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Nancie, thank you for your voice of reason. I always shudder when I see

someone without a clue practicing medicine and dispensing advice that

could harm or kill someone. I know we don't agree on everything but you

are a very valuable resource here; and in some cases possibly a life saver.



> Posted by: " nancie barnett " deifspirit@...

> <mailto:deifspirit@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20hypotiredism>

> aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1>



> Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:28 pm (PST)




> if you cured yourself of hypothyroidism, then why are you still here?

> Telling someone to take iodine without knowing whether they are

> allergic to

> iodine or not is irresponsible. that person could be allergic to iodine

> and by telling her to go take it like it was water you could KILL her. if

> she wants to take it then she should take a test dose in a Medical

> providers

> office to see if she is allergic.

> I am allergic to iodine and I had no idea that I was since I could always

> eat shell fish without a problem, but I had a test dose in my Natural

> Medicine MD's office and I coded after 5 minutes. thank god she had a

> crash

> cart in the office. As a medical provider myself, I would NEVER tell

> someone

> to just go and take iodine without knowing first if they were allergic or

> not and I would Never have them try it at home without being in a place

> where if they coded they could get medical care.

> your advice is going to kill some one some day.

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Hi, . The " feeling retarded " is one of the things very often

reported in difficult cases; it's usually referred to as " brain fog " .

There's some evidence [all anecdotal AFAIK] that difficulties with

hypothyroidism treatment may be in at least some cases connected to

extended periods of lack to treatment or lack of adequate treatment that

can result in organ damage. Such damage can take much longer than

anticipated to overcome.

Hang in there...




> Posted by: " Kitzmiller " legalsecretary2007@...

> <mailto:legalsecretary2007@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20hypotiredism>

> legalsecretary2007 <legalsecretary2007>



> Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:45 pm (PST)




> Hello. OMG - I read your e-mail and it absolutely 100% speaks for

> myself. I just had a TT in July of this year. Horrible, horrible

> recovery and I just went back to work after being off for 5 months in

> November. Talk about struggling - I can hardly think straight. I feel

> (please all don't take this the wrong way) " retarded. " Like my brain

> cells have died and I feel like I cannot deal with stress any longer

> whatsoever. I'm a trial secretary and I am so used to being in the hot

> seat every single day. I feel completely overwhelmed and wondered if

> there were any supplements that would help me with this. I as well

> feel isolated, I have no energy after working all day long, my brain

> is fried and on the weekends, I can hardly do anything at all. But,

> one thing I know is that this recovery can take so long, and I have to

> give myself some time. My Hashi's was horrible and really did a number

> on my physically and mentally. I just don't feel that I'm

> recovering mentally because I walked right into a stressful job and am

> in the flight or fight mode once again.


> Any suggestions for either of us would be appreciated.


> ____________

> ____________________

> From: maryandroger <maryandroger@...

> <mailto:maryandroger%40>>

> hypothyroidism

> <mailto:hypothyroidism%40>

> Sent: Sun, December 27, 2009 10:54:32 PM

> Subject: hypotiredism


> Hi, guys Im a new girl. I have hypothyroidism, sjogrens, FM, and

> lupus. I never recovered from my thyroid dying. I am still so tired

> even though I have been on Levothyroxin for five years now. I am too

> tired to do anything after work. It is all I can do to hold down my

> job. Can anyone give me any advice? Am I the only one out there that

> cant cope with this? I need to know that I am not just lazy, and when

> I am too tired to talk or walk across the room that it isnt just me. I

> feel so isolated all the time. How will I live a year from now? Will I

> even have the energy to live until then?

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thanks for the support.



Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 10:59 AM


Subject: Re: hypothyroidism

Nancie, thank you for your voice of reason. I always shudder when I see

someone without a clue practicing medicine and dispensing advice that

could harm or kill someone. I know we don't agree on everything but you

are a very valuable resource here; and in some cases possibly a life saver.



> Posted by: " nancie barnett " deifspirit@...

> <mailto:deifspirit@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20hypotiredism>

> aspenfairy1 <aspenfairy1>



> Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:28 pm (PST)




> if you cured yourself of hypothyroidism, then why are you still here?

> Telling someone to take iodine without knowing whether they are

> allergic to

> iodine or not is irresponsible. that person could be allergic to iodine

> and by telling her to go take it like it was water you could KILL her. if

> she wants to take it then she should take a test dose in a Medical

> providers

> office to see if she is allergic.

> I am allergic to iodine and I had no idea that I was since I could always

> eat shell fish without a problem, but I had a test dose in my Natural

> Medicine MD's office and I coded after 5 minutes. thank god she had a

> crash

> cart in the office. As a medical provider myself, I would NEVER tell

> someone

> to just go and take iodine without knowing first if they were allergic or

> not and I would Never have them try it at home without being in a place

> where if they coded they could get medical care.

> your advice is going to kill some one some day.

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Thanks for sharing your results. It is helpful to know that we're

supported by real world cases as well as the vast number of credible

studies that have been done.

Unfortunately the people who are blindly recommending dangerous or

possible lethal doses of iodine aren't going to be persuaded by facts

that run contrary to their opinions.

Best of luck,



> On Jan 1, 2010, at 11:46 AM, benzo4321 wrote:


> > If whoever needs an extra data point, here I am. I read online those

> > misleading information about the Japanese eating lots of kelp/

> > seaweed and some posts in another group that promote the

> > benefits of iodine without citing any side effects. All I did was

> > eating extra kelp. I didn't even take any iodine pills. I had

> > numbness of hands, arms, legs; constipation; irregular heartbeats &

> > chest pain (one night extremely slow heartbeat that woke me up). Now

> > my hormone is out of whack. I became hypothyroid first from a

> > healthy person, and then pre-diabetic. I was in emergency room on

> > the weekend of Christmas due to chest pain resulting from

> > hypertension. Last night my glucose was so out of control that I

> > suffered from hypertension all night. I didn't even have any

> > medication to control hypertension cause my blood pressure was

> > normal before I started the kelp intake. I am now living on aspirin

> > until I can see a doctor soon (it really sucks to be sick in the

> > holiday season because many doctors are on vacation).

> >

> > I can't agree with Nancie more. Once thyroid is disturbed or

> > destroyed, you can easily develop other metabolism disease such as

> > diabetes and it will become a never ending nightmare. Ever since I

> > started iodine, I haven't stopped suffering.

> >

> > Ruby

> >

> > >

> > > " Read all you can by Brownstein " is a tip-off to anyone familiar

> > with

> > > Brownstein or with the use of mega-doses of iodine in general. He/

> > they

> > > recommend starting with 50,000 to 100,000 mcg/day of iodine. Some

> > > people might die from such a dose, as Nancie almost did. To me the

> > " out

> > > of order " facet is the recommendation of someone whose procedures

> > could

> > > result in harm, or in a very tiny number of cases in death. I

> > suspect

> > > Nancie would not be comforted by the fact the number is small when

> > she

> > > sees how easily she could have died from such advice.

> > >

> > > Besides, Nancie is a medical provider; and one who strongly

> > considers

> > > alternative practices. For someone to recommend a quack site over

> > her

> > > well considered advice [not to mention her personal experience]

> > can't be

> > > personally rewarding.

> > >

> > >

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  • 7 months later...

The doc keeps checking my thyroids, but comes up with nothing. My heart races

and use to flip flop all over. Although they put me on blood pressure pills, my

heart still races. Drinking liquids slows my heart down.

I drink and pee all night long a lot in order to keep my heart beat from going

through the roof. I feel like I'm going to die all the time. I also get the

pains down my left arm and a lot of times pain in all of the left or right side

of my body and pain over my heart. I have had some tests on my heart, but they

can't catch it. It always acts up at home. I'm beside myself.


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