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Knee Replacement

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Hi Valeri,

Thanks for telling me about what your Dr told you it help me a lot my dr doesn't know anything I'm looking for a new dr.Well you have a nice day its been like fall weather in IL.

SusieValeri <vjshoem@...> wrote:

Susie,I have that same issue. Been over a year now since left knee replacement. Skin still numb. And yes still some discomfort to touch. Had a flare up of soft tissue inflammation a couple of months ago. Took Motrin and helped a lot. The doc took e-rays just to make me feel better to confirm nothing wrong with the bones and new parts. All are in the right place.Bur still numb, doctor said may or may not get feeling back. On of the issues that can happen with any surgery.Valeri in sunny HOT California> How many peoples leg that they had their Knee replacement on where > it feels numb and still sore when they touch it

?> Thanks > > Susie

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Hi y,

Thanks for letting me know about that. You mean you can kneel down on the leg you had the operation on? I haven't knee down in four years I'm affraid because of the Hip replacement.Take care .

Susiescottyzpt@... wrote:

In a message dated 8/20/2004 4:01:22 AM Central Standard Time, juneflower60@... writes:

Do you mean on the leg you had your operation on is on the inside of your leg is ok and the outside of your leg is numb?


Yes.....outside of the suture line, left leg. He said he expected it to come back, but I have had a number of patients years post op where it never came back. Feels really wierd when i kneel.


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  • 4 months later...


I have an 80 yr old mother who just went thru a total knee

replacement. I would strongly advise you to find a doctor who does

MINIMALLY INVASIVE knee replacement. It is very new, and many of the

traditional orthos may not recommend it because THEY are not trained

in it. But... My mom had the surgery, and TWO WEEKS later she is

walking WITHOUT any assistance. NO WALKER, NO CANE!!

There was also a woman in the hospital who had the surgery on the

same day, and the next day she was walking around the hospital with a


The big difference with this surgery is that they DO NOT cut the quad

muscle so the rehab is much quicker. Here is an article about her

doctor from our paper, it give many more details.


Just to let you know, I am in no way affiliated with this doctor,

hospital or appliance. But I just want to to help anyone I can,

after seeing the results with my mom.



> What are the questions I should be asking before I schedule my

> replacement?

> Dot

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Dot - I would HIGHLY suggest researching MINIMALLY INVASIVE knee

replacements. My mother (80 yrs) just had surgery in December. She

was in sooo much pain, the doctor said she had wore her knee cap down

from 22mm to 18mm bone. After TWO weeks she was walking without any

assistance. NO WALKER, NO CANE! I couldn't believe it! My mother-

in-law had the traditional knee replacement last year, and her was so

much longer and painful. I know this surgery is relatively new, and

the OLD-time orthos don't recommend it because they are NOT TRAINED!

But is is such a success!!! Here is a link to an article which

gives you more information.


Also, there was another lady who was having her second knee replaced

the same day, and she was up and walking around with only a cane the

next day! The recovery is so much quicker because the quad muscle is

never cut!

By the way, I do not have any affiliation with this doctor, hospital,

or actual knee appliance, I am just someone who would like to pass

the word around and hopefully be able to help others.



> What are the questions I should be asking before I schedule my

> replacement?

> Dot

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  • 2 months later...
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If you are able to put 2 units of your blood for your surgery, I would do it. You do tend to loose some blood on knee surgeries even with the tournaquit (sp). I needed 2 units with both mine. I wish I would have thought about that more because now I have some antibodies in my blood I didn't have before. They tell me its not bad but still it seems scarey because they weren't there before.. I am still kinda anemic because I have a problem with a recurring inner hemorrhoid that bleeds during tiolet use. It made it worse. I really need to get that taken care of. My sister had it too. But, NO MORE surgeries for a while. Pleasssee!!! Seven knee surgeries and a hysterectomy and bladder prolapse is enough for a person. Oh yah I forgot about the carpal tunnel surgery I did while recuperating from past knee surgery. YIKES!!!

Blessings! SalemSharon Hutchison <s_hutchison@...> wrote:

Hi, I've just learned that I need a total knee replacement. In searching the Internet, I've learned that there seem to be (at least) two types of knee joints that are used. One needs a four inch cut and just moves the kneecap aside and manuvers around the muscle, allowing for the need of a walker and cane to be fpr a much shorter time period. The second type appears to need a cut of 10-14 inches, and actual cutting of the muscle. This requires a lot more time spent using a walker and a cane. Does anyone have any information on the pluses & minuses of each? Also, is it standard procedure to donate at least two pints of your own blood prior to the surgery? Thanks so much for any information Sharon

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  • 2 months later...
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I look forward to talking with you and learning all I can about what I am facing and what to expect. Thanks for having me. . Welcome 2 the board ... I'm hip replacement so I can't help ya in terms of the knee deal but I'm sure someone has a low down and can point U in a helpful direction. Best of luck 2 ya~

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Charlene,

I'm 51 years old. I had RTKR April 26,05 Tuesday.

Pre op: I was where I could hardly walk and was in chronic pain and burning. No pain meds would help. I did a lot of questions and answers with my Dr. and all who would be involve. I visited the hospital and the floor I was going to be on. I asked tons of questions, talked to OR staff asked more questions. I opted to have a spinal with sedation. It was great DON’T be afraid to ask questions and GET satisfying answers. This is you knee.

Surgery day and after: I went in to OR at 7:30 a.m. and was back in my room by 10:30. I was on a CPM (continuous passive motion) machine when I came out of OR.(also a catheter ) I personally believe that the CPM is the latest Miracle in TKR's .I also had a drainage tube in my knee. The next morning I was up and standing with my walker and bending my knee at 40%.. That night I walked to bathroom. Next day I was at 60% and walking down the hall with my walker Thursday they took out my Cath and I was getting up going to bathroom on my own. Also Thursday my drainage tube fell out. I woke saturated in Blood scared to death, but it was ok. Friday morning (72 hours) I was bending at 70% and I went home with my CPM machine and home therapy for 6 weeks. The thing is because I did so well I got real impatient waiting for the actual healing of everything inside to take place. I wanted to do more than my knee would physically allow. I am going to my OS Mon and expect a full release back to work. I am virtually pain free but still have a lot of pitted edema, which I hear is “normal”

Before Discharge OT gave me a lot of adaptive equipment a reacher, a sock putter on, a shower/commode chair, a long handle sponge to wash lower parts of my body, and adaptive shoe laces and of course my walker.

Was it easy? NO I am a very active independent person and having to be sedate and relying on others was difficult for me. But I also learned from my experience. My best advice is to be patient take your meds don't try to be a hero or "Macho" Have lots of chair activities to do ie reading, crafts puzzles etc. Enjoy being pampered and waited on. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I also have pictures of my knee as well if you would like to see them. Would I go through it again? You betcha!!! Well worth it!!! GOD BLESS AND GOOD LUCK



-- Knee Replacement

I am having a knee replaced on August 21st. Can someone tell me what to expect before and afterwards.



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Hugs and prayers are flowing too you.



-- Re: Knee Replacement

Hi ,

I just wanted to wish you the best of luck and have a speedy recovery ,


--------- Re: Knee Replacement

Mine is Monday. As for before, you'll probably go and preregister at your hospital, have a bunch of lab tests, and at least one appointment with your OS. I know I had to do all that. I only know afterward based on what went with my mom when she had hers in 1999. She was in the hospital longer than most because she had some heart related troubles, but was ok. She had rehab in the hospital and after going home. Others here may be able to help you more. I will let you know what happens with me when I get home next week. Take care and good luck,

Charlene Reeves <charlenereeves@...> wrote:

I am having a knee replaced on August 21st. Can someone tell me what to expect before and afterwards.


CharleneGod bless you!

Start your day with - make it your home page God bless you!

Start your day with - make it your home page

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Mine is Monday. As for before, you'll probably go and preregister at your hospital, have a bunch of lab tests, and at least one appointment with your OS. I know I had to do all that. I only know afterward based on what went with my mom when she had hers in 1999. She was in the hospital longer than most because she had some heart related troubles, but was ok. She had rehab in the hospital and after going home. Others here may be able to help you more. I will let you know what happens with me when I get home next week. Take care and good luck,

Charlene Reeves <charlenereeves@...> wrote:

I am having a knee replaced on August 21st. Can someone tell me what to expect before and afterwards.


CharleneGod bless you!

Start your day with - make it your home page

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I'll be thinking of you on Monday and hope all goes well ... which I'm sure it will :)

Re: Knee Replacement

Mine is Monday. As for before, you'll probably go and preregister at your hospital, have a bunch of lab tests, and at least one appointment with your OS. I know I had to do all that. I only know afterward based on what went with my mom when she had hers in 1999. She was in the hospital longer than most because she had some heart related troubles, but was ok. She had rehab in the hospital and after going home. Others here may be able to help you more. I will let you know what happens with me when I get home next week. Take care and good luck,

Charlene Reeves <charlenereeves@...> wrote:

I am having a knee replaced on August 21st. Can someone tell me what to expect before and afterwards.


CharleneGod bless you!

Start your day with - make it your home page

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Thank you. I appreciated the thoughts and prayers. I know the Lord will take care of me. I'll have my daughter let you know what is happening at least once a day while I am in the hospital and I will be back on when I get home. My daughter's name is . Thanks again,

renazee@... wrote:


I'll be thinking of you on Monday and hope all goes well ... which I'm sure it will :)

Re: Knee Replacement

Mine is Monday. As for before, you'll probably go and preregister at your hospital, have a bunch of lab tests, and at least one appointment with your OS. I know I had to do all that. I only know afterward based on what went with my mom when she had hers in 1999. She was in the hospital longer than most because she had some heart related troubles, but was ok. She had rehab in the hospital and after going home. Others here may be able to help you more. I will let you know what happens with me when I get home next week. Take care and good luck,

Charlene Reeves <charlenereeves@...> wrote:

I am having a knee replaced on August 21st. Can someone tell me what to expect before and afterwards.


CharleneGod bless you!

Start your day with - make it your home page God bless you!

Start your day with - make it your home page

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I'll have my daughter let you know what is happening at least once a day while I am in the hospital and I will be back on when I get home >>> You don't worry about rushing things to get back .... we'll all be here when you do make the return. :) Think RECOVERY~ because that's the priority. Certainly will be in my thoughts also come Monday and will be kept in my prayers as well~ You take care of yourself and get busy with getting that better way of healthy hip life. :) I wish you the best of luck sweetie~

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Hi Charlene,

I had a TKR in December 2002. Pre-op nervousness is normal. Pain management was excellent. Having your home ready for your return will be helpful - bath bench, toilet rails to help you stand and remove scatter rugs. PT can be strenuous, just take prescribed pain meds an hour before PT. I tried to use a walker, but I found it awkward. They gave me a pair of crutches and I was out of the rehab hospital three days later (over the years I had used crutches many times before)

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Hi ,

I just wanted to wish you the best of luck and have a speedy recovery ,


--------- Re: Knee Replacement

Mine is Monday. As for before, you'll probably go and preregister at your hospital, have a bunch of lab tests, and at least one appointment with your OS. I know I had to do all that. I only know afterward based on what went with my mom when she had hers in 1999. She was in the hospital longer than most because she had some heart related troubles, but was ok. She had rehab in the hospital and after going home. Others here may be able to help you more. I will let you know what happens with me when I get home next week. Take care and good luck,

Charlene Reeves <charlenereeves@...> wrote:

I am having a knee replaced on August 21st. Can someone tell me what to expect before and afterwards.


CharleneGod bless you!

Start your day with - make it your home page God bless you!

Start your day with - make it your home page

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Thanks Nikki.


[Norton AntiSpam] RE: Knee Replacement

Hi Charlene,

I had a TKR in December 2002. Pre-op nervousness is normal. Pain management was excellent. Having your home ready for your return will be helpful - bath bench, toilet rails to help you stand and remove scatter rugs. PT can be strenuous, just take prescribed pain meds an hour before PT. I tried to use a walker, but I found it awkward. They gave me a pair of crutches and I was out of the rehab hospital three days later (over the years I had used crutches many times before)

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Thank you Susie. As NASA says it, T-26 hours and counting down to liftoff. Take care,

juneflower60@... wrote:

Hi ,

I just wanted to wish you the best of luck and have a speedy recovery ,


--------- Re: Knee Replacement

Mine is Monday. As for before, you'll probably go and preregister at your hospital, have a bunch of lab tests, and at least one appointment with your OS. I know I had to do all that. I only know afterward based on what went with my mom when she had hers in 1999. She was in the hospital longer than most because she had some heart related troubles, but was ok. She had rehab in the hospital and after going home. Others here may be able to help you more. I will let you know what happens with me when I get home next week. Take care and good luck,

Charlene Reeves <charlenereeves@...> wrote:

I am having a knee replaced on August 21st. Can someone tell me what to expect before and afterwards.


CharleneGod bless you!

Start your day with - make it your home page God bless you!

Start your day with - make it your home page God bless you!__________________________________________________

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Thanks, I can't wait to get my new knee. Anything has got to be better than what I have now. Take care,

SassyLouYou@... wrote:

I'll have my daughter let you know what is happening at least once a day while I am in the hospital and I will be back on when I get home >>> You don't worry about rushing things to get back .... we'll all be here when you do make the return. :) Think RECOVERY~ because that's the priority. Certainly will be in my thoughts also come Monday and will be kept in my prayers as well~ You take care of yourself and get busy with getting that better way of healthy hip life. :) I wish you the best of luck sweetie~ God bless you!__________________________________________________

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best wishes for a speedy recovery, cindy. the first 2 or 3 days are the pits, then on to recovery!! looking forward to hearing how everything went

margoa <pbear53@...> wrote:

Hugs and prayers are flowing too you.



-- Re: Knee Replacement

Hi ,

I just wanted to wish you the best of luck and have a speedy recovery ,


--------- Re: Knee Replacement

Mine is Monday. As for before, you'll probably go and preregister at your hospital, have a bunch of lab tests, and at least one appointment with your OS. I know I had to do all that. I only know afterward based on what went with my mom when she had hers in 1999. She was in the hospital longer than most because she had some heart related troubles, but was ok. She had rehab in the hospital and after going home. Others here may be able to help you more. I will let you know what happens with me when I get home next week. Take care and good luck,

Charlene Reeves <charlenereeves@...> wrote:

I am having a knee replaced on August 21st. Can someone tell me what to expect before and afterwards.


CharleneGod bless you!

Start your day with - make it your home page God bless you!

Start your day with - make it your home page

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Patrese,

I had my TKR done on Aug 1. I was in the hospital a week, where they got me up to start walking the second day. I worked on some PT in the hospital and started outpatient PT the week after I got home. I needed help that first week home with almost everything. After that, I was strong enough to putter a bit and fix myself light meals. I used lots of microwave stuff for a while. You won't be allowed to drive for a bit, so you need someone to take you to the doctor, PT, and do your shopping for you. Make sure to take your pain meds before the pain gets bad and especially before PT. Work hard on the exercises they give you. I'm 47, and have my first grandbaby on the way, due in October. Take care and good luck.

yorkies49 <patrese@...> wrote:

Hi, I'm new to the list. I'm a 53 year old grammie who is having a knee replacement done in two weeks and I'm just wondering what the first few days are like right after the surgery. My husband will be home with me for the first week after I get home. Will I need help after he goes back to work or will I be able to putter around a bit. My sister is willing to come and stay if needed. Any advice is welcomed.PatreseGod bless you!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, Lori:

You've come to the right place because the folks in this group have a lot of good answers. I am so glad I found this group. I had my right knee replaced on June 30th, so I'm a little ahead of you. I'd be happy to answer any questions from my own experience. I think 105 is good for only a couple of months post-surgery. It is definitely not "too late" because you will continue to get ROM improvement for the next few months and maybe little increments up to a year. Keep doing your home exercises and work hard at PT and it will work out.

Are you still on pain medications (that is, something stronger than ibuprofen)? If so, remember that they can alter your emotions and psyche in subtle ways and make you feel depressed or anxious or vulnerable. I would advise that you wean yourself off those as soon as you can. However, you want to make sure that you are managing your pain enough so you can continue to really work hard at your exercises.

Hope this is helpful. Please post other questions or email me directly.

SaraLori <gabesgram1003@...> wrote:

Hi Everyone! I'm so glad I found this group. My name is Lori and I just had my right knee replaced Aug., 31. I have to have my left one done Nov. 16. I have been looking for others to swap information on therapy. Seems everytime I ask the doctor or the therapist questions, the pat answer is everyone is different. I've tried to set goals fo myself for range of motion, but have no idea if they are realistic, or if it is to late. I can push it and get about 105%. I would appreciate any help I can on others experiences.


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter. – Luther King, Jr.

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Hi Lori,

I had my LTKR on August 1, and I think you're doing great. The 105 is very good. Keep working hard and you'll be fine. The therapists are right that everyone is different. Some people do better than others so be patient.

Take care,

Sara Stitt <romare@...> wrote:

Hi, Lori:

You've come to the right place because the folks in this group have a lot of good answers. I am so glad I found this group. I had my right knee replaced on June 30th, so I'm a little ahead of you. I'd be happy to answer any questions from my own experience. I think 105 is good for only a couple of months post-surgery. It is definitely not "too late" because you will continue to get ROM improvement for the next few months and maybe little increments up to a year. Keep doing your home exercises and work hard at PT and it will work out.

Are you still on pain medications (that is, something stronger than ibuprofen)? If so, remember that they can alter your emotions and psyche in subtle ways and make you feel depressed or anxious or vulnerable. I would advise that you wean yourself off those as soon as you can. However, you want to make sure that you are managing your pain enough so you can continue to really work hard at your exercises.

Hope this is helpful. Please post other questions or email me directly.

SaraLori <gabesgram1003@...> wrote:

Hi Everyone! I'm so glad I found this group. My name is Lori and I just had my right knee replaced Aug., 31. I have to have my left one done Nov. 16. I have been looking for others to swap information on therapy. Seems everytime I ask the doctor or the therapist questions, the pat answer is everyone is different. I've tried to set goals fo myself for range of motion, but have no idea if they are realistic, or if it is to late. I can push it and get about 105%. I would appreciate any help I can on others experiences.

Sara Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter. – Luther King, Jr.God bless you!

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Lori: One other thing I meant to tell you is that the progress on ROM slows down as you get near the end. Right after surgery you might increase five degrees in one day, but when you get near the end, the improvement happens much more slowly.

SaraBill and Canter <cindyj4652@...> wrote:

Hi Lori,

I had my LTKR on August 1, and I think you're doing great. The 105 is very good. Keep working hard and you'll be fine. The therapists are right that everyone is different. Some people do better than others so be patient.

Take care,

Sara Stitt <romare@...> wrote:

Hi, Lori:

You've come to the right place because the folks in this group have a lot of good answers. I am so glad I found this group. I had my right knee replaced on June 30th, so I'm a little ahead of you. I'd be happy to answer any questions from my own experience. I think 105 is good for only a couple of months post-surgery. It is definitely not "too late" because you will continue to get ROM improvement for the next few months and maybe little increments up to a year. Keep doing your home exercises and work hard at PT and it will work out.

Are you still on pain medications (that is, something stronger than ibuprofen)? If so, remember that they can alter your emotions and psyche in subtle ways and make you feel depressed or anxious or vulnerable. I would advise that you wean yourself off those as soon as you can. However, you want to make sure that you are managing your pain enough so you can continue to really work hard at your exercises.

Hope this is helpful. Please post other questions or email me directly.

SaraLori <gabesgram1003@...> wrote:

Hi Everyone! I'm so glad I found this group. My name is Lori and I just had my right knee replaced Aug., 31. I have to have my left one done Nov. 16. I have been looking for others to swap information on therapy. Seems everytime I ask the doctor or the therapist questions, the pat answer is everyone is different. I've tried to set goals fo myself for range of motion, but have no idea if they are realistic, or if it is to late. I can push it and get about 105%. I would appreciate any help I can on others experiences.

Sara Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter. – Luther King, Jr.God bless you!

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter. – Luther King, Jr.

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  • 3 months later...

I can't see how it would affect anything, but ask a doctor or other

expert, like the makers of the joint.



> Hey I was asked if the metal in your body from replacement joints

> would affect anything.??


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi rm1313,

I had my knee replacement done four years ago I didn't have a group to talk, I guess I had my operation without thinking anything could go wrong I had a hip operation 17 months before and that didn't work out that good. I guess all you can do is pray and Trust in the Lord and take one day at a time . Well I wish you the best of luck and a speedy recovery. Well you take care and have nice day.


-------------- Original message -------------- From: "rml313" <rml313@...> I need a total knee replacement iam scard of geting a blood clot so scard i have put it of for years but i cant put it off any longer i waswondering how great the risk is. iam in good health outher wise

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In a message dated 3/6/2006 12:21:45 A.M. Central Standard Time, rml313@... writes:

I need a total knee replacement iam scard of geting a blood clot so scard i have put it of for years but i cant put it off any longer i waswondering how great the risk is. iam in good health outher wise

Hi, I don't know what the risks of a blood clot are, but when they said I could have my knees replaced I would have done it the next day if they would have let me. I was scared too, but then had the other one done 3 months later. You will feel better at least 4 weeks after than when you went in. It still hurts but it's a different kind of pain and at least it's a healing pain.

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