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I bought toasted soybeans in the health food store--they are not bad. I also

think the soy sausage found in the freezer at the grocery store is okay. You

might try these. Lori


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In a message dated 98-11-08 22:58:39 EST, you write:

<< Does anyone know any good cookbooks or websites that have info on

incorporating soy products into your diet. >>


I have one book that is called Estrogen The Natural Way. It has " over 250

easy and delicious recipes for Menopause " It is loaded with recipes that

incorporate soy and flax into them. It is by Nina Shandler and the copy I

have is a hard cover.


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Hi Gayle,

I believe the new book THe Breast Cancer Diet is high in Soy. I think it has


I saw it on Oprah.



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Hi Gayle,

I love soy milk and use it in any recipe that calls for milk. In

Woman's World McRee from Good Morning American has some soy


Grilled Veg Lasagna

1 1/2 pounds zuchini and/or yellow squash cut length wise into 1/2 inch

thick slices

1 lb eggplant, cut into 1/2 inch thick slices

1 lb portobello muchrooms

1 red bell pepper quarterd

3 cloves garlic minced

3 Tbs oil, preferable soybean

1 1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp italian seasoning

3/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes

1 pkg (19oz) silken tofu

2 Tbs vinegar

1 pkg soy based mozzarella cheese shredded (about 3 cups)

1.2 cup soy based grated parmesan cheese

1/2 cup egg substitute

1 jar (26 oz) sundried tomato sauce

12 whole wheat lasagna noodles, prepared according to pkg directions

Preheat grill or broiler. Coat 13x9 baking dish with nonstick cooking

spray. On platter combine zucchini and/or squash, eggplant, mushrooms,

bell pepper garlic, 2 Tbs oils, 1 tsp salt 1/2 tps italian seasoning,

1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes. Arrange vegs in single layer on

grill or on 2 baking shhets coated with cooking spray; grill or broil

turning once until veg soften, 10 min per side. Remove drain excess

liquid on paper towels. Cut mushrooms and pepper into 1/2 inch thick

slices. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In food processor or blender

puree tofu, vinegar and remaining 1/2 tps italian seasonings until very

smooth. Stir in 1/2 pkg of mozzarella, 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, egg

sub, remaining 1/2 tsp salt and 1/4 crushed red pepper flakes until

smooth. Spread 3/4 cup tomato sauce over bottom of baking dish; top

with 3 noodles. Top with 1/2 grilled vegs; spread with 1/2 tofu

mixture. Top with 3 noodles, 3/4 cup sauce and remaining vegs. Top

with 3 noodles; spread with remaining tofu mixture.Top with remaining

noodels; spread with remianing sauce. Srinkle with remaining 1 1/2 cups

mozzarella cheese and reaming 1/4 cup parmesan cheese. Cover loosely

with foil; bake 30 min. Remove foil bake until bubbling aroudn edges,

15 min.

Hope this helps. Dina

>From hyperthyroidism-return-548-dsmosna=hotmail.comegroups Sun



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Re soy:

I buy frozen soy pizza in the health food store, and it's not bad! (Any

health food store is loaded w/soy products. Go and look around and keep an

open mind--you'll be surprised at what you find, and what you might like.)



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  • 1 month later...




>Hi Group



>Have a question for this group that I hope someone can answer me




>Have been reading a lot about Omega 3 on this list and I havn't heard

>anyone say that it can be found in Soy.............Like Tofu, Miso,

>Tempah and things like that.............Am I




>Do I have faulty information???????/



>Am a strong advocate of Soy, is should be eaten daily in as many ways as




>Thanks for any info you send.



>Annie C.

I have read some info on Soy that makes me keep away from it.

Are Soy Products Dangerous?

by Charlotte Gerson, http://gerson.org/soy.html

I use Udo's Oil and Missing Link.


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At 17:54 06.01.99 -0000, you wrote:

>I have read some info on Soy that makes me keep away from it.


>Are Soy Products Dangerous?


>by Charlotte Gerson, http://gerson.org/soy.html


>I use Udo's Oil and Missing Link.


Bad sides of soy:

" potent enzyme inhibitors, which block the action of trypsin and other

enzymes needed for protein digestion. "

hemaglutinin which promotes clumping of red blood cells.

phytic acids blocks the uptake of essential minerals in the intestinal

tract, including calcium, magnesium, iron and especially zinc.

I have visited this site, and I do agree with a some part of information

presented on that page.

But I do not think that eating tofu or miso occasionaly is very bad. Not

for everyone !

If we analyze any common food like wheat, strawberry, corn..., we can find

chemicals that are really harmfull for some people. Those chemicals may

harm some people, while other may not have any reaction on them.

The best explanation is given by Dr, D'Adamo in his book Eat Right for

Your Type.

While soy may not be the perfect food for People with Blood Type O, Blood

Type A still may benefit from it.

And, certainly, tofu is far from being perfect protein.

Even Miso, if not fermented for a long time, at least one and half year,

best two, may be very bad food.

I do not recommend to anyone to base it's diet on White miso (shiro miso,

short time fermented miso).

Any miso , if eaten every day for a very long time (many years) may cause a

health problems.

But still, for people who never ate miso, good old (2 years ) miso is a

perfect food, even if eaten every day, but not longer than one year.

So, if you are a person having cancer, and you are using miso less than one

year, keep on doing it, but, never mix miso and milk products! Do not eat

miso and milk products the same week ! And make pause after one year.

Anti cancer efects of miso may be important for you! Especially if your

blood type is A.

And, certainly , do not count tofu as a important source of omega 3.

It is easier to get it from the flax seed.

No food is perfect !

And, check your blood type for any food you are eating.




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I've heard both good and bad about soy as well. One of the main reasons I tend

to stay away from the mega soy protein drinks and other soy products is because

it is the most genetically engineered crop. I think a " Pandora's box " has been

opened on soy and the ramifications of messing around with it's DNA might not

show up for a generation or two.

I use Omega 3 oils from both Flax and Fish....just covering all the bases!



Lucas wrote:

> Reba wrote

> >

> >Hi Group

> >

> >

> >Have a question for this group that I hope someone can answer me

> >......................

> >

> >

> >Have been reading a lot about Omega 3 on this list and I havn't heard

> >anyone say that it can be found in Soy.............Like Tofu, Miso,

> >Tempah and things like that.............Am I

> >wrong????????....................

> >

> >

> >Do I have faulty information???????/

> >

> >

> >Am a strong advocate of Soy, is should be eaten daily in as many ways as

> >possible.

> >

> >

> >Thanks for any info you send.

> >

> >

> >Annie C.


> I have read some info on Soy that makes me keep away from it.


> Are Soy Products Dangerous?


> by Charlotte Gerson, http://gerson.org/soy.html


> I use Udo's Oil and Missing Link.



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In a message dated 1/7/99 7:01:38 AM Eastern Standard Time,

pjmacon@... writes:

<< I've heard both good and bad about soy as well. >>

To all,

There are many soy based products on the market today. It would be very

hard to judge all by a generalizing statement. I know of one product called

Halien 941 that is made in China, it tastes like 10 year old tennis shoes that

have been stored in a wet box. It is one of the most potent healing

ingredients for the rebuilding of the body from ravages of cancer and other

diseases. It is quite expensive as well. Wholesales for $62.00 for 8 ounces.

But, if you want to 'get back' quickly, you will buy it, drink it, and like it

to the last drop!

Warmest regards,



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Most food is altered or tampered with. Especially meats, including fish.

The industry not only feed animals toxins and chemicals, but they are (and

have) genetically alter them to 'produce' more. Exaple. Mc's and

the chickens they use for McNuggets. They genetically altered the chickens

to 'produce' more meat. I was at a conference and heard Jim Mason, an

ex-rancer and person in the agri-business, speak and say that now the egg

industry is trying to have chickens 'produce' eggs that taste like butter

is already in them. Now, the meat and dairy industry is trying to find a

way to have animals born with out any limbs. DNA altering is definetly

here and has been. I do realize the fruits and vegetables are altered too.

I try to support the organic fruits and veg. sellers.

" Pandora's box " has already been opened a long time ago, I believed it was

when humans first looked at other creatures that have life and deceided

that theirs was not important. I drink " mega " soy protein drinks, since I

do weight lifting (not huge!!! just tone!!!) and eat all the different soy

products on the market. I have had numerous doctors appointments over the

last ten years and everytime I am in perfect health. *mind you I don't eat

anything that comes from an animal.

I know some people have a hard time digesting soy, do to their bodies. It

is like an allergy. Not every body is capable of digesting the same food

items. - k


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  • 1 year later...

Maybe they did worse on soy foods because soy is genetically modified

(or genetically engineered) so, pretty basically it is mutant food and

thus not fit for human (or any living being's) consumption. This is why

soy is such a huge allergenic, people just seem to be " allergic " to

things that are toxic to them. Your body is telling you " do not eat

that again " , it is going to kill you " . Genetically altered soy is now

in infant formula and genetically altered vegetables are in jarred baby


I stay away from as many poisons as I can; tap water, which contains

fluoride (rat poison), chlorine (destroys the immunity in the mouth, and

destroys intestinal flora, etc... bye bye immune system) , genetically

altered foods like potatoes, corn, soy and the entire enstein food

group, inorganic dairy is filled with chemicals and drugs (bye bye

nutrient absorbtion...hello disease), and on and on....

I've had CFIDS for four years and have found that it is imperative that

I avoid as many toxic substances as possible.

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Which is why I only eat soyfoods that are from certified organic or

transitional beans. And I would encourage everyone else who eats soy to do

so as well.

I'm going to have to do some serious research on this RBC clumping issue,

since I get a large percentage of my protein from soy (I am an aspiring

vegetarian for ethical and environmental reasons). It would be very

difficult for me to have an appetizing and diverse protein intake without

soy. I have not noticed any ill effects in particular associated with my

intake of soy, but hey, I feel like hell and am going downhill so I need to

check out all the possibilities.

Darn. Now that I really ENJOY soymilk and tofu and soy sausage and soy

burgers ...

>From: Oopseee@...



>Subject: Re: Soy

>Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 16:33:03 -0800 (PST)


>Maybe they did worse on soy foods because soy is genetically modified

>(or genetically engineered) so, pretty basically it is mutant food and

>thus not fit for human (or any living being's) consumption. [snip]


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear Kristilee:

Soy beans are seeds. Nature protects seeds from foraging animals by tying up

protein and minerals and by making those seeds detrimental to the animals.

Even cooking does not destroy the antiprotein and minerals components. But

sprouting does and so does fermenting them. Tofu and soy milk are made from

unfermented, unsprouted soy beans so they are indigestible and harmful. Once

sprouted [soybeans smell terrible when sprouting] or fermented then all the

nutrients in them are available.

best wishes,



From: Kristilee Helmick <kristilee1@...>

thanks for the info Earl. I will feel better about eating miso now! Like

I said before I have heard so many conflicting opinions about soy and

hypothyroidism. One doctor I respect very much said eat it as long as it

is well-cooked, I've also heard the opinion that it is okay as long as you

only eat it 1 or 2 times a week. I basically just try to avoid it entirely

because nobody seems to agree on what kind/how much is okay to eat.

However things like miso and soy sauce are hard for me to avoid because

I've gotten used to using them a lot.

>Dear Kristilee:

>All unfermented soy products appear to be anti-thyroid organic or


>If they have been fermented like, tamari or miso, they are OK.

>Tofu and soy milk are relatively indigestible as well as anti-thyroid.




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> thanks for the info Earl. I will feel better about eating miso now! Like

> I said before I have heard so many conflicting opinions about soy and

> hypothyroidism. One doctor I respect very much said eat it as long as it

> is well-cooked, I've also heard the opinion that it is okay as long as you

> only eat it 1 or 2 times a week. I basically just try to avoid it entirely

> because nobody seems to agree on what kind/how much is okay to eat.

> However things like miso and soy sauce are hard for me to avoid because

> I've gotten used to using them a lot.

I use a lot of soy and Teryaki sauces for marinating. hmmmmm so is that ok?

How about Bragg's Aminos?

What about the soy isoflavones supplements that Gynecologists are telling

their patients to take? How safe are they for us hypos?

Joyfully Rejoicing in His Love & Grace!


(web pages under construction-always looking for good links!)

<A HREF= " http://members.aol.com/gini4jesus/index.html " >Living Waters-Be Set


(Jer 15:16 KJV) Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was

unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O

LORD God of hosts.

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Guest guest

Earl, What about TVP? I have no idea what the process is for making it but I

have used it in cooking meatless dishes. Another question: It was mentioned

that infants fed on formulas containg soy can develope thyroid problems

later. What kind of formula would be the best for a baby if the mother can

not continue breast feeding? Thankyou, Sabra

>From: " Earl Conroy " <waiorama@...>



>Subject: RE: soy

>Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 15:49:06 +1300


>Dear Kristilee:

>Soy beans are seeds. Nature protects seeds from foraging animals by tying


>protein and minerals and by making those seeds detrimental to the animals.

>Even cooking does not destroy the antiprotein and minerals components. But

>sprouting does and so does fermenting them. Tofu and soy milk are made from

>unfermented, unsprouted soy beans so they are indigestible and harmful.


>sprouted [soybeans smell terrible when sprouting] or fermented then all the

>nutrients in them are available.

>best wishes,



> soy



>From: Kristilee Helmick <kristilee1@...>


>thanks for the info Earl. I will feel better about eating miso now! Like

>I said before I have heard so many conflicting opinions about soy and

>hypothyroidism. One doctor I respect very much said eat it as long as it

>is well-cooked, I've also heard the opinion that it is okay as long as you

>only eat it 1 or 2 times a week. I basically just try to avoid it entirely

>because nobody seems to agree on what kind/how much is okay to eat.

>However things like miso and soy sauce are hard for me to avoid because

>I've gotten used to using them a lot.





> >Dear Kristilee:

> >All unfermented soy products appear to be anti-thyroid organic or

> >commercial.

> >If they have been fermented like, tamari or miso, they are OK.

> >Tofu and soy milk are relatively indigestible as well as anti-thyroid.

> >Earl




>MotherWise - Natural, Earth-Friendly, and Alternative Products for

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Guest guest


Thanks once again for the information! I think it is very interesting and I

never knew that about seeds. Does that apply to all seeds?? For instance,

I eat a lot of sesame seeds.

Anyway I have never heard of anyone eating soybean sprouts. Is it

something you would recommend? Most importantly I'd be interested to know

whether soybean sprouts retain the amount of protein that soybeans have, or

is the protein what gets broken up when they sprout?



>Dear Kristilee:

>Soy beans are seeds. Nature protects seeds from foraging animals by tying up

>protein and minerals and by making those seeds detrimental to the animals.

>Even cooking does not destroy the antiprotein and minerals components. But

>sprouting does and so does fermenting them. Tofu and soy milk are made from

>unfermented, unsprouted soy beans so they are indigestible and harmful. Once

>sprouted [soybeans smell terrible when sprouting] or fermented then all the

>nutrients in them are available.

>best wishes,



MotherWise - Natural, Earth-Friendly, and Alternative Products for

Pregnancy, Birth, Baby, Breastfeeding, and Beyond! Visit us online:


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Guest guest

Dear Kristilee:

I would suspect that soy sprouts would have less protein but since they'd be

digested, then there would be more.

Sesame seeds, the same applies, but who sprouts sesame seeds?

Tahini seems fairly digestible but soybeans are not.


RE: soy

From: Kristilee Helmick <kristilee1@...>


Thanks once again for the information! I think it is very interesting and I

never knew that about seeds. Does that apply to all seeds?? For instance,

I eat a lot of sesame seeds.

Anyway I have never heard of anyone eating soybean sprouts. Is it

something you would recommend? Most importantly I'd be interested to know

whether soybean sprouts retain the amount of protein that soybeans have, or

is the protein what gets broken up when they sprout?



>Dear Kristilee:

>Soy beans are seeds. Nature protects seeds from foraging animals by tying


>protein and minerals and by making those seeds detrimental to the animals.

>Even cooking does not destroy the antiprotein and minerals components. But

>sprouting does and so does fermenting them. Tofu and soy milk are made from

>unfermented, unsprouted soy beans so they are indigestible and harmful.


>sprouted [soybeans smell terrible when sprouting] or fermented then all the

>nutrients in them are available.

>best wishes,




MotherWise - Natural, Earth-Friendly, and Alternative Products for

Pregnancy, Birth, Baby, Breastfeeding, and Beyond! Visit us online:



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Dear Jeannie:

If soy products are fermented they're OK. Braggs is not fermented.

Tamari and miso are fermented and are quite digestible and useful to

nutrition. Soy isoflavones are big on the current list, but they are still

unfermented soy. My data does not support the use of soy isoflavones.

Women in generaly do not need phytoestrogens they need thyroid restoration

and natural progesterone.

best wishes,


Re: soy

From: joynrejoicing@...

> thanks for the info Earl. I will feel better about eating miso now! Like

> I said before I have heard so many conflicting opinions about soy and

> hypothyroidism. One doctor I respect very much said eat it as long as it

> is well-cooked, I've also heard the opinion that it is okay as long as


> only eat it 1 or 2 times a week. I basically just try to avoid it


> because nobody seems to agree on what kind/how much is okay to eat.

> However things like miso and soy sauce are hard for me to avoid because

> I've gotten used to using them a lot.

I use a lot of soy and Teryaki sauces for marinating. hmmmmm so is that ok?

How about Bragg's Aminos?

What about the soy isoflavones supplements that Gynecologists are telling

their patients to take? How safe are they for us hypos?

Joyfully Rejoicing in His Love & Grace!


(web pages under construction-always looking for good links!)

<A HREF= " http://members.aol.com/gini4jesus/index.html " >Living Waters-Be Set


(Jer 15:16 KJV) Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was

unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O

LORD God of hosts.


GET A NEXTCARD VISA, in 30 seconds! Get rates as low as 2.9%

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Infant feeding

Dear Sabra:

TVP is highly processed soy + ??. My suggestion is to avoid it. Consider

using quinoa, spelt, millet, hummus.

After weaning, I suggest using blended fruit, vegetables, potatoes, sweet

potatoes, spirulina, chlorella, carrot juice, apple juice, grape juice,

coconut milk [made from coconut cream, filtered water and a bit of honey and

a bit of celtic salt],

Remember breast milk is very low protein. cows milk, goats milk, meat, soy

are all very high protein. Young children do not have fully developed

digestive systems. Milk, meat, grains introduced too early [before about 18

months]can set up life long allergies.

Best wishes,





>From: Kristilee Helmick <kristilee1@...>


>thanks for the info Earl. I will feel better about eating miso now! Like

>I said before I have heard so many conflicting opinions about soy and

>hypothyroidism. One doctor I respect very much said eat it as long as it

>is well-cooked, I've also heard the opinion that it is okay as long as you

>only eat it 1 or 2 times a week. I basically just try to avoid it entirely

>because nobody seems to agree on what kind/how much is okay to eat.

>However things like miso and soy sauce are hard for me to avoid because

>I've gotten used to using them a lot.





> >Dear Kristilee:

> >All unfermented soy products appear to be anti-thyroid organic or

> >commercial.

> >If they have been fermented like, tamari or miso, they are OK.

> >Tofu and soy milk are relatively indigestible as well as anti-thyroid.

> >Earl





>MotherWise - Natural, Earth-Friendly, and Alternative Products for

>Pregnancy, Birth, Baby, Breastfeeding, and Beyond! Visit us online:








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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

dear Earl,

I was feeling very low over all this thyroid stuff and I also placed an

advert in my local paper to other sufferers, only to see how many there are

and got 400 letters all ill, so I realised that maybe we should try other

options so I got that liquid Iron you told me about to try, my chemist got

it and it is good, ive also increased my iron in my diet and im not happy

with my Doctor, im very under active and that made me low , I do think your

a very nice person, ive cried a million tears over this illness but now im

fighting back.

best wishes

>From: " Earl Conroy " <waiorama@...>



>Subject: RE: soy

>Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 15:49:06 +1300


>Dear Kristilee:

>Soy beans are seeds. Nature protects seeds from foraging animals by tying


>protein and minerals and by making those seeds detrimental to the animals.

>Even cooking does not destroy the antiprotein and minerals components. But

>sprouting does and so does fermenting them. Tofu and soy milk are made from

>unfermented, unsprouted soy beans so they are indigestible and harmful.


>sprouted [soybeans smell terrible when sprouting] or fermented then all the

>nutrients in them are available.

>best wishes,



> soy



>From: Kristilee Helmick <kristilee1@...>


>thanks for the info Earl. I will feel better about eating miso now! Like

>I said before I have heard so many conflicting opinions about soy and

>hypothyroidism. One doctor I respect very much said eat it as long as it

>is well-cooked, I've also heard the opinion that it is okay as long as you

>only eat it 1 or 2 times a week. I basically just try to avoid it entirely

>because nobody seems to agree on what kind/how much is okay to eat.

>However things like miso and soy sauce are hard for me to avoid because

>I've gotten used to using them a lot.





> >Dear Kristilee:

> >All unfermented soy products appear to be anti-thyroid organic or

> >commercial.

> >If they have been fermented like, tamari or miso, they are OK.

> >Tofu and soy milk are relatively indigestible as well as anti-thyroid.

> >Earl




>MotherWise - Natural, Earth-Friendly, and Alternative Products for

>Pregnancy, Birth, Baby, Breastfeeding, and Beyond! Visit us online:








>Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds! Get rates as low as

>0.0% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees.

>Apply NOW!





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Guest guest

Yes, I have started making soy shakes, with today being my 2nd day. And

I can tell you, my body is not right with it. Also, I have added

nutritional yeast, so it could be the soy, the yeast, or both. Plus, I

am using tofu and also soy protein powder. So it could be either or

both. I do notice that the soy protein affects me more negatively than

the tofu.

And then I read that beef interferes with absorption of calcium? That is

one good reason to have soy - protein and calcium. What is a person to

do????? Pam and going crazy!!!!

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Guest guest


Re: Soy

> Yes, I have started making soy shakes, with today being my 2nd day. And

> I can tell you, my body is not right with it. Also, I have added

> nutritional yeast, so it could be the soy, the yeast, or both. Plus, I

> am using tofu and also soy protein powder. So it could be either or

> both. I do notice that the soy protein affects me more negatively than

> the tofu.


> And then I read that beef interferes with absorption of calcium? That is

> one good reason to have soy - protein and calcium. What is a person to

> do????? Pam and going crazy!!!!


> --------------------------------------------------------------------------





> --------------------------------------------------------------------------



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Cliff

I am glad to hear that you are discontinuing the Soya. I think it is really

sad that things have turned out this way. My sister-in-law who is also

batleing cancer is going to look into this further. I will share with you

what she finds. She has been a vegetarian and worked in a health food store

in Quebec for years. and has been eating soya based products for years.

Because it is so much an important part of her diet, this concerns her more

then just a little bit.

As for your Designer Whey protein without alarming you make sure the fats

and sugars have been removed from that paticular protein. Some are some

arn't. Again it is the fats and sugars that like to excel the growth of

cancer. Not alll are created equal, this would definitly be a rule of thumb

I would look out for. That is the main purpose of having people with cancer

stay away from Dairy products.

Soon we will have information about a study that was conducted by doctors in

the USA about Immunocal and prostate cancer. This was a large human study

that was recently completed and the results will be pesented to a group of

oncologists at a large meeting they have sceduled. I wish I could tell you

more. I have a gentlemen on it with prostate cancer. He recently went for a

checkup and the doctor couldn't get over how good his white count is. His

PSA is staying and remaining low. The gentlemen takes alot of good

supplements along with the Immunocal daily.

Perhaps sometime if you like I can hook you up by email with these folks and

they can tell you what is happening in their lives. I actually have two

gentlemen with prostate taking the Immunocal. and I am sure if you would

like to speak to either they would love to share with you and have you do

the same. Your choice.

I wish you the best.



> Hi Debbie,


> Thank you for your advice. I have been using some Soy Protein. I think I

> will ditch that and stay with some Designer Whey Protein that I have on


> until it is gonel


> I don't think I could go wrong with that. I don't want to do anything


> would make anything worse.


> My main protein source will still be cottage cheese.


> Cliff



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