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  • 2 years later...

In a message dated 1/28/02 9:28:40 AM Eastern Standard Time, Jase4567@...


> Last night I listened to

> some of richards colors of life tapes before bed and one this morning.


> helpful.. Looking to invest in his older project me tapes.

I also love the colors of your life audio set. I also have the Project Me

set and it is great as well. I got both of them on ebay for very little


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> Have been sick and

I hope you're feeling a lot better this week. These severe weather changes

are the pits.

> My first small goal will be 10 pounds for FEB.

10 pounds is still a lot to ask - over 2 pounds a week.

>I did make alot of ME changes.

Good for you! Remember, we're changing our whole way of life, not just

trying to shed some pounds.

Sue in NJ

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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 3/4/02 6:52:46 AM Eastern Standard Time, Jase4567@...


> So March's goals for me are

> simple:


> 20 min a day of exercise

> 96 ounces of water.

> watch what i eat.



These are great goals! You will make it, it takes time, patience and hard

work but getting healthy is worth it! I hope you have a great week!


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> Well, March is here. I am making a promise to myself that if I can get my

> body out of bed I have to do 20 min of exercise a day. This family was so

> sick in Feb that I got very little exercise in. So March's goals for me are

> simple:


> 20 min a day of exercise

> 96 ounces of water.

> watch what i eat.


> I think maybe if I get back to basics it would help both physically and

> emotionally.



I've fallen off the wagon, and I can't get back up!

OK, so, it's not *quite* that bad -- but if Santa were to ask me right

now if I'd been a good girl, I'd definitely have to say no! Thursday

night (The night Auntie showed up), I finally succumed to the call of

the grocery store deli's fried chicken. Bought an 8 count box. At least

I only ate 1-2 pieces at a time instead of 3! Took me all weekend to

finish it up, but now it's gone.

Thanks to Auntie being around, I didn't much feel like exercising,

either. I went and did weights and Tai Chi on Thursday night... but

nothing after that. My pants aren't feeling as loose as they were. I'm

hoping it's water retention... but somehow, I suspect that's not all it

is :(

Today, it's back on the wagon!

Exercise: 1 hour+ on Mon., Wed., Thurs., and Friday. Maybe something

light on Saturdays.

Food: Going to get back on track. Been slipping on the veggies with all

that protein! Ack!

Water: uhm... I'll try? :) I'm going to get in at least my 64 ounces

every day this month by golly, starting *now*


303/293 (she hopes!)/140-150

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> 20 min a day of exercise

> 96 ounces of water.

> watch what i eat.


Great goals! Baby steps are the way to go and eventually you'll be marching

away the weight.

Sue in NJ

stuck in cliche mode

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> the grocery store deli's fried chicken. Bought an 8 count box. At least

> I only ate 1-2 pieces at a time instead of 3! Took me all weekend to

> finish it up, but now it's gone.

So 8 pieces of chicken over 4 days - not bad.

Don't be so hard on yourself! You didn't sit and eat all 8 pieces at once,


You didn't scarf down a half gallon of ice cream with it, did you?

Then stop obsessing over it! You're allowed chicken, even fried chicken, in

moderation, and 8 pieces in 4 days certainly looks " moderate " to me.

Remember, you have to eat for the rest of your life. Are you going to be

starving yourself for the whole time, watching every morsel you eat and

beating yourself over the head for every bite of good tasting food you

consume? Of course not!

You ate the fried chicken, it's over and done with. You now plan healthier

meals for the rest of the week. There you go!

> nothing after that. My pants aren't feeling as loose as they were. I'm

Could be water, certainly. Besides the chicken, did you eat any other salty

foods? Some women's bodies don't even need that extra salt to retain extra

water, they just do it, thanks to the hormones.

> Today, it's back on the wagon!

There you go - getting on with your life in spite of the chicken. :)

> Exercise: 1 hour+ on Mon., Wed., Thurs., and Friday. Maybe something

Is this how much you normally exercise? Or are you doubling up to make up

for what you didn't do the past few days? I don't want you to burn out of

injure yourself by doing too much too soon.

> Food: Going to get back on track. Been slipping on the veggies with all

> that protein! Ack!

> Water: uhm... I'll try? :) I'm going to get in at least my 64 ounces

If you've been eating a lot of protein and not so much water, that in itself

can be the cause of water retention. The body needs very little protein to

run, and the kidneys need a lot of water to help filter out the excess that

the typical American eats. At your weight you should be drinking *minimum*

140+ ounces a day just to maintain healthy kidneys and skin tone.

Sue in NJ

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> > the grocery store deli's fried chicken. Bought an 8 count box. At least

> > I only ate 1-2 pieces at a time instead of 3! Took me all weekend to

> > finish it up, but now it's gone.


> So 8 pieces of chicken over 4 days - not bad.


> Don't be so hard on yourself! You didn't sit and eat all 8 pieces at once,

> right?

> You didn't scarf down a half gallon of ice cream with it, did you?

Ha. There's low-fat ice-cream that's been in the freezer so long it's

frosted over! Just haven't been wanting it.


> Then stop obsessing over it! You're allowed chicken, even fried chicken, in

> moderation, and 8 pieces in 4 days certainly looks " moderate " to me.

> Remember, you have to eat for the rest of your life. Are you going to be

> starving yourself for the whole time, watching every morsel you eat and

> beating yourself over the head for every bite of good tasting food you

> consume? Of course not!


> You ate the fried chicken, it's over and done with. You now plan healthier

> meals for the rest of the week. There you go!

Heh, I wouldn't feel so bad if I'd eatten some *GREENS* with that fried

chicken. Just wasn't in a mood for veggies much -- it was allll about

the comfort foods this weekend, I guess. At least I ate baked potatoes

and thin slices of rosemary sourdough bread (craving carbs much there

? Hrmmm.) with it instead of french fries or potato salad!


> > nothing after that. My pants aren't feeling as loose as they were. I'm


> Could be water, certainly. Besides the chicken, did you eat any other salty

> foods? Some women's bodies don't even need that extra salt to retain extra

> water, they just do it, thanks to the hormones.

Hrm. Nothing out of the ordinary, anyway.


> > Today, it's back on the wagon!


> There you go - getting on with your life in spite of the chicken. :)



> > Exercise: 1 hour+ on Mon., Wed., Thurs., and Friday. Maybe something


> Is this how much you normally exercise? Or are you doubling up to make up

> for what you didn't do the past few days? I don't want you to burn out of

> injure yourself by doing too much too soon.

A little of both. Before I quit yoga, I was doing Yoga on Mon. Wed. and

Fri. from 5-6:15 p.m., then going and doing weight work for another 15-

20 mins before hopping in the sauna. I'm dropping yoga, thanks to Drill

Instructor Barbie *smirk*, and am replacing it with more weight work

and a good 15 min trek on the treadmill.



> > Food: Going to get back on track. Been slipping on the veggies with all

> > that protein! Ack!

> > Water: uhm... I'll try? :) I'm going to get in at least my 64 ounces


> If you've been eating a lot of protein and not so much water, that in itself

> can be the cause of water retention. The body needs very little protein to

> run, and the kidneys need a lot of water to help filter out the excess that

> the typical American eats. At your weight you should be drinking *minimum*

> 140+ ounces a day just to maintain healthy kidneys and skin tone.

I should, yeah... but for right now, as long as I continue to pass the

" Oprah Test " *snicker* I'll be happy to gradually work up to that

amount. I drank over 90 oz. one day. Thankfully it was a Friday,

because I spent the next day running to the loo! (Hrm, is THAT where

the song 'Skip to the loo' comes from, and does all that running count

as exercise?) Or, hey... DOWN to the point where I need less, would

also work for me! ^_^


> Sue in NJ



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> I've fallen off the wagon, and I can't get back up!

I do not want company!!!! Please leave me alone!!!

Please get yourself back on track, I know you are stronger than me!

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  • 3 months later...
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We had a busy weekend. Saturday was my husbands company picnic and

yesterday, we spent working on the yard and building shelves in our living


I'll be spending most of this week working on the house because we have

company coming over on Thursday. In fact, maybe as many as 40 Japanese

college students! It seemed appropriate to have them over for the Fourth of

July. I have so many projects to tackle before then. I'm hoping my energy

level and physical endurance stays good this week!

I have lost another 2.5 pounds, although I hope I didn't blow it over

the weekend!

Well, I had better get busy!

Have a great week and drink lots of water!


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  • 1 month later...

Due to lots of thunder storms and other life's little troubles I miss about

4 days worth of exercise this week and it sure has showed. I gained a pound

back. But the funny thing is, on Sunday I actually got in to an old pair of

jeans size 28 plus and a size 18 shirt. Until Sunday I have been in size 2x

/ 3x shirts and xxx stretch pants. They fit with out being too tight. To

make up for last week I plan on doing one of two things. I will either take

a route with more hills to work or walk a few extra blocks out of my way.

How was everyone else's week?



> Got up early read mail, showered, did bodyflex, and ate breakfast. Came

> online to report. Hubby went back to work today so I am going to spend


> day playing catch up on my house. I also want to get more exercise in.


> catch up on my soaps. Also plan to make a batch of soup today. I dont

> believe I gained this week BUT did not officially weigh in with hubby. WE

> were not speaking at the time. LOL


> NH

> Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

> Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

> START 6/1/02

> 238/220/199

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How are you enjoying BodyFlex?


Jase4567@... wrote:Got up early read mail, showered, did bodyflex, and ate

breakfast. Came

online to report. Hubby went back to work today so I am going to spend the

day playing catch up on my house. I also want to get more exercise in. AND

catch up on my soaps. Also plan to make a batch of soup today. I dont

believe I gained this week BUT did not officially weigh in with hubby. WE

were not speaking at the time. LOL


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

START 6/1/02


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Funny you should mention this. It is hard to do the breathe because it is

such a harsh one. SO last night I was practicing and my hubby said what the

HELL are you doing. So I explained. He thought I was crazy. Said that

anyone making that kind of noise can not be helping themselves. LOL


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

START 6/1/02


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Try thle breath slowly and gently. Especially the 'pah'. Just make is slow;

lower your jaw; and expel the air quietly. The harshness with Bodyflex is what

made me quit and find another breathing program. It gave me a sore throat and a

sore neck.

Also, the 'sniff' portion of the breath; just do that gently too. Like you had

a runny nose and you were sniffing it up.

I hope this helps!


Jase4567@... wrote:Funny you should mention this. It is hard to do the

breathe because it is

such a harsh one. SO last night I was practicing and my hubby said what the

HELL are you doing. So I explained. He thought I was crazy. Said that

anyone making that kind of noise can not be helping themselves. LOL


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

START 6/1/02


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  • 5 months later...

----- Original Message -----

From: <Jase4567@...>

> being fat is for lazy people. It is in march. We will see. I honestly

> would not feel comfortable going either at my weight. I am just not in


> place yet that I am comfortable with me no matter what.

It is sad that we isolate ourselves because we are fat. We put life on hold

for that magical day when we lose weight. For most fat people that magical

day never comes though so they spend their whole lives in isolation and die

with regrets. Come on ladies. Let's throw some self esteem boosters in

here so we can get out and enjoy life and not live under a rock until the

day we hit 50 pounds loss or whatever. , go get an outfit that you

feel good in. That you can hold your head high in. Yes, you're fat but

that doesn't mean you should hide. And I just have to ask how a good hubby

can be embarrassed to be seen in public with his wife. Very sad but reality

for many women here I'm sure.


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In a message dated 1/27/2003 8:46:57 AM Eastern Standard Time,

maryannanderic@... writes:

> Come on ladies. Let's throw some self esteem boosters in

> here so we can get out and enjoy life and not live under a

> rock until the

> day we hit 50 pounds loss or whatever

Ann - couldn't agree with you more!

Start by loving yourself as you are now! Accept yourself for who you are here

and now - or nothing will ever change in our lives. Thats the bottomline.

Take Care,

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In a message dated 1/27/03 8:48:32 AM Eastern Standard Time, maryannanderic@... writes:

And I just have to ask how a good hubby

can be embarrassed to be seen in public with his wife.

Not in PUBLIC so to speak BUT around people that he sees on a regular basis. I cant say i blame him. When we married I was 155 and a size 12. Now I am 235 and a size 20/22. Granted my life has changed drastically since then. I need to do this for me. I am not going to do any radical diet to try to go. IF truth be told even if I was skinny I dont think I would be interested in going.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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  • 4 weeks later...

- I think everyone is sleeping the winter away! Hopefully they will all

begin to wake up soon and come out and play - the more the merrier, the more

support and encouragement for everyone!

Hope all is well.....

Take Care,

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> - I think everyone is sleeping the winter away!

Remember, next week starts the Lenten season, and Spring is just 3 weeks after that. In-between we've got Saint 's Day to look forward to, so why not start decorating the house with shamrocks and looking for some nice low-cal traditional Irish recipes to cook for the holiday?

Mud season will be here before you know it! LOL

Sue in NJTime's fun when you're having flies...Kermit the Froghttp://www.geocities.com/sue_in_nj/index.htm

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  • 2 months later...
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In a message dated 5/19/03 7:05:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Jase4567@... writes:


Hi ,

Just did mine today... I too started a new journal, and for once I'm actually writing in it. I usually talk about my kids, the state of my life, but I always avoided journaling about my weight. And frankly that must stop. I'm in a house with 5 thin children and a thin husband and a sensitive Mom ... ME. So there is this elephant in the room and no one is allowed to mention it!

sooooooooooo.... no getting around a journal, I tell all in it.

Hope everyone has a great day!



OH P.S., my 4th child, just made his first communion too!

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> Last night started a new journal.

You're off to a good start.

Now what do you plan to do about today's food?

And exercise?

>Then I set what

> goals I would like to accomplish by June 1st. So here is to a new day.

Like to title of of the daily meditation books I have - Each Day A New


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  • 1 month later...
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As the old saying goes " pick yourself up and dust your self off and

start all over again! " I've done it many times and one of these

times I'm going to get it right!

I did get out the tape measure yesterday, but I only measured my

waist. What measurements do you suggest? My husband was shocked..

he never knew how big around my waist was. To be honest I can't

remember what it was the last time I measured it so I don't know if

it was bigger or smaller. Oh well... it's a beginning.


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I will have to think about that. I have never faithfully done it. Maybe waist, bust, and butt area.


Mommy to Abby Liz 10-25-94

Mommy to Anne 7-1-99

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  • 3 weeks later...
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> >Of course, I`ll be bringing you a Cinderella story, and her name is

> Thank you, !

Since I haven't seen *anything* on TV with , even the infomercials,

since January, I really want to see these HSN appearances. I have a post-it

note on my LR tv, the one with the good VCR, and I have my computer reminder

thingie set to pop up every few hours with the reminder.

I *should* remember to get that tape in the VCR and set.

Sue in NJ

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> I can't type long (sleeping child and loud keyboard).

How old is your little one? Mine are 3,5 & 7 they sure do keep me busy!


> exercise: none :(

I have my days! I think we all do, sometimes it is just too

difficult to get motivated and others there just isn't any time.

There is always today and tomorrow to work it in.


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