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Yeah I recently became apart of the JA comittee in SF, Cali. I am trying to

improve what they have going and so far they are pretty receptive to my ideas.

I've never been to AJAO yet, someday I hope.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Aine:

Thank you so much for all this sharing. It is an inspiration to

me (and I am sure many others). I too have a story that will soon be

published (as one of several Lyme patient stories in one volume) and I

will let this list know when it is out. I think that stories and sharing

(good and bad) are important for all of us. I think you are so fortunate to

have been able to work with the naturopath/homeopath/diet - as I also

did. Please accept my thanks for this wonderful letter. (By the way, I

also do not fear death - many in my family have died, some in my direct

care). Glen from New Jersey.

At 08:55 PM 9/12/2005 +0000, you wrote:


>My name is Aine, I have been living with chronic lyme disease

>(borrelia and babiosa run around inside if me) for twenty-three

>years. Contracted the disease (or first manifestations of the

>disease) in 1982 in Missouri.


>We have lots of ticks of every variety in Missouri but of course in

>the early eighties, we hadn't even heard of Lyme disease in the

>midwest, much less have the realization it was there. My symptoms

>started out with rash, flu-like symptoms and severe joint pain. Went

>on over years to develop break down in joints, they started to

>dislocate and I ended up in a wheelchair for awhile because they got

>so bad. Surgeons wanted to replace my knees but couldn't tell me why,

>said I was just born this way. But I had always been very active,

>dancing, swimming, biking, hiking and never had any problems in my

>life before. Decided to go to alternative therapies.


>My symptoms to this point also included anxiety attacks and severe

>vertigo. Every flu season I could expect to get severe respiratory

>infections, strep throat and bronchitis. I was never even prone to

>the flu or even bad colds before this.


>I started my alternative therapy in the late eighties with a

>chiropractor who was also an accupuncturist and chinese herbalist, we

>treated the symptoms, not the disease, didn't know what the disease

>was still. Got out of wheelchair, off of crutches, and off of cane.


>Moved to southwest, dry climate was great for me, didn't have an

>alternative doc to work with here, started to backslide into bad

>respiratory symptoms, contracted hepatitis A also, and that too went

>undiagnosed by physicians, even though I was going to doctor. Got a

>test done on several things, including erchiliosis and babiosa, no

>borrelia though, didn't have reliable one then (mid-nineties), tested



>Continued my studies on alternative therapies, became certified Reiki

>Master and hypnotherapist, did well but still had nagging feeling I

>was jabbing in the dark at what I was working on in my healing.


>Finally found an alternative practitioner who not only knew about

>lyme disease but lived with it herself for ten years. She is a

>homeopath and naturopath, she diagnosed me and has worked with me as

>a partner. Did some herbal work, did some thyroid support. I had

>suspected my thyroid was shot, she ran a bunch of tests and my

>thyroid and adrenals were shot, but she said I was in " miraculously "

>good shape to have lived with this disease for so long.


>I found that outside of the adrenal and thyroid support, I didn't

>really require too much else in " pill " support. I tried lots of

>different herbs, kept getting severe herx, so she definitely thought

>aintbiox would be too hard on me, and since I was responding well to

>energy work and gentler therapies, she let me alone with what was

>working. I seem to respond better to hydro-therapy (sitting in the

>hot tub and moving around in water) energy work (Reiki, hypnosis),

>and diet (low carb, NO sugar!).


>I also have used the bacteria in me as guides to pay attention to my

>body and my needs, and to help guide me in staying " on path " .

>Adjusting to what feels good.


>My journey has led me to coming to understand my body, my needs on

>all kinds of levels, including not self-sacrificing too much, and

>having good boundaries, and has led me to writing my first book that

>is soon to be published!


>I don't advocate any one way of healing for anyone, this has just

>been my journey, and it continues. I hope it inspires (and there have

>been dark nignts of the soul times for me, and that place of feeling

>near death lyme sufferers experience) but I come out through the

>other side every time stronger and wiser, I don't fear death

>anymore ....just not crazy about the pain, vertigo and brain fog!!!


>Thanks for letting me share,







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Hi Again Aine:

I forgot to tell you (seeing your background) that I have been a

LONG time student of the I-Ching. This has been a vast help to me (in many

ways). Glen from New Jersey

At 08:55 PM 9/12/2005 +0000, you wrote:


>My name is Aine, I have been living with chronic lyme disease

>(borrelia and babiosa run around inside if me) for twenty-three

>years. Contracted the disease (or first manifestations of the

>disease) in 1982 in Missouri.

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Thanks for telling us your story. I was diagnosed just 2 1/2 years ago

and have been fatigued for 5 years, so I'm a newbie in comparison to

you! I'm at a stage where I'm considering how to treat my Lyme as a

chronic disease. I'm tired of waiting to be " cured " and I want to get

on with my life. I found your story to be inspirational and an

affirmation of my desire to find my own way to a cease-fire with these




> Hi!

> My name is Aine, I have been living with chronic lyme disease

> (borrelia and babiosa run around inside if me) for twenty-three

> years. Contracted the disease (or first manifestations of the

> disease) in 1982 in Missouri.



> Aine

> aineb@m...

> www.theevolvingspirit.com

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Thanks Glen,

I think compiling stories of Lyme sufferers and getting them out to

the general public is great, we need to generate all of the awareness

we can.

I wish you luck,




> Hi Aine:

> Thank you so much for all this sharing. It is an

inspiration to

> me (and I am sure many others). I too have a story that will soon


> published (as one of several Lyme patient stories in one volume)

and I

> will let this list know when it is out. I think that stories and


> (good and bad) are important for all of us. I think you are so

fortunate to

> have been able to work with the naturopath/homeopath/diet - as I


> did. Please accept my thanks for this wonderful letter. (By the

way, I

> also do not fear death - many in my family have died, some in my


> care). Glen from New Jersey.



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Thank you Jessie,

I am glad for any inspiration, if any at all, that I can offer. I

definitely know how it feels to be out there flying blind, with no

outside guidance whatsoever. That's why it was great that I have been

able to tap into inner guidance, I feel blessed.

It's wonderful that forums like this exist for people to get

feedback, discussion, support on this issue. It's so wonderful to see

all of the organizations and voices of support raising up addressing

this now. It's unfortunate it is because so many are being found to

be afflicted with it, but I am a philosophical sort that believes

there is a reason for everything happening the way it does, it is

just a matter of discovering what that reason is.

I don't advocate my way of doing things, in any area of life, just

share my experience. I trust the wisdom and empowerment of others to

have the tools to find what works for them.

Best wishes to you on your own journey.




> > Hi!

> > My name is Aine, I have been living with chronic lyme disease

> > (borrelia and babiosa run around inside if me) for twenty-three

> > years. Contracted the disease (or first manifestations of the

> > disease) in 1982 in Missouri.

> >

> >>

> > Aine

> > aineb@m...

> > www.theevolvingspirit.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

Serra Setiwan and family we are praying for you all. Welcome to the list. If

you have any questions or if we can help in any way let us no. I have been

on 's list for about 3 or four years. I have learnt so much from

everyone here. There are some great folk's here. Many Dr.s and clinic's

around. They are all great at answering questions.



> Hello, my name is Serra Setiawan of 5 years old. I am sick for around

> 7 months.On March 2005 I got the Tonsilectomy operation, but after

> that I could not wake up. I still sleep,until now. The doctor said,

> something happen and my brain got injured. I want to wake up,

> I want to go back to school.








> " I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, " plans to prosper

> you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope. " [

> 29:11]

> _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.

> Join the International Hyperbaric Medical Association

> http://www.hyperbaricmedicalassociation.org/docs/JOIN_Friends_Apr04.pdf


> Is HBOT at your hospital?

> http://apps.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/directories/index.cfm


> EPSDT decisions http://healthlaw.org/pubs/200308.epsdtdocket.html


> Unrestricted downloads of 50+ pdf files on HBOT efficacy

> medicaid/files/ ,

> 2/files/ and

> http://www.drneubauerhbo.com/papers.htm


> Download your state EPSDT program

> http://www.hcfa.gov/medicaid/stateplan/Map.asp by doing a search on the

> word " ameliorate " . State Medicaid websites

> http://www.medi-cal.ca.gov/RelSites_Oth_States.asp . Medicaid waiver

> programs: http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/1029/medicaid.html


> Find a hyperbaric clinic http://www.netnet.net/mums/hbolistAK-FL.htm,

> http://www.netnet.net/mums/hbolistGA-NC.htm,

> http://www.netnet.net/mums/hbolistOH-WI.htm


> HBOT can save billions of dollars and millions of heartaches. Subscribe to

> by sending a blank email to

> mailto:medicaid-subscribe


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Hi Serra, we're also praying for you.

where are you from? Your name's so Indonesian, just my lucky guess.

Anyway, have you tried Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? Our daughter Rosita has

done more than 150 dives and the results are remarkable.

Like to talk to you soon.



Serra Setiwan and family we are praying for you all. Welcome to the list. If

you have any questions or if we can help in any way let us no. I have been

on 's list for about 3 or four years. I have learnt so much from

everyone here. There are some great folk's here. Many Dr.s and clinic's

around. They are all great at answering questions.



> Hello, my name is Serra Setiawan of 5 years old. I am sick for around

> 7 months.On March 2005 I got the Tonsilectomy operation, but after

> that I could not wake up. I still sleep,until now. The doctor said,

> something happen and my brain got injured. I want to wake up,

> I want to go back to school.








> " I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, " plans to prosper

> you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope. " [

> 29:11]

> _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.

> Join the International Hyperbaric Medical Association

> http://www.hyperbaricmedicalassociation.org/docs/JOIN_Friends_Apr04.pdf


> Is HBOT at your hospital?

> http://apps.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/directories/index.cfm


> EPSDT decisions http://healthlaw.org/pubs/200308.epsdtdocket.html


> Unrestricted downloads of 50+ pdf files on HBOT efficacy

> medicaid/files/ ,

> 2/files/ and

> http://www.drneubauerhbo.com/papers.htm


> Download your state EPSDT program

> http://www.hcfa.gov/medicaid/stateplan/Map.asp by doing a search on the

> word " ameliorate " . State Medicaid websites

> http://www.medi-cal.ca.gov/RelSites_Oth_States.asp . Medicaid waiver

> programs: http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/1029/medicaid.html


> Find a hyperbaric clinic http://www.netnet.net/mums/hbolistAK-FL.htm,

> http://www.netnet.net/mums/hbolistGA-NC.htm,

> http://www.netnet.net/mums/hbolistOH-WI.htm


> HBOT can save billions of dollars and millions of heartaches. Subscribe to

> by sending a blank email to

> mailto:medicaid-subscribe


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  • 2 months later...

Dear PAuline, This is a great group and I am sure you will find knowledgable folks responding to your quest. What explanation did the doctor's say for your neice's prblems?? What caused it ,or is causing it? It must be very severe if they are waiting for a transplant already, at diagnoses.

Since I did not know what shunts were, I found it interesting to access the following site:


It talks about the neeed for shunt, what they are and explains: Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts (TIPS) and Surgical Shunts.

Interestingly, I only found one reference to humans. Most of the sites had to do with a disease called "Liver Shunt " in dogs and cats.

Good luck, Clara from OR

[ ] Introduction

Hello everyone, My neice just has been going through testing for liver problems. She started school this year with no outward appearance of any problems. As the months went on she became swollen, (at first we thought that she was just gaining weight) Right now she looks like a barrell. She has had testing of all sorts done at Riley Childrens Hospital. The extent of her liver damage is sever, They are going to place shunts in until they can find a liver for her. I do not know if anyone else has had this experience or not, or even if I am in the right support group. Any inforomation anyone has would be of great interest to me.

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Hi Peg I,

Sorry to hear of all you are suffering :( That low back thing can

be awful. I'm trying ESI again- and it's working this time :) I

use heat/cold pacs, inversion table, TENS, sometime 'roll' on my

exercise ball or lay face-down with a pillow under tummy (it gives a

gentle stretch to the lumbar). Mt PT does a massage that breaks up

the knots and spasms- it is a painful procedure, but it usually

gives me a couple days' releif.

My previous ESI's didn't do much good. I've changed clinics and

this new place is doing much better! I go for #2 in lumbar next

week. The first one is still holding my pain/cramps down to a

wonderful level of 'living good'. The ESI usually takes 3-5 days to

kick-in, then last for maybe 2 weeks or more. Most places do one

every 3 or 4 months. My new clinic uses a protocol of: if the first

one gives releif for a week or more, do another in 30 days, if it

still 'works', they do another in 30 days using a slow-release

steroid- thgis 'should' give relief for up to 10 months!! I gotta

see this! (I'm going to the pain clinic at Jewish Hosp. in

St. Louis- where Reeve went).

I take vicodin and baclofen for pain, finally they are having a good


Tell us about your C-spine fusion. I'd like to know about it

because I have stenosis, bulge discs, pinched nerve... in the C-

spine -yup! just like my lumbar spine :). I know I'll need to face

the surgery question sometime and collect all the info I can. Where

did you go for it? How is pain/mobility since the surgery? What

kind of surgeon did it? How long/complicated is recovery?

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I just got the diagnosis today, it is Budd Chiari. They told us that she has blockages in the main vein to her liver. They tried to do the balloon to expand it but no luck. She has sever liver damage and they think that the only way to fix it is the transplant. She is only 11 years old and we are all very scared. She also has a problem with her blood clotting. She has to go evey other day for vitamin k shots. She is also taking a water pill and it is really upsetting her stomach. I feel helpless because I can not fix it for her. ineClara Shelton <cshelton33@...> wrote: Dear PAuline, This is a great group and I am sure you will find knowledgable folks responding to

your quest. What explanation did the doctor's say for your neice's prblems?? What caused it ,or is causing it? It must be very severe if they are waiting for a transplant already, at diagnoses. Since I did not know what shunts were, I found it interesting to access the following site: http://www.pennhealth.com/int_rad/health_info/trans.html#what It talks about the neeed for shunt, what they are and explains: Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts (TIPS) and Surgical Shunts. Interestingly, I only found one reference to humans. Most of the sites had to do with a disease called "Liver Shunt " in dogs and cats. Good luck, Clara from OR [ ]

Introduction Hello everyone, My neice just has been going through testing for liver problems. She started school this year with no outward appearance of any problems. As the months went on she became swollen, (at first we thought that she was just gaining weight) Right now she looks like a barrell. She has had testing of all sorts done at Riley Childrens Hospital. The extent of her liver damage is sever, They are going to place shunts in until they can find a liver for her. I do not know if anyone else has had this experience or not, or even if I am in the right support group. Any inforomation anyone has would be of great interest to me.

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ine, Wow! I'd be scared too! Have faith , so many of the seriously ill patients do get better and even live a comparatively normal life. Several of the people in this on this site, have talked about having been young and had a transplant and are sharing their life with us. Maybe the doctors can figure out how to bypass the problem? Is that why they are thinking of a "shunt"? Keep asking questions and 2nd opinions until you are satisfied every avenue has been examined. My prayers are with you, I'll be thinking of you. Clara From OR

[ ] Introduction

Hello everyone, My neice just has been going through testing for liver problems. She started school this year with no outward appearance of any problems. As the months went on she became swollen, (at first we thought that she was just gaining weight) Right now she looks like a barrell. She has had testing of all sorts done at Riley Childrens Hospital. The extent of her liver damage is sever, They are going to place shunts in until they can find a liver for her. I do not know if anyone else has had this experience or not, or even if I am in the right support group. Any inforomation anyone has would be of great interest to me.

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Hi Sandy,

TENS is transcutanious electronic nerveve stimulator. It's a small

device that delivers electrical 'signals' via adhesive pads to

the 'area of treatment'. The signals cause the muscles to 'flex' and

relax, wearing them out so they stop cramping/hurting. If left in-

place long enough it causes a numbing effect to the area.

I've used one for several years, it's sorta my best buddy. I've

figured out that putting the pads parallel to my spine at the level

where the cramps are, I can reduce/eradicate the pain/cramps-

sometimes for hours!

My first intro to TENS was at a PT clinic, the tech worked with my

doc to get me my own.


> Can you please explain what tens is. Thanks Sandy




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So sorry ine that you are going through this. I am not sure what your daughter has but no matter what you are welcome here and we will try to answer any questions you have.

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hello ine, my daughter was 10 years 11 monthes old when she was

diagnosed with AIH, she was in liver failure and she has severe cirrosis but

the doctors are great and with all the medications we have managed to avoid

a transplant for the time being, in fact they want to wait for her to go

through puberty and finish growing, what i am trying to say is, she is in

good care now that the doctors are on it, check with your doctor but

avoiding all salt and very low protein might help. my daughter was

doiagnaosed 2 years ago and i do know what your going through, my heart

feels for you and all i can say is read everything you can get your hands

on, we were going through the preliminaries for a transplant and then the

doctors said she was doing good and i didn't beleive them, but she just kept

improving and here we are today. Good luck to you, Ruth mom of Alyssa

>From: pauline fugate <ladyfugate2000@...>



>Subject: Re: [ ] Introduction

>Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 17:32:37 -0800 (PST)


>I just got the diagnosis today, it is Budd Chiari. They told us that she

>has blockages in the main vein to her liver. They tried to do the balloon

>to expand it but no luck. She has sever liver damage and they think that

>the only way to fix it is the transplant. She is only 11 years old and we

>are all very scared. She also has a problem with her blood clotting. She

>has to go evey other day for vitamin k shots. She is also taking a water

>pill and it is really upsetting her stomach. I feel helpless because I can

>not fix it for her. ine


>Clara Shelton <cshelton33@...> wrote: Dear PAuline, This

>is a great group and I am sure you will find knowledgable folks responding

>to your quest. What explanation did the doctor's say for your neice's

>prblems?? What caused it ,or is causing it? It must be very severe if

>they are waiting for a transplant already, at diagnoses.


> Since I did not know what shunts were, I found it interesting to access

>the following site:


> http://www.pennhealth.com/int_rad/health_info/trans.html#what


> It talks about the neeed for shunt, what they are and explains:

>Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts (TIPS) and Surgical Shunts.


> Interestingly, I only found one reference to humans. Most of the sites

>had to do with a disease called " Liver Shunt " in dogs and cats.


> Good luck, Clara from OR



> [ ] Introduction



>Hello everyone, My neice just has been going through testing for liver

>problems. She started school this year with no outward appearance of

>any problems. As the months went on she became swollen, (at first we

>thought that she was just gaining weight) Right now she looks like a

>barrell. She has had testing of all sorts done at Riley Childrens

>Hospital. The extent of her liver damage is sever, They are going to

>place shunts in until they can find a liver for her. I do not know if

>anyone else has had this experience or not, or even if I am in the

>right support group. Any inforomation anyone has would be of great

>interest to me.








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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Please look at these sites. Hypers USED to be treated with iodine (not

radioactive) which is what is needed.





> Hello Everyone,


> I'm new to your chat and I hope to gain some valuable insight from

> your group. I was diagnosed with Graves disease about six years ago.

> I had iodine ablation two years after the original diagnosis, and I

> have not been able to lead a normal life since. I have experienced

> allergies to most thyroid replacement meds, enormous weight gain, my

> face swells, my legs and lower back usually hurt, I'm short of breath,

> (docs put me on beta blockers while I was hyper and they never took me

> off), abnormal bowel movements, you name it I've experienced it. I've

> had little quality of life for six years. I'm only 50 and I sometimes

> wonder if my health and physical appearance will ever improve so that

> I can work and be proud to look in the mirror again??? Anyone else

> with these problems?












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Kyrene wrote:

==>Hi Kyrene. Welcome to our group my friend. You've come to the

right place. I love your name!


> Hi, my name is Kyrene and I have been dealing with odd symptoms over

> the past year and a half. In times of great stress, I get a HUGE

case of hives under my stomach that won't go away. I also have had

multiple cases of yeast infections (Something I never had until a

year and a half ago)I now have dry skin, stomach problems, and other

conditions that crept up on me. Doctors said it was stress, or in my

head. Then I started to do some research.

> I have always been interested in herbs and natural ways to heal my

> body, and I found that what I had could be all part of having an

> internal yeast problem. I was dosed with antibiotics since the age

of five, taken steroids (oral and inhaled) for various problems, birth

> control pills..etc..etc. I am now on the Candida Diet, and taking a

natural two-part supplement and going through the die-off reactions.

I also am not very hungry. Does this happen often?

==>Yes, loss of appetite happens with some people - I, for one! You'd

probably do very well on Bee's raw egg drink (you can adjust the

fats, starting on a low amount & gradually increasing them) - see the

Recipe Folder.

==>I hope you re-checked your candida diet against the one I

recommend because most others are inadequate, which you will

understand if you read my main article sent to you when you joined -

" How to Successfully Overcome Candida " . Also correct your

supplements so they match what is in that article as well. The

entire diet, supplements and other recommendations work together, so

it is important to adjust what you are consuming now.

> Anyway, I will be asking questions, and I need a lot of support to

get through this. I just turned thirty, and for a while I have felt

twenty years older than that. I want to do what I need to get this

under control.

==>We are here for you. Ask away!

> Bee, I scoured the info you had before I posted. I am sure I am

going to be coming back to it in the days and weeks ahead. Thank you,

THANK YOU for this wonderful resource!

==>You are so welcome Kyrene! You go girl!

Luv & hugs, Bee

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Beth! Welcome!

I am from a South Suburb of Chicago and can't recommend any doctors out

here. The best doctors seem to be in the city or in The North Suburbs. Have

you seen a Naturopath? I think the Candida Overgrowth leads to many other

problems. I have Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Irritable Bowel which I

think is really Celiac Disease, TMJ from a car accident, post nasal drip,

sinus problems, Non-Systemic Scleroderma (that is what I was told but who

knows), sensitivities to skin products and some medicines and fatigue. I've

been looking for a new doctor and was thinking of seeing the 1 naturopath

that is on my insurance even though he is in the city. (They are doing

construction on the Dan Expressway and it's down to 2 lanes. Ahhh!)

Have you tried a bowel cleanse? Since I have IBS I am using a gentle one. It

seems to be helping. I also take vitamin/mineral supplements and

acidophilus. The die off isn't too bad when you slowly cut all yeast out of

your diet and slowly eliminate sugar products. It's important to drink lots

of water also because as the bad stuff is coming out of you it tends to hurt

more if there is not enough water. (Lets just say my stools felt like they

were made of acid) My IBS consisted of very loose stools with urgency. Since

I have eliminated yeast/bread products I actually got constipated. (?!) Now

I drink more water with my meals! I wasn't eating any dairy but know have

re-introduced yogurt in my diet.

There are different herbs and minerals that can help with die-off. Someone

had mentioned S-Enzymes on this list and they make me feel better. Also,

Magnesium helps tremendously because it relaxes your muscles. If you get

Magnesium make sure it is Magnesium Citrate and not Magnesium Oxide. Mag.

Oxide is the cheapest and less absorbed form. However, Calcium needs

Magnesium to digest so if you eat dairy products make sure you take

magnesium with it. If you don't have enough Magnesium in your body and you

eat something with Calcium your body takes the Magnesium from your muscles

in order to digest the Calcium which leaves your muscles tight and sore.

I've been " Google-ing " all sorts of products to learn more about them and I

would suggest you do the same before you buy anything. I am using the " First

Cleanse " by Renew Life right now. I would suggest not using anything too

strong right away as the IBS can make it worse. (Example: Don't use a " Super

Colon Cleanse " . I did and was literally crying while on the toilet)

Good Luck!!!


From: candidiasis [mailto:candidiasis ] On

Behalf Of Beth Fish

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 9:49 AM


Subject: Introduction

Hi Group!

I'm looking for someone to treat Candida in my area (suburb of Chicago).


been lurking for a week and decided to introduce myself.

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (muscular aches and pains and fatigue) in

1991. I also have IBS (bladder and bowel), have had Epstein Barr virus,

mono, anxiety, depression, headaches, loss of libido, TMJ, sinus problems

(post nasal drip and clearing throat), allergies, multiple chemical

sensitivities, candida overgrowth, etc., etc.

I originally started taking medications in 1991, but after several years of

bad side effects I decided to try holistic treatments. I've tried many

different ones including homeopathy, accupuncture, chiropractic, massage,

exercise every day, supplements (including UltraClear products), NAET,

elimination and rotation diets, etc., etc. I usually give each thing I try

about 3 to 6 months (maybe I should have gone longer, but it gets so darn

expensive and frustrating when it doesn't work).

In 1999, I was tested for Candida and was strongly positive. In 1993, a

D.O. wanted to put me on Nystatin, but I was afraid of the " die-off " and the

guy was a jerk and made me cry so I quit going to him after two visits.

After that, I tried a lot of supplements. It seems like they irritate my

gut and start my mouth burning (on and off since Jan. 1999). I started with

another new doctor (allergist/environmental specialist) on May 8, 2000. He

started me on Diflucan and then my bladder started really acting up with

frequency (usual), urgency and incontinence so he stopped it after only two

weeks. My adrenal stress index showed that I'm very low in the a.m. so he

put me on 5 mg. of Cortef (hydrocortisone) which bothered me because I read

that this drug can contribute to candida (I was told not in this dose). I

would prefer to do this naturally.

I'm really glad I found this list. I'm on a Fibromyalgia list, but they

discuss meds and sugary foods. I really feel

that the Candida is a key factor to my poor health! Started back on the

Candida Diet 2/12/06.

I've been very depressed and irritable lately. Any info you can give me

will be much appreciated.

Beth in IL

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Hi Alison!

Thanks for the welcome and the info. Sounds like we have a lot in common. Wish

it weren't health problems. I guess it could be worse although I've been very

depressed w/suicidal thoughts (antidepressants didn't work). I think I saw a

Naturopath in 2000. Even though the initials after her name are MS, her

receptionist calls her an ND. You're lucky to have an ND in insurance.

Unfortunately, ins. didn't cover it so I stopped going. Have you been to the

American Whole Health group in Chicago, Dr. Edelberg? I may try a chiropractor

near my home or go back to the Center for Holistic Medicine to a chiropractor

that does Applied Kinesiology. I'm hesitant because I've tried similiar

treatments in the past. Plus, my insurance only covers $1200 chiro. a year and

doesn't cover supps., massage, or accupuncture.

I don't think I've tried a bowel cleanse. Today was the first time I went since

4/9. Not on any supps or probiotics yet. My past experiences with those hasn't

been good. I've tried so many and they irritate my stomach. Since there are so

many products out there, I would like to find a doctor to help with this

process. It makes me so mad that most MD's don't recognize this as a problem

and many have suffered so many years. I'm 47, have suffered 16+ years, and

would like some kind of life.

I don't drink enough water. Which yogurt do you eat? Someone I know is using

the Renew Life Products so its good to hear you are too. Do you ever plan on

eating baked goods or ice cream again?



Hi Group!

I'm looking for someone to treat Candida in my area (suburb of Chicago).


been lurking for a week and decided to introduce myself.

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (muscular aches and pains and fatigue) in

1991. I also have IBS (bladder and bowel), have had Epstein Barr virus,

mono, anxiety, depression, headaches, loss of libido, TMJ, sinus problems

(post nasal drip and clearing throat), allergies, multiple chemical

sensitivities, candida overgrowth, etc., etc.

I originally started taking medications in 1991, but after several years of

bad side effects I decided to try holistic treatments. I've tried many

different ones including homeopathy, accupuncture, chiropractic, massage,

exercise every day, supplements (including UltraClear products), NAET,

elimination and rotation diets, etc., etc. I usually give each thing I try

about 3 to 6 months (maybe I should have gone longer, but it gets so darn

expensive and frustrating when it doesn't work).

In 1999, I was tested for Candida and was strongly positive. In 1993, a

D.O. wanted to put me on Nystatin, but I was afraid of the " die-off " and the

guy was a jerk and made me cry so I quit going to him after two visits.

After that, I tried a lot of supplements. It seems like they irritate my

gut and start my mouth burning (on and off since Jan. 1999). I started with

another new doctor (allergist/environmental specialist) on May 8, 2000. He

started me on Diflucan and then my bladder started really acting up with

frequency (usual), urgency and incontinence so he stopped it after only two

weeks. My adrenal stress index showed that I'm very low in the a.m. so he

put me on 5 mg. of Cortef (hydrocortisone) which bothered me because I read

that this drug can contribute to candida (I was told not in this dose). I

would prefer to do this naturally.

I'm really glad I found this list. I'm on a Fibromyalgia list, but they

discuss meds and sugary foods. I really feel

that the Candida is a key factor to my poor health! Started back on the

Candida Diet 2/12/06.

I've been very depressed and irritable lately. Any info you can give me

will be much appreciated.

Beth in IL

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I am not going to eat anything with gluten in it for a long time. My doctor

(Regular doctor) isn't that great so I need to search for a better one. I

did want to see a chiropractor because I've heard good things about them.

I use Renew Life because it was recommended by a Health Store worker for use

with sensitive stomachs.

I tried incorporating cheese in my diet but I just got gassy. The yogurt

seems ok but I have to watch the ingredients for any type of gluten. I was

eating Yoplait but just purchased some by 'Stoneyfield Farm " . It is organic

and has 6 live active yogurt cultures as well as 'Inulin' which is supposed

to help in calcium absorption. It also isn't as sweet.

I'm so sorry about your depression. It really is a horrible problem. I've

tried many anti-depressants before I found that Effexor XR works for me.

Also, I found I need to keep to a structured regime every day or I start

laying around and then start getting depressed about my health. It's a

vicious circle. I find myself just not wanting to do anything. I have

noticed since my dietary changes and supplements that my mood has gotten

better. Also, SAM-E works well for me. Unfortunately it is expensive and I

also forget to take it sometimes. However, when I used Grapefruit Seed

Extract with the Superbowel cleanse (not recommended!!!) I got severe " die

off " and I was severely fatigued and sore. That's another reason to go slow!

That on top of depression is the worst!

I had a good psychiatrist at The University of Chicago but alas, she moved!

Most of the ones out here are awful. I was seeing a wonderful counselor for

awhile. If you live in the South Suburbs I could give you her name. She

works in Flossmoor, Il.

Anyhoo, I hope you feel better!



From: candidiasis [mailto:candidiasis ] On

Behalf Of Beth Fish

Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 4:00 PM


Subject: Re: Introduction

Hi Alison!

Thanks for the welcome and the info. Sounds like we have a lot in common.

Wish it weren't health problems. I guess it could be worse although I've

been very depressed w/suicidal thoughts (antidepressants didn't work). I

think I saw a Naturopath in 2000. Even though the initials after her name

are MS, her receptionist calls her an ND. You're lucky to have an ND in

insurance. Unfortunately, ins. didn't cover it so I stopped going. Have

you been to the American Whole Health group in Chicago, Dr. Edelberg? I may

try a chiropractor near my home or go back to the Center for Holistic

Medicine to a chiropractor that does Applied Kinesiology. I'm hesitant

because I've tried similiar treatments in the past. Plus, my insurance only

covers $1200 chiro. a year and doesn't cover supps., massage, or


I don't think I've tried a bowel cleanse. Today was the first time I went

since 4/9. Not on any supps or probiotics yet. My past experiences with

those hasn't been good. I've tried so many and they irritate my stomach.

Since there are so many products out there, I would like to find a doctor to

help with this process. It makes me so mad that most MD's don't recognize

this as a problem and many have suffered so many years. I'm 47, have

suffered 16+ years, and would like some kind of life.

I don't drink enough water. Which yogurt do you eat? Someone I know is

using the Renew Life Products so its good to hear you are too. Do you ever

plan on eating baked goods or ice cream again?



Hi Group!

I'm looking for someone to treat Candida in my area (suburb of Chicago).


been lurking for a week and decided to introduce myself.

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (muscular aches and pains and fatigue)


1991. I also have IBS (bladder and bowel), have had Epstein Barr virus,

mono, anxiety, depression, headaches, loss of libido, TMJ, sinus problems

(post nasal drip and clearing throat), allergies, multiple chemical

sensitivities, candida overgrowth, etc., etc.

I originally started taking medications in 1991, but after several years


bad side effects I decided to try holistic treatments. I've tried many

different ones including homeopathy, accupuncture, chiropractic, massage,

exercise every day, supplements (including UltraClear products), NAET,

elimination and rotation diets, etc., etc. I usually give each thing I


about 3 to 6 months (maybe I should have gone longer, but it gets so darn

expensive and frustrating when it doesn't work).

In 1999, I was tested for Candida and was strongly positive. In 1993, a

D.O. wanted to put me on Nystatin, but I was afraid of the " die-off " and


guy was a jerk and made me cry so I quit going to him after two visits.

After that, I tried a lot of supplements. It seems like they irritate my

gut and start my mouth burning (on and off since Jan. 1999). I started


another new doctor (allergist/environmental specialist) on May 8, 2000.


started me on Diflucan and then my bladder started really acting up with

frequency (usual), urgency and incontinence so he stopped it after only


weeks. My adrenal stress index showed that I'm very low in the a.m. so he

put me on 5 mg. of Cortef (hydrocortisone) which bothered me because I


that this drug can contribute to candida (I was told not in this dose). I

would prefer to do this naturally.

I'm really glad I found this list. I'm on a Fibromyalgia list, but they

discuss meds and sugary foods. I really feel

that the Candida is a key factor to my poor health! Started back on the

Candida Diet 2/12/06.

I've been very depressed and irritable lately. Any info you can give me

will be much appreciated.

Beth in IL

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Hi Beth (and all interested others):

I take an adrenal supplement called Iso Cort on an as-needed basis

(whenever I feel that tiredness creeping up). It has been very

effective for me and I get it through a website,

http://www.modernherbalist.com, at a price of $26 US for 240 pellets.

Ingredients are: Freeze-dried adrenal cortex, Echinacea extract,

Prunus spp. and Lomatium Dissectum Root. Each pellet is 5 mg.

Product Description/Claims: Herbal Supplement; rebuilds adrenal

glands, supports energy & stamina, fibromyalgia and/or candida related

fatigue, pain & allergies.

Alison :-)


> Hi Group!


> I'm looking for someone to treat Candida in my area (suburb of

Chicago). I've

> been lurking for a week and decided to introduce myself.


> I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (muscular aches and pains and

fatigue) in

> 1991. I also have IBS (bladder and bowel), have had Epstein Barr virus,

> mono, anxiety, depression, headaches, loss of libido, TMJ, sinus


> (post nasal drip and clearing throat), allergies, multiple chemical

> sensitivities, candida overgrowth, etc., etc.


> I originally started taking medications in 1991, but after several

years of

> bad side effects I decided to try holistic treatments. I've tried many

> different ones including homeopathy, accupuncture, chiropractic,


> exercise every day, supplements (including UltraClear products), NAET,

> elimination and rotation diets, etc., etc. I usually give each

thing I try

> about 3 to 6 months (maybe I should have gone longer, but it gets so


> expensive and frustrating when it doesn't work).


> In 1999, I was tested for Candida and was strongly positive. In 1993, a

> D.O. wanted to put me on Nystatin, but I was afraid of the " die-off "

and the

> guy was a jerk and made me cry so I quit going to him after two visits.

> After that, I tried a lot of supplements. It seems like they

irritate my

> gut and start my mouth burning (on and off since Jan. 1999). I

started with

> another new doctor (allergist/environmental specialist) on May 8,

2000. He

> started me on Diflucan and then my bladder started really acting up with

> frequency (usual), urgency and incontinence so he stopped it after

only two

> weeks. My adrenal stress index showed that I'm very low in the a.m.

so he

> put me on 5 mg. of Cortef (hydrocortisone) which bothered me because

I read

> that this drug can contribute to candida (I was told not in this

dose). I

> would prefer to do this naturally.


> I'm really glad I found this list. I'm on a Fibromyalgia list, but

they discuss meds and sugary foods. I really feel

> that the Candida is a key factor to my poor health! Started back on

the Candida Diet 2/12/06.


> I've been very depressed and irritable lately. Any info you can

give me will be much appreciated.


> Beth in IL




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  • 4 weeks later...
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Tony ~

I am glad you posted! you are not alone, and I hope you will continue to ask

for help and advice. And I am sure you could offer us some, too! :)

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let me know how the candex works.

According to some in this group it is working for them first week.


On Tue, 9 May 2006 21:40:11 -0700 (PDT) " Tony R. " <westxan005@...>


Hi to everyone in this group. I am Tony and have been a lurker for a

while. First off I want to thank everyone that has share in one way or

another in this wonderful group. I have gleaned very useful information.

As a way of my introduction I would like to share a little of why my

interest in this group. My problem started in my tongue and lips

(burning) and spread to my throat and now I have burning in my chest

sometimes. I also have itching in different areas of my body and burning

on my finger tips. I have gone to see different Doctors EN & T specialists

and dermatologist and have an appt with an allergist next week. To this

day I have not found one that has suggested yeast or Candida as a

diagnose of what I have, although I have mention it to them. Being a

male might make a difference as yeast problem is not as common in Males I

guess. At the present time I am taking a product name candex. I took a

month worth of Sf722. I have taken grape seed extract pills for 2 weeks.

I did get a lot of itching on my thighs, back and face. Don't know if

this is die off. I took the psylliam and bentonite and it help some. I

read somewhere about the saliva candida test. I tried it first thing in

the morning and it show very positive.

I have been suffering with the condition for about 7 months, which is

not as long as some of the other members here,but tring to function with

the pain every day is very depressing. Like everyone suffering from this

condition, my energy is about gone and so is my will to do anything with

my family. My job has suffered too and I can just barely make thru the

day. I got on the candida diet and have lost so much weight that friends

ask me if I am sick. I don't eat suger or carbs at all. Sorry about the

long post. but it feels good to find people that understand what it is to

live with this condition.

I wish everyone a more healthy future. Tony


Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great

rates starting at 1 & cent;/min.

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Welcome to the group, Tony! I'm interested to hear what they say about your

burning mouth as I have this terrible symptom also. I just went to the Gastro

doctor again in February to be told it's not a gastro problem again and I should

see a dentist. Saw my dentist and told him about it again and he said that it

can be a B vitamin deficiency. His office gave me the name of a holistic Dr.

who I saw many years ago. I'm also thinking about trying Candex. Would like to

hear any good or bad feedback. You'll probably have a quicker recovery because

you haven't had it so long. Good luck with your treatment.



Hi to everyone in this group. I am Tony and have been a lurker for a while.

First off I want to thank everyone that has share in one way or another in this

wonderful group. I have gleaned very useful information. As a way of my

introduction I would like to share a little of why my interest in this group. My

problem started in my tongue and lips (burning) and spread to my throat and now

I have burning in my chest sometimes. I also have itching in different areas of

my body and burning on my finger tips. I have gone to see different Doctors EN & T

specialists and dermatologist and have an appt with an allergist next week. To

this day I have not found one that has suggested yeast or Candida as a diagnose

of what I have, although I have mention it to them. Being a male might make a

difference as yeast problem is not as common in Males I guess. At the present

time I am taking a product name candex. I took a month worth of Sf722. I have

taken grape seed extract pills for 2 weeks.

I did get a lot of itching on my thighs, back and face. Don't know if this is

die off. I took the psylliam and bentonite and it help some. I read somewhere

about the saliva candida test. I tried it first thing in the morning and it show

very positive.

I have been suffering with the condition for about 7 months, which is not as

long as some of the other members here,but tring to function with the pain

every day is very depressing. Like everyone suffering from this condition, my

energy is about gone and so is my will to do anything with my family. My job has

suffered too and I can just barely make thru the day. I got on the candida diet

and have lost so much weight that friends ask me if I am sick. I don't eat

suger or carbs at all. Sorry about the long post. but it feels good to find

people that understand what it is to live with this condition.

I wish everyone a more healthy future. Tony


Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates

starting at 1 & cent;/min.

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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 19/06/2006 19:14:45 GMT Daylight Time,

OVanPelt@... writes:

" My major symptoms are canker sores, depression, acne, chronic fatique

(including tender spots and joints), weight gain especially in the

belly, sensitive/itchy skin and IBS type symptoms. "

Weight gain round the belly points to adrenal stress. Check out

_www.drrind.com_ (http://www.drrind.com)


NOVA Counselling & Healing Services

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