said that right, girl. I'm in Alabama, between Huntsville and

Birmingham. Where are you located?

Have you heard of the yard sale that starts in or around Gadsden, AL

and goes through Kentucky? 450 miles, I think.


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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Carolyn,

>well, i think that your daughter is so easy going because you are easy


>so im sure that your second will be wonderful as well.

I can only HOPE!!!! It probably helped that I was totally anal about

'scheduling' w/ her.

>and when you have two, they really do amuse each other and you will have a

>little bit of free time... especially as they get older.

I hadn't thought about that!!!

now that our

>boys are 3 and 5, i can get through a whole workout and actually eat my

>whole lunch and even get to sit for a little while and read a book!! i

>never thought that the day would arrive, but i think that it has!!!

that sounds great! I'm able to do things now, a year later, that I never

thought I'd be able to do in peace again -- so I guess it does get somewhat

better w/ age!!


>the eldest is going back to school soon and that gives me alot more time

>too :)

That should be good! My hat goes off to those who homeschool -- I just

don't know how they do it! My hat also goes off to all the full time SAHMs!

I go into the office usually 3 days a week and it is a very nice break

sometimes. I really don't want to go in more than 3X, but some times I have

to and that usually is a recipe for disaster at home!

I also have a great childcare arrangement (my mom) so that helps, too.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Carolyn,

Yes I was referring to Occupational Therapy, I would say when you go

to the doc with Marty next, ask him, maybe it can help! At this

point I am sure that even a little help may go along way for him!

Your mom sounds like a real spite fire. I must say though, I know

alot of people that has a mother in their 80's and so many times I

hear pretty much the same stories! IS it the age or is it just

because of that generation? Thankfully my mom is only in her 50's

and still going strong so personally I can't relate, but I am sure

when the time comes it will be me dealing with her out of my 5


I hope you can always find the strength and love to enjoy all of

your grandbabies! Right now has been at my mom's since Sunday

night! Believe me when I say this is a huge surprise, normally my

mom can't handle him for more then 2 hours at a time and usually

that's with me there! She is determined to believe he is only

a " brat " , no matter how I try to explain it. I'm just amazed they

have both lasted this long together. I'm in the process of moving

and had to start packing and just couldn't with home so off he

went to grandma's...

The best of luck to you with everything,

Take care,


> Hi Chrissy,


> Yes, there has been an awful lot of frustration in my

> life with Marty I must say. Just day to day trying to do

> what is best for him all the time, and never really KNOWING

> what that is other than giving him a steady and consistent

> home life and my love and care. No he has never had OT, is

> that Occupational Therapy or something else? They looked at

> his hands once because they are all twisted now, he can't

> straighten his fingers out and can only use his pointer

> fingers and his thumbs, and one of his ankles is getting

> really getting rigid and swollen now too and I am thinking

> of taking him to the doctor for it. I took him last year

> when I first noticed the swelling but he said it was from

> the way he sits. Hmmmm.


> It is hard to take care of a disabled child, and that is

> the truth.


> And right now I am frustrated with my mother. It is kind

> of the same thing, caregiving. Mom is 86 years old now and

> can barely walk on her own, and I take her to the store,

> etc., have to put her wheelchair into the trunk. Well the

> other day we had a fight, we have always fought. My brother

> Dick died in January after a lengthy illness caused by his

> drinking, he died of cirrhosis. Well I had taken mom out to

> the cemetery to see about his marker, etc. and on the way

> home she was saying this, " I really miss Dick, he was the

> oooooooonly one who ever helped me, da, da, da, " Well there

> I was HELPING her at that very moment.


> She got so mad at me she told me I had been a " pain in

> the butt " since the day I was born. I kid you not. A 63 year

> old woman being yelled at by her 86 year old mom, me driving

> who knows how fast on the freeway. I don't even remember

> getting home, it is a wonder I didn't have a heart attack my

> heart started beating so fast in defense of myself. Then she

> reminded me of what a bad kid I was as a teenager. That was

> 50 years ago! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


> So I took her home, didn't even take her to the store. I

> was too mad by then, and she felt the same. So since then I

> have been feeling guilty wondering if she got anybody to

> take her. She has no husband, my father, because he died 37

> years ago, her oldest son died from cancer in '91, her

> second son died in Jan., and her third son had his colon

> taken out not long ago, and is not in that good of shape and

> so can't help her. I am pretty healthy, and I am

> aaaaaaaaaall she has, and yet I am not good enough! You see,

> I am not a SON.


> Well thank you for letting me vent. Felt GOOD! haha. I

> am feeling kind of beat from having a root canal yesterday.

> It went well, but the tooth had been infected for awhile so

> I am fighting that whole thing off. I was on antibiotic for

> it in early July but couldn't do the dental work then, had

> to wait until after my daughter had her new baby as I was on

> call to take her to the hospital.


> So this morning I have to go and pick the kids up in

> about an hour and take them to swimming lessons. I signed

> them up for the last session of the summer, so don't want

> them to miss it. We are all going, Tara, , Sierra and

> the new baby Lucas. Should be fun, if I don't pass out! haha


> May God give me strength! And He always does.


> Love and prayers to you all, for God's strength to fill

> your lives also.

> Carolyn





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Hi Chrissy,

Thanks for the suggestion, I know I really do need to push for OT for Marty. We took him once to a PT and OT and they did an assessment. I wanted him on a regular program where he could go in or they could come to my house and do the exercises with him, but instead they showed me how to do them, and now I don't remember. As if I don't have enough to do! He has good medical insurance including Medicare so I don't see why those trained in this can't do it, they are the ones who went to school to learn it! And now one of his ankles is getting really swollen from contractures, or whatever the doctor called them.

Yes, I think I will make an appointment to bring him to the doctor this week, he needs his Depokote levels checked anyway, they have to take his blood twice a year to see that his liver is functioning o.k. and it has been awhile. Last night he had a seizure when we were driving along. At this time of year when the sun starts drifting more to the south, it is at a slant where if there are trees along the way it blinks in his eyes and makes him have a seizure. We always go out around 6:00 just to get out of the house, and it is like this every year. Should go later or earlier. It does not do it when it is cloudy.

That is really good your mom is doing so well with taking care of so you can pack. Where are you moving too. She sounds like a strong woman, like you!

Oh my mom, well yes she is 86 now and I really do admire her very much, always have, and what it is with her is her personality. I looked up narcissistic personality disorder once and found she has quite a few of the personality traits listed! So As long as I remember this and just don't challenge her on any of her opinions we get along fine. I don't get much in the way of personal attention, but at least we don't fight. haha I slipped up the other day and wanted something for myself. In fact I point blank asked her for it, said, "Why don't I get any validation for what I do for you?" And she said, "Why do you need it?"

And I said, "Well because you're my mother." But I don't think she got it, has never gotten it, has just looked at me like I am a problem to her, and I guess by needing anything FROM her I have been. But as long as I don't need it, we do fine. But BOY does she need it from my end, personal validation. Oh boy howdy!

I try to keep a sense of humor. I have to hustle now to go and pick up the kids for swimming. It does not do my head any good to sit inside a building with a chlorinated pool, and also last night there was so much smoke in the air I actually woke up and felt like I couldn't breath and it was hard going back to sleep after that. There are forest fires around here and farmers burning their fields, they do it every year. Sigh.

Talk to you soon, pray you are having a good day packing!



Re: Carolyn

Hi Carolyn,Yes I was referring to Occupational Therapy, I would say when you go to the doc with Marty next, ask him, maybe it can help! At this point I am sure that even a little help may go along way for him! Your mom sounds like a real spite fire. I must say though, I know alot of people that has a mother in their 80's and so many times I hear pretty much the same stories! IS it the age or is it just because of that generation? Thankfully my mom is only in her 50's and still going strong so personally I can't relate, but I am sure when the time comes it will be me dealing with her out of my 5 siblings. I hope you can always find the strength and love to enjoy all of your grandbabies! Right now has been at my mom's since Sunday night! Believe me when I say this is a huge surprise, normally my mom can't handle him for more then 2 hours at a time and usually that's with me there! She is determined to believe he is only a "brat", no matter how I try to explain it. I'm just amazed they have both lasted this long together. I'm in the process of moving and had to start packing and just couldn't with home so off he went to grandma's...The best of luck to you with everything,Take care,Chrissy> Hi Chrissy,> > Yes, there has been an awful lot of frustration in my> life with Marty I must say. Just day to day trying to do> what is best for him all the time, and never really KNOWING> what that is other than giving him a steady and consistent> home life and my love and care. No he has never had OT, is> that Occupational Therapy or something else? They looked at> his hands once because they are all twisted now, he can't> straighten his fingers out and can only use his pointer> fingers and his thumbs, and one of his ankles is getting> really getting rigid and swollen now too and I am thinking> of taking him to the doctor for it. I took him last year> when I first noticed the swelling but he said it was from> the way he sits. Hmmmm.> > It is hard to take care of a disabled child, and that is> the truth.> > And right now I am frustrated with my mother. It is kind> of the same thing, caregiving. Mom is 86 years old now and> can barely walk on her own, and I take her to the store,> etc., have to put her wheelchair into the trunk. Well the> other day we had a fight, we have always fought. My brother> Dick died in January after a lengthy illness caused by his> drinking, he died of cirrhosis. Well I had taken mom out to> the cemetery to see about his marker, etc. and on the way> home she was saying this, "I really miss Dick, he was the> oooooooonly one who ever helped me, da, da, da," Well there> I was HELPING her at that very moment.> > She got so mad at me she told me I had been a "pain in> the butt" since the day I was born. I kid you not. A 63 year> old woman being yelled at by her 86 year old mom, me driving> who knows how fast on the freeway. I don't even remember> getting home, it is a wonder I didn't have a heart attack my> heart started beating so fast in defense of myself. Then she> reminded me of what a bad kid I was as a teenager. That was> 50 years ago! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!> > So I took her home, didn't even take her to the store. I> was too mad by then, and she felt the same. So since then I> have been feeling guilty wondering if she got anybody to> take her. She has no husband, my father, because he died 37> years ago, her oldest son died from cancer in '91, her> second son died in Jan., and her third son had his colon> taken out not long ago, and is not in that good of shape and> so can't help her. I am pretty healthy, and I am> aaaaaaaaaall she has, and yet I am not good enough! You see,> I am not a SON.> > Well thank you for letting me vent. Felt GOOD! haha. I> am feeling kind of beat from having a root canal yesterday.> It went well, but the tooth had been infected for awhile so> I am fighting that whole thing off. I was on antibiotic for> it in early July but couldn't do the dental work then, had> to wait until after my daughter had her new baby as I was on> call to take her to the hospital.> > So this morning I have to go and pick the kids up in> about an hour and take them to swimming lessons. I signed> them up for the last session of the summer, so don't want> them to miss it. We are all going, Tara, , Sierra and> the new baby Lucas. Should be fun, if I don't pass out! haha> > May God give me strength! And He always does.> > Love and prayers to you all, for God's strength to fill> your lives also.> Carolyn> > > >

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