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Based on the e-mail traffic so far, there appears to be an iodine, copper and

zinc relationship that is important to proper thyroid function. I have not

come accross this in the literatury and my question is " Is there a study or

two that confirms this or are we initially using anecdotal evidence " . (By the

way, most of alternative medicine has an anecdotal basis even if the number of

anecdotes thend to be in the millions or even billions. For example, aspirin

was a pain reliever unsupported by analytical studies until the past decade or


If there is no study, then it might be appropriate to ask the Alternative

Medicine Office of the National Institute for Health to look into this for us

and get back to us. Their job is to look at ideas coming from unusual sources

and provide advice, guidance and possibly research.


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  • 1 year later...

Dear Penny,

Could I have more info on Gota Kola. I was taking it in a mixture with

Gingko, sage and rosemary, but read that it will make hyper people more

hyper and so I stopped taking it. It really helped my brain work better,

could get more organized, etc, though nothing works right after a hyper

episode yet.

Is it okay for hypers as well?


Le Ann

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Does this group address hypo also or is there another group I should

look into? Thanks for any info. Pat

Oh yes.... there are a lot of us hypos here in this group..... learning all

about this group has helped both hypos and hypers. Just hop in with us!!!!!!


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In a message dated 3/20/00 3:10:18 PM Pacific Standard Time,

ronfrank@... writes:

<< Does this group address hypo also or is there another group I should

look into? Thanks for any info. Pat >>

Hi Pat,

Yes, we address hypothyroidism also. In addition I think it's important

for hypos to understant hyperT because they may well be hyper someday. By

understanding what prevents hyperT, hypos can protect themselves from going

hyper as they add nutrients which will push them out of hypoT.

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  • 1 year later...
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Maybe you aren't on a high enough dose. There is animal glands, etc in

the Armour, so maybe you are allergic to something in it??

It is hard to have to pay out of pocket and not fair. Good luck on your

tests and let us know how it goes, k?

Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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Underarm temperature is more accurate than blood tests.

Armour is a pig thryoid extract.

It does " replace " your thyroid hormone to an extent but can never substitute

for your own hormone.

You can restore your own thyroid hormone by taking kelp, 'B' vitamins, trace

elements and adequate protein....if you

1-don't have an auto-immune problem, meaning an infiltration of thyroid

tissues by...herpes, EBV, Candida, flukes, chlamydia, parasites, etc.

2-dont have amalgam fillings

3-dont drink fluoridated/chlorinated water

4-are not taking drugs

5-are not eating unfermented soy products or raw brassicas [cauli, cabbage,


6-and if you are eating organically grown [unsprayed]largely raw [50%]

fruit, veges, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, sprouts and a good greens formula

[blood types not withstanding]

To eliminate auto-immune problems [which almost everyone has] the Thyroid

Redgeneration protocol has been developed.

This can be viewd at www.thyrodine.com



Hi, my name is Laurie, I've been on Armour since Nov. of

2000, At the beginning I felt tons better, One thing was no

longer being cold when everyone else was fine. I could take

a hot shower and it felt good not making me dizzy & weak

like it had before, due to the quick rise in body temp. I

take 2 grains a day morn. and afternoon. after the first 8

weeks all the symptoms started coming back, except the

extreme cold feeling. The doctor wants me to come in for a

blood test to check levels, I have no ins. and she wants

$128.00 for the test and lab work, so I'm checking into the

community health center for the test since I only have one

refill left. I think it needs to be adjusted because some of

the symptoms are coming back. I'm following Eat Right 4 Your

Type, and I'm hoping I will be able to get off them

completely or take something all natural.


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Hi Laurie! Boy do I know how to sympathize with you. I have no

insurance either, but found a nurse practitioner in our town that

will let you pay it out by the month. Only problem is I wonder if

she knows anything about the thyroid.

I don't know if anyone here remembers me or not. I would post here

the end of 2000 and the beginning of this year. I figured out on my

own (back in September) that I had hypothyroidism. The NP confirmed

it. Of course, they only draw the blood and then send it to a lab

for the actual tests.

She put me on Levoxyl, and like you, the first few weeks were great.

Then it started going down hill. Three months later they do blood

work again and fine it has gone the opposite and I was then

hyperthyroid. So she takes me off all meds and makes me come back

two weeks later for more blood work. Everything was normal then so

she tells me I'm fine and that I don't have to take meds anymore.

I have slowly started developing the symptoms all over again. I took

my son to see her last week and was telling her how tired I am and

she looks in my chart and says " well, you were supposed to come back

last month for more blood work. " Believe me, if I had been told this

I would have definately remembered that. Now I go back tomorrow for

the blood work and just hope she gets it right.

I would change Drs. but there's just no one else that will let you

pay it out. I'll have to do a lot of research and take papers with

me to say " well look, this says I should ...... " She'll go along with

whatever I tell her I'm sure. I just need to know what to tell her.

Good luck in finding someone to help you!

kathy (hypomom)

> Hi, my name is Laurie, I've been on Armour since Nov. of

> 2000, At the beginning I felt tons better, One thing was no

> longer being cold when everyone else was fine. I could take

> a hot shower and it felt good not making me dizzy & weak

> like it had before, due to the quick rise in body temp. I

> take 2 grains a day morn. and afternoon. after the first 8

> weeks all the symptoms started coming back, except the

> extreme cold feeling. The doctor wants me to come in for a

> blood test to check levels, I have no ins. and she wants

> $128.00 for the test and lab work, so I'm checking into the

> community health center for the test since I only have one

> refill left. I think it needs to be adjusted because some of

> the symptoms are coming back. I'm following Eat Right 4 Your

> Type, and I'm hoping I will be able to get off them

> completely or take something all natural.

> Laurie

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Dear All:

How long does it take to realize that blood tests for thyroid function...

1-are inaccurate

2-cost $$$$$$

3-don't tell you anything about your thyroid

I've heard people on this list complain that Thyrodine is expensive [which

it isn't].

But no one moans about paying medically trained personnel or nurse

practitioners and lab fees for tests that are completely useless.

Please consider the following...

1-you are as capable of assessing thyroid function as any medically trained

person or nurse practitioner, better in fact. How???

a-check your symptoms [chart included at end of this]

b-check your morning temperature before arising for 3 or 4 mornings, away

from periods or ovulation. If you are consistently below about 97.5 then you

are most likely hypo.

c-check to see if you are consuming any unsaturated oils, like flax oil,

sunflower oil, safflower oil, canola oil, soy oil. [the latter are in all

bread, pastry, commercially produced food]. Unsaturated oils destroy thyroid

function!!! [this is new data!!]

To prevent thyroid disorders....

1-eliminate all drugs, polyunsaturated oils, treated water

[chlorine/fluoride], unfermented soy products, raw brassicas [caulis,

cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts], processed food, junk food,

commercially grown food [sprayed], coffee, alcohol, most dairy and animal


To restore thyroid function...1

1-the best way is to access www.thyrodine.com and do the Thyhroid

Regeneration protocol

2-next best is to eat lots of garlic, ginger, antibiotic herbs

like...echinacea, thyme, olive leaf, chaparral, green black walnut

hulls...for 3 or 4 weeks.

3-also take some form of psyllium hulls complex to clear gut of toxic

debris. A full Tbl in apple juice morning and night.

4-after 3 to 4 weeks, stop the herbs and garlic and take a probiotic

[intestinal bacteria] 3 before bed, 3 upon arising.

5-use kelp on your food fairly generously.

6-use coconut oil and olive oil on all salad dressings.

If you must wok or fry something use straight coconut oil.

Coconut oil will aid in weight loss. Unsaturated oils will aid in weight

gain, aging, wrinkling of skin and organ [thyroid] damage.

7-Eat sanely. Find a copy of " Fit for Life " or any of Kentons books.

access vegsource and download the nutritional data by Dr. Klaper.

Don't be fooled by zone, blood type, Dr. Atkins, etc. diets

8-have some form of goals for you life that excite you to gain and maintain

optimum health.


Re: hypothyroidism

Hi Laurie! Boy do I know how to sympathize with you. I have no

insurance either, but found a nurse practitioner in our town that

will let you pay it out by the month. Only problem is I wonder if

she knows anything about the thyroid.

I don't know if anyone here remembers me or not. I would post here

the end of 2000 and the beginning of this year. I figured out on my

own (back in September) that I had hypothyroidism. The NP confirmed

it. Of course, they only draw the blood and then send it to a lab

for the actual tests.

She put me on Levoxyl, and like you, the first few weeks were great.

Then it started going down hill. Three months later they do blood

work again and fine it has gone the opposite and I was then

hyperthyroid. So she takes me off all meds and makes me come back

two weeks later for more blood work. Everything was normal then so

she tells me I'm fine and that I don't have to take meds anymore.

I have slowly started developing the symptoms all over again. I took

my son to see her last week and was telling her how tired I am and

she looks in my chart and says " well, you were supposed to come back

last month for more blood work. " Believe me, if I had been told this

I would have definately remembered that. Now I go back tomorrow for

the blood work and just hope she gets it right.

I would change Drs. but there's just no one else that will let you

pay it out. I'll have to do a lot of research and take papers with

me to say " well look, this says I should ...... " She'll go along with

whatever I tell her I'm sure. I just need to know what to tell her.

Good luck in finding someone to help you!

kathy (hypomom)

> Hi, my name is Laurie, I've been on Armour since Nov. of

> 2000, At the beginning I felt tons better, One thing was no

> longer being cold when everyone else was fine. I could take

> a hot shower and it felt good not making me dizzy & weak

> like it had before, due to the quick rise in body temp. I

> take 2 grains a day morn. and afternoon. after the first 8

> weeks all the symptoms started coming back, except the

> extreme cold feeling. The doctor wants me to come in for a

> blood test to check levels, I have no ins. and she wants

> $128.00 for the test and lab work, so I'm checking into the

> community health center for the test since I only have one

> refill left. I think it needs to be adjusted because some of

> the symptoms are coming back. I'm following Eat Right 4 Your

> Type, and I'm hoping I will be able to get off them

> completely or take something all natural.

> Laurie

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Hi Kathy,

I have found a lot of info on about.com ( hypothyroidism,) they have

numbers of what is considered low or high range on blood results to help

you read and understand it. I printed some out if you can't find the info

in the archives just let me know.

Have you ever taken your temp under the arm pit for ten min. before

getting out of bed? mine usually is around 96.4 so that is a real good

indicator that are thyroid is low, check out broda and barnes website I

think thats how to spell the doctors names. I did a search and found all

kinds of great information.

good luck Kathy


hypomom@... wrote:

Hi Laurie! Boy do I know how to sympathize with

you. I have no

insurance either, but found a nurse practitioner in our town that

will let you pay it out by the month. Only problem is I wonder


she knows anything about the thyroid.

I don't know if anyone here remembers me or not. I would post here

the end of 2000 and the beginning of this year. I figured

out on my

own (back in September) that I had hypothyroidism. The NP confirmed

it. Of course, they only draw the blood and then send it

to a lab

for the actual tests.

She put me on Levoxyl, and like you, the first few weeks were great.

Then it started going down hill. Three months later they

do blood

work again and fine it has gone the opposite and I was then

hyperthyroid. So she takes me off all meds and makes me come


two weeks later for more blood work. Everything was normal then


she tells me I'm fine and that I don't have to take meds anymore.

I have slowly started developing the symptoms all over again.

I took

my son to see her last week and was telling her how tired I am


she looks in my chart and says "well, you were supposed to come


last month for more blood work." Believe me, if I had been told


I would have definately remembered that. Now I go back tomorrow


the blood work and just hope she gets it right.

I would change Drs. but there's just no one else that will let you

pay it out. I'll have to do a lot of research and take papers


me to say "well look, this says I should ......" She'll go along


whatever I tell her I'm sure. I just need to know what to tell


Good luck in finding someone to help you!

kathy (hypomom)

> Hi, my name is Laurie, I've been on Armour since Nov. of

> 2000, At the beginning I felt tons better, One thing was no

> longer being cold when everyone else was fine. I could take

> a hot shower and it felt good not making me dizzy & weak

> like it had before, due to the quick rise in body temp. I

> take 2 grains a day morn. and afternoon. after the first 8

> weeks all the symptoms started coming back, except the

> extreme cold feeling. The doctor wants me to come in for a

> blood test to check levels, I have no ins. and she wants

> $128.00 for the test and lab work, so I'm checking into the

> community health center for the test since I only have one

> refill left. I think it needs to be adjusted because some of

> the symptoms are coming back. I'm following Eat Right 4 Your

> Type, and I'm hoping I will be able to get off them

> completely or take something all natural.

> Laurie

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I have an appointment with a new dr. in two days. I called his off ice

and asked if I should take my temp. for a few days in advance to the

appt. Receptionist says no, he doesn't do that. Well, needless to say,

I am afraid he will rely only on the blood tests. I am bummed, but will


Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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Dear Donna Jean:

The ingredients in Thyrodine are:

atomidine [a special form of iodine], all the 'B' vitamins, all minerals,

especially zinc and B6, trace elements, taurine, tyrosine and glutamine.

These are the nutrients required by the thyroid to make T4 and convert as

much as is needed to T3.

This will restore thyroid function....if there is no auto-immune

disorder....which there is in most people. Thats why we insist on doing the

whole Thyroid rgeneration protocol...to eliminate the auto-immune disorder

which causes antibodies to be made to thyroid tissues. This is the cause of

Hashimotos and Graves...hyperthyroidism, which degenerates to


The TRP reverses all this and restores thyroid function, permanently, if one

is not ingesting any toxins that would create thyroid dysfunction.


Re: Re: hypothyroidism


I would also like a copy of the ingredients in Thyrodine, I couldn't find

the ingredients page either.

Thanks so much,


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and Jerry:

You'll find the ingredients on a message to Donna which I just sent.


Re: Re: hypothyroidism


I went to your website, thyrodine, and couldn't find the ingredients

page. Can you send it to us? Thanks

Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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and Jerry:

When are you going to get the message that medically trained personnel only

use blood teats??

Find a naturopath to consult.

Or better yet look again at www.thyrodine.com the data you need is all



Re: Re: hypothyroidism

I have an appointment with a new dr. in two days. I called his off ice

and asked if I should take my temp. for a few days in advance to the

appt. Receptionist says no, he doesn't do that. Well, needless to say,

I am afraid he will rely only on the blood tests. I am bummed, but will


Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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The chart is enclosed.as an attachment in WORD.


-----Original Message-----From: laurie kerr [mailto:laurker@...]Sent: Wednesday, 25 April 2001 05:09hypothyroidism Subject: Re: Re: hypothyroidism Earl Conroy wrote: [chart included at end of this]Dear Earl, could you please post a chart for us! Thanks Laurie

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Thanks so much for the info.

have a good day.


Donna JOHNSON Faucheaux




NUTTER, O'DELL, FOSTER and more......

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Dear Earl,

I agree with Renene about being nasty.... I mentioned that I would like to have help with symptoms and weight gain and you BLASTED me.. That was the first and last time I have posted till now... Please.. This is a wonderful resource to be able to come and share with each other about our thyroid problems.. Please make it a welcoming place.. :-))



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You don't need to get nasty if not everyone agrees with you. Medical

doctors save lives and the majority do the best they can. Naturopaths

do good also with their knowledge. I love the best of both worlds. I

do, plan on asking the doctor about natural methods and also mention

your product. I would do everything herbally if I could, but I need to

do the research to find out the answer to what I need, before I just

eliminate my choices.

Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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>When are you going to get the message that medically trained personnel only use blood teats??

Actually, some doctors prescribe according to symptoms as well.

My GP uses blood tests as a guide only. He also uses symptoms in making his prescription decisions.

However, doctors like this are very few and far between. Two places to find them are http://www/brodabarnes.org and the Top Doctors Directory at http://www.thyroid.about.com

Good luck.Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

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Dear Debby:

If I "blasted" you, I sincerely apologize.

I try to point out that natural methods are almost always better than synthetics.

Sometimes I get a bit enthusiastic especially when I encounter so many people being 'blasted' by synthetics and ideas that somehow synthetics will miraculously solve physiological problems.


-----Original Message-----From: Peaches14845@... [mailto:Peaches14845@...]Sent: Thursday, 26 April 2001 09:27hypothyroidism Subject: Re: Re: hypothyroidismDear Earl, I agree with Renene about being nasty.... I mentioned that I would like to have help with symptoms and weight gain and you BLASTED me.. That was the first and last time I have posted till now... Please.. This is a wonderful resource to be able to come and share with each other about our thyroid problems.. Please make it a welcoming place.. :-)) Sincerely, Debbie

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Dear and Jerry:

Again, I sincerely apologize if I appeared to be nasty. That is never my


I guess that I hear of so many people asking about synthetics which almost

never have any real usefulness. Of course medically tained personnel have

their place. But outside of the emergency room, it is fairly limited.

The #1 killer on this planet is medically prescribed drugs and medical

invasive procedures.

Heart disease is usually cited as #1. But people don't really die of heart

disease or cancer, they die from the " therapy!! " e.g. for high blood

pressure, medics usually prescribe some form of diuretic which is supposed

to lower the BP. Actually, the diuretics deplete magnesium and potassium.

When these elements are low or missing the heart goes into spasm...heart

attack! This is then attributed to heart disease. The attack was not a heart

disease it was a drug side effect!!

So someone asks...what about cytomel?

I have to relate that cytomel is just another synthetic drug that inhibits

thyroid output. The problem is not too much thyroid hormone. The problem is

the breakdown of thyroid tissues due to auto-immune dysfunction....which

causes the avalanche of thyroid hormones. So instead of " stopping " the

avalanche, why not simply eliminate the auto-immune problem and restore

natural thyroid function???

Thanks for the feedback.


RE: Re: hypothyroidism


You don't need to get nasty if not everyone agrees with you. Medical

doctors save lives and the majority do the best they can. Naturopaths

do good also with their knowledge. I love the best of both worlds. I

do, plan on asking the doctor about natural methods and also mention

your product. I would do everything herbally if I could, but I need to

do the research to find out the answer to what I need, before I just

eliminate my choices.

Happy Springtime!!


and Jerry

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  • 8 months later...

> I am one of those guys who was always overly warm


> on freezing days (my wife hates me for this...). Now,

My hubby is the same way, and I " hate " him too! LOL

> My last thyroid test (blood

> work) was done over a year ago. Are there any other

> tests I should have done to check this? Other than


> TSH test, are there other " indicator " type tests than

> should be run?

Year-old results are a bit stale! ;^)

Many doctors think a T3 test is sufficient; insist on a

T4 test also. Other members may have some additional


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