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That doesn't change the fact that he isn't seeing his own patients.

> >

> > For three years now, I have been the patient of Dr. Hertoghe, the

> doctor some patients seem to mistake for God. However, I have never

> been that impressed and that is why I need some advice from you.

> >











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  • 7 months later...

Hi Sheila, Sorry I don't know of anyone, but perhaps you could also try searching his name on the NSF site (National Scoliosis Foundation)... assuming you haven't already... Here's a link: http://www.scoliosis.org/forum/index.php Take care, Ken.sheilamcjunkin <sheilamcjunkin@...> wrote: Hi all, As surgery is coming soon, I was wondering if anyone has had surgery with Dr.

Lauerman at town? I thought I had heard Ann streeff had her surgery at the same hospital early this summer. I tried emailing her, but I haven't gotten a reply from her. I would appreciate any input.Thanks Sheila

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The other patient in this group who had surgery with DrLauerman is

Annette. She had surgery just about a year ago and if you go into our

files section you can read her journal. Also, if you use the search

feature you can pull down her posts. Search " Lauerman " or " Annettte " .

I don't know if she reads every day but I know she checks in here

from time to time and I am sure she would be happy to answer your

emails. I am not sure if is here regularly or not right now, it

has been a long time since hse has posted. I know that can seem

worrisome, but it is most likely that between healing and getting

back to work she just can't devote time to this group.

I hope one of them is able to answer your questions or alay your

fears, but if they are not available please feel free to ask your

questions of us and we will do the best we can.

Take Care,


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Cam, thanks so much for your reply. Reading your posts give me great comfort. I will read Annette's journal and try contacting her. Take care, Sheilacammaltby <cammaltby@...> wrote: Sheila,The other patient in this group who had surgery with DrLauerman is Annette. She had surgery just about a year ago and if you go into our files section you can read her journal. Also, if you use the search feature you can pull down her posts. Search "Lauerman" or "Annettte".I don't know

if she reads every day but I know she checks in here from time to time and I am sure she would be happy to answer your emails. I am not sure if is here regularly or not right now, it has been a long time since hse has posted. I know that can seem worrisome, but it is most likely that between healing and getting back to work she just can't devote time to this group.I hope one of them is able to answer your questions or alay your fears, but if they are not available please feel free to ask your questions of us and we will do the best we can.Take Care,Cam

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  • 5 months later...

I know there will probably be a lot of advice for you, but here is

what worked for us.

I kept an extensive journal of Melaina's illnesses. I noted

everything. I wroter the time of day she got sick, how often I gave

medicine, what effect the medicine specifically had on the fevers, if

any, how high her fever got, and more. Lots of detail. Although this

was helpful with the doctors beginning to take the fevers seriously,

it was not enough.

We started taking Melaina in to the doctor every time she got a fever.

We started waiting until the worst of the fever was started and

headed in. This aloud them to see how bad the fever really got, as

well as, they had to document in their records every time we came in.

It was one of these late night visits that we came into contact with

an on-call doctor who started us on the trail of . I really

believe it was these constant visits that did the trick. It helped

them to understand that this had to be more then just a virus.

I hope this helps. Good luck and be persistent with the doctors.


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I know there will probably be a lot of advice for you, but here is

what worked for us.

I kept an extensive journal of Melaina's illnesses. I noted

everything. I wroter the time of day she got sick, how often I gave

medicine, what effect the medicine specifically had on the fevers, if

any, how high her fever got, and more. Lots of detail. Although this

was helpful with the doctors beginning to take the fevers seriously,

it was not enough.

We started taking Melaina in to the doctor every time she got a fever.

We started waiting until the worst of the fever was started and

headed in. This aloud them to see how bad the fever really got, as

well as, they had to document in their records every time we came in.

It was one of these late night visits that we came into contact with

an on-call doctor who started us on the trail of . I really

believe it was these constant visits that did the trick. It helped

them to understand that this had to be more then just a virus.

I hope this helps. Good luck and be persistent with the doctors.


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I know there will probably be a lot of advice for you, but here is

what worked for us.

I kept an extensive journal of Melaina's illnesses. I noted

everything. I wroter the time of day she got sick, how often I gave

medicine, what effect the medicine specifically had on the fevers, if

any, how high her fever got, and more. Lots of detail. Although this

was helpful with the doctors beginning to take the fevers seriously,

it was not enough.

We started taking Melaina in to the doctor every time she got a fever.

We started waiting until the worst of the fever was started and

headed in. This aloud them to see how bad the fever really got, as

well as, they had to document in their records every time we came in.

It was one of these late night visits that we came into contact with

an on-call doctor who started us on the trail of . I really

believe it was these constant visits that did the trick. It helped

them to understand that this had to be more then just a virus.

I hope this helps. Good luck and be persistent with the doctors.


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We have been taking her in to the doctor everytime she got sick.

Before we moved to Middle TN we had her in the doctors office every

30days. He told me that she had a virus or that she was a baby and it

happens. He also never told us that she had PVC a heart problem. Hers

was bad enough that it scared the doctor that found it. He told me to

call him and ask him if he know and he did for 3 years so I am not

very trusting of doctors. We also took her to another doctor who gave

her pencillen which we told her that she will probably be allergic to

because most of her family is and she gave it to her anyways. So we

ended up with a baby with a fever of 103 and hives. I am so glad to

find this group maybe I can get this new doctor to see what is going

on. Thank you for your advice.


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We have been taking her in to the doctor everytime she got sick.

Before we moved to Middle TN we had her in the doctors office every

30days. He told me that she had a virus or that she was a baby and it

happens. He also never told us that she had PVC a heart problem. Hers

was bad enough that it scared the doctor that found it. He told me to

call him and ask him if he know and he did for 3 years so I am not

very trusting of doctors. We also took her to another doctor who gave

her pencillen which we told her that she will probably be allergic to

because most of her family is and she gave it to her anyways. So we

ended up with a baby with a fever of 103 and hives. I am so glad to

find this group maybe I can get this new doctor to see what is going

on. Thank you for your advice.


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We have been taking her in to the doctor everytime she got sick.

Before we moved to Middle TN we had her in the doctors office every

30days. He told me that she had a virus or that she was a baby and it

happens. He also never told us that she had PVC a heart problem. Hers

was bad enough that it scared the doctor that found it. He told me to

call him and ask him if he know and he did for 3 years so I am not

very trusting of doctors. We also took her to another doctor who gave

her pencillen which we told her that she will probably be allergic to

because most of her family is and she gave it to her anyways. So we

ended up with a baby with a fever of 103 and hives. I am so glad to

find this group maybe I can get this new doctor to see what is going

on. Thank you for your advice.


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One thing I have learned through this and the death of my first son, from a

doctors mouth (head of emergency at chlidrens hospital Oakland, CA) We are

doctors who PRACTICE medicine. Such a strong statement..HOWEVER, negligence, or

disrespect is not ACCEPTABLE. as a parent you ahve a right to KEEP AT EM

SISTER! Don't settle when you don't feel comfortable, even if you must drive 2

hours for appts. like we do! :)

Best of luck!

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One thing I have learned through this and the death of my first son, from a

doctors mouth (head of emergency at chlidrens hospital Oakland, CA) We are

doctors who PRACTICE medicine. Such a strong statement..HOWEVER, negligence, or

disrespect is not ACCEPTABLE. as a parent you ahve a right to KEEP AT EM

SISTER! Don't settle when you don't feel comfortable, even if you must drive 2

hours for appts. like we do! :)

Best of luck!

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, Sorry you are not feeling well. Hopefully you will start healing soon! Take care!a"laurabutler6@..." <laurabutler6@...> wrote: Hi there friends, I just got back from the doctors. Evidently I have been sicker then I thought I was. When I

went in to the ER the hospital was so full that they were turning people away. I was breathing really weird and they could tell I was really really sick. They took me right in. The doctor today said my lungs are still really really sick. They uped my breathing treatments from 2 to 4 times a day. Also uped my meds. If I go outside I have to have something to cover my mouth. I am not supposed to be in a crowd at all. I can't be around anyone that is sick. They are trying to keep me out of the hospital. My chest hurts. It feels cold inside and like someone is crushing my chest. I have a problem just walking from one room to the other. I am really really weak. On a good note I have lost some weight. I was back up to 345. Now I weigh in with shoes and all at 328. The doctor said I should get rid of my cat. I can get even

sicker from her fur stuff. There ain't no way I am getting rid of my cat. She said at least don't let her (my cat) in the bedroom. Usually I go to bed and my cat lays on my arm until I'm almost asleep. Guess I'll have to find a new way to go to sleep. I'm not supposed to have carpet, but there is nothing I can do about since we rent our apartment. The doctor said not to worry so much about losing weight until I'm stronger. The doctor wants me to focus on getting my lungs healed up. Well, better go for now. I'll try to keep you up dated. from MO.

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> The doctor today said my

lungs are still really really sick. They uped my breathing treatments


2 to 4 times a day. Also uped my meds. If I go outside I have to have

something to cover my mouth. I am not supposed to be in a crowd at all.

Sometimes life with asthma does suck.

>The doctor said I should get rid of my cat. I can get even sicker from


fur stuff. There ain't no way I am getting rid of my cat.

We got the same advice as you when our son was first diagnosed - no

hairy or feathered pets (we had to give away 2 birds), no stuffed

animals that can't be tossed into the washing machine and dryer, no

carpeting, no drapes or blinds on windows - a lot of things we had no

control over because of being renters. We made do with daily dusting and

vacuuming, washable curtains on all windows and washed them every other

week, a garter snake as a pet when the kid *really* wanted a pet, etc.

The things that helped the most were HEPA air filters in the living room

and all the bedrooms. Each one cost almost $200, but at the time it was

well worth the expense to see our son being able to breathe again. Now

they're much more common and many brands and sizes can be had for less

than half the cost. You may want to invest in a small one for your

bedroom and keep the door to that room closed at all times, making it

your safe haven.

>The doctor said not to worry so much about losing weight until I'm


The doctor wants me to focus on getting my lungs healed up.

You certainly an't exercise when you can't breathe! You'll only wind up

doing more lung damage and raising your blood pressure as your heart

pumps harder trying to get oxygen to the tissues of the body. Also, he

may have given you some steroids to take during this flare, both inhaled

and by pill, and they cause water retention.

> I'll try to keep you up dated.

Thanks for the update. When you're feeling better, hit the Internet and

local library for all the info on asthma and allergies you can find for

more hints on how to make your life easier.

Sue in NJ

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--One of the things you might want to do some research on is whether or not your asthma qualifies for help through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). There may be a provision in the ADA that will make it necessary for your landlord to remove the carpet in your home if it is affecting your asthma. Dacia<><Deaf Lutheran Missionssouth Wisconsinwww.DeafJesus.org For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

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Hugs - hope you are still getting better day by day!!

in WAGoal for Bloomsday 5/4/08: 275.4/251.6/225.4 (26.2 lbs to go!! 3.28/week ave loss needed - I have faith I will meet this goal !!)310/251.6/170 (-58.4 total, 11.6 from half-way point) Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.-Carol BurnettIt's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money Finance.

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  • 2 months later...
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What kind of a doc is she? What kind of protocols does she use? What

makes her a fibromyalgia " specialist? " Is she with a group or by

herself? Be careful. Lots of fibromites get fleeced by people

claiming to be able to help. There is no " cure " for fibro but there

are lots of things we can try, however we are all unique in our

response to meds, therapies, supplements, etc. My personal list of

things that help is at http://www.fms-help.com/what.htm - wish there

were just one magic solution. The only thing I think all fibromties

have in common that helps (or is necessary) is to AVOID STRESS (tip #1

of my 100 tips at http://www.fms-help.com/tips.htm ) Keep us posted on

any new developments with your proposed doc. - Dominie



> I have found a doctor that specializes in Fibro.The thing is she

doesn't except any Insurance..I'm a little sceptical.What does everyone

think???? How can I find out if she is legit??? MELANIE

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Hi ,

Here are a couple of sites that can help you check to see if your doctor is legitimate.



It does sound very odd for a doctor to not accept any kind of insurance. I don't blame you for being suspicious. Good luck.



I have found a doctor that specializes in Fibro.The thing is she doesn't except any Insurance..I'm a little sceptical.What does everyone think???? How can I find out if she is legit??? MELANIE

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thank you i appreciate this,dominie From: pmarshall@...Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 19:07:24 -0400Subject: Re: Doctor

Hi ,

Here are a couple of sites that can help you check to see if your doctor is legitimate.



It does sound very odd for a doctor to not accept any kind of insurance. I don't blame you for being suspicious. Good luck.



I have found a doctor that specializes in Fibro.The thing is she doesn't except any Insurance..I'm a little sceptical.What does everyone think???? How can I find out if she is legit??? MELANIE

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thank you> dominie > From: dombush@...> Date: Mon, 26 May 2008 23:06:52 +0000> Subject: Re: Doctor> > What kind of a doc is she? What kind of protocols does she use? What > makes her a fibromyalgia "specialist?" Is she with a group or by > herself? Be careful. Lots of fibromites get fleeced by people > claiming to be able to help. There is no "cure" for fibro but there > are lots of things we can try, however we are all unique in our > response to meds, therapies, supplements, etc. My personal list of > things that help is at http://www.fms-help.com/what.htm - wish there > were just one magic solution. The only thing I think all fibromties > have in common that helps (or is necessary) is to AVOID STRESS (tip #1 > of my 100 tips at http://www.fms-help.com/tips.htm ) Keep us posted on > any new developments with your proposed doc. - Dominie> > > >> > > > I have found a doctor that specializes in Fibro.The thing is she > doesn't except any Insurance..I'm a little sceptical.What does everyone > think???? How can I find out if she is legit??? MELANIE> > > > ------------------------------------> >

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> > >

> > >

> > > I have found a doctor that specializes in Fibro.The thing is


> > doesn't except any Insurance..I'm a little sceptical.What does


> > think???? How can I find out if she is legit??? MELANIE

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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