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I don't have a thermometer so I don't know what my temp is. Haven't felt

feverish. Does seem like I get night sweats some nights.

I have been going to the gym a lot and soaking in the jacuzzi, rotating steam

room, sauna, laps in the pool. I will stay for hours. While I'm doing that stuff

no creepy crawly sensations and I feel normal. I'm also hoping it helps get the

bugs off.

> >

> > I also notice I'm tired a lot of the time lately, some days I sleep around

the clock. My sleep cycle is all messed up. I've also dropped about 50 lbs.

since this whole thing started. I needed to lose weight, but this is such a

scary way to do it. There was a couple weeks where I seemed to have no appetite

and diarhea. That was when I lost most of the weight. Then it seemed to

stabilize and I got most of my appetite back. Anyone else have an experience

like this?

> >


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Yes, this is a horrifying way to lose weight. I dropped about 20 pounds and lost

most of my appetite there for a while. This hell will turn your life upside

down. I think the weight loss was due to a combination of frantic cleaning and

simply hurting too much to sit down and eat. I've gained back about 5 pounds

but I do so much cleaning trying to keep on top of the " things " I doubt I'll get

back to my normal weight till I kill them all off. God only knows when that will



> I also notice I'm tired a lot of the time lately, some days I sleep around the

clock. My sleep cycle is all messed up. I've also dropped about 50 lbs. since

this whole thing started. I needed to lose weight, but this is such a scary way

to do it. There was a couple weeks where I seemed to have no appetite and

diarhea. That was when I lost most of the weight. Then it seemed to stabilize

and I got most of my appetite back. Anyone else have an experience like this?


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Hi, sweetie,

I think many of us have had an experience like this.

Rather than reinvent the wheel, and maybe tell you something wrong in the process, I would like to suggest that for instant answers you could try the group search feature. On the home page it is down a bit on the right, just above the 5 most recent posts. On the Messages page it is just above the messages. You can also search by post number, if you have that information.

Because we ARE struggling like you, trying to work and sleep and all that stuff, we are here, but not necessarily online when you have a question and need an immediate answer.

I will tell you that most of my critters migrated to my scalp after getting on my from the floor where I caught them in the first place. They like the warmth. Some decided to homestead between the floor and my head, but most are in my scalp. Before I knew what was going on, I had shampooed/showered a bunch of them out of my hair and back onto my body where they hung up in the same places I would if I were trying not to get washed down the drain.

And they stayed.

During the day, they shed from my scalp, face, and neck. The ones that make it to the floor would get right back on and climb right back up if I let them, and some make it. I caught this from my environment because the previous host shed them, left after working at my computer for a month, then I returned to working on it and--hey--Burger King had left but Mac's was there and they went for me.

The rest is miserable history. And cyclical, reflective of the life cycles of the critters.

It is also an expensive history.

Before I found this group, I'd given up and found ways to get by, minimizing the pain of the bites, minimizing the damage to my skin, but after nearly a generation, and $150K in direct and indirect expenses before I quit counting, I was losing the numbers game.

I joined this group and learned that

1. I knew some things about preventing lesions that many didn't.

2. That some didn't know how key Dustmite was to stopping the horrible floor biters (black specks).

3. That there were healthier options--that worked--for products in my skin maintenance regimen.

4. That I had to let go of many comfortable maintenance routines and try new protocols--which I did, and haven't looked back.

5. This is a community of inquisitive minds fueled with desperation

6. Others' experience with doctors and dermatologists was just as awful as mine

7. That I still wasn't crazy

8. Why doctors say we are crazy and why

a. This is not necessarily a bad thing in all respects

b. We shouldn't fault the mechanics for following the manuals

9. Why scientists, not doctors, are who we should be asking for help (and are)

even the skin care--and replace it with healthier products (something I had long sought) and new protocols.

10. Why I suggest that a particular veterinary entomologist, who--in perpetuating, and in so doing perpetrating--a medically archaic theory, has caused the incarceration of medically sick people, which in some cases has probably resulted in their deaths.

But best of all, BEST of all, I learned that, one day, I might possibly be able to say that I am no longer livingwithcritters, I am livingwithOUTcritters.

Hang in there, sweetie,


From: sfcrawler <twistedtb@...>Subject: fatiguebird mites Date: Thursday, March 5, 2009, 2:05 PMI also notice I'm tired a lot of the time lately, some days I sleep around the clock. My sleep cycle is all messed up. I've also dropped about 50 lbs. since this whole thing started. I needed to lose weight, but this is such a scary way to do it. There was a couple weeks where I seemed to have no appetite and diarhea. That was when I lost most of the weight. Then it seemed to stabilize and I got most of my appetite back. Anyone else have an experience like this?

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I tried raw, finely chopped garlic, three times a day. After a few days or so, I noticed a HUGE improvement! This meant, to me, that after my sugar fest, I had candida.

I just keeped up the garlic, but you could do a candida cleanse from Vaxa.



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I've been taking a LOT of garlic supplements. (Nature Made - odorless) Is fresh

garlic better? Or in addition to?


> I tried raw, finely chopped garlic, three times a day. After a few days or

so, I noticed a HUGE improvement! This meant, to me, that after my sugar fest, I

had candida.

> I just keeped up the garlic, but you could do a candida cleanse from Vaxa.

> Hugs,

> Darlitia


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has to be raw garlic...i posted about the benefits of garlic before...search it. very interesting. just dont eat the doritos with it like I did for a while. this is good...prepackaged lettuce, avocado cut(bite size pieces) on top of that, 3-4 cloves chopped up garlic sprinkled over that, drizzle with a mixture of cocunut oil(bout 1 large tablespoon softened in microwave about 15 sec) and garlic powder....salt to taste with fine seasalt. Yumm. Just ate one.> >> > I tried raw, finely chopped garlic, three times a day. After a few days or so, I noticed a HUGE improvement! This meant, to me, that after my sugar fest, I had candida. > > I just keeped up the garlic, but you could do a candida cleanse from Vaxa.> > Hugs,> > Darlitia> >>

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Speaking of garlic, has anyone tried topical application? Garlic juice is

purportedly effective on bird mites.

> > >

> > > I tried raw, finely chopped garlic, three times a day. After a few

> days or so, I noticed a HUGE improvement! This meant, to me, that after

> my sugar fest, I had candida.

> > > I just keeped up the garlic, but you could do a candida cleanse from

> Vaxa.

> > > Hugs,

> > > Darlitia

> > >

> >


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We've actually discusses this question before and the concensus is that you need

to be using ODOR-ed, not odor-free garlic. I think it was Bob (can't remember

exactly... maybe it was another forum) who recommended getting these garlic

capsules from Vitamin Shoppe since what they have is the fully odor-ed one. I

think garlic serves 2 purposes - they are anti-fungal and they stink up your

internals and the smell comes out of your pores, thus making you less attractive

to these critters.

You can also pick up a big jar of raw, peeled garlic cloves at costco for cheap

and will last you a good while. It does take some dicipline to eat raw garlic

though and it's quite strong so your stomach will get a shock the first few

times. Plus you'll probably stink around ppl so have that stick of gum ready :)

> >

> > I tried raw, finely chopped garlic, three times a day. After a few days or

so, I noticed a HUGE improvement! This meant, to me, that after my sugar fest, I

had candida.

> > I just keeped up the garlic, but you could do a candida cleanse from Vaxa.

> > Hugs,

> > Darlitia

> >


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Kixx, garlic OIL capsules have everything we want in them still, especially

allicin, germanium and selenium. De-orderized garlic capsules takes this out of

them. The wise sage at my local heath food store cleared me up on this for she

wrote her thesis for her doctorate on garlic. Garlic oil capsules are what we

are looking for, w/o the gastric distress of eating raw garlic. Garlic OIL

capsules will come through your pores, loud and clear, bugs will taste and smell

it and dilike it. I also use very low dosages of garlc essential oil, in my body

oil mixes, a 1/2 oz will last forever, pricy though.


> > >

> > > I tried raw, finely chopped garlic, three times a day. After a few days or

so, I noticed a HUGE improvement! This meant, to me, that after my sugar fest, I

had candida.

> > > I just keeped up the garlic, but you could do a candida cleanse from Vaxa.

> > > Hugs,

> > > Darlitia

> > >

> >


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Bob, so it was you who talked about garlic before?! I guess so.

I've never seen anything but de-odorized garlic at typical places we visit to

stock up on supplies like Walmart, Target, grocery stores, etc. Where do we go

get garlic oil capsules? Is it Vitamin Shoppe? I don't like eating raw garlic.

It's hard on my mouth and my stomach plus I'd rather just pop in some capsules

than to sit there slicing and eating and swallowing raw garlic. Thanks.


> > > >

> > > > I tried raw, finely chopped garlic, three times a day. After a few days

or so, I noticed a HUGE improvement! This meant, to me, that after my sugar

fest, I had candida.

> > > > I just keeped up the garlic, but you could do a candida cleanse from


> > > > Hugs,

> > > > Darlitia

> > > >

> > >

> >


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MMM Just had the Chasity garlic salad! And the doritos lol. You can just dip

those suckers right in the minced garlic jar, too good. even my 8 year old was

enjoyiong that one. lol

> > >

> > > I tried raw, finely chopped garlic, three times a day. After a few

> days or so, I noticed a HUGE improvement! This meant, to me, that after

> my sugar fest, I had candida.

> > > I just keeped up the garlic, but you could do a candida cleanse from

> Vaxa.

> > > Hugs,

> > > Darlitia

> > >

> >


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Glad ya'll enjoyed that...lol. I get my kids to eat some too. I've taken whole peeled garlic cloves, put them in a pouch made out of aluminum foil, cover the cloves with olive oil,salt,onion powder...make sure to coat them with the oil and seal the aluminum foil up real good then bake them for about 40 minutes at 375. when done mash them on some of the tiny saltine crackers...yumm my kids love that one!> > > >> > > > I tried raw, finely chopped garlic, three times a day. After a few> > days or so, I noticed a HUGE improvement! This meant, to me, that after> > my sugar fest, I had candida.> > > > I just keeped up the garlic, but you could do a candida cleanse from> > Vaxa.> > > > Hugs,> > > > Darlitia> > > >> > >> >>

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Mmm I love roasted garlic. Reminds me of my fav restaurant in Texas. We will be

trying that one tonight! Thanks Chas

> > > > >

> > > > > I tried raw, finely chopped garlic, three times a day. After a

> few

> > > days or so, I noticed a HUGE improvement! This meant, to me, that

> after

> > > my sugar fest, I had candida.

> > > > > I just keeped up the garlic, but you could do a candida cleanse

> from

> > > Vaxa.

> > > > > Hugs,

> > > > > Darlitia

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Bee,

> I had posted about taking vitamin C for energy and you responded to have more

fat for energy instead. I feel like the fatigue could be related to the

high-fat CO die off... So am I helping or hurting myself with 6 T of CO? I

will do as you suggest, just feeling confused.

+++Hi Amy. Sorry for the confusion - it was my mistake. Vitamin C won't help

your energy levels. Fatigue is a die-off symptom, so I suggest you reduce your

coconut oil so your fatigue isn't so severe. You probably increased it too

quickly. See this article about fatigue:


The best to you, Bee

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I don't eat much in the nightshade family. I like green peppers, but

they're on the 'dirty dozen' list and organic ones are $2 a pop. I like

eggplant also, but seldom fix it. Potatoes, not so much. Tomatoes I

can finally eat again after taking a 3-year hiatus post-chemo. I love

tomatoes but thanks to chemo, I'd get heartburn deluxe. ...not sure why

you asked.


Duke Stone wrote:



>how many nightshade veg do you ingest. Searching nightshade and a few key

words --- one at a time like cancer , cation, fatigue, nurve gas, burniing,

problems, symptoms. Can give you an idea about why tomatos and such were thought

to be poison for so long.





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With all the notes re: fatigue on here of late, it's a great time to repost

" SPOONS. "   Can someone do that for us?


Lj  CMT2

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Hi, Friends,

Last week, on the recommendation from a friend who, like me, also has CMT, I've

been taking COQ10 for energy!




Anyone who has a lack of energy should TRY this!  (Ask your doctor first).  I

have asthma/COPD and it's ok to take it with those problems.


Lj  CMT2/Scoli surgery 2002

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I tried COQ1 a few years ago. Absolutely no difference.

Lida in London

Re: Re: Fatigue

Hi, Friends,

Last week, on the recommendation from a friend who, like me, also has CMT,

I've been taking COQ10 for energy!


Anyone who has a lack of energy should TRY this! (Ask your doctor first).

I have asthma/COPD and it's ok to take it with those problems.

Lj CMT2/Scoli surgery 2002

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  • 1 month later...
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Dear Ellaina,

Be sure you are getting a good night's sleep. For me that means 8 hours.

Don't know if you have a dog or not, I do, and find that dogs are a great help

in motivating me to go for walks.

Also don't do anything that is bad for your liver and only do things that are good

for your liver, take some suppliments and herbs, no alcohol, if you're overweight

loose the excess.

Hope that helps,

Ress Felton, CA

http://www.flickr.com/photos/safoocat/--- On Sat, 6/27/09, edreifach <ellaina_dreifach@...> wrote:

From: edreifach <ellaina_dreifach@...>Subject: [ ] Fatigue Date: Saturday, June 27, 2009, 7:57 AM

Hi, I'm Ellaina. I dont post a lot but I sit in the background and read every post. I'm new to the fight against Hep C. I found out I had it over two years ago, but I wanted to ignore it for a while - so I did. I finally got up enough courage to call the hepatologist for my first visit. My appt is in three weeks.I'm very nervous about it. My primary care physician wants me to have a biopsy and I'm scared to death. Not about the biopsy procedure, but the results themselves. I was an active alcoholic for the past 20years but am now in recovery. So to the reason I'm posting...fatigue. I am having an internal battle in my head all day long over this fatigue I'm having. I'll attempt a walk to the store and I have to battle with my will over every step. my mind says I can do it and my body does not want to cooperate. Is this normal fatigue? It seems so overwhelming at times.Is there anything I can do or take that will help this


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> From: edreifach <ellaina_dreifach@...>

> Subject: [ ] Fatigue


> Date: Saturday, June 27, 2009, 7:57 AM



> Hi, I'm Ellaina. I dont post a lot but I sit in the background and read every

post. I'm new to the fight against Hep C. I found out I had it over two years

ago, but I wanted to ignore it for a while - so I did. I finally got up enough

courage to call the hepatologist for my first visit. My appt is in three weeks.

> I'm very nervous about it. My primary care physician wants me to have a biopsy

and I'm scared to death. Not about the biopsy procedure, but the results

themselves. I was an active alcoholic for the past 20years but am now in


> So to the reason I'm posting...fatigue. I am having an internal battle in my

head all day long over this fatigue I'm having. I'll attempt a walk to the store

and I have to battle with my will over every step. my mind says I can do it and

my body does not want to cooperate. Is this normal fatigue? It seems so

overwhelming at times.

> Is there anything I can do or take that will help this fatigue?




> ------------------------------------



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> From: edreifach <ellaina_dreifach@...>

> Subject: [ ] Fatigue


> Date: Saturday, June 27, 2009, 7:57 AM



> Hi, I'm Ellaina. I dont post a lot but I sit in the background and read every

post. I'm new to the fight against Hep C. I found out I had it over two years

ago, but I wanted to ignore it for a while - so I did. I finally got up enough

courage to call the hepatologist for my first visit. My appt is in three weeks.

> I'm very nervous about it. My primary care physician wants me to have a biopsy

and I'm scared to death. Not about the biopsy procedure, but the results

themselves. I was an active alcoholic for the past 20years but am now in


> So to the reason I'm posting...fatigue. I am having an internal battle in my

head all day long over this fatigue I'm having. I'll attempt a walk to the store

and I have to battle with my will over every step. my mind says I can do it and

my body does not want to cooperate. Is this normal fatigue? It seems so

overwhelming at times.

> Is there anything I can do or take that will help this fatigue?




> ------------------------------------



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> >

> >

> > From: edreifach <ellaina_dreifach@>

> > Subject: [ ] Fatigue

> >

> > Date: Saturday, June 27, 2009, 7:57 AM

> >

> >

> > Hi, I'm Ellaina. I dont post a lot but I sit in the background and read

every post. I'm new to the fight against Hep C. I found out I had it over two

years ago, but I wanted to ignore it for a while - so I did. I finally got up

enough courage to call the hepatologist for my first visit. My appt is in three


> > I'm very nervous about it. My primary care physician wants me to have a

biopsy and I'm scared to death. Not about the biopsy procedure, but the results

themselves. I was an active alcoholic for the past 20years but am now in


> > So to the reason I'm posting...fatigue. I am having an internal battle in my

head all day long over this fatigue I'm having. I'll attempt a walk to the store

and I have to battle with my will over every step. my mind says I can do it and

my body does not want to cooperate. Is this normal fatigue? It seems so

overwhelming at times.

> > Is there anything I can do or take that will help this fatigue?

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Ellaina:The absolute very best thing you could have down for yourself was admit you are an alcoholic and that you are not still damaging your liver with King Alcohol. I too was an alcoholic and will be counting 23 years clean mid next month. I figure that if I had not quit drinking when I did - I wouldn't be here typing this and yet I didn't quit drinking because of Hep C. In fact, I didn't find out that I was even afflicted with Hep C until I was sober 15 or 16 years. Still, that first biopsy might as well have been that of a currently practising alcoholic.There is really no rhyme or reason to the damage alcohol will play on an individuals liver!! My hubby actually had his liver cut in half and sown back together in the early 60's and still went on to

become a daily drinker and shows hardly any liver concerns to this day. Meantime, even though I was sober for so many years it was the Hep obviously that continued to do the damage.So, try to go through the biopsy with a positive outlook and it's just information anyway... It's what you choose to do with that information that matters.As for the fatigue - I actually only had occasionally bouts of it prior to being diagnosed. So it was a shock needless to say. However, the TX certainly did bring out mind boggling fatigue that continue even post TX. Now that I'm on a second go with TX and past the 16 weeks of possibly taking the Protease Inhibitor, I'm finding the fatigue has lightened up quite a bit. I simply don't go shopping much thanks to the support I get from my hubby; however, I never would be able to walk to a store. I have trouble getting around Wal-Mart without using the cart as a

walker. You should be tested by an Arthritis specialist ASAP !! I have a very good case of Fibromyalgia as a result of TX I think or could have been that TX just hastened the Fibro that I was going to get anyway. Who knows???GloriaFrom: edreifach <ellaina_dreifach@...> Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 7:57:39 AMSubject: [ ] Fatigue

Hi, I'm Ellaina. I dont post a lot but I sit in the background and read every post. I'm new to the fight against Hep C. I found out I had it over two years ago, but I wanted to ignore it for a while - so I did. I finally got up enough courage to call the hepatologist for my first visit. My appt is in three weeks.

I'm very nervous about it. My primary care physician wants me to have a biopsy and I'm scared to death. Not about the biopsy procedure, but the results themselves. I was an active alcoholic for the past 20years but am now in recovery.

So to the reason I'm posting...fatigue. I am having an internal battle in my head all day long over this fatigue I'm having. I'll attempt a walk to the store and I have to battle with my will over every step. my mind says I can do it and my body does not want to cooperate. Is this normal fatigue? It seems so overwhelming at times.

Is there anything I can do or take that will help this fatigue?

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Hi everybody

My fatigue began seriously in the mid 1980's.

I was working construction back then, and after a 8-12 hour day I would come home, and just go to bed.

No dinner, no bath, nothing, just sleep.

I went to the doctor several times about it, and they just blew it off as chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS, and told me there was nothing that could be done.

I had to stop working a regular job by 1990.

I was still able to do some work around my home like grow a garden, and even some building stuff.

When I got to tired to continue, I just went and took a nap.

I got on SSI in 2000 for mental, because SS wouldnt accept my physical issues.

I became crazy don.

By 2003 I wasnt even able to do part time work at home.

Walking anywhere was a chore.

Using a shopping cart as a walker so I could grocery shop became my norm.

Last year 08 in june is when the doctors finally tested me for hep C.

Now I know why I have/had no energy to do anything.

Today I use a riding cart to shop in big stores like Walmarts, and stumble along with a regular cart in smaller stores.

I cant hardly walk anymore, so I rarely go shopping, and when I do, its fast, in and out.

I spend my days in bed.

My mental caseworker keeps telling me to exercise.

She doesnt understand that I would if I could.

The fatigue and the brain fog are my worst symptoms so far.

Yeah Im getting a swelling in my gut too, but its not alot, just some, like 6 months pg.

Maybe lack of exercise, maybe old age, maybe the hep swelling my liver.

Im 58 this year.

Will I live to see 60?

I havent done TX for hep yet due to my heart, [CHF].

The docs say TX would be bad for me.

Not doing TX would also be bad for me.

What to do, what to do?

My Dad is 88 this year, and is just now showing signs of old age.

Im a whimp compared to him.

I hate this, its just not right.

It sure isnt the way I pictured my senior years to be.

I dont want sympathy.

I want a healing, an answer.

Come on medical science.

Come on God.

Meanwhile....Im one hell of a happy guy.

I love helping out here, and running my other groups.

Im thankful I have the internet, and can help give back to the world.

Im blessed, even in the middle of my own personal storm.

Life is still good.


don in ks

From: Gloria <gadamscan@...>Subject: Re: [ ] Fatigue Date: Sunday, June 28, 2009, 1:44 AM

Ellaina:The absolute very best thing you could have down for yourself was admit you are an alcoholic and that you are not still damaging your liver with King Alcohol. I too was an alcoholic and will be counting 23 years clean mid next month. I figure that if I had not quit drinking when I did - I wouldn't be here typing this and yet I didn't quit drinking because of Hep C. In fact, I didn't find out that I was even afflicted with Hep C until I was sober 15 or 16 years. Still, that first biopsy might as well have been that of a currently practising alcoholic.There is really no rhyme or reason to the damage alcohol will play on an individuals liver!! My hubby actually had his liver cut in half and sown back together in the early 60's and still went on to become a daily drinker and shows hardly any liver concerns to this day. Meantime, even though I was sober for so many years it was the Hep obviously

that continued to do the damage.So, try to go through the biopsy with a positive outlook and it's just information anyway... It's what you choose to do with that information that matters.As for the fatigue - I actually only had occasionally bouts of it prior to being diagnosed. So it was a shock needless to say. However, the TX certainly did bring out mind boggling fatigue that continue even post TX. Now that I'm on a second go with TX and past the 16 weeks of possibly taking the Protease Inhibitor, I'm finding the fatigue has lightened up quite a bit. I simply don't go shopping much thanks to the support I get from my hubby; however, I never would be able to walk to a store. I have trouble getting around Wal-Mart without using the cart as a walker. You should be tested by an Arthritis specialist ASAP !! I have a very good case of Fibromyalgia as a result of TX I think or could have been

that TX just hastened the Fibro that I was going to get anyway. Who knows???Gloria

From: edreifach <ellaina_dreifach@...> Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 7:57:39 AMSubject: [ ] Fatigue

Hi, I'm Ellaina. I dont post a lot but I sit in the background and read every post. I'm new to the fight against Hep C. I found out I had it over two years ago, but I wanted to ignore it for a while - so I did. I finally got up enough courage to call the hepatologist for my first visit. My appt is in three weeks.I'm very nervous about it. My primary care physician wants me to have a biopsy and I'm scared to death. Not about the biopsy procedure, but the results themselves. I was an active alcoholic for the past 20years but am now in recovery. So to the reason I'm posting...fatigue. I am having an internal battle in my head all day long over this fatigue I'm having. I'll attempt a walk to the store and I have to battle with my will over every step. my mind says I can do it and my body does not want to cooperate. Is this normal fatigue? It seems so overwhelming at times.Is there anything I can do or take that will help this


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Wow, you really have inner strength. I fell like a wimp as well. I get tired just sitting around and I wonder what my future holds for me. I'm only 38 years old and don't feel as though I'll see 40.

-- [ ] Fatigue

Hi, I'm Ellaina. I dont post a lot but I sit in the background and read every post. I'm new to the fight against Hep C. I found out I had it over two years ago, but I wanted to ignore it for a while - so I did. I finally got up enough courage to call the hepatologist for my first visit. My appt is in three weeks.I'm very nervous about it. My primary care physician wants me to have a biopsy and I'm scared to death. Not about the biopsy procedure, but the results themselves. I was an active alcoholic for the past 20years but am now in recovery. So to the reason I'm posting...fatigue. I am having an internal battle in my head all day long over this fatigue I'm having. I'll attempt a walk to the store and I have to battle with my will over every step. my mind says I can do it and my body does not want to cooperate. Is this normal fatigue? It seems so overwhelming at times.Is there anything I can do or take that will help this fatigue?

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