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Migraines are one of my core symptoms. Mine are pretty much daily - the

neurologist calls it " status migrainous " . I too used to get them only

occasionally before CFIDS.

Donna in NC

Re: migraines

> HI Group,

> I was just wondering if it is common to suffer from migraines when you


> cfids? I used to get them occassionally and now this week alone I have had

> three with the prodrome and everything. Anyone have any info on this?


> you,


> a

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yeah, I get them, bad ones. I use imitrex nasal spray, seems to help.


Re: migraines

> HI Group,

> I was just wondering if it is common to suffer from migraines when you


> cfids? I used to get them occassionally and now this week alone I have had

> three with the prodrome and everything. Anyone have any info on this?


> you,


> a

> _________________________________________________________________

> " Do me a favor, doc, tell me something good. " - Blair -

> ~~ The Exorcist ~~




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I have had them occasionally, but not regularly. However, I've had

them for two days in a row now and it feels like I'm working up to a

third one. I think it's migraines - for me it's mostly a very bad

headache accompanied by nausea, coming close to vomiting.

We've been trying a combination of what we have on hand - niacin,

benadryl, baby aspirin and rosavin have helped take the edge off.

I'm also interested in what helps people with this.


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I got rid of 20 years of migraines in 1990 by 3 hypnosis sessions, over a period

of a year and a half, from a psychiatrist. He also recognized a thyroid problem

that we corrected with straight T3

for several weeks to give my thyroid a rest.

I now have a migraine about once a year if I get into high winds blowing on my

forehead or enjoying too much wine, both of which can be eliminated, so I am

basically migraine free. Interestingly,

my CFS symptoms started after I had got rid of the migraines and my thyroid was

functioning normally. I often wonder if the migraines forced me to take a time

out and gave my body a chance to

catch up and without them I just kept on going until I was too tired to move.


aohs@... wrote:

> Carol,

> I can really empathize with you and a. I had migraines almost

> daily for a period of time when I was in the midst of my health

> deteriorating and under alot of stress.


> In all the literature I've read by preventative MDs, they talk about

> ruling out hypothyroidism as a cause of the migraines. I was found to

> be hypothyroid after this period of migraines, worsened health and

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My neurologist suggested 100 mg B-2 (Riboflavin) 4 times/day. I didn't

believe him until someone from another list I am on posted the same thing.

Said it took several months to take effect, but all but eliminated hers. I'm

into a couple of months now, and they have certainly decreased from daily to

frequently. Progress maybe.

Donna in NC

Re: migraines

> I have had them occasionally, but not regularly. However, I've had

> them for two days in a row now and it feels like I'm working up to a

> third one. I think it's migraines - for me it's mostly a very bad

> headache accompanied by nausea, coming close to vomiting.


> We've been trying a combination of what we have on hand - niacin,

> benadryl, baby aspirin and rosavin have helped take the edge off.

> I'm also interested in what helps people with this.


> Laurie




> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

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Hi, a,

> I was just wondering if it is common to suffer from migraines when



>cfids? I used to get them occassionally and now this week alone I have


>three with the prodrome and everything. Anyone have any info on this?

I had daily headaches, with clusters of 5-6 migraines every couple of

months. Found that Neurontin worked wonders for me - first day I was without

a headahe for several years was 2nd day of N. I started at 100mg 2/d. and

have gone up to 3/d since. Its now about 8 months, and I have only just

begun to have mild headaches again, but even the migraine-like pain (mine

are generally ocular) is easily bearable.



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I haven't used it for that, but have read a number of stories of people who do

use it for that and it seems to work. Price, who is also on this list says

he uses it to treat people.


Re: Re: Migraines

Is Vitamin O good for migraines. I gather from reading this post that it is

good. Can someone confirm.

OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

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Yes, I do use Vitamin O for migraine. Whether you use adjustments or vitamin O

to do it, headaches are benefited by getting oxygen to the brain.


Re: Re: Migraines

Is Vitamin O good for migraines. I gather from reading this post that it


good. Can someone confirm.

OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.


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Hi, It is what is called a stabelized oxygen product. It differs from others on

the market in that it is made from sodium chloriDe, as opposed to sodium

chloriTe. The latter is caustic to skin tissues and needs to be mixed with

water before using. Vit O however can be applied directly to skin, ears, throat,

sinus without damage. I have even used it in eyes with no ill efffect, although

R Garden does not recommend this for safety issues.

You can get it from www.rgarden.com or 1800-800-1927. They often have buy one

get one free sales.


Re: Re: Migraines

is vitamin O ..oxygen? or something else and where do you get it.

OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


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Hud told me that he uses 4% lidocaine preservative free and introduces it

into the nostril and it sometimes will either abort a migraine or often

break the pain for a while.

I asked my doc. He said that it's an old treatment (why, then, in

heavens name has no dr including him ever told me???) and used often in

ER rooms.

Anyway, Abbot labs manufactures it in 5 ml ampouless, which is a bit of a

bummer because the recommended dose is .5 cc in nostril. Followed by

another in about l/2 hr if needed. And ampoules are not as good for

storage purposes in fridge as are vials (as with Bl2). But I've started

to: covering with the bright side of alum foil.

Anyway, the key is that your head must be really far back over the side

of the bed for about 5 or l0 min if you don't want the stuff to go down

your throat.

My experience has been that it has aborted some and with some it gives me

several hrs relief and with others it seems to cut the length of the

migraine. So, while the tr yptans are supposed to be the gold standard

if you, like me, don't wanna use them, this is another and I think

reasonable route.

I use l cc syringes with separable needles so I can draw up the lido with

the needle and then remove it and use the syringe as a nosedropper.

Insulin syringes's needles can't be removed.

Compounding pharmacies will make this up in spray form and also in 30 ml

vials. I'd go for the latter but Medicaid doesn't pay for compounded

drugs unless your doc will fight for you and that is asking a lot and

docs are less and less willing.

Judith Wisdom

On Sat, 05 May 2001 22:38:27 -0000 laurie@... writes:

I have had them occasionally, but not regularly. However, I've had

them for two days in a row now and it feels like I'm working up to a

third one. I think it's migraines - for me it's mostly a very bad

headache accompanied by nausea, coming close to vomiting.

We've been trying a combination of what we have on hand - niacin,

benadryl, baby aspirin and rosavin have helped take the edge off.

I'm also interested in what helps people with this.


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Believe it or not you can have a migraine without the pain. It

has been documented and I first read about it maybe 4 years ago

give or take a year or two.

All the symptoms, the pressure, everything - just no pain [or

very little] in ON

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  • 4 weeks later...


One of the neat things about piracetam is that it is NOT contraindicated


SIDE EFFECTS! After over 35 years of use by tens of millions of people,

with billions of prescriptions worldwide, (but not in the US) is is SAFE

in ALL cirsumstances!

Isn't THAT neat? ;-)

jim :)

sanmar@... wrote:


> Hi Jim,


> I will definitely make the Homozon recommendation. My concern is with

> Piracetam. I am reasonably well versed in Nootropics, a path I

> started on thanks to you. She takes a lot of very strong meds, just

> to keep her barely functioning. Doctors in Canada (Toronto) don't

> know about nootropics and are very uncomfortable with them. How will

> my friend know whether Piracetam or Pramiracetam is contraindicated?

> This is a touchy situation.


> Sandy



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

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we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.

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responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to hold

yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found here

without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher or health

care provider.


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When Smart Drugs & nutrients was published Prams had only been on the

market about 9 years. In the book they said something like, " ...while it

is a little soon to be sure, it is demonstrating the same kind of safety

as piracetam. "

The different variations of this molecule really don't cause any major

problems. It seems to be one of the hallmarks of nootropic medicines.

jim :)

sanmar@... wrote:


> Jim,


> In this circumstance, neat is an understatement. It has happened

> that she has been asked to go off all her meds to try something new.

> Sadly, she didn't feel that was possible. She felt she could end up

> in the hospital. It is safe to assume that Prams also do not interact

> with other drugs?


> Thank you


> Sandy


carpe diem, carpe pecuniam, carpe feminas. -- Jim Lambert

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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I have taken lecithin off and on for over 40 years. I used to take 3

1200 mg caps of lecithin, twice daily. It did nothing for mine. People

with migraines need to concentrate on cerebral oxygenation, IMO. I

believe if you eliminate hypoxia you eliminate migraines.

jim :)

J Gagne wrote:


> I read somewhere that a 1200 mg cap of lecithin daily has helped many people

> say goodbye to migraines. If you try this and it works please let me know. I

> have recommended it to 1/2 dozen or so people and no one has bothered to try

> it. I don't understand it. A pack of cigarettes at $5 a day to slowly kill

> ourselves is ok, but a $40 per year possible cure is too much risk for these

> people.


> God Bless,

> Jeanne

> -----

carpe diem, carpe pecuniam, carpe feminas. -- Jim Lambert

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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hypoxia is the condiion of insufficient oxygen for normal, healthy

cellulsr metabolism. Virtually everyone is in some state of hypoxia.

This can be assumed by noticing diet, lifestyle, etc.

Many commonly habituated substances are notorious oxygen robbers, like

tobacco, alcohol, and the number one oxygen scavenger, sugar! Then,

there are things like eating a diet too high in protein, which acidifies

the bloodstream, setting up more mechanisms that make it difficult for

hemoglobin to carry O2 effectively.

jim :)

teri323@... wrote:


> In a message dated 4/30/2001 4:34:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> jlambert@... writes:


> << I

> believe if you eliminate hypoxia you eliminate migraines.

> >>


> hi jim..what is hypoxia? my husb has lots of migraines. l am seeking help for

> him. thankyou!


carpe diem, carpe pecuniam, carpe feminas. -- Jim Lambert

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Kate,

I also suffer from migraines but haven't heard of this drug. I also don't

have migraine attacks as bad as you. Usually I just suffer through for a

day or so...I seldom get an attack but in the last month I've had

several....part stress, part TED acting up a little. What about the meds

that you can take the moment you feel the onset of a migraine....has anyone

prescribed those drugs for you?



> I'm sure a lot of you kind people out there suffer from migraines. For

> myself I would have to admit to more days with a migraine than without.

> Lately I have been given an IV treatment at both the dr's office and at

> the hospital. It is a saline solution (apparently most people with

> migraines tend to dehydrate) and a medication that I understood the docs

> and nurses both to call 'maxran'. Has anyone ever heard of it. I've

> found out about a product called 'maxalt' but before my netscape crashed

> I didn't get to read about it entirely. It seemed to come in pill or

> wafer format only which certainly doesn't go with IV...

> Any ideas?

> Kate







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  • 1 month later...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Migraines Headaches

During the first phase of a Migraine Headache blood flow may be reduced

by an average of 36%. The specific symptoms that are experienced as a

result of this reduced —such as visions of flashing lights—depend on

which area of the brain is affected. Reduced blood flow results in a lack of

oxygen in the tissues, along with changes in the brain's chemistry. This, in

turn, causes the release of substances that greatly dilate the blood vessels.

Local tissue injury can swelling occur as a result. It is at this time Migraine

pain strikes the patient starts to breathe pure oxygen at between 1.3 and 1.75

atmospheres absolute. Occasionally, a pressure of 2 atmospheres absolute may be

needed. Increased amounts of oxygen in the blood raise oxygen levels in the

brain tissues, even when contracted blood vessel reduce blood flow. Many

Migraine Patients who receive HBOT find that the interval between attacks is

significantly increased. Because Administered oxygen constricts the blood

vessels while oxygenating the tissues, HBOT can reduce the swelling by as much

as 50% This aborts the symptoms. In a study by Dr Fife and Dr Caroline

Fife MD, HBOT was given to 26 patients who had migraine headache Pain. Pressures

between 1.3 an 2.4 atmospheres absolute were used. All but one patient obtained

complete relief of Migraine symptoms within Minutes of Exposure, including two

patients who had temporary paralysis on one side of the face before HBOT


• Relief of symptoms can occur as quickly as 5 minutes after the migraine.


Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics 1455 North Waterman Ave, #124-126 San Bernardino, CA


Rosemarie Geiger wrote:

> Kallie,

> What is the address for your site? Rose


> >Rose:

> You can go to www.watercure.com and read how extra water and salt may

> >help migraines or your aunt could consider one of my magnetic pads which

> >have also proven valuable. There is a six month satisfaction guarantee so

> >that she could return it in six months if she did not feel she had

> >benefited.

> >

> >Here is a testimony from my web site copied & pasted


> > " ...I have not had a headache since I began sleeping on my Magnetic Sleep

> >Pad. I was gone on a 2-week vacation about a month after I got it, and I

> >was

> >sure glad to get back because I could feel the return of the severity of my

> >stiffness and aches and pains. It took me several nights to get back

> >feeling

> >as good as I did before I left my sleep pad. I'm very satisfied... "

> >

> >E. Marsh, Age 72 - TX

> >*********************************************

> >

> >Blessings

> >

> >Kallie , RN, (Ret.),EFT-CC

> >

> >----- Original Message -----

> I've tried searching the archives regarding migraines and I've come up

> >with nothing. My Aunt is suffering terribly. Anyone here know how she can

> >help herself? Rose


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> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

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> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

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we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.

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responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to hold

yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found here

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annhope1@a... wrote:

> When I was a senior in high school I started to get migraines.

> A Dr. told me to take Niacin, which you can find at any health

> food store. With the first dose, within 20 mins,

> the migraines stopped.

Don't leave us in suspense - how much Niacin? What was the dosage?

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No one ever gets rid of anger. I repeat, you can never get rid of any

emotion, you can only change the way you relate to it. Anger is the

unconscious expression of passion. To get rid of anger you would also lose

your passion. My suggestion would be to concentrate on what gives you

passion and recognize that the past anger issues were nothing more than the

education and practice of the expression of your passion. I know of no one

that was born into an enlightened family that helped to develop all aspects

of our personality i.e. auditory, visual, kinesthetic, introversion,

extroversion, right brain and left brain or any combination thereof. Most

of us experience our lessons as we get kicked, battered, beaten,

emotionalized, or traumatized into our growth.

Dr. Eliezer Ben-ph

Personal and Financial Freedom

www.naturalsolutionsradio.com (home page)

www.herbs4health.com (herb shop)

www.successlinks.com/global-3 (financial freedom)

www.16thamendment.com/global-3 (IRS income tax fraud)

www.taxstatement.com/global-3 (IRS income tax fraud)

Watch your thoughts; they become your words.

Watch your words; they become your actions.

Watch your actions; they become your habits.

Watch your habits; they become your character.

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Re: Migraines




> << I have cured numerous migraines, mostly permanently with a simple

> psychological technique. I will tell you this much, if you have neck and

> shoulder tension with it your problem is likely an ongoing anger. >>


> I understand what you are saying, but what kind of technique? I have

> processed

> anger for months, every day, used Walter Weston's technique (from his book

> Healing

> Yourself) etc., and the anger is still there.


> dorothy

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Unfortunately, the niacin won't prevent everyone's migraines. I grew up

on niacin in many different doses, and had lots of migraines also.

But, anything that helps one may help others.

jim :)

annhope1@... wrote:


> > <<Rosemarie Geiger wrote:

> > >

> > > Anyone,

> > > I've tried searching the archives regarding migraines and I've come up

> > with

> > > nothing. My Aunt is suffering terribly. Anyone here know how she can

> > help

> > > herself? Rose>>


> Rose,

> When I was a senior in high school I started to get migraines. A Dr. told me

> to take Niacin, which you can find at any health food store. With the first

> dose, within 20 mins, the migraines stopped. I treated each new headache

> with the same and within a few weeks, no more headaches...ever.

> Niacin will cause a reddish flush in your skin, possible itching. There is a

> time release type BUT I just read an article the other day that said its not

> nearly as effective.

> Terri



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Unfortunately, the niacin won't prevent everyone's migraines. I grew up

on niacin in many different doses, and had lots of migraines also.

But, anything that helps one may help others.

jim :)

annhope1@... wrote:


> > <<Rosemarie Geiger wrote:

> > >

> > > Anyone,

> > > I've tried searching the archives regarding migraines and I've come up

> > with

> > > nothing. My Aunt is suffering terribly. Anyone here know how she can

> > help

> > > herself? Rose>>


> Rose,

> When I was a senior in high school I started to get migraines. A Dr. told me

> to take Niacin, which you can find at any health food store. With the first

> dose, within 20 mins, the migraines stopped. I treated each new headache

> with the same and within a few weeks, no more headaches...ever.

> Niacin will cause a reddish flush in your skin, possible itching. There is a

> time release type BUT I just read an article the other day that said its not

> nearly as effective.

> Terri



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This is interesting. A friend, therapist said I carried anger. I said NO.

After many sessions together, he gave up and said, " Whose anger are you

carrying anyway? " That was it! It was NOT MY anger but for someone else,

who died. I continued their anger at someone very bad, who effected this

peprsons life. Anger is tough when you don't know 'where' it comes from.

This revelation for me was a real revelation to me.

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This is interesting. A friend, therapist said I carried anger. I said NO.

After many sessions together, he gave up and said, " Whose anger are you

carrying anyway? " That was it! It was NOT MY anger but for someone else,

who died. I continued their anger at someone very bad, who effected this

peprsons life. Anger is tough when you don't know 'where' it comes from.

This revelation for me was a real revelation to me.

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This is interesting. A friend, therapist said I carried anger. I said NO.

After many sessions together, he gave up and said, " Whose anger are you

carrying anyway? " That was it! It was NOT MY anger but for someone else,

who died. I continued their anger at someone very bad, who effected this

peprsons life. Anger is tough when you don't know 'where' it comes from.

This revelation for me was a real revelation to me.

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