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>> Migraines: I have been usffering increasingly from migraine

headaches. This one I Have now started yesterday afternoon with

the " halo " andsquiggly lines in my vision. Within about 20 mintues I

have head-crushing pain and cannot tolerate light, noise, etc. sick

at my stomach, etc. I was getting them " monthly " so I thought they

were estrogren=related migraines but the past 2 or 3 have been

unrelated to cycle changes. Any ideas on how to cope with them? I am

desperate here for some relief... I'll try anything once! :-)

I get them too - have most of my life.

Unfortunately the only way they go away for me is with abortive

meds. (zomig, advere, imitrex, etc)

Be really on top of your diet, drink enough water and try not to let

your heart rate/blood pressure rise too high (ie. go run while it's

90+ degrees out)- and stick to a schedule getting up and going to

sleep at regular hours (unlike me here up at 3am).

For comfort - I will take a hot shower and let the hot water run

over my head and neck - even better if you can get a hand held too.

Then I get into bed with an ice pack for where it throbs and try to

relax and/or sleep.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Blake has migraines...he's had them for several years now. He also has the

" aura " before...but he has another " aura " which is different from anything I've

ever heard before...and it doesn't always precede a migraine. he calls them

shooters, or shadows...he says they look like dark spears coming from his

eyes going out in front of him, almost like his eyes are shooting

darts...........he has an appt with a very good eye doc next month in

Galveston...........don't know if it has anything to do with the eyes, or just

that part of the

brain. He's mainly going for his eye check (Plaquenil eye test.)

, & Blake-13-jra

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I forgot to mention that I also get migraines...I began getting them at the

age of 10, when I myself was diagnosed with jra....then at the age of 30 they

changed my diagnosis to SLE (systemic lupus.) I catch my migraines at the

first sign of " sparkles. " I take aspirin, and get some caffeine in me. Nine

times out of ten I don't even get the headache if I do that! = ) I'm just

afraid to give aspirin to Blake because of the risk of reye syndrome in

children. He has never had chicken pox...neither have I. We were immunized,

but I

still don't know if I should. Does anyone else give their kids' actual


, 40, SLE.....Blake's mom

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I started my migraines in my teens as well and I wonder if there is a

connection to having JRA/JIA. It seems odd so many of us as children, teens and

adults have them. If so I wonder if anyone knows what the connection is......

Something to ponder.....


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Hannah (age 9) gets migraines. Unfortunately she does not tolerate

traditional migraine meds such as imitrex..so we use Tylenol at the onset or if

its really bad right away we have to use Excedrin Migraine.

ajaoky@... wrote:

Just a quick question...

How many of your kids have migraines?


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I started getting them as a teenager/


On 8/24/06, ajaoky@... <ajaoky@...> wrote:


> Just a quick question...

> How many of your kids have migraines?

> Donna



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Hi Donna,

I get Migraines myself, but Bayly has never seemed to have had bad


(Slightly OT here, I read the other day that there is a link between

Migraines and increased libido. Something to do with hormones like

Testosterone I think. Funny then, that more females tend to get

Migraines than males? And contradicts the old " Not tonight dear, I

have a headache " routine doesn't it.)


>> Just a quick question...

> How many of your kids have migraines?

> Donna

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Per the advice of my ped I do occasionally give Excedrin Migraine to Hannah

when she gets a really bad migraine. That does contain aspirin, but I have

never given her straight aspirin and was told to never do so.

CG1026TX@... wrote:

I forgot to mention that I also get migraines...I began getting them

at the

age of 10, when I myself was diagnosed with jra....then at the age of 30 they

changed my diagnosis to SLE (systemic lupus.) I catch my migraines at the

first sign of " sparkles. " I take aspirin, and get some caffeine in me. Nine

times out of ten I don't even get the headache if I do that! = ) I'm just

afraid to give aspirin to Blake because of the risk of reye syndrome in

children. He has never had chicken pox...neither have I. We were immunized, but


still don't know if I should. Does anyone else give their kids' actual


, 40, SLE.....Blake's mom

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Oddly enough was diagnosed last week from her rhuemy as having



9 systemic

ajaoky@... wrote: Just a quick question...

How many of your kids have migraines?


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It seems that with my migraines, I get episodes of having them... and than

it's less often....

Not sure what triggers them but I noticed that whenever my neck and back is

really stiff and painful, I have a tendency to get migraines.

I take Excedrine migraine as well and topomax plus Neurontin. I can't take

Imitrex or any of those type medications because of my heart (thanks ti

JRA)! So overall, that works as well as warm compress. Some claim that ice

works better.... for me.. its warm and of course a quiet, dark room and

sleep if possible.

My rheumatologist happen to be seeing me when I had a migraine and she was

very insanely concerned about it because of how severe the pain was. I asked

her if her patients commonly had them. In her expereince this wasnt the case

however, when I used to be in peds rheumy, this seemed to be common. I used

to help do administrative stuff with JA camp and was amazed at how many kids

also took medication or expereinced migraine headaches among the list.


On 8/24/06, Beth Yohnk <yohnkmom@...> wrote:


> Donna:


> Hannah (age 9) gets migraines. Unfortunately she does not tolerate

> traditional migraine meds such as imitrex..so we use Tylenol at the onset or

> if its really bad right away we have to use Excedrin Migraine.



> ajaoky@... <ajaoky%40aol.com> wrote:

> Just a quick question...

> How many of your kids have migraines?

> Donna



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My migraines now are often hormonal based but they can come at other times

as well and I also have triggers I try so hard to avoid. Heavy odors:

cigarettes, cigars, perfume, and paint ( and my whole house is being repainted

now----OUCH!). I also have the auras and if I take meds quickly they will


and not turn into the nightmare they can. I also get nauseous. They are

horrible. I feel for anyone who deals with them, especially the kiddos.


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My son has migraines. We have a history of them in my

family -- brother, father, aunt, but luckily not me.

Andy had a predisposition to them based on this

history, but 3 months of naproxen started headaches

that have since turned into migraines. He has the

sensitivity to light and he gets nauseous often. He

has arthritis in his neck, so that sometimes adds to

the pain.

--- hburger64 <hburger64@...> wrote:

> -I suffer from chronic migraines, the kind where you

> get auras and

> are puking your guts out. Thankfully they have been

> pretty calm the

> last year.


> They come on very quickly and i need to take my meds

> as soon as

> possible. I have been on a daily beta blocker,

> imatrex and imatrex

> shots and something cant remember but started with

> an F. I am now on

> axert and it works well as long as I take it quickly

> enough. I also

> have percecet as my rescue medication, when all else

> fails i take 2

> of those and go to bed as they knock me out.


> My 14 year old also suffers from migraines but advil

> seems to work

> for him. Nick has been getting a lot of headaches so

> I hope hes not

> going to develop migraines.


> I have learnt what some of my triggers are and aviod

> those as much

> as I can. Smoke ( bonfire, cigarette ) trigger as do

> florescent

> lighting as 2 of them amin ones. I have found no

> foods that trigger

> them though.


> hugs Helen and (9,systemic)-- In

> ,

> ' Taunton <lcdanceacademy@...> wrote:

> >

> > about once a month. I used to think it was her

> meds, but now am

> wondering if it is hormones. She takes tylenol and

> goes in a dark

> room. Sometimes she makes it without getting sick.


> >

> > '

> >

> > ajaoky@... wrote:

> > Just a quick question...

> > How many of your kids have migraines?

> > Donna

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Do you ?

> > Get on board. You're invited to try the new

> .

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >







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I am also amazed at everyone in this group getting migraines. Blake

actually came home early from school today with one...he went to the nurse, and


gave him some of the ibuprofen that I took up there in case he ever needs it,

and after lying down for a little while it didn't get better, so I went to

the school and picked him up. he rested for a while, and now he's back to

normal = )

, and Blake-13-jra

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had occasional migraines for quite some time before his arthritis

came on (at age 7). However, the whole time he was on naproxen, he never

had one. Since he's been off the naproxen, I think he's only had one. It

may have been a coincidence, but I was attributing his lack of migraines to

the regular doses of naproxen.

Marsha (,10, pauci)

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I have to say I am amazed at everyone who gets migraines! I wonder what the

conection is? Zack has been getting really bad headaches for about 4 years

now, he's had symptoms of JRA for 3 years and was just diagnosd with poly in

March of this year. He used to get several headaches a week, he would come home

from school nearly in tears and would take tylenol or motrin and go to bed.

Since he began the meds after he was diagnosed, he's gotten them much less

often, I'd say maybe once every 2 or 3 weeks now. When we're at home he'll pipe

up and say something as soon as his head begins to hurt, but if he's at school,

he won't say anything. Poor thing will sit and suffer through the afternoon, if

he gets them at school it starts after lunch.

Zack-10, poly

Marsha McInnis <marsham@...> wrote:

had occasional migraines for quite some time before his


came on (at age 7). However, the whole time he was on naproxen, he never

had one. Since he's been off the naproxen, I think he's only had one. It

may have been a coincidence, but I was attributing his lack of migraines to

the regular doses of naproxen.

Marsha (,10, pauci)

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I agree . My youngest son is asthmatic and gets them as well and I

have struggled many years with them.......It did seem like a lot on the list do

as well and curiosity got the better of me so I asked......I know they can be

miserable and cause me more grief than arthur...


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In our family, the two girls and my husband get them, but not or

me. They are such horrible things. Although, for my dh, he has not had

as many since he began taking an anti - depressant. That type of med

seems to help alleviate them for him. Michele ( 19, spondy)


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of ajaoky@...

Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 1:22 PM

Subject: Re: Re: MIGRAINES

I agree . My youngest son is asthmatic and gets them as well and


have struggled many years with them.......It did seem like a lot on the

list do

as well and curiosity got the better of me so I asked......I know they

can be

miserable and cause me more grief than arthur...


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  • 3 months later...


> Bee-

> I understand that candida toxins contribute to migraines but I was

> wondering if you had specific information about migraines, what

> triggers them and what needs to be avoided if one suffers from them.

> I have a friends that suffer terribly. I have given them the How to

> sucessfully overcome candida article.

==>Hi Pat. I haven't studied migraines specifically but it is very

common for someone who lacks proper nutrients and who is overloaded

with toxins, and who might also have stress which depresses the immune

system. I had horrible migraines where I almost blacked-out. The best

help for migraines is to follow my diet and take the nutrients since it

trully is a healing diet since it builds up the immune system, helps

the body detoxify, and it improves digestion. Grains, seeds, nuts and

legumes must be eliminated, along with all forms of sugars, man-made

oils and fats and processed foods. Supplements like cod liver oil are

extremely important for anyone's health, along with nature-made fats;

the brain is 70-80% fat and fats are so very important for getting rid

of heavy metals (also cause migraines) and other toxins. Fats also

protect the liver which has to deal with all of those toxins, and it

helps pull nutrients out of foods.

==>So many of our foods are loaded with toxins, particularly processed

foods and grains which contain mycotoxins (fungal-type toxins).

Mycotoxins are neurotoxic (affecting the brain and nervous system).

Ensure your friends don't consume any soft drinks, and also that they

do not consume any sugars of any kind, particularly substitute sugars

which are actually very poisonous and cause brain damage. There are

many other additives that are also neurotoxic like MSG, carrageenan,

nitrates, sulphites, etc., etc.

==>Migraine sufferers also need to increase detoxification as much as

possible so the things I recommend would help them as well, i.e. coffee

enemas, Epsom salt baths, Electrolyte drink, dry skin brushing, etc.

They might also have to improve their digestion.

==>My diet is so ideal for healing any ailment that I'm setting up my

own website on natural healing using this diet and the supplements.

I hope that helps.

Luv, Bee

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  • 1 month later...

When my sinus is bad I get shocking headaches and find that if I take Panadol for Sinus that it helps a lot more than just the normal Panadol (Panadol is what I'd call the Australian version of Tylenol). My GP once told me that the pressure from the 'sinus blocking' causes them and that I was lucky they never turned into migraines so I can understand where you're coming from.

I was just reading back a bit, since I just recently checked this site after a LONG time of not being here! I think that sinus pressure puts pressure on the blood vessels and that is why we get migraines also. For me, I have a very strong family hx of migraines. But I did have a doctor tell me that a sinus headache can turn into a migraine. The tip-off for me seemed to be waking up with facial pain that made me feel nauseous.

--No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.5.441 / Virus Database: 268.18.2/692 - Release Date: 18/02/2007 4:35 PM


No virus found in this outgoing message.

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Version: 7.5.441 / Virus Database: 268.18.2/692 - Release Date: 18/02/2007 4:35 PM

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> When my sinus is bad I get shocking headaches and find that if I


> Panadol for Sinus that it helps a lot more than just the normal


> (Panadol is what I'd call the Australian version of Tylenol). My

GP once

> told me that the pressure from the 'sinus blocking' causes them

and that I

> was lucky they never turned into migraines so I can understand

where you're

> coming from.







> I was just reading back a bit, since I just recently checked this


> after a LONG time of not being here! I think that sinus pressure


> pressure on the blood vessels and that is why we get migraines


> For me, I have a very strong family hx of migraines. But I did

have a

> doctor tell me that a sinus headache can turn into a migraine. The


> off for me seemed to be waking up with facial pain that made me


> nauseous.


>I might as well add my 2 cents. Lately I've had very bad headache

pain and nausea.The pain I assume is sinus related and seems almost

migraine like.Have some tylenol#3 for it as I was concerned about

the amount of tylenol I was taking for it (apparently some of us can

react to tylenol also in amounts around 1000 mg.).Headache is

aggravated by loud noise ,also makes it difficult to think

clearly ,just want to be away from people. and work.The pain has

recently worsened. Found interesting information on

headaches,http://www.usdoctor.com/sym2.htm. .This pain seems

worse than I normally have but not as severe as the pain from

orbital cellulitis when I didn't even want to lay down (sinus

related).Seeing my G.P.soon and seem to have found an allergist to

do ASA desensitization.Recent CT shows sinuses still patent,ENT,s

don't want to do surgery.Maxillary and sphenoids

show some calcification,probably from chronic sinus infections .I

think my concerns are spread of infection to the brain(meningitis or

brain abscess for example).Thats why I cited this reference.On

Biaxin but doesn't seem to help.I think people need to be aware of

the remodeling that can occur in both lungs and sinuses.Remember

seeing a demonstration of a lung diseased by asthma where post

mortem they pumped latex into the lung then dissolved the tissue

away to leave the latex cast showing the loss of the small branches

that occurred.Apparently we with AERD are at greater risk.My ENT is

ordering an MRI to rule out other causes of headache pain.Let you

know in time how it all comes out .WAYNE





> --

> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.441 / Virus Database: 268.18.2/692 - Release Date:


> 4:35 PM





> " http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?

RunPromo & El= & SG= & RAND=56698 & pa

> rtner=hbtools " Upgrade Your Email - Click here!



> --

> No virus found in this outgoing message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.441 / Virus Database: 268.18.2/692 - Release Date:


> 4:35 PM


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> >

> > When my sinus is bad I get shocking headaches and find that if I

> take

> > Panadol for Sinus that it helps a lot more than just the normal

> Panadol

> > (Panadol is what I'd call the Australian version of Tylenol).


> GP once

> > told me that the pressure from the 'sinus blocking' causes them

> and that I

> > was lucky they never turned into migraines so I can understand

> where you're

> > coming from.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I was just reading back a bit, since I just recently checked


> site

> > after a LONG time of not being here! I think that sinus pressure

> puts

> > pressure on the blood vessels and that is why we get migraines

> also.

> > For me, I have a very strong family hx of migraines. But I did

> have a

> > doctor tell me that a sinus headache can turn into a migraine.


> tip-

> > off for me seemed to be waking up with facial pain that made me

> feel

> > nauseous.

> >

> >I might as well add my 2 cents. Lately I've had very bad headache

> pain and nausea.The pain I assume is sinus related and seems


> migraine like.Have some tylenol#3 for it as I was concerned about

> the amount of tylenol I was taking for it (apparently some of us


> react to tylenol also in amounts around 1000 mg.).Headache is

> aggravated by loud noise ,also makes it difficult to think

> clearly ,just want to be away from people. and work.The pain has

> recently worsened. Found interesting information on

> headaches,http://www.usdoctor.com/sym2.htm. .This pain seems

> worse than I normally have but not as severe as the pain from

> orbital cellulitis when I didn't even want to lay down (sinus

> related).Seeing my G.P.soon and seem to have found an allergist


> do ASA desensitization.Recent CT shows sinuses still patent,ENT,s

> don't want to do surgery.Maxillary and sphenoids

> show some calcification,probably from chronic sinus infections .I

> think my concerns are spread of infection to the brain(meningitis


> brain abscess for example).Thats why I cited this reference.On

> Biaxin but doesn't seem to help.I think people need to be aware of

> the remodeling that can occur in both lungs and sinuses.Remember

> seeing a demonstration of a lung diseased by asthma where post

> mortem they pumped latex into the lung then dissolved the tissue

> away to leave the latex cast showing the loss of the small


> that occurred.Apparently we with AERD are at greater risk.My ENT


> ordering an MRI to rule out other causes of headache pain.Let you

> know in time how it all comes out .WAYNE

> > reference above is , A guide for physicians and health care

proffesionals,written by Merle L Diamo,


> >

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this incoming message.

> > Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> > Version: 7.5.441 / Virus Database: 268.18.2/692 - Release Date:

> 18/02/2007

> > 4:35 PM

> >

> >

> >


> > " http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?

> RunPromo & El= & SG= & RAND=56698 & pa

> > rtner=hbtools " Upgrade Your Email - Click here!

> >

> >

> > --

> > No virus found in this outgoing message.

> > Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> > Version: 7.5.441 / Virus Database: 268.18.2/692 - Release Date:

> 18/02/2007

> > 4:35 PM

> >


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  • 9 months later...

Hi ,

My 8 yer old, also gets very bad migraines-- often with major vision

disturbances that frighten him. His first migraines appeared at age 2 and

appeared to be food triggered (yogurt cultures). When he started IVIG at 2 1/2

years old, he got them during infusions and for a day or two afterward. They

ramped up to a daily affair after he had aseptic meningitis in March as a side

effect of his IVIG.

He's finally somewhat under control-- we have switched to Vivaglobin SubQ, and

he now takes Periactin morning and night to control the headaches (Neurontin did

not work for him). We've just hit a two week milestone of him not having a

migraine at school (although he still manages to see the nurse a couple of times

a week) . . .He now has about one migraine a week at home and they do not appear

to be as intense. So far, our other two boys have not had migraines at all

(fingers crossed).

Take care!

:) , mom to:

(8) - CVID, Asthma, Migraines, possible seizure disorder

(5) - CVID, Asthma

(2) - CVID, Asthma, Neutropenia

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You know I had asked for periactin this week at the neurologist.. we

are also in Boston.. and she said. no.. it causes weight gain and she

did not like the drug.. and also suggested topomax.. but that had

weight related side effects as well. so she asked us to try elavil..

which I am nervous about..

I am doing an detailed symptoms log.. for 2 weeks to get a clue as to

what is actually happening.. blood sugars etc.. eating habits for her

caffenine..etc..food related issues.. sleep.stress

going to increase B vitamins.. and see what happens.. she takes 50 mg

of benadryl at night for sleep and myclonic movements.. but would

love to try periactin.. in comparison to elavil..

I have a wonderful friend who son just started it.. and it is working


Warmly Kathleen


> Hi ,


> My 8 yer old, also gets very bad migraines-- often with

major vision disturbances that frighten him. His first migraines

appeared at age 2 and appeared to be food triggered (yogurt

cultures). When he started IVIG at 2 1/2 years old, he got them

during infusions and for a day or two afterward. They ramped up to a

daily affair after he had aseptic meningitis in March as a side

effect of his IVIG.


> He's finally somewhat under control-- we have switched to

Vivaglobin SubQ, and he now takes Periactin morning and night to

control the headaches (Neurontin did not work for him). We've just

hit a two week milestone of him not having a migraine at school

(although he still manages to see the nurse a couple of times a

week) . . .He now has about one migraine a week at home and they do

not appear to be as intense. So far, our other two boys have not

had migraines at all (fingers crossed).


> Take care!

> :) , mom to:

> (8) - CVID, Asthma, Migraines, possible seizure disorder

> (5) - CVID, Asthma

> (2) - CVID, Asthma, Neutropenia



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I think the symptom log is a great idea. I have food and smell triggers that

will bring on a migraine(snickers and spagettios are the worst..I have had them

since I was a teenager. Although i still miss spagettios..LOL) I can not stand

the smell of strong perfume it will send me into one quickly. Also stress is a

big trigger as well. I too have alot of blurred vision. I am so sorry that

your child is getting these they are awful. I am not sure what they will give

you medication wise for a child. When I was 16 I started on Midrin and that

helped me for awhile. I do not think it is very strong. (You can check it out

on WebMd) I hope that things get better. I will pray that they do. (mom

to Hope,6,undiagnosed immune deficiency,dilated cardiomyopathy,pustular

psoriasis, receives scig weekly)

Kathleen <kkcrt06@...> wrote:

You know I had asked for periactin this week at the neurologist.. we

are also in Boston.. and she said. no.. it causes weight gain and she

did not like the drug.. and also suggested topomax.. but that had

weight related side effects as well. so she asked us to try elavil..

which I am nervous about..

I am doing an detailed symptoms log.. for 2 weeks to get a clue as to

what is actually happening.. blood sugars etc.. eating habits for her

caffenine..etc..food related issues.. sleep.stress

going to increase B vitamins.. and see what happens.. she takes 50 mg

of benadryl at night for sleep and myclonic movements.. but would

love to try periactin.. in comparison to elavil..

I have a wonderful friend who son just started it.. and it is working


Warmly Kathleen


> Hi ,


> My 8 yer old, also gets very bad migraines-- often with

major vision disturbances that frighten him. His first migraines

appeared at age 2 and appeared to be food triggered (yogurt

cultures). When he started IVIG at 2 1/2 years old, he got them

during infusions and for a day or two afterward. They ramped up to a

daily affair after he had aseptic meningitis in March as a side

effect of his IVIG.


> He's finally somewhat under control-- we have switched to

Vivaglobin SubQ, and he now takes Periactin morning and night to

control the headaches (Neurontin did not work for him). We've just

hit a two week milestone of him not having a migraine at school

(although he still manages to see the nurse a couple of times a

week) . . .He now has about one migraine a week at home and they do

not appear to be as intense. So far, our other two boys have not

had migraines at all (fingers crossed).


> Take care!

> :) , mom to:

> (8) - CVID, Asthma, Migraines, possible seizure disorder

> (5) - CVID, Asthma

> (2) - CVID, Asthma, Neutropenia



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