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In a message dated 4/4/2006 4:05:53 AM Pacific Standard Time, Jase4567@... writes:

WTG on your walking home. How long did it take you?

Almost an hour and a half... but I wasn't walking fast due to the shoe issue the first mile and the 2nd mile uphill.... figured "slow and steady wins the race" LOL ;-)

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In a message dated 4/4/2006 8:13:22 PM Pacific Standard Time, sandra.mygroup@... writes:

Do you pack water with you when you walk?

Yessire!! Yessum! I pack a water bottle with me most of the time ;-)

I think vitamins really help me....when I remember to take them. I guess I should sat them by my birth control pills then I'm sure to remember them. LOL

I agree, today I stuck them in my pocket to take them to work and then just stuck the pile of them on my desk and at vitamin time, away they went ;-)

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Today went great for me....

I walked home from work (it was 50-60 outside) so it felt just fine. Was sorta cloudy all day here, so I was hoping and praying that it wouldn't do anything "wet" until I got home.I think those are great temperatures to walk in. It helps keep you cool. However I must say I wouldn't wanna get wet from the rain in those temps.

It's 3 miles straight from work to home. I didn't think I would last the 1st mile. Then, I stopped and changed my socks and that made the world of difference. They must have been rubbing weird in my shoes or my shoes weren't tied tight enough.

The 2nd mile is uphill, so I thought I wanted to quit and die, but I made it. I had to stop at McDs and go potty after that and had part of my snack. That gave me enough protein needed for the splurge of energy to get the last mile. That is pretty flat and even terrain, so it was a piece of cake. uphill?!! Great Job! Those hills are a challege allright! Do you pack water with you when you walk? Water is what I want when I'm all hot and exercising. Funny thing is I have to force myself to drink it at any other time.(go figure)

I really feel good that I made it the whole 3 miles in one shot (other than the couple of breaks) - my legs are talking to me, but not in a bad way.You should be proud. 3 miles is a very good distance.

Eating went ok today. I usually have a candy dish on my desk at work to share with co-workers and today is the first day ever (1.5 yrs) that it was a potential "problem" and I moved it to a co-worker's desk so it wasn't tempting me. I don't know why today it was, must be part of the cycle today.You know candy usually isnt a problem for me. Most candy I just care anything for. Same with most desserts. I can take em or leave em. As a matter of fact most cakes and cookies are just too sweet for me and I just don't like most real sweet foods. Most of my weight comes from my 3 meals a day. Just too much is the plain truth of the matter. Portion sizes are way too big and the high calorie foods. Now understand I do have a few favorite candy/dessert foods. I can seldom turn down a snickers bar or ice cream. Thank goodness we don't hardly ever buy candy bars and ice cream only when there a dern good sale on it. And I have learned to cut my portions on it way down.

I forgot to take my vitamin(s) until after work, so I hope they don't make me feel urpey taking them in the evening.... if they do, live n learn LOL.... but, I got them in so that doesn't affect me tomorrow or later this week...I think vitamins really help me....when I remember to take them. I guess I should sat them by my birth control pills then I'm sure to remember them. LOL

Anyway, hope you all had a great day, talk with you tomorrow


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Monday went fantastic for you!!! You worked up to that pretty quick. I think by the time I hit McD's I would of called a cab - or an ambulance - I'm so proud of you! and you put your candy dish off your desk - I'm good as long as I don't see the snacks - I walk around the room the other way to avoid the snack table. As long as it's out of sight - I'm great (that includes hiding it above my desk at work LOL) ABrite@... wrote: Today went great for me.... I walked home from work (it was 50-60 outside) so it felt just fine. Was sorta cloudy all day here, so I was hoping and praying that it wouldn't do anything "wet" until I got home. It's 3 miles straight from work to home. I didn't think I would last the

1st mile. Then, I stopped and changed my socks and that made the world of difference. They must have been rubbing weird in my shoes or my shoes weren't tied tight enough. The 2nd mile is uphill, so I thought I wanted to quit and die, but I made it. I had to stop at McDs and go potty after that and had part of my snack. That gave me enough protein needed for the splurge of energy to get the last mile. That is pretty flat and even terrain, so it was a piece of cake. I really feel good that I made it the whole 3 miles in one shot (other than the couple of breaks) - my legs are talking to me, but not in a bad way. Eating went ok today. I usually have a candy dish on my desk at work to share with co-workers and today is the first day ever (1.5 yrs) that it was a potential "problem" and I moved it to a co-worker's desk so it wasn't tempting me. I don't know why today it was, must be part of the cycle today.I forgot to take

my vitamin(s) until after work, so I hope they don't make me feel urpey taking them in the evening.... if they do, live n learn LOL.... but, I got them in so that doesn't affect me tomorrow or later this week... Anyway, hope you all had a great day, talk with you tomorrow KellLive, Love, Laugh

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  • 1 month later...
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I heard about all the flooding in New England on the news last night. I hope it clears up soon for you. I really hope it doesn't get into your basement. Is there any way you can prepare for it so that you can stop it from going in there. I can't imagine a way, but just thought I would check.

My lights are flickering right now. I hope my computer doesn't shut down.

from MO

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WOW, forgot about the floods that way . Hope all fares well for you folks. I wouldn't miss the laundry, but know how that can set the family back. Dinner and other mother's day activities sound fun.

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Having a well there is no way to check the level of water in the ground. I went to the laundry mat to catch up on laundry. The last time it happened it was the laundry that made it overflow. Thank goodness my mom was a laundry mat lady with our laundry. I remember to bring everything. The only thing different was you had to put your money on a card and all the machines took cards. NO SCHOOL again today.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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>I remember to bring everything.

When I went last Friday I was so tired I forgot to put the soap in, and

since there's no way to stop the machines or add the soap once the load is

started, I had to wait until it was done, then start the 2 machines up

again, this time *with* soap.

The only thing

> different was you had to put your money on a card and all the machines


> cards.

2 of the newer laundromats here are like that. I prefer to do it the old

fashioned way, with quarters. So many people complain that there's no way to

know how much money you have left on the card until you get the error messag

that the card needs to be recharged.

>NO SCHOOL again today.

Hopefully the rain will stop soon and the damage to the bridge can be

repaired quickly so your kids can get out of school on time in June. It's

bad enough they had a few snow days this year, and now *rain* days!

Sue in NJ

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In a message dated 5/16/06 3:27:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, susang3@... writes:

So many people complain that there's no way toknow how much money you have left on the card until you get the error messagthat the card needs to be recharged.

this card says how much is left everytime you use it. I can imagine it saves time collecting all the quarters from the machines. there bank must like it.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hey Sula it is do to cost. It cost me $50 for 27 pills. So I use them like gold. Matter of fact I just took one. Now to see if this will last 3 days like before. Except it is after my cycle so it seems to be just a migrane not related to a trigger. The percacet I have is $4 for 20. I save them for when I am maxed out on my imitrex.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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Thanks for reminding me I have to take my blood pressure pills, maintaining is good . Atleast it is not a gain.. :) Need to plan my day now.. Jase4567@... wrote: I struggled with a headache yesterday BUT was able to make it threw without meds. Today is yugh a bad day. I started with an allergy pill and that helped a bit. BUT now I have the sinus/migrane headache. Before I start popping

pain meds I am trying 3 motrin and will go for my walk. Then if after I get some cleaning done will add an imitrex if it has not lessen. I sat down last night and wrote goals in my journal. Very sad have not written anything since May. I planned the goals for M-sat. Some examples. 15 miles walk, 6 mile bike, 4 days of other activity such as video or exercise bike, and 96 oz of water. Weighed the same yesterday at a whopping 235 lb. I am sick of maintaining this weight. LOL NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99 __________________________________________________

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> I struggled with a headache yesterday BUT was able to make it threw without

> meds. Today is yugh a bad day. I started with an allergy pill and that

> helped a bit. BUT now I have the sinus/migrane headache. Before I start


> pain meds I am trying 3 motrin and will go for my walk. Then if after I get

> some cleaning done will add an imitrex if it has not lessen.

, why did you struggle through without the Imitrex? Imitrex is specifically


migraines but works best if taken within 20mins of symptoms setting in - why put

up with

the pain? It's not a pain medication, per se. It's a vasoconstrictor - it works

by narrowing

the blood vessels which sorta 'swell' during a migraine.

> I sat down last night and wrote goals in my journal. Very sad have not

> written anything since May. I planned the goals for M-sat. Some examples.


> miles walk, 6 mile bike, 4 days of other activity such as video or exercise

> bike, and 96 oz of water. Weighed the same yesterday at a whopping 235 lb.


> am sick of maintaining this weight. LOL

Congrats on getting back on track. And, while maintaining isn't fun, at least it


gaining! That reminds me that I was going to get on the scale before breakfast -

d'oh. I'm

always in such a hurry to eat! Especially this morning, I guess. My fasting

blood glucose

was down to 84 - WHOO WHOO! It starts going up the minute I get vertical, so I

don't like

to put off eating, but my scale is in my kitchen - I could have weighed while my




> NH...

> Mom to Abby Liz 10/94

> Anne 7/99


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Those are great goals. Keep up the good work and you will get the weight off.



I struggled with a headache yesterday BUT was able to make it threw without meds. Today is yugh a bad day. I started with an allergy pill and that helped a bit. BUT now I have the sinus/migrane headache. Before I start popping pain meds I am trying 3 motrin and will go for my walk. Then if after I get some cleaning done will add an imitrex if it has not lessen.

I sat down last night and wrote goals in my journal. Very sad have not written anything since May. I planned the goals for M-sat. Some examples. 15 miles walk, 6 mile bike, 4 days of other activity such as video or exercise bike, and 96 oz of water. Weighed the same yesterday at a whopping 235 lb. I am sick of maintaining this weight. LOL

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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I get migraines as well

and one thing my doctor warned me personally about is my blood pressure.

I do not normally have any issues with my blood pressure, it is actually a little low, but when i have a migraine that just wont go away a few things happen

I start stressing about the fact that I have this migraine that wont subside, which in turn raises my blood pressure, which then

makes the migraine worse, and i get stuck in a vicious cycle.

I have found life is SO much easier if at the first sign i take an excedrin migraine..or 2.

That has really helped me cut back on the imitrex.

I have a lot of triggers and then sometimes it cant be explained..MSG, certain smells really get me.

Luckily I usually get some warning about my migraines before the pain starts from auras.

Nothing like sitting at your computer and all of a suddden everything goes out of focus.

Hope you feel better.


On 6/12/06, Jase4567@... <Jase4567@...> wrote:

Hey Sula it is do to cost. It cost me $50 for 27 pills. So I use them like gold. Matter of fact I just took one. Now to see if this will last 3 days like before. Except it is after my cycle so it seems to be just a migrane not related to a trigger. The percacet I have is $4 for 20. I save them for when I am maxed out on my imitrex.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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  • 2 months later...

> Back from vacation and already behind.

Heck, I didn't go anywhere and I'm behind in all my lists. I'm spending this

last week before school running around with Henry, helping him get all his

ducks in a row. Darn, I wish that guy would drive!

Ed finally gets his twice postponed vacation from this Thursday on for

almost 2 weeks, so if I vanish again, you'll know why.

> LOL Quick update. Great vacation.

Summer in New Hampshire is beautiful, and some day I'll get Ed up there.

> Hubby wanted to eat at restaurants. No Fast food stuff.

Most of Ed's plans for this upcoming vacation is to hit a different

restaurant each day. Henry will be in school so it'll be just the 2 of us so

it won't be too expensive, and if we hit the lunchtime crowds it'll be

cheaper yet. I guess he's prepping himself for retirement. That's one thing

my dad and stepmom did, hit restaurants for the early bird specials instead

of Trudy cooking. She said it came out cheaper most times. LOL

> These are places that are not in

> OUR usual budget. So I was like a kid in a candy store. YUMMM...

I'm so afraid this is how *I'm " gonna be. We never go to restaurants, aside

from repasts after funerals. The last restaurant meal *not* assocciated with

a funeral was when we were still living in FL and my dad took us to a place

for Thanksgiving dinner. Now that would be almost 7 years ago now.

> So when I weighed in I was up 1 lb.

That's not bad at all! I figured with all the salt restaurants use in their

foods it would be much worse than that.

> I so want to move to the mountains.

Let me see if you still say that in January, okay? LOL

> This week getting ready for school. Kids go back full time next tues.

Henry, too, but he has only 12 credits next semester. He's still waiting to

hear about a job on campus, but with all the budget cuts even the doctoral

candidates are only getting the crap jobs, like delivering audio-visual

equipment from room to room and manning the desk at the game room. Times are

tough. He even put a few applications in at the mall, but none of those jobs

are until November and will only last for the holiday shopping season, *if*

he gets hired. With half his classes at night and half days he has a hard

schedule to work with for any employer.

> My actual weight is 237 so we are working on 229 for right now.

After the doc said I didn't have to stick with 1200 calories any more I went

back to 1400 - 1600 and regained those 5 pounds it took 2 months to lose. I

guess the very low dose of thyroid will need to be increased when I see him

in September after the last round of lab work.

My walks

> will start up tues morning no excuses...

We acquired an exercycle last weekend and I added that to my routine. Oh, my

hips and knees are so much happier now! That extra exercise is probably the

only thing that kept me from gaining even *more* of the weight back. I hate

to think how much slower my metabolism is *now* after 2 months on 1200 cal


Sue in NJ

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 10/10/2006 8:13:42 PM Pacific Standard Time, sandra.mygroup@... writes:

Oh geez....Im sitting here feeling guilty now. I whimped out on exercise today and didnt do nothing. I have been feeling so tired today...not sick...just tired. Too late now. I'm going to bed after finishing my mail. But kelly, you make me wanna go do my exercise befor going to bed.

LOL and then that will keep you up all night!! Today was walking - about 75 minutes' worth. I thought about Curves for the added benefit, but donated blood today after work and was told no lifting, no heavy duty exercise, so I took the night off. I told her the only reason I was donating was so I could blow my "diet" without feeling guilty, where were the donuts LOL!! and the gal said she didn't know if they still had any that late and I said that's ok I will take a cheeseburger. I didn't have either - settled for o.j. and a pretzel with cheeze snak pak.... but it was funny anyway.

No guilt - just do the exercise tomorrow girl!!

who would like to say exercise helps alleviate the pains and stuff of TOM but there ain't no way those words are crossing my lips - I am in pain!!

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  • 5 months later...
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Way to go !! That is so great!



On 3/12/07, Jase04567@... <Jase04567@...> wrote:



> Drum roll. Down 1.4. 237.6. I did much better with food. Need to add

> exercise and movement.


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Good Job on the weight loss ... I too was very sad to see amber and rob get eliminated on the Amazing Race.. I dont really like any of the other teams so I may quit watching. btw.. I am at work now and this computer will not let me trim replies.. Sorry Sue...Jase04567@... wrote: Drum roll. Down 1.4. 237.6. I did much better with food. Need to add exercise and movement. Went to nanas on Friday. Thank god that is over. Hubby worked on bookcases over the weekend. Saturday morning was

a little tense. DD showed us her progress report. NOT GOOD. This is a kid that got all A's and B's. She has a c and c-. She needs to grow up and take responsibility. So most likely NO track and bedtime change for her. Sunday went for a nice drive. Had lunch and dessert out. We went to a roastbeef joint we used to frequent when we dated. Got a jr beef. NOT bad for me. Only had 6 fries from hubbys. Then we stopped for ice cream at a place that hubby used to go to as a child. I got sm frozen yogurt. So for me great choices. I was happy to go back to NH though. Today menus, laundry, exercise, and a nap. This time change is

effecting me. ALSO i am sad that amber and rob got elimated. NH. Start Jan 07 246.6239/237.6 AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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In a message dated 3/12/2007 4:46:42 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, Jase04567@... writes:

Drum roll. Down 1.4. 237.6. I did much better with food. Need to add exercise and movement.

Congrats !! Keep up the great work!!

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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  • 2 years later...
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Monday I will begin 4.5 mg of LDN for Crohns treatment.After all the conventional treatments @ Prednisone ( which I am currently on 40 mg)Humira I am off since being DX with Breast cancer Immuran I am also off since being DX with thyroid cancer...I cannot do these drugs ANYMORE with peace of mind, so I asked my GI for LDN and he gave it to me no questions asked.I am hoping and praying that it works even if it's a little bit.I have to have surgery in August, which I am sure they will ave to give me pain meds........will I have to go off LDN prior to surgery?WIll I be able to take the pain meds at all?thanksgretchen

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because you have thyroid cancer and breast cancer i advise you to join the

group for iodine.both those cancers has to do with iodine shortage.


> Monday I will begin 4.5 mg of LDN for Crohns treatment.

> After all the conventional treatments @ Prednisone ( which I am currently on

40 mg)

> Humira I am off since being DX with Breast cancer Immuran I am also off since

being DX with thyroid cancer...I cannot do these drugs ANYMORE with peace of

mind, so I asked my GI for LDN and he gave it to me no questions asked.


> I am hoping and praying that it works even if it's a little bit.


> I have to have surgery in August, which I am sure they will ave to give me

pain meds........will I have to go off LDN prior to surgery?

> WIll I be able to take the pain meds at all?


> thanks


> gretchen


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